I CPA Profits
I CPA Profits
I CPA Profits
By James Canzanella
James Canzanella
All Rights Reserved
This information is for your eyes only. This eBook is for your on !ersonal use and is
not to "e given aay# traded# or distri"uted ithout the ritten $onsent of James
Canzanella. This eBook does not $ome ith and resell rights hatsoever. There are no
guarantees of any kind# es!e$ially no in$ome guarantees and you agree that our
$om!any is not res!onsi"le for the su$$ess or failure of your "usiness de$isions
relating to any information !resented "y our $om!any# or our $om!any !rodu$ts or
servi$es. This eBook is to remain stri$tly in your sole !ossession.
Table Of Contents
Introdu$tion ......................................................................................................................%
The I-CPA Profits &te!s '.................................................................................................(
&te! )* +i$he Profits ...'...................................................................................................(
&te! ,* -orard .omain '.............................................................................................../
&te! %* &et-u! Profits '....................................................................................................0
&te! (* Conversions Core '.............................................................................................)%
-re1uently Asked 2uestions '........................................................................................)3
4ey it5s James Canzanella# $ongratulations for !i$king u! I-CPA Profits6
7ver sin$e -a$e"ook got sla!!ed and fan !ages ere getting less vies...
I ke!t trying to figure out ho I $ould use free so$ial media traffi$ and make money.
And that5s hen Instagram $ame to mind.
Too "ad it took forever to dis$over "e$ause !ersonally# I never liked Instagram...
That is# until I realized ho aesome it is for getting your CPA links in front of highly
targeted individuals.
This sim!le system ill sho you e8a$tly ho to do that# and "est of all you $an
a$tually see $onversions on the same day you get everything set u!.
I $an5t guarantee that# "ut that5s ho it as for me so I5m rooting for you to do the
same and hit it out of the !ark. 9et5s dive into the good stuff6
The I-CPA Profits Steps
)* Identify +i$he :sign u! for offers*.
,* -orard .omain.
%* &et-u! Profits.
(* Conversions Core.
;u!. ( ste!s# that5s it. I told you it ould "e sim!le.
The "eauty of this system is that on$e you get ste!s )-% done...
;ou only have to fo$us on ( :and at$hing the $onversions $ome in*.
&o let5s start ith ste! ).
Step 1) Niche Profits
The thing ith Instagram is that you need to kee! in mind its main !ur!ose.
Peo!le love sharing stuff that is 5se8y5 :so to s!eak*.
They ant to !ost stuff that is going to get a gazillion $omments and likes so they $an
"rag to their friends a"out ho $ool they are.
+o# if you !osted something a"out a s1uirrel $lim"ing a tree# do you think that is
going to "e orthy enough to !ost on Instagram< Pro"a"ly not.
The reason I am telling you this is "e$ause you ant to !i$k a ni$he# not only that has
offers that you $an !romote# "ut stuff that is alays "eing shared online.
The same stuff that gets a gazillion and a half shares on -a$e"ook gets the same
amount of 5love5 on Instagram as ell.
&o here are a $ou!le of ni$hes or to!i$s to get your "rain floing ith ideas.
Sports: Basket"all# "ase"all# foot"all. 7ven though there are s!e$ifi$ seasons for ea$h#
!eo!le still love talking a"out them even hen they are over.
itness: The "iggest evergreen ni$he ever# !lus !eo!le are a"solutely o"sessed ith
!osting their a" !i$tures# sushi meals# and ass-to-the-grass s1uat !i$tures. I kno#
"e$ause I used to "e a gym-rat fitness freak ho did the same e8a$t thing :it5s all a"out
knoing your market*.
Shopping: +ot e8a$tly s!e$ifi$# yet this $an "e segmented into tons of different
ni$hes# "ut ho often do you see someone !ost a !hoto that says =Just "ought this6> or
=I love my ne ?;@6> It5s their ay of shoing off :or "ragging* a"out a s!e$ifi$ to!i$.
!int: Aideo games and video game systems :there5s tons of CPA offers for those*.
Bkay# that5s Cust an e8am!le of a fe ni$hes that you $an go after.
The reason I ant you to !onder that first is "e$ause not only do you ant to a$tually
enCoy "eing in a s!e$ifi$ ni$he# you also ant to make sure there are offers for it.
That5s here these , e"sites $ome into !layD
Instead of giving you a Christmas list orth of CPA sites to register for...
Ehat you $an do is sear$h those sites for the ni$he you are interested in and see hat
offers $ome u!. Fenerally# you are going to ant to look for email or zi! su"mit offers.
Trials ork as ell "ut the $onversions are going to "e loer "e$ause they usually
$ome ith entering a $redit $ard num"er.
Step 1 Assignment: Pi$k a ni$he# find an offer or , or %# and sign u! to the netork
that has the offers you are looking for.
") or#ard $omain
The great thing a"out this system is that there5s a good $han$e you might have already
signed u! to CPA netorks or even have a domain already.
If you do# it5s less ork for you# "ut still kee! reading.
If you don5t have a domain yet# "e sure to also kee! reading.
I re$ommend !i$king u! a domain from )and). They are ine8!ensive and you get to "e
a !rivate domain for no e8tra $harge :even though .ani$a Patri$k is a "a"e# I don5t
re$ommend using Fo.addy# I !ersonally sto!!ed using them*.
Anyho# if you only ant to $reate ) domain name :instead a ton of them for multi!le
offers* then make sure it5s a universal name so that it $ould "e used for any CPA offer.
78am!lesD e8$lusiveofferforyou.$om# aesomeofferforyou.$om# et$.
Bn$e you have a domain in )and)# hat you need to do is sim!ly $hange the
destination to your affiliate link :you don5t need hosting to do this*.
%one& %a'ing Note: Che$k ith your affiliate manager to $onfirm that the offer is
good to give it a frame redire$tion :every offer and netork is different*.
9ast "ut not least# don5t forget to hit save and you5re done ith this !art6
() Set-up Profits
Another $ru$ial ste!# hi$h on5t take long at all to $om!lete.
-irst you ant to make sure you donload Instagram to your smart-!hone.
4ere5s hat it says from the Instagram hel! se$tion a"out installing itD
To start using InstagramD
)* .onload the Instagram a!! for A!!le iB& from the A!! &tore# Android from
Foogle Play &tore or Eindos Phone from the Eindos Phone &tore.
,* Bn$e the a!! is installed# ta! to o!en it.
%* Ta! Register ith 7mail to sign u! ith your email address or Register ith
-a$e"ook to sign u! ith your -a$e"ook a$$ount.
(* If you register ith email# $reate a username and !assord# fill out your !rofile info
and then ta! .one. If you register ith -a$e"ook# you5ll "e !rom!ted to sign into your
-a$e"ook a$$ount if you5re $urrently logged out.
Right no you might "e thinking =Ehat should my a$$ount "e a"out<>
The sim!lest anser ill "eD =The offer you !i$k to !romote.>
&o for the rest of this I am going to Cust !retend that you !i$ked a P&( offer.
There5s a $ou!le ays you $an go a"out setting u! your !rofile.
)* Gse a !i$ture of yourself and make a !ersonal a$$ount.
,* Gse a !i$ture of something related to your ni$he.
Remem"er# the entire idea of this is making $onversions on your offer...
&o you ant to 5fit in5 as mu$h as !ossi"le ith the ni$he.
In this e8am!le# let5s go ith H, and you $an sim!ly get a !i$ture of a Playstation ( and
use that as your !i$ture.
;our user-name ould "e something related to your offer :again*...
78am!lesD Playstation-ans# IlovePlaystation# P&(-ansGnite# TheFamer.ude((# et$.
+o on$e you have an a$$ount $reated# the $ool thing is that you $an a$tually u!date it
and do IJK of this system from your $om!uter.
4ere is here you $an edit your !rofile.
Be sure to $li$k that link a"ove. Bn$e you log in# $li$k on your username on the to!
right# and then $li$k edit !rofile.
Belo is a !i$ture a"out ho you should setu! your !rofileD
Name: ;ou $an Cust !ut your first name.
)mail: ;our 7mail.
*sername: ;our username.
Phone Number: Blank :only used if they ask you to $onfirm your num"er*.
Se+: ;es !lease (just making sure you were paying attention!)
,io: 4ere is here it gets good.
I alays !ut a short senten$e that "asi$ally says =I love :offer your are !romoting*6>
Then after that I !ut something similar to hat I !ut a"ove =Cli$k the link "elo to see
if you 1ualify to get a P&(D
4ere are a $ou!le more e8am!les "e$ause this !art is very im!ortant# it5s here
everyone goes "efore they $li$k your link.
Note: 8yz de!ends on your offer and hat you are !romoting.
I5m a 4GF7 8yz fan6 If you are 8yz fan too# $li$k the link "elo to get your very on
?yz fanati$6 Cli$k the link "elo to see if you 1ualify for a +7E 8yzD
-ebsite: This is here you are going to take your site# and !ut it into "it.ly.
Bit.ly is sim!ly a GR9 shortener# "ut it also allos you to make your GR9 shorter and
&o in this e8am!le# you $ould $hange the te8t after "it.ly to something like 5FetP&(5
Bn$e you have your "it.ly link# make sure you !ut it in the e"site se$tion.
Similar Account Suggestions: Five this a $he$k.
Then you are all done# s$roll to the "ottom and $li$k 5&u"mit5.
&o there you have it# your !rofile is all setu! to go...
But "efore I talk a"out hat you need to do to "ring in $ommissions...
4ere are a fe hel!ful free tools and suggestions.
)* I re$ommend using your smart !hone for all of this system.
It5s sim!ly so mu$h easier# hoever you $an do a lot of this on your $om!uter.
,* .onload Instagram for Foogle Chrome
B"viously you need Foogle Chrome# "ut this allos you to do ork on your $om!uter.
;ou $an like# unlike# $omment# follo# and unfollo# "ut I haven5t found a ay to !ost
!i$tures :hi$h is easiest on a !hone anyay*.
%* Gse free a!!s on your !hone to save !i$tures.
Ehen you "rose !i$tures on Instagram# you5re una"le to save them.
+ot sure hy they do that# it5s Cust the ay it is.
Thankfully there are TB+& of a!!s that allo you to donload !i$tures from IF.
Ly favorite one is $alled 5Instake5 :and this is hat you $an use to save a !rofile !i$ture
to use# "e sure to do that# or Cust save one# send it to your email# then save it*.
Gsing that a!!li$ation# you $an set your !rofile !i$ture and then !ost a $ou!le !i$tures
to your !rofile to make your !rofile look genuine.
If you ant to look for more# sim!ly sear$h for 5donload Instagram !hotos5 in your
a!! store on your !hone.
Alright# no that e5ve gotten that out of the ay# let5s $ontinue on.
.) Con/ersions Core
Everything in this section is going to be described as if it was being done on a phone.
Bn$e you login# the first thing you ant to do is $li$k on the star sha!ed "utton on the
"ottom# hi$h is also referred to as 57?P9BR75.
-rom there# in the ty!e se$tion you ant to start sear$hing for 4ashtag !i$tures of
anything that deals ith your offer.
78am!les of hashtags that ould "e great for this offer ould "e 5Playstation(5 or 5P&(5.
That5s hy Instagram is so great# !eo!le literally tell you 7?ACT9; hat they are
interested in "y !osting hashtags in their !i$tures.
&o after ty!ing in P&( in hashtags# it $ame u! ith over , million !osts# hi$h means it
is A7R; !o!ular. Lake sure you ta! on that hashtag so the !i$tures $ome u!.
A"ove is an e8am!le of hat it ill look like after $li$king on the hashtag.
It5s im!ortant that you $li$k on the % straight lines "utton :as highlighted in red*.
Ehat this does it align all the neest !i$tures so they aren5t in a grid# hi$h means it5s
easier for you to like them# then either $omment or follo the !erson.
&o that is the main strategy# you ant to kee! sliding your thum" don and liking
!i$tures that deal ith your offer :P&(*.
Time Sa/ing Note: ;ou $an like a !i$ture "y sim!ly dou"le ta!!ing on it.
This is important "e$ause anytime someone likes a !i$ture of theirs# or $omments# or
follos them# a notifi$ation !o!s u! on their !hone6
&o guess hat someone is going to do hen they noti$e that...
Che$k out your !rofile# follo you# or like M $omment on one of your !hotos.
All of these hel! "uild u! your !rofile# and of $ourse# get !eo!le $li$king on your link.
I asn5t kidding hen I said ho sim!le this system is on$e you get going ith it.
&o here is an overvie :again* of hat you need to do on$e it is set u!.
)* &ear$h for hashtag# then ta! the hashtag hen it $omes u!.
,* Bn$e you see the !i$tures# $li$k on the % straight lines "utton.
%* &tart from the to! of the s$reen# then s$roll don and dou"le ta! on the !i$ture to
give it a like.
(* This !art is e8tra and definitely hel!s. Cli$k on the !ersons user-name and if they
have as many folloers as folloing# BR if they have more folloing than folloers#
then follo them :a little $onfusing "ut I5ll e8!lain*.
The reason for this is "e$ause it shos that they like to follo !eo!le# so if you follo
them# there is a very good $han$e they are going to follo you "a$k.
4ere is an e8am!le of someone you ant to folloD
-olloersD ,#NNN. -olloingD ,#NI0
4ere is another good e8am!le of someone you ant to folloD
-olloersD ,NI. -olloingD 0)/
4ere is someone you don5t ant to follo :they !ro"a"ly on5t follo "a$k*D
-olloersD I3). -olloingD )N,
J* After liking a !i$ture# you $an also $li$k on the Comment "utton and leave a 1ui$k
$ommentD =9ove it> =Freat !i$ture6> =This is aesome6> and so on and so forth.
&omething to kee! in mind hen liking !i$tures...
;ou are going to s$roll through and see !i$tures that have nothing to do ith the
hashtag you are sear$hing for# it ha!!ens.
;ou don5t have to like# $omment# or follo that !erson# Cust kee! moving on.
9ast "ut not least...
If you are going through and saving !i$tures# make sure you !ost ) or , to your !rofile
hile you are logged on.
Ehen you do that# make sure you add as many related hashtags to your !i$ture
"e$ause that is another aesome ay to get traffi$ to your link.
The "est !art a"out this system is that you $an literally do it A+;E47R7.
Ehile you are lying in "ed# hile you are at$hing TA# hile you are at ork...
Ehatever it may "e# you Cust need your !hone.
Bne more time# here is the final rundon of everything you $an do for traffi$.
)* 9ike related !i$tures that have the hashtag :H* you sear$hed for.
,* Comment related !i$tures that have the hashtag :H* you sear$hed for.
%* -ollo users that !ost !i$tures that have the hashtag :H* you sear$hed for.
(* Post !i$tures and !ut in the related hashtags :H* in the des$ri!tion.
There5s no need to "eef this u! anymore "e$ause that5s all it takes.
.on5t "e fooled "y the sim!li$ity# this one is as sim!le as it reads.
Thanks for !i$king this u! and as alays# here are the fre1uently asked 1uestions.
re0uentl& As'ed 1uestions
2D 4o mu$h time do I need to !ut into this !er day<
AD 4o mu$h money do you ant to make< This a system here the more time you !ut
into it# the more traffi$ you are going to get# and the more money you make. I
re$ommend doing this system henever you have s!are time# as ell as setting time
aside to get this done.
2D .o you re$ommend testing multi!le offers<
AD ;es# I alays re$ommend testing multi!le offers. In the "eginning is the easiest time
to test more offers "e$ause you don5t have a ton of folloers yet ho are used to seeing
you !ost the same thing every day.
2D Is there a limit to the amount of !i$tures I $an like<
AD There is# and hen I first tested this system out I ent on a $razy like s!ree and
liked as many !i$tures as I $ould. 9et me tell you it takes a 9BT of likes to hit the limit.
If you hit it# $ongratulate yourself for doing ork. At that !oint it tells you that you
need to slo don and the a"ility to like !i$tures ill "e "a$k in a little hile.
2D 4o many !i$tures should I !ost !er day<
AD This is $om!letely u! to you# "ut hat I5ve found is that going through and liking#
$ommenting# and folloing has orked the "est. 7ither ay# go ahead and !ost
relevant !i$tures at least on$e !er day using as many related hashtags as !ossi"le in
that !hoto.
2D Is there a ay to automate this system<
AD ;u!# and I talk a"out that a little in the BTB hi$h $an "e seen here along ith all of
my done for you offers and hashtags :resear$h*.
2D .o you have any ti!s for offers that you !i$k<
AD Besides doing a zi! or email su"mit# having a mo"ile o!timized offer R7A99; hel!s#
"e$ause everyone on Instagram is going to "e using their mo"ile !hone. &ometimes the
differen$e "eteen a mo"ile o!timized offer and a non-mo"ile o!timized offer $an "e
like night and day. &o kee! on the lookout for offers like that# they definitely hel!.
2D Eill I only "e getting traffi$ from the G&<
AD The maCority of your traffi$ ill "e $oming from the G&. Belo is an e8am!le of a
gra!h that I took from "it.ly that shoed all of my stats.
Gnites &tates as 0JK# then Gnited Pingdom and Canada ere (K. 7verything else
as N.%K so I ouldn5t orry a"out other $ountries "e$ause the maCority ill $ome
from the Gnited &tates.
2D .o you need any other e8!enses for this<
AD Eithout automating the system# all you need is a e"site to forard your CPA offer
to :and a !hone# "ut I assume you already have one*. If you ant to invest more into
this system# I ould re$ommend Presell Crusher to $reate a !resell !age for your offer
:or for any offer you might think a"out using*.
2D Can I hire someone to do this ork for me<
AD ;ou $ertainly $an. This isn5t something I have !ersonally done yet "ut it5s something
I am really looking into. I re$ommend making some money and getting the system
don first "efore you look to outsour$e it to someone else.
2D Eould you re$ommend sale offers<
AD I haven5t tested out straight sale offers yet# only trials. I alays re$ommend testing
out any offer you feel $an $onvert ell# es!e$ially ith mo"ile "e$ause !eo!le do "uy
on their !hone like $razy even though it might "e hard to "elieve. Just make sure the
!age is mo"ile o!timized otherise it ill diffi$ult to get $onversions.