The document provides information on conducting a mental health nursing seminar covering history collection, physical and neurological examination, and psychometric assessment. It outlines the objectives of history taking and conducting a mental status examination. Key points include collecting demographic and historical psychiatric information, performing a physical and neurological exam, and assessing mood, affect, thought processes, cognition, and insight during the mental status examination. The goal is to understand the patient's condition and develop an appropriate nursing diagnosis and plan of care.
The document provides information on conducting a mental health nursing seminar covering history collection, physical and neurological examination, and psychometric assessment. It outlines the objectives of history taking and conducting a mental status examination. Key points include collecting demographic and historical psychiatric information, performing a physical and neurological exam, and assessing mood, affect, thought processes, cognition, and insight during the mental status examination. The goal is to understand the patient's condition and develop an appropriate nursing diagnosis and plan of care.
Original Description:
hw to do mSc history collection and psychiatric assessment in mental patients
The document provides information on conducting a mental health nursing seminar covering history collection, physical and neurological examination, and psychometric assessment. It outlines the objectives of history taking and conducting a mental status examination. Key points include collecting demographic and historical psychiatric information, performing a physical and neurological exam, and assessing mood, affect, thought processes, cognition, and insight during the mental status examination. The goal is to understand the patient's condition and develop an appropriate nursing diagnosis and plan of care.
The document provides information on conducting a mental health nursing seminar covering history collection, physical and neurological examination, and psychometric assessment. It outlines the objectives of history taking and conducting a mental status examination. Key points include collecting demographic and historical psychiatric information, performing a physical and neurological exam, and assessing mood, affect, thought processes, cognition, and insight during the mental status examination. The goal is to understand the patient's condition and develop an appropriate nursing diagnosis and plan of care.
SUBMITTED ON :,- #h A&+. .-"/ INTRODUCTION Psychiatric history taki! is "i##$r$t #ro% oth$r %$"ica& "isci'&i$s to o(tai i#or%atio a(o)t th$ 'ati$ts 'ro(&$%* Ph$s*%al an! s$%h'l'+*%al The*r l*(e l'n+ e0er*en%es In#eres#s an! h'11*es Pr'1le)s In#erers'nal an! *n#raers'nal !*((*%&l#*es 2'1 s#resses an! #he*r )*s%ellane'&s r'1le)s. 10 15 20 25 30 OB2ECTIVES General O13e%#*4es T' !es%r*1e a#*en#5s %'n!*#*'n, (a)*l$ !e4el')en# an! (a%#'r a((e%#*n+ h*s 'r her 1eha4*'r. T' (*n! '&# re!*s's*n+ %a&se an! r*)ar$ %a&se ('r h*s 'r her 1eha4*'r. T' )ake n&rs*n+ !*a+n's*s T' lan n&rs*n+ *n#er4en#*'ns. T' kn'6 a1'&# #he %'&rse an! r'+n's*s '( *llness. T' kn'6 #he 1eha4*'r an! %an rea! #he )*n! '( !*((eren# +r'&s. Se%*(*% O13e%#*4es 35 40 45 50 55 A# #he en! '( #he sess*'n, s#&!en# 6*ll 1e a1le #' D' Ps$%h*a#r*% N&rs*n+ H*s#'r$ C'lle%#*'n Men#al S#a#&s E0a)*na#*'n 7MSE8 Ne&r'l'+*%al E0a)*na#*'n Ps$%h')e#r*% Assess)en# En&)era#e h'6 #' re4eal e)'#*'nal ase%#s HISTORY TA9ING SETTING O: ENVIRONMENT Seara#e r''), 6here reea#e! *n#err&#*'n sh'&l! n'# #ake la%e. N' '4erhear '( %'n4ersa#*'n S*##*n+ arran+e)en# %'&l! 1e ar'&n! a #a1le I# *s 1e##er #' )ake #he a#*en# s*# a# #he r*+h# han! s*!e '( #he #a1le The #a1le sh'&l! n'# ha4e l''se '13e%#s #ha# %'&l! 1e &se! 1$ #he a#*en#s as )*ss*les I( an$ re%'r!*n+ !e4*%e *s &se! #he a#*en# sh'&l! 1e *n('r)e! 60 65 70 75 80 TYPES O: PATIENTS The a#*en# 6h' has s'&+h# %'ns&l#a#*'n 1$ h*)sel( The a#*en# 6h' *s 1r'&+h# 1$ h*s (a)*l$ )e)1ers a+a*ns# h*s 6*sh The a#*en#s 6h' are re(erre! 1$ '#her a+en%*es l*ke #he 'l*%e, e)l'$er 'r 1$ #he !'%#'r. OB2ECTIVES O: HISTORY TA9ING T' !es%r*1e a#*en#5s %'n!*#*'n, (a)*l$ !e4el')en# an! (a%#'r a((e%#*n+ h*s 'r her 1eha4*'r. T' (*n! '&# re!*s's*n+ %a&se an! r*)ar$ %a&se ('r h*s 'r her 1eha4*'r. T' )ake n&rs*n+ !*a+n's*s T' lan n&rs*n+ *n#er4en#*'ns. T' kn'6 a1'&# #he %'&rse an! r'+n's*s '( *llness. HISTORY COLLECTION ". DEMOGRAPHIC DATA: o Na%$ o A!$ o S$+ o Marita& Stat)s 85 90 95 100 105 o R$&i!io o Occ)'atio o Socio,$coo%ic stat)s o A""r$ss o Dat$ o# a"%issio .. IN:ORMANT o I#or%atio -R$&$.at or ot/ a"$0)at$ or ot ,. CHIE: COMPLAINTS o 'r$s$ti! co%'&aits -&ist 1ith ")ratio/ /. PRESENT PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY o Accor"i! to 'ati$t2 o Accor"i! to R$&ati.$2 ;. PAST HISTORY: Ps$%h*a#r*% o N)%($r o# $'iso"$ 1ith os$t a" co)rs$ o Co%'&$t$ or ico%'&$t$ r$%issio o D)ratio o# $ach $'iso"$ o Tr$at%$t "$tai&s a" its si"$ $##$cts i# ay o Tr$at%$t o)tco%$s o D$tai&s i# ay 'r$ci'itati! #actors i# 'r$s$t Me!*%al < S&r+*%al< O1s#e#r*%al =. :AMILY HISTORY: 110 115 120 125 130 135 >. PERSONAL HISTORY: Pre?na#al h*s#'r$ o Mat$ra& i#$ctios o E+'os)r$ to ra"iatio $tc* o Ch$ck )'s o Ay co%'&icatios Na#al h*s#'r$ o Ty'$ o# "$&i.$ry o Ay co%'&icatios o 3r$ath a" cri$" at (irth o N$oata& i#$ctios o Mi&$ sto$s2 Nor%a& or "$&ay$" Beha4*'r !&r*n+ %h*l!h''! o E+c$ssi.$ t$%'$r tatr)%s o 4$$"i! ha(it o N$)rotic sy%'to%s o Pica o Ha(it "isor"$rs o E+cr$tory "isor"$rs $tc* Illness !&r*n+ %h*l!h''! o Look s'$ci#ica&&y #or CNS i#$ctios o E'i&$'sy o N$)rotic "isor"$rs o Ma&)tritio S%h''l*n+ o A!$ o# !oi! to Schoo& 140 145 150 155 160 o P$r#or%ac$ i th$ Schoo& o R$&atioshi' 1ith '$$rs o R$&atioshi' 1ith t$ach$rs -S'$ci#ica&&y &ook #or &$ari! "isa(i&ity a" att$tio "$#icit/ o Look #or co")ct "isor"$rs E*!* Tr)acy, o St$a&i! O%%&a#*'nal h*s#'r$ o A!$ o# 5oii! 5o( o R$&atioshi' 1ith s)'$riors, s)(or"iat$s & co&&$a!)$s o Ay cha!$s i th$ 5o( 6 i# ay !i.$ "$tai&s o R$asos #or cha!i! 5o(s o 4r$0)$t a(s$t$$is% Se0&al h*s#'r$ o A!$ o# attaii! ')($rty -#$%a&$,%$str)a& cyc&$s ar$ r$!)&ar/ o So)rc$ a" $+t$t o# ko1&$"!$ a(o)t s$+, ay $+'os)r$s Mar*#al s#a#&s2 1ith !$o!ra%* @. PRE MORBID PERSONALITY: 7* Attit)"$ to oth$rs i socia&, #a%i&y a" s$+)a& r$&atioshi'2 8* Attit)"$s to s$ 9* Mora& a" r$&i!io)s attit)"$s a" sta"ar"s2 :* Moo" ;* L$is)r$ acti.iti$s a" ho((i$s2 <* 4atasy &i#$2 =* R$actio 'att$r to str$ss2 >* Ha(its2 A. SUMMARY AND CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS 165 170 175 180 185 190 Men#al S#a#&s E0a)*na#*'n DE:INITION A %$ta& stat)s $+a%iatio -MSE/ is a ass$ss%$t o# a'ati$t?s &$.$& o# co!iti.$ -ko1&$"!$,r$&at$"/ a(i&ity, a''$arac$, $%otioa& %oo", a" s'$$ch a" tho)!ht 'att$rs at th$ ti%$ o# $.a&)atio* It is o$ 'art o# a #)&& $)ro&o!ic -$r.o)ssyst$%/ $+a%iatio a" ic&)"$s th$ $+a%i$r?s o(s$r.atiosa(o)t th$ 'ati$t?s attit)"$ a" coo'$rati.$ $ss as 1$&& as th$'ati$t?s as1$rs to s'$ci#ic 0)$stios* PURPOSE Th$ ')r'os$ o# a %$ta& stat)s $+a%iatio is to ass$ss th$ 'r$s$c$ a" $+t$t o# a '$rso?s %$ta& i%'air%$t* Th$ co!iti.$ #)ctios that ar$ %$as)r$" ")ri! th$ MSE ic&)"$ th$ '$rso?s s$s$ o# ti%$, '&ac$, a" '$rsoa& i"$tity@ %$%ory@ s'$$ch@ !$$ra& it$&&$ct)a& &$.$&@ %ath$%atica& a(i&ity@ isi!ht or 5)"!%$t@ a" r$asoi! or 'ro(&$%,so&.i! a(i&ity* PRECAUTIONS Th$ MSE caot ($ !i.$ to a 'ati$t 1ho caot 'ay att$tio to th$ $+a%i$r, #or $+a%'&$ as a r$s)&t o# ($i! i a %')a or )coscio)s@ or is co%'&$t$&y )a(&$ to s'$ak -a'hasic/@ or is ot #&)$t i th$ &a!)a!$ o# th$ $+a%i$r* 195 200 205 210 215 220 Men#al S#a#&s E0a)*na#*'n ". IDENTI:YING DATA: o Na%$2 o A!$2 o S$+2 o Dat$2 o Ti%$2 .. GENERAL APPEARANCE AND BEHAVIOR 7GAAB8: o 4acia& $+'r$ssio o Post)r$ o Ma$ris%s o Ey$ to $y$ cotact o Ra''ort o Coscio)s$ss o 3$ha.ior o Dr$ssi! a" !roo%i! o Physica& #$at)r$s ,. PSYCHOMOTOR ACTIVITY: 225 230 235 240 245 -Icr$as$"A"$cr$as$"A Co%')&si.$A $cho'ra+iaA St$r$oty'yA $! A)to%atic o($"i$c$/ /. TAL9 B SPEECH: o Coh$r$c$,coh$r$tA icoh$r$t o R$&$.ac$ o Bo&)%$ o To$ o Ma$r o R$actio ti%$ ;. THOUGHT: o At #or%atio &$.$& o At cot$t &$.$& o At 'ro!r$ssio &$.$& =. MOOD 7SUB2ECTIVE8 AND A::ECT 7OB2ECTIVE8: o A''ro'riat$A ia''ro'riat$ -R$&$.ac$ to sit)atio a" tho)!ht co!r)$t* o P&$as)ra(&$ a##$ct, E)'horia A E&atio A E+a&tatioA Ecstasy o U'&$as)ra(&$ a##$ct, Gri$#A %o)ri! A "$'r$ssio* o Oth$r a##$cts, A+i$ty A #$ar A 'aicA #r$$ #&oati! a+i$tyA a'athyA a!!r$ssioA %oo"s s1i!A $%otioa& &ia(i&ity >. PERCEPTION: o I&&)sio o Ha&&)ciatios o Oth$rs, hy'o&o!icA hy'o'o%(icA &i&&i')tiaA ki$sth$ticA %acro'siaA %icro'sia @. MEMORY: o I%%$"iat$ o R$c$t 250 255 260 265 270 275 o R$%ot$ A . ATTENTION AND CONCENTRATION "-. ORIENTATION: o Ti%$ o P&ac$ o P$rso "". INSIGHT B 2UDGMENT: o Socia& C)"!%$t o 4a%i&y 5)"!%$t o 4iacia& 5)"!%$t o E%'&oy%$t 5)"!%$t ".. INTELLIGENCE B GENERAL IN:ORMATION: ",. SPECIAL POINTS: o S&$$' i/ Iso%ia ii/ Hy'$rso%ia iii/ No,or!aic s&$$' i./ EMA o E'iso"ic "ist)r(ac$s o 3o1$& & (&a""$r o A''$tit$ o Li(i"o "/. SUMMARY 280 285 290 295 300 PHYSICAL AND NEUROLOGICAL ECAMINATION General E0a)*na#*'n He*+h# De*+h# V*#al S*+ns : T$%'$rat)r$ 2 P)&s$ 2 R$s'iratio 2 3P Hea! : Sca&' 2 4ac$2 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 Si)s2 No"$s2 E$es : Oc)&ar Mo.$%$t 2 P)'i&s2 Sc&$ra2 Cor$a2 Ears : E+t$ra& str)ct)r$s 2 H$ari!2 N'se 2 E+t$ra& str)ct)r$s S$'t)% M)co)s M$%(ra$ Pat$cy O&#actory S$s$ M'&#h : 3)cca& M)cosa G)%s T$$th Pa&at$s a" U.)&a Tosi&&ar ar$a Boic$ (r$ath Ne%k : M)sc&$s 2 Trachea: Thyroid Nodes Vein distension Thorax : Chest shape Respiratory Rate Type of Respiration Thoracic Expansion Palpation Percussion Breath sounds Cardiovascular System Precordium: Inspection Palpation Auscultation Apical rate and Rhythm 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 Central and Peripheral Vessels Carotid Arteries Peripheral Pulse: Brachial Radial Femoral Poplitial orsal Pedal Post Ti!ial Capilliary Re"ll Abdomen : Inspection Auscultation Percussion Palpation Musculoskeletal System : #ait: $pper Extremities %o&er extremities 'uscle stren(th )oints Ran(e of 'otion *pine Nervous System: 'ental *tatus: %an(ua(e: +rientation: 'emory Attention *pan: %e,el of consciousness: 375 380 385 390 395 400
Cranial Nerves I*O&#actory N$r.$ S$sory ,ask 'ati$t i# ca s%$&& a .ia& o# co##$$ II*O'tic N$r.$ S$sory, t$st .isio, ask 'ati$t to r$a" S$&&$ chart III* Oc)&o%otor N$r.$ Motor, ask 'ati$t to #o&&o1 '$ &i!ht i si+ "ir$ctios #ro% c$t$r o)t1ar"* Ass$ss ')'i& r$actio to &i!ht 1ith '$ &i!ht IB* Troch&$ar N$r.$ Motor, %o.$s $y$(a&& "o1 a" &at$ra&&y, ask 'ati$t to #o&&o1 %o.$%$t o# '$ &i!ht i si+ "ir$ctios* B- Tri!$%ia& N$r.$ 3oth s$sory a" %otor, s$satio o# cor$a, asa& %)cosa a" ski o# #ac$* Us$ cotto (a&& to &i!ht&y to)ch 405 410 415 420 "i##$r$t '&ac$s o #ac$ 1h$ 'ati$t $y$s ar$ c&os$"* Ask 'ati$t to i"$ti#y &ocatio o# to)ch* Us$ a&t$rati! $"s o# sa#$ty 'i to t$st (&)t a" shar' s$satio* Us$ cor$r o# #o)r (y #o)r to &i!ht&y to)ch cor$a, 'ati$t sho)&" (&ik* Ask 'ati$t to c&$ch t$$th* BI* A(")c$s N$r.$ Motor, &at$ra& $y$(a&& %o.$%$t, ass$ss "ir$ctios o# !aD$* BII-4acia& N$r.$ 3oth %otor a" s$sory, ask 'ati$t to s%i&$, rais$ $y$(ro1s, #ro1, ')## o)t ch$$ks, c&os$ $y$s ti!ht&y* Ask 't to i"$ti#y .ario)s tasts o to!)$, s)ch as s)!ar, sa&t, &$%o 5)ic$, 0)ii$* BIII* Aco)stic N$r.$ S$sory, Ro%($r! t$st #or (a&ac$, $0)i&i(ri)%, t)i! #ork, 1his'$r to t$st h$ari! IX *G&osso'hary!$a& N$r.$ 3oth %otor a" s$sory, ask 't to %o.$ to!)$ #ro% si"$ to si"$ a" )' a" "o1, ask 'ati$t to s1a&&o1* X* Ba!)s N$r.$ 3oth %otor a" s$sory, s$satio o# 'hary+ a" &ary+, s1a&&o1i!, .oca& cor" %o.$%$t* Sa%$ t$sts as !&osso'hary!$a&, '&)s ass$ss .oic$ #or hoars$$ssE XI * Acc$ssory N$r.$ Motor,h$a" %o.$%$t, shr)!!i! o# sho)&"$rs* Ask 'ati$t to %o.$ h$a" #ro% si"$ to si"$, to)ch chi to ch$st, $ar to sho)&"$rs or shr)! sho)&"$rs* XII * Hy'o!&ossa& N$r.$ Motor, ask 'ati$t to stick o)t to!)$, %o.$ it si"$ to si"$ Ps$%h')e#r*% Assess)en# 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 460 465 WHAT ARE PSYCHOMETRIC TESTS? THESE ARE 4ORMAL, STRUCTURED EXERCISES DESIGNED 3Y PSYCHOLOGISTS TO MEASURE PSYCHOLOGICAL FUALITIES SUCH AS REASONING A3ILITY AND PERSONALITY 4ACTORS* THEY ARE CARE4ULLY RESEARCHED AND TESTED TO ENSURE THAT THEY ARE 4AIR, RELIA3LE AND BALID* THEY ARE ADMINISTERED AND SCORED IN A STANDARDISED GAY, ALLOGING YOUR RESULTS TO 3E COMPARED GITH PEOPLE GHO HABE TAHEN THE TESTS 3E4ORE* COMPARISON GROUPS USED GILL O4TEN 3E OTHER UNIBERSITY STUDENTS OR RECENT GRADUATES* THE MOST COMMON TYPES O4 PSYCHOMETRIC ASSESSMENT USED IN CO3 SELECTION ARE IAPTITUDEJ -OR IA3ILITYJ/ TESTS AND IPERSONALITY ASSESSMENTJ* APTITUDE OR ABILITY TESTS THESE ARE DESIGNED TO TEST YOUR LOGICAL REASONING OR THINHING* THERE ARE A BARIETY O4 TESTS 3UT THE MOST COMMONLY USED ARE2 IBER3AL REASONINGJ6 ASSESSING YOUR A3ILITY TO REASON GITH GRITTEN IN4ORMATION* INUMERICAL REASONINGJ 6 ASSESSING YOUR A3ILITY TO REASON GITH NUM3ERS, CHARTS AND GRAPHS* IDIAGRAMMATICJ OR ISPATIAL REASONINGJ 6 ASSESSING YOUR A3ILITY TO REASON GITH A3STRACT 4IGURES AND TO THINH LOGICALLY* APTITUDE TESTS ARE ADMINISTERED UNDER EXAMINATION CONDITIONS AND ARE STRICTLY TIMED* YOU ARE NORMALLY ASHED TO SELECT THE CORRECT ANSGER 4ROM A RANGE O4 ALTERNATIBES* DO NOT GORRY I4 YOU CANNOT COMPLETE ALL THE FUESTIONS IN THE TIME ALLOGED -4EG PEOPLE DO SO/* GHAT COUNTS IS THE NUM3ER O4 FUESTIONS YOU GET RIGHT, SO GORH AS FUICHLY AND ACCURATELY AS YOU CAN* 470 475 480 485 YOUR SCORE IS COMPARED GITH A INORM GROUPJ SUCH AS STUDENTSAGRADUATES GHO HABE TAHEN THE TEST 3E4ORE* THIS ALLOGS SELECTORS TO ASSESS YOUR REASONING SHILLS IN RELATION TO OTHERS AND TO MAHE CUDGEMENT S A3OUT YOUR A3ILITY TO COPE GITH TASHS INBOLBED IN THE CO3 APPLIED 4OR* Pro5$cti.$ T$sts Rorschach ik (&ot t$st Th$%atic a''$rc$'tio t$st -TAT/ S$t$c$ co%'&$tio t$st P$r#or%ac$ t$sts - acc)racy, s'$$", '$rs$.$rac$ %a)a& "$+t$rity ar$ so%$ o# th$ '$rsoa&ity charact$ristics #or 1hich '$r#or%ac$ t$sts ha.$ ($$ "$si!$" / Sit)atioa& t$sts It$r.i$1s 1. R'rs%ha%h Ink Bl'# Tes#: 490 495 500 505
Th$ r$s'os$ "i##$r #ro% '$rso to '$rso (as$" o th$ i"i.i")a&s '$rsoa& $+'$ri$c$s* Rorschach r$s'os$s ca r$.$a& th$ #o&&o1i! i#or%atio D$!r$$ o# it$&&$ct)a& cotro& o# th$ s)(5$ct o his actios E%otioa& as'$cts M$ta& a''roach to !i.$ 'ro(&$% Cr$ati.$ a" i%a!iati.$ ca'aciti$s S$c)rity a" a+i$ty P$rsoa&ity !ro1th a" "$.$&o'%$t ..The)a#*% Aer%e#*'n Tes# 510 515 TAT cosists o# s$ts o# 'ict)r$s, o$ s$t is )s$" 1ith (oth %$ a" 1o%$, a" a s$co" s$t o&y #or %$, a" a thir" s$t o&y #or 1o%$* Th$ 'ict)r$s ar$ sho1 i a "$#iit$ s$0)$c$ a" th$ s)(5$ct is ask$" to %ak$ )' a story (as$" o 1hat h$ s$$s i th$s$ 'ict)r$s* It is ($&i$.$" that h$ 1o)&" 'ro5$ct his o1 $+'$ri$c$, (io!ra'hica& "ata, %a5or co#&icts, it$r$sts a" 'ro(&$%s ito his "$scri'tio o# 'ict)r$s* 4i"i!s o# TAT ar$ co%'ar$" 1ith cas$ history* TAT is %or$ str)ct)r$" )&ik$ th$ ik (&ot t$st 1hich ho1$.$r is %or$ 'o')&ar* TAT thro1s &i!ht i th$ #o&&o1i! ar$as o# &i#$* a. 4a%i&y r$&atioshi's b. Moti.atio o# th$ s)(5$ct c. I$r #atasi$s d. L$.$& o# as'iratio e. Socia& r$&atioshi's f. E%otioa& co#&icts g. Attit)"$ to 1ork h. O)t&ook to1ar"s #)t)r$ i. 4r)stratios i# ay ,.Sen#en%e C')le#*'n Tes# Gh$ th$ s)(5$ct is ask$" to co%'&$t$ th$ s$t$c$ 1itho)t !i.i! ti%$ to "$&i($rat$ o it, it is ass)%$" that his )coscio)s 'roc$ss 1i&& "ir$ct his r$s'os$* Th$ t$st 1i&& !i.$ a isi!ht to his "$sir$s, ho'$s co#&icts, #r)stratios, #$ar a" aoyac$s, $!** I #$$& ha''y 1h$KKK** I t$&& &i$s o&y 1h$KKK 520 525 530 535 540 R$s$arch $.i"$c$ Mental State Examination in Attention Defcit Hyperactivity Disorder Subjects: Psychology, Philosophy. Psychology. Religion, Psychology, Social Sciences, Psychology, Philosophy. Psychology. Religion, Psychology, Social Sciences, Psychology, Philosophy. Psychology. Religion, Psychology, Philosophy. Psychology. Religion Authors: Prabhat Sitholey Publisher: Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Date of publication: 2005July Published in: Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Vol 1, Iss 3, Pp 1(2005) ISSN(s): 0973-1342 Keywords: Mental State Examination, Attention Defcit Hyperactivity Disorder Date added to DOAJ: 2006-02-16 Full text: Journal Language(s): English Country of publication: India Abstract:(collapse) With hyperactivity as a symptom, mental status examination (MSE) in attention defcit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may seem a straightforward thing and the diagnosis obvious, but this may not be so and the diagnosis may easily be missed if the child is not hyperactive or else is not so in a clinical assessment situation. In attention and impulsivity, the other two core symptoms, may not be very easy to pick up as an MSE fnding in an interview situation. Besides, co-morbidities like mental retardation (MR), anxiety disorder and oppositional defant disorder (ODD)may mask ADHD unless mental age of the child is taken into account and special eforts are made to make a judgment on inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. 545 550 555 560 565 570 Therefore, special attempts should be made to create clinical situations in which these symptoms of ADHD emerge and the clinician should be prepared to recognize them. C'n%l&s*'n S')e '( #he )'s# *n#eres#*n+ #h*n+s a1'&# e'le %ann'# 1e seen 1$ a %as&al '1ser4er. The 1eha4*'r, a##*#&!e, ers'nal*#$ %hara%#er*s#*%s an! a1*l*#*es %ann'# 1e 4*e6e! !*re%#l$. The )en#al heal#h assess)en# an! e0a)*na#*'n hel &s #' '1ser4e e'le 1eha4*'r *n a s$s#e)a#*% 6a$ an! #' #ake (&r#her a%#*'ns a%%'r!*n+ #' #he res&l#. 575 580 585 590 595 BIBLIOGRAPHY A T$+t 3ook o# M$ta& H$a&th N)rsi!, Mary C To1s$" Pa!$ o* 7<<,7<L A T$+t 3ook O# M$ta& H$a&th A" Psychiatric N)rsi!, R Sr$$.ai, 'a!$ o* :: Psycho&o!y #or Gra")at$ N)rs$s, Caco( Athika", Cay'$$ ')(&icatios 666.6*k*e!*a.%') A short T$+t 3ook o# Psychiatry, Nira5 Ah)5a 666.!'a3.'r+.%') 600 605 610 615 620 625 630 635 640
2014-09-13 Human Right Alert (NGO) : Appendix To UPR Submission - United States - 22nd Session - "Large-Scale Fraud in IT Systems of The US Courts - Unannounced Regime Change?"