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Illustrator Tutorial: Stamp: Tony Soh

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Illustrator Tutorial: Stamp

By Tony Soh
Let me show you how to draw a nice vector stamp in this Illustrator tutorial. We have seen how
others draw circles and blend to specified steps to create the dotted lines and subtract it from a
rectangle. But I find it too much of a hassle and work. So why am I rewriting on this since theres
so many tutorials written on it !os Im showing you my unorthodo" way of creating a stamp
easily. So lets get the ball rolling#
1. Creating the stamp edges
Lets begin by drawing a rectangle with your $ectangle Tool. %e"t copy the rectangle by
pressing !trl&!ommand'! and duplicate ( copies of the rectangle by pressing !trl&!ommand')
twice. *o to your Layers +alette and hide one of the rectangles as we will offset it later to create
the inner edge of the stamp. %ow, heres the trick, we will need to create round dotted lines
around the stamp. -pen up you Stroke +alette and select the topmost rectangle. !opy the settings
below. .ake sure dash is kept at /pt and gap is larger than the Weight. 01d2ust your gap settings
if you find the dotted lines overlap3 1lso select $ound !aps for the Stroke as bo"ed in red.
%ow we will need to e"pand the dotted lines.*o -b2ect4)latten Transparency. .ake sure it is set
to 5//6 vector as shown below. !lick ok when done.
Select the e"panded dotted lines and the rectangle below. -pen up your +athfinder +alette and
hold 1lt&-ption and select Subtract from shape area. This will give you the sawtooth edges of a
2. Drawing the stamp graphic
*o to you Layers +alette and show the hidden layer of our original rectangle. *o
-b2ect4+ath4-ffset +ath. 7nter a negative value. This will create the inner edge of our graphic
area. %ow I will start filling my stamp with different colors. %otice that the stamp has a slight
drop shadow. What I did was I duplicate the background and give it a dark grey and I nudge it
right and down by 5 pi"el using the keyboard arrow keys. With the stamp template done, you can
start drawing your stamp graphic.
8ou notice that I have a star burst effect behind the dove. To create this effect go and select your
)lare tool and draw a sun flare. I then hide it behind the dove. 1 little 9uick trick of mine.
%ow we will need to mask away the protruding shapes. Select the blue background and copy it
by pressing !trl&!ommand'!. I then group the graphics of my stamp together 0stars, dove, blue
trail and sun flare3 by pressing !trl&!ommand'*. %ow paste the blue background by pressing
!trl&!ommand'). Selected the grouped ob2ect and the pasted shape and go -b2ect4!lipping
.ask4.ake to hide away the protruding shapes.
4. Creating the mail stamp
Lets move on to the final step of creating the mail stamp. :raw a circle using !ircle Tool and
holding Shift as you draw. :raw a smaller circle inside it. %e"t draw a line with the Line
Segment Tool by holding Shift and drag. Select the Line and hold 1lt&-ption and drag down to
duplicate a new line. 1fter you have created ; rows of lines, nudge the lines to the left so that it
doesnt overlap the circle.
Select the ; rows of lines and go 7ffect4:istort < Transform4=ig =ag. 7nter the values below
and click -k. *o -b2ect47"pand 1ppearance after that.
-pen up your Brushes +alette 0Window4Brushes3. !lick the arrow icon at the top right and
choose -pen Brush Library41rtistic>!halk!harcoal+encil. Select your mail stamp and select a
thin charcoal brush to give make it a te"tured line. )inally we will move our mail stamp over our
stamp graphic and we are done.

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