The tiger population has drastically declined from over 100,000 in the 1900s to less than 10,000 today. Tigers are poached for their skins, claws, and body organs which are believed to have supernatural or medicinal properties. Additionally, tigers are threatened by the loss of prey populations such as deer and buffalo due to overhunting. Conservation efforts need to improve tiger habitats and populations of prey animals, implement stricter controls on trading tiger parts, and punish poachers severely to help ensure the survival of this endangered species.
The tiger population has drastically declined from over 100,000 in the 1900s to less than 10,000 today. Tigers are poached for their skins, claws, and body organs which are believed to have supernatural or medicinal properties. Additionally, tigers are threatened by the loss of prey populations such as deer and buffalo due to overhunting. Conservation efforts need to improve tiger habitats and populations of prey animals, implement stricter controls on trading tiger parts, and punish poachers severely to help ensure the survival of this endangered species.
The tiger population has drastically declined from over 100,000 in the 1900s to less than 10,000 today. Tigers are poached for their skins, claws, and body organs which are believed to have supernatural or medicinal properties. Additionally, tigers are threatened by the loss of prey populations such as deer and buffalo due to overhunting. Conservation efforts need to improve tiger habitats and populations of prey animals, implement stricter controls on trading tiger parts, and punish poachers severely to help ensure the survival of this endangered species.
The tiger population has drastically declined from over 100,000 in the 1900s to less than 10,000 today. Tigers are poached for their skins, claws, and body organs which are believed to have supernatural or medicinal properties. Additionally, tigers are threatened by the loss of prey populations such as deer and buffalo due to overhunting. Conservation efforts need to improve tiger habitats and populations of prey animals, implement stricter controls on trading tiger parts, and punish poachers severely to help ensure the survival of this endangered species.
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Example of Summary Writing.
Base on this article, write a summary of 130 words.
1. The tiger, the largest cat in the world, is one of the most maestic animals on land and is found only in !sia. "t is also one of the most powerful mammals, yet it is on the #rin$ of extinction. "n the 1%00s, the tiger population was more than 100,000. Today, the num#er has dwindled to less than 10,000 worldwide. &epal has only '00 tigers, "ndia has a#out (,000, while )alaysia has less than *00. The reason for the decline in num#ers is poaching. '. Tigers are hunted not only #y human #eings #ut also #y other predators such as elephants, #ears and large #uffaloes. The only defence tigers ha+e against their enemies are their ra,or-sharp claws, their strong teeth and their sheer weight. The weight of a tiger, which can range #etween '00 and 300 $ilogrammes, can $ill an 10 a+erage si,ed human #eing. 3. Tigers ha+e fascinated human #eings for se+eral reasons. .or instance, mar$s on their forehead resem#le the /hinese character wang, which means $ing. .urthermore, the mar$ings on a tiger0s forehead and the stripes all o+er its #ody are li$e finger prints. Experts can tell indi+idual tigers apart #y o#ser+ing the mar$ings and stripes closely. This is #ecause no two tigers ha+e identical mar$ings. The patterns of their stripes +ary immensely, especially from one su#-species to another. The Sumatran tiger has the most stripes and mar$ings while the Si#erian tiger has the fewest. The stripes of a tiger always run at right angles to its #ody and not along its #odyline. 1therwise, it would #e +ery conspicuous and find it impossi#le to camouflage itself. (. These carni+orous #easts thri+e well in areas of dense +egetation with ample sources of water and large populations of hoofed animals. They instincti+ely a+oid human #eings and only attac$ people if they are pro+o$ed, inured or una#le to hunt for their usual food. *. 2espite their prowess, tigers are una#le to protect themsel+es from their greatest threat 3 human #eings. These magnificent creatures ha+e #een hunted for hundreds of years for sport as proof of one0s strength and manliness, and for their s$in. They ha+e also #een trapped and poisoned #y farmers to protect their li+estoc$. !s a result, the /aspian, 4a+an and Bali tigers ha+e #ecome extinct. "n many !sian countries, tigers are $illed for their precious claws. "t is #elie+ed that wearing a talisman made of a 30 tiger0s claw can protect its wearer. "t is almost impossi#le to ascertain whether a tiger0s claw has any supernatural powers, #ut what is certain is that many a tiger will lose its life so that someone can profit from it. 5. 1ther than that, tigers ha+e #een hunted for their #ody organs, which are #elie+ed to #e a cure for many ailments. This superstition may ha+e resulted from the connection 3* made with their masculinity and strength. This has resulted in massi+e poaching of tigers for their whis$ers, eyes, teeth, penises, li+er and fat. 6. 7unting of tiger prey has also caused the num#er of tigers to dwindle. Tigers usually feed on hoofed animals such as deer, wild #oar and #uffaloes. The hunting of these animals #y human #eings has caused tigers to star+e to death. 8. Serious action has to #e ta$en to ensure the sur+i+al of this maestic creature. !lthough the tiger has #een la#elled an endangered species and the sale of tigerrelated products has #een #anned in many countries, these measures ha+e #ac$fired, with illegal poaching of tigers for their fur, #ones and other organs #ecoming rampant. Some countries, such as "ndia, ha+e allocated millions of dollars to set up tiger reser+es to protect these animals #ut e+en these are not safe. 9oachers completely wiped out wild tigers in the Saris$a Tiger :eser+e in "ndia. To ensure the sur+i+al of the tiger, conser+ation efforts need to #e impro+ed to reduce threats to tigers.Efforts must also #e made to impro+e tiger ha#itats and to increase tiger prey populations so that they will not star+e to death in the wild. There must #e more stringent controls on the demand for tiger parts. When there is no demand, there will #e no supply. To dri+e the message home, poachers should #e punished se+erely. 1therwise, they will not stop their illegal acti+ities. 7ere is a sample summary using phrases and sentences from the passage. The tiger population has suffered a serious decline #ecause tigers ha+e #een hunted for sport as proof of one0s strength and manliness and for their s$in. Besides, tigers ha+e #een $illed #y farmers to protect their li+estoc$. These #easts ha+e also #een $illed for their claws which are #elie+ed to protect the wearer. Worse still, tigers are $illed for their #ody organs, which are #elie+ed to cure many ailments. )oreo+er, hunting of tiger prey has caused tigers to star+e to death. Stern measures must #e ta$en to protect them. .or instance, conser+ation efforts and tiger ha#itats must #e impro+ed. To pre+ent tigers from star+ing, tiger prey populations must #e increased. )ost importantly, there must #e more stringent controls on the demand.