15-Foundation of Tower

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The key takeaways are that tower foundations must safely transmit loads from the tower to the ground while considering soil conditions and types of loading. Proper foundation design is important for safety and performance of the overall structure.

The main types of loads on tower foundations are compression, tension, and lateral forces in both transverse and longitudinal directions.

Tower foundation design must consider all applicable loads and forces to ensure stability, structural adequacy, and safe transmission of loads to the soil without exceeding soil bearing capacities.

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.

Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
8.1 Introduction
Foundation of any structure plays an important role in safety and
satisfactory performance of the structure as it transmits the loads from structure
to earth. Without having a sound and safe foundation, structure cannot perform
the functions for which it has been designed. Therefore, the design of foundation
needs to be given top priority.

Past records show that failures of tower foundations are responsible for
collapse of towers. These failures have usually been associated with certain
deficiencies either in the design or classification or construction of foundations.
Many times, foundation cast are over safe because of inappropriate
classification, resulting in wastage of resources. From engineering point of view,
the task of design and selection of most suitable type of tower foundation is
challenging because of the variety of soil conditions at the site of construction of
tower. The foundations in various types of soils have to be designed to suit the
soil conditions of particular type.

As the concept of safe value for properties of soil has been dispensed with
in the design of foundation, limit value of properties of soil should be obtained
from soil investigation report.

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Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
8.2 Types of load on foundations
The foundations of towers are normally subjected to three types of forces.
These are
a. The compression or downward thrust;
b. The tension or uplift and
c. The lateral forces or side thrusts in both transverse and
longitudinal directions.

The magnitudes of each of these forces depend on the types of tower.
The magnitudes of limit loads for foundations should be taken 10% higher than
those for the corresponding towers.

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
8.3 Basic design requirements
To meet the varying needs in respect of soil conditions and
loading quantum, several types of tower foundation have been used for the
communication towers. Design philosophy of tower foundation should be
closely related to the principles adopted for the design of towers, which the
foundation has to support. It should take care of all the loads such as dead load,
live loads, wind loads, seismic loads, erection loads etc. causing vertical thrust,
uplift as well as horizontal reactions. For satisfactory performances, it should be
stable and structurally adequate and be able to transmit these forces to the soil
such that the limit soil bearing capacities are not exceeding.

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
8.4 Soil parameters
For designing the foundations, following parameters are required:
a. Limit bearing capacity of soil
b. Density of soil and
c. Angle of earth frustum.
These soil properties are normally obtained either by conducting in-situ or
Laboratory tests on soil samples collected from the field during soil investigation
or from available testing record of the area. The importance of above soil
parameters in foundation design is discussed below in brief.

Limit bearing capacity
This parameter is vital from the point of view of establishing the stability of
Foundation against shear failure of soil and excessive settlement of foundation
when Foundation is subjected to total downward loads and moments due to
horizontal shears and/or eccentricities as applicable.

Recommended limit bearing capacities of various types of soil are given in
Table 9.1 of Annexure for guidance.

Density of soil
This parameter is required to calculate the uplift resistance of the
foundation. Recommended values of angle of earth frustum for different types of
soils/rocks are given in Table.1 of Annexure.

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Angle of earth frustum
This parameter is required for finding out the uplift resistance of the
foundation. Recommended values of angle of earth frustum for different types of
soils/rocks are given in Table 8.1 of Annexure.
Table 8.1: Soil properties to be considered in foundation design for various
types of soil
Types of soil
Angle of earth
Unit Wt.of soil
Limit bearing
Normal dry soil
(a) Without undercut
(b) With undercut



Wet soil due to presence of sub soil
Water/Surface Water
15 940 12500
Black cotton soil
(a) In Dry portion
(b) In Wet portion



Sandy soil
(a) With clay content 0-5%
(b) With clay content 5-10%



Fissured Rock/Soft rock (with
(a) In Dry portion
(b) In Wet portion



6 Hard rock - - 125000
Normal hard dry soil (Morrum) with
30 1600 40000

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
1. Limit bearing capacity of soil has been arrived at taking FOS 2.5 over
the safe bearing capacity values. Soil research institute will be approached to
furnish the limit bearing capacities of soil. If and when such data are available the
above values can be reviewed.

2. Where clay content is more than 10% but less than 15% the soil will be
classified as normal dry soil.

3. Angle of earth frustum shall be taken with respect to vertical.
(Source: Transmission line manual - Central board of irrigation and power)

Types of foundations
The foundations are designed for the uplift force, down thrust, lateral
forces and over turning moments for varieties of soils.

Depending upon the ground water table and type of soil and rock, the
foundations can be classified as follows.

Normal dry soil foundations
When water table is below foundation level and when soil is cohesive and
homogeneous up to the full depth having clay content of 10-15%.

Wet soil foundations
When water table is below foundation level and up to 1.5m below ground
level. the foundation in the soils which have standing surface water for a long
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
period with penetration not exceeding 1.Om below ground level (e.g. paddy
fields) are also classified as wet foundations.

Partially submerged foundations
When water table is at a depth between 1.5m and 0.75 below ground level
and when the soil is normal and cohesive.

Fully submerged foundations
When water table is within 0.75m below ground and the soil is normal and

Black cotton soil foundations
When the soil is cohesive having inorganic clay exceeding 15% and
characterized by high shrinkage and swelling property (need not be always black
in colour)

Partial black cotton foundations
When the top layer of soil up to 1.5m is black cotton and thereafter it is
normal dry cohesive soil.

Soft rock/Fissured rock foundations
When discomposed or fissured rock, hard gravel or any other similar
nature is met this can be executed without blasting. Under cut foundation is to be
used at these locations.

Hard rock foundations
Where chiseling, drilling and blasting are required for execution.
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Sandy soil foundations
Soil with negligible cohesion because of its low clay content (0-10%)
The above categorization of foundations has been done for economizing
the design of foundations; uplift resistance of foundations is a critical design
factor which is greatly affected by the location of water table and the soil
surrounding the foundation.

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
8.5 Structural arrangement of foundation
Based on structural arrangement of foundations, the various type of
foundations are possible. The necessity of erecting towers on a variety of soils
has made it possible and necessary for the designers to adopt new innovations
and techniques. As a result, several types of tower foundations have been
devised and successfully used. Some of the more common types of foundations
are described below.

P.C.C. types
This type of foundation consists of a plain concrete footing pad with
reinforced chimney. They is as shown in figure. In this type of foundation, the
stub angle is taken inside and effectively anchored to the bottom pad by cleat
angles and / or keying rods and the chimney with reinforcement and stub angle
inside works as a composite member. The pad may be either pyramidal in shape
as shown in Figure 8.1(a) or stepped as shown in Figure 8.1(b). Stepped footings
will require less shuttering materials but need more attention during construction
to avoid cold joints between the steps. The pyramidal footings on the other hand
will require somewhat costlier formwork. In this pad and chimney type footing,
where the chimney is comparatively slender, the lateral load acting at the top of
the chimney will cause bending moment and, therefore the chimney should be
checked for combined stress due to direct pull / thrust and bending.

If the soil is very hard, conglomerate of soil, containing stones, rubbles,
kankar which can be loosened with the help of pick-axe or if the soil is of
composite nature i.e. combination of normal dry soil, hard murrum, fissured rock
which will not get unified easily with the parent soil after back filling, pyramid
chimney type foundations having 150m side clearance are not advisable and in
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
such cases undercut / stepped footings without side clearance should be

Figure 8.1(a)

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Figure 8.1(b)

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
R.C.C. spread type
Typical types of R.C.C spread footings are shown in figure 8.2. It consists
of a R.C.C base slab or mat and requires a square chimney.

There are several types of R.C.C spread footings which can be designed
for tower foundations. The three most common types of these are shown in figure
8.2(a), (b) and (c). As shown in figures, this type of foundation can be either
single step type or multiple step type and / or chamfered step type.

The R.C.C spread type footing can be suitably designed for variety of soil
conditions. R.C.C footings in some situations may be higher in cost although
structurally these are the best.

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Figure 8.2(a)

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Figure 8.2(b)
When loads on foundations are heavy and / or soil is poor, the pyramid
type foundations may not be feasible from techno-economical considerations and
under such situations, R.C.C spread type footings are technically superior and
also economical. R.C.C spread footing with bottom step/slab when cast in
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
contact with inner surface of excavated soil will offer higher uplift resistance as
compared to the footing having 150mm side clearance as shown in figure 8.2(c)

Figure 8.2 (c)

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Block type
This type of foundation is shown in fig 8.3 and fig 8.5(a). It consists of a
chimney and block of concrete. This type of foundation is usually provided where
soft rock and hard rock are strata are encountered at the tower location. In this
type of foundation, concrete is poured in direct contact with the inner surfaces of
the excavated rock so that concrete develops bond with rock. The bond between
concrete and rock provides the uplift resistance in this type of footing. The
thickness and size of the block is decided based on uplift capacity of foundation
and bearing area required.

It is advisable to have footing with a minimum depth of about 1.5m below
ground level and check this foundation for the failure of bond between rock and
concrete. The values of ultimate bond stress between the rock and the concrete
to be considered for various types of rocks are given in Table 8.2 of Annexure for
guidance. However, the actual bond stress between rock and concrete can be
decided by tests.

Block type foundations are being provided by some power utilities for soft
and hard rock strata. However, under cut type of foundations for soft rock and
rock anchor type of foundations for hard rock are sometimes preferred by some
power utilities because of their soundness though these are more costly in
comparison with Block type foundations.
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Figure 8.3

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Table: 8.2 Bond stress as per IS: 456-2000
(1) Limit bond stress between concrete and reinforcement steel
deformed in tension of grade Fe415 (conforming to IS:1786-1985
and 1139-1165)
(a) With M15 Mix
(b) With M 20 Mix
Note: For bars in compression the above values shall be increased
by 25%

16.0 kg/cm

19.5 kg/cm

(2) Limit bond stress between concrete and stubs in tension with
(a) M15 Mix
(b) M20 Mix
For compression above values will be increased by 25%
10.0 kg/cm

12.0 kg/cm

(3) Limit bond stress between rock and concrete
(a) In Fissured rock
(b) In Hard rock

1.5 kg/cm

4.0 kg/cm

(4) Limit bond stress between hard rock and grout 2.0 kg/cm

Under cut type
These types of foundations are shown in figures 8.4(a), (b), (c). These are
constructed by making under-cut in soil / rock at foundation level. This type of
foundation is very useful in normal dry cohesive soil, hard murrum, fissured / soft
rock, soils mixed with clinker, where soil is not collapsible type i.e. it can
understand by itself. A footing with an under-cut generally develops higher uplift
resistance compared to that of an identical footing without under-cut. This is due
to hte anchorage in un disturbed virgin soil. The size of under-cut shall not be
less than 1.50mm. At the discretion of utility and based on the cohesiveness of
the normal dry soil, the owner may permit undercut type of foundation for normal
and cohesive soil.
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Figure 8.4(a)

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Figure 8.4(b)
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Figure 8.4(c)

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Grouted rock and Rock anchor type
Typical Grouted rock and Rock anchor type footing is shown in figure
8.5(b). This type of footing is suitable when the rock is very hard. It consists of
two parts viz., Block of small depth followed by anchor bars embedded in the
grouted anchor holes. The top part of the bar is embedded in the concrete of the
shallow block. The depth of embedment, diameter and number of anchor bars
will depend upon the uplift force on the footing. The diameter shall not be less
than 12mm. The grouting hole shall normally be 20mm more than diameter of the

The determination of whether a rock formation is suitable for installation of
rock anchors is an engineering judgement based on rock quality. Since, the
bearing capacity of rock is usually much greater, care must be exercised in
designing for uplift. The rock surfaces may be roughened grooved or shaped to
increase the uplift capacity.
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Figure 8.5(a)
The uplift resistance will be determined by considering the bond
reinforcement bar and grout / concrete. However, an independent check for uplift
resistance should be carried out by considering the bond between rock and
concrete block which in turn will determine the minimum depth of concrete block
to be provided in hard rock. Anchor strength can be substantially increased by
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
provision of mechanical anchorages, such as use of eye-bolt, fox bolt, or
threaded rods as anchoring bars or use of keying rods in case or stub angle
anchoring . The effective anchoring strength should preferably be determined by

Figure 8.5(b)
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Augur type / under-reamed pile type
Typical types of foundation are shown in figure 8.6(a). The cast-in-siut
reinforced concrete augured footins has been extensively used in some western
countries like USA, Canada and many Asian countries. The primary benefits
derived from this type of foundations are the saving in time and manpower.
Usually a truck mounted power augur is utilized to drill a circular hole of required
diameter, the lower portion of this may be belled, if required, to a larger diameter
to increase the uplift resistance of the footing. Holes can be driven upto one
meter in diameter and six meter deep. Since, the excavated hole has to stand for
some time before reinforcing bars and cage can be placed in position and
concrete poured. Usually, stiff clays and dense sands are capable of being drilled
and standing up sufficiently long for concreting works and installation of stub
angle or anchor bolts, whereas loose granular materials may give trouble during
construction of these footings. Betonies slurry or similar material is used to
stabilize the drilled hole. In soft soils, a steel casing can also be lowered into the
hole as the excavation proceeds to hold the hole open.

The friction along the surface of the shalt alone provides uplift resistance
of augured footing without bell and hence its capacity to resist uplift is limited.
Augured footing can be constructed according to the requirements, vertical or
battered and with or without expanded base.
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Figure 8.6(a)
Under-reamed pile type
The under-reamed piles are more or less similar to augured footings
except that they have under reaming above bottom of shaft. These can be
generally constructed with hand augur. The bore is drilled vertically or at a batter
with the augur, having an arrangement of cutting flanges (edges) to be opened
by the lever. This arrangement makes it possible to make under-reams at various
levels of bores as shown in fig 8.6(b). The advantage of this foundation is faster

The load carrying capacity of these footings, both for downward and uplift
forces should be established by tests. The safe loads allowed on under-reamed
piles of length 3.50m and under-reamed to 2.5 times shaft diameter in clayey,
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
black cotton and medium dense sandy soils may be taken from IS: 4091 for

Figure 8.6(b)

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Pile type
A typical pile type is shown in Figure 8.7. This type of foundation is usually
adopted when soil isvery weak and has very poor bearing capacity or foundation
has to be located in filled-up soil or sea mud to a large depth or where tower
location falls within river bed and creek bed which are likely to get scoured
during floods. The pile foundations are designed based on the data of soil
exploration at the tower location. The important parameter for the design of pile
foundation the type of soil, angle of internal friction, cohesion and unit weight of
soil at various depths along the shaft of pile, maximum discharge of the river,
maximum velocity of water, high flood level, scour depth etc.

Pile foundation usually costs more and may be adopted only after the
detailed examination of the site condition and soil data. The downward vertical
load on the foundation is carried by the dead weight of the concrete in piles and
pile caps and frictional resistance between pile and soil surrounding the pile. For
carrying heavy lateral loads, battered piles may be advantageously used. Piles
are of different types such as driven pre-cast files, cast-in-situ concrete bored
piles and cast-in-situ concrete driven piles, concrete driven piles whether pr-cast
or cast-in-situ, require heavy machinery for their construction and as such may
no be possible to use for transmission line foundations because of the
remoteness of the sites and small volume of work. Mostly, cast-in-situ concrete
bored piles are provided in transmission line projects since, they do not require
heavy machinery for their construction.

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Figure 8.7

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
8.6 Soil resistances for designing foundation
As discussed earlier, the foundations of towers are subjected to three
types of loads viz., the downward trust (compression), the uplift (tension) and the
side trust (horizontal shear). The soil resistances available for transferring the
above forces to earth are described below.

Uplift resistance
The soil surrounding a tower foundation has to resist a considerable
amount of upward force (tension). In fact, in the case of self-supporting towers,
the available uplift resistance of the soil becomes the most decisive factor for
selection for a particular location.

It is generally considered that the resistance to uplift is provided by the
shear strength of the surrounding soil and the weight of the foundation. Various
empirical relationships linking ultimate uplift capacity of foundation to the physical
properties of soil like angle of internal friction (0) and cohesion (C) as well as the
dimensions and depth of the footing have been proposed on the basis of
experimental results. However, the angle of earth frustum is considered for
calculating the uplift resistance of soil. Typical value of angle of earth frustum;
are given in table of annexure for guidance the angle of earth frustum is taken as
2/3 of the angle of internal friction or the value given in the table whichever is
smaller for the type of soil under consideration. The uplift resistance is estimated
by computing the weight of the earth contained in an inverted frustum of cone
whose sides make an angle (0) with the vertical equal to the angle of earth

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
It should, however, be noted that effective uplift resistance, apart from
being a function of the properties of soil like angle of internal friction (0) and
cohesion (C) is greatly affected by the degree of compaction and the ground
water table. When the backfill is under consolidated with non-cohesive material,
the effective uplift resistance will be greatly reduced. In case of foundation under
water table, the buoyant weights of concrete and backfill are only considered to
be effective. The uplift resistance of footing with under cut projections within
undisturbed soils in firm non-cohesive soils and fissured/soft rock generally is
larger than that of conventional footings.

Lateral soil resistance
In foundation design of towers, the side thrusts on the foundation are
considered to be resisted by the passive earth pressures mobilized the adjoining
soils due to rotation of the footing. Passive pressure/resistance of soil is
calculated based on Rankine's formula for frictional soils and unconfirmed
compressive strength for cohesive soils.

Bearing capacity
The downward compressive loads acting on the foundation including
moments due to horizontal shears and / or eccentricities, where existing, are
transferred from foundation to earth through bearing capacity of soil. The limiting
bearing capacity of soil is the maximum downward intensity of load which the soil
can resist without shear failure or excessive settlement.

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
8.7. Design procedure for foundation
The design of any foundation consists of following two parts.
8.7.1 Stability analysis
Stability analysis aims at removing the possibility of failure of foundation
by tilting, overturning, uprooting and sliding due to load intensity imposed on soil
by foundation being in excess of the ultimate capacity of the soil. The most
important aspect of the foundation design is the necessary check for the stability
of foundation under various loads imposed on it by the tower, which it supports.
The foundation should remain stable under all the possible combinations of
loading, to which it is likely to be subjected under the most stringent conditions.
The stability of foundations should be checked for the following aspects.

Check for bearing capacity
The total downward load at the base of footing consists of compression
per leg derived from the tower design, buoyant weight of concrete below ground
level and weight of concrete above ground level.

While calculating over weight of concrete for checking bearing capacity of
soil, the position of water table should be considered at critical location i.e., which
would give maximum over weight of concrete. In case of foundation with chimney
battered along the slope of leg, the center line of chimney may not coincide with
the center of gravity of base slabs/pyramid/block. Under such situation, axial load
in the chimney can be resolved into vertical and horizontal components at the top
of the base slabs/pyramid/block. The additional moments due to the above
horizontal loads should be considered while checking the bearing capacity of soil.

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Further even in cases where full horizontal shear is balanced try the
passive pressure of soil, the horizontal shears would caused moment at the bas
of footing as the line of action of side thrusts (horizontal shears) and resultant of
passive pressure of soil are not in the same line. It may be noted that passive
pressure of soil is reactive forces from heat soil for balancing the external
horizontal forces and as much mobilized passive pressure in soil adjoining the
footing cannot be more than the external horizontal shear.

Thus the maximum soil pressure below the base of the foundation (toe
pressure) will depend up on the vertical thrust (compression load) on the footing
and the moments at the base level due to the horizontal shears and other
eccentric loadings. Under the action of down thrust and moments, the soil
pressure below the footing will not be uniform and the maximum toe pressure 'p'
on the soil can be determined from the equation.
= + +
'W' is the total vertical down thrust including over weight of the footing,
'B' is the dimension of the footing base;
& M
are moments at the base of footing about transverse and longitudinal
axes of footing and
& Z
are the section module of footing which are equal to (1/6)B
for a
square footing.
The above equation is not valid when minimum pressure under the footing
becomes negative. The maximum pressure on the soil so obtained should not
exceed the limit bearing capacity of the soil.
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Check for uplift resistance
In the case of spread foundations, the resistance to uplift is considered to
be provide by the buoyant weight of the foundation and the weight of the soil
volume contained in the inverted frustum of cone on the base of the footing with
slides making an angle equal to the angle of earth frustum applicable for a
particular type of the soil.
Referring to the figure 8.8 the ultimate resistance to up lift is given by:

Where W
is the weight of the soil in hte frustum of cone
is the buoyant weight /overload of the foundation.

Depending up on the type of foundation i.e., whether dry or wet or partially
submerged or fully submerged, the weights W
& W
should be calculated taking
into account the location of ground water table.

Figure 8.8
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Under-cut type of foundation offers greater resistance to uplift than an
identical footing without under-cut. This is for the simple reason that the angle of
earth frustum originates from the toe of the under-cut and there is perfect bond
between concrete and the soil surrounding it and there is no need to depend on
the behavior of back filled earth. Substantial additional uplift resistance is
developed due to use of under-cut type of foundation. However, to reflect
advantage of additional uplift resistance in the design the density of soil for
under-cut foundation has been increased as given in Table of Annexure.

In cases where frustum of earth pyramid of two adjoining legs overlap, the
earth frustum is assumed truncated by a vertical plane passing through the
center line of the tower base.

Check for side thrust
In towers with inclined stub angles and having diagonal bracing at the
lowest panel point, the net shearing force of the footing is equal to the horizontal
component of the force in hte diagonal bracing whereas in towers with vertical
footings, the total horizontal load on the tower is divided equally between the
numbers of legs. The shear force causes bending stresses ink the unsupported
length of the stub angles as well as in the chimney and tends to overturn the

When acted upon by a lateral load, the chimney will act as a cantilever
beam free at the top and fixed at the base and supported by the soil along its
height. Analysis of such foundations and design of the chimney for bending
moments combined with down thrust uplift is very important. Stability of a footing
under a lateral load depends on the amount of passive pressure mobilized in the
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
adjoining soil as well as the structural strength of the footing in transmitting the
load to the soil. (Refer figure 8.9)

Figure 8.9
Check for over-turning
Stability of the foundation against overturning under the combined action
of uplift and horizontal shears may be checked by the following criteria as shown
in Figure 8.10.
i The foundation over-turns at the toe
ii The weight of the footing acts at the center of the base and
iii Mainly that part of the earth cone which stands over the heel causes the
stabilizing moment. However, for design purposes this may be taken equal to the
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
half of the cone of earth acting on the base. It is assumed to act through the tip of
the heel.

For stability of foundation against overturning, factor of safety shall not be
less than 1.5 (DL +LL +WL) (IS: 1904-1986)

Figure 8.10

Check for sliding
In the foundation of towers, the horizontal shear is comparatively small
and possibility of sliding is generally negligible. However, resistance to sliding is
evaluated assuming that passive earth pressure conditions are developed on
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
vertical projections above the toe of foundations. The friction between bottom of
the footing and soil also resist the sliding of footing and can be considered in the
stability of foundation against sliding. The coefficient of friction between concrete
and soil can be considered between 0.2 and 0.3. However, the frictional force is
directly proportional to vertical downward load and as such may not exist under
uplift condition. For cohesive soil the following formula can be applied for
calculating the passive pressure to resist sliding.

=2C tan +h tan

Where C =Cohesion
+1/2 of angle of earth frustum
H =height of foundation
=unit weight of soil
For stability of foundation against sliding. Factor of safety shall not be less
than 1.5(DL +LL +WL) (IS: 1904-1986)
8.7.2 Structural design of foundation
Structural design of concrete foundation comprises the design of chimney
and the design of base slab/pyramid/block. The structural design of different
elements of concrete foundation is discussed below.

Structural design of chimney
The chimney should be designed for maximum bending moments due to
side thrust in both transverse and longitudinal direction combined with direct pull
(Tension)/ direct down thrust (compression).

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Usually, combined uplift and bending will determine the requirement of
longitudinal reinforcement in the chimney. When the stub angle is embedded in
the chimney to its full depth and anchored to the bottom slab/pyramid/block the
chimney is designed considering passive resistance of soil leaving 500mm from
ground level. This is applicable for all soils - cohesive, non-cohesive and mixture
of cohesive and non-cohesive soils. In hilly areas and for fissured rock, passive
resistance of soils will not be considered. Stub angles will not be considered to
provide any reinforcement.

In certain cases, when stub is embedded in the chimney for the required
development length alone and same is not taken up to the bottom of foundation
of leg of the tower is fixed at the top of the chimney/pedestal by anchor bolts,
chimney should be designed by providing reinforcement to withstand combined
stresses due to direct tension/down thrust (compression) and bending moments,
due to side thrust in both transverse and longitudinal direction. The structural
design of chimney for the above cases should comply with the procedures given
in IS: 456-1978 and SP-16 using limit state method of design.

Case 1 when stub angle is anchored in base slab/pyramid/block
When the stub is anchored in base slab/pyramid/block reinforcement shall be
provided in chimney for structural safety on the sides of the chimney at the
( )( )
i si ci ck
ck 1
0.36k P /100 f f /f
f B
= +

( ) ( )( ) ( )
i si ci ck i
ck 1
0.36k 0.5 0.416k P /100 f f /f Y / D
f B
= +

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
cbc st


=cross sectional area of reinforcement in it row
=100 A
/ B

=stress in concrete at the level of ith row of reinforcement
=Stress in the ith row of reinforcement, compression being positive and
tension being negative
= distance from the centroid of the section to the ith row of
reinforcement: positive towards the highly compressed edge and negative
towards the least compressed edge
n =Number of rows of reinforcement
=stress in stubs
=stress in concrete
=characteristic compressive strength of concrete
m =modular ratio

=permissible bending compressive stress in concrete

=permissible tensile stress in steel
Case 2 when stub is provided in chimney only for its development length
When stub is provided in chimney only for its development length,
chimney has to be designed for and reinforcement provided for combined
stresses due to direct puit (tension) thrust (compression) and bending moments.
The requirement of longitudinal reinforcement should be calculated in
accordance with IS: 456-1978 and SP: 16 as an independent concrete column.

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
In this case, from the equilibrium of internal and external forces on the
chimney section and using stress and strains of concrete and steel as per
IS:456-1978 the following equations are given in SP:16 are applicable.
( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
i si ci s ss ci ck
ck 1
0.36k 0.5 0.416k P /100 f f p /100 f f /f
f B
= + +

( ) ( )( ) ( )
i si ci ck i
ck 1
0.36k 0.5 0.416k P /100 f f / f Y / D
f B
= +

In each of the above cases, for a given axial force compression or tension,
and for area of reinforcement, the depth of neutral axis Y
= KB
can be
calculated from Equations using stress strain relationship for concrete and steel
as given in IS: 456-1978. After finding out the value of 'K' the bending capacity of
the chimney section can be worked out using equation. The bending capacity of
the chimney section should be more than the maximum moment caused in the
chimney by side thrust (horizontal shear). Chimney is subjected to biaxial
moments i.e., both longitudinal and transverse. The structural adequacy of the
chimney in combined stresses due to axial force (tension/compression) and
bending should be checked from the following equation:

un un
ut ul

+ <

and M
are the moments about transverse and longitudinal axis of the
and M
are the respective moment of resistance with axial loads of P

about transverse and longitudinal axis of chimney which would be equal in case
of square chimney with uniform distribution of reinforcement on all four faces.
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
N is an exponent whose value would be 1.0 when axial force is tensile and
depends on the value of P
/ P
when axial force is compressive where:
=0.45 f
+0.75 f
+0.75 f

In the above equation
is the area of concrete
is the area of reinforcement steel
is the cross sectional area on stub to be taken as zero
is the yield stress of reinforcement steel and
is the yield stress of stub steel to be taken as zero.
/ P
uz N

For intermediate values, linear interpolation may be done.
The solution of equations for case-2 is given is SP-16 in the form of
graphs for various grades of concrete and steel and these can be readily used

Important codal provision F
While designing the chimney, the important codal provisions as given
below should be followed:
(a) In any chimney that has a larger cross sectional area than that required to
support the load the minimum percentage of steel shall be based on the
area of concrete required to resist the direct stress and not on the actual
(b) The minimum number longitudinal bars provided in a column shall be four
in square chimney and six in a circular chimney.
(c) The bars shall not be less than 12mm in diameter.
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
(d) In case of a chimney in which the longitudinal reinforcement is not required
in strength calculation, nominal longitudinal reinforcement not less than
0.15% of the cross sectional area shall be provided.
(e) The spacing of stirrups/ lateral ties shall be not more than the least of the
following distances:
i. The least lateral dimension of the chimney
ii. Sixteen times the smallest diameter of the longitudinal reinforcement
bar to be tied.
iii. Forty-eight times the diameter of the transverse stirrups / lateral ties.

(f) The diameter of the polygonal links or lateral ties shall be not less than one-
fourth of the diameter of the largest longitudinal bar and in no case less
(g) Structural design of base slab

The base slab in R.C.C spread foundations could be single stepped or
multistepped. The design of concrete foundations shall be done as per limit state
method of design given in IS: 456-2000.
Important codal stipulations for R.C.C foundations
The important provisions applicable for concrete foundations which are
necessary and should be considered in the design are explained below:

(a) Footings shall be designed to sustain the applied loads moments and
forces and the included reactions and to ensure that any settlement which may
occur shall be as nearly uniform possible and the bearing capacity of the soil is
not exceeded.
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
(b) Thickness at the edge of footing in reinforced concrete footing shall not
be less than 15cm (5cm lean concrete plus 10cm structural concrete). In case of
plain concrete footing thickness at the edge shall not be less than 5cm.

(c) Bending moment
i. The bending moment at any section shall be determined by passing
through the section of a vertical plane which extends completely across the
footing and computing the moment of the forces acting over the entire area of the
footing on the side of the said plane.

ii. The greatest bending moment to be used in the design of an isolated
concrete footing which supports a column / pedestal shall be the moment
computed in the manner prescribed in c(i) above at section located as follow:
a. At the face of the chimney.
b. At the sections where width / thickness of the footing changes.

(d) Shear and bond
The shear strength of footing is governed by the more severe of the following
two conditions:

i. The footing acting essentially as a wide beam with a potential diagonal crack
extending in a place across the entire width; the critical section for this condition
should be assumed as a vertical section located from the face of the chimney at
a distance equal to the effective depth of the footing in case of footings on soils.

ii. Two-way action of the following with potential diagonal cracking along the
surface of truncated cone or pyramid around the concentrated load.
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
(e) Critical section
The critical section for checking the development length in a footing shall be
assumed at the same plane as those described for bending moment in para (c)
above and also at all other vertical planes where abrupt changes of section

When a plain concrete pyramid and chimney type footing is provided and
pyramidal slopes out from the chimney at an angle less than 45 from vertical, the
pyramid is not required to be checked for bending stresses. Thus, in such cases
the footing is designed to restrict the spread of concrete pyramid of slab block to
45 with respect to vertical.
8.7.3 Concrete technology for tower foundation designs
While designing the various types of concrete footings it is better to know
about certain aspects of concrete technology which are given below:
Properties of concrete
The grade of the structural concrete used for tower foundations should not
be leaner than M15 having a 28-day cube strength of not less than 15 N/mm

and concrete shall conform to IS: 456, for special foundations like pile
foundations richer concrete of grade of M20 having a 28-day cube strength of not
less than 20 N/mm
should be used. M15 grade concrete shall have the nominal
strength of not less than 15 N/mm
at the end of 28 days as ascertained from the
cube test. Such strength at the end of 7 days shall not be less than 10 N/mm
The density of the concrete will be 2300 kg/m
for plain concrete and 2400
. For R.C.C other properties of concrete shall be as given in IS: 456-2000.

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Properties of steel
The high yield stress cold deformed reinforcement bars used in the R.C.C
shall conform to IS: 1786-1979 and shall have yield stress of not less than 415
. When mild steel reinforcement bars are used in R.C.C., they shall
conform to IS:432 (part-I) and shall have yield stress of not less than 26 N/mm

for bars of size up to 20mm diameter and 24 N/mm
for bars above 20mm
Pull-out tests on tower foundation
The pull out tests conducted on foundations help in determining the
behaviors of the soil while resisting the uplift forces.

The feed from this pull out test results in a particular type of soil can be
conveniently used in the design of foundations. The procedure of pull out tests,
equipments and results are discussed in detail below.

Selection of site
Trial pits of size 1.0 x 1.0 x 3.0 meter are made and the strata of the soil
are observed. It is ascertained that the strata available at the location is one in
which we are interested (i.e., a particular type of soil or combination of soils is
available). csoil samples are taken from and around the site and subjected to
various rests. Particularly relating to the density of soil, bearing capacity of soil,
cohesion and angle of internal friction etc.

Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Design of foundation for pull-out test

Figure 8.11
Design of foundations for pull-out test is carried out with a different view
point as compared to the design of actual foundations for tower. This is due to
the fact that the pull-out tests are conducted to measure the pull-out resistance
and the pull-out bars should be strong so that these do not fall before the
soil/rock fails.

Based on the actual tower foundation loadings (down thrust, uplift and
side thrust) and the soil parameters obtained from the tests, a foundation design
is developed. The design has a central rod running from the bottom of the footing
up to a height of about 1.5m to 2.0m above ground, depending on the jacking
requirements. The central rod is surrounded by a cage of reinforcement bars.
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
A typical design development for the pull-out test is shown in Figure 8.11.

Casting of foundation
The pits are excavated accurately. The concrete mix, reinforcement, from
boxes etc. are exactly as per the design. The pouring of the concrete is done
such that voids are minimized. The back filling of the soil should be carried out
using sufficient water to eliminate voids and loose pockets. The foundation
should be cured for 14 days (minimum) and thereafter left undisturbed for a
period not less than 30 days.

Investigation of foundation towers
Normally it is believed that once the foundation is cast and the tower is
erected, the foundations can not be re-opened for investigation or repairing.

If the foundations of the tower have to be investigated, certain locations
are selected at random in such a fashion that foundations for various types of
soils are covered one by one. Out of the four individual footings of selected
tower, two diagonally opposite foundations are selected and one of the four faces
of each of these two foundations is excavated in slanting direction from top to

After the investigation is over and corrective measures have been chalked
out it is advisable to backfill the excavating mixing earth with fight cement slurry,
particularly when the soil is non-cohesive such as soft murrum / hard murrum,
softrock / hard rock etc., (say one cement bag for every three to four cubic meter
of earth). This will ensure good bond and safeguard the foundation against uplift
forces, even if corrective repairs of the foundations are delayed.
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Repair of foundation of a tower
After it is established that the foundation is unhealthy, it is better to take
the corrective steps as early as possible. The methods would be different for
rectifying isolated location/locations (one to two) and for rectifying complete
line/line sections including a number of towers. These are discussed below.

(a) Rectification of isolated locations (one or two) is done on individual
basis. Any one of the four footings is taken up first. It is opened up from all the
four sides. The toer legs connected to this footing are guyed. After rectifying the
foundation backfilling is done. A minimum of seven-days time is allowed for
curing of the repaired foundation before excavating the second leg for repairs. In
the similar way the other legs also repaired.

Foundation defects and their repairs
The main possible defects in the cast concrete can be as follows:
(a) Under sizing of foundation due to wrong classification of soil; for example,
the soil may be dry black cotton but the foundation cast may be that for normal
dry soil, if the corrective measures are not taken, the foundation can fail. An
R.C.C collar in designed for the type of soil and tower loadings to remedy such a
(b) Improper foundation of pyramid/chimney etc., due to improper concrete
If the concrete is simply poured from the top of the form box, without
taking care to fill the voids (using crow bar, vibrator etc.) the concrete does not
reach to the corners of the form and thus the foundation is not completely
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Foundation for roof top communication towers
In urban areas where the land is very costly communications towers are
placed on the rooftops of the buildings with the added advantage of the altitude.
For placing the tower on the buildings, the stability of the building for the
additional loads envisaged on the building due to the placing of his tower etc.,
shall be checked and certified.

Figure 8.12
The foundation for the tower shall be designed in such a way that the
loads are directly transferred on to the columns only, following ways attains this.
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
(a) The column rods of the building are exposed and the reinforcement
required for the tower pedestal is welded to the exposed rods.

(b) Where the exposing of the rods is not possible the pedestal rods can be
anchored by drilling holes vertically on top of the columns and grouting
them with the chemical grouts.

(c) Welding the pedestal rods to the beam rods at the column beam junctions.
Typical details are shown in the figure 8.12

The for the roof top communication tower consists of the pedestal and
beam arrangement. The tower base plate rests on the beam. The beam shall be
designed for both down thrust and uplift forces coming from the tower. Figure
8.13 shows the typical foundation detail for the roof top communication tower.
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Figure 8.13
Spacing of the columns in the existing building governs the economy of
the foundation design. The size of base plate governs the width of the beam,
width of the beam has to be at least 50mm more than the base plate and the
depth governed by the anchor bolt, the depth of the beam shall be more than the
anchor bolt length. For the proper distribution of the concentrated force coming
from the tower leg in the beam, it is suggested to place the base plate on the
pedestal on the beam minimum 250mm height limiting to 400mm.

Example 1
Design forces on tower leg
Ultimate compression: 81,400 kg
Ultimate uplift : 58,250 kg
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Ultimate shear : 2,250 kg
Tower data
Base width =4m
Height =36m
Soil data
Soil type : medium dense sand
Site location : Manali (Madras)
Average SPT value: 12
In-situ density =1.79 t/m

=1.0 t/m


Water table at 1.5m below ground level.
for overburden upto 5m depth =16
=23, N

Type of foundation
Select a pad footing of size 2.5m x 2.5m at 2.5m depth
Check for uplift
Uplift resistance is calculated using different methods discussed in the text.
1. From equation (9.7) of Mayerhof,
u J u
T CBD S B D K tan W

= + +

2. From conventional method (IS: 4091 - 1979) for 20
dispersion in
cohesionless soils,
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
=44.39 t (weight of frudtum of earth +weight of concrete as
show Figure) (2)
3. From equation (9.13), uplift resistance along the shearing plane
( )
2 2 3
Q 2 C K tanj
R x x x
Dtan tan
2 2 3

= +



Since the footing is a pad, assume a factor of safety of 2 for possible
weakening of soil due to excavation and refilling.

allowable =30.12 / 2 =15.06 t (3)
Adding equation 2 and 3, the total uplift resistance,
=44.39 +15.06 =59.45 t (4)
Design uplift resistance =58.32 t (Least of equation 1 and 4)
Design uplift force =58.25 t, hence, safe.
Check for bearing capacity
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
From equation 9.1,

Where values of s, d and i are chosen from Table 9.9.
Area of footing =2.5 x 2.5 =6.25 m

Ultimate bearing capacity of footing =6.25 x 94.8
This is greater than the ultimate compression 81.4 t, hence safe.
Generally, bearing capacity is not the governing criterion.
Check for settlement
From equation (9.20) instantaneous settlement

i P
1 v
s I qB


Choosing v and E
from table 9.4 and I
from table 9.14
Since the soil is sandy, settlement due to consolidation does not arise.
Base width of tower =4m
Maximum possible rotation
=0.313 / 400 =0.00078
Check for lateral capacity by Reese and Matlock Method
From Table 9.5,
T 89.8

= =

=L/T =2.78
Z =x / T at x =0, Z =0;
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
From Figure,
=+3, B
=2.0, A
=0.66, B
H =H
/ 2 =1,125 kg
=1,125 x 15 =16,875 kg cm
3 2
y y i
= +

at service load =0.31 cm <2 cm, hence safe

at ultimate load =154,856 kg cm.
Structural design
Deflection at ultimate load =2 x 0.31 =0.62cm.
Check for compression and bending
Moment due to eccentricity =81,400 x 0.62
=50,468 kg cm
Design moment =154,856 +50,468
=205,324 kg cm
Design compressive load =81,400 kg
Use M 150 concrete and Fe 415 steel.
=150 kg/cm
, f
=4,150 kg/cm

Let d
/ D =0.1
Use chart 56 of IS SP: 16 (S and T) - 1980,
Design of Steel Structures Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar and Prof. A.R.Santha Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
f D
f D
0.15,p 0.15x15 2.25percent
A 15.9cm
= = =

Provide 16mm diameter ribbed twisted steel (RTS) 8 numbers.
Use 8mm hoops at 15 cm c/c which satisfy the code requirements.
Check for tension
Design uplift =58,250 kg
Let the leg section be L 130 x 130 x 10
Perimeter =52
Design bond stress 1.0 N/mm
(IS: 456 - 1978)
Development length required
perimeter x stress
52 x10
= =

Hence safe.
Anchor the leg member in the chimney part with 40cm cross member as
shown in Figure 1 for additional safety

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