This document provides a table of contents for a report with 7 chapters covering various topics related to banking operations. The chapters will discuss the background, functions, strategy, goals and structure of a bank and branch. They will also cover topics like loans and advances, general banking, foreign exchange, international banking and conclusions. Tables and figures listed will provide additional data on loans, deposits, branch performance and classified loans to support the discussions in the chapters.
This document provides a table of contents for a report with 7 chapters covering various topics related to banking operations. The chapters will discuss the background, functions, strategy, goals and structure of a bank and branch. They will also cover topics like loans and advances, general banking, foreign exchange, international banking and conclusions. Tables and figures listed will provide additional data on loans, deposits, branch performance and classified loans to support the discussions in the chapters.
This document provides a table of contents for a report with 7 chapters covering various topics related to banking operations. The chapters will discuss the background, functions, strategy, goals and structure of a bank and branch. They will also cover topics like loans and advances, general banking, foreign exchange, international banking and conclusions. Tables and figures listed will provide additional data on loans, deposits, branch performance and classified loans to support the discussions in the chapters.
This document provides a table of contents for a report with 7 chapters covering various topics related to banking operations. The chapters will discuss the background, functions, strategy, goals and structure of a bank and branch. They will also cover topics like loans and advances, general banking, foreign exchange, international banking and conclusions. Tables and figures listed will provide additional data on loans, deposits, branch performance and classified loans to support the discussions in the chapters.
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Letter of Transmittal iii
Acknowledgement iv-v Table of Contents vi-ix Acronyms x Chapter Two : Introduction 1-4 1.1 Background of the e!ort " 1." #b$ectives of the e!ort " 1.% ðodology of the e!ort " 1.' Limitations of the (tudy ) 1.* #rgani+ation of the e!ort % Chapter Two : Overview of the Bank & Branch 5-16 ".1 Background information * "." &ain ,unctions * ".) Cor!orate (trategy - ".% #rgani+ational .oals - ".' #rgani+ational (tructure - ".* esources and Ca!abilities / ".- &onerary0 ,inancial esources 11 ".2 3uman esources 11 "./ 4rogress at a glance 1" ".11 Brief descri!tion of &ir!ur Branch 1' ".11 4erformance of &ir!ur Branch 1* Chapter Three : Loans & dvances !epart"ent 1#-45 ).1 5ntroduction 1/ )." Credit !olicy of BA(5C Bank Limited "1 ).) Loans and Advances offered by BA(5C Bank with little elaboration "* ).% .eneral !rocedure for loans 6 advances "- ).%.1 ,irst 5nformation (heet "- ).%." A!!lication for Credit Line "2 ).%.) Collecting C5B re!ort from Bangladesh Bank "2 ).%.% &aking credit line !ro!osal )1 ).%.' 4ro$ect a!!raisal )1 Techni7ues of !ro$ect a!!raisal )1 Technical 8iability )1 Commercial 8iability )" ,inancial 8iability )" 9conomic 8iability )* ).%.* A!!roval of 3ead #ffice )* ).%.- (anction Letter )- ).%.2 :ocumentation )- &odes of charging securities )2 Common documents )/ Category wise other documents )/ ).%./ :isbursement %" ).%.11 ,ollow u! %" ).%.11 ecovery %" Loan classification %) 4rovision %% Legal framework %% ).' .uarantee %% Bid bond guarantee %% 4erformance .uarantee %% Advance 4ayment .uarantee %' Chapter $our : %enera& Bankin' !epart"ent 46-(6 %.1 5ntroduction %- 4)1 ccounts Openin' *ection 4( %.1.1 Ty!es of Accounts with Terms 6 Conditions %- (avings Bank Account %2 Current Account %2 (ort Term :e!osit ;(T:< Account %/ %.1." Common formalities re7uired for every account '1 %.1.) :ocuments re7uired for each Account se!arately '1 %.1.% 5ssuing Che7ue book '" %.1.' Account 9n7uiry ') %.1.* Transfer of Account ') %.1.- Closing of Account ') 4)+ $!, and nci&&ar- *ervices *ection 54 %.".1 ,ixed :e!osit ecei!t ;,:< '% %."." (anchay!atra '* %.".) Locker (ervice '- 4). Loca& ,e"ittance *ection 5# %.).1 4ay #rder ;4#< '2 %.)." :emand :raft ;::< *1 %.).) Telegra!hic Transfer ;TT< *) %.).% Call :e!osit ecei!t ;C:< *' 4)4 Co&&ection and C&earin' 66 %.%.1 Collection ** eceiving checks for collection *- Ty!es of bills for collection *- A. #utward bills for collection *- B. 5nwards bills for collection */ %.%." Clearing -1 Ty!es of checks for clearing -1 A. 5nward Clearing Bills -1 B. #utward Clearing Bills -1 4)5 Cash *ection (+ %.'.1 Cash ecei!t -" %.'." Cash 4ayment -) 4)6 ccounts *ection (5 %.*.1 :etails of (tatements -' Chapter $ive : $orei'n /0chan'e !epart"ent ((-111 5ntroduction -2 Background of Bank=s involvement -2 '.1 I"port *ection -/-/1 '.1.1 Letter of Credit -/ Ty!es of L0C -/ 4arties to L0C -/ >ecessity of L0C for 5m!orting goods 21 '.1." 5m!ort 4rocedure 21 '.1.) 5m!ort &echanism 21 '.1.% 5m!orters A!!lication for L0C Limit 21 '.1.' L0C A!!lication 2" '.1.* (crutiny of L0C A!!lication 2" '.1.- Amendment of L0C 2% '.1.2 Advising the im!ort L0C 2' '.1./ Adding Confirmation 2' '.1.11 4resentation of :ocuments 2* '.1.11 (crutiny of :ocuments 2* '.1.1" Lodgment of :ocuments 22 '.1.1) etirement of the :ocuments 2/ '.1.1% 4ayment 4rocedure of 5m!ort :ocuments 2/ '.1.1' Loan Against Trust ecei!t /1 5)+ /0port *ection 21-111 5)+)1 Back to Back L3C 21 '.".1.1 :ocuments e7uired for #!ening a Back to Back L0C /" '.".1." ?ey check !oints in &aster L0C /" '.".1.) 4ayment of Back to Back L0C /) '.".1.% e!orting to Bangladesh Bank /% 5)+)+ /0port Letter of Credit 24 '.".".1 ,ormalities re7uired for 9x!ort L0C /' '."."." 4rocedure for ,:B4 /- '.".".) ,oreign :ocumentary Bills for collection /- '.".".% 5nland L0C /2 '.".".' &odes of 4ayment of 9x!ort Bills // '.".".* Advising L0C 111 '.".".- Test ?ey Arrangement 111 Chapter *i0 : Internationa& !epart"ent 111-116 5ntroduction 11" #rganogram of 5: 11" '.1 9xchange ate in ,oreign 9xchange Transactions 11" '.1.1 (@5,T #!eration in BA(5C Bank Limited 11' Chapter *even : Conc&usion 11(-# Conclusion 112 Bi4&io'raph-
List of Ta4&es Ta4&e no) Tit&e 5a'e Ta4&e 6o) Title 4age 1)1 (howing Aob otation during orientation !eriod ) +)1 (howing !rogress at a glance 1" +)+ #ut-standing !osition of loans 6 advances of BA(5C 1) +). Bear wise !osition of classified advance 1% +)4 4erformance of &ir!ur Branch 1* +)5 :e!osit mix of &ir!ur Branch 1* +)6 Branch=s foreign exchange !osition 1* +)( #ut-standing !osition of loans 6 advances of &ir!ur Branch 1- .)1 (howing loans 6 Advances offered by BA(5C Bank ltd. ") .)+ (howing different ty!es of Lending offered by BA(5C with revised interest rate "' .). ,inancial ratio wise normal standard values )% .)4 Category wise loan classification %) 4)1 9xercise duties a!!licable for all kinds of de!osits ') 4)+ 4re-mature encashment of ,: '* 4). :ifferent ty!es of shanchay!atras '- 4)4 Locker service at a glance '2 4)5 (howing different ty!es of statements !re!ared by the Br. -' 5)1 (howing accounting treatment the time of L0C o!ening 2% List of Charts $i'ure 6o) Tit&e 5a'e $i'ure 1)1 :uration of works in different de!artments ) $i'ure 6)1 Com!arison of BA(5C Bank in 1/// and "111 2/ $i'ure 6)+ Bearwise 4osition of Classified Advance of BA(5C Bank Limited. 2/