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ISSN NO 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2013), Volume 1, Issue 2, 43-48


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Development of blends of degummed Linum usitatissimumseed oil with diesel: as a potential resource
for diesel engine

* Sangeeta Kanakraj
, Savita Dixit
, A. Rehman

1. Ph. D Scholar, Department of chemistry, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India- 462051.
2. Professor, Department of Chemistry, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India-402651.
3. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India-402651.

Manuscript I nfo Abstract

Manuscript History:
Received: 11 March 2013
Final Accepted: 26 March 2013
Published Online: April 2013

Key words:
Water degumming,
Alternative fuel,
Linum usitatissimum seed oil,
diesel blend,

In this study, an attempt has been made to use water degummed Linum
usitatissimum seed oil as a potential alternative fuel for diesel engine.
Furthermore, the basic fuel properties of water degummed Linum
usitatissimum seed oil (WDLO) and its diesel blends in proportions
(oil/diesel) of 20:80, 30:70, 55:45 and 80:20(v/v) were characterized and
evaluated. This process can be an effective method of enhanced its fuel
properties (viscosity, calorific value and specific gravity, flash point, cloud
and pour point). The results show that the characteristic fuel properties of
WDLO20 diesel blend was found close to those of diesel fuel on the basis of
experimental analysis. Hence it is also emphasized that the water degumming
method offers a potentially low-cost method with simple technology for
producing an alternative fuel for compression ignition engines.
Copy Right, IJAR, 2013,. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Bio-fuel is a less polluting, locally available,
accessible, sustainable, and reliable fuel derived from
renewable sources. Liquid biofuels are obtained from
agricultural sources, like; vegetable oils, fats, sugar
and polysaccharides sources (Adebayo, 2011). Fuel
from vegetable oils for diesel engine is not radically
new concept, in 1900, Mr. Rudolph Diesel first tested
his diesel engine on groundnut oil as an alternative
fuel without any problem (Fangui et al,1999;
Parawira,2010; Adrade et al,2011]. Due to the energy
crisis, many researchers from different countries are
still investigating the use of different types of
vegetable oils as diesel fuel substitutes. India and
other developing countries can secure their energy
dream with the production of renewable energy from
edible and non-edible vegetable oil such as Karanj,
Linseed oil and Jatropha, sunflower oil rapeseed oil
palm oil, cotton seed oil and soybean oil (Srivastava
and Prasad , 2000; Tiwari et al, 2006 ;Sidibe et al,
2010;Pramanik, 2003). A number of problems
associated with using straight vegetable oils (SVOs)
directly as a diesel engine fuel. The high viscosity of
SVOs compared to diesel oil the main cause reported

Corresponding author: [email protected]

in the literature for the problems encountered in
engines. High viscosity results in poor fuel
atomization, incomplete combustion, deposits in the
combustion chamber (Pramanik, 2003).There are
many potential methods for utilizing vegetable oils as
diesel fuel substitutes such as heating, dilution,
blending, emulsification and transesterification
(Rathore and Madras, 2007).

I nfluence of Gum on biofuel
The phosphorus content in vegetable oil indicates the
presence of phospholipids (gums).This parameter is
very important for fuel use indeed, phospholipids are
responsible for the fouling of valves, combustion
chamber and cylinders even if the straight vegetable
oils are used (gumming phenomenon) (Sidibe et al,
2010 ). Gums can cause problems during the
transportation of fuels by settling and forming deposit
on tanks walls or clogging pipelines (Fangui,1999;
Srivastava and Prasad, 2000; Mullenix, 2011). In
engine where vegetable oil is used, gums or
phospholipids can cause catalytic converter issue or
coking within the engine (Mullenix, 2011). Several
researchers have reported that a high phosphorus
(gum) content of the vegetable oil leads to an
ISSN NO 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2013), Volume 1, Issue 2, 43-48


increased formation of deposit when it is used as fuel
in diesel engines (Ali et al, 1994) so it must be
removed or reduced from the vegetable oil.
Phospholipids (gums) are undesirable constituents of
vegetable oil that come from the cell membranes of
seed and kernels. They vary in concentration
depending on pressing and filtering techniques and it
can be remove from oil through degumming process.
The purpose of this article is not only to study the
influence of degumming on the phosphorus content,
but also consider their effect on the some basic fuel
properties of degummed oil. This work is also
focused on the development of blends of water
degummed Linum usitatissimum seed oil with diesel
as a potential resource for diesel engine.

2. Material and Methods
Mechanically pressed Linum usitatissimum seed oil
with a phosphorus content of 100 ppm was used
throughout this work. Diesel fuel purchased from the
local petrol pump. De-ionized water used as a
degumming agent.

2.1 Experimental setup
The reactor used for experiments was a 500 ml three-
necked Glass flask (Fig.1) the flask is placed in a
water bath. The center neck is fitted with a stirrer.
One of the two side necks is equipped with a
thermometer and another is closed through the glass

Fig1: Experimental set-up for preparation of water
degummed Linum usitatissimum seed oil

2.2. Water Degumming of Linum usitatissimum seed oil
A measured amount of crude mechanically pressed
Linum usitatissimum seed oil was taken into the flask.
Heat was supplied to the setup using a heating
mantle. Degumming were carried out under different
% of hot de-ionized water (2%, 5%, 10wt %) at
different temperatures (45
C, 55
C, 65
C) and with
different stirring times (10, 20, 30 minutes) at
different rpm (300,400, 500). Gums separated by lab
centrifuge at 4500 rpm. Samples were drawn for
phosphorus analysis. The optimal reaction condition
identified based on the minimum residual phosphorus
(phospholipids) content in the degummed oil (given
in Fig.2 and degummed oil samples in Fig.3).

Fig.2. Sequence of water degumming operation

Fig. 3.water Degummed Linum usitatissimumseed oil Samples

2.2.1. Chemical structure of gum (phospholipids or
Vegetable oils contain complex organo-phosphorus
compound referred to as phospholipids
(phosphatides). Phosphorus and fatty acids convert
into pasty substances called gums. All Vegetable Oils
contains two types of gums (phospholipids),
hydratable (HPL) and non-hydratable (NHPL), and
they are removed from oil by degumming process
[Zufarov et al,2008].The level of hydratable and non-
hydratable gums vary depending on a number of
factors such as seed quality, seed type and oil milling
conditions, but crude vegetable oil contains roughly
90 % hydratable gums while the remaining 10 %
consists of non-hydratables.The basic structure of the
ISSN NO 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2013), Volume 1, Issue 2, 43-48


phosphatides (phospholipids) is sn-glycerol-3-
phosphate. Two fatty acids are esterified to the
hydroxyl groups at positions 1 and 2, while a
phosphorus-containing acid is esterified at the
hydroxyl group at position 3 (as seen in chemical
structure ). During water degumming the hydratable
Phospholipids react with water and convert into the
gum phase (Ernst et al, 2007).

R= fatty acid chains, =Water affinity

Chemical structure of phospholipids

2.2.2. Gum in Linum usitatissimum seed oil
Linum usitassimum seed oil contains a high amount
of phospholipids. The most important members of
this class of lipids found in Linum usitassimum seed
oil are phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)
phosphatidylinositol(PI) and phosphotidylcholine
(PC)(wahid et al, 2012). Most of these (PC and PI
phospholipids) are completely hydratable
phospholipid and can be removed from the crude oil
using a water degumming process and PE is only
partly hydratable. The amount of phospholipids(gum)
was determined as the total phosphors of oil,
phosphorus content in the oil is analyzed (AOCS
Official method Ca 12-55) and expressed in parts per
million (ppm). The phospholipid or phosphatides
content normally could be calculated by multiplying
the phosphorus value by factor 25 (Phosphorus (ppm)
= phosphatides (%) X 10
/25).This factor is derived
from the ratio of the specific weight of phosphorus
and the phasphatides (Hmm. W et al, 2002).

2.3. Water degummed Linum usitatissimum seed oil
and diesel blending:

Four blends (20, 30, 55 and 80 %) of WDLO by
volume with diesel fuel were prepared and used to
characterize the some basic fuel properties.
Degumming of oils was required to prevent engine
failure even if the vegetable oils were blended with
diesel fuel. Blending improves fuel properties to suit
the CI engine operation. The diesel blends of WDLO
given below in table 1:-
WDLO-diesel blends

The following test methods were used to determine
the some basic fuel properties of WDLO and its
diesel blends, Specific gravity at 15
D1298-85), Viscosity at 40
C (ASTM D445), Pour
point (ASTM D97), Flash point (ASTM D93),
Calorific value measured by Bomb calorimeter
(ASTM- D240), Acid number (AOCS Cd 3a-64),
Phosphorus (AOCS Official method Ca 12-55), cloud
point (ASTM 2500) and pour point (ASTM D97).
The fuel properties of the WDLO and diesel fuel are
presented in Table 3.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 I nfluence of water degumming process on
phospholipids (phosphors) content in Linum
usitatissimum seed oil
The phosphorus content determined for the WDLO
obtained by water degumming of Linum
usitatissimum seed oil is about 10.5 ppm, a value that
corresponds to the quality requirements imposed by
the quality standards as seen table2.

Table2, Phosphatides (phospholipids) content of WDLO
*Phosphorus (ppm) = phosphatides (%) X 10
(Hmm. W et al, 2002).

3.2 Fuel properties of WDLO- diesel blends

3.2.1 Specific gravity (SG)
In general the specific gravity refers to as the ratio of
density of a fuel to the density of water at the same
temperature. The temperature usually specified is
C. The SG of the WDLO-diesel blends increases
with rising of WDLO amount in the fuel blend. There
Sample Blending with diesel
WDLO20 20% WDLO and 80% diesel

WDLO30 30% WDLO and 70% diesel.

WDLO55 55% WDLO and 45% diesel.

WDLO80 80% WDLO and 20% diesel.

Oil type Phosphorus
Straight Linum
oil (SLO)
100 0.25
Water degummed
10.5 0.0263
ISSN NO 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2013), Volume 1, Issue 2, 43-48


is a linear increase in SG of the blends with the
increasing amount of WDLO as seen in Fig.4. Hence,
the SG of 20 % WDLO is comparable to that of
diesel fuel.
Fig.4. Specific gravity of WDLO and its blends with diesel fuel

3.2.2. Kinematic viscosity
The viscosity of the blend increases as the WDLO
amount increases in the fuel mixture as observed
from Fig.5, the viscosity of WDLO higher than that
of diesel fuel but 20% and 30 % WDLO is very
comparable to that of diesel fuel. The Indian standard
(IS: 1448 [p: 25] 1976) recommends the range of the
viscosity of diesel from 2 to 4 cSt for the use in high
speed diesel engines. Thus the comparison of
viscosity of WDLO and its blends suggests that
WDLO can be blended with diesel in proportion of
20 % and 30% to meet the viscosity requirement as
proposed by the Bureau of Indian Standards (IS:
1448 [p: 25]. The viscosity of the WDLO and
WDLO20 measured at four standard temperatures
and the variation in viscosity with temperature is
shown in Fig.5a, as expected, the viscosity of the oil
decreased with a temperature increase. It is
worthwhile to note that the lowest viscosities were
obtained at the 60
Fig.5. Viscosity of WDLO and its blends with diesel fuel

3.2.3. Cloud and Pour point
Cloud and pour point are the key flow properties for
winter fuel specification. Both are indicating the
tendency towards filter plugging and flow problems
in the fuel line. The cloud point is the temperature at
which haze or a cloud first appears in a sample of oil,
when cooled in a prescribed manner and the
temperature at which oil will just flow under
standardized conditions is known as the pour point.
The oil will not flow satisfactorily at temperature
below its pour point. The cloud and pour point of the
blends increase as the concentration of WDLO
increases in relation to the diesel fuels. According to
the results, the cloud and pour point reached for the
WDLO20 and WDLO30 blends were close to that of
diesel as seen in Fig.6. It can be overcome the low-
temperature opratability problems of WDLO to
blended it with diesel fuel.
Fig.5a. Effect of temperature on Viscosity of WDLO and its 20
% diesel blend

Fig.6. Cloud and Pour point of WDLO and its blends
with diesel fuel

3.2.4. Calorific value
The Calorific value of SLO, WDLO, WDLO20 and
diesel were found as 39.63, 40, 41.95 and
45.71MJ/Kg respectively. The calorific value of
WDLO is increased by 5.9 % than that of SLO

3.2.5. Flash and Fire point
The flash and fire point of WDLO are higher than
those of diesel fuels but it can be improved by
blending it with diesel fuel. The flash points increase
significantly for the blends of 55 % and 80% as
shown in Fig.8.

Fig.7. Calorific value of WDLO and its diesel blends

ISSN NO 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2013), Volume 1, Issue 2, 43-48


Fig.8. Flash and Fire point of WDLO and its diesel blends

Table.3. Fuel properties of diesel, Linum usitatissimumseed oil and WDLO -diesel blends

4. Conclusion
In this work, it has been shown that basic fuel
properties of WDLO-diesel fuel blends provide
relevant information about behavior as diesel engine
fuels. It is concluded that the water degumming
process not only influenced the phosphorus quantity
of Linum usitatissimum oil but also it enhance its fuel
related properties as well. The above results show
that the characteristic fuel properties of WDLO20-
diesel blend was found to be close to that of diesel.
Hence it is identified as a promising and suitable
species for a diesel fuel extender. It is also
emphasized that the water degumming method offers
a potentially low-cost method with simple technology
for producing an alternative fuel for compression
ignition engines. A lot of research remains to be done
in this area.

The authors wish to acknowledge the financial
support received from the Madhya Pradesh Council
of Science and Technology (MPCST) Bhopal, M.P,

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Fuel Parameters Diesel

oil (SLO)
mseed oil
Water degummed Linum usitatissimumseed oil
-diesel blends
Specific gravity at
0.816 0.922 0.906 0.898 0.874 0.852 0.842
Kinematic viscosity (cSt
) at 40
2.4-4 25.7 20.7 18.0 9.4 5.9 4.4
Calorific value (MJ/kg) 45.71 39.63 40.00 40.17 40.95 41.55 41.95
Flash point
C 55 230 210 120 100 90 81
Fire point
C 68 241 220 135 120 110 90
Cloud point
C -8 1.7 -1 -3 -5 -6 -6
Pour point
C -20 -14 -15 -16 -16 -17 -17
Acid value mg KOH/g 0.22 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4
Saponification value mg
- 188 185 - - - -
ISSN NO 2320-5407 International Journal of Advanced Research (2013), Volume 1, Issue 2, 43-48


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