Lesson 10

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Lesson 10:

Properties of Water

In this lesson we will answer the following question:
What are the unique properties of water?

Reading Assignment
Along with the online lecture, read chapter 9 in Basic Chemistry for Water and
Wastewater Operators.


The Basics


Water covers about three quarters of the earth's surface and makes up about three
quarters of our body weight. In fact, without water, life would not be possible. This
simple fact is why scientists are constantly looking for water on other planets - the
presence of water could indicate the presence of life.

We have discussed some of the properties of water in previous lessons. This lesson
will consider water's properties in more depth. As you read about the characteristics
of water, take some time to think about how these characteristics relate to the fields of
water and wastewater treatment.

Water Molecule

As you should remember, water is represented by the formula H
O. The picture
below can also be used to represent water.

Lesson 5 explained how hydrogen bonds form between water molecules. The ability
of water molecules to form hydrogen bonds, as shown below, causes many of water's
unique characteristics. For example, you should recall that hydrogen bonding makes
water an excellent solvent.

Part 2: Temperature
Lesson 10:
Properties of Water



Water is unique in that it is found as a gas, a liquid, and a solid at natural earth
temperatures. In contrast, most other substances are naturally found in only one or
two states. This property of water is integral to our daily lives, and is especially
important in the hydrologic cycle.

On this page, we will consider how water is influenced by temperature. The
surrounding air temperature can change the temperature of water, change water's state,
and change water's density.

Specific Heat Capacity

Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one
gram of a substance by one degree Celsius. Every substance has its own specific heat
capacity, with the specific heat capacity of water being 1 cal/(gC).

The specific heat capacity of water is much higher than that of other common
substances. For the sake of comparison, the specific heat capacity of oil is about 0.5
cal/(gC) and the specific heat capacity of aluminum is about 0.2 cal/(gC). This
means that it takes a lot more heat to raise the temperature of water compared to the
amount of heat it would take to raise the temperature of oil or aluminum.

The high specific heat of water helps the earth's temperature remain moderate since
water traps heat during the day and releases it slowly at night. As a result, the
temperature on earth's surface does not vary very widely, ranging from extremes of
134F to -129F. For comparison, the moon has no liquid water and its temperatures
can range from 240F to -290F. (The lack of atmosphere on the moon, along with
other factors, also contributes to the wide range of temperature.)

Boiling Point

Water also has a very high boiling point, meaning that liquid water turns into water
vapor at a higher temperature (212F) than would be expected due to the size and
weight of the molecule. The high boiling point of water is due to the hydrogen bonds
which tend to hold water molecules together, preventing them from breaking apart
and entering the gaseous state.

Since it takes such a large amount of energy to change the state of water, sweating is a
very effective method of cooling the body. In order to evaporate, the sweat requires
the input of a great deal of heat energy, some of which comes from our bodies. So, as
our sweat evaporates, we begin to feel cooler.

Density and Expansion

As you should remember from ENV 110, density is the ratio of mass to
volume. Dense objects feel heavier and tend to sink while less dense objects feel
lighter and tend to float.

The density of most objects changes slightly as the temperature changes. In general,
warmer temperatures tend to make substances less dense because the greater random
kinetic energy makes the molecules spread out. The amount that objects expand when
heated is known as the coefficient of expansion.

The density of water, once again, is a special case. Water is most dense at 39F, and
as it cools or warms from this temperature, the water expands slightly. This means
that ice is slightly less dense than cold water, which is why ice floats on the surface of
bodies of water. The floating ice slows the freezing process by insulating the water
underneath, which contributes to the moderate temperatures on earth. In addition, the
layer of ice prevents many lakes from freezing solid, allowing fish and other
organisms to survive under the ice.

The changing density of water at different temperatures is also responsible
for turnover. Turnover occurs when the water on the surface of a lake cools in the
fall. Eventually, this cold water will become more dense than the warmer water
beneath, so the cold water will sink to the bottom and the warm water will rise to the
surface. When lakes are used as the water source for water treatment plants, turnover
can cause abrupt changes in the quality of the raw water.

Part 3: Other Properties
Lesson 10:
Properties of Water

Other Properties

Surface Tension

In a body of water, hydrogen bonds between water molecules are constantly pulling
the molecules in many different directions. However, at the water's surface, the
molecules are only being pulled from side to side and down, with no hydrogen bonds
pulling them upwards. This results in a skin of water at the surface in which the
molecules are held together very tightly.

Surface tension is a measurement of the amount of force required to break this skin
on the surface of water. Other liquids have a surface tension as well, but the surface
tension in water is quite strong due to the hydrogen bonds. The pictures below show
some examples of the results of water's strong surface tension.

Surface tension is what holds drops of water together in a round shape. Surface
tension allows both water striders and paperclips to float on water even though they
are more dense than the water. In addition, surface tension allows you to fill a cup
slightly over the brim with water.

Capillary Action

Surface tension is also responsible for another phenomena known as capillary
action. Capillary action occurs when water climbs upward through a small space,
defying gravity due to the forces of adhesion and surface tension. The image below
shows one example of capillary action - a narrow straw was placed in a cup of water
and the water crept upwards through the straw.

What causes the movement of water during capillary action? The first factor
is adhesion, the attraction between water and another object. In this case, adhesion
attracted the water within the straw to the surface of the straw. Molecules of water
which came in contact with the straw tended to move upward along the inside of the
straw, as shown below:

Water's surface tension is so strong that, as water is pulled upward along the straw's
walls, the water in between tends to be pulled upward also. The downward pull of
gravity prevents the central water from rising quite as high as the water which is
adhered to the straw, so the result is a meniscus, as shown in the first picture in this

Capillary action is important in moving water upwards through small spaces. Plants
depend on capillary action to move water upward from the roots to the leaves. In the
soil, capillary action also tends to move water upward between the soil particles.


Water has many unique properties, many of which are based on its molecules' ability
to form hydrogen bonds. Water is found at earth's temperatures as a solid, liquid, and
gas. It has a high specific heat capacity and boiling point. Water is most dense at
39F. Water also has a strong surface tension.

Byrd, Deborah, and Eleanor Imster. "Moon's Day and Night." Earth and Sky. April
27, 2002.
Chaplin, Mark. 2004. "Water Structure and Behavior." London South Bank
University, London, England.

Elert, Glenn, ed. 2002. "Hottest Temperature on Earth." and "Coldest Temperature
on Earth." The Physics Factbook.

Complete the questions for Assignment 10, which deals with the properties of water
explained in this lesson. When you have gotten all the answers correct, print the page
and either mail or fax it to the instructor. You may also take the quiz online and
directly submit it into the database for a grade.

There are no labs associated with this lesson.

Answer the questions in the Quiz 10. When you have gotten all the answers correct,
print the page and either mail or fax it to the instructor.

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