05 - On Flexible Spaces & Modularity PDF
05 - On Flexible Spaces & Modularity PDF
05 - On Flexible Spaces & Modularity PDF
Chapter Study:
On flexible spaces
and modularity
The standard house is built as a highly static and immovable object, but
the people who occupy them are not. Families grow, shrink and change
and so do the occupants and their needs. But to alter or renovate a
house can be a cost prohibitive, time consuming and highly disruptive
exercise. How can we design and construct houses more intelligently,
houses that predict and allow for adaptability?
Jessica Hartany 104512111
Angelina Le 10449205
This chapter provides a chrono-
logical progression of Australian
and international housing post
World War II period to present
condition, through a collection
of case studies that analyses
housing transformations and
adaptability to change, their
flexibility of space and modu-
larity, in the ongoing battle of
solving the issue of sustain-
ability, affordability, and urban
sprawl for the next generations.
1940s 1950s: Post World War II
The baby boomers period was marked by the rapid birth rate increase after
1945 which resulted in the housing boom that was fuelled with the pursuit of
the great Australian dream. This sparked a significant phase of building and
construction in Australia as home ownership rate increased from around 40
percent in 1947 to over 70 percent in 1960.
As population grew, also coupled with the enormous influx of new immi-
grants, housing supply could not keep up with demand. In 1946, it was
estimated that 200,000 Australian families required homes and many existing
homes needed rebuilding in order to create additional space.
The highly increasing demand for housing and a shortage of building materi-
als and labour prompted the development of different methods of construc-
tion. Many dwellings were constructed using new, cheaper materials like
concrete, fibro and corrugated iron roofing and prefabricated homes were im-
ported from overseas. Prefabrication means that the components of a house
are built in a factory, and then moved to another location to be assembled.
Walter Bogners proposal for this house comes in four divisions: groundwork, shell assembly,
installations unit and accessories and interchangeable parts; it responds to a brief set which
asked for a design that should be adaptable to different needs resulting from changes in family
composition as the family grows older.
The shell assembly consists of the enclosing walls and a roof, with subdivisions measuring 8 feet
- horizontally as well as vertically, which can be further subdivided into three parts - but without
the need for interior support. The division within this shell is made with interchangeable panels,
which can be solid or have a window, or can be external or internal. These accessories and parts
are considered like furniture and can be bought at any time or rearranged periodically to suit
changing family needs.
References: Bogner, W., The new house 194X ... : 4. Prefabrication, The Architectural Forum,
1942, pp. 78-81. Source: Flexible Housing - http://www.afewthoughts.co.uk/
According to SOM, a basic housing unit
consists of a Vocabulary (shell, utility units,
wall units - exterior and interior, and mobile
units - thing & body furniture), a Grammar
(the functional relation of Vocabulary: shell +
utilities = space) and Composition (the final
expression in plan.)
Plans were developed with progressive change
in mind, so that families could expand or
contract and so that utilities could be replaced
when obsolete.
References: Skidmore, L., N. A. Owings, and J.
O. Merril, The new house 194X ... : 12. Flexible
Space, The Architectural Forum, 1942, pp.
100-03. Source: Flexible Housing - http://www.
Flexible Space, SOM, USA, 1942
Prefabrication, Walter F Bogner, USA, 1942
Based on Friedmans experiences during World War II, where two or more families had to share
a single room that was commonly divided with furniture, this project is based on a shell whereby
the interior layout of the home was left to the inhabitants to determine. The designed structure
could be used to build houses of one or more floors and consisted of two party walls, two end
walls with window and door openings, and a roof. All sanitary and kitchen units and closet parti-
tions in the house were lightweight boxes that could be positioned by the inhabitant as desired.
Reference: Lebesque, S. and H. Fentener van Vlissingen, Yona Friedman. Structures serving
the unpredictable, Rotterdam: NAi Publishers, 1999. Source: Flexible Housing - http://www.
Following the struggle to obtain materials caused by post-World War II shortages, concrete walls
were introduced from 1945 to counter the brick shortage. the government began experimenting
with concrete construction, with a test concrete wall being added to a house in Turner. Beginning
in 1946, 100 prefabricated monocrete houses were constructed in OConnor and Turner and then
in 1948 another 45 were proposed for Yarralumla with an improved design.
Reference: Cornerstone of the Capital. A history of public housing in Canberra / Bruce Wright,
ACT Housing, 2000. Source: ACT Heritage Library - http://www.images.act.gov.au/duslibrary/
Monocrete Houses, Canberra, ACT, 1946
Movable Boxes, Yona Friedman, 1949
The house consists of a central core
containing kitchen, bath, utility room,
and all wiring, plumbing, heating
and kitchen accessories. Panels that
constitute walls, floor and roof of the
rooms are hinged and folded against
the core.
Once positioned on site, these panels
are unfolded and bolted into position.
References: Prefabricated house in
the USA, Architects Journal, 1950, pp.
Source: Flexible Housing - http://www.
The 160 m2 house is constructed with a minimal steel frame which stands on four columns, 10
meters by 8 meters apart. Diagonal hangers support the raised floor, which projects five metres
at each end. Apart from the suspension members and columns the plan is free of loadbearing
elements, allowing the plan to be adapted over time.
References: Frampton, K., and P. Drew, Harry Seidler : four decades of architecture, London:
Thames and Hudson, 1992.
Richardson, J., Modern idol, Home & Building, 1998, pp. 52-57.
Rose Seidler house, Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia, 1950. GA houses, 2002, pp. 48-
55. Source: Flexible Housing - http://www.afewthoughts.co.uk/
Rose House, Harry Seidler & Associates, NSW, 1950
Prefabricated House, Carl Koch, USA, 1950
This project develops the idea of a single space that is surrounded by the essential minimums of
services - kitchens and bathrooms that are pushed to opposite sides of the single large space. A
series of angles sections of wall provide the connecting point for concertina panels. These walls
allow the creation of different connections between different areas and keep their multi-function-
ality intact.
The flexibility is one of use, heavily dependent upon its user to follow the directions given through
the positioning of walls and moveable panels. Areas can be connected with each other as well as
isolated, though never acoustically. The architect determined openness of the apartment has to
be shared by each occupant. If applied, however, the various areas within the space create a set
of special relationships both within the flat and with its surrounding.
References: Galfetti, G. G., Pisos Piloto - Model Apartments : Experimental domestic cells,
Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, 1997. Galfetti, Gustau Gili, Pisos Piloto - Model Apartments :
Experimantal domestic cells (Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, 1997)
Source: Flexible Housing - http://www.afewthoughts.co.uk/
Single-Space House for Four People, Gio Ponti, Italy, 1957
1960s-1970s: Home expansion
As it continues through the 1960s, with the advancement of cheaper building
technology, it meant that Australians could afford to pay for bigger homes.
House expansion and additional improvements to existing dwellings became
more frequent.
In this particular period, project homes also became increasingly popular with
its mass-customisation and affordable template housing. The downside of
this method is the lack of architectural planning that never lacks of criticism,
as Robin Boyd refers in his book written in the 1960 as Australian ugliness.
A more modern approach to architecture emerged in the 1960s, calling for
homes that were more suited to the Australian climate and blended into the
local environment. Home design entered a new phase of bringing the out-
doors indoors, with a new emphasis on using natural light and a proliferation
of patios and other outdoor living areas. The blurring of the inside/outside
boundaries became prominent in house planning to give flexibility of space.
Further technological advancements also led to the growth of inner-city high-
rise apartments and skyscrapers.
The ideal of home ownership has for a long time been part of the Australian way. By 1966 this
ideal had become a reality for most with seventy per cent of Australians either owning or pur-
chasing their home. Project builders played a significant role in helping them to realise the Great
Australian Dream. Unlike the traditional speculative, custom or order builder, project builders
mass-produced houses, marketing them through models or displays as brand names.
Founded in Sydney in 1962, Pettit and Sevitt, like others, applied factory (Fordist) principles
to house construction. By standardising designs they reduced waste; by assembling portions
of the houses off-site they could build faster on-site and, because they purchased materials in
bulk, they were able to construct cheaper houses. But Pettit and Sevitt were also different. They
targeted a small niche market - home buyers who sought, but could not afford, an architect-
designed house. Typically draughtsmen designed project builders houses, but Pettit and Sevitt
employed architects.
Pettit and Sevitt incorporated design principles in their houses through simple lines, natural fea-
tures and an emphasis on functionalism. Because mass-produced, they were also able to offer
the middle-class house purchaser an architect-designed house at a lower price.
The Lowline designed by Ken Woolley and Michael Dysart, the companys first house and one
of the most popular, was displayed at Sydneys North Rocks in 1963.
In 1966, Megan and Simon Sevant bought land in Mt Waverley, one of Melbournes fastest grow-
ing suburbs, where the population increased twenty fold between 1945 and 1971.
In 1967 Megan and Simon came across the Pettit and Sevitt Lowline display home. The architect-
designed house was low in profile; the bricks were rough in texture, their edges tumbled rather
than sharply wire cut, and the woodwork was stained in earthy colours rather than painted bright
and glossy.
Changes were made to the plan, and an entrance hall incorporated, which was easy because
like other project builders Pettit and Sevitt designed their houses in modules and they could be
extended in modules of nine feet. Pettit and Sevitts crews and tradesmen moved from house to
house completing projects in a critical path, using the same principles as factory production and
aiming to complete each house in the minimum time, usually about ten weeks.
Reference: Our house: histories of Australian homes, Mary Sheehan, Australian Heritage Com-
mission, 2001. Source: http://www.environment.gov.au/heritage/ahc/publications/commission/
Lowline House, Pettit & Sevitt, VIC, 1963
Van Broek and Bakemas project for extendible houses is an example of intentionally planning for
future expansion, something often overlooked in normal housing design. On an elongated plot
of land, the architects propose a narrow house not unlike a nineteenth century British terraced
house. This core house contains a small front garden; it has a kitchen with direct access the back
garden, and a combined dining and living room on the ground floor. The core house in its small-
est state also has a second storey, which houses three rooms: a larger room to the front and two
smaller rooms towards the back of the house.
This smallest functional unit is designed to be expanded by pushing out horizontally to the front
and back, and vertically upwards. Towards the front, on the site of the front yard, an additional
room can be built, which might be a garage, a small shop or a guest room. Towards the back, the
entire rear garden can be transformed into a series of rooms that are organised around a court-
yard - which almost doubles the useable space on the ground floor. Finally, planning permission
allows for an additional room to be built on top of the first floor flat roof. Together these changes
allow for the initial house of 85 m2 to be transformed into one of 130 m2.
Bakema, A. v. d. B. e., Architektur-Urbanismus, Stuttgart: Karl Krmer Verlag, 1976.
Bakema, J. B., Thoughts about architecture, London: Academy Editions, 1981.
Extendible houses, J.H. van den Broek, J.B. Bakema,
The Netherlands, 1963
Cedric Price designed the Steelhouse as a response to the increasing requirements for less
definitive space. He argued that the main design criterion should be for the provision of space
with maximum variation of possible uses. Features of the plan are: a shared activity area that
is variable over a 24-hour cycle; alternative access routes (internal and external); capacity for
subdivision into 2 homes; possibility of permanently fragmented home with self-contained units
and separate external access.
References: Price, C., Cedric Price, London: Architectural Association, 1984.
The open plan of this building (2 dwelling units
per flight of stairs: 60 & 90 m2 , or 90 & 120 m2)
is only interrupted by intermediate columns.
Services such as ventilation, water supply and
drainage are arranged along the wall backing
on the stairwell. The columns serve as space
defining elements and as anchors for movable
cupboards and partitions.
References: Rabeneck, A., D. Sheppard, and P.
Town, Housing flexibility? Architectural Design,
43, 1973, pp. 698-727. Statens institut forbyg-
gnadsforskning, Flexible dwellings in blocks of
flats: a study of an experimental block in Diset,
Uppsala, Stockholm: Statens institut forbyg-
gnadsforskning, 1970, p. 168.
Diset - Flexible Apartment Units, Axel Grape, Sweden, 1964
Steelhouse, Cedric Price, UK, 1967
Large sliding screens open up or close down
different parts of the buildings ground floor, so
that they can be used independently from each
other or as one continuous space in order to
meet changing requirements and circumstanc-
es. When open, each of the storey-high screens
is contained within a fixed piece of wall, and,
when closed, they always close against a wall
or column.
References: Allison, P., Mobile elements in so-
cial housing in Austria, ARCH+, 134/135, 1996,
pp. 104-05.
Around 60 summer houses were designed and built using this
building kit, which consists of horizontal, vertical and equipment
components that can be arranged in numerous combinations.
References: Gullichsen, K., Massenproduktion, eine Illusion : Ein
Sommerhaus fr den Selbstbau, werk, bauen + wohnen, 1998,
pp. 56-59.
Building kit for summer houses, Kristian Gullichsen and Juhani
Pallasma, Finland, 1971
Frey Haus, Ernst Plischke, Austria, 1973
Any number of 4.5 x 4.5 m structural modules (partition planning module: 900 x 900 mm) can be
connected to form one residential unit. These units can then be arranged along a linear corridor
or multiple-loaded interior stairwells. Several forms of construction are possible; for a second
project, the intent was for users to participate in the cluster-planning stage.
References: Rabeneck, A., D. Sheppard, and P. Town, Housing flexibility? Architectural Design,
43, 1973, pp. 698-727.
Combinatoires Urbaines, H. Maillard, France, 1975
The sixty-eight one- and two-storey dwellings, designed by Fllestegnestuen for Copenhagens
Public Housing Association (KAB), were partially designed and often also partially built by the
residents. Whilst the basic frame of the building, which consists of prefabricated components
of concrete and laminated timber, cannot be altered (apart from adding smaller parts such as
a pergola), the interior is based on a modular wall system, which can be changed, adjusted or
reconfigured by a buildings inhabitants.
The architects drawings clearly show the principle of layers in the design. Whilst flexibility in the
Flexibo scheme is implemented at the project stage, it is also possible after occupation and when
somebody else moves into the house. The construction system allows walls to be moved around
very easily, so any layout can be adapted to different needs and requirements at any point in
time. A study after 3 years of completion showed that various residents had changed the position
of doors, added additional rooms and altered room sizes.
References: Duelund Mortensen, P., H. G. Welling, M. Liv, K. Utoft Christensen, and L. Wiell,
Dwellings Defined by Situations - Dwellings Suitable for Changing Life Conditions, in Housing in
Europe: New Challenges and Innovations in Tomorrows Cities, Reykjavik, 2005.
Flexibo, Amager : Arkitekter: Fllestegnestuen, with Viggo Mller-Jensen, Tyge Arnfred and Jrn
Ole Srensen. Arkitektur DK, 23, 1979, pp. 232-39.
Source: Flexible Housing - http://www.afewthoughts.co.uk/
Flexibo, Fllestegnestuen, Denmark, 1976
1980s-1990s: Renovation, Revitalisation &
the Urban Sprawl
People moved to restore old, worn-out houses in previously slum areas to ac-
complish their great Australian dreams. This notion lead to the establishment
of cafs, delicatessens and other forms of street life which revitalised inner
city suburbs with a new vibrancy and city areas eventually became more at-
tractive places to live. With the population pushing to obtain home ownership,
urban sprawl is unabated.
Schweighofers work is characterised by the aim to develop spaces that are functionally as
indetermined as possible. This is either achieved through the provision of a series of rooms that
are individually accessible from a central hall or corridor but can also be interconnected with one
another (see the earlier Wohnhaus of 1982), or it is achieved through the provision of excess raw
space that can be completed by their users. This project for a multi-storey apartment house in
Berlin proposes a set of apartments that can adapt over time: the initial double height space can
be filled in with an additional platform to realise an additional storey. Over a period of time a one-
storey double height one-bedroom apartment can be sequentially transformed into a two-storey
four room maisonette. The future upper level is implied through beams at regular intervals. Onto
these beams, floors can be laid so that a range of spatial arrangements - horizontally as well as
vertically - are possible. A 49 m2 apartment can therefore be changed into a space of 97 m2,
which can be used as an open loft space, a tightly built in conventional apartment on two levels
or as a live and work combination.
The unit would be costly initially, both because of its relatively low site usage and also because
one is paying for excess space in the first instance.
References: Khn, C., ed., Anton Schweighofer: a quiet radical: buildings, projects, concepts,
Wien: Springer, 2001
The Growing House, Anton Schweighofer, Germany, 1984
During the day, hinged panels and doors allow the expansion of the living area, which can be
reclaimed as a bedroom at night.
References: Jacques, M., and A. Nve, eds., Steven Holl, Basel: arc en rve centre darchitecture
The Dynamic House is a building system with a large degree of flexibility to facilitate future recon-
figuration as needs change with time.
Basic factory-made components (concrete load-bearing external wall units + hollow-core
concrete floor slabs) allow for total internal planning flexibility and convertibility. The installation
of water, heat, ventilation and electricity is integrated with and part of the system. The electri-
cal system is installed in one single operation once the floor covering and wallpapering work
has been completed. If the room layout of the apartment is subsequently changed the electrical
installations can be easily moved. Internal drainage pipes in the hollow-core floor slabs and in the
cladding panels on the entrance side of the building are easily accessible.
Reference: Skarne, The Dynamic House [Accessed 5 April 2005]
The Dynamic House, SKARNE Group, Sweden, 1990
Hinged space, Steven Holl, Japan, 1991
This is a conversion of a Victorian warehouse floor into a live work unit, enabled by the wide-
spanning floor construction with no internal loadbearing construction.
Reference: Field, M., Room at the top for acoustically sealed studio, Architects Journal, 201,
1995. Mallett, L., A blob, a bed and 48 tracks; Architects: Jo Hagan, of Use Architects, Building
Design, 1995, p. 15.
The NEXT21 project was initiated in order to test new models for reducing energy consumption
and preserving the environment at the same time as creating apartments that suit and can adapt
to individual residents needs and lifestyles.
Building elements are divided into long-life elements that provide the communal structure and
short-life elements in private areas which can be adjusted without disturbing the overall integrity
of the system. Wall components are based on a modular system and can be placed anywhere on
the predetermined grid. The services form a separate constructional layer. Wiring and piping for
gas, water and electricity are located in raised floors or suspended ceilings.
Source: Flexible Housing - http://www.afewthoughts.co.uk/
Next 21, Osaka Gas with SHU-KO-SHA arch., Osaka, 1993
Recording Studio + Living, USE Architects, 1995
2000s-present: Urban sustainability and
housing affordability
As Australia is facing a housing crisis, the need for a better sustainable and
affordable urban housing escalates. With new innovations and increasing
architectural involvements, the building industries attempt to produce better
solutions in responding to social, economical and environmental changes.
Western Desert Semi-Transportables, WA, 2003
Source: Architectural Design Research - http://issuu.com/brentallpress/docs/adr_vol2_no1
INVENTIVE AND CONFIDENT speculation about the future characterized the Modern era. Exploit-
ing technological breakthroughs and an emergent consumerist culture, Modernist architects de-
veloped case study houses, exhibition pavilions and prototypes that promoted new possibilities
for living and captured the public imagination. The optimism and conviction that underpinned this
exploration feel strangely distant to us today. In the fleeting and unstable climate of the so-called
digital age we are preoccupied with the present. The future is confined to the realm of the digi-
tal, where it can be explored with impunity free of the rigours of the real and the demands and
delight of direct physical engagement.
In this context, participation in the Houses of the Future exhibition must have been an incred-
ibly daunting prospect. Practitioners were asked to experiment ambitiously and physically, con-
strained by a brief demanding portability and futuristic expression and limited by sponsorship
arrangements to exploration with a single material. Accordingly, you wont find a paradigmatic or
definitive statement about the Future House among the six pavilions that comprise the exhibition,
but rather a series of propositions that, with varying emphasis, examine the role of technology,
tectonics, affordability, ecology and typology in contemporary housing.
The major shortcoming of the exhibition is one mirrored in our existing housing stock the irre-
sistible appeal of the freestanding dwelling as the predominant housing typology. Declining land
and resource availability demand that we address the failures of our existing housing types and
learn how to live in greater proximity. This requires an assessment of the relationship between
public and private spaces both within and between our dwellings. Most of the Future Houses
rely on Modernist distinctions of served and servant spaces to structure their functions con-
centrating bathing and sleeping in enclosed interior modules and unequivocally opening other
spaces and functions in the houses to their surroundings and to each other. The Timber House is
more extreme locating its shared areas in the protected heart of the house and pushing private
functions to its exposed edges. Such diagrams rely on an unpopulated buffer of private land-
scaped area surrounding the dwelling to function adequately a luxury that will simply not be
available to most houses in the future.
Source: Architectural Australia, January 2005 Issue - http://www.archmedia.com.au/aa/aaissue.
Houses of the Future, NSW, 2004
Smartshax, 2009
Source: http://www.smartshax.com.au
A prefab house designed by Brisbane firm Owen & Vokes has been installed on Brisbanes
South Bank. Designed for Happy Haus, a firm that specialises in modular houses, the project is
described as a unique urban living experiment.
Called The White Series, this is the second series to be built by the company after Donovan Hills
DHAN range, launched in May 2009. Based around a central pod, the structure can be extended
with rooms, outdoor spaces and additional common areas. Happy Haus founder Toby Lewis ex-
plained that the display offered consumers the chance to experience the prefab house first hand.
As well as demonstrating the convenience and ease of prefab houses, the company aims to
promote urban agriculture, with a low maintenance garden suited to inner-city living and consum-
ers who have limited time and space for gardening. The display will create a distinctly Australian,
subtropical community house and garden, particularly suited to the Queensland climate.
Source: Architectural Review - http://australiandesignreview.com/news/14640-Owen-Vokes-cre-
Prefab House, Happy Haus, Owen & Vokes, QLD, 2009
Dangar Island House is a lightweight structure with three pavilions on a slope. This home is
elegantly designed and it uses an innovative modular building system.
It is a prototype of a prefabricated building system Harper developed in her work in remote com-
munities in the Northern Territory in Australia. Harper and Irvine plan to apply the system to any
house design, making it easier and more economical to build. The system uses steel modules
or picture frames, as Harper calls them. These modules have a small braced upper area and a
larger lower section that is equal in dimension to a standard panel of building material. They are
all designed around the building material size of 1200mm x 2400mm, Irvine says.
The steel frames are bolted together in a skeleton structure. Then, as these frames are of
standard dimensions, building materials such as plywood or fiber cement sheets, glass louvres,
canvas or even a roller door, are slotted or screwed into the skeleton.
This system, because its self-bracing, doesnt need any structural walls.
The house could then be put together by laypeople with building savvy. Each frame weighs 80
kilograms so can be carried by two men.
Source: Sydney Morning Herald, the revolution will be modular http://www.smh.com.au &
Dangar Island House, Harper & Irvine, NSW, 2006
PREFAB HOUSE by Andrew Maynard being constructed.
An Australian example of innovative methods of con-
struction is thePREFAB HOUSE by Andrew Maynard.
This reduces construction time from months to weeks
and could be adapted to include broadband cabling and
solar panels.
Source: http://www.andrewmaynards.com.au/vic01
Prefab House, Andrew Maynard, VicUrban Affordable Home
Design Competition, 2009
A university accommodation block made entirely from prefabricated shipping containers has
opened at Canberras Australian National University (ANU). The project is the first large-scale ap-
plication of container-architecture in Australia.
Designed by Australian company Quicksmart Homes, the project was completed six months after
the materials were ordered. Following a modular design, the building is made from prefabricated
shipping containers built in China and shipped to Australia, before being transported by road to
the site in Canberra.
The six-storey Laurus Wing is an extension to the universitys Ursula Hall, and features 70 units
a mix of one-bedroom apartments and studios as well as additional spaces including a
common room, laundry and bike storage. Each self-contained unit has individual bathroom and
kitchen facilities, workspace with internet access, and a balcony.
Quicksmart describe their system as a fusion of prefabricated construction, intermodal transpor-
tation and modern architecture, with a flexible modular design that saves time on transportation
and installation. Although the shipping containers are constructed new for the purpose unlike
many other green design ideas that reuse old containers the company claims their buildings
can halve construction times and save up to 20 per cent on the price of traditionally constructed
The modular system also means the building can be added to and refurbished. It can also be
recycled the building can be dismantled and reused in a different location.
Quicksmart is now getting ready to begin the second stage of the university accommodation,
which will provide a further 188 rooms.
Source: Architectural Review - http://australiandesignreview.com/news/15565-Prefab-student-
Related website: http://www.architectureanddesign.com.au/article/ANUs-modular-project-takes-
shape/511909.aspx & http://www.quicksmarthomes.com/index.htm
ANU Student Housing, ACT, 2009
Victorias Black Saturday bushfires in February 2009 killed nearly 200 people and destroyed
more than 2000 houses. The fires created headlines around the world and mobilized many thou-
sands of volunteers. What could architects do to contribute? Could they help facilitate community
rebuilding in a timely, appropriate and sustainable way?
The team at 1:1 Architects were in a strong position to respond to this tragedy. They had
previously demonstrated their capacity to provide prefabricated housing units for student ac-
commodation at Charles Sturt University. These units can be understood in a similar vein to Mart
de Jongs Spacebox pod designed in the Netherlands combined with the ruggedness of the
Cargotecture units based on shipping containers designed by HyBrid in Seattle.
In a flurry of activity, Ben Edwards and his team reconfigured their design for student accom-
modation to create the re-Growth Pod a robust prefabricated concrete structure that could
be trucked to a site to become the core of a new house. The pod contains an internal sleeping
space and a semi-enclosed kitchenette with a nifty overhead hinged door opening to the outside.
Ablutions facilities (handbasin, pan, shower) are attached to the side of the pod, with all pipes
precast into the concrete shell. Water pumps, gas tanks, a hot-water service and water storage
tanks are also attached to the exterior.
Source: Architecture Australia, July 2009 Issue - http://www.archmedia.com.au/aa/aaissue.php?is
Regrowth Pod, 1:1 Architects, VIC, 2009
Looking Forward
Where are we heading?
Faced with urban densification and climate change, it is therefore crucial for
us to be aware and be constantly reminded that urban housing will never
lack of social, environmental or economical issue and will undergo constant
Through the series of case studies, each urban housing project attempts
to accomodate change and the progressions are evidently moving towards
providing a better tomorrow for the next generations.
Robin Boyd made a strong point, project homes with their lack of architec-
tural input are ugly and perhaps not the the best solution, however we must
keep in considerations that their success in providing a flexible and afford-
able solution for urban housing is valid. As designers, we must consider our
architectural planning from all aspects. Designing flexibility and adaptability to
accomodate change is certainly crucial in architectural planning. The oppor-
tunities are endless.