Makeup Policy
Makeup Policy
Makeup Policy
It is the responsibility of each student registered in coursework during the current semester to take the prescribed components of the evaluation such as Assignment /
Quiz (online), Mid-Semester Tests and Comprehensive Examinations according to the schedule given in the respective Course Handouts.
For each course for which the student is registered in the current semester, the student must attend the Assignment / Quiz (online), Mid-Semester Test (EC-2, 35%, 2
Hours duration, Closed Book type) as well as the Comprehensive Examination (EC-3, 50%, 3 Hours duration, Open Book type).
IF a student is absent for any examination of a course, then s/he will be required to register in those course(s) again in a subsequent semester and appear for all
evaluation components again in that semester, to clear the course. The marks obtained in any evaluation component in a semester cannot be carried forward to a
subsequent semester.
For every semester of registration, the full semester fees must be paid, irrespective of the number of courses registered in that semester. There is no
separate examfees payable per course. The semester fees, once paid for registration in a semester cannot be carried forward to a subsequent semester, even if the
student is absent for all tests / exams of that course.
IF the student is unable to appear for any of the Regular Mid-Semester Tests (EC-2) or Regular Comprehensive Examinations (EC-3) due to genuine personal or
professional exigencies, the student can apply for permission to take the Make-up Tests / Make-up Examinations, which will be held only at selected exam centers. The
Makeup Tests / Exams will be held in the same weekday (Saturday / Sunday) and same examsession (Forenoon / Afternoon) as that of the Regular Test / Examfor
that course, as specified in the respective course handout.
In case of students having a backlog course package, IF there is any clash in the examination schedule (Date +Session) for any two courses in the prescribed course
package for this semester, then the student must appear for the Regular Test/ Regular Examfor ONE of the two clashing courses, and take the Make-up Test /
Make-up Examfor the other clashing course.
A student can appear the Regular Tests / Exams for some courses in the courses package and take the Make-up Test / Examfor the other courses. For example, a
student can take one or more tests / exams in the Regular dates and take the remaining tests / exams on the Make-up dates (to be announced later), at selected exam
However, a student should NOT write both Regular as well as Make-up Test / Make-up Exam for the same evaluation component (EC-2/ EC-3) in a course. If any
student appears for both Regular as well as Make-up Test/ Examfor the same evaluation component of a course, then his/her registration in that course during the
current semester will be cancelled and s/he would be required to register again in the course later.
Students who are unable to appear for one or more Regular Mid-Semester Tests on September 13-14, 2014 can apply for permission to take the Make-up Tests, which
are scheduled for October 18-19, 2014, at selected examcentres including BANGALORE, CHENNAI, DELHI, HYDERABAD and PUNE and PILANI, GOA, and DUBAI
campuses of BITS, Pilani.
The application formfor permission to take the Make-up Mid-Semester Tests will be available for download fromthe BITS WILP website only during September 16,
2014 to October 10, 2014. You should enter your details and submit your makeup request online. Once you submit your request and confirm, you can download and
print your Hallticket immediately. There is no need for any signature fromemployer or mentor as the request formis submitted online only. And, there is no hard copy
form to be faxed or posted. The Hallticket itself is issued only by due permission. No Hall Ticket will be sent by post or email.
Students who are unable to appear for one or more Regular Comprehensive Exams on NOVEMBER 8-9, 2014 can apply for permission to take the Make-up
Comprehensive Exams (EC-3 Make-up), which are scheduled for November 22-23, 2014, at selected exam centres including Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi,
Hyderabad and Pune, and Pilani, Goa and Dubai Campuses of BITS Pilani.
Makeup Policy
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The application formfor permission to take the Make-up Comprehensive Exams will be available for download fromthe BITS WILP website only during November 10
-18, 2014. You should enter your details and submit your makeup request online. Once you submit your request and confirm, you can download and print your Hallticket
immediately. There is no need for any signature fromemployer or mentor as the request form is submitted online only. And, there is no hard copy formto be faxed or
posted. The Hallticket itself is issued only by due permission. No Hall Ticket will be sent by post or email.
Students who miss the Regular Test or Examas well as the Make-up Test / Examfor any course during the current semester, will be Required to Register Again in
the same course during a later semester. No further Make-up Tests / Exams will be conducted irrespective of the reasons for missing the Make-up Tests / Exams.
Makeup Policy
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