ASSAI Booklet Ver2
ASSAI Booklet Ver2
ASSAI Booklet Ver2
Documents Option
2. Projects Option
5. Search Documents
Display all deliverables
Status: Document Status Code
Approval: Responsible Engineer Return Code
8. Documents Tree/Discipline Tree/Package Tree
3. Home
4. Inbox
Only display assigned deliverables to User
Issue Code: Transmittal Status Code
Return Code: User Return Code
Status: Document Status Code
Approval Code: Responsible Engineer Return Code
ASSAI Web Features
6. Inbox Comment Icon
The user logged on is a Reviewer for the document and none of the Reviewers
have entered comments or return codes
The user logged on is a Reviewer for the document and dome or all of the
Reviewers have entered comments or return codes
The user logged on is a Reviewer for the document and has entered a return
code. No action is required anymore. This icon will only be shown when also
not-outstanding documents are be displayed, based on the settings in the
Inbox Search screen
The user logged on is a Responsible Engineer for the Document and none of
the Reviewers have entered comments or return codes
The user logged on is a Responsible Engineer for the document and some of
the reviewers have entered comments or return codes
The user logged on is a Responsible Engineer for the document and all
reviewers have entered or return codes. The responsible Engineer now can
review the comments and close out the review cycle
The use logged on is a Responsible Engineer for the document and the
comment cycle has been closed
The user logged on has received the document for information only and has
not acknowledged it
The user logged on has received the document for information only and has
acknowledged it
9. Inbox & Search Document Tips
Use wildcard (%) to maximize search.
P&ID -> P%I%D
Electrical doc for Floater -> FL1%AE%
Electrical dwg for Floater -> 0-FL1-E%
Electrical doc for Brownfield -> SJJTB%AE%
Electrical dwg for Brownfield -> 9-SJJT-B-E%
Internal doc -> SJ-%
10. Document Sorting by Project Phase
Column Header
7. Inbox Icon
Internet Icon takes you to the Compound
folder for the document in Livelink
Info Icon will open a new window showing
document details such as revisions, distribution
history, planning etc.
Comment Icon shows a red tick when
comments are made or green tick id no comment
were made
By: Sherizan Sapawi
Email Guide
To: IFR/IFA [Responsible Engineer (First name) & Reviewing Engineer]
CC: IFI [Reviewing Engineer]
1) Return Code
Responsible Engineer: APP/REJ/COM/INF
Reviewing Engineer: COM/NC
2) Save
3) Close
1) Download file to desktop/Local Disk for offline comment
2) From pdf file, tick the desired comment to be incorporated
3) Save comment as data file by selecting Export Data File
4) To incorporate the comment file, reserved the document
from Livelink
5) Download the latest file from Livelink & Submit
6) Incorporate the comment in the latest file by Import Data
File saved in step (3)
7) Unreserved the latest file
8) Upload the latest file with incorporated comment to
Livelink, submit & assign return code in ASSAI Web
ASSAI Web Engineer
User Guide
Purpose of this booklet is to provide simple step-by-step
instructions using ASSAI Web as review and approval medium
The review cycle
1. Initiate by email notification from Project DCC to
inform reviewers there are document/s requiring their
2. Commenting Options
a. ASSAI Web commenting
b. PDF commenting (for non-pdf, directly edit
from Livelink Web)
Project DCC
[email protected]
1) ASSAI Web Account request & ASSAI related request
2) Deliverables register
3) Document number request
IM Template
Livelink Assist
[email protected]
Document for
Livelink Dos & Donts
- Dont ADD VERSION for all documents in Livelink Controlled Area
- Do add Comments only for PDF file
- Do Import Comments only
- Do install Livelink Explorer to enable PDF commenting
- Do UNRESERVEDdocument after use
To Livelink Web
Transmittal Sheet
1. DCC Email Notification
1) From Livelink Web, click on Function button and choose
Explore from Here to direct users to Livelink Explorer
2) Right Click and choose Edit to add comments to pdf file
3) Add comments to pdf (direct comment @ import data file)
4) Save
5) Close
6) Go back to the same Livelink Explorer file, right click and
choose Finish Edit and assign return code in ASSAI Web
2 (b) Livelink Explorer 2 (a) Livelink Web
3) ASSAI Web Return Code