Sarath Kumar is seeking a challenging career in IT technical areas where he can leverage his technical and functional knowledge. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering and over 10 years of experience developing ERP reporting and project management software. He has expertise in designing, developing, and testing software applications and good analytical and communication skills. His most recent projects include developing websites and mobile applications for an NGO and consulting firm using technologies like PHP, MySQL, and Joomla.
Sarath Kumar is seeking a challenging career in IT technical areas where he can leverage his technical and functional knowledge. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering and over 10 years of experience developing ERP reporting and project management software. He has expertise in designing, developing, and testing software applications and good analytical and communication skills. His most recent projects include developing websites and mobile applications for an NGO and consulting firm using technologies like PHP, MySQL, and Joomla.
Sarath Kumar is seeking a challenging career in IT technical areas where he can leverage his technical and functional knowledge. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering and over 10 years of experience developing ERP reporting and project management software. He has expertise in designing, developing, and testing software applications and good analytical and communication skills. His most recent projects include developing websites and mobile applications for an NGO and consulting firm using technologies like PHP, MySQL, and Joomla.
Sarath Kumar is seeking a challenging career in IT technical areas where he can leverage his technical and functional knowledge. He has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering and over 10 years of experience developing ERP reporting and project management software. He has expertise in designing, developing, and testing software applications and good analytical and communication skills. His most recent projects include developing websites and mobile applications for an NGO and consulting firm using technologies like PHP, MySQL, and Joomla.
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No 45/2 Thanthoniamman koil street,
Villivakkam, Chennai -49
+91 9840781861 sarathisha!"mail#$om % &'('T) *+,'( -./0CT1V0 &eekin" a $hallen"in" $areer in %)%/.i" 2ata te$hni$al area 3here 1 $an s45$e $om6an7 re84irements an a4"ment m7 te$hni$al an 94n$tional kno3le"e# 02+C'T1-N '3are .a$helors o9 0n"ineerin" e"ree in Com64ter s$ien$e an en"ineerin" 9rom 'nna +niversit7 in '6ril 2012 - 7:;# '3are )&0 9rom <#%#'# &o4nara6anian )r se$ s$hool in '6ril 2008 - 64; '3are &&=C 9rom <#%#'# &o4nara6anian )r se$ s$hool in '6ril 2006 - 81#6; C0(T1>1C'T1-N 'N2 T('1N1N? &4$$ess94ll7 $om6lete )aoo6 evelo6er $o4rse 9rom Velo$e te$hnolo"ies 6vt lt %4rs4in" ,101/@ ,on"o2. 9or /ava 2evelo6er# %(->0&&1-N'= 0A%0(10NC 0 1#10 7ears o9 eB6erien$e in evelo6in" ,1& re6ortin" an 6roCe$t mana"ement so9t3areDs# C4rrentl7 3orkin" in ,a >oi 'nal7ti$s an E4siness servi$es 6vt lt as /4nior &o9t3are 0n"ineer 9rom '6ril 201: to till ate <orke in ,a >oi &trate"i$ $ons4ltantDs 6vt lt as /4nior &o9t3are 0n"ineer 9rom NovemEer 2012 to ,ar$h 201:# T0C)N1C'= 0A%-&+(0 Specialization %)%/,F&G=# PHP Framework &7m9on7, Coe1"niter# CMS /oomla# Scripting Languages %7thon# Big Data Technologies '6a$he )aoo6, ,a6 (e4$e, %i", )ive,# NoSql Dataase ,on"o2.# Dataase ,7&G=# Moile !e"elopment %hone"a6, /84er7
,oEile #e Technologies )T,=, /ava &$ri6t, C&&, 'CaB# Tools $ %tilit& 2ream <eaver, %hotosho6# 0A%0(T1&0 ?oo eB6ertise in esi"n, evelo6ment an testin" o9 so9t3are a66li$ations# ?oo 'nal7ti$al an Comm4ni$ation skills# Creative, Versatile an keen on im6rovin" Te$hni$al as 3ell as 2omain kno3le"e %(->0&&1-N'= %(-/0CT 0A%0(10NC 0 'rganization( Ma Foi Strategic Consultants Pro)ects( Website for NGO Client : The Ma Foi foundation Team Size : 1 Duration : 1 Week Environment : PHP, MYSQL, Joomla. Roles and Responsibility: Installation of Joomla on the wese!"e!. #ddin$ u% the &ontent to the 'oomla. Inte$!atin$ Pa(ment $atewa( fo! )onations. S&nopsis( The Ma Foi foundation is a *on+%!ofit o!$ani,ation. The( !e-ui!ed a no!mal wesite with the %a(ment Inte$!ation fo! donations. MIS reporting system Client : Inte!national .usiness )e"elo%ment Team Size : / Duration : 0 Months Environment : PHP, MYSQL, Hi$h&ha!ts and JQue!(. %a"e H 2 % &arath k4mar Roles and Responsibility: In"ol"ed in 12t!a&tion of data f!om the %!o%!ieta!( a&&ountin$ softwa!e Tall(. 3nde!stood the )ataase S&hema of Tall(. In"ol"ed in )ashoa!d, &ha!tin$ modules. S&nopsis( MIS !e%o!tin$ s(stem is a dashoa!d !e%o!tin$ fo! the mana$ement %eo%le. It in&ludes P!ofit and Loss , 1m%lo(ee !e%o!ts, et&., VEC BizzApp - Web Client : 4alue 1n$inee!in$ 5ent!e. Team Size : 6 Duration : 1Yea! 7 Months Environment : PHP, MYSQL, S(mfon(, Hi$h&ha!ts and JQue!(. Roles and Responsibility: In"ol"ed in de"elo%ment of 1n-ui!ies, 5T8, !e%o!tin$ modules. In"ol"ed in !e-ui!ement anal(sis. In"ol"ed in )ashoa!d, &ha!tin$ modules. S&nopsis( 415 .i,,#%% is a %!o'e&t mana$ement usiness we a%%li&ation fo! a &lient f!om middle east &ount!(. This #%%li&ation has the 1nti!e usiness %!o&ess in&ludin$ the modules 91n-ui!(:, :5T8:, 9Man%owe! %lannin$:, 9P!o'e&t:, 9Timesheet: and 98e%o!ts:. The 1nti!e s(stem is inte$!ated with the &loud data sto!a$e fo! the do&ument mana$ement. In the !e%o!t Module it has the 9;antt &ha!t: to "isuall( see the %!o'e&t status with the tasks !eaku%. VEC BizzApp - Mobile Client : 4alue 1n$inee!in$ 5ent!e. Team Size : < Duration : 1 Month Environment : PHP, MYSQL, &odeI$nite!, Phone;a%, Hi$h&ha!ts and JQue!(. Roles and Responsibility: In"ol"ed in !e-ui!ement anal(sis. In"ol"ed in )ashoa!d, &ha!tin$ and 8e%o!tin$ modules. %a"e H : % &arath k4mar S&nopsis( 415 .i,,#%% Moile is the sim%lified "e!sion of we "e!sion. It has the ma'o! ke( fun&tionalities f!om the We a%%li&ations like 91n-ui!(:, 9#%%!o"als:, et&., %0(&-N'= %(->1=0 2ate o9 .irth @ 02-/4l7-1991 &eB @ ,ale %ermanent 'ress@ No 45 / 2, Thanthoniamman *oil &t, Villivakkam Chennai I 600 049# =an"4a"es *no3n @ 0n"lish, Tamil, an Tel4"4# 2ate@ Fo4rs 9aith94ll7, %la$e@ J%# &arath *4marK %a"e H 4 % &arath k4mar
Python Machine Learning: Using Scikit Learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras, an Introductory Journey into Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analysis, Algorithms, and Data Science