Corrosion and Scaling in Industrial Boilers
Corrosion and Scaling in Industrial Boilers
Corrosion and Scaling in Industrial Boilers
Keywords: Expert System, software, industrial boilers, efficiency of boilers, steam generators, prediction of scaling
and corrosion, tendencies, neutralization amine, industrial boilers
ABSTRACT: Corrosion and Scaling are the major waterside problems in industrial boilers. Calcium,
magnesium, iron, copper and silica predominate in most boiler deposits. These deposits usually form a dense layer
that impedes heat transfer and cause costly boiler tube failures. Most corrosion products that deposit in the boiler
originate in the pre-boiler systems. The majority of corrosion products consist of colloidal and particulate metals
and their oxides. The compounds are swept into the boiler and deposit on boiler tube surfaces. A major factor
contributing to this problem is increased return of condensate containing corrosion products from various processes
used throughout the steam plant. Internal corrosion must also be considered. Corrosion not only contributes to
deposits, but also results in metal damage.
The new software program can predict scaling and corrosion tendencies based on relevant thermodynamic and
transport processes in the steam cycle. Plant data is input on a routine basis and the software provides early warning
of abnormal conditions and improves overall plant efficiency. The paper discusses the capability of this novel
software program and demonstrates cost benefit in implementing this unique tool in steam plants.
Largely a result of many years of steady effort by boilers, operating data, type of treatment programs, daily
various companies and boiler manufacturers, control log sheet, quality of feedwater, boiler water and
software systems are being developed to mitigate the steam analysis. Outputs from the program include
problem of boiler tube failures. Predictive software diagnostics of the system chemistry, identification of
systems, also known as knowledge-based predictive suspect instruments, suggested remedial actions and long-
systems, appear to be an effective tool for term consequences of the current conditions on plant
transferring this knowledge gained through research equipment.
and field experience to individuals responsible for the
design, construction, operation, and maintenance of APPLICATIONS AND BENEFITS
industrial steam generators.
Producing quality steam on demand for industrial plants is
Software predictive systems are being modeled to very important. Reliability of these systems is the key to
make possible correct identification of all routine operate industrial plants. Achieving this goal depends on
mechanisms of boiler tube failure, which occur in properly managed water treatment program to minimize
currently operating boilers. Since availability and scale and corrosion. The boiler must be free of scale
reliability of steam plants are key components for forming solids to allow rapid and efficient heat transfer
increasing operational life expectancy, periodic and it must not be corrosive to boiler internals. Scaling
software expert system analysis can be a useful tool and corrosion can result in boiler tube failures and
for evaluating the water chemistry and the potential inability to produce steam. If these two main problems
impact of the chemical treatment program. It is could be predicted, then a contingency plan could be
believed that proper dissemination of this knowledge developed. Hence, the Company can save million of
and future findings will contribute to fewer incidents dollars in downtime.
of boiler tube failures. Based on this, a scope was
outlined to develop software to predict corrosion and The software program assists in the optimization of the
scale tendencies in boilers. boiler water treatment program and in energy
conservation. .
Human experts can be distracted or rushed and led to
This study developed a predictive software program incorrect or inconsistent deductions. The predictive
that would utilize the operating conditions of an software system consistently applies the same logic and
operating boiler as input parameters and then predict gives reliable results; these results are more precise given
the severity scaling and corrosion tendencies. This accurate inputs. This will help to obtain better
software follows from the work described at the 2003 consistency and accuracy in engineering decisions related
IWC by Millett, Bates and Hussey (see IWC 03-32 to operations, control, and treatment of boiler water
in references). The primary purpose of the predictive systems.
system is to provide support to the staff/plant
engineers by: All conclusions reached by the predictive system are
produced for the inputs and the decision making schema
• Diagnosing system conditions such as incorporated in the software. This tool has value to both
chemistry excursions or equipment the expert and operations personnel alike. The human
performance issues expert can use this tool to handle routine situations more
• Prediction of corrosion and scaling quickly and is freed from the cumbersome aspects of
conditions in the boiler prior to equipment detailed data review and archiving and consulting support
degradation materials and related files. This is a great time saver in
• Prediction of general corrosion concerns in areas where justification is repeatedly requested for
the pre-boiler equipment prior to equipment slightly different inputs. In this case, the program is
degradation developed based on agreement among the experts to
• Detailing proper corrective actions archive system data and diagnosis. This archive can be
• Instructing the user on the consequences of analyzed by corporate experts, as corporate has a vast
neglecting the abnormal conditions experience on boiler performance, corrosion and scaling.
This feature is particularly important as it creates a
Input to the software program includes but is not “learning function” that is not static, but improves over
limited to type of boiler, capacity, steam rate, design time.
pressure and temperature, heat flux, operating
pressure and temperature, firing medium, number of With appropriate help facilities, a software system can
tubes, types and metallurgy, type of manufacture of become an excellent tutor for transferring knowledge
from an expert to his successor or for expanding an an immediate response. The diagnostic routine also
awareness of corrosion and scaling issues with evaluates each data channel individually and as they
operational personnel. This provides a company with interrelate. The routine lists all suspect measurements in
some measure of protection against loss of expertise a separate area for the user to investigate. A suspect
through attrition (preservation of knowledge) and is measurement is either an invalid instrument result or a
an education tool for staff involved in plant leading indicator of an event. Suspect measurements
operations and maintenance. require customer interaction and attention.
Non-specialists have access to expert knowledge if Lastly, all data and results are reported on a secure web
the expert is not available; problems that are well page for visualization, corrective action statements, and
understood can be solved by anyone who has access consequences to long-term operation in the diagnosed
to the expert system, this frees the expert from condition. Individual alerts are also established on data
repeatedly executing the same task so that he can channels as specified by the customer. All information is
concentrate his efforts on acquiring new knowledge stored remotely on a SQL back end database.
(efficient use of manpower).
tendencies in the boilers and general corrosion Boiler predictions are driven by two factors, the
tendencies in the pre-boiler equipment. The characteristics of the boiler deposit and the modeled
underlying technology in performing boiler corrosion chemistry of the solution under the deposit that is in
and scale tendency calculations is with contact with the boiler tubes. The boiler deposit
thermodynamic prediction software for high calculation takes into account two different mechanisms
temperature aqueous solutions. that are occurring simultaneously on the boiling surface;
deposition of particulate such as iron and copper oxides
THERMODYNAMIC PREDICTIONS that are transported to the boilers, and precipitation of
salts such as calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate
The foundation for our calculation capability is within the boiler at the boiling surface. The CAST
EPRI’s MULTEQ thermodynamic engine. module uses the boiler specific heat flux information
MULTEQ is a computer program that calculates the along with site-specific chemistry data to determine a
composition and pH of an aqueous solution as a deposit thickness and concentration factor across the
source solution is concentrated by evaporation. The deposit for each boiler. This information is critical to the
program considers equilibrium relation including subsequent algorithms. From here, the thermodynamic
combination of species, precipitation reactions, and model is used to calculate the amount and specific types
volatilization to calculate concentration variation in of salts that precipitate in the deposit as well as the
the liquid phase as boiling proceed along the resulting chemistry under the deposit including specie
saturation curve to temperatures of 335° C. It also specific concentrations and pH(t).
calculates activity coefficients over the entire
concentration and temperature range of interest. In addition, the amount and type of precipitates along
with the deposition of transported metal oxides (typically
The code includes an extensive database of the iron and copper) are accumulated for deposits in each
properties of additives and impurities typically found boiler. This information is used to determine the deposit
in steam cycles. The database can be applied over a weight, deposit thickness, deposit composition, and
range of temperature from 25°C to 350° C and overall scaling tendency of the boiler.
pressures from atmospheric to well over 2000 psi.
The code has been used extensively by many Further algorithms then determine the insulating value of
organizations to define water chemistry parameters in the deposit on the tube. The cumulative tube deposit
steam cycles. iSagacity has taken the thermodynamic information is maintained for each boiler in the CAST
engine inside MULTEQ and coupled it with database. The tube wall temperature is calculated based
algorithms to determine real time tendencies of on the heat flux on the tube and the deposit composition.
corrosion and scaling in operating industrial boilers. A tube bulging tendency form of corrosion is predicted
from this.
In this real-time approach, the local boiler tube
chemistry is modeled using the plant parameters, Each time new boiler data are entered, the deposit and
current operating and chemistry data, and cumulative tube surface conditions are updated and the corrosion and
calculated deposits. The modeling aspects of the scaling tendencies are analyzed. The CAST module
software allow for a site-specific application of the algorithms can be performed for multiple locations in
technology. By using rigorous models to calculate each boiler. Often the algorithms are focused on the
the key quantities of interest (e.g. high temperature highly susceptible areas for each boiler as an initial
pH, solubilities, etc.), our approach can be directly warning system.
used with existing corrosion and scaling algorithms
and correlations. Most importantly, the CAST When boiler inspections are performed and tube deposit
module automatically accounts for plant design and information, such as deposit weight, are collected, and the
operational changes. CAST module allows the user to manually update the
cumulative calculated parameters with the measured data.
At this time, updates to the deposit calculation parameters
The CAST module uses a series of algorithms in
order to determine the corrosion and scaling The CAST module also monitors pre-boiler corrosion.
conditions inside the boilers and the general Algorithms for general corrosion tendencies are
corrosion conditions that exist in the pre-boiler performed using the following plant information at
equipment. specific plant locations as designated by the user.
pH Oxygen Temperature
Velocity Phase (l/v)
Corrosion tendencies are predicted at user determined Preliminary evaluation of the data shows a reasonable
locations in the plant. correlation of the modeling to the actual measured data.
The following figure shows the calculated amount of
deposit for one of the industrial boilers plotted against the
historical measured deposit weights from multiple tube
locations in a bank of nine similar industrial boilers. As
Benchmarks have been designed and used to test and
expected, there is a reasonable amount of scatted to the
evaluate the software in one refinery and one gas
measured data. However, the module would effectively
treating facility. Both of the benchmarks were
predict deposit weights for planning purposes. In actual
designed to reflect the different manufacturing
application, the CAST would be adjusted as measured
facilities and the different boilers used. Brief
data were obtained and the fit would be greatly improved.
descriptions of two benchmarks follow. As soon as
The ability of CAST to project deposit weights can be
additional data becomes available regarding the use
used to plan for chemical cleanings and other
of CAST, it will be shared at future meetings and
maintenance activities.
Deposit Weight, g/m2
Predicted Deposit
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Operating Days
Further work at another facility showed the tendency tube), the solution chemistry in contact with the boiler
for caustic corrosion based on reported chemistry and tube had developed a caustic corrosion tendency. The
boiler design. Again, preliminary work to show the pH(t) did not become appreciably elevated until the
value of the software was performed. The boiler concentration factor exceeded 1000. Since one of the
chemistry and design were used to determine the algorithms in CAST calculates the concentration factor in
point at which caustic corrosion would be a concern. real time, this can be used to predict when the formation
The results showed that by concentrating the boiler of caustic conditions is imminent in the boiler.
water by a factor of 10 (which is typical of a clean
1.000E+00 1.000E+01 1.000E+02 1.000E+03 1.000E+04
Concentration Factor
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