seek out the folks wearing the Ask Me badge. Through them you will find information about the ministries of alem !eights "hurch and how to become involved. #lease fill out a $isitor "ard and dro% it in one of the offering bo&es as you leave or scan this code to go directly to our website and fill out a visitor card. We have an e&cellent nursery and %rograms for children newborn through high school. Any of the ushers will be ha%%y to direct you to the %ro%er classroom. 'f you feel more comfortable having your infant with you during the service( the last row in the Auditorium will be reserved for %arents with small children. There is a %rivate room for nursing mothers across the hall from the Auditorium with a rocking chair( changing table and %ortable crib. )or your convenience( it also includes a monitor to enable you to still hear and view the service. Our Purpose... To reach %eo%le with the love of *esus "hrist( %rovide a safe and su%%ortive environment( %roclaim the standards of +ods truth( du%licate the "hristian life in others( and celebrate the ma,esty and works of -ur +reat +od. New to Salem Heights? Sunday Worship THE GCSPEL CF LUKE SEkIES Part 4
Gabr|e|s Top Ten"
Luke 1:238
Presented by Pastor ]ust|n Greene
The ane| answered and sa|d to her, 'The Ho|y Sp|r|t w||| come upon you, and the power of the Most H|h w||| overshadow you, and for that reason the ho|y Ch||d sha|| be ca||ed the Son of God." Luke 1:35 Info & News Welcome Luncheon On November 2, after second service, Salem Heights will host our Welcome Luncheon for all newcomers to the church. If you have filled out a visitor card within the ast si! months, you will be contacted with a ersonal invitation from one of our staff members. However, we want all who are new to Salem Heights "hurch to feel welcome to attend. Lunch will be rovided and a #uestion and answer time with the astors, as well as a tour of the church camus, will be on the agenda for the afternoon. $lease RSVP to the church office % &'()&**)'+'( if you lan to attend. Mothers of all ages and stages are welcome to attend! Childcare is provided. Special Speaker: Sweet Moments for Moms November 7 th at 9:30 AM Join us for brunch, a fall activity and an encouraging word about
Contentment in our Circumstances Angi Greene
Please RSVP by November 3 rd at Music Ministry Need ,here is an immediate need for servants willing to be art of the team who ulls and uts away music each wee-. .usical bac-ground is nice, but not necessary. ,he team will train any interested arties. $lease contact /0 /c-er if you are able to hel in this area. Trunk R Treat Friday, Oct. 31 at 5:00pm our parking lot will be transformed into a harest e!traagan"a# $here will be games, candy, pri"es and a fire truck for your kids to e!plore# $here are candy donation buckets for this eent placed at each of the entrances. %ould you consider donating candy to help make this eent a success& Other opportunities are aailable to sere at $runk '( $reat. )ontact (uss *ibby at 503+5,,+0-03 for more information. *adies, please .oin us on /oember 5. %e will gather immediately following %omen's 0iscipleship from 11:-512 to 13:-542. $his time is open to any one who desires to set aside the hectic pace of life and 56imply 4ray.7 )hildcare is proided, but please bring a snack or lunch for your child. November 2 Remember to set your clocks back! Greenskeeper Ministry The Greenskeeper Ministry will meet November 1 from 9-12. Please contact Don hiteh!rst at "#$.$91.%9&' or (cott )!nter at "#$.9$#.2*#* if yo! have +!estions or wo!l, like to help with the o!tsi,e maintenance of the ch!rch -ro!n,s. TODAY ./00 a.m. Mens 1isci%leshi% 2/34 a.m. #rayer 5 6oom 704 8/00 9 33/00 a.m. Worshi% ervices 8/00 a.m. The "ross 6oad unday chool 4/:0 %.m. "hildrens "hristmas #roduction 6ehearsal ;/00 %.m. mall +rou%s
THIS WEEK MONDAY ./00 %.m. The Most <&cellent Way TUESDAY ;/=4 %.m. "lub 6ockalt ./00 %.m. Ministry >ight WEDNESDAY 8/:0 a.m. Womens 1isci%leshi% 37/00 %.m. Womens and Mens >oon 1isci%leshi% ;/=4 %.m. Ministry >ight THURSDAY ;/00 a.m. Mens 1isci%leshi% ;/=4 %.m. The "ross 6oad "ollege +rou% ./00 %.m. The "areers +rou% FRIDAY 4/00 %.m. Trunk ?6 Treat SATURDAY 8/oo a.m. +reens@ee%er Work 1ay This Weeks !"ents Welcome Auncheon )or >ewcomers( >ovember 7( 3/00 %.m. weet Moments )or Moms( >ovember .( 8/:0 a.m. )#>-( >ovember 2( =/00 %.m. +>'BntimateC( >ovember 30( ./04 %.m. Aords u%%er and Da%tisms( >ovember 3;( ;/00 %.m.
Important #p$oming !"ents %i"ing #pdate THE MINISTRY OF SALEM HEIGHTS CHURCH The ministry of alem !eights "hurch is funded entirely by the generous giving of +ods %eo%le. Eou will notice that we do not %ass the offering %lateF however( there are offering bo&es in the back of the auditorium. We have done this so no one gives out of com%ulsion. We believe from the Word of +od that the %irit of +od will lead %eo%le towards giving back to +od of their first fruits. ...+od loves a cheerful giver G7 "or. 8/.H and we know !e blesses those who take !is Word seriously in every regard. Thank you for %rayerfully su%%orting alem !eights financially as we desire to reach the lost and disci%le the aints.
October 2014 MONTHLY BUDGET NEEDED T-TAA +'$'>+ I;7(.=0 I30.(000 MONTHLY NEED J WEEK BUDGET -ctober Weekly >eed Actual +iving 6eceived Week 3 I7;(.40 I72(.23 Week 7 I7;(.40 I32(0:2 Week : I7;(.40 I34(877 Week = I7;(.40 )iscal Eear to 1ate KL5 5I.3(=34 BUILDING FUND "urrent Dalance I3(:24 $uesday eening )lub (ock6alt groups are in great need of olunteers# 8f this is an area in which you would like to sere, please contact (uss *ibby at 503+5,,+0-03. Our 9ideo $eam is looking for olunteers. 8f this is an interest you hae, please contact 1: 1cker at 503+5,,+ 0-03 for more information. $here is a great need for faithful, aailable and teachable serants to minister to our )1;6< students. Our desire is for students to be discipled in their loe of =od, loe for others and heart to reach the world for )hrist. 8f this is a passion of yours, contact $im 6affeels at 503+5,,+0-03 for more information on being inoled. can the coded icon below to view o%%ortunities to serve the body of alem !eights "hurch. How &an I Ser"e? 'issions S!"e# He$%&t' C&(rc& )*+ M!,ro-! A.e/ S/ S!"e#0 OR 1*)02
$-4o>'!"e#&e$%&t'c&(rc&/or% ===/'!"e#&e$%&t'c&(rc&/or% Pastors(!lders ?('t$- Gree-e Senior Pastor/Elder C!r" C&$c! Pastor of Family Life/Elder M!tt M!cCo""$- Pastor of Mens/College/Elder
Lay Elders C&(c< Moore Te, Ferr7
)dministration and Staff #lease see our Mission Doards in the foyer for current active missionaries. Ro- Gro.e' Administrator
?e-- E""$ott -ffice taff LUKE Part 4 Luke 1:26-38 Gabriels Top Ten
Presented by Pastor !ustin Greene "#tober 26$ 2%14
Without a doubt we could spend our lives searching the literature of the world for a story as beautiful as that of the Nativity and never find it. The narrative of Christs birth is especially piercing because it is true, being firmly fixed in history with an actual place and real people. It began for Christs mother with the nnunciation, which in itself is a story of singular beauty and wonder firmly situated in human life.
The setting for the nnunciation drew ama!ement from first"century #ewish readers because $abriel ignored #udea, the heartland of $ods wor% through the centuries, and came to $alilee, a land that was the sub&ect of abiding #ewish contempt because of its mongreli!ed population ...
...'artin (uther remar%ed, )*e might have gone to #erusalem and pic%ed out Caiaphas daughter, who was fair, rich, clad in gold embroidered raiment and attended by a retinue of maids in waiting. +ut $od preferred a lowly maid from a mean town., nd if the Incarnation happened today, it would be the same. The (ord would not be born in #erusalem or -ome or $eneva or Canterbury, but on the ordinary streets of some nameless town.
s we study the nnunciation, we must accept the essential spiritual fact of the Incarnation and the gospel. the (ord comes to needy people / those who reali!e that without him they cannot ma%e it / those who ac%nowledge their wea%ness and spiritual lac%. The Incarnation, salvation, resurrection, Christmas are not for the proud and self"sufficient.
s we follow the course of the nnunciation, we will catch the pulse of the virgins heart because Mary is a model for those who experience the birth of the Savior in their lives. 1
TE+ T*UT,-$ ' *E'L./'T."+ '+) ' *E-ULT
PE*-"+'L T*UT,
0ou have found 0a1or with $od. 'ary re#ei1e2 grace, she does not 2ispense grace.
0ou will #on#ei1e. 'ary was a 1ir3in4
This was a fact... That 0ul0ille2 1ld Testament prophecy (Isaiah 7:14.
That is assu5e2 in the New Testament (Matthew 1:!!"!#$ Mar% &:#$ 'ohn (:41$ )alatians 4:4.
+ear -on. The *oly 2pirit will o1ers6a2o7 you.
T,E"L"G.('L T*UT,
0ou shall name *im !esus.
*e will be 3reat. 3sed 4in this way5 only of $od.
*e will sit on the T6rone of )a1i2 ... 8ore1er4
8"U+)'T."+'L T*UT,
*e will be a #6il2 ... 0ull9 5an.
*e will be *oly ... completely 2e2i#ate2$ separate:
*e will be the )2on of $od, ... 0ull9 Go2.
' *E'L./'T."+
If this is true ... not6in3 is i5possible with $od.
' *E-ULT
'arys response. )I am your bon2 sla1e.,
Ta%e my life ... Its ;ours.
1 *reachin+ the ,ord- ./%e 0ol/me 1ne 2hat 3o/ May 4now the 2r/th, -. 6ent *ughes, Copyright 7889 by 6ent *ughes.
Name Phone # ## #: Email: Check a box to indicate which activities you would like to help with! Friday October 31 5:00-6:30 PM
Open your trunk and pass out candy Run games Help set up Help tear down Donate candy Pray that Christ would be gloriied through this e!ent
"nterested in helping make our irst Trunk R Treat a smashing success# $ign up below and drop this orm in a gi!ing bo%& Trunk R Treat Volunteers
Name Phone # ## #: Email: Check a box to indicate which activities you would like to help with! Friday October 31 5:00-6:30 PM
Open your trunk and pass out candy Run games Help set up Help tear down Donate candy Pray that Christ would be gloriied through this e!ent
"nterested in helping make our irst Trunk R Treat a smashing success# $ign up below and drop this orm in a gi!ing bo%& Trunk R Treat Volunteers Pee Wee Christmas Choir Rehearsals Ages 3-Kindergarten
Practices begin next Sunday, November 2 at 10:30 AM in oom 20!" #$ese re$earsa%s &i%% continue t$roug$ t$e mont$ o' November" Production dates are (ecember ) and *" +uestions, -ontact .essica /reen&ood or t$e c$urc$ o''ice" Pee Wee Christmas Choir Rehearsals Ages 3-Kindergarten
Practices begin next Sunday, November 2 at 10:30 AM in oom 20!" #$ese re$earsa%s &i%% continue t$roug$ t$e mont$ o' November" Production dates are (ecember ) and *" +uestions, -ontact .essica /reen&ood or t$e c$urc$ o''ice" lf yOu Ol yOul ChllU WOulU llkC IO OC O3Il2CU lC38C COnlCIC IhC fOln OClOW 3nU l3CC ln 3ny OffCllnQ OOx. A lC-O3Il8n Cl388 Wlll OC hClU On Thul8U3y, NOvCnOCl 13 3I 7PM. lf yOu h3vC uC8IlOn8, lC38C COnI3CI IhC ChulCh OfflCC. Th3nk yOu!
PCl8On IO OC O3Il2CU ____________________________________ PhOnC _____________________ lf 3 nlnOl, lC38C ll8I 3lCnI'8 n3nC ___________________________________________________ November 16 at 6:00 PM November 16 at 6:00 PM lf yOu Ol yOul ChllU WOulU llkC IO OC O3Il2CU lC38C COnlCIC IhC fOln OClOW 3nU l3CC ln 3ny OffCllnQ OOx. A lC-O3Il8n Cl388 Wlll OC hClU On Thul8U3y, NOvCnOCl 13 3I 7PM. lf yOu h3vC uC8IlOn8, lC38C COnI3CI IhC ChulCh OfflCC. Th3nk yOu!
Are The Muslim Rulers of Today Taghoot Due To Their Tabdeel (Changing The Shariah), Istibdaal (Replacing The Shariah) or Their Ruling by Other Than What Allah Has Revealed