The document describes several enhancements made to the Civil software. Key points include:
1. Improvements to pushover analysis including exporting moment-curvature models from GSD to Civil, displaying ultimate strain and displacement, and chord rotation checking.
2. Enhancements to soil-structure interaction including multi-linear hinge properties and general link definitions.
3. New design capabilities for RC and steel frames according to AASHTO LRFD 2012 specifications and consideration of time-dependent material properties per Australian standards.
The document describes several enhancements made to the Civil software. Key points include:
1. Improvements to pushover analysis including exporting moment-curvature models from GSD to Civil, displaying ultimate strain and displacement, and chord rotation checking.
2. Enhancements to soil-structure interaction including multi-linear hinge properties and general link definitions.
3. New design capabilities for RC and steel frames according to AASHTO LRFD 2012 specifications and consideration of time-dependent material properties per Australian standards.
The document describes several enhancements made to the Civil software. Key points include:
1. Improvements to pushover analysis including exporting moment-curvature models from GSD to Civil, displaying ultimate strain and displacement, and chord rotation checking.
2. Enhancements to soil-structure interaction including multi-linear hinge properties and general link definitions.
3. New design capabilities for RC and steel frames according to AASHTO LRFD 2012 specifications and consideration of time-dependent material properties per Australian standards.
The document describes several enhancements made to the Civil software. Key points include:
1. Improvements to pushover analysis including exporting moment-curvature models from GSD to Civil, displaying ultimate strain and displacement, and chord rotation checking.
2. Enhancements to soil-structure interaction including multi-linear hinge properties and general link definitions.
3. New design capabilities for RC and steel frames according to AASHTO LRFD 2012 specifications and consideration of time-dependent material properties per Australian standards.
1.1 Export Moment-Curvature Idealized Model from midas GSD to Civil 1.2 Display Ultimate Strain in Concrete and Rebar in GSD 1.3 Display Ultimate Displacement in Pushover Capacity Curve 1.4 Chord Rotation Check Table 1.5 Assign Pushover Hinge at the Center of Hinge Length
2. Improvements in Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis 2.1 Improvements in Multi-linear Type Inelastic Hinge Properties 2.2 Improvements in General Link Properties
3. RC Frame Design as per AASHTO LRFD 2012 4. Steel Frame Design as per AASHTO LRFD 2012 5. Time Dependent Material Properties as per Australian Specification 6. Moving Load Analysis as per Australian Specification
7. Improvements in BS Moving Load 8. Improvements in AASHTO Permit Vehicle 9. Large Displacement Analysis with Composite Section for construction Stage 10. Improvements in Local Direction Force Sum 11. Improvements in Data Transfer to midas FEA/GTS 11.1 Improvements in Frame to Solid, Frame to Plate function 11.2 Improvement in data export to midas FEA and midas GTS 12. Export in IFC file format 13. Automatic Generation of Time Forcing Function for Railway Bridge 14. Beam Diagram by Assigned Members
3 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 1. Improvements in Pushover Analysis 1.1 Export Moment-Curvature Idealized Model from midas GSD to Civil Moment-Curvature (M- Lumped) type hinge properties can be automatically generated based on the idealized moment-curvature curve obtained in midas GSD. For P-M and P-M-M interaction type hinges, a number of Moment-Curvature curves with various axial forces can be imported at once. GSD Imported Typeskeleton curve is newly added to simulate the reduction of flexural capacity.
midas GSD midas Civil 1.2 Display Ultimate Strain in Concrete and Rebar in GSD Ultimate Compressive Strain in Concrete (cu) and Ultimate Tensile Strain in Rebar (su) are separately plotted in Moment Curvature Curve of GSD. Tools tab > General Section Designer Pushover tab > Define Pushover Hinge Properties 4 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 1.3 Display Ultimate Displacement in Pushover Capacity Curve Ultimate displacement which is 80% of the peak base shear force are now plotted in the capacity curve of pushover analysis. The ultimate displacement will be required to determine the capacity for the global assessment of the structure. Ultimate Displacement (80% of Peak Base Shear) Pushover Capacity Curve 1.4 Chord Rotation Check Table Verify the chord rotation with ductility demand (D) for the local verification as per Eurocode and AASHTO LRFD specification. Following values can be verified in the Chord Rotation Check table. - pd (Plastic Rotation Demand), L (Distance from the plastic joint to the point of zero moment), Lp (Hinge Length) - y (Yield Rotation), y (Yield Curvature), u (Ultimate Curvature), pu (Plastic Rotation Capacity), D (Ductility Demand) Chord Rotation Check Table Pushover tab > Pushover Curve Pushover tab > Pushover Hinge Results > Chord Rotation Check Table 5 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement Pushover Hinge Properties 1.5 Assign Pushover Hinge at the Center of Hinge Length Hinge length ratio can be defined by the user for the region which reaches plastic moment for Moment-Curvature (M- Lumped) hinge definition. The user can select whether pushover hinges will be assigned to the center of the hinge length or I & j-end of an element. Hinge Length Pushover tab > Define Pushover Hinge Properties 6 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 2.1 Improvements in Multi-linear Type Inelastic Hinge Properties Perfect plastic primary curve of multilinear type hysteresis models can be defined in Inelastic Hinge Properties. In the old version, in order to simulate the perfect plastic behavior, the user needed to enter the very small increment of force. Compression-only and Tension-only primary curve can be defined. Scale factor for displacement and force in multi-linear type hysteresis model is added. Perfect Plastic Hinge Curve Tension-only Hinge Curve 2. Improvements in Soil Structure Interaction Analysis 6x6 Matrix for Spring and Linear Dashpot 2.2 Improvements in General Link Properties 6x6 matrix for Spring and Linear Dashpot type General Link can now be defined. Boundary tab > General Link > General Link Properties 7 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 3. RC Frame Design as per AASHTO LRFD 2012 RC frame design as per AASHTO LRFD 2012 is implemented for ultimate strength verification. Flexural, Shear, and Torsion resistances are verified. Seismic design as per AASHTO LRFD Seismic Bridge Design 2011 is provided for Seismic zone 1 to 4. After performing design, graphical report and text format detail report can be checked to verify the design results. Graphic Report Detail Report Design tab > RC Design > AASHTO-LRFD12 8 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 4. Steel Frame Design as per AASHTO LRFD 2012 Steel frame design as per AASHTO LRFD 2012 is implemented for ultimate strength verification. Following section shapes are supported: I, Box, Pipe, Channel, D Channel, Angle, D Angle, T, Bar shape section Steel optimal design is also supported as per AASHTO LRFD2012. After performing design, graphical report and text format detail report can be checked to verify the design results. Graphic Report Detail Report Design tab > Steel Design > AASHTO-LRFD12 9 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 5. Time Dependent Material Properties as per Australian Specification Creep/Shrinkage and Compressive Strength can be considered as per both AS/RTA5100.5-2011 and AS3600-2009. After performing construction stage analysis, midas civil provides the following member forces separately for each construction stage: Dead Load, Tendon Primary, Tendon Secondary, Creep Primary, Creep Secondary, Shrinkage Primary, Shrinkage Secondary, Summation Creep and Shrinkage Compressive Strength Properties tab > Time Dependent Material > Creep/Shrinkage 10 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 6. Moving Load Analysis as per Australian Specification Moving load analysis as per AS 5100.2 is newly implemented. Standard vehicles (W80, A160, M1600, S1600) and user defined vehicles (Truck/Lane, Train, Permit Truck) are supported. Accompanying lane factor can be automatically considered. Concurrent forces and reactions can be checked in Results by Max Value Itemtable. Vehicle and Moving Load Case Concurrent Force Table Load tab > Moving Load > Moving Load Code > Australia 11 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 7. Improvements in BS Moving Load Permit vehicle can be defined in BS moving load code for generating various number of wheels in one axle for special operations. Permit vehicle can be combined with other vehicles in BD37/01 excepting for HA&HB (Auto) in Moving Load Case. User defined HA, HB, and HA&HB vehicles are newly added for considering various type of vehicles and combination with permit vehicle. For user-defined HA&AB (Auto) vehicle, HA lane factor option is added and the exponential field 0.1for 50<L<1600m loading length can now be modified by the user. Civil 2013 v2.1 Civil 2013 v3.1 Newly added Permit vehicle Inactive Active Load tab > Moving Load > Moving Load Code > BS 12 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 8. Improvements in AASHTO Permit Vehicle In AASHTO LRFD user defined vehicle, the maximum number of axles for Permit Truck is increased from 50 to 100 axles. Permit Truck Vehicle Load tab > Moving Load > Moving Load Code > AASHTO LRFD Load tab > Moving Load > Vehicles > User Defined 13 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 9. Large Displacement Analysis with Composite Section for Construction Stage Large displacement analysis can be performed with Composite Section for Construction Stage function. This function will be extremely useful when decks of cable stayed bridge is composed of composite sections. Construction Stage Analysis Control Composite Section for Construction Stage Load tab > Construction Stage > Composite Section for C.S Analysis > Analysis Control > Construction Stage 14 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 10. Improvements in Local Direction Force Sum When bridge decks are modeled using plate elements and main girders are modeled using beam elements, resultant forces can be calculated in Local Direction Force Sum. In the old version, the resultant forces were obtained only for the plate elements or solid elements only. In the new version, resultant forces can be obtained for the bridges composed of Beam (deck) +Beam (girder)and Plate(deck) +Beam (girder). Local direction force sum can be obtained in any construction stages. In the old version, Local Direction Force Sum was activated only in Post CS. Local Direction Force Sum Plate + Beam Model All Plate Model Results tab > Detail > Local Direction Force Sum 15 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 11.1 Improvements in Frame to Solid, Frame to Plate function By using frame section information, create a solid or plate geometry file that can be exported to midas FEA. In the old version, only the straight frame elements were exported at once. In this version, a number of elements regardless of the element direction can be exported to midas FEA. Frame model in Civil Plate model in FEA Frame model in Civil Solid model in FEA 11. Data Transfer to midas FEA/GTS File > Export > Frame Section for Solid/Frame Section for Plate 16 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 11.2 Improvement in data export to midas FEA and midas GTS Data import using mxt file. In the old version, only node and element information were transferred. In the new version, expanded information such as properties, boundary conditions, loads, and analysis control information are supported. Cross-sections data that are not supported in midas FEA are imported as user-type section. Cable elements are imported as truss elements. Civil Civil FEA FEA File > Export > MxT File (for FEA/GTS) 17 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 12. Export in IFC file format Midas Civil model data can be exported into IFC (*.ifc) format file. This format will be useful for exporting structural analysis model into BIM tools. It includes only geometry information with various type of sections excepting for composite section. It does not support loads, boundaries, and analysis control information. Export from Civil Import in Tekla File > Export > IFC File 18 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 13. Automatic Generation of Time Forcing Function for Railway Bridge By defining train velocity, element size, train load spacing and train force, time forcing function to simulate the train load can be automatically generated for time history analysis. Train Dynamic Load Function Import TGS file in Time History Function Tools > Trane Load Generator 19 / 19 Civil 2013 V3.1 Release Note Civil 2013 Enhancement 14. Beam Diagram by Assigned Members By Memberoption is added to check beam diagram by members, not by elements. When member is assigned using Member Assignment function, By Memberoption will be activated and beam forces by members can be viewed in the model view and table. Absolute maximum, Min/Max, All (I, Mid, J ) options are applicable with By Member option. Beam Diagram by Elements Beam Diagram by Members Beam Force Table by Members Results tab > Forces > Beam Diagrams