The Islamic Ottoman Influence On The Development of Religious Toleration
The Islamic Ottoman Influence On The Development of Religious Toleration
The Islamic Ottoman Influence On The Development of Religious Toleration
Influence on the
Development of Religious
Toleration in Reformation
Susan Ritchie
Towards a Model of Enmeshment the capital of Buda and much of lower Hun-
When Sultan Suleyman of the Ottoman gary for his direct control while granting
Empire first learned of the birth of John Sigis- Isabella and her infant son Transylvania to
mund, the son of the King of Hungary, he felt rule independently but under the ultimate
it was such a fortuitous event that he sent an suzerainty of Turkey. After some years of politi-
equerry to stand in a corner of Queen Isabel- cal contrivance and redefinition, Transylvania
la’s room to witness her developed into its new
nursing the infant identity as a border state.
(Goodman, 1996, p. 86). An odd slice of semi-inde-
Sigismund’s father, King pendence between those
John Zapolya, King of areas directly controlled
Hungary and Voivode of by the Hapsburgs and the
Transylvania, had died Ottomans, Transylvania
just two weeks after his eventually became one of
son’s birth that July of the safest places in
aladar korosfoi-kriesch’s famous painting
1540. On his deathbed, Europe for the develop-
of francis david and the 1568 proclamation
he had given instructions ment of progressive seasons
of religious freedom at torda. copies of
that his son be named this sepia-colored photogravure Protestantism, including
heir to his titles, a viola- hang in most unitarian churches Unitarianism. In 1568,
tion of a previous and in many homes in transylvania. the now grown-up king
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its expansive definition of religious tolerance in Liberal Religious Studies.” The Journal of
directly to the original and brilliant mind of Unitarian Universalist History published her
John Sigismund’s court preacher, Ferenc work, and one of her essays is currently being translat-
Dávid. If cultural influence is admitted to at ed into Turkish for a collection of the best articles of
all outside of this paradigm of original the last twenty-five years relating to Ottoman cultural
genius, it is most often the Western influence studies. Rev. Ritchie’s “The Promise of Post-mod-
of classical humanism. Giorgio Biandrata, ernism for Unitarian Universalist Theology” was
the court physician to Sigismund and most published by the Journal of Liberal Religion and
probably a member of the princely council was also translated into Hungarian for publication
that authored the Edit of Torda, had, as is by the faculty of the Unitarian seminary in Clug,
well known, been a follower of Miguel Romania.
lived there before could carry on their lives
and their beliefs in the way that they chose”
(Holbrook, 2003). Toleration, then, was a
matter of Ottoman policy and Ottoman
bureaucratic structure and an expression of
the Ottoman interpretation of Islam, which
was in most instances stunningly liberal and
Yet the most celebrated sources on the
development of progressive Protestantism
usually handle the Ottoman influence on the
Unitarian development of toleration as, at
1 5 t h - 1 7 t h c e n t u ry t r a n s y lva n i a most, a matter of indirect political influence.
Williams’ Radical Reformation is an example
Hungarian historians even reject what has here. Williams acknowledges in a footnote
long been accepted elsewhere: that the the possible impact of the Ottoman concern
Reformation could never have developed and with religious tolerance, yet his model of
matured in Hungary and Transylvania to the influence is exclusively political, negative,
extent that it did if it were not for the political and unidirectional. He suggests, in other
protection of the Ottoman Empire, which, at words, that the Ottoman policy of religious
the very least, protected the development of tolerance was simply a cynical political means
various Protestantisms by significantly delay- of preserving and developing such local divi-
ing the arrival of the Counter Reformation to sions as would enhance their own control
the region. Most moderate international his- (1105). This is of course partially true; the
torians accept not only that the political success of Ottoman domination was directly
protection of the Ottomans allowed for the connected to the famous Ottoman flexibility
development of progressive Protestantisms towards local custom. And yet, there is more
but also that the infamous permissiveness of to the story: the policy of tolerance was more
Ottoman administrative practice regarding than a matter of military strategy, and it found
local customs and religions must have had its expression not only in political structure
some influence with regards to the issue of tol- but in everyday cultural life.
eration. It has long been discussed, even in the Why, then, the resistance to this other
most traditional of sources, that, according to dimension of the story? We should not miss in
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the Islamic tradition of respect for all People all of this anxiety over Eastern influence the lin-
of the Book, any monotheist who was willing gering effects of Hungarian nationalism. One
to accept the political right of the Ottomans of the political results of the Reformation was a
was given protection and legal right by and certain identification of Hungarian patriotism
within the Empire (Sugar, 1983, 5). But those with liberal Protestantism, an association
scholars who specialize in Ottoman culture go which has motivated the representation in
even further, defining toleration as the chief some quarters of Unitarianism almost as a
component of Ottoman identity. As one such national religion, as something sprung fresh
scholar has put it, “The Ottomans are perhaps and whole from uniquely Hungarian soil.3 It
most unique for including and synthesizing remains threatening, not only in a theological
the cultural elements of the land through but in an ethnic way, to credit the inspirations
which they passed. They are known for creat- of Unitarianism to the influence of the histori-
62 ing structures by which the people who had cal enemy and ethnic other. Indeed, because of
this political climate, those who have dared to
suggest a connection between Islam and
Unitarianism have done so only to discredit
Unitarianism as un-Hungarian. Alexander
Sándor Unghváry’s The Hungarian Protestant
Reformation in the Sixteenth Century under the
Ottoman Impact provides an especially remark-
able example of this. In an attempt to dismiss
Unitarianism as a form of Islam (and therefore
discount it as a Hungarian Protestantism),
Unghváry suggests that Ferenc Dávid based
the entirety of his religious conviction on the
copy of Servetus’s work given to him by Giorgio m i n a r e t s o f o t t o m a n h u n g a ry
Biandrata and that Servetus himself was actu-
ally more Islamic than Christian, quoting, tion between Islamic theology, particularly
Unghváry claims, Mu^ammed with more rel- the Qur’an, and the development of
ish and frequency than the Bible. Oddly, he Unitarianism in Transylvania, claiming that
cites as his source for Servetus’s reliance on the the Transylvanian Unitarians themselves saw
Qur’an a page in Wilbur that in fact praises a complete correspondence between their
Servetus’s familiarity with and sophisticated non-Trinitarian theology and the unity of
use of the Bible and which makes no mention God as taught in the Qur’an. Anti-Socinian
of the Qur’an. Unghváry also falsely claims writers, such as de la Croze, were generally
that Dávid’s education was at universities writing out of the alarmed conviction that
“where Judaism and Islam then reigned Unitarianism might represent a stage towards
supreme” (Unghváry, 1989, 334; Wilbur, conversion to Islam, a belief partially inherit-
1945, 45). Unghváry’s distortions make his ed from the early days of the magisterial
claims easy to dismiss, yet his work raises the reformation, when the spread of Islam was
tantalizing possibility that it might be easier to seen as both an extension of anti-Trinitarian
read for tracks of Unitarian-Islamic influence heresies and as a consequence of divine wrath
in anti-Unitarian propaganda than it is in the over such apostasy. After all, none other than
sympathetic histories. Servetus was, after all, Martin Luther himself had famously blamed
genuinely interested in Islam, perhaps Dávid the spread of Islam on the Unitarians in exact- seasons
as well, and the connections that Unghváry ly this fashion, writing that “Arius’s
makes, while inaccurate and dismissive, are punishment in hell becomes greater each day
not entirely untrue. as long as this error lasts. For Mohammed
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Indeed, the only other literature that has came from this sect” (5:206). The ultimate
consistently documented a connection concern about Unitarians was more than a
between Transylvanian Unitarianism and concern with heresy: the ultimate worry was
Ottoman Islamic influence is that of the anti- also political, with many Europeans fearing
Socinian (Unitarian) movements of 17th and that Islamic-happy Unitarians might possibly
18th century Europe. The French historian sympathize with Ottoman ambitions, a con-
Mathurin Veyssiére de la Croze, for example, cern that had more than an element of truth.
speaks in “Rèflexions historique et critiques As much as these works distort and propa-
sur le mahométisme et sur le socinianisme” gandize, these Western European anti-
(part of Dissertations historiques et critiques Socinians were not entirely incorrect in their
sur divers sujets, 1707) of an explicit connec- assessment of the Unitarian attraction to 63
Ottoman political interests. In his Anti-Sociani- view against Leslie chose not to remind the
anisme (1656), for example, N. Chewney quite public of actual instances of Unitarian-Turkish
correctly cites Adam Neuser as case in point of a sympathies.
Unitarian whose theology led him not only to For their part, the 17th and 18th century
an attraction to Islam but to actually propose a European Socinians praised Islam as a pure
political alliance with the Ottomans. There is monotheism that had corrected many of the
also the colorful story of the British anti-Trini- theological corruptions that had befallen the
tarian Edward Elwall, preserved by no less a Christian church even as they repressed any
witness than Joseph Priestly. Elwall (1676- direct political connection to the Ottomans.
1744) saw so little difference between They tended to speak of Islam as a theological
Unitarianism and Islam ideal rather than as an
that he began to wear “a actual religion practiced by
Turkish Habit out of actual persons. In 1727,
respect to the Unitarian Andrew Ramsey spoke of
faith of the Mahometans” Socinianism approvingly as
(Champion, 1992, 177). the sublime religion which
And recently, there has stems from “Ideal Islam”
been some interest in recov- (Bastianensen, 1984, 21).
ering the history of the Henry Stubbe, John
London Unitarians, who, in Toland, Arthur Bury,
1682, intended to William Feke, and Stephen
approach the Moroccan Nye were similarly all
ambassador Mohammad Socinian authors who
ben Hadou with a letter strategically employed the-
(perhaps authored by Noel ological Islam as a means
Aubert de Verse) propos- of highlighting the devia-
ing a Unitarian-Ottoman tions from primitive
a n o t t o m a n t o m b i n bu da ( g u l ba ba )
alliance. The text of this Christian practice that they
bold letter suggests a plan for better Unitarian- found bothersome especially in the form of
izing Islam, suggesting that the remnant Anglican orthodoxy. Dealing with Islam on
“repugnancies” in the Qur’an could easily be this level of abstraction had a number of inter-
disregarded if the Muslims would only begin to esting results. It is J.A.I. Champion’s
read scripture in a historical and critical way, fascinating claim (1992) that we can find the
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just as the Unitarians had come to read the origins of both civil religion and the history of
Bible. It seems that the letter was never deliv- religion in the work of such authors as Stubbe
ered, but it is interesting that the only trace of and Toland, particularly in their examination
its existence was preserved not by the Unitari- of Islam as an ideal Abrahamic monotheism
ans but by the active anti-Socinian C. Leslie as and in their understanding of religion as pri-
evidence of the political untrustworthiness of marily serving social purpose. However, for
liberal Christians, who serve, in his words, as our purposes, what remains most fascinating
“scouts among us for Mohamet.” The letter about these authors is their willingness to
was the focus of intense anti-Socinian debate in describe the attractiveness of Islam in highly
England in the 1690s, and Leslie published the theologized and idealized terms, even, howev-
letter in 1708 as a part of his Socinian Controversy er, as they are busy covering up and denying
Discussed. For obvious reasons, in such a cli- instances of actual mutual influence. In this
64 mate, those defending the Socinian point of light, returning to the setting of the Edict of
Torda, we might not be surprised to discover form, as they often do, of narrations of the
that the strongest suggestions we have of “execrable Turkish custom of seducing Christ-
Unitarian and Islamic cultural enmeshment ian women” with the nefarious aim of creating
lie not in Unitarian sources but in anti- hybrid children.5 Surprisingly, these incredi-
Islamic and, ultimately, anti-Unitarian ble stories still make appearances in modern
propaganda. Hungarian histories, more often than not
cited as evidence against the claim that
Rereading Torda for Cultural Enmeshment Ottoman rule was helpful to the development
If there was one form of anti-Islamic propagan- of Protestantism (Tihany, 1975; Unghváry,
da that dominated Hungary contemporary to 1989). But the irony is that in their eagerness
the Edict of Torda, it would be the lurid and to demonstrate supposed religious intoler-
often quite popular accounts of alleged ance and generally beastly behavior on the
Turkish atrocities in Eastern Europe that were part of the Muslims, these accounts actually
published throughout the 16th and early 17th preserve interesting evidence of considerable
centuries. Most of these accounts were specifi- cultural enmeshment: Turkish guests at
cally intended to enflame ethnic hatred traditional dinners, Lutheran clergy convert-
against the Turks, and many were even explic- ing to Islam, Turks and Hungarians marrying
itly written for the liberal Protestants who were and having children together, and Europeans
living in conditions of serious oppression in relocating to the heart of the Ottoman
the Hapsburg lands bordering Hungary, who Empire.6
might, in their distress, have been tempted to Regarding marriage in particular, there is
see the Ottomans as most tolerant friends considerable evidence of intermarriage in
(Tihany, 1975). Their express point, then, was 16th and 17th century Hungary, both
to deny any mutual toleration between Turks between Turks and Hungarians and also
and Hungarians, but, as is so often the case, between the members of different religious
such a denial of influence actually betrays a confessions. Early 16th century Hungarian
considerable anxiety over the extent of a great Reformed canon law devotes enough energy
and actual influence. to the prohibition of Islamic-Christian inter-
Consider one story offered up in these nar- marriages to indicate the prevalence of the
ratives about a Lutheran minister, who, while practice, at least on the level of common law.
entertaining Turkish guests for dinner, was Meanwhile, the degree of intermarriage
supposedly tricked into replacing his hat with between members of the different churches of seasons
a turban. In the somewhat illogical progress Transylvania seems to have been great and,
of the story, the donning of the turban is con- interestingly enough, most likely predates the
sidered as the sign of a full, even if forced, Edict of Torda. Intermarriages were so accept-
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conversion to Islam, subsequent to which his ed by the late 16th century that it was simply
guests force him to undergo an immediate commonly accepted that sons would follow
circumcision. This dinner-table operation is the tradition of their fathers and daughters
all the more hideous, the text informs us, for that of their mothers. For example, the con-
its supposed exclusion of the man forever temporary (early 17th century) historian
from Christian ministry. Kozma Petrityvity describes the rather compli-
It is not difficult to read such stories as origi- cated religious mix of his family as not
nating in fear of losing ethnic identity unusual. His grandfather was Unitarian, his
through conversion, assimilation, and the grandmother Catholic; his mother was raised
increasing cultural enmeshment of the Catholic, although many of her siblings
“other,” especially when the stories take the became Reformed; his mother then married a 65
Unitarian, who raised his sons, including the Christian, it actually reflected the possibility
historian, to be Unitarians, while the daugh- of an attraction to Islam on the part of
ters attended mass with their mother Ibrahim (whose Hungarian name is
(Murdock, 2000, 112). unknown) predating his removal from
Consider as well stories of the supposed Transylvania. Berkes concludes, “If we go
forced relocation of Christian Europeans by back one century and trace the development
the Ottomans. Just as with the stories of forced of religious and political conditions in
conversions and marriages, we might learn to Transylvania, we shall not fail to appreciate
read there mutual influence where we have that neither Transylvanian Unitarianism nor
been asked to see only unidirectional oppres- Ibrahim’s folk were unfamiliar with or too dis-
sion. It was an acknowledged Ottoman tant from Islam” (Berkes, 1964, 39).
practice to take some young boys from Eastern In the traditional literature, we are also
Europe away from their homes and into the told of M. Péter Pérenyi: he was a 16th century
heart of Ottoman power in order to educate Protestant Hungarian noble with a reputation
them for Ottoman administration, yet inter- for the advocacy of religious tolerance who
pretations of this practice have varied widely. “left” his son Ferenc “in Turkish hands as a
In some instances, knowledge of this hostage, only himself to endure detention
Ottoman practice seems to have allowed for some years later” after having been accused of
the rewriting of stories of actual voluntary treason (Péter, 1996, 360). Upon further
relocation on the part of Hungarian investigation, this interesting man proved to
Protestants into stories about capture and be an unorthodox Christian, neither unfamil-
force. Niyazi Berkes, in his study of Turkish iar with nor distant from Islam, a minor noble
secularism (1964), has already pointed out who sought refuge with the Ottomans when
how Ibrahim Müteferrika was initially erro- his early advocacy of religious tolerance made
neously described in 18th century European him the target of his more orthodox neigh-
sources as a young Hungarian Calvinist study- bors.
ing for the ministry, captured by the Turks There were, of course, actual instances of
only to be enslaved by them and condemned the capture of Eastern European boys, and
to a life of misery in Ottoman lands. their actual presence was in Constantinople as
According to these same sources, this young wards of the sultan—technically, as slaves. But
Hungarian was forced to convert to Islam and while these boys were technically slaves, it cre-
take the name Ibrahim in order to escape slav- ates the wrong impression to leave the matter
ery. Now, we know that Ibrahim was in fact a there. They also received what many describe
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young Unitarian raised in Kolozsvar, a man as the best care and education available to
whose anti-Trinitarian convictions attracted children anywhere in the world at that time
him of his own free will towards Islam, and (Holbrook, 2003), and the desirability of
someone who thrived rather than suffered in being so “captured” is also reflected in the
the heart of the Ottoman Empire, eventually numerous instances of Turkish parents
establishing there the first modern printing attempting to disguise themselves as
press in a Muslim land. One of his own books Christians so that their children might be
published on his own press in 1710 had been afforded this honor. Indeed, the Ottomans
dismissed by 18th century historians as a pro- specifically groomed these and other
Islamic tract, but in fact it is a far more Europeans for positions of power within their
complicated and more Unitarian tome than administration, finding it safer to place
that. According to Berkes, Risale-I Islamiye was Europeans in the Empire’s highest post than
66 not only the clear work of an anti-Trinitarian Muslims who might belong to families with
rival dynastic claims to those of the Ottomans. Prepared, then, to find more cultural
Given that the Hungarian boys raised as enmeshment in our story than we might have
Unitarians often did the best with their otherwise expected, let us return to telling the
Islamic educations, it is tempting to speculate tale of the Edict of Torda.
on the presence of these Hungarian Muslim-
Unitarians in the highest of Ottoman places. Restoring the Pasha to the Edict
We know that of the twenty-one Grand Viziers It is my final assertion that the 1568 Edict of
most credited with Ottoman success (those Torda would have been unthinkable were it
who directed the imperial administration not for the direct political influence of the
between 1453 and 1623), eleven are Ottoman example and the indirect cultural
described as South Slavs. As for the eight influences that resulted from two cultures,
viziers who constituted the royal Divan of enmeshed in more ways that any textual evi-
Sultan Suleyman himself, only two are dence alone will ever adequately reveal.
described as Moslems at birth, three being Here is an example of the direct influence
Croatian, two Albanian, and one Hungarian.7 of Ottoman rule on the edict: on August 24,
Unfortunately, it does seem that most textual 1548, the Sultan’s representative in Buda was
traces of voluntary Unitarian-Islamic conver- requested by local authorities in Tolna to take
sion might be lost. Ironically, evidence of action against the Hungarian Protestant pas-
conversion has been denied not only by tradi- tor there, Imre Szigeti. Specifically, the
tional European accounts seeking to mitigate Catholic authorities in Tolna, offended by
Ottoman power but also by those seeking to Pastor Szigeti’s unapologetic and public advo-
retell the story of Islam without Western bias. cacy of reformed ideas, asked that he either
On a contemporary level, for example, be killed or driven from the city for heresy.
Edward Said’s Orientalism brilliantly demon- The chief intendant of the Pasha of Buda not
strates the anti-Islamic prejudices of even only communicated to the authorities in
those Westerners who devoted their life to the Tolna that the Pasha denied their request, he
study of the Middle East. Yet one of the cases also issued an edict of toleration which states
that Said cites as evidence of the European in part that “preachers of the faith invented
prejudice against Muslims is that of William by Luther should be allowed to preach the
Whitson (1667-1752), the successor to Isaac Gospel everywhere to everybody, whoever
Newton’s science chair at Cambridge, a man wants to hear, freely and without fear, and
fascinated by Arabic Islamic manuscripts. that all Hungarians and Slavs (who indeed seasons
Whitson was indeed expelled from wish to do so) should be able to listen to and
Cambridge for heresy in 1710. Said suggests receive the word of God without any danger.
this was a result of his affinity for Islam (1979, Because this is the true Christian faith and
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but George Alvinczi was put to death on order religious toleration were also prepared for in
of a church court presided over by the the everyday lives of actual persons, who expe-
Calvinist bishop. Influential Unitarians knew rienced the negotiations of intermarriage
to turn to the Pasha at Buda for assistance. before any legal proclamation of toleration,
Eager to assist the Unitarians, the Pasha and who knew the attractions of Islam and the
declared the execution of Alvinczi “inhu- safety it accorded progressive Protestants
mane” and ordered that the bishop and his before the publication of any theological
two fellow judges be killed. Only when the treatise.
Unitarian preacher at Pécs interceded, saying What if we were to spin out the implica-
that Unitarians did not want such dramatic tions of toleration as a shared East-West
revenge, did the Pasha remit the sentence; in undertaking beyond Torda? It has been com-
lieu of it, a heavy annual tribute was imposed monly asserted that John Locke’s even more
68 on the entire locale (Wilbur, 1952, 84-85). famous proclamation of religious tolerance
was undertaken in ignorance of the Edict of Both the quotation and the story about the
Torda (Várkonyi, 1993). I’m not fully con- turban are from Paul Thuri-Farkas’ 1613 Idea
vinced by this denial of influence—we know, Christianorum Hungarorum. Farkas was a
after all, that Locke read Unitarian literature Lutheran clergyman, a rector of the reformed
from Transylvania and that he met and con- theological school in Tolna. His specific aim was
versed with Unitarians from Transylvania to stir up anti-Ottoman and pro-Habsburg senti-
prior to his articulations of the principle ment amongst Protestants living in areas
of toleration. I am also aware that Locke’s controlled by the Habsburgs. (Tihany, 1975,
statement originated from a time marked by 58).
more cultural crossings, more mutual The fascinating dynamic of “turning Turk”
Unitarian-Islamic interests than is usually is explored in Vitkus (2003).
acknowledged.10 Could it be that religious 7
Statistics from C.D. Darlington’s The
toleration, supposedly that most precious Evolution of Man and Society (NY, 1971), as cited
inheritance of the EuropeanEnlightenment, in Tihany, 1975, 382-383.
has always been a shared creation? It is espe- In fairness to Said, he does acknowledge
cially ironic that we celebrate the that “Access to Indian (Oriental) riches had
progressive, diversity-promoting character of always to be made by first crossing Islamic
the earliest European statements of religious provinces and by withstanding the dangerous
toleration, even as we describe them in ways effect of Islam as a system of quasi-Arian belief”
that erase Islamic influences. It is past time (76).
for a more perfectly realized version of the Tihany, 55. Tihany takes letter from Imre
paradigm of shared understanding that is Szigedi from Geza Kathona, Fejezetek a török
now itself centuries old. Hodoltsági reformáció történetéböl (Budapest,
Notes 10
Harrison and Laslett’s description of
On the lack of governmental documents, Locke’s library certainly suggests that, given the
see Péter; on the denial of influence, see number of Unitarian and Socinian histories
Kratochvil. owned by Locke, it as at least possible that he
For an account of how the assumptions of had reading knowledge of the Edict of Torda.
philology work against an understanding of Even more suggestively, though, when the
Ottoman culture, in this case specifically research by Harrison and Laslett and by
Ottoman literary culture, see Holbrook. MacLachlan and Champion are combined, we seasons
Unitarianism, for example, is often realize that Locke would have personally met
referred to in the nationalistic literature as Unitarians from Transylvania. We also know
being uniquely suited to the spirit of the that he read the Qur’an (Harrison and Laslett,
| spring – summer 2004 |
Hungarian people (Sisa, 1990, 86). While this 1971) and that the London of his time was far
association occurs most frequently in the litera- more marked by Islamic influence than previ-
ture of Hungarian Unitarians, it is interesting ously thought (Matar, 1994).
to note the degree to which many modern
American Unitarians maintain the connection. Works Cited
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