This document summarizes an investigation by the Office of Inspector General into allegations that Child Protective Services (CPS) caseworkers did not follow proper procedures in a case involving the death of an 8-year-old child from appendicitis. The investigation found that a former CPS Family-Based Safety Services specialist, two CPS investigators, and a CPS kinship specialist failed to comply with required policies and procedures in their casework related to the deceased child's family. Specifically, they failed to properly document case activities, notify parents and collateral contacts, and follow up on reports of possible neglect or abuse. However, the investigation found no evidence that any policy violations caused the child's death from appendicitis. The case
This document summarizes an investigation by the Office of Inspector General into allegations that Child Protective Services (CPS) caseworkers did not follow proper procedures in a case involving the death of an 8-year-old child from appendicitis. The investigation found that a former CPS Family-Based Safety Services specialist, two CPS investigators, and a CPS kinship specialist failed to comply with required policies and procedures in their casework related to the deceased child's family. Specifically, they failed to properly document case activities, notify parents and collateral contacts, and follow up on reports of possible neglect or abuse. However, the investigation found no evidence that any policy violations caused the child's death from appendicitis. The case
This document summarizes an investigation by the Office of Inspector General into allegations that Child Protective Services (CPS) caseworkers did not follow proper procedures in a case involving the death of an 8-year-old child from appendicitis. The investigation found that a former CPS Family-Based Safety Services specialist, two CPS investigators, and a CPS kinship specialist failed to comply with required policies and procedures in their casework related to the deceased child's family. Specifically, they failed to properly document case activities, notify parents and collateral contacts, and follow up on reports of possible neglect or abuse. However, the investigation found no evidence that any policy violations caused the child's death from appendicitis. The case
This document summarizes an investigation by the Office of Inspector General into allegations that Child Protective Services (CPS) caseworkers did not follow proper procedures in a case involving the death of an 8-year-old child from appendicitis. The investigation found that a former CPS Family-Based Safety Services specialist, two CPS investigators, and a CPS kinship specialist failed to comply with required policies and procedures in their casework related to the deceased child's family. Specifically, they failed to properly document case activities, notify parents and collateral contacts, and follow up on reports of possible neglect or abuse. However, the investigation found no evidence that any policy violations caused the child's death from appendicitis. The case
FINAL REPORT Date: October 9. 2014 OIG Case: 13310-14 Investigation Category: HHS Human Resources Manual. Chapter 4. Employee Misconduct. Vork Rules (l)(2)(28): Department of Family and Protecwe Services. Child Protective Services Handbook. sections 2345. 2364.2377.2397,3111.3324,3329.34l1, 3419 Allegation: On March 12. 2014. this investigation was initiated by the Office of Inspector General alleging Child Protective Services ((PS) did not follow established procedures in the child death case of an S-yearold Bexar County child who died of appendicitis. The child and family had prior (PS history under Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) cases 38704081 and 29922909. The Schertz Police Department investigated the death under case 2009-05731. During the course of this investigation, it was reported that IMPACT documentation entered by caseworkers may have been altered. In addition. a former CPS Family Based Safety Services (FBSS) Specialist, two (PS Investigators, and a (PS Kinship Specialist Ill were alleged to have not complied with FIHS Human Resources and CPS Handbook policies during their casework inolving the deceased childs family. Further allegations were rna(le that a (PS Program Director, and a former (PS Program Director, did not comply with established (PS Handbook policies during the referral process involving the child. The Internal Afihirs Division conducted an investigation during thc period of March 12. 2014. to September 30, 2014. Summary of Activities: [here was no evidence to support the allegation that the (PS Program I)irector or former (PS Program Director did not comply with established (PS Handbook policies in their handling of the famil referral and documentation process. There was no evidence to indicate that any policy violations were to blame for the appendicitis shich is the listed cause oidcath. The allegation that a former (PS Family Based Safety Services Specialist, a (PS Kinship Specialist IlL and two (PS Investigators did not comply with HHS Human Resources policies and (PS Handbook policies is substantiated and based on the following: The Program Director and former Program Director fbllo\ed established (PS Handbook policy in sections 21 51. 21 52. 2 154. 2155, 2156. and 21 56.1 regarding Statewide Intake referrals involving the childs family on March 3. 2(109. The fbrmer Program Director followed established CPS Handbook policy in sections 1433 and 1481 when she requested a (PS Investigator make corrections to documentation into IMPACT. When the changes were not made as directed by the fdrmer Program Director, she made the corrections herself and the case was submitted for closure. Interview of the former (PS FBSS Specialist. DFPS. ihe FBSS Specialist said she did not provide a timely service plan in her casework involving the deceased child. The FBSS Specialist said she failed to contact and inform the biological mother of DFPS case 29922909. which involved medical neglect involving her three children. The FBSS Specialist said she failed to tollow up with professional Reviewed By: ________ Date: 01G0002 (06/01/201 3) OlGCase: 13310-14 Pagelof2 OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL rExAs Hr.i.nt & lit %IA\ SItRvrFs (OSNISSK)N FINAL REPORT collateral sources to gauge the success of services in DFPS case 29922909, and failed to conduct visual contact with the children in September 2008. and January 2009. The FBSS Specialist said she failed to conduct a home assessment, which would have made her aware of provisions tbr the children and the conditions in which they lived, and did not document in IMPACT within thc required timelines specified in CPS Handbook policy The FBSS Specialists statement was corroborated by a review of IMPACT records. Interview of a CPS Investigator. DFPS. on April 30.2014. The CPS Investigator said she did not contact the reporter of DFPS ease 29922909. the Supervision Monitor for Kid Share Family Services, as required per (PS Handbook Section 2345. The CPS Investigator said the Supervision Monitor alleged possible neglectful supervision and sexual abuse of three of the children. including the deceased child. The CPS Investigators statement was corroborated by a review of IMPACT records. Interview of a (PS Investigator. DFPS. on April 30, 2014. The CPS Investigator said she fiuiled to notit!, the biological mother of DFPS ease 29922909. which involved her children, as required per CPS Handbook Section 2364. The CPS lnvestigators statement was corroborated by a review of IMPACT records. Interview of the CPS Kinship Specialist ill. DIPS. The CPS Kinship Specialist Ill said he failed to contact a Laurel Ridge Hospital physician. as required per CPS Handbook Section 2397. The Laurel Ridge Physician had reported one child appeared undernourished. The CPS Kiumhip Specialist III said he also failed to respond to an outcry the children made that they were always hungry and not fed. The CPS Kinship Specialist Ills statement was corroborated by a of IMPACT records. Interview of the biological mother of the deceased child and two sons. The biological mother said she was not contacted by an FBSS Specialist to inform her that her children were seen as part of a CPS investigation, and that she was never contacted by an FBSS Specialist as a collateral source during the open FBSS case. Interviews of the Watts Elementary School nurse. counselor, and vice principal, and the Jordan Middle School counselor. School employees are mandatory reports as specified in the Texas Family Code, Title 5. Subtitle E. Subchapter A, Subchapter B. Report Section 261.101. All interviewees said they reported that during the 2008-2009 school year they had concerns regarding the deceased child and her brothers. During the interviews, all independently said they were not informed of an open CPS case involving the children, and were not contacted by any caseworker regarding their observations and subsequent concerns for the children. Actions Taken: Referred to Cynthia OKeeffe. General Counsel. I)epartment of Family and Protectite Services, Austin Texas. RremdBy 0IG0002 (0610112013) OlGCase: 13310-14 Page2of2
Robert J. Benvenuti III, Inspector General, Allegations of misconduct by certain employees of the Department for Community Based Services’ Lincoln Trail Region related to the removal of children and/or the termination of parental rights based on alleged abuse, neglect, or dependency, 2007