This document provides information about upcoming events and services at the Ravenna Church of the Nazarene in Ravenna, KY for the week of October 19th. It outlines the musical performers, speakers, and order of service for the upcoming Sunday. It also lists upcoming events like a children's service, pastor appreciation day, ladies and men's meetings, and community outreach events. The mission and vision of the church is stated. The schedule of regular services and current prayer requests are also included.
This document provides information about upcoming events and services at the Ravenna Church of the Nazarene in Ravenna, KY for the week of October 19th. It outlines the musical performers, speakers, and order of service for the upcoming Sunday. It also lists upcoming events like a children's service, pastor appreciation day, ladies and men's meetings, and community outreach events. The mission and vision of the church is stated. The schedule of regular services and current prayer requests are also included.
This document provides information about upcoming events and services at the Ravenna Church of the Nazarene in Ravenna, KY for the week of October 19th. It outlines the musical performers, speakers, and order of service for the upcoming Sunday. It also lists upcoming events like a children's service, pastor appreciation day, ladies and men's meetings, and community outreach events. The mission and vision of the church is stated. The schedule of regular services and current prayer requests are also included.
This document provides information about upcoming events and services at the Ravenna Church of the Nazarene in Ravenna, KY for the week of October 19th. It outlines the musical performers, speakers, and order of service for the upcoming Sunday. It also lists upcoming events like a children's service, pastor appreciation day, ladies and men's meetings, and community outreach events. The mission and vision of the church is stated. The schedule of regular services and current prayer requests are also included.
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Ravenna Church of the Nazarene
530 Main Street
Ravenna, KY 40472 Pastor, Rev. Rob Steinbrook (606) 643-5958 Associate Pastor, Rev. Josh Sutton (606) 643-5631 October 19, 2014
Musical Prelude Emily Gross & Nelle Williams
Welcome & Announcements Rev. Josh Sutton
Call to Worship Rev. Warren Toler
Congregational Singing Leader, Arthur David Ballard
Morning Prayer Rev. Wayne Everman
Choir Special Director, Shonna Ballard
Morning Tithes and Offerings Rev. Rob Steinbrook *Loose change goes to Children *Children Dismissed to Childrens Church.
Special Singing David Witt
Sermon Rev. Rob Steinbrook
Childrens Church Kids ages 4-11 meet downstairs with Rev. Josh Sutton.
Singing Schedule This Evening Shonna Next Sunday Morning childrens service Next Sunday Evening- Pam
Wednesday night Service: Wednesday we will have supper at 6:30PM followed by a Bible study for the adults and Bro. Josh will have a lesson for the children. The church will provide the main dish and we ask that each family brings a side to go with it.
Childrens Sunday! Sunday Morning, October 26 th we will have a special service with the kids leading the service. Lets all plan to be here to support our childrens ministry.
Pastor Appreciation Sunday: Next Sunday, October 26 th will be pastor appreciation day. We encourage everyone to come and show your support for Bro. Rob and Bro. Josh. We also will have a cake and want everyone to bring finger foods and snacks for a time of fellowship after the evening service.
Ladies Meeting: Our monthly ladies meeting will be on Tuesday, Oct. 28 th at the home of Pam Richardson with Pam giving the devotion.
Mens Breakfast: Saturday, November 1 st will be our monthly mens breakfast. Come early to help cook, and bring a friend to join us at 9AM to eat.
Public Servant Sunday Sunday, November 2 nd will be our annual Public Servant Sunday. We want to honor all of those that work to make our county a great place to live. Plan to be here and invite everyone you know. We will have a potluck lunch after the service.
District Quiz Meet: On Saturday, November 8 th our church will host a district quiz meet for the children and the teens. Please plan to help out with this event. ATTENTION ALL TEENS AND KIDS: Plan to be HERE on Friday, October 24 th from 5-8:30PM. We will have a campfire, and cook hot dogs and marshmallows. We will also play some Volleyball and have a good time hanging out. Invite your friends!
Ravenna Trick or Treat: The city trick or treat will be Thursday, October 30 th . We will set up some tables at the church to give away candy to the kids. If youd like to come and help, or donate candy, let Bro. Josh know.
Colors of Cancer Sunday. Wear ORANGE next week! On the last Sunday of each month, we invite you to wear a Color for the cancer that has affected you. If you wear a color, you can then donate a dollar to our Relay for Life team. If you dont wear a color, you can donate $2 to our Relay for Life team. There will be a basket in the back of the Sanctuary for your donations.
Our Mission Statement: Our Mission is to lead people into the Saving and Sanctifying power of God and to help them live Christ-centered lives.
Our Vision for 2014-2015: 7 People Saved 7 People Sanctified 7 New Members 7 People Baptized 7% Increase in Worship Attendance
Newsletter & One Call Now Are you receiving the newsletters? If not, we may not have your current address. Please fill out the information below and give it to one of our ushers. If you include your phone number, well add you to our One Call Now list and you can receive recorded announcements over the phone. This should keep you up to date on all the church is doing.
Address: ______________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________________
Email: ___________________________________
Schedule of Services Sunday School 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship 10:45 AM Sunday Choir Practice 5:00PM Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening Meal 6:30 PM Wednesday Evening Bible Study 7:15 PM
Our Prayer list: (To add someone to the list, please come to the communion table before the service and write their name on the Request Sheet. Names will be removed after 2 weeks.) Ted Lowe Regina Davis Janice Ballard Dora Winburn Dr. Morris Darrell Ashley Alvin & Maxine Gunn Gene & Pauline Hayes Jason Baber Terry Stone Belinda Puckett Pray for the Salvation of the lost Pray to end abortion
The Church of the Nazarene affirms the sanctity of human life as established by God the Creator and believes that such sanctity extends to the child not yet born. All human life, including life developing in the womb, is created by God in His image and is, therefore, to be nurtured, supported, and protected. From the moment of conception, a child is a human. Therefore, we believe that human life must be respected and protected from the moment of conception. We oppose induced abortion by any means. We oppose laws that allow abortion. (Manual paragraph 36)
The Ruling On Muslims Attending Mixed Universities - From The Islamic Verdicts of Various Major Scholars - Translated and Compiled by Mustafa George DeBerry