Xq5200 Solar Taurus 60, T7300S: Natural Gas Solonox Low Emission Industrial Turbine
Xq5200 Solar Taurus 60, T7300S: Natural Gas Solonox Low Emission Industrial Turbine
Xq5200 Solar Taurus 60, T7300S: Natural Gas Solonox Low Emission Industrial Turbine
5.2 MW Mobile Power Unit
Technical escri!tion
Natural Gas SoLoNox Low Emission Industrial Turbine
Turbine Generator Set Module (Basic Package):
The Taurus 60 Industrial Power Generator (PG) is a comact! rugged gas turbine
generator set that has been designed to meet the re"uirements #or industrial ower
generation alications$ The gas turbine engine! gearbo%! generator! control s&stem! #uel
s&stem! lubrication s&stem! start s&stem! and ancillar& e"uiment are included in the
'eatures included in this roosal are:
Base. The base ro(ides structural suort #or the Taurus 60 gas turbine engine! gear
bo%! generator! enclosure! and all oerating s&stems$ The base is manu#actured b& Solar
using structural steel with welds er )*S +,$,$
+ri ans are welded beneath the ackage #rame to collect otential li"uid sills$ The
dri ans also ro(ide a tight seal #or containment o# #ire suression agent$
Piping. )ll tubing and iing u to - inches nominal diameter is stainless steel$ Package
iing is designed and #abricated to ).SI B/,$/$
Tube Fittings. )ll tube connections use comression #ittings$ Tube #ittings are 0inc
lated carbon steel$
Note: Throughout the proposal, all references to the package orientation (left, right,
clockwise, counterclockwise, etc.) are based on standing at the "aft" (e.g. turbine
exhaust) end of the package looking forward.
Electrical System. The Taurus 60 IPG generator set is designed to coml& with the
re"uirements o# the .ational 1lectrical 2ode and is intended to be installed in a non3
ha0ardous location er .'P) /4$
5nless otherwise noted ackage motors and heaters are rated #or -00 6ac! 70 8ert0! /
hase$ 5nless otherwise noted single hase loads are rated #or 990 6ac! 70 8ert0$
The Taurus 60 gas turbine engine is a single sha#t a%ial #low engine$ The outut gearbo%!
including accessor& dri(e ads! is a searate! close3couled unit located at the inlet end o#
the turbine$
The engine assembl& consists o#:
Gear unit with accessor& dri(e ads
)ir inlet collector with #le%ible #lange connection
)%iall& slit case in the (ertical lane! twel(e3stage a%ial #low comressor with
(ariable geometr& control on inlet guide (anes and #irst three rows o# stators
)nnular combustor with ,9 #uel in:ectors
Three3stage turbine assembl&
Turbine e%haust collector
The comonents o# the Taurus 60 engine are maintained in accurate alignment b& mating
#langes with ilot sur#aces and are bolted together to #orm a rigid assembl&$ The seed
reducing gear bo% is dri(en b& the comressor rotor sha#t$ )ccessor& ads dri(e the main
lube oil um and other accessories! deending on the alication! and suorts the
starter motor$
The gas turbine outut sha#t is mechanicall& couled to both the comressor and turbine
sections o# the engine to #orm a ;solid; or ;single; sha#t con#iguration$ This #eature
enhances seed stabilit& and resonse under constant and (ar&ing load conditions 33 a
highl& desirable #eature in generator alications re"uiring recise #re"uenc& control$
The speed-reducing gearbox is an epicyclic star-gear industrial design
manufactured by Solar specifically for the Taurus 60 PG generator. The gearbox
mounts directly on the Taurus 60 gas turbine to reduce engine speed to 1500
rpm 50 !"#.
3 Salient Pole! / Phase Generator with the #ollow characteristics:
Rating. The generator is rated er .1M) standards so that the generator will not limit
turbine er#ormance o(er the range o# site ambient temeratures$ Generator standard
#eatures include:
Slee(e Bearings with ressure #ed sums
Si%3lead *<1 connection
Terminal bo%
'orm wound stator windings
+amer windings
=otor balance to ,97> rated seed
Permanent magnet ilot e%citer
)nti3condensation sace heaters
/00> short circuit caabilit& #or ,0 seconds
?(erload caacit& er .1M):
,70> rated current #or , minute
,,0> #or 9 hours
"#ltage Regulat#r C$aracteristics
Solid state
Single3hase sensing
@,0> (oltage ad:ustment range
0$7> stead& state (oltage regulation
=eacti(e load sharing to within 7> namelate rating
2rosscurrent comensation caabilit&
%a&e F#rm C$aracteristics
+e(iation 'actor Ama%imumB 6>
8armonic 2ontent Ama%imumB />
Telehone Inter#erence 'actor 70
Balanced =esidual 47
"#ltage Dri't. The change in (oltage will not e%ceed ,$0> o(er a /0 minute eriod
when the generator is oerating at rated (oltage and 0$C to ,$0 ower #actor and with a
constant load between no load and #ull rated load$
Generat#r C#nstructi#n. )n oen dri roo# generator er .1M) standards is
Generat#r "#ltage. The generator outut is ,,!000 (olt! / hase! 70 80$ Insulation
con#orms to .1M) class ' with class ' (,07
2) temerature rise$
The #uel s&stem! in con:unction with the electrical control s&stem! includes all necessar&
comonents to control the #uel ressure! to schedule #uel #low during start3u! and to
modulate #uel #low during oeration$
Natural Gas Fuel. ) s&stem caable o# oerating on natural gas is ro(ided with all
comonents necessar& to maintain turbine seed to ro(ide a constant generator outut
#re"uenc& andDor load deending on the generator set mode o# oeration$ SolarEs
Seci#ication 1S F3FC contains seci#ic re"uirements #or #uel and combustion air$
Natural Gas Fuel. The natural gas #uel s&stem includes:
Primar& #uel shuto## (al(e
Pilot3oerated secondar& #uel shuto## (al(e
1lectronic actuated #uel control (al(e
,03micron ilot gas #ilter
2omressor discharge ressure gauge
,9 #uel in:ector assemblies
6al(e check ressure switch
Gow gas #uel ressure alarm
8igh gas #uel ressure shutdown switch
Gas strainer
System Re+uirements
=e"uires a constant sul& o# gas at a ma%imum #low demand rate o# /9$9 nm
(,900 sc#m) at ,497 kPa gauge (970 sig) minimum and 9040 kPa gauge (/00 sig)
ma%imum ressure$ Gas #uel ressure is used to oerate the #uel s&stem ilot (al(e$
The gas #uel should be #ree o# sul#ur! contaminants! entrained water! and li"uid
Gas #uel must con#orm to SolarEs Seci#ication 1S F3FC
2S) and 2S).=TG 2erti#ication
) direct dri(e )2 motor is ro(ided to start the gas turbine engine$ ) (ariable #re"uenc&
dri(e A6'+B motor controller is included$ The control s&stem ro(ides all re"uired
se"uencing to "uickl& and reliabl& start the turbine$
) comlete lube oil s&stem suitable #or oeration with lube oil con#orming to SolarEs
Seci#ication 1S F399- is included$ The lube oil s&stem ro(ides oil to the bearings in
Taurus 60 gas turbine engine! gear bo% and generator$ Instrumentation! #low control and
on #rame iing are included$
*ain (ube il Pump. )n engine dri(en lube oil um is ro(ided with suction strainer$
Pre,P#st (ube Pump. ) 9 h (,$7 k*) )2 motor dri(en um is ro(ided to sul&
lube oil #low rior to start u and a#ter shutdown o# the gas turbine$
Post $ube %ac&up Pump. A 1.5 hp 1.1 !W" DC #$%$& '&()*+ p,#p (-
p&$)('*' %$ -,pp./ p$-% $p*&0%($+ .,1* $(. 2.$3 (+ %h* *)*+% $2 p$3*&
20(.,&*. P$3*& (- p&$)('*' 1/ 0 140 5'6 10%%*&/ -/-%*#.
Drain (ine Sig$t Glasses. Sight glasses are ro(ided on the drain lines #rom all gas
turbine! generator and gear bo% bearings$ .ote that some o# the gas turbine bearings ha(e
a common drain line$
(ube il Tan-. ) carbon steel lube oil tank is ro(ided integral with the ackage #rame$
Gube oil le(el indicator! #ill connection with inlet strainer and drain connections are
(ube il Tan- .eater. ) thermostaticall& controlled -$7 k* lube oil tank heater is
(ube il C##ler. )n airDoil lube oil cooler is ro(ided$ ) 73h (/$4 k*) )2 motor
dri(es the #an$ The lube oil cooler is mounted on the Power 2ontrol =oom trailer$ Huick
+isconnect3Interconnect hoses between the Power 2ontrol =oom trailer and Turbine
trailer is included$
(ube il Type. Gube oil is included$ The lube oil comlies with Solar seci#ication 1S
F399-$ This ro:ect will be con#igured #or etroleum base oil! (iscosit& grade 2/9$
(ube il Filter$ ) simle% 7 micron oil #ilter is ro(ided with drain! #ill and (ent (al(es!
di##erential ressure alarm transmitter$
P(C BASED CNTR( S)STE* /0it$ 123 "DC Battery Supply45
SolarEs Turbotronic
control s&stem is ro(ided$ The Turbotronic control s&stem is a
highl& integrated rogrammable logic controller APG2B based control s&stem$ The
control s&stem is installed on the ackage #rame to minimi0e interconnect wiring$ The
control s&stem includes a microrocessor! remote communications modules! chassis
based and #le% inutDoutut modules! line s&nchroni0ation module! ower sulies and a
hardware backu shutdown s&stem$ The control s&stem ro(ides #or control o# all hases
o# ackage oeration to include start and shutdown se"uencing! normal oeration! and
mal#unction shutdown$
(#cal Display$ The control s&stem is installed on the ackage #rame in weather roo#
enclosures$ ) digital control anel A+2PB with all necessar& switches and indicators is
ro(ided$ In addition to disla& o# ;#irst out; mal#unctions! the +2P can disla&:
S&stem summar&Dnormal running data
S&stem status
+igital disla& o# engine and generator arameters
)larms and Shutdowns
Au6ible Alarm. )n audible alarm horn is ro(ided to sound whene(er the unit has an
alarm or shutdown condition$ ) horn silence ush button is mounted on the #ace o# the
control anel$
"ibrati#n *#nit#ring. 6ibration monitoring is ro(ided to include three ro%imit&
robes! one er bearing! on the engine$ ?ne accelerometer is ro(ided with the gearbo%$
Two (elocit& transducers! one er bearing are ro(ided with the generator$ Preset
warning indications and mal#unction shutdown initiations are ro(ided$
Temperature *#nit#ring. Temerature monitoring is ro(ided to include the engine
thrust bearing! lube oil header! generator bearings and stator windings$ Preset warning
indications and mal#unction shutdown initiations are ro(ided$ )mbient! lube oil tank
and enclosure temeratures are also monitored$
Integrated monitoring and control o# the generator is ro(ided using a seciall& designed
module in the PG2 to recei(e inut data #rom otential and current trans#ormers$ The
s&stem calculates real and reacti(e ower! ower #actor and the (ariables re"uired #or
Aut#matic Sync$r#ni7ing. )n automatic s&nchroni0er is ro(ided with the control
s&stem to automaticall& s&nchroni0e the unit to the bus through ush3button control on
the digital control anel A+2PB or b& receit o# an aroriate remote signal$ ) s&nch
check rela& is ro(ided as an additional ermissi(e and #or backu rotection$
*#t#ri7e6 "#ltage A68ust. =aiseDlower (oltage ush button control is ro(ided on the
digital control anel to control a motori0ed otentiometer #or (oltage control$ )n
raiseDlower switch! sulied b& others! ma& be used to control (oltage #rom a remote
9% C#ntr#ller. ) k* controller is ro(ided to control the real load (k*) on the
set while oerating in arallel with a utilit& or other large source$ The k* controller
monitors the load carried b& the generator set and ad:usts the turbineEs #uel #low to
maintain a constant load as lant load changes$ Protection against e%cessi(e k* load
while in arallel with a large source is ro(ided b& the control s&stem ;T7; temerature
limiter$ The k* control s&stem ro(ides additional oerational #le%ibilit& b& allowing
unit k* load le(el to be set at an& desired le(el within the caacit& i# the unit$ The
kilowatt load le(el select switch and le(el ad:ustment is located on the digital control
9"AR,P#0er Fact#r C#ntr#ller. ) k6)=Dower #actor controller is ro(ided to
maintain a constant reacti(e load (k6)=) outut or constant ower #actor (#) on the
generator set while the unit is oerating in arallel with a utilit& or other large source$
The controller alies a signal directl& to the (oltage regulator ad:ust circuit to maintain a
constant reacti(e load or ower #actor with changes in the in#inite bus (oltage le(el$ The
incororates a set oint ad:ust rheostat to set the desired k6)= or #! a selector switch to
choose k6)= or # control mode! and a switch to turn the controller on and o##$
S,p*&)(-$&/ I+%*&206*. 'n (S )*)+,-)) interface module is pro.ided to gi.e
the user/s super.isory computer access0 such as S+'1'0 to the Turbotronic
control system data. $imited control capability is pro.ided to allo2 the
super.isory computer to start and stop the unit0 reset alarms0 and raise,lo2er
speed and load set points.
The communications protocol is 'llen %radley/s 131.
The interface module may be located up to 100000 feet *00-4 meters# from the
turbine control system and located up to 50 feet 15 meters# from the super.isory
computer for the (S )*)+ module or -0000 feet 10)15 meters# for the (S -))
Engine Per'#rmance *ap. ) disla& o# real time engine er#ormance is ro(ided on
the remote 6+T$ Per#ormance data is corrected to standard conditions$ The er#ormance
ma is ro(ided #or re#erence and to monitor trends$
.ist#rical Displays. The #ollowing maintenance and diagnostic rograms are ro(ided
to assist in routine monitoring o# gas turbine condition as well as to assist in making
in#ormed redictions o# the #uture health o# the unit$
=un Time +isla& 3 This #eature ro(ides a #our channel stri chart #ormat disla& on
the 6+T$ It ro(ides simultaneous! real time disla& o# multile oerator selected
1lased Time +isla& 3 This #eature is used #or lotting and determining trends in the
unitEs er#ormance$ Selected arameters are stored on disk regardless o# whether the unit
is running$ +ata is sa(ed at re3determined inter(als and can be retrie(ed #or anal&sis$
Predicti(e Trend Monitoring 3 This #eature anal&0es historical data and aro%imates
#uture analog trends$ +eteriorating trends will result in a disla& that has the trend line
intersecting a redetermined alarm or shutdown le(el at an indicated #uture time$
Rem#te "DT an6 C#ntr#l. ) remote (ideo disla& terminal A6+TB is also ro(ided$
The 6+T disla&s an e%anded set o# oerating in#ormation including all o# the data
a(ailable on the anel and ro(ides the caabilit& to start and sto the unit! initiate
s&nchroni0ation and oen circuit breaker$ +ata which ma& be disla&ed on the remote
6+T includes:
Turbine 1ngine Parameters:
T7 temerature 'uel actuator current
Gube oil temerature 'uel actuator minimum setting
Gube oil tank temerature 2ontrol mode
Gube oil ressure ?eration mode
Start se"uence status Status lights
Generator Parameters
I* load Generator 6oltage! each hase
I6)DI6)= )(erage 6oltage
Power #actor Generator current! each hase
're"uenc& )(erage current
2ommands which ma& be sent to the PG2 include:
6nitiate synchroni"ation
?en circuit breaker
=aise or lower k* control setoint
The remote 71T consists of an industrial type personal computer mounted in the
Po2er +ontrol (oom trailer.
R*#$%* D(0. Up M$+(%$&(+7 0+' C$+%&$.. 6ncluded in the (emote 7ideo 1isplay
is the ability to dial the unit from a remote location0 display monitoring screens0
and execute control actions to start and stop the unit0 reset alarms0 and
raise,lo2er speed and load set points. The 71T is connected to the generator set
P$+ .ia +ontrolnet. The Po2er +ontrol (oom is e8uipped 2ith a telephone line
)n ?n32rank and ?n3Gine engine cleaning s&stem is ro(ided$ The s&stems are
indeendent o# each other and include searate distribution mani#olds and in:ectors in the
engine air inlet collector and associated on3skid lumbing to deli(er water andDor
cleaning solution to the mani#old$ *ater and cleaning solutions used #or engine cleaning
must coml& with Solar Seci#ication 1S F369$ =e"uires ?tional *ater *ash Sul&
2art (one er site)
6entilation Silencers and 'ans! Gights! 'ire +etection and Gas Monitoring S&stem with
)uto Shutdown and 'uel Sul& Shuto##! 8igh Temerature +etection and )larm! 2?9
'ire Suression S&stem$
(anguage. Package labels and screen disla&s will be in 1nglish$
!igh 9fficiency %arrier 3ilter and Silencer mounted on top of Generator Set
6ncluded is a trailer mounted exhaust silencer 2ith a )5-foot Stainless Steel
(ains Stac&. The stac& is e8uipped 2ith flanged emission ports for emission
FACTORY TESTING Performed on ne2 units : time of ;anufacture#
Fact#ry Gas Turbine Engine Testing. The gas turbine engine was tested in accordance
with Solar seci#ications to con#irm that ower! heat rate! and (ibration le(els meet Solar
Fact#ry Generat#r Testing$ The generator was tested in accordance with I111
Standard Seci#ications and SolarEs seci#ications at the manu#acturerEs lant$ These tests
re"uirements #or .1M) and Solar$ Sulier testing is under eriodic Solar "ualit&
control re(iew to ensure comliance with re"uired seci#ications$
Fact#ry Ra6i#grap$y Inspecti#n. =adiograhic insection was er#ormed in
accordance with )SM1 Section 6$ 'i(e (7) ercent o# each welderEs work
(circum#erential butt welds onl&) is insected b& radiograhic e%amination in accordance
with ).SID)SM1 B/,$/$ The seci#ic mani#olds on a gi(en unit ma& or ma& not be art
o# the 7> o# each welderEs work which is e%amined$
Fact#ry :uality Assurance. )ll testing oerations were conducted under the direct
control o# SolarEs Hualit& )ssurance )cti(it&$ This )cti(it& ensures comliance with the
seci#ied test limits and rocedures$
In addition to #inal in3lant testing o# the #inished generator set! Hualit& 2ontrol
engineers maintain sur(eillance o(er the manu#acture o# all urchased arts and
subassemblies! and are resonsible #or #unctional testing o# incoming comonents$ The
same rigid standards alied to arts manu#actured b& Solar are alied to all arts #rom
Tri-'xle Transport Trailer 2ith T2o 'xle Pi.oting %ooster
Trailer $ength -4< = 1-<1> %ooster remo.able at site#
?idth 4<6>0 5<0> across trailer axles
1**> S2ing +learance
-5> 5
2heel !eight loaded#
'ir (ide Suspension and 'ir (aise and $o2ering @it
Steel 1isc ?heels 2ith )A5,A0( x )).5 Tire
Three Tail $ight Pac&age
$anding Gear )#
6 'dditional $anding Gears 2ith Soil %earing Plates for $e.eling,Stabili"ation
at Site
B.erall transport heightC 1-<)>
'pproximate transport 2eightC 1140000 lbs 2ithout tractor#
P%ER CNTR( *DU(E (consists o# the #ollowing):
Po2er +ontrol (oom P+(# mounted on T2o 'xle Transport Trailer.
Po2er +ontrol (oom !7'+ system
Generator ;ain +ircuit %rea&er. Single interface point to po2er grid
'uxiliary Transformer 3eeder +ircuit %rea&er
%us PTs0 3eeder +Ts0 ;etering +Ts and PTs
%ec&2ith ;-*-)5 Protecti.e (elay ;odule 2ith the follo2ing relaysC
- Imedance (9,)
- =e(erse Power Protection (/9)
- Goss o# 'ield Protection (-0)
- .egati(e Phase Se"uence Protection (-6)
- PT Blown 'use Protection (60)
- Time ?(ercurrent Protection (70D7, 6)
- .eutral ?(ercurrent Protection (7, .) J utili0ed in grounded site
- Bus Ground 'ault +etection (7F.) J utili0ed in ungrounded site design
- Generator +i##erential 'ault Protection (C4 G)
- ?ne 8igh Seed Triing =ela& (C6) #or 2ircuit Breaker Tri!
Gockout! and Turbine Shutdown Settings! Programming! and Testing
are included$
$ightning 'rrestor and Surge +apacitor
;otor +ontrol +enter. Ser.es Turbine Generator 'uxiliary $oads
1)071+ Turbine Generator %attery System 2ith +harger
1edicated 1)071+ S2itchgear %attery System 2ith +harger
Start ;otor 7ariable 3re8uency 1ri.e 731#
1+ %ac&up $ube Bil Pump +ontactor
6nterior $ighting. Photocell +ontrolled 9xterior $ighting at 'ccess 1oors
9mergency 9ye2ash Station
A+6(..0&/ E;,(p#*+%. 6nstalled onto the Po2er +ontrol (oom ;odule are the
Gas Turbine $ube Bil +ooler
Deutral Ground (esistor
'uxiliary $oad Transformer
P$3*& C$+%&$. R$$# T&0(.*& M$'*. T9<0LCS"
T2o 'xle Transport Trailer
Trailer $ength -6< B.erall
?idth 4<6>
-5> 5
2heel !eight loaded#
'ir (ide Suspension and 'ir (aise and $o2er @it
Steel 1isc ?heels 2ith )55,A0( x )).5 Tires
Three Tail $ight Pac&age
$anding Gear
- 'dditional $anding Gears 2ith Soil %earing Plates for $e.eling,Stabili"ation
at Site
B.erall Transport !eightC 1-<0>
'pproximate transport 2eightC -40000 lbs. 2ithout tractor#