Letter of Transmittal

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December 22, 2003

Mr. Shahriar Khan

Placement Center
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB
Bonani, Dha!a
Dear "ir
"#b$ect% &etter o' (ransmittal
n connection )ith my 3*+ years )or!ing e,-erience in BA"IC Ban! &td*, I
)o#ld li!e to s#bmit my re-ort to '#l'ill the re.#irement o' /BA -rogram 'or
yo#r !ind -er#sal*
I have -re-ared this re-ort on the basis o' my -ractical e,-os#re both at
Dha!a 0P1 Branch and 2ead 3''ice in 4eneral Ban!ing, &oans 5 Advances,
and 6oreign 0,change De-artments o' BA"IC Ban! &td* It is a great -leas#re
'or me to -resent yo# this re-ort #nder the head o' 7Practical 3rientation in
BA"IC Ban! -rovides vario#s ban!ing 'acilities #nder the a'oresaid
de-artments* Altho#gh BA"IC is a state-o)ned sched#le ban!, its
-er'ormance is a--raising in res-ect o' diversi'ied credit mobili9ation and
red#ced classi'ied loans* :eedless to mention, most :ationali9ed Commercial
Ban!s (:CB8s are 'acing ac#te -roblems o' the same*
I )ill be very glad i' the re-ort can serve its act#al -#r-ose*
;ith best regards
<o#rs 'aith'#lly
=han :#shrat Ansar
/BA Program (2>/
ID ? 00-@0A0@-3
American International
University-Bangladesh (AIUB
Bonani, Dha!a
BIB/, Dha!a*
December 2@, 2002
(he Director
Center 'or Post 4rad#ate "t#dies (CP4"
Bangladesh Instit#te o' Ban! /anagement (BIB/
Dear "ir,
"#b$ect% &etter o' (ransmittal
In connection o' my -ractical orientation in BA"IC Ban! &td*, I )o#ld li!e to
s#bmit my re-ort to yo# 'or yo#r -er#sal*
I have -re-ared this re-ort on the basis o' my -ractical e,-os#re both at
/ir-#r Branch and 2ead 3''ice in 4eneral Ban!ing, &oans 5 Advances, and
6oreign 0,change De-artments o' BA"IC Ban! &td* It is a great -leas#re 'or
me to -resent yo# this re-ort #nder the head o' 7Practical 3rientation in
BA"IC Ban! -rovides vario#s ban!ing 'acilities #nder the a'oresaid
de-artments* Altho#gh BA"IC is a state-o)ned commercial ban!, its
-er'ormance is a--raising in res-ect o' diversi'ied credit mobili9ation and
red#ced classi'ied loans* :eedless to mention, most :ationali9ed Commercial
Ban!s (:CB8s are 'acing ac#te -roblems o' the same*
I )ill be very glad i' the re-ort can serve its act#al -#r-ose and I am ready to
e,-lain anything to yo# i' yo# 'eel necessary*
<o#rs sincerely,
(/ohammod 2ossain
/B/ +
>oll :o-+022B
BIB/, Dha!a*

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