This document discusses stick diagrams and sizing complementary CMOS gates. It covers finding the pull-up network dual of a pull-down network, consistent Euler paths, stick diagrams for layout planning, and transistor sizing techniques to reduce delay in complex gates.
This document discusses stick diagrams and sizing complementary CMOS gates. It covers finding the pull-up network dual of a pull-down network, consistent Euler paths, stick diagrams for layout planning, and transistor sizing techniques to reduce delay in complex gates.
This document discusses stick diagrams and sizing complementary CMOS gates. It covers finding the pull-up network dual of a pull-down network, consistent Euler paths, stick diagrams for layout planning, and transistor sizing techniques to reduce delay in complex gates.
This document discusses stick diagrams and sizing complementary CMOS gates. It covers finding the pull-up network dual of a pull-down network, consistent Euler paths, stick diagrams for layout planning, and transistor sizing techniques to reduce delay in complex gates.
ECE 546 - VLSI Systems Design Lecture 8: Stick Diagrams, Sizing Complementary Gates Fall 2012 W. Rhett Davis NC State University with significant material from Rabaey, Chandrakasan, and Nikoli Slide 2 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Announcements HW#3 Due Today HW#4 Due in 1 week Consider Attending ECE GO Night before the Fall Engineering Career Fair Details at Numbers needed for catering soon Cisco, Harris, NSA, Northrop Grumman, Boeing currently coming Slide 3 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Summary of Last Lecture How do you extract the resistance of a wire from a layout? What kind of circuit model would you use for a wire? How do you compute delay using this model? When computing the propagation delay of a complex Complementary CMOS gate, how do you build the RC tree? Slide 4 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Review of Last Lecture Complementary CMOS Pull-up Network (PUN) must be the complement (or dual) of the Pull- Down Network (PDN) Output never pulled in 2 directions Slide 5 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Review of Last Lecture Apply De-Morgans Theorem to help find PDN and PUN D A B C Vout C B A D F VDD Vout D B C A C B A D Slide 6 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Todays Lecture Stick Diagrams & Euler Paths (Appendix D) Sizing Complementary CMOS Gates (6.2.1) Slide 7 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Finding the PUN Use a Logic Diagram to find the DUAL Start by drawing PDN: Draw the nodes first Slide 8 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Finding the PUN then draw the edges (transistors): Slide 9 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Finding the PUN Now draw the PUN Start with the nodes: One each for VDD and Vout on either side One inside each region of the PDN Slide 10 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Finding the PUN Now draw the PUN Then draw the edges one to cross every PDN edge Slide 11 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Finding the PUN Now draw the circuit Slide 12 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Example Find logic diagram and PUN for EB D C ED B A F Slide 13 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Standard-Cell Realization To make a compact, repeatable cell, wed like to organize it as shown here. How to chose the order of the inputs (from left to right)? Inputs (poly) VDD GND Vout pactive nactive Slide 14 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Euler Paths Euler Path a path that covers the entire logic diagram, traversing each edge only once PDN: CBAD, BCAD, DABC, DACB PUN: DBCA, DACB Consistent Euler Path an Euler path that exists for both the PDN and PUN DACB Slide 15 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Stick Diagram An easy way to plan the layout of the cell Start with the lines of poly-silicon Use Consistent Euler Paths for ordering D A C B Slide 16 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Stick Diagram Add horizontal lines for metal lines (VDD, GND, Vout) and active areas D A C B VDD GND Vout pactive nactive Slide 17 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Stick Diagram Draw the PDN Use an X to indicate a contact Use a dot indicate a connection in the same layer D A C B VDD GND Vout pactive nactive Slide 18 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Stick Diagram Draw the PUN (error on this slide, VDD and Vout swapped) VDD Vout Slide 19 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Then Draw the Layout Height of cell determined by metal width and spacing Increase fingers parameter in p-cells to eliminate contacts on one side of the cell In older technologies, this allowed some savings of area as illustrated here. In newer technologies (45nm), poly pitch cannot be reduced, even if there are no contacts. Slide 20 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Diagram Must be LVS Correct D A C B VDD GND Vout pactive nactive NOT CORRECT (short circuit) Slide 21 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Todays Lecture Stick Diagrams & Euler Paths (Appendix D) Sizing Complementary CMOS Gates (6.2.1) Slide 22 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Sizing Example OUT = D + A (B + C) D A B C D A B C Assuming that the PMOS has twice as much resistance as the NMOS, size the transistors in this example: Slide 23 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Fan-In Considerations D C B A D C B A C L C 3 C 2 C 1 Distributed RC model (Elmore delay) t pHL = 0.69 R eqn (C 1 +2C 2 +3C 3 +4C L ) Propagation delay deteriorates rapidly as a function of fan-in quadratically in the worst case. Slide 24 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 NAND t p as a Function of Fan-In Gates with a fan-in greater than 4 should be avoided. t pL H t p ( p s e c ) fan-in 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 t pHL quadratic linear t p t pLH Slide 25 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 t p as a Function of Fan-Out 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 t p NOR2 t p ( p s e c ) eff. fan-out All gates have the same drive current. t p NAND2 t p INV Slope is a function of driving strength Slide 26 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Fast Complex Gates: Technique 1 Transistor sizing as long as fan-out capacitance dominates Progressive sizing In N C L C 3 C 2 C 1 In 1 In 2 In 3 M1 M2 M3 MN Distributed RC line M1 > M2 > M3 > > MN (the fet closest to the output is the smallest) Can reduce delay by more than 20%; decreasing gains as technology shrinks Slide 27 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Fast Complex Gates: Technique 2 Transistor ordering C 2 C 1 In 1 In 2 In 3 M1 M2 M3 C L C 2 C 1 In 3 In 2 In 1 M1 M2 M3 C L critical path critical path charged 1 01 charged charged 1 delay determined by time to discharge C L , C 1 and C 2 delay determined by time to discharge C L 1 1 01 charged discharged discharged Slide 28 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Fast Complex Gates: Technique 3 Alternative logic structures F = ABCDEFGH Slide 29 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Fast Complex Gates: Technique 4 Isolating fan-in from fan-out using buffer insertion C L C L Slide 30 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Fast Complex Gates: Technique 5 Reducing the voltage swing linear reduction in delay also reduces power consumption But the following gate is much slower! Or requires use of sense amplifiers on the receiving end to restore the signal level (memory design) t pHL 0.69 (C L V DD )/ I DSATn 0.69 (C L V swing )/ I DSATn Slide 31 W. Rhett Davis NC State University ECE 546 Fall 2012 Summary Learned how to find the dual of a PDN with a logic diagram Learned how to find consistent Euler Paths from the logic diagram and draw the stick- diagram for the layout Learned how to size Complementary CMOS gates for less delay