P Sarath Kumar: Objective

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No 45/2 Thanthoniamman koil street,

Villivakkam, Chennai -49

+91 9840781861
% &'('T) *+,'(
-./0CT1V0 &eekin" a $hallen"in" $areer in %)%/.i" 2ata te$hni$al area 3here 1
$an s45$e $om6an7 re84irements an a4"ment m7 te$hni$al an
94n$tional kno3le"e#
02+C'T1-N '3are .a$helors o9 0n"ineerin" e"ree in Com64ter s$ien$e an
en"ineerin" 9rom 'nna +niversit7 in '6ril 2012 - 7:;#
'3are )&0 9rom <#%#'# &o4nara6anian )r se$ s$hool in '6ril 2008
- 64;
'3are &&=C 9rom <#%#'# &o4nara6anian )r se$ s$hool in '6ril
2006 - 81#6;
&4$$ess94ll7 $om6lete )aoo6 evelo6er $o4rse 9rom Velo$e
te$hnolo"ies 6vt lt
%4rs4in" ,101/@ ,on"o2. 9or /ava 2evelo6er#
1#10 7ears o9 eB6erien$e in evelo6in" ,1& re6ortin" an 6roCe$t
mana"ement so9t3areDs#
C4rrentl7 3orkin" in ,a >oi 'nal7ti$s an E4siness servi$es 6vt lt as
/4nior &o9t3are 0n"ineer 9rom '6ril 201: to till ate
<orke in ,a >oi &trate"i$ $ons4ltantDs 6vt lt as /4nior
&o9t3are 0n"ineer 9rom NovemEer 2012 to ,ar$h 201:#
Specialization %)%/,F&G=#
PHP Framework &7m9on7,
CMS /oomla#
Scripting Languages
Big Data Technologies '6a$he )aoo6,
,a6 (e4$e, %i",
NoSql Dataase ,on"o2.#
Dataase ,7&G=#
Moile !e"elopment
%hone"a6, /84er7

#e Technologies )T,=, /ava &$ri6t,
C&&, 'CaB#
Tools $ %tilit& 2ream <eaver,
0A%0(T1&0 ?oo eB6ertise in esi"n, evelo6ment an testin" o9
so9t3are a66li$ations#
?oo 'nal7ti$al an Comm4ni$ation skills#
Creative, Versatile an keen on im6rovin" Te$hni$al as
3ell as 2omain kno3le"e
'rganization( Ma Foi Strategic Consultants
Website for NGO
Client : The Ma Foi foundation
Team Size : 1
Duration : 1 Week
Environment : PHP, MYSQL, Joomla.
Roles and Responsibility:
Installation of Joomla on the wese!"e!.
#ddin$ u% the &ontent to the 'oomla.
Inte$!atin$ Pa(ment $atewa( fo! )onations.
The Ma Foi foundation is a *on+%!ofit o!$ani,ation. The( !e-ui!ed a no!mal wesite
with the %a(ment Inte$!ation fo! donations.
MIS reporting system
Client : Inte!national .usiness )e"elo%ment
Team Size : /
Duration : 0 Months
Environment : PHP, MYSQL, Hi$h&ha!ts and JQue!(.
%a"e H 2 % &arath k4mar
Roles and Responsibility:
In"ol"ed in 12t!a&tion of data f!om the %!o%!ieta!( a&&ountin$
softwa!e Tall(.
3nde!stood the )ataase S&hema of Tall(.
In"ol"ed in )ashoa!d, &ha!tin$ modules.
MIS !e%o!tin$ s(stem is a dashoa!d !e%o!tin$ fo! the mana$ement %eo%le. It in&ludes
P!ofit and Loss , 1m%lo(ee !e%o!ts, et&.,
VEC BizzApp - Web
Client : 4alue 1n$inee!in$ 5ent!e.
Team Size : 6
Duration : 1Yea! 7 Months
Environment : PHP, MYSQL, S(mfon(, Hi$h&ha!ts and JQue!(.
Roles and Responsibility:
In"ol"ed in de"elo%ment of 1n-ui!ies, 5T8, !e%o!tin$ modules.
In"ol"ed in !e-ui!ement anal(sis.
In"ol"ed in )ashoa!d, &ha!tin$ modules.
415 .i,,#%% is a %!o'e&t mana$ement usiness we a%%li&ation fo! a &lient f!om
middle east &ount!(. This #%%li&ation has the 1nti!e usiness %!o&ess in&ludin$ the
modules 91n-ui!(:, :5T8:, 9Man%owe! %lannin$:, 9P!o'e&t:, 9Timesheet: and
98e%o!ts:. The 1nti!e s(stem is inte$!ated with the &loud data sto!a$e fo! the
do&ument mana$ement. In the !e%o!t Module it has the 9;antt &ha!t: to "isuall( see
the %!o'e&t status with the tasks !eaku%.
VEC BizzApp - Mobile
Client : 4alue 1n$inee!in$ 5ent!e.
Team Size : <
Duration : 1 Month
Environment : PHP, MYSQL, &odeI$nite!, Phone;a%, Hi$h&ha!ts and
Roles and Responsibility:
In"ol"ed in !e-ui!ement anal(sis.
In"ol"ed in )ashoa!d, &ha!tin$ and 8e%o!tin$ modules.
%a"e H : % &arath k4mar
415 .i,,#%% Moile is the sim%lified "e!sion of we "e!sion. It has the ma'o! ke(
fun&tionalities f!om the We a%%li&ations like 91n-ui!(:, 9#%%!o"als:, et&.,
2ate o9 .irth @ 02-/4l7-1991
&eB @ ,ale
%ermanent 'ress@ No 45 / 2, Thanthoniamman *oil &t,
Chennai I 600 049#
=an"4a"es *no3n @ 0n"lish, Tamil, an Tel4"4#
2ate@ Fo4rs 9aith94ll7,
J%# &arath *4marK
%a"e H 4 % &arath k4mar

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