This lesson plan is for a primary level English class with 25 students. The unit of learning is "My Family" and the topic is the story "Goodnight Berry". The main focus is on speaking skills. Some of the activities include describing people's appearances, introducing family members, listening to the story on video, and playing games to practice vocabulary like parts of the body, family members, and greetings. Homework involves students making a mini project with photos of their own family.
This lesson plan is for a primary level English class with 25 students. The unit of learning is "My Family" and the topic is the story "Goodnight Berry". The main focus is on speaking skills. Some of the activities include describing people's appearances, introducing family members, listening to the story on video, and playing games to practice vocabulary like parts of the body, family members, and greetings. Homework involves students making a mini project with photos of their own family.
This lesson plan is for a primary level English class with 25 students. The unit of learning is "My Family" and the topic is the story "Goodnight Berry". The main focus is on speaking skills. Some of the activities include describing people's appearances, introducing family members, listening to the story on video, and playing games to practice vocabulary like parts of the body, family members, and greetings. Homework involves students making a mini project with photos of their own family.
This lesson plan is for a primary level English class with 25 students. The unit of learning is "My Family" and the topic is the story "Goodnight Berry". The main focus is on speaking skills. Some of the activities include describing people's appearances, introducing family members, listening to the story on video, and playing games to practice vocabulary like parts of the body, family members, and greetings. Homework involves students making a mini project with photos of their own family.
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Course: Here comes super bus 1
Teacher of English: Level: primary 1 optional hour/ week class: 1 B number of stuents: !" #nit of learning: $y family Topic: %oonight &erry' $ain focus: speaking skill (ims: ) to give ss practice in speaking an listening/ comprehension skills - to introuce vocabulary concerning family - to recycle vocabulary relate to clothes* colours an parts of the boy L(+%#(%E ,#+CT-.+/ (//#$E0 1+.2LE0%E - greeting someone ) ss have alreay learnt T. BE 3present form4 - escribing people5 s appearance an how to ientify themselves6 - -ntroucing family members ) ss are familiar with oral commans* parts of - (sking things the boy* counting 1) !7* clothes* colours* position3 right* left* up* own4 an classroom language6 (+T-C-8(TE0 89.BLE$/ -f ss o not unerstan the oral commans or the tasks* they will be translate into 9omanian6 (-0// $(TE9-(L/: a real camera* flashcars3parts of the boy* family4* tape* cassette recorer* T: set* vieo player* vieo tape3Here Comes /uperbus4* te;tbook* activity book* a puppet han* meals mae of paper* poster "* a hat6 (CT-:-T< 1 2(9$E9 Aims: - to warm ss up - to have ss describe people s appearance( Catch the anster ame! "imin: #$ min% &nteraction: "-S' S-S Procedure: Ss are as(ed di))erent *s about themselves(name' ae' state o) health' )avourite colour! and sa+ the chant,Paul -inn .att,% " wal(s around the classroom with her )iner puppet spea(in in the detective s voice: / 0rent1 0rent1 "his is 2etective 3ush spea(in% "here s a anster in this class%"he anster is wearin44& repeat: the anster is wearin44444Can +ou see the anster5 Conratulations1 "he ss who uesses the anster will et a medal% " does the same with 6-7 ss usin the same structure pattern%" as(s a volunteer to ta(e the role o) the detective% (CT-:-T< ! CHEC1-+% THE 89E:-.#/ 1+.2LE0%E A&.: to review vocabular+ related to parts o) the bod+( 8im s ame! "imin: #$ min &nteraction "- S Procedure " shows 9- #$ )lashcards at the )ront o) the class and as(s ss to loo( at them )or # min% A)terwards " removes all the cards' ta(es out 6 and shows the rest o) the cards in a di))erent order% "he )irst s to uess which cards have been ta(en out is the winner% Ss sa+ the chant / & ve ot #$ little )iners,% (CT-:-T< = LE(0) -+ (-$:- to et ss into the new topic "imin : min &nteraction "- S Procedure " ta(es a picture o) a roup o) ; ss and e<plain that the word / cheese, is used to ma(e people smile when a photo is bein ta(en% " sa+s:, "oda+ is =err+ s birthda+% Let s sin / >app+ birthda+, to him% " pla+s the tape and ss clap hands while sa+in the chant / ?amil+ photoraph,% A)terwards " ives them the )amil+ and cat and do )lashcards% Ss hold up t:heir )lashcards when the+ hear their member o) the )amil+% (CT-:-T< " 89E) L-/TE+-+% 2-TH :-0E. 3 /T.9< " 4 A&.S -to reconise and use new lanuae related to )amil+ -to ive ss practice in listenin@ comprehension timin : min interaction S-S Procedure: " pla+s the tape while pointin to the appropriate picture on the poster )i<ed at the )ront o) the classroom and usin lots o) estures% " introduces new words( icecream' a lass o) water' television proramme' vanilla' chocolate! and ss repeat them in chorus% (CT-:-T< > 2H-LE L-/TE+-+% 2-TH :-0E. ,.9 %E+E9(L #+0E9/T(+0-+% A&.S:- to et ss understand the video stor+ / Aoodniht =err+, - to use reetins and )amil+ words timin : &nteraction "-S' S-S Procedure " pla+s the video tape and ss watch the video stor+ repeatin the reetins when necessar+% (CT-:-T< ? 8./T) L-/TE+-+% 2-TH :-0E. A&.S: -to ive ss practice in spea(in - to practise the new lanuae( ame / Sa+ odniht to mumm+' dadd+' randma' randpa and =err+! timin #$ &nteraction A-' "- S procedure " divides the class into : roups and ives each roup the name o) one o) the characters in the stor+% All the ss must close their e+es e<cept those in =err+ s roup%t points to one o) the characters in the stor+ on the poster% "he activit+ oes as )ollows: E%( " points to mumm+ on the poster! =err+ s roup: Aoodniht mumm+1 .umm+ s roup with e+es closed: /Aoodniht =err+1, "he ame can be continued b+ swappin the names o) the roups% (CT-:-T< @ E:(L#(T-.+ A H.$E2.91 (//-%+$E+T A&.S B to evaluate ss wor( - to assin ss homewor( - "imin : &nteraction "- S Procedure " rades some ss and accounts )or them%ss are assined to ma(e a mini- proCect b+ stic(in small photoraphs o) their own )amil+ as homewor(% - - -