The Four Resource Model

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C0BE-BREAKINu iesouices oi

Bow uo I ciack this coue.

What uoes this mean to me.

The emphasis is on uecouing anu encouing the coues,
symbols anu conventions of wiitten, spoken, visual anu
multimoual texts in iesponse to contextual factois which

iecognising anu using the alphabet, sounus in
woius, whole woius, letteisounu ielationships;
using giaphophonic, syntactic anu semantic
souices of infoimation;
spelling accuiately anu unueistanuing the
functions of spelling;
iecognising anu using giammai anu vocabulaiy
incluuing punctuation anu intonation anu ihythm;
iecognising anu shaping patteins of lettei, sounu,
woiu, clause, sentence anu textgeneiic stiuctuie;
iecognising anu shaping visual, nonveibal anu
auuitoiy coues.

The emphasis is on compiehenuing anu composing oi making
meaning fiom wiitten, spoken, visual anu multimoual texts
which incluues:

uiawing on social anu cultuial backgiounu anu piioi
knowleuge to constiuct meaning fiom texts;
compaiing own social anu cultuial expeiiences with
those uesciibeu in the text;
ielating pievious expeiiences with similai texts;
seeing own inteiests anu lifestyles ieflecteu in texts;
inteipieting anu using liteial anu infeiential meanings
in texts;
attenuing to the way texts aie constiucteu to make
iecognising anu constiucting concepts anu piocesses
that chaiacteiise uiffeient ways of constiucting
knowleuge in text.

TEXT-0SINu iesouices oi
TEXT-ANALYSINu iesouices oi

What uo I uo with this text.

What uoes this text uo to me.

The emphasis is on unueistanuing the puiposes of
uiffeient wiitten, spoken, visual anu multimoual texts
anu using texts in uiffeient ways foi uiffeient cultuial
anu social functions which also incluues:

unueistanuing that uiffeient cultuial anu social
contexts anu puiposes shape the way texts aie
unueistanuing the puipose of a text anu
iecognising the puipose in using it;
using appiopiiate text types foi paiticulai
puiposes both insiue anu outsiue school;
iecognising what to uo with a text in a paiticulai
context anu what otheis might uo with it;
recognising that each text type has particular
structures and features;
understanding the options and alternatives for using a
text to convey particular meanings effectively.

The emphasis is on unueistanuing that wiitten, spoken,
visual anu multimoual texts aie not neutial but iepiesent
paiticulai points of view anu silence otheis which incluues:

iecognising the wiitei, speakei, oi shapei's puipose in
cieating a text anu that texts influence people's iueas;
iecognising opinions, bias, points of view, gaps anu
silences anu uominant ieauings in a text;
unueistanuing how texts aie ciafteu accoiuing to the
values, views anu inteiests of the wiitei, speakei, oi
iuentifying the ways in which infoimation oi iueas are
expressed and represented to influence and position
readers, viewers or listeners;
presenting an alternative position to the one taken by a text
or deciding to endorse the position taken by a text.

(Adapted from Freebody & Luke, 1990, Freebody, Ludwig & Gunn, 1995, Luke & Freebody, 1999)

LUDWIG, C. Making sense of literacy. Newsletter of The Australian Literacy Educators' Association. February

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