1. The author is submitting a report on their practical experience working at BASIC Bank to fulfill the requirements of their MBA program.
2. The report is based on their exposure in the General Banking, Loans and Advances, and Foreign Exchange departments of BASIC Bank.
3. While BASIC Bank is a state-owned commercial bank, its performance is praiseworthy in diversifying credit mobilization and reducing classified loans, unlike most other nationalized commercial banks in Bangladesh.
1. The author is submitting a report on their practical experience working at BASIC Bank to fulfill the requirements of their MBA program.
2. The report is based on their exposure in the General Banking, Loans and Advances, and Foreign Exchange departments of BASIC Bank.
3. While BASIC Bank is a state-owned commercial bank, its performance is praiseworthy in diversifying credit mobilization and reducing classified loans, unlike most other nationalized commercial banks in Bangladesh.
1. The author is submitting a report on their practical experience working at BASIC Bank to fulfill the requirements of their MBA program.
2. The report is based on their exposure in the General Banking, Loans and Advances, and Foreign Exchange departments of BASIC Bank.
3. While BASIC Bank is a state-owned commercial bank, its performance is praiseworthy in diversifying credit mobilization and reducing classified loans, unlike most other nationalized commercial banks in Bangladesh.
1. The author is submitting a report on their practical experience working at BASIC Bank to fulfill the requirements of their MBA program.
2. The report is based on their exposure in the General Banking, Loans and Advances, and Foreign Exchange departments of BASIC Bank.
3. While BASIC Bank is a state-owned commercial bank, its performance is praiseworthy in diversifying credit mobilization and reducing classified loans, unlike most other nationalized commercial banks in Bangladesh.
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December 22, 2003
Mr. Shahriar Khan
In-Charge Placement Center American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB Bonani, Dha!a Dear "ir "#b$ect% &etter o' (ransmittal n connection )ith my 3*+ years )or!ing e,-erience in BA"IC Ban! &td*, I )o#ld li!e to s#bmit my re-ort to '#l'ill the re.#irement o' /BA -rogram 'or yo#r !ind -er#sal* I have -re-ared this re-ort on the basis o' my -ractical e,-os#re both at Dha!a 0P1 Branch and 2ead 3''ice in 4eneral Ban!ing, &oans 5 Advances, and 6oreign 0,change De-artments o' BA"IC Ban! &td* It is a great -leas#re 'or me to -resent yo# this re-ort #nder the head o' 7Practical 3rientation in Ban!s8* BA"IC Ban! -rovides vario#s ban!ing 'acilities #nder the a'oresaid de-artments* Altho#gh BA"IC is a state-o)ned sched#le ban!, its -er'ormance is a--raising in res-ect o' diversi'ied credit mobili9ation and red#ced classi'ied loans* :eedless to mention, most :ationali9ed Commercial Ban!s (:CB8s are 'acing ac#te -roblems o' the same* I )ill be very glad i' the re-ort can serve its act#al -#r-ose* ;ith best regards <o#rs 'aith'#lly =han :#shrat Ansar /BA Program (2>/ ID ? 00-@0A0@-3 American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB Bonani, Dha!a BIB/, Dha!a* December 2@, 2002 (he Director Center 'or Post 4rad#ate "t#dies (CP4" Bangladesh Instit#te o' Ban! /anagement (BIB/ Dha!a-A2A+ Dear "ir, "#b$ect% &etter o' (ransmittal In connection o' my -ractical orientation in BA"IC Ban! &td*, I )o#ld li!e to s#bmit my re-ort to yo# 'or yo#r -er#sal* I have -re-ared this re-ort on the basis o' my -ractical e,-os#re both at /ir-#r Branch and 2ead 3''ice in 4eneral Ban!ing, &oans 5 Advances, and 6oreign 0,change De-artments o' BA"IC Ban! &td* It is a great -leas#re 'or me to -resent yo# this re-ort #nder the head o' 7Practical 3rientation in Ban!s8* BA"IC Ban! -rovides vario#s ban!ing 'acilities #nder the a'oresaid de-artments* Altho#gh BA"IC is a state-o)ned commercial ban!, its -er'ormance is a--raising in res-ect o' diversi'ied credit mobili9ation and red#ced classi'ied loans* :eedless to mention, most :ationali9ed Commercial Ban!s (:CB8s are 'acing ac#te -roblems o' the same* I )ill be very glad i' the re-ort can serve its act#al -#r-ose and I am ready to e,-lain anything to yo# i' yo# 'eel necessary* <o#rs sincerely, (/ohammod 2ossain /B/ + th batch >oll :o-+022B BIB/, Dha!a*