DiaDENS-PCM Operations Manual

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ООО «РЦ АРТ», Екатеринбург, Россия RU

Электростимулятор с внутренними
и выносными электродами портативный
для стимуляции БАТ и БАЗ «ДиаДЭНСПКМ»

Руководство по эксплуатации

РЦ АРТ 04.003.703 РЭ
ТУ 944400235266303-2005

LLC RC ART, Ekaterinburg, Russia EN

Portable electrostimulator with built-in and external

electrodes for stimulation
of BAZ and BAP “DiaDENS-PCM”

Operations Manual

RC ART 04.0-03.7-03 RE
TU 9444-002-35266303-2005

“RC АRТ” GmbH, Еkaterinburg, Russland DE

Tragbarer Elektrostimulator mit Innen- und Ausgangselek-

troden für die Stimulation von BAP und BAZ sowie für die

RC АRТ 04.0-03.7-03 RE
TU 9444-002-35266303-2005


Part 1. Technical Passport

1. Safety Measures...........................................................50
2. Function.......................................................................53
3. Specifications...............................................................54
4. Complete Set...............................................................58
5. Apparatus Arrangement................................................59
6. General recommendations............................................63
7. Operating the Menu......................................................65
8. Technical Maintenance.................................................71
9. Change of power source.............................................72
10. Troubleshooting List....................................................73
11. Guarantees of the Manufacturer...................................74

Part 2. User’s Instructions

1. Main Performance Data................................................76
2. Indications and Contraindications to Application.............77
3. Conditions of Treatment................................................78
4. Intensity of the Electrostimulating Treatment...................78
5. Methods of Application.................................................79
6. Treatment with Apparatus..............................................80
7. MED (prophylaxis)........................................................86
8. Screening.....................................................................88
7. Special EMC-Information..............................................89

Certificate of Acceptance...............................................137
Coupon for Warranty Repair.............................................139


This Operations Manual is intended for the DiaDENS-PСM

portable electrostimulator with built-in and external electrodes
for stimulation of biologically active points and zones (BAP and
The Operations Manual includes a Technical Passport (part
1) and User’s Instructions (part 2).

Compliance with standards:

This medical device is CE marked according to the
Directive 93/42 /ЕЕС on medical equipment.



1. Safety regulations

Read carefully all information in this instruction for

use that contains important information on your
safety and recommendations on proper use and
maintenance of the device.

The device doesn’t constitute any danger because

of internal power source of low voltage that is iso-
lated from work part of the apparatus (article of
type B and work part of type F).

The apparatus must not be used for treatment of

patients with implanted electronic devices (for ex-
ample, pacemaker) and for treatment of patients
who have individual electric current intolerance.

The device use in direct front projection of heart is


Don’t switch patient to any high-frequency electric

device during stimulation, simultaneous use of the
device and other electric equipment can bring to
burn and possible damage of the device.

Work alongside short-wave and microwave equip-

ment can bring to instability of output parameters
of the device.


You must not switch to the device any other ac-

cessories except external electrodes produced by
manufacturing firm.

The article has fragile elements. Protect against


The device is not waterproof. Protect against water


Maintenance of the device must be provided by

qualified specialists in manufacturing firm.

Transporting conditions: temperature from -500С to

+500С, relative air humidity from 30 to 93%, atmos-
pheric pressure from 70 to 106 kPа.

Storage conditions: temperature from -500С to +400С,

relative air humidity from 30 to 93%, atmospheric pres-
sure from 70 to 106 kPа.

Service conditions: temperature from 100С до 350С,

relative air humidity from 30 to 93%, atmospheric pres-
sure from 70 to 106 kPа.
If the device was being kept at the temperature below
100С, keep it in normal climate conditions no less than
2 hours before use.

All packaging materials are not environmentally
harmful, it may be used repeatedly.


Separate collection of electrical and electronic


Used device is not absolutely useless garbage! It contains

valuable materials that may be used again after the utilization
considering preservation of the environment requirements. De-
liver it to special services (consult with appropriate services of
your region) for collection and remaking.


The DiaDENS-PСM apparatus is used for electrostimulation
of biologically active points and zones (BAP and BAZ). The ap-
paratus has built-in electrodes as well as a slot for connection
of external electrodes — DENS-APPLICATOR*.
The DiaDENS-PСM apparatus is intended for individual ap-
plication in patient care institutions and in life conditions in com-
pliance with the recommendations of the attending doctor.

* In addition, other external electrodes produced by the

manufacturer can be applied with this apparatus.


3.1. Electric impulse (fig. 1) parameters must have the fol-
lowing output parameters:
3.1.1. Minimal impulse parameters:
— duration of the positive impulse, uS, not more than........5
— amplitude of the positive impulse, V, not more than......10
— amplitude of the negative impulse, V, not more than.....10
3.1.2. Maximal impulse parameters:
— duration of the positive impulse, uS.....................500±70
— amplitude of the positive impulse, V.......................30±10
— amplitude of the negative impulse, V:
without load..........................................................350±70
with load (20±5%) kOhm........................................300±70
3.1.3. Minimum load resistance under which the parameters
of the impulse keep, Rmin.......................................500 Ohm
Figure 1. Impulse form

impulse duration

* Vpp — voltage peak to peak


3.1.4. Amplitude of signal at the min power is 8% of ampli-

tude of signal at max power (R=22kOhm).
3.2. The apparatus provides the following frequencies of im-
pulses, Hz:
3.2.1. Range 1:
— 10±1 including for MED (prophylaxis) and SCREENING
— 20±1;
— 60±2;
— 77±2;
— 77±2 and 10±1, modulated by frequency 2±0,1 Hz (“7710”
— 77±2 with modulation by amplitude (“77AM” mode);
— 140±3;
— 200±3
3.2.2. Range 2 – from 1,0 to 9,9 with spacing 0,1±0,05.
3.3. Maximum consumable current
(with 3 V voltage), mA, not more than............................300
3.4. Power supply: Battery type LR6/AA,
2 pcs, voltage, V..................................................1,5±0,45
It is allowed to use corresponding accumulators with nominal
voltage 1.2 V*
3.5. Weight, kg, not more than....................................0,35
3.6. Weight including external therapeutic electrodes DENS-
APPLICATOR, kg, not more than........................................0,8
3.7. Dimensions of the apparatus,
mm, not more than...........................................145x55x55
3.8. For specifications of external zonal electrodes DENS-
APPLICATOR, see the Operations Manual of the Set of External
Zonal Electrodes DENS-APPLICATOR.
3.9. The apparatus automatically switches off not later than
in 10 min after the last touch of any of the buttons (except the

* Order of Operation (types of chargers, charging methods)

is given in the Manual for accumulators; period of work of the
apparatus with accumulators depends on the accumulators’


button ) or after the last contact of the electrodes to the pa-

tient’s skin.
3.10. Electromagnetic Emissions
Guidance electromagnetic
Emission Test Compliance
The Portable electrostimulator
DiaDENS-PCM is suitable
RF emissions
Class B for use in all establishments
including domestic
3.11. RF Immunity
IEC 60601-1-2 Test Compliance
Immunity test
Level Level
Conducted RF 3 Vrms
3 Vrms
IEC 61000-4-6 150 kHz to 80 MHz
Radiated RF 3V/m
IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to 2,5 GHz

3.12. Electromagnetic Immunity

Immunity Test Compliance
Test Level Level
Floors should be wood,
concrete, or ceramic
tile. If Floors are cov-
±6kV ered with synthetic
Discharge ±4kV
contact material, the relative
(ESD) contact
±8kV humidity should be at
IEC 61000- ±8kV air
air least 40%. Explanation
and training of stuff
in ESD-precautionary


Power Power frequency mag-

frequency netic fields should be
Magnetic at levels characteristic
3A/m 3A/m
fields of a typical location in
IEC 61000- a typical commercial or
4-8 hospital environment.
3.13. Recommended Separation Distances (d) between
Portable and Mobile RF Communication Equipment and Port-
able electrostimulator DENAS series.
Frequency of 150kHz to 150kHz to 800MHz to
Transmitter 80MHz 800MHz 2,5GHz
Equation d= 1,2 √ P d= 1,2 √ P d= 2,3 √ P
Rated maximum Separation Separation Separation
output power distance distance distance
of Transmitter [m] [m] [m]
0,01 0,12 0,12 0,23
0,1 0.38 0,38 0,73
1 1,2 1,2 2,3
10 3,8 3,8 7,3
100 12 12 23

— Device of type B and work part of type F.


The complete set of delivery of the DiaDENS-PСM apparatus
should correspond to Table 1.
Table 1
Name Quantity
Portable electrostimulator DiaDENS-PСM

Operations manual including a technical pass-

port and user’s instructions

Package 1

Power source 2
Holder lace 1


Figure 2. DiaDENS-PСM (front)


slot for connection of ex-

ternal electrodes

display – liquid crystal in-



button for quick switch

to 77AM mode

button for quick switch

to 7710 mode

power On/Off


Figure 3. DiaDENS-PСM (back)

built-in electrodes


cover of power
source replace-


Control buttons. Function of these buttons

depends of the apparatus operation mode:

Table 2.
Op- Button
Left Right Central Up Down
of appa-
Switch Decrease
on the of timer`s
timer and values
working Decrease Increase Switch
increase and
in elec- of influ- of influ- to ap-
timer val- switch off
trostim- ence`s ence`s paratus
ues by 30 timer if its
ulation power* power menu value is
modes equals to
with every
When Return Move
Confirm Confirm Move up
working to pre- down
the ac- the ac- in this
in ap- vious in this
tion se- tion se- menu`s
paratus menu`s menu`s
lected lected level
menu level level
* Do not used for “SCREENING” mode
** Is used only for “THERAPY” (manual setting) mode

7710 — for quick switch to “7710” mode;

77AM — for quick switch to “77AM” mode;
— for switching the apparatus on and off (to switch the
apparatus off press and hold the button);
The complete set of delivery of the DiaDENS-PСM apparatus
also includes external zonal electrodes DENS-APPLICATOR.
In addition, other external therapeutic electrodes produced
by the manufacturer can be connected to the apparatus.
ATTENTION! External therapeutic electrodes can be used


in the “EXPRESS” (express therapy) and “THERAPY” (manual

setting) modes only.
Before applying the external electrode, the treated part
of skin should be wiped with a tampon moistened in water or
treated with MALAVTILIN cream until its complete absorption
for better contact.

Indicator in different modes.

Current time
Power source state
Current item
Indicator of the cur-
rent item position
Help Indicator of
available buttons

Menu item “THERAPY” Menu item “DATE AND TIME”

Line for setting
Name of the a date (day/
mode to be month/year)
chosen Line for setting
time (hours/min-

Indicator in therapeutic Menu item “CALENDAR”—

modes “REMIND”
Active mode Date of the first
reminder (day/
State month/year)

Time of re-
Fixed period of minder
the procedure (if
TIMER function Quantity of
is switched on) reminders
Current power



6.1. Switching the apparatus on:

Press button . Wait for the sound signal. The apparatus
automatically switch to the mode “DIRECT PROJECTION”. By
pressing OK button during the intro the apparatus switch to ba-
sic menu.

6.2. Choosing the mode or function

To change the operating mode, go to menu by pressing OK
button. Choose the necessary mode, function or value by press-
ing button , , and . Press OK button to open them.

6.3. Returning to basic menu

Press button as many times as it is necessary to return to
any above menu level.

6.4. Timer
Choose necessary mode (available in “THERAPY” (manual
setting) mode), the display will show a “STAND-BY” message.
Set the timer if necessary: switch on the timer by pressing the
up button , with every subsequent pressing the timer, value
will increase by 30 seconds, by every pressing of the down but-
ton timer value will be reduced by 30 seconds. When the
timer reaches zero value, it will be switched off.
During the procedure with the timer switched on, timer
countdown shows the time left until the end of the procedure;
with the timer switched off – the timer shows the time passed
since beginning of the procedure.
After the end of the procedure with the timer switched on you
will hear a sound signal. The timer will automatically switch to
the value set before if electrodes have no contact with the skin


6.5. Power
When operating any of the electrostimulation modes (“EX-
PRESS” (express-therapy), “THERAPY” (manual setting),
“MED”), you can change power of influence: by pressing the
left button (power reduction) and the right button (power

6.6. Switching the apparatus off:

Press the button for 1-3 seconds. The display will show
“GOOD HEALTH” message and the apparatus switch off after
the sound signal and “GOOD BYE” message. The apparatus will
switch off.



List of menu`s functions:


Table of abbreviations and shortenings

of terms on the LCD

Full name of the menu’s Abbreviation/shortening

item on the LCD
Direct projection Direct projection
Segment zone Segment zone
Symmetrical zone Symmetrical zone
Allergy Allergy
Diseases of gastrointestinal
GI diseases
Pain in the back Pain in the neck
Pain in joints Pain in joints
Vegeto-vascular dystonia VV dystonia
Gynecological pains Gynecology
Hypertension Hypertens.
Headache Headache
Coughing Coughing
Menstrual irregularities IMC
Urination disorders Urination disorders
Potency disorders Potency disorders
Rhinitis Rhinitis
Traumas Traumas
Asphyxia Asphyxia



Perform the following actions:
Menu item “EXPRESS” (express-ther-
Select “EXPRESS” by pressing but-
tons up , down . Confirm the action
by pressing OK.

Select from the list the necessary op-

eration mode/disease to work with.
Select the item by pressing buttons up
, down . Confirm the action by press-
ing OK.
Methods of operating with the appara-
tus are given in part 2, User’s instructions.
Menu item “THERAPY” (manual set-
Select “THERAPY” by pressing but-
tons up , down . Confirm the action
by pressing OK.

Select from the list the necessary op-

erating frequency.
Select the item by pressing buttons up
, down . Confirm the action by press-
ing OK.
Methods of operating with the appara-
tus are given in part 2, User’s instructions.
Menu item “MED”
Select “MED” by pressing buttons up
, down . Confirm the action by press-
ing OK. Press the electrodes of the ap-
paratus to skin.


Wait for the first signal (end of the first

stage – “Test” mode). The apparatus will
automatically switch to the second stage
– “Therapy” mode. After the end of the
second stage (5 minutes) you will hear
the sound signal of the procedure end.
During the procedure the LCD shows
time passed from the beginning of the
current procedure.
Methods of operating with the appa-
ratus are given in part 2, User’s instruc-
Menu item “SCREENING”
Select “SCREENING” by pressing
buttons up , down . Confirm the ac-
tion by pressing OK.
Press the electrodes of the appara-
tus to skin.
Wait for the sound signal (after 5
seconds). The LCD will show ∆LT value
during 5 seconds.
If electrodes are in contact with skin,
the apparatus will automatically start
measuring new ∆LT value.
Methods of operating with the appa-
ratus are given in part 2, User’s instruc-
Menu item “SETTINGS”
This item contains the section “DATA
Select “SETTINGS” by pressing but-
tons up , down . Confirm the action
by pressing OK. Confirm the action by
pressing OK.


Setting time and date

Select ‘DATE/TIME’ by pressing but-
tons up , down . Confirm the action
by pressing OK.

Increasing or reducing hours/min-

utes is made by pressing buttons , ;
selecting the parameter (hours or min-
utes) to be changed is made by press-
ing buttons , . Confirm the setting
by pressing OK.
Increasing or reducing year/month/
day is made by pressing buttons ,
selecting the parameter (year, month,
day) to be changed is made by press-
ing buttons , . Confirm the setting
by pressing OK.
Menu item “CALENDAR”
The apparatus allows setting dates
and time of future procedures for treat-
ment courses and will remind about the
procedure in the fixed time with a sound
signal (during 2 minutes).
Select “CALENDAR” by pressing but-
tons up , down . Confirm the action
by pressing OK.
Sets number of procedures and time
of reminding about the procedure.
Select “REMIND” by pressing but-
tons up , down . Confirm the action
by pressing OK.


Increasing or reducing the quantity

of procedures is made by pressing but-
tons , .
Switching between hours and min-
utes is made by pressing buttons ,
Increasing or reducing hours/minutes
is made by pressing buttons , .
Confirm the setting by pressing OK.
Deleting the set reminders.
Select ‘DELETE’ by pressing buttons
up , down . Confirm the action by
pressing OK.

Returning to basic menu.

If all procedures are set, select “EXIT”
and press OK.


8.1. Daily technical maintenance should include the follow-
— external examination of the apparatus;
— disinfection of electrodes.
Use standard disinfection means (e.g. 70% alcoholic solu-
tion) and soft napkins to clean the electrodes.
8.2. Check of serviceability in accordance with instructions
in Part 6.
8.3. If the apparatus is supposed not to be used for a long
period, remove the power source* from its compartment (Part.
8.4. The battery symbol flashes on the display and there is a
pulsing sound signal. Change the battery.
Attention! If power source are absent more than 10 sec-
onds all individual settings of the user and set reminders will
be deleted.

* When power source is removed, the “CALENDAR” function does

not provide for automatic switching on of the apparatus. The settings
for current date and time will also be lost.


9. Change of power source

Change of power source:
— open battery section (Fig. 3);
— get the power sources;
— set new power sources*, following the polarity.

* Set only those power sources that are provided for this de-
vice – type LR6/АА, voltage rating1,5 V.



Possible troubles and methods of their eradication are shown
in Table 3.
Table 3
Possible Method of eradi-
reason cation

The apparatus switch-

es off or the battery Voltage of power
Change power
symbol flashes on the sources is less
display and there is a than 2.1 V
pulsing sound signal

No contact be-
tween the appa-
When using an exter- ratus and an ex- Check contact of
nal electrode the ap- ternal therapeutic the slot (Fig. 2)
paratus is constantly electrode
in the STAND-BY
mode Treat skin with a
Skin is dry tampon moistened
with water
Wrong setting of
Set current date
The apparatus does the current time
and time
not switch on the time and date
set in the CALENDAR Power sources
function Change power
are discharged or

The apparatus switch- Saved reminders Delete existing

es on itself are present reminders

Attention! Other troubles must be eradicated by the manu-

facturer or at the service centers of the manufacturer.



11.1. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of the
apparatus to the technical conditions TU 9444-002-35266303-
2005 on condition the conditions of operation, transportation
and storage are observed.
11.2. The operation lifetime is 5 years.
Observation of operation regulations can considerably in-
crease the lifetime set by the manufacturer officially.
11.3. The guarantee period of operation is 24 months from
the date of sale.
The seller (manufacturer) or organization carrying out the
functions of the seller (manufacturer) on a contractual basis is
not responsible for the defaults should they occur after the dis-
posal of the apparatus as a result of:
1) a failure on the part of the consumer to comply with the
rules of transportation, storage, care and operation provided
for by the present manual;
2) mechanical damages;
3) actions of the third party;
4) force-majeure.
11.4. Guarantee obligations do not apply to products with
broken manufacturer’s seals.
11.5. In case of unit breakdown or malfunction within the war-
ranty period, as well as in case of incomplete shipping is found,
the owner must send the following documents to the manu-
facturer’s address or manufacturers’ representative: claim
for repair (exchange) with name, address, telephone number;
defects list with brief description of the malfunction, date and
conditions of its appearance.


Manufacturer’s address:
JSC “RC ART”, 620146 Russia,
Ekaterinburg, Postovskogo St., 15
Phone: +7 (343) 267-23-30
e-mail: [email protected]

Official Representative in the European Union:

DENAS-Deutschland GmbH
Deutschland, 64347 Griesheim, Im Leuschnerpark 3
(06155) 66–57–73

Representative in the European Union:

DENAS-CZ s.r.o., Chech Republik, 360 01, Karlovy Vary,
SHOPPING CENTER “atrium”, Karla IV. 505/1, office 209,
phone: (+420) 353 549 285; fax: (+420) 359 019 209




Application of impulse currents on reflex zones and points
for prophylaxis, treatment and functional recovery is an inde-
pendent method of treatment and can be applied both as a
complex treatment and as mono therapy.
Numerous examinations show that the therapeutic action
of the dynamic electroneurostimulation (DENS) is based on
multilevel reflex and neurochemical reactions triggering a
cascade of regulatory and adaptive mechanisms of the body.
It results in elimination of pain syndromes, improvement of
blood circulation, anti-inflammatory actions, activation of
biologically active substances and metabolic processes in
tissues, normalization of the muscle and vascular tones.
Dynamic electroneurostimulation promotes improvement of
general condition, better mood and capacity for work.



DiaDENS-PСM apparatus can be applied in patients of any
age from newborns to people of advanced age.
— acute and chronic pain syndromes;
— traumas;
— respiratory diseases, diseases of the digestive apparatus,
the ENT, the blood circulation system, the musculoskeletal sys-
tem, the nervous system, the endocrine system and the uro-
genital systems, the eyes, skin;
— rehabilitation after diseases, surgical operations and traumas;
— increasing body adaptive capacities under influence of
negative pathogenous factors, intensive physical and mental
work, physical and mental overexertion, syndrome of chronic
fatigue, difficulties with waking up in the morning and sleepi-
ness during the day-time, disorders of falling asleep in the
evening and insomnia, increased petulance, under depressive
states, sexual dysfunction, as well as for prophylaxis of colds.
— individual intolerance to the electric current;
— implanted cardiostimulator;
— epileptic seizure;
— neoplasms of any etiology and localization (in the termi-
nal stage of an oncological process, electrostimulation may be
carried out as palliative method (supportive therapy), including
rapid relief of the pain syndrome);
— acute febrility of unclear etiology;
— vein thrombosis;
— condition of acute psychic excitement, alcoholic or drug

* In these cases it is recommended to use the electrostimulator

only after consulting your attending doctor.


ATTENTION! Do not apply the device in the zone of direct

heart projection at the front!

You do not need any special conditions for treatment with
DENS. Treatment procedures can be carried out both individu-
ally and with help of an operator who will carry out treatment on
those zones and points, which you cannot reach yourself.
Electrotherapy is taken in a comfortable sitting or lying posi-
tion. After the treatment procedure, the patient should relax for
10-15 minutes.
The present manual describes treatment plans with most
some widespread disease states. More detailed information
about DENS opportunities is provided in the Manual on Dy-
namic Electroneurostimulation with apparatuses DiaDENS-T
and DiaDENS-DT*.
Attention! Treat the apparatus electrodes with a standard
disinfection means (e.g. 70% alcoholic solution) after each
procedure. The electrodes of the apparatus should be kept


The level of energy treatment with impulse current is deter-
mined individually based on subjective sensations of the pa-
tient. Intensity of electrostimulation is divided into three levels
of energy treatment: minimal, comfortable and maximal.
The first minimal energy level (on the threshold of sensa-
tions) – corresponds to low intensity of treatment, under which
the patient does not have any subjective sensations or has sub-
tle vibrations. This level is used for treatment of small and pre-
school children and elderly patients.

* Manual on Dynamic Electroneurostimulation with Apparatuses

DiaDENS-T and DiaDENS-DT // under general edition of V.V. Cherny-
shev. – Ekaterinburg, 2005.


The second comfortable energy level (above threshold of

sensations, under pain threshold) – corresponds to medium
intensity of treatment, under which the patient feels light prick-
ing, vibration or light burning without pain. It is used as basic
level of energy treatment.
The third maximal energy level (on the pain threshold) – cor-
responds to high intensity treatment, under which the patient
feels expressed painful pricking or burning. Such intensity can
be accompanied by involuntary contraction of muscles close
to the set electrode (myostimulating effect). It is used under
“Therapy” mode only for corporal (body) points and zones un-
der expressed pain syndrome in teenagers and adults, or for
first medical aid.
Attention! It is not recommended to carry out electro-
pulse treatment in the range intolerable by the patient. Power
of electrostimulation can be increased or reduced during the
treatment course depending on the extent of the patient’s sen-
sitivity and as the pain syndrome reduces.

Dynamic electroneurostimulation with DiaDENS-PCM appa-
ratus is applied using three methods: stable, labile and labile-
Stable method of application (fixed electrodes) is used for
treating small zones and on places with mutated skin (rash, ab-
scesses, burns, postoperative and post burn scars, edemas,
large birthmarks and so on).
With labile method of application, the built-in electrodes
are moved smoothly within the application zone without taking
them off the skin at 0,5-2-3 cm/sec. Movements are rectilinear,
spiral, circular and other depending on the size and shape of
the zone treated and on uninjured skin.
Labile-stabile method is a combination of both variants of
treatment when electrodes are moved on skin with fixation on
some places (e.g. on the zone of maximal painfulness).


The degree of the apparatus pressing on the skin is defined

by subjective sensations of the patient.
Average duration of one treatment procedure:
— for children of the first year of life — 5-10 minutes;
— for children of 1-3 years — 10-15 minutes;
— for children of 3-5 years — 15-20 minutes;
— for children of 5-12 years — 20-25 minutes;
— for children of more than 12 years and adults — up to 40
It is recommended to treat no more than three zones in one
treatment procedure.


Impact in “EXPRESS” (express-therapy) and “THERAPY”
(manual setting) modes is applied for localized pain syndromes,
functional disorders, for emergency aid. The duration of the
procedure in the therapy mode in the zone of direct projection
of pain and functional disorder is defined by the following reac-
tions of the patient:
— the complaint is fully removed;
— the patient feel considerable improvement of the state of
— in the sub electrode zone bright reddening of skin is ob-
served, sensation of pricking, warmth or lightness.
— the patient has fallen asleep.
Power level of treatment in the THERAPY mode: from mini-
mal to maximal. Methods of treatment of a skin zone: stable,
labile, labile-stable.


MENU → Express-therapy → select the function
Select necessary operation mode or disease to be treated
from the list.


Press the electrodes to skin on the selected zone of treat-

Set the power of treatment.
Attention! The power increase is controlled subjectively fol-
lowing the patient’s sensations upon contact of the electrodes
with the skin surface. Do not surpass the pain threshold.
On switching on the apparatus, power value equals zero.
To increase power of treatment press and hold button. The
power will smoothly increase from 00 to 99 conditional units.
To reduce power of treatment press and hold button. The
power will smoothly reduce.
The LCD shows power as a line with a runner, which indicates
power for the current moment.
After setting the power of treatment, the message “STAND-
BY” will be replaced with a message about start of the “THERA-
PY” mode and indication of the treatment period. Which is au-
tomatically set at 5 minutes. The time countdowns (the timer
show the time left till the end of 5 minutes). After 5 minutes you
will hear sound signal.
Carry out treatment within the necessary time.


In the “THERAPY” (manual setting) mode the following fre-
quencies are available:
6.2.1. Therapeutic frequencies 200 Hz
MENU → Therapy → 200 Hz
200 Hz — super high frequency. It is applied in the zone of
direct projection of the complaint. The effect is achieved during
several first minutes and continues from several minutes up to
one hour. To increase the duration of the effect after analgesia,
the apparatus treatment can be continued at low or high fre-
Indications: acute pains connected with diseases and affec-
tion of musculoskeletal system during the acute period and pa-
thology of the peripheral nervous system.


6.2.2. Therapeutic frequencies 60, 77 and 140 Hz

MENU → Therapy → 60 Hz
MENU → Therapy → 77 Hz
MENU → Therapy → 140 Hz
60, 77 and 140 Hz — high-frequency range. They are ap-
plied in the zone of direct projection of the complaint and seg-
mental zones (when operating with an applicator). The effect
is achieved 5-10 minutes after the start of the procedure and
continues up to one hour and longer.
Indications: inflammatory and functional diseases of internal
organs with moderate pain syndromes, blood circulation dis-
6.2.3. Therapeutic frequencies 10, 20 Hz
MENU → Therapy → 10 Hz
MENU → Therapy → 20 Hz
10, 20 Hz — low-frequency range. They are applied in the
zone of direct projection of the complaint, general zones and
zones enhancing a system effect. The effect is achieved after
20-60 minutes and continues from several hours and longer.
Indications: diseases of internal organs, musculoskeletal
system including traumas (sub-acute and remote periods),
postoperative period.
6.2.4. Infra-low frequencies
MENU → Therapy → 9.9 Hz … 1.0 Hz (spacing – 0.1 Hz)
Infra-low frequencies are selected by the following table:

quency, Pathology*
Autoimmune diseases, tachycardia, weakness in
knee joints
1,6 Arthritis-arthrosis


Acne, abscess, hypotension, dermatitis, parodonto-

sis, sympathicotonic action, furunculosis, eczema
2,2 Fatigue, pustular eczema
Sleepiness, vegetative disorders, hypermenorrhea,
headache, connected with diseases of paranasal
sinus, hemorrhages, contusion, traumas, menor-
rhagia, hysteromyoma, edemas, toxic and infection
liver injuries, hepatitis, cirrhosis, parodontosis, si-
nusitis, injuries, eczema
Viral syndrome, hemorrhoids, headaches under
2,6 liver diseases, intestinal headaches, dermatitis, im-
Nephritis, nephrolithiasis, renal colic, renal sclero-
sis, uremia
2,9 Rhinitis, sinusitis
Arteriosclerosis, hypertension, otosclerosis, toxic
and infection liver injuries (hepatitis, cirrhosis), ne-
3,3 phrolithiasis, renal colic, renal sclerosis, uremia, ne-
phritis, furunculosis, hypertension connected with
Cholelithiasis, nephrolithiasis, renal colic, weakness
in knee joints, menorrhagia
3,6 Inflammation, grizzle, petulance
3,8 Allergy, hemorrhoids, spasms of different genesis
Neuralgias, sleep disorders (phase of falling


Adiposogenital dystrophy (obesity), asthma, viral

syndrome, hemorrhoids, hypermenorrhea, endo-
4,0 crine headache, vertigo, hypophysial disorders,
impotence, climax, menorrhagia, pancreatogenous
Parathyroid gland dysfunction (calcium balance af-

Viral syndrome, menage headache, climax, menor-

4,9 rhagia, obesity, rigid neck, furunculosis, menolo-

5,5 Vascular headache

5,8 Otogenic headache, depressions
5,9 Spastic paralysis

Hypertension, headaches connected with liver dis-

6,0 eases, rigid neck, extrasystole, systolic hyperten-
sion, increase capacity for work
Headaches connected with cerebral angiospasms,
neuroses, petulance, cerebral contusion
6,8 Myalgias, muscle cramps
7,5 Trifacial neuralgia
7,7 Spastic paralysis
Headache of intestinal genesis, asthma, allergic
Diuretic action (including for balance of potassium
8,1 and sodium, nephrolithiasis, renal colic, nephritis,
cystitis (pyelocystitis)
8,5 Insomnia


8,6 Fractures, duodenal ulcer

Hypertension, otogenic headache, nephrogenic
headache, podagra, diastolic hypertension, derma-
9,2 titis, spastic paralysis, renal sclerosis, uremia, fu-
runculosis, eczema (including combined with renal
disorders), diabetes mellitus

9,3 Flaccid paralysis

Adnexitis, obstructive bronchitis, hypertension, gas-

trogenic headache, intestinal headache, urogenital
headache, endocrine headache, duodenitis, impo-
9,4 tence, edemas, paresthesias, pareses, prostatitis,
angina pectoris, erythema nodosum, furunculosis,
cystitis (pyelocystitis), eczema, parametritis, gastric
ulcer, ulcero-necrotic endomyocarditis
Hypertension, headache of vascular genesis, cli-
macteric hypertension, laryngitis, parodontosis
Arthritis-arthrosis, spondylitis deformans, depres-
sions, spinal injuries, osteochondrosis
Arthritis-arthrosis, lumbosacral radiculitis, podagra,
renal sclerosis, uremia, rheumatism
9,8 Toxic and infection liver injuries, hepatitis, cirrhosis
* A.V. Samokhin, Yu.V. Gotovsky. Electropuncture Diagnostics by
R.Voll Method. – M.: Center of Intellectual Medical Systems “IM-
EDIS”, 2003. – 512 p.

6.2.5. Mode “7710”

MENU → Therapy → 7710
Or press button “7710” on the keyboard.
7710 mode is intended for general sedative calming effect.
Level of energy – minimal or comfortable. Method of appli-
cation – stable.


6.2.6. Mode “77AM”

MENU → Therapy → 77AM
Or press button “77AM” on the keyboard.
7710 mode is intended for general restorative effect, better
mood and capacity for work.
Level of energy – minimal or comfortable. Method of appli-
cation – stable.
MENU → Therapy → Select frequency
Select necessary frequency from the list.
Press the electrodes on skin of the selected treatment zone.
Set power of treatment.
Attention! The power`s increase is controlled subjectively fol-
lowing the patient’s sensations upon contact of the electrodes
with the skin surface. Do not surpass the pain threshold.
When switching on the apparatus, power value equals zero.
To increase power of treatment press and hold button. The
power will smoothly increase from 00 to 99 conditional units.
To reduce power of treatment press and hold button. The
power will smoothly reduce.
The LCD shows power as a line with a runner, which indicates
power for the current moment.
After setting the power of treatment, the message “STAND-
BY” will be replaced with a message about start of the “THER-
APY” mode and indication of the treatment period. Attention:
“Timer” function is available in this mode (see item 6.4. Part 1.
Technical passport).
Carry out treatment within the necessary time.

The MED* mode (PROPHYLAXIS) is
applied in cases of expected intensive
physical and mental work, physical and

* MED — minimum effective dose


mental overexertion, syndrome of chronic fatigue, difficulties

with waking up in the morning and sleepiness during the day-
time, inability to concentrate one’s attention, for prophylaxis of
colds during epidemics.
It is applied once during the treatment procedure. It is rec-
ommended to apply as course treatment: 8-12 procedures.
Fix electrodes on the zone HE-GU.
Set power of treatment.
Level of energy to be applied – minimal or comfortable.
Attention! The power increase is controlled subjectively fol-
lowing the patient’s sensations upon contact of the electrodes
with the skin surface. Do not surpass the pain threshold.
When switching on the apparatus, power value equals zero.
To increase power of treatment press and hold button. The
power will smoothly increase from 00 to 99 conditional units.
To reduce power of treatment press and hold button. The
power will smoothly reduce.
The LCD shows power as a line with a runner, which indicates
power for the current moment.
Attention! During the apparatus operation in the “MED”
mode, electrodes on the patient’s skin should be set in the
“stable” position, i.e. they should not move.
The electrodes being in constant contact with the skin sur-
face, the STAND-BY message is replaced by the indication of
the time interval and message about start of the first stage of
the MED mode – “TEST” mode.
Upon stabilization of skin resistance in the subelectrode
zone, the apparatus produces a sound signal and for several
seconds the first line of the LCD fixes the time of testing.
Then the second stage of “MED” mode – a continuous stim-
ulation during 5 minutes starts. “THERAPY” message appears
on the display, and the countdown of the duration of the mini-
mal efficient dosage is initiated. A sound signal is heard after 5
minutes of treatment in the MED program.


«SCREENING» mode allows selecting the most optimal
zones for impact to enforce system effect of DENS. The mode
allows determine the latent (hidden problem zones) trigger
zones by estimation of the skin electrical resistance increase
to nearby areas of the chosen zone.
Work procedure:
Put the electrodes of the apparatus to the chosen skin zone.
Frequency (10 Hz) and power of impact is automatically set by
the apparatus.
ATTENTION! During work in «SCREENING» mode the elec-
trodes must be set in “stable” way that is you may not move the
electrodes during work with the apparatus.

When the apparatus detects the contact between the elec-

trodes and skin surface the «STAND-BY» message will be
changed with the 5 second interval indication, skin electrical
resistance change after the impulse sent by the apparatus is
determined in 5 seconds. After 5 seconds interval the appa-
ratus will utter short sound signal and the display will show the
measurement result as a ΔLT index (from 0 to 100 units), e.g.,
ΔLT = 8. Write down the readings.
Set the apparatus to the next zone.
The latent trigger zones are those zones where the ΔLT index
exceeds 5 units as on increase side as well as on the reduction
side. For example, when testing nearby areas you get the fol-
lowing ΔLT results (in units): 6, 5, 8, 20, 4, 7. In this case the
zone with the index ΔLT = 20 is considered to be latent trigger
Detected trigger zones should be worked in “THERAPY”
mode for 1-5 minute at 60 or 77 Hz frequency. Go to menu:
Put the electrodes of the apparatus on the trigger zone and
conduct impact.


9. Special EMC-Information:
9.1. The use of accessories, transducers, cables and cable
length other than those specified, with the exception of trans-
ducers and cables sold by JSC RC ART as replacement parts
for internal components, may result in increased emission
and/or decreased immunity of the Portable electrostimulator

9.2. The Portable electrostimulator DiaDENS-PCM uses

electromagnetic energy only for its internal function. Therefore,
its RF emissions are very low and are not likely to cause any
interference in nearby electronic equipment.
The Portable electrostimulator DiaDENS-PCM is suitable for
use in all establishments including domestic establishments.
The Portable electrostimulator DiaDENS-PCM should not be
used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment, and that if
adjacent or stacked use is necessary, the DiaDENS-PCM and
the other equipment should be observed to verify normal op-
eration in the configuration in which it will be used.

9.3. Electromagnetic Environment guidance

The Portable electrostimulator DiaDENS-PCM is suitable for
use in the specified electromagnetic environment. The custom-
er and/or the user of the DiaDENS-PCM should assure that it is
used in an electromagnetic Environment as described below.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD): Floors should be wood, con-
crete, or ceramic tile. If Floors are covered with synthetic mate-
rial, the relative humidity should be at least 40%.
Conducted and radiated RF: Portable and mobile RF com-
munications equipment should be used no closer to any part of
the DENAS including cables, than the recommended separa-
tion distance calculated from the equation appropriate for the
frequency of the transmitter:
Recommended Separation distance d= 2,3 √ P (800 MHz to
2,5 GHz)
(The Factor 2,3 is a function of frequency)


P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in

Watts [W] according to the transmitter manufactorer.
Power frequency magnetic field: It should be at levels char-
acteristic of a typical location in a typical commercial and/or
hospital environment.

9.4. Description of the actions, the user must take to reduce

environmental levels of the disturbance:
Electrostatic discharge (ESD): A recommendation that all
stuff involved receive an explanation and training in ESD pre-
cautionary procedures.
Stuff must be made aware to precautionary procedures:
— Used shouldn’t use synthetic clothing;
— Floors should be wood, concrete, or ceramic tile. If
Floors are covered with synthetic material, the relative hu-
midity should be at least 40%. Explanation and training of
stuff in ESD-precautionary procedures.
Radiated RF:
User should: Keep a separation distance of minimal approx.
3 meter with portable communication devices, such as cellular/
cordless telephones with a maximum output power of 2 Watt.


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