Table of Cotents

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Letter of Transmittal iii

Acknowledgement iv-v
Table of Contents vi-ix
Acronyms x
Chapter Two : Introduction 1-4
1.1 Background of the e!ort "
1." #b$ectives of the e!ort "
1.% &ethodology of the e!ort "
1.' Limitations of the (tudy )
1.* #rgani+ation of the e!ort %
Chapter Two : Overview of the Bank & Branch 5-16
".1 Background information *
"." &ain ,unctions *
".) Cor!orate (trategy -
".% #rgani+ational .oals -
".' #rgani+ational (tructure -
".* esources and Ca!abilities /
".- &onerary0 ,inancial esources 11
".2 3uman esources 11
"./ 4rogress at a glance 1"
".11 Brief descri!tion of &ir!ur Branch 1'
".11 4erformance of &ir!ur Branch 1*
Chapter Three : Loans & dvances !epart"ent 1#-45
).1 5ntroduction 1/
)." Credit !olicy of BA(5C Bank Limited "1
).) Loans and Advances offered by BA(5C Bank with little
).% .eneral !rocedure for loans 6 advances "-
).%.1 ,irst 5nformation (heet "-
).%." A!!lication for Credit Line "2
).%.) Collecting C5B re!ort from Bangladesh Bank "2
).%.% &aking credit line !ro!osal )1
).%.' 4ro$ect a!!raisal )1
Techni7ues of !ro$ect a!!raisal )1
Technical 8iability )1
Commercial 8iability )"
,inancial 8iability )"
9conomic 8iability )*
).%.* A!!roval of 3ead #ffice )*
).%.- (anction Letter )-
).%.2 :ocumentation )-
&odes of charging securities )2
Common documents )/
Category wise other documents )/
).%./ :isbursement %"
).%.11 ,ollow u! %"
).%.11 ecovery %"
Loan classification %)
4rovision %%
Legal framework %%
).' .uarantee %%
Bid bond guarantee %%
4erformance .uarantee %%
Advance 4ayment .uarantee %'
Chapter $our : %enera& Bankin' !epart"ent 46-(6
%.1 5ntroduction %-
4)1 ccounts Openin' *ection 4(
%.1.1 Ty!es of Accounts with Terms 6 Conditions %-
(avings Bank Account %2
Current Account %2
(ort Term :e!osit ;(T:< Account %/
%.1." Common formalities re7uired for every account '1
%.1.) :ocuments re7uired for each Account se!arately '1
%.1.% 5ssuing Che7ue book '"
%.1.' Account 9n7uiry ')
%.1.* Transfer of Account ')
%.1.- Closing of Account ')
4)+ $!, and nci&&ar- *ervices *ection 54
%.".1 ,ixed :e!osit ecei!t ;,:< '%
%."." (anchay!atra '*
%.".) Locker (ervice '-
4). Loca& ,e"ittance *ection 5#
%.).1 4ay #rder ;4#< '2
%.)." :emand :raft ;::< *1
%.).) Telegra!hic Transfer ;TT< *)
%.).% Call :e!osit ecei!t ;C:< *'
4)4 Co&&ection and C&earin' 66
%.%.1 Collection **
eceiving checks for collection *-
Ty!es of bills for collection *-
A. #utward bills for collection *-
B. 5nwards bills for collection */
%.%." Clearing -1
Ty!es of checks for clearing -1
A. 5nward Clearing Bills -1
B. #utward Clearing Bills -1
4)5 Cash *ection (+
%.'.1 Cash ecei!t -"
%.'." Cash 4ayment -)
4)6 ccounts *ection (5
%.*.1 :etails of (tatements -'
Chapter $ive : $orei'n /0chan'e !epart"ent ((-111
5ntroduction -2
Background of Bank=s involvement -2
'.1 I"port *ection -/-/1
'.1.1 Letter of Credit -/
Ty!es of L0C -/
4arties to L0C -/
>ecessity of L0C for 5m!orting goods 21
'.1." 5m!ort 4rocedure 21
'.1.) 5m!ort &echanism 21
'.1.% 5m!orters A!!lication for L0C Limit 21
'.1.' L0C A!!lication 2"
'.1.* (crutiny of L0C A!!lication 2"
'.1.- Amendment of L0C 2%
'.1.2 Advising the im!ort L0C 2'
'.1./ Adding Confirmation 2'
'.1.11 4resentation of :ocuments 2*
'.1.11 (crutiny of :ocuments 2*
'.1.1" Lodgment of :ocuments 22
'.1.1) etirement of the :ocuments 2/
'.1.1% 4ayment 4rocedure of 5m!ort :ocuments 2/
'.1.1' Loan Against Trust ecei!t /1
5)+ /0port *ection 21-111
5)+)1 Back to Back L3C 21
'.".1.1 :ocuments e7uired for #!ening a Back to Back L0C /"
'.".1." ?ey check !oints in &aster L0C /"
'.".1.) 4ayment of Back to Back L0C /)
'.".1.% e!orting to Bangladesh Bank /%
5)+)+ /0port Letter of Credit 24
'.".".1 ,ormalities re7uired for 9x!ort L0C /'
'."."." 4rocedure for ,:B4 /-
'.".".) ,oreign :ocumentary Bills for collection /-
'.".".% 5nland L0C /2
'.".".' &odes of 4ayment of 9x!ort Bills //
'.".".* Advising L0C 111
'.".".- Test ?ey Arrangement 111
Chapter *i0 : Internationa& !epart"ent 111-116
5ntroduction 11"
#rganogram of 5: 11"
'.1 9xchange ate in ,oreign 9xchange Transactions 11"
'.1.1 (@5,T #!eration in BA(5C Bank Limited 11'
Chapter *even : Conc&usion 11(-#
Conclusion 112

List of Ta4&es
Ta4&e no) Tit&e 5a'e
Ta4&e 6o) Title 4age
1)1 (howing Aob otation during orientation !eriod )
+)1 (howing !rogress at a glance 1"
+)+ #ut-standing !osition of loans 6 advances of BA(5C 1)
+). Bear wise !osition of classified advance 1%
+)4 4erformance of &ir!ur Branch 1*
+)5 :e!osit mix of &ir!ur Branch 1*
+)6 Branch=s foreign exchange !osition 1*
+)( #ut-standing !osition of loans 6 advances of &ir!ur
.)1 (howing loans 6 Advances offered by BA(5C Bank ltd. ")
.)+ (howing different ty!es of Lending offered by BA(5C
with revised interest rate
.). ,inancial ratio wise normal standard values )%
.)4 Category wise loan classification %)
4)1 9xercise duties a!!licable for all kinds of de!osits ')
4)+ 4re-mature encashment of ,: '*
4). :ifferent ty!es of shanchay!atras '-
4)4 Locker service at a glance '2
4)5 (howing different ty!es of statements !re!ared by the
5)1 (howing accounting treatment the time of L0C o!ening 2%
List of Charts
$i'ure 6o) Tit&e
$i'ure 1)1 :uration of works in different de!artments )
$i'ure 6)1 Com!arison of BA(5C Bank in 1/// and "111 2/
$i'ure 6)+ Bearwise 4osition of Classified Advance of BA(5C Bank

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