BIO 361 Neural Integration Lab
BIO 361 Neural Integration Lab
BIO 361 Neural Integration Lab
Neural Integration
Once you understand how individual nerve cells (neurons)
work, the next level of complexity is to study how a neuron
interacts with another neuron, or other types of cells. This is
the beginning of understanding the nervous system and its
functions. In this lab exercise, you will investigate: 1) how
more than one neuron work together to produce a spinal
reflex; 2) how somatic (=motor) neurons communicate with
skeletal muscle cells; and 3) and how neural responses can
become more sophisticated with integration by the brain.
Exercise 1: Frog Spinal Reflexes
Aim: Determine (by the process of elimination) which
frog activities are controlled by the spinal cord, which are
controlled by the brain, and which are controlled by neither.
During our day-to-day lives we detect changes in the
environment and react appropriately. An external stimulus is
detected by one or more neurons, which send the sensory
information to the central nervous system, where it is
processed. If a motor response is initiated, it usually involves
a series of action potentials that produce a muscle
contraction and a movement of one or more parts of the
body. A simple reflex is perhaps the easiest of this type of
stimulus-response reaction. A loud sound or something
flying at your eye makes you blink, while a tap on the tendon
under the knee cap produces the knee-jerk reflex.
Figure 1: A cross section of the spinal cord showing the single synapse
between the sensory and the motor neurons involved in a monosynaptic
spinal reflex.
A simple reflex like the knee-jerk reflex is produced via
single synapses between sensory axons and motor neurons
(a monosynaptic reflex). The required circuitry for this
reflex is confined to the spinal cord, as shown in Figure 1.
Sensory information also ascends to higher centers, but the
brain is not necessary or required to perform the reflex. More
complex reflexes usually involve additional (inter-) neurons
(a polysynaptic reflex) and more than one population of
motor neurons. Thus, more neurons and synapses are
involved, which usually results in a longer delay between
stimulus and response, and often a more complex response.
One example of such a complex response is the flexion
withdrawal reflex, where a noxious stimulus to one leg
causes withdrawal of the stimulated leg and extension of the
other. In addition to monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflexes
integrated in the spinal cord (spinal reflexes), some reflexes
are integrated in the brain, but these are still hard-wired
responses to a stimulus. The latter obviously can have more
complicated integration.
1 Observe a live frog for spontaneous activity. Is it
coordinated (limbs working together)? When the frog is
calm in the dissecting tray, rotate the tray slowly back &
forth (45
), and tilt the board so that the frog is head-up or
head-down by 4-6 cm. You can also try tilting it side-to-
side. Finally, try putting it on its back. Record all your
2 Soak a small square of filter paper in 10% acetic acid
(about twice the strength of vinegar). Put this on the frogs
back or leg for 60 seconds or until you get a response.
Then rinse the area with distilled water. Repeat 2-3 times
at different places on the frogs back, sides, or legs.
3 When the frog is calm, gently touch the two prongs of the
stimulating electrode to its toes, and stimulate with 10-20
volts at 5 pulses per second (pps). You can do this by
using the iworxs software. Open the LabScribe software,
and under settings, open the Neuromuscular studies.
To change the amplitude of the stimulus, under the Edit
menu, select preferences and under the stimulator tab,
change the amplitude of the voltage to 10-20V.
4 Give the frog to your instructor to be single-pithed. This
means that the frogs brain is destroyed (so it is now
brain-dead), but the spinal cord is still functional. This is
sometimes called a spinal frog. When the pithing is
done, start a timer.
5 With the frog on its ventral side in the dissecting tray,
pinch the toes firmly about every 20 seconds until you get
a response. The time from pithing to the first response is
the period of spinal shock, which occurs because the
pithing overstimulates neurons in the spinal cord. This
must wear off before normal spinal reflexes can occur.
6 Repeat all the tests that were done with the live frog as
stated in #1.
7 Poke a small hole in the skin under the frogs chin, and
pass the bent hook through this. Connect the handle of
the hook to the ring stand such that the frog is dangling
and its hind legs are over the dissecting tray.
8 Stimulate the toes of one foot with a weak titanic
stimulation to obtain a flexion reflex. Let the leg return to
its relaxed position and give the muscle 30 seconds of
rest. Repeat this procedure gradually increasing the
voltage, and watch the opposite leg for a contralateral
extention when the stimulated leg goes up.
9 Use a square of filter paper to apply the acetic acid to the
side/back of the frog to obtain a scratch reflex. Rinse
with distilled water and repeat 2-3 times at different
locations. Does it appear that the frog knows where the
acid is?
10Once more, use the acid on the frogs side to get a
scratch reflex, and while that leg is up, stimulate the other
leg with electricity as you did in step 5 above. Watch both
legs, and record what happens.
11Give the frog to your instructor to be double-pithed. When
you get it back, both the brain and spinal cord will be
destroyed. Quickly repeat all the observations/tests done
on the live and spinal frogs. Which activities that a spinal
frog can do have now ceased? Which remain?
Exercise 2: Neuromuscular Junctions
Aim: Determine how and where curare works, to better
understand the operation of neuromuscular junctions.
Neuromuscular junctions are analogous to synapses in
many ways, but are the spaces between somatic nerves and
skeletal muscles. They are involved in spinal reflexes which
result in the movement of a skeletal muscle, but are also
used for normal muscle movements.
The neuromuscular junction of vertebrates has been
intensely studied as a model of general synaptic function
because its size and accessibility are greater than synapses
within the central nervous system (Figure 2). This synapse
is a critical point in communication between the neural and
muscular systems.
Figure 2; The Neuromuscular Junction.
The distal end of the axon branches into many presynaptic
terminals to reach many muscle fibers with one somatic
(=motor) neuron. The axon terminals innervate the muscle at
a specialized region of the muscle membrane known as the
motor endplate. The space between the terminal and the
end-plate is 20 to 30 nanometers wide.
Somatic neurons use acetylcholine (ACh) to transmit nerve
impulses across the neuromuscular junction to the muscle
fibers. The presynaptic terminals have a high concentration
of membrane-bound synaptic vesicles containing ACh.
These vesicles fuse with the presynaptic membrane to
release ACh into the synaptic cleft (Figure 3). Although the
mechanism is not completely understood, calcium (Ca++) is
known to be necessary in the process. When a nerve action
potential depolarizes the presynaptic terminal, voltage-
dependent Ca++ channels are opened causing an influx of
Ca++ into the terminal. Once inside the terminal, Ca++ aids
with fusion of synaptic vesicles to the terminal membrane.
The time consumed during the processes which occur after
the arrival of the presynaptic action potential and before the
elicitation of the muscle action potential is known as the
synaptic delay. The fusion of vesicles to the membrane and
the subsequent release of ACh occur about 0.3 msec after
the arrival of the nerve action potential, which accounts for
most of the synaptic delay. Once released, the acetylcholine
rapidly diffuses (in 0.01 msec) across the neuromuscular
junction and binds with specific protein receptors on the
muscle end-plate. This process greatly increases the
permeability of the muscle membrane to positive ions (via
messenger-dependent Na+ channels). Na+ enters the
muscle fiber, hypopolarizing the membrane. This local
hypopolarization is called an end-plate potential. When the
end-plate potential reaches threshold value, a muscle action
potential is elicited (using voltage-dependent Na+ & K+
Within 1 msec of its release from the nerve terminal, much of
the excessive amount of acetylcholine has already diffused
out of the neuromuscular junction, and no longer has a
chance of acting on the muscle cell. The remaining
molecules are hydrolyzed to choline and acetate by the
enzyme, acetylcholinesterase, which is in the
neuromuscular junction. The hydrolysis can occur before or
after acetylcholine binds to the receptor sites since the
binding is freely reversible. The short period of time that
some acetylcholine molecules remain in contact with the
muscle fiber membrane is almost always sufficient to excite
a muscle action potential. After the hydrolysis of
acetylcholine, choline is actively transported back into the
axon terminal by a pump in the presynaptic membrane.
Inside the neuron, choline is acetylated by choline acetyl
transferase, and the resynthesized acetylcholine is stored in
presynaptic vesicles.
Figure 3: Disposition of Acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction.
Equipment Required
Stimulator and BNC-P2 Stimulator cable
Force transducer
Glass hooks, Pasteur pipettes
Dissecting instruments and pins
(2) Grounding leads (green)
Equipment Setup
1 Attach the force transducer to the channel 3 input on the
iWorx unit.
2 Plug the BNC-double banana adapter into the positive
(red) and negative (black) sockets of the iWorx 214
stimulator. To insure the correct polarity of stimulation,
check the side of the double banana adapter for a tab.
This is the side of adapter that goes into the negative
(black) socket of the stimulator.
3 Attach the BNC connector of the stimulator cable to the
adapter already on the stimulator.
The Dissection
1 On your double-pithed frog, cut the skin all the way around
each knees and then pull down to remove the skin from
the lower legs.
2 Find the gastrocnemius muscle on each side. Use scissors
to free the Achilles tendons from the connective tissue
around the heel of the feet. Then firmly tie a thread
around each Achilles tendon as close to the toes as
possible, leaving the ends of the thread long enough (at
least 4) to secure to the muscle force transducer.
3 Cut the Achilles tendons below each thread, so the thread
is still attached to the gastrocnemius muscle.
4 Use a glass hook to separate the gastrocnemius muscle
from the bone and other muscles of the lower leg. The
muscles should be free all the way up to the knees.
Moisten the exposed muscles with Ringer's solution every
five minutes or so.
5 Laying the frog on the tray with dorsal side up, slit the skin
on the thighs and separate the muscles of the upper leg to
expose both sciatic nerves.
6 Use a glass hook to separate the nerve from the fascia
and the vessels for each leg. If possible, avoid cutting the
blood vessels. If bleeding does occur, rinse away the
blood with lots of Ringers solution.
7 Free each nerve from the knee joint to the pelvis. Use the
glass hook to place a thread under each nerve, but do not
tie them. Bring the ends of each thread together to make a
handle for gently lifting that nerve for stimulation. Keep
the exposed nerve moist at all times with Ringer's solution.
8 For one leg, pass a second thread under the sciatic nerve.
Bring the ends of this thread around to the front of the leg
and tie as tightly as possible, forming a tourniquet that
includes everything in the upper leg except the sciatic
nerve. If one leg bled during dissection, use this leg, so
that you have one leg with good circulation and the other
with no circulation.
9 Using 4 dissecting pins for each leg, pin the knees down to
the tray, making an X above and below each knee. Do
not interrupt blood flow to the gastrocnemius muscles.
10Tie the two threads attached to the Achilles tendons
together after passing one of them through the loop on the
force transducer, so that contracting either muscle will pull
down on the transducer. Raise the force transducer so
that the threads are taunt.
Start the Software
1 Open the LabScribe folder on the desktop, click on
Settings at the top, and open the file called Skeletal
Muscle Weight-Work. Then close the pdf file that opens
with it.
1 Using the handle, gently life up on a nerve just enough to
slide the two prongs of the electrode under it. Stimulate at
a very low voltage, gradually increasing it until you get a
very small muscle twitch. Record this threshold voltage,
and then repeat with the sciatic nerve on the other leg.
2 Have the lab instructor inject the frog with curare (1 ml)
3 Every 5 minutes for at least 30 minutes, repeat your
measurement of the threshold voltage for each leg.
4 At the end of the exercise, directly stimulate the two
gastrocnemius muscles, and determine their thresholds.
Record this data.
Exercise 3: Human Responses to Stimuli
The next two exercises can be done while waiting for the
curare effect to be seen, during the 5-min. intervals between
determining the frog muscle thresholds. These involve
measuring the time which occurs between a stimulus and
the response, which is an indicator of the amount of
integration that occurs.
Aim: Observe and compare the time reaction time of
your lab partner to auditory vs. visual stimuli.
The integration in a spinal reflex is fast, but not very
sophisticated. More complicate integration required the
brain, and more time elapsed between the stimulus and the
Equipment Required
EM-100 Event marker
PT-104 Pulse plethysmograph
Equipment Setup
1 Connect the iWorx unit to the computer.
2 Plug the DIN connector of the event marker in Channel 3.
3 Plug the DIN connector of the plethysmograph into
Channel 4. The equipment should look like Figure 4.
Figure 4: The equipment used to measure reaction times from a volunteer.
Start the Software
1 Click on the Settings menu and select the Auditory-
VisualReflexes settings file.
2 After a short time, LabScribe will appear on the computer
screen as configured by the Auditory-VisualReflexes
3 Close the pdf file that opens with it.
3A: Reaction Time and Sound
1 Have the subject relax in a chair placed so that the
subjects back is to the computer screen and the keyboard.
2 Have the subject listen as another student taps the white
surface of the plethysmograph with a pencil. Make sure the
subject can hear the tapping sound.
3 Ask the subject to click the event marker as soon as
he/she hears the tap.
4 Click Start.
5 Present the subject with a total of 10 taps, but deliver the
taps in a pattern that is difficult for the subject to predict.
6 Click Stop to halt recording.
7 Select Save As in the File menu, type a name for the file.
Choose a destination on the computer in which to save the
file(e.g. the iWorx or class folder). Click the Save button to
save the file (as an *.iwd file).
Data Analysis
1 Click the 2-Cursor icon (Figure 5), so that two blue vertical
lines appear over the recording window.
2 Drag the cursors left and right so that the large spike on
the plethysmograph channel and the signal from the event
marker are located between the two blue lines.
3 Click the Analysis icon (Figure 5) to open the Analysis
Figure 5: The LabScribe toolbar.
4 Display Channels 3 (Reaction) and 4 (Stimulus) by
deselecting Channels 1 and 2 in the Display Channel list,
on the left side of the Analysis window. Select Title and T2-
T1 from the Table Functions list.
5 Use the mouse to click and drag one cursor to the
beginning of the spike on the Stimulus channel and the
second cursor to the onset of the signal from the event
marker on the Reaction channel (Figure 6).
6 Data can be entered into the Journal by either typing the
titles and values directly or by using the right-click menu.
Place the cursors to take measurements; then, select Add
Title to Journal or Add Data to Journal from the right-
click menu to add the measurements to the Journal.
7 While in the Analysis window, use the scroll bars to move
through your data and repeat the measurements for all 10
8 Drop the longest and shortest times from the data set, and
average the remaining eight values to determine the mean
reaction time.
Figure 6: Data produced by tapping the plethysmograph, which entered a
large spike on the lower trace and produced a sound, which the volunteer
used as a cue to press the event marker (upper trace). The data are
displayed in the Analysis window and the two cursors are positioned to
measure the reaction time (T2-T1).
3B: Reaction Time and Visual Cues
1 Have the volunteer sit in a chair and face the computer
2 Have the subject watch the screen and quickly press the
button of the event marker as soon as they see a deflection
in the stimulus trace.
3 Out of sight of the subject, a second student should
prepare to gently tap the plethysmograph. They should avoid
giving any auditory cues.
4 Click Start. Present the subject with a total of 10 trials,
delivered in a pattern that is unpredictable.
5 Click Stop to halt recording.
6 Select Save from the File menu.
Data Analysis
Your result may look like Figure 7.
Figure 7: Data produced using a visual cue from the plethysmograph). The
volunteer used this visual cue on the screen (lower trace) to press the event
marker (upper trace). The data are displayed in the Analysis window and
the two cursors are positioned to measure the reaction time (T2-T1).
1 Use the cursors to measure the time delay between visual
stimulus (the onset of the tap) and response (the onset of
the mark).
2 Repeat the measurements for all 10 trials.
3 Drop the longest and shortest times from the data set, and
average the remaining eight values to determine the mean
reaction time.
How does the average reaction time from Exercise 3A
compare to the data from Exercise 3B? What would cause
reactions times to oral and visual cues to differ?