United Nations

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United Nations is a Non-

Government Organisation. It is an
international organisation made up of many
countries. In 1945 with the presentation of
50 countries met in San Francisco at the
United Conference on International
Organisation to draw up the United Nations
Charter. It was deliberated on the basic
proposals worked out by the presentations of
China, the Soviet Union, the United
Kingdom and the United States in August-
October 1944.The Charter was signed on 26 UN Flag
June 1945 by the representatives of the 50
countries. The United Nations came into existence on 24 October 1945, when the Charter
had been ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United
States and a majority of other signatories.
The United Nations is based on six organs: The General Assembly, The Security
Council, The Economic and Social Council, The Secretariat, The International Court of
Justice and The Trusteeship Council. General Assembly is basically a parliament whose
members represent nations, not electorates. The Security Council is the body responsible
for keeping peace and security in the world. The Economic and Social Council is the
body that examines economic and social issues develops relevant recommendations and
encourage nations to work together to implement them. The Secretariat is the body
responsible for the UN administrative work. The International Court of Justice is the
main body of the UN responsible for the international law and justice. The Trusteeship
Council is the body that supervises places in the world that are still Trust Territories until
they can be independent or self-governing.
The aims of the United Nations include:
• Keep peace and security throughout the world.
• Develop friendly relations between nations.
• Work together to help people live better lives, to reduce poverty, disease and
illiteracy in the world, help to solve economic, social, cultural and humanitarian
problems, to stop environmental destruction and to promote respect for human rights
and freedoms.
• Be a centre for helping nations achieve these aims.
The main issues of United Nations are:
Social issues: Africa, Ageing, Agriculture, AIDS, Atomic, Energy, Children, Culture,
Development Cooperation, Disarmament, Drugs and Crime, Education, Elections,
Energy, Family, Food, Governance, Health, Human Rights, Human Settlements,
Humanitarian and Disaster, Indigenous People, Information, Immunications
Technology, Intellectual Property , International Finance, Iraq, International Law ,
Labour, Least Development Countries, Oceans and the Law of Sea , Peace and Security,
Population, Refugees, Question of Palestine, Science and Technology, Social
Development, Statistics, Sustainable Development, Terrorism , The Millennium UN,
General Assembly Trade and Development, Volunteerism, Women, Youth.
Environmental issues: Climate, Environment , Outer Space, Water
One of the United Nations campaigns is the Millennium Campaign. The Millennium
Campaign informs and encourages people’s involvement and action for the realization of
the Millennium Development Goals. They have 8 goals which are eradicate extreme
poverty and hunger; achieve universal primary education; promote gender equality and
empower women; reduce child mortality; improve maternal health; combat HIV/AIDS,
malaria and other diseases; ensure environmental sustainability and develop a global
partnership for development. Working at both the national and international levels, the
ambition of the Campaign is to inspire a global movement to achieve the Goals and
eradicate extreme poverty by 2015. The campaign is located around the world. There are
so many people who are killed by hunger; who working hard for a little money; who have
not completed their primary school knowledge; who are women and have no power at all;
who are mortal; who have not got water to drink; the spread out of dangerous disease; the
environment is destroyed and a lot of poor countries. In the way to achieve the goals,
what they are going to do are Reduce by half the proportion of people living on less than
a dollar a day, also reducing by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger;
ensure that boys and girls complete primary school; eliminate gender disparity in primary
and secondary education; reduce by two thirds the mortality rate among children under
five; reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio; halt and begin to reverse the
spread of HIV/AIDS and the incidence of malaria and other major diseases; Integrate the
principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes; reverse loss
of environmental resources, reduce by half the proportion of people without clean water;
cut off tariffs, address special needs of the least developed countries, landlocked and
small islands, deal comprehensively with developed countries. The successes they
achieve are the proportion of people are paid less than a dollar a day has dropped from
32%(in 1990) to 19%(in 2004); more children are going to school, primary education
rose from 80% in 1991 to 88% in 2005; women’s rights has gained a result of their
growing involvement in politics and government; child mortality has declined worldwide;
the controller of malaria; the tuberculosis is on the verge of declined. Their failures are
their progresses are not fast enough to highly achieve, green house gas continues to rise.

Each one of us can do lots of things to help this NGO. Some of them are donation
for UN Children’s Fund which operate in many countries, join in a group to help
undertake in areas of education, science, culture and communication, tell others about
United Nations and if they agree help them to be involved, join the UN Volunteers

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