This document outlines the format for a newborn case study and care plan. It includes sections for identification data, reason for hospitalization, family and medical history, assessments of the newborn including anthropometric measurements, a head-to-toe examination, immunization schedule, disease conditions, nursing care process, and conclusions. The case study format aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the newborn's condition, care needs, and family context.
This document outlines the format for a newborn case study and care plan. It includes sections for identification data, reason for hospitalization, family and medical history, assessments of the newborn including anthropometric measurements, a head-to-toe examination, immunization schedule, disease conditions, nursing care process, and conclusions. The case study format aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the newborn's condition, care needs, and family context.
This document outlines the format for a newborn case study and care plan. It includes sections for identification data, reason for hospitalization, family and medical history, assessments of the newborn including anthropometric measurements, a head-to-toe examination, immunization schedule, disease conditions, nursing care process, and conclusions. The case study format aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the newborn's condition, care needs, and family context.
This document outlines the format for a newborn case study and care plan. It includes sections for identification data, reason for hospitalization, family and medical history, assessments of the newborn including anthropometric measurements, a head-to-toe examination, immunization schedule, disease conditions, nursing care process, and conclusions. The case study format aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the newborn's condition, care needs, and family context.
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College of nursing, manglaore
Dept. of OBG
Newborn Case study /Care Plan format
I. Introduction II. Identification data Name : Age : Sex : I.P No. : Ward : Name of Mother : Age : Name of Father : Occupation : Religion : Date of Admission : Date of Delivery : Date of care started : Date of care ended : Diagnosis : Address :
III. Reason for Hospitalization Admission Complaints
IV. Socio economic History
V. Family History 1. Family Characteristics 2. Family tree 3. Family Medical History
VI. Present Medical History VII. Present Surgical History VIII. Obstetrical History of Mother Past obstetrical History Present obstetrical History 1 st Trimester 2 nd Trimester 3 rd Trimester
IX. Intranatal History Labour notes Time of onset of labour Membranes ruptured at Character of amniotic fluid Expulsive contraction started at Type of Labour Mode of Delivery
Length of labour 1 st Stage 2 nd Stage 3 rd Stage Placental expulsion
Condition of Baby Sex Weight Head circumference Chest circumference Length
Apgar Score Sign Normal Value Baby value in 1 st minute Baby value in 5 th Minute Remark
X. Immunization Scheduled Sl. No. Name of vaccine Dosage Route Book Picture Patient Picture
XI. Newborn Assessment
Anthropometric Measurement Head Circumference Chest Circumference Weight Length
General Appearance Nourishment : Well Nourished/Malnourished Body Build : Normal /Thin Built Activity : Active /Lathargic/Sicky/Restless
Posture: Normal /Extended posture/ flexion of head or extremities which rest on chest or abdomen.
Texture : Tough/Smooth and soft Turgor : Loss of turgor Temperature : Warm/Hyperthermic/Chilled /Cool Moisture : Dry/Moist
A) Head to Foot Examination: Head : Size and Shape : Normal /Cephal Haematoma/Assymetry/Microcephly/ Hydrocephalus/Caput succedaneum Fontanelle : Anterior fontanelle : Normal/Buiging fantanelle/premature closure Posterior fantanelle depressed/Widely separated Hair : Normal /lack of lusture/smooth/thin and spares Face: : Normal appearance/moon face/asymmetrical facial features. Diffuse pigmentation/puffy face
Eyes: Observation : Normal /Perirbital oedema.colour/exophthalmus / squint/nystagmus
XII. Anatomy & Physiology XIII. Disease condition XIV. Lab investigation & Medications XV. Nursing process XVI. Health Education XVII. Conclusion & bibliography