Student Management System (Synopsis)

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Student management System

Student Management System is software which is helpful for students
as well as the school authorities. In the current system all the activities are
done manually. It is very time consuming and costly. Our Student
Management System deals with the various activities related to the
There are mainly 3 modules in this software
User module
Student Module
Mar management
In the Software we can register as a user and user has of two types!
student and administrator. "dministrator has the power to add new user
and can edit and delete a user. " student can register as user and can add
edit and delete his pro#le. The administrator can add edit and delete mars
for the student. "ll the users can see the mars.
System "nalysis is a detailed study of the various operations
performed $y a system and their relationships within and outside of the
system. %ere the ey &uestion is' what all pro$lems e(ist in the present
system) *hat must $e done to solve the pro$lem) "nalysis $egins when a
user or manager $egins a study of the program using e(isting system.
+uring analysis! data collected on the various #les! decision points
and transactions handled $y the present system. The commonly used tools
in the system are +ata ,low +iagram! interviews! etc. Training! e(perience
and common sense are re&uired for collection of relevant information
needed to develop the system. The success of the system depends largely
on how clearly the pro$lem is de#ned! thoroughly investigated and properly
carried out through the choice of solution. " good analysis model should
provide not only the mechanisms of pro$lem understanding $ut also the
frame wor of the solution. Thus it should $e studied thoroughly $y
collecting data a$out the system. Then the proposed system should $e
analy-ed thoroughly in accordance with the needs.
System analysis can $e categori-ed into four parts.
System planning and initial investigation
Information .athering
"pplying analysis tools for structured analysis
,easi$ility study
/ost0 1ene#t analysis.
In the current system we need to eep a num$er of records related to
the student and want to enter the details of the student and the mars
manually. In this system only the teacher or the school authority views the
mar of the student and they want to enter the details of the student. This
is time consuming and has much cost.
In our proposed system we have the provision for adding the
details of the students $y themselves. So the overhead of the school
authorities and the teachers is $ecome less. "nother advantage of the
system is that it is very easy to edit the details of the student and delete a
student when it found unnecessary. The mars of the student are added in
the data$ase and so students can also view the mars whenever they want.
Our proposed system has several advantages
User friendly interface
,ast access to data$ase
3ess error
More Storage /apacity
Search facility
3oo and ,eel 4nvironment
5uic transaction
"ll the manual di6culties in managing the student details in a
school or college have $een recti#ed $y implementing computeri-ation.
*hatever we thin need not $e feasi$le .It is wise to thin a$out the
feasi$ility of any pro$lem we undertae. ,easi$ility is the study of impact!
which happens in the organi-ation $y the development of a system. The
impact can $e either positive or negative. *hen the positives nominate the
negatives! then the system is considered feasi$le. %ere the feasi$ility study
can $e performed in two ways such as technical feasi$ility and 4conomical
Te!n"a# Feas"$"#"ty:
*e can strongly says that it is technically feasi$le! since there will not
$e much di6culty in getting re&uired resources for the development and
maintaining the system as well. "ll the resources needed for the
development of the software as well as the maintenance of the same is
availa$le in the organi-ation here we are utili-ing the resources which are
availa$le already.
E%n%m"a# Feas"$"#"ty
+evelopment of this application is highly economically feasi$le .The
organi-ation needed not spend much money for the development of t he
system already availa$le. The only thing is to $e done is maing an
environment for the development with an e8ective supervision. I f we are
doing so ! we can attain the ma(imum usa$ility of the corresponding
resources .4ven after the development ! the organi-ation will not $e in
condition to invest more in t he organi-ation .There fore ! the system is
economically feasi$le.

P(%ess%( : Pent"um III )*+M&,
RAM : -./ MB
&a(d D"s0 : .+GB
M%n"t%( : -12 C%#%( m%n"t%(
3ey B%a(d : -.. 3eys
Operating System : *indows ;T!
*indows <=!
*indows >?.
3anguage : @ava 2 Auntime
+ata$ase : MS "ccess2BBC.

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