1.1 Back Ground of The Report

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Introduction BASIC Bank Ltd.

1.1 Back Ground of the Report:
Banking system occupies an important place in a nations economy. A banking
institution is indispensable in a modern society. It plays a pivotal role in the economic
development of a country and forms the core of the money market in an advanced
country. In recent times the banking sector over the world has been undergoing a lot of
changes due to deregulation, technological innovation, globalization etc. Bangladesh
banking sector is lagging for behind in adopting these changes. To thrive well in this
changing environment, not only development of appropriate infrastructure is necessary
but also infusion of professionalism in to banking service is essential.
To fulfill the reuirements of !BA program under American International "niversity #
Bangladesh I have prepared this report on BA$I% Bank &imited and their modern
banking operation where I have been working from 'anuary ())).
1.2 Objectie! of the Report:
The prime ob*ectives are #
To fulfill the course reuirement of !BA +rogram,
To acuaint with day#to#day functioning of service oriented banking business,
To have practical e-posure in banks that helps a lot to understand the future
courses of the program.
1." #ethodo$o%& of the !tud&:
!ethodology includes direct observation, face.to.face discussion with employees of
different departments, study of files, circulars, etc. and practical work /-perience with
BA$I% Bank &imited. In preparing this report, both primary and secondary sources of
information have been used.
0or collecting primary data, I had to ask the respective officer 1s2. 3thers are like .
4irect communication with the clients,
/-posure on different desk of the bank,
0ile study.
Introduction BASIC Bank Ltd.
The secondary sources are #
Annual 5eport of BA$I% Bank &td.,
+eriodicals published by the Bangladesh Bank,
4ifferent publications regarding banking functions, foreign e-change operation,
and credit policies.
I have covered both head office and 4haka /+6 branch of BA$I% Bank. But the body
of the report is prepared in the light of the branch. 3nly International 4epartment 1I42
and pro*ect proposal appraisal part is covered in the 7ead 3ffice.
1.' (i)itation! of the !tud&:
4espite all out co.ordination from the bank officials, I faced some
limitations. The notable some of these are as under8
&earning and gathering all the banking functions at a time *ust really tough.
Another limitation of this report is Banks policy of not disclosing some data and
information for obvious reason, which could be very much useful.
1.* Or%ani+ation of the Report:
This report is mainly divided into two 1(2 broad parts. ,art One has two chapters.
These are as follows.
Chapter-1 covers with background, ob*ectives, methodology and limitations of the
Chapter-2 is concentrated on overview of the bank as well as the branch and also
their performance analysis.
Introduction BASIC Bank Ltd.
+art Two contains practical e-periences gathered during the orientation program. It is
again divided into three chapters. These are as follows.
%hapter "- includes 0oreign /-change 4epartment. 5eport is prepared in the light of
4/+6 branchs foreign e-change dealings
Chapter '- contains 9eneral Banking operations, observed in the 4/+6 Branch.
%hapter .- includes %redit 4epartment. /-periences cited in the light of both Branch
and 7ead 3ffice operations of loans and advances.
And %hapter /- consists of %onclusion and Bibliography.

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