Patterns Flash Cards
Patterns Flash Cards
Patterns Flash Cards
Liver Blood defciency?
Describe the tongue and pulse of
someone who has Liver Blood
What is someone who is Liver
Blood defcient lie emotionally?
What are ! eys to recogni"ing it?
#ow does a person become Liver
Blood defcient? $ame at least
one way for each element.
#ow does the body produce
Liver Blood?
What are the functions of Liver
What is Liver Blood defciency?
Liver Blood defciency Emotions
%f a person with liver blood defciency e&periences a
personal space trespass' %( #)*(+. (he person can,t
bounce bac from trespass.
#e-she is brittle' not .e&ible. $o ability to yield and
return. /an,t bend' go with the .ow' and move with it.
01hh you bent me.2 (he person is bent out of shape
easily and 3uicly. (ight muscles and tendons.
(here is not enough blood to receive the e&perience
and absorb a trespass4it triggers resistance.
(here is low self5esteem. %t is di6cult to .ow with time
7fdgetiness8. (here is di6culty with being comfortable
in the present moment. %t may also be uncomfortable
to .ow on to the ne&t moment.
10 physical symptoms of Liver Blood defciency
1. 9ale-ashen comple&ion: pale lips
;. $umb e&tremities
!. Di""y 7especially upon standing: it feels lie personal
unsteadiness. %t doesn,t feel lie the room is spinning8
<. /rampy-tight muscles and tendons: fdgetiness. 1
person,s tendons and ligaments aren,t soft enough.
=. >loaters or blurry vision. >loaters are dar spots. %f you
see gold spots' there is a superfcial visual obstruction.
?. Brittle nails
@. )nresplendent or absent menses
A. (ired and washed out lie a Bampire victim: loos
C. (ongueD pale' especially sides on the liver area: may
be peachy color
10.9ulseD fne-thin 7soft not tight8. narrow but soft.
How does the body produce Liver Blood?
Blood is the refned substance of our digestion mi&ed with
the 3i from the Lung' passed through the #eart. (he #eart
transmits its consciousness 7shen8 into the blood.
What is the function of Liver Blood?
(o carry shen all through the body. (o bring awareness'
spirit to all cells. %t is consciousness made physical.
What is Liver Blood Defciency?
1 lac of this refned substance which creates an inability
to be present in all aspects of our being.
Etiology of Liver Blood Deficiency
Earth: Poor quality or insufficient quantity of gu qi offered to the Heart.
Poor quantity
Not eating enough food, Poor food choices (bad quality),
Under functioning Spleen
Poor quality
Poor food choices (bad quality), Lack of pleasure in
eating. here should be a sensuous pleasure here as
this is the har!est of the abundance of this "orld, Poor
digestion, #orrying "hile eating, $ating irregularly,
Hurrying "hile eating, hinking too %uch, Spleen too
e&hausted to digest properly
Wood: He%orrhage (he%orrhage' %enses or post(op gi!ing birth),
Lo" self(estee%
Water: )in deficiency ( lo" blood !olu%e (not enough liquid), *ing
deficiency + faulty,lack of blueprint,instructions, )ang deficiency (
no alche%ical "ar%th to turn the "ater into "ine
Fire: Lack of shen, Sadness (-L ./, 0stragalus 1 2i3iphus)
Metal: qi(spark
What relationships do the = "ang
have to Liver Blood?
What is someone with healthy
Liver Blood lie?
What is a Liver Blood defcient
person,s relationship to 0(he
#ow is it diEerent than a Liver Fi
+tagnation person,s relationship
to 0(he Line?2
#ow does someone with e&treme
Liver Blood defciency react to a
trespass? Why?
Healthy Liver Blood
When one has enough liver blood there is a .e&ible resiliency
on the inside.
Gou respond to inHustice with benevolence and vision' rather
than personal inHury
Gou note trespasses with a strength that does not need to
Gou are able to yield and return. Gou can forgive a trespass
When you have enough blood you don,t care if someone says
or does something that,s not right. Gou are very .e&ible and
0(urn the other chee'2 is teaching us to cultivate so much
self esteem-liver blood on the inside' that when a trespass
occurs there is essentially nothing to forgive
When there is enough blood there is Isthesia 7anesthesia
without the an 7not88. Isthesia is the fullness of internal
sensation without the need for reaction.
When esthesia is present' if a trespass occurs in your
personal space there is no oEense taen. Why? Because
there,s no real inHury. Gou have enough substance to stay in
the present and you Hust say hi' you,re on my toe
(he amount of blood you have partially determines the
amount of self5esteem you e&perience.
!an" relationships to Liver Blood
#pleen$ (he spleen is the nursemaid of the blood. (he
spleen carries the blood. %t helps it come out from its
infancy and carries it around in its arms' holding it in
the vessels.
Liver$ (he liver is the governess of the blood. 1 governess is
one who taes care of a child after it is big enough to
wal. %t brings it to its hocey lesson' transports it
around' helps it move around and organi"es its day on a
much bigger level. (his is the main o6cial taing care
of movement of blood.
Heart$ (he #eart rules bloodD it maes that initial beat of the
heart that sends the impulse of movement to the blood.
%t houses the shen' which enlivens the blood.
%idney$ (he Jidney provides the sheer li3uid volume of
blood. %t carries the blueprint for blood' the Hing of the
Lun"$ (he Lung o&ygenates blood. %t brings 3i and air to
match the blood. %t brings new 3i to new blood' and
then the 3i and blood move together.
How does someone with e&treme Liver Blood
defciency react to a trespass? Why?
$&tre%e -lood deficiency %anifests "ith nu%bness,lack of anger. 4f
a person "ith e&tre%e li!er blood deficiency e&periences a personal
space trespass, he,she doesn5t feel it at all.
here5s not enough self,self(estee% to feel it and kno" a trespass
took place.
He,she allo"s trespasses to occur all the ti%e "ithout notice.
(he line K place where your blood L 3i meets
another person,s blood L 3i.
What is a Liver Blood defcient person's
relationship to ()he Line?*
%f you are blood defcient' you,re always bacing oE from
the line. Gou,re too far bac from (he Line.
How is it di+erent than a Liver ,i #ta"nation
person's relationship to ()he Line?*
1 Fi +tagnation person is pressing against (he Line.
/ombo Blood defciency and 3i stagnationD (he Line is
pressing against youM
What is Liver Fi +tagnation?
#ow does it manifest
systemically and emotionally 7<
#ow does Liver Fi +tagnation
manifest in the pulse and
$ame at least ? ways Liver Fi
+tagnation manifests in each of
the three burners 71A total8
$ame < causes of Liver Fi
#ow do each of the = Nang try to
move stuc 3i?
-ame at least . ways Liver ,i #ta"nation manifests
Upper Burner
6. 7eeling of tightness, pressure or distension in the lo"er ribcage or chest
8. 9ague or changing,%o!ing pain around the lo"er ribcage
.. :eep sighing, hiccups
;. 7eeling a lu%p (Plu% Pit) in the throat
<. :ifficulty s"allo"ing
=. Shaoyang %eridian neck and shoulder tension,headaches
>. ?onstrained shout
Middle Burner
6. Nausea, !o%iting
8. Poor appetite
.. Sour reflu&
;. -elching
<. ?hurning feeling
in sto%ach
=. 0bdo%inal
>. -orboryg%i
/. 0bdo%inal pain
Lower Burner
6. 0lternating diarrhea 1 constipation
8. @asses that co%e and go
.. 4rregular %enses
;. Painful %enses (aching "hich
"ould ha!e been better if you had
e&ercised that %onth)
<. :istension of breasts before
=. Pre%enstrual tension and
heightened a"areness of current
obstacles to personal gro"th and
What is Liver ,i #ta"nation?
Liver Fi stagnation is restriction of movement. %t occurs
when an unstoppable ego meets a perceived obstacle.
How does Liver ,i #ta"nation manifest systemically?
/old hands and feet' usually sharply contrasting with
limbs and torso temperature.
How does Liver ,i #ta"nation manifest emotionally?
Depression 7of the 5anger turned inwards type8
9ressure frustration
>luctuating emotions
Liver ,i #ta"nation /ulse$ tense 7wiry8' as though the artery
is too small for the amount of blood moving through
Liver ,i #ta"nation )on"ue$ bluish purple
How do each of the !an" try to move stuc0 1i?
LiverD sigh K liver 3i constraint. Gou,re trying to move
some 3i.
JidneyD groan-moan 7moving fear8
#eartD sad little sigh 7moving sadness8
IarthD oy oy 7moving dampness8
LungD the e&hale. Gou can feel 3i dissipating' oh yet again
it is gone' the far away' intangible' 3i.
-ame 2 causes of Liver ,i #ta"nation
1. %nsu6cient e&ercise55arrhythmic 7irregular movements
lie rac3uetball' volleyball8 is best for 3i stagnation.
;. I&perience life as obstacle K frustration
!. Long5term Liver Blood defciency or stagnation
<. Dampness
What is Liver Fi /onstraint
Penerating #eat?
$ame at least = physical symptoms
and 1 emotional manifestation for
the heat portion of Liver Fi
/onstraint Penerating #eat
What are the pulse and tongue lie
for someone with Liver Fi
/onstraint with #eat?
What is Liver >ire?
#ow does one get Liver >ire?
$ame 10 physical symptoms of
Liver >ire.
$ame ; other possibilities if Liver
>ire invades the Lung.
#ymptoms of Liver ,i 3onstraint 4eneratin" Heat
+ymptoms of Liver Fi /onstraint Q +ymptoms of #eat'
which are belowD
1. Bloodshot eyes
;. >iery headaches
!. Dry mouth
<. >iery temper outbursts
=. #eat rashes 7upper body' in places that get hot' in
genital area where liver meridian runs8
?. 9ossibly acne
@. Bright red menstrual blood or bright red breathrough
)on"ue$ bluish purplish with redder sides or tip
/ulse$ tense' with increased pounding
pounding on pulse K heat
What is Liver ,i 3onstraint 4eneratin" Heat?
Liver Fi /onstraint Penerating #eat is the result of the
natural rhythm of the liver' which is pressure building up
then bursting forth with vigor and creativity 7/rouch and
leap' repeat8' without being released in a timely' creative
and healthy manner. #eat simmers and eventually bursts
(his is the postal syndrome.
(he way it bursts upwards is not about inHustice....and it is
not in proportion.
(here may have been an inHustice that our liver couldn,t
creatively tal about or create a resolution for.
)ltimately' the solution is still for the person to gain more
self5esteem and assert themselves in a clearer' timelier
>or this person you want to release the constraint and
cool the heat in the blood. Gou,ll see a fery temper.
#eat in the blood K throwing 0fre2 at others.
/hysical #ymptoms for Liver 5ire
1. *ed face
;. *ed eyes
!. (innitus of the loud and annoying variety 7worse with fngers
in ears8
<. (hirst
=. Bitter taste
?. 9ounding temporal headache
@. Di""iness 7tilt5a5whirl8 you blaming the world55the room is
A. 9ropensity to outbursts of anger
C. +leep disturbed by unpleasant dreams 7war5lie8
10. /onstipation with dry stools
11. Dar urine
9ossibly nosebleed 7if L* fre scorching the lungs8
/oughing blood 7liver fre inHuring the lung8
)on"ue$ red' especially on sides. Dry yellow coating.
/ulse$ full' pounding' probably rapid' over.owing
What is Liver 5ire?
Gour wood is on fre' literally. +heer' raw' fery aggression
(he rage' resentment overcomes any vestige of restraint.
$ow you have +moey the Bear,s worst fear.
Gou have a forest fre ind of person.
Rr you may not have had constraint in the frst place' you
may Hust have wood that only sees its own point of view.
(he ind of rage that is consistently over the line: now
they,re stepping on your foot and demanding an apology
because you got in their way.
How does one "et Liver 5ire?
1. Long5standing full anger-disregard 7%,m not seeing your
point of view8
;. (oo much greasy food and alcohol
Which herbal formulas tonify
Liver Blood?
$ame the herbs in them
What else do they do 7if
Which herbal formulas move
Liver Fi +tagnation?
$ame the herbs in them
What else do they do 7if
Which herbal formula addresses
Liver Fi /onstraint Penerating
Which herbal formula helps Liver
>ire *ising and Damp5#eat in the
Liver and Pall Bladder?
$ame the herbs in them
What else do they do 7if
What is Damp5#eat in the Liver
and Pall Bladder?
$ame ! causes of Damp5#eat in
the Liver and Pall Bladder.
Which herbal formulas move Liver ,i #ta"nation?
6iao 7ao #an$ /hai #u' Bo #e' Bai +hao' (ang Jwei' Pan /ao'
Bai Nhu' >u Ling' +heng Siang. 1lso moves tonifes L* Blood.
8ia Wei 6iao 7ao #an$ /hai #u' Bo #e' Bai +hao' (ang Jwei'
Pan /ao' Bai Nhu' >u Ling' +heng Siang' Nhi Ni' Ou Dan 9i. 1lso
builds L* Blood L clears heat in the blood.
#i -i #an$ /hai #u' Nhi +hi' Bai +hao' Pan /ao. 1lso vents
pathogenic in.uences and tonifes the +9.
!hen ,in" 9ian :n )an"$ /hai #u' Nhi +hi' Bai +hao' Pan
/ao' Ti Tin' Pe Pen' +ha +hen. 1lso moves L) Fi constraint.
3hai Hu #u 4u #u #an$ /hai #u' Bai +hao' Pan /ao' Nhi Je'
/huan Tiong' Tiang >u' /hen 9i. 1lso harmoni"es blood and
alleviates pain.
6ue 5u !hu 7u )an"$ (ang Jwei' /huan Tiong' +heng di
#uang' /hi +hao' /hai #u' Nhi Je' Pan /ao' (ao *en' Dan +hen'
#ong #ua' $iu Ti' Sie Peng. 1lso invigorates Blood' Ooves
congealed blood and invigorates the channels.
Which herbal formulas tonify Liver Blood?
#i Wu )an"$ (ang Jwei' +hu di #uang' Bai +hao' /huan Tiong
Ba !hen )an"$ < (hings Q < Pents. 1lso tonifes +9 Fi.
6iao 7ao #an$ /hai #u' Bo #e' Bai +hao' (ang Jwei' Pan /ao'
Bai Nhu' >u Ling' +heng Siang. 1lso moves L* Fi constraint'
transforms damp and tonifes +9 Fi.
8ia Wei 6iao 7ao #an$ /hai #u' Bo #e' Bai +hao' (ang Jwei'
Pan /ao' Bai Nhu' >u Ling' +heng Siang' Nhi Ni' Ou Dan 9i. 1lso
moves L* Fi constraint L heat in the blood' transforms damp
and tonifes +9 3i.
;en #hen 7an" ;on" Wan$ (ang Jwei' Bai +hao' +hu di
#uang' *en +hen' Bai Nhu' >u Ling' /hen 9i' #uang Fi' Wu Wei
Ni' Guan Nhi' Pui Tin' Da Nao' +heng Siang. 1lso (onifes Fi'
$ourishes spirit' 1dHusts Ging L Wei.
7ou 4ui 7in$ +hu Di #uang' +han Nhu Gu' +han Gao' *ou Pui' >u
Ni' (u +i Ni' Du Nhong' Lu Siao Siao' Pou Fi Ni' Dang Pui' Nhi Pan
/ao. 1lso (onifes J% Gang' Warms Gang' *eplenishes Sing.
What is Damp<Heat in the Liver and 4all Bladder?
his is the "ood that co%es out of festering s"a%p "ater.
7estering resent%ent. here is no constraint here. 4t doesn5t ha!e
to be a progression fro% li!er qi constraint. 4t can Aust be fro% Bthis
is the "ay 4 see it.C here is a disregard for others, and anger.
-oth this and Li!er 7ire Dising are outright belligerent or hiding it
under a !eneer.
he people "ho don5t e&press their belligerence out"ardly, ha!e
their physical sy%pto%s sho" up %ore strongly.
How do we get Damp-Heat in the Liver and all Bladder!
"ame # way$%
1. Long term resentment
;. I&ternal climactic damp heat
!. +ubsistence on burgers and beer
Which herbal formula addresses Liver ,i 3onstraint
4eneratin" Heat?
8ia Wei 6iao 7ao #an$ /hai #u' Bo #e' Bai +hao' (ang
Jwei' Pan /ao' Bai Nhu' >u Ling' +heng Siang' Nhi Ni' Ou
Dan 9i. 1lso builds L* Blood.
Which herbal formula helps Liver 5ire ;isin" and
Damp<Heat in the Liver and 4all Bladder?
Lon" Dan 6ie Dan )an"$ /hai #u' Long Dan /ao' #uang
Fin' Nhi Ni' Ou (ong' Ne Tie' /he Fian Ni' (ang Jwei'
+heng Di #uang' Pan /ao. 1lso drains lower Hiao damp5
$ame 1; possible manifestations
of Damp #eat in the Liver and
Pall Bladder.
What are the pulse and tongue of
someone with Damp #eat in the
Liver and Pall Bladder lie?
What is Liver Gin Defciency?
#ow do we get Liver Gin
Defcient? $ame < ways.
$ame ! ways /old in the Liver
/hannel manifests
What are ; ways to get /old in
the Liver /hannel?
What can help relieve the pain of
/old in the Liver /hannel?
List = manifestations of Liver Gin
Describe the pulse and tongue of
a Liver Gin Defcient person.
What is Liver 7in Defciency?
1. (he power of Liver Gin is the power of strategic retreat
for the sae of being able to move forward eventually.
(his person lacs the ability to do this.
;. (his person has no stop. Preen lights all the wayM
!. Water is insu6cient to feed Wood.
How do we "et Liver 7in Defcient?
1. Rverwor 7white collar8 7moving nervous system all
;. Lac of sleep
!. Wood /> with hyperactive nervous system 7b"" b""
b""' no 3uiet on inside8
<. #eroin 7gives such a great feeling of liver yin. the #un
travels in an easy way. But it wipes out the true liver
yin' the richness and potency of easy creation8.
1= 9anifestations of Damp Heat in the L; and 4B
6. 7ullness and pain in the li!er,gallbladder area
8. Stones E da%p heat hardening into stones (sa%e "ith F4 stones)
.. *aundice
;. -itter taste
<. Nausea an appetite irregularity
=. 9o%iting
>. #orse te%per after eating greasy foods or drinking alcohol
/. :ark urine
G. 9aginal or penile discharge and,or itching, pain,redness,s"elling of scrotu%
6H. Pus in their ears' yello" or green (not "hite)
66. Io3ing festering gunk in ears, eyes. thick crusty stuff
68. Io3y in the groin. herpes (resent%ent based). Not the only energetic for
6.. ?olitis' shitting as an aggressi!e act. ?ited for du%ping to&ic "aste that
pours do"n fro% the gall bladder into the colon
6;. So%e hepatitis (%any patterns for hepatitis, also dry kinds and also qi
deficient kinds)
&ongue: red "ith sticky yello" coating
'ul$e: slippery o!erflo"ing
9anifestations of Liver 7in Defciency
/ulse and )on"ue
1. Dry eyes or blurred vision
;. #urry and restlessness
!. Brittle nails
<. Dry hair
=. Gin defciencyD afternoon fever' = palm heat' malar
)on"ue$ red' esp. sides: peeled' esp. on sides in L* area:
thin' lac of substance: no coating: thin' may be dry
/ulse$ tight 7thin and hard8 esp. in J% an L* positions' or
a lot of unrooted 5big but empty force 7heat and activity
without enough substance8
How does 3old in the Liver 3hannel 9anifest?
=. >ullness and pain below the ribcage referring down to the
testes-scrotum or vulva area.
?. +hrinage-contraction of the vulva or testes-scrotum.
@. 9ain is relieved by warmth.
How do we "et 3old in the Liver 3hannel?
1. %nvasion of I&terior /old 7e.g.' being ept sitting on a cold
bench in gym shorts for the whole game8. )sually this is
more common amongst athletes than anywhere else.
(hey,re e&pecting to be hot but end up cold 7if sitting on
bench or after e&ertion8.
;. (his is also seen in young women who,ve begun
menstruating who spend a lot of time sitting on a cold .oor
while menstruating' or farming women who sit on the cold
ground. Rr if you eat too much ice cream while
menstruating. While menstruating we,re more vulnerable to
cold than at any other time.
What can help relieve the pain of 3old in the L;
Being in a warm tub is the only thing that helps.
What are the ; worst
What is /ongealed Liver Blood?
List = possible manifestations of
/ongealed Liver Blood.
Describe the tongue and pulse of
someone with /ongealed Liver
What is the diEerence between
/ongealed Liver Blood and Wind5
What are ! possible causes of
What are ! possible causes of
List < ways to get /ongealed
Liver Blood.
Describe the diEerence between
+tuc Fi 9ain and +tuc Blood
9ain in the following areasD
quality of pain, emotional causes,
emotional reactions, stability,
what it leads to physically, what
it leads to emotionally
What is Liver Gang *ising?
What are ! 9atterns of Disharmony
than can cause Liver Gang to rise in
an unhealthy way?
$ame ; e&ternal causes of Liver
Gang *ising.
What is the di+erence between an illness from
3on"ealed Liver Blood and an illness from Wind<
/ongealed Liver Blood manifests as a deeply stuc illness. %t,s
intractable. Gou,ve tried the normal things and it,s not moving.
%t,s very stubborn.
Wind59hlegm manifests as a deeply weird illness. I&. Di""y
sensation' one swollen arm' asthma in summer' loose bowels in
airports' etc.
What are > causes of boils?
1. (o&ic heat
;. Damp5heat
!. >ire poison
What are > possible causes of tumors?
1. /ongealed blood
;. 9hlegm
!. +tagnant 3i
What are the = Worst /atholo"ies?
1. %nternal Wind 73i separates from blood8
;. /ongealed Blood 7blood separates from 3i8
What is 3on"ealed Blood?
1. Blood that is not moving 7lacs 3i8. Blood that is 0other.2
/ossible 9anifestations of 3on"ealed Liver Blood
1. Dar' clotted menstrual blood
;. #ard' f&ed' possibly irregular masses
!. >i&ed stabbing pain
<. +car tissue
=. )nhealing inHuries
)on"ue$ may be purple body. 9ossibly purple veins underneath
/ulse$ choppy. Oay be lie a rough sawblade. 1ctual twigs and
rocs .oating by in the stream.
What is Liver 7an" ;isin"?
Liver Gang *ising is when Liver Gang energy rises in a
pressured' trespassive and arrogant way.
> /atterns of Disharmony that can cause this
1. Liver Gin defciency
;. Liver Blood defciency
!. Jidney Gang defciency
> E&ternal 3auses of Liver 7an" ;isin"
1. Rverwor against deadlines
;. (hwarted ambition
List 2 ways to "et 3on"ealed Liver Blood
1. (raumatic inHury. (his is the main cause 7physical or non5
;. Blood defciency
!. Fi stagnation
<. #eat inHuring the blood
Describe the di+erence between #tuc0 ,i /ain and
#tuc0 Blood /ain
#tuc0 ,i /ain #tuc0 Blood /ain
,uality$ 9ressured feeling
+tabbing or numbness
Emot 3ause$ >rustration' oppression (orment' torture
Emot ;eact$ 1nger and frustration +uspicion' paranoia'
#tability$ /omes and Poes >i&ed. $ever
Leads to /hys$ Rbstructions L blocages (umor'
scar' adhesion
Leads to Emot$ /an cause
dissociation' possibly
hallucination if it,s really
What is Wind? What is the Birtue
of Wind?
Why is Wind considered the most
virulent of the climactic forces?
List ! reasons.
What is the emotion associated
with Wind?
What is the diEerence between
>right in the #eart and >right from
What is I&ternal Wind?
What is %nternal Wind?
What is the diEerence between %Ds'
IDs and I&ternal Wind?
What are the < levels of %nternal
Wind? Describe what the
symptoms are lie at each level.
$ame = common manifestations of
%nternal Wind.
List < /auses of %nternal Wind.
What's the di+erence between Heart 5ri"ht and Wind
5ri"ht in the Heart is +hoc. >eeling lie you want to Hump out
of your sin. 5ri"ht from Wind is lie being in a bo&ing match
with fear. (here are sudden' Hery movements. 9oltergeist type
of things.
What is E&ternal Wind?
I&ternal wind is something blowing around trying to get in.
/ontagious disease. BI*G /ROOR$.
What is ?nternal Wind?
Less common 7;=U of people have it at some point8. %t is
internally generated.
What is the di+erence between ?Ds@ EDs and E&ternal
EDs is lie a dar blac cowl over the head and bac. Listening
to the darness. Balerie. /an be physical but it,s e&treme
7drowning' free"ing8.
Wind is something your body has to deal with' but unless
there,s a nafs that resonates with it' it can be Hust physical.
?Ds is energy coagulated on the front of the body. %t,s feeling
What is Wind? What is the Airtue of Wind?
Wind is the climactic in.uence associated with +pring and
(he virtue of WindD fresh' alive' spontaneous' new. Wind is
the latest news. %t is associated with sudden' potentially
forceful .uctuations in climate' physical condition or
emotional state.
Why is Wind considered the most virulent of the
climactic forces? List > reasonsB
1. %t can be very violent.
;. %t can be very capricious.
!. %t is invasive4it does not respect boundaries.
What is the emotion associated with Wind?
9anifestations of ?nternal Wind
1. #igh blood pressure
;. >luctuation of blood pressure
!. (ingling' especially in e&tremities 7blood def. origin8
<. 1n&iety
=. Imotional outbursts' especially anger but other things
as well
2 3auses of ?nternal Wind
1. E&cessive Heat 7high fever' e&treme heat8. #eat stirs
up wind 7forest fre8. Oanifests as convulsions during
high fever.
;. :scendin" Liver 7an" or Liver 5ire 7reclessness'
violence' trespass' arrogance' upwardness' heat8. Gou,ll
see blurred vision' wiced temper' stroes' high bp'
muscle twitches.
!. Liver 7in or %idney 7in and 7an" Defciency
7unrooted below8. Gou,ll see di""iness' vertigo'
headache' deviations 7tongue8' tremors' spasms'
tingling' out of control feeling' haced apart on inside'
obscure fright 7poltergeist frea out8.
<. E&treme Blood Defciency 7not flling vessels and
leaving empty spaces8 +ee tingling and numbness' head
shaing' head Hering to side' tics and fne tremors'
Levels of ?nternal Wind
OetaphorsD electrical storm' pressure cooer.
1. When there,s only a little pressure in the pressure cooer
the person feels a little stiE' lie wind in the sails. %t,s a
pressured stiEness from inside. 9erson might be a little
Hery' uncoordinated. 9ossible Hery motions in upper
;. 1 little more wind you will fnd more intense head area
symptomsD ringing ears' pressure in head' vertigo'
headaches with tight feeling behind eyes. 1s thought
someone is taing your optic muscle and cramping it
tight. 1ll pain refers bac to PB ;0. Ouscles going there
are taut and tight.
!. $e&t level manifests in serious twitching' (erret"'
9arinsons,s. Little twitches or big twitchesVthe
venetian blinds are rattling as wind is trying to escape
and it,s shaing you. /an have sei"ures' epilepsy'
sudden loss of consciousness.
<. #ighest level is a blown valve. +troe. BewareD Hust as
that escaping wind blows out of you it can blow all inds
of loose gun through your brain. %f you have gun in
your system it can go into your brain and then other
things can happen.
What is Fi?
$ame the < aspects of +pleen Fi
List @ ways to become +pleen Fi
List 10 manifestations of +pleen Fi
What are the pulse and tongue of a
+pleen Fi defcient person lie?
What herbs help Liver Gin
What herbal formulas address
/ongealed Liver Blood?
What herbs address /ongealed
Liver Blood?
$ame 1 formula for %nternal Wind.
List ? herbs that 3uell %nternal
List @ herbs that tonify Liver Blood.
List = herbs that move Liver Fi.
10 9anifestations of #pleen ,i Defciency
1. >atigue
;. Wea limbs
!. Ouscle 1trophy
<. 1ppetite low or la"y 7la"y means there,s not enough 3i to
digest rice but sugar goes right in.8
=. La"iness around cooing. (oo tired to come up with a
proposal of what to eat' too tired to coo' too tired to digest
?. Watery loose stools 7not holding form' not raised8
@. /onstipation 7lac of peristalsis8 7it taes 3i to mae
peristalsis55things can,t get moved along55transportation8
A. Laconic 7nothing to say8
C. 9rolapseD bearing down sensation' drooping eyelids' can,t go
on' pic me up' spiritual collapse-depression
10. Bruising
11. BleedingD leay' 'petechiae
1;. Boredom 7no appetite for life8
1!. Di6culty studying
/ulse$ soft and wea' yielding
)on"ue$ swollen' tooth mars
What is ,i? %n the human body' 3i is the ability to get wor
?n what 2 ways does #pleen ,i Defciency manifest?
1. %nability to turn food into nourishment
;. %nability to transport nourishment
!. %nability to hold physical form
<. %nability to eep the organs raised
C Ways to Become #pleen ,i Defcient
1. 9hysical overwor
;. Oental overwor
!. Lac of physical e&ercise
<. Lac of mental e&ercise
=. +tarvation-malnourishment' esp. lac of protein
?. %rregular eating' over and under5eating 7unpredictable
@. Brown rice 7Leon hammer8
A. (hining while eating
Herbal formula for ?nternal Wind
)ian 9a 4ou )en" 7in$ (ian Oa' Pou (eng' +hi Sui Oing' #uang
Fin' Nhi Ni' Du Nhong' +ang Si +heng' $iu Ti' Ge Siao (eng' >u
+hen' Gi Ou /ao
Herbs that address ?nternal Wind
(ian Oa' /huan Tiong' >ang >eng' Pou (eng' #e +hou Wu' Su
#ua' Bai Nhi
Herbs that address Liver Blood Defciency
+hu Di #uang' Bai +hao' /huan Tiong' (ang Jwei' +uan Nao
*en' #e +hou Wu' Pou Si Ni' +ang Si +hen
Herbs that address Liver ,i #ta"nation
/hai #u' Bo #e' /huan Lian Ni' Tiang >u' Fing 9i' Ou Tiang
What herbs help Liver 7in defciency?
Pou Si Ni
(u +i Ni
#e +hou Wu
Pui Ban 7a little8
What herbal formulas address 3on"ealed Liver
6ue 5u !hu 7u )an"$ (ang Jwei' /huan Tiong' +heng di
#uang' /hi +hao' /hai #u' Nhi Je' Pan /ao' (ao *en' Dan +hen'
#ong #ua' $iu Ti' Sie Peng. 1lso invigorates Blood' Ooves
congealed blood and invigorates the channels.
7unnan Bai 7ao$ +an Fi $otoginseng
)ian 9a 4ou )en" 7in$ (ian Oa' Pou (eng' +hi Sui Oing'
#uang Fin' Nhi Ni' Du Nhong' +ang Si +heng' $iu Ti' Ge Siao (eng'
>u +hen' Gi Ou /ao
What herbs address 3on"ealed Liver Blood?
#ong #ua' (ao *en' +an Fi $otoginseng' /hai +hao' /hi +hao'
+han Nha' Gi Ou /ao' Da #uang' Dan +hen' Ou Dan 9i 7a little8
List < herbs that sedate Liver Gang.
List = herbs that 3uell Liver >ire.
List ; herbs that drain Liver5Pall
Bladder Damp #eat.
List ; herbs that cool L* Blood
$ame at least 1; formulas that
tonify +pleen Fi
List a formula which helps +( Fi
List ; formulas for >ood
List 1 formula for +pleen Gang
List 1 formula for +pleen Gin
List 10 ways that *ebellious
+tomach Fi and +tagnant +pleen
Fi manifest.
Describe the pulse of a person
with this pattern.
5ormulas for #/ ,i defciency
#i 8in #i )an"D *en +hen' Bai Nhu' >u Ling' Pan /ao
Liu 8in #i )an"D +i Sin +i (ang Q /hen 9i' Ban Tia
6ian" #ha Liu 8in #i )an"D Liu Sin +i (ang Q +ha *en' Ou Tiang
8ia Wei Liu 8in #i )an"D Liu Sin +i (ang Q Guan Nhi
Ba !hen )an"D +i Wu (ang Q +i Sin +i (ang
4ui /i )an"D *en +hen' >u +hen' Bai Nhu' Pan /ao' #uang Fi'
Ou Tiang' (ang Jwei' +uan Nao *en' Long Gan *ou' Guan Nhi
Bu !hon" 7i ,i )an"D #uang Fi' *en +hen' Bai Nhu' Pan /ao'
/hen 9i' /hai #u' +heng Oa' (ang Jwei
8ia Wei Bu !hon" 7i ,i )an"D Bu Nhong Gi Fi (ang Q Wu Wei
6iao 7ao #anD /hai #u' Bo #e' Bai +hao' (ang Jwei' Pan /ao'
Bai Nhu' >u Ling' +heng Siang
8ia Wei 6iao 7ao #anD Tiao Gao +an Q Nhi Ni' Ou Dan 9i
8ian /i WanD *en +hen' Pan /ao' >u Ling' Bai Nhu' /hen 9i' Ban
Tia' +ha *en' Ou Tiang' +han Gao' /hao +hen Fu' +han Nha
Li !hon" WanD Pan Siang' *en +hen' Bai Nhu' Nhi Pan /ao
7in !hon" WanD +han Gao' *en +hen' Bai Nhu' Pan /ao
#hen Lin" Bai !hu #anD *en +hen' Bai Nhu' >u Ling' Pan /ao'
+han Gao' Lian Ni' Bai Bian Dou' Gi Gi *en' +ha *en' Sie Peng
Herbs that sedate Liver 7an"
Du Nhong' Pou (eng' Long Pu' Bai +hao' #uang Fin
Herbs that 1uell Liver 5ire
Long Dan /ao' /hai +hao' /hi +hao' Ou Dan 9i' Pou (eng'
Su #ua
Herbs that drain Damp Heat in the Liver and
4all Bladder
#uang Fin' Long Dan /ao' /huan Lian Ni
Herbs that clear L; Blood Heat
/hai +hao' /hi +hao' Ou Dan 9i
9anifestations of ;ebellious #tomach ,i and
#ta"nant #pleen ,i
1. Belching
;. Bomiting
!. /an,t swallow
<. Distension 7more +9 3i stagnation8
=. Digestive pain
?. Borborygmus
@. /hurning
A. /onstipation 7lac of peristalsis8 W 3i tangled in
C. /omplaining' baling 7a little +9 3i moves when you
complain. (oo much is a cry for help8
10.+tucness' not moving on
11.%ngratiation 7self5e&pression stagnation8
/ulse$ tense bloated Iarth pulse. %t feels lie it,s full of
5ormula for #) ,i ;ebellion
Ban 6ia Hou /u )an"D Ban Tia' #ou 9o' >u Ling' +heng Siang'
Ni +u Ge
5ormulas for 5ood #ta"nation
8ian /i Wan$ *en +hen' Pan /ao' >u Ling' Bai Nhu' /hen 9i' Ban
Tia' +ha *en' Ou Tiang' +han Gao' /hao +hen Fu' +han Nha
Ban 6ia Hou /u )an"$ Ban Tia' #ou 9o' >u Ling' +heng Siang'
Ni +u Ge
5ormula for #pleen 7an" Defciency
Li !hon" Wan$ Pan Siang' *en +hen' Bai Nhu' Nhi Pan /ao
5ormula for #tomach 7in Defciency
7in !hon" Wan$ +han Gao' *en +hen' Bai Nhu' Pan /ao
$ame ; herbs that descend
+tomach Fi.
$ame ! herbs for >ood +tagnation.
$ame @ herbs for Damp.
$ame 11 herbs for 9hlegm.
$ame ; herbs that tonify +pleen
$ame ! herbs that tonify +tomach
$ame ; herbs that tonify +pleen
$ame ! herbs that tonify +9 Fi
$ame ! herbs that tonify +9 Fi
$ame ; herbs that tonify +9 Fi 7hold
$ame 1 herb that tonifes +9 Fi
$ame 1 herb that tonifes +9 Fi
$ame ; herbs that tonify +9 Fi
$ame ! herbs that tonify +( Fi
$ame @ formulas for Damp.
$ame ? formulas for 9hlegm.
List their herbs and other actions.
$ame < ways we get +pleen Fi
+tagnation and *ebellious
+tomach Fi.
$ame = ways to get >ood
Herbs for #pleen ,i defciency DtransformE
Bai Nhu' Ban Tia' #ou 9u' /hen 9i 7secondarily8' >u Ling
Herbs for #pleen ,i defciency DtransportE
/hen 9i' Fing 9i' Ou Tiang' >u Ling 7secondarily8
Herbs for #pleen ,i defciency Dhold formE
>u Ling' >u +hen
Herbs for #pleen ,i defciency DraiseE
#uang Fi
Herbs for #pleen ,i defciency Dhold center steadyE
*en +hen
Herbs for #pleen ,i defciency DharmoniFin"E
Pan /ao' Da Nao'
Herbs to tonify #tomach ,i
Bai Nhu' *en +hen' +heng Siang
Herbs to descend #tomach ,i
Ban Tia' #ou 9u
Herbs to transform 5ood #ta"nation
/hao +hen Fu' +han Nha' #ou 9u' Fing 9i
Herbs to dry Damp
>u Ling' >u +hen' /hen 9i' Fing 9i' Guan Nhi' Ban Tia' /hang 9u'
#ou 9u
Herbs to transform /hle"m
>u Ling' >u +hen' /hen 9i' Fing 9i' +heng Siang' Guan Nhi' Nhi
+hi' Nhu +ha' Ban Tia' /hang 9u' #ou 9u' Sie Peng
Herbs to tonify #pleen 7an"
Bu Pu Ni' >u Ni' Pan Siang
Herbs to tonify #tomach 7in
Pe Pen' +han Gao' +ha +hen
Herbs for #pleen 7in Defciency
Pe Pen' +han Gao
2 ways to "et #pleen ,i #ta"nation and ;ebellious
#tomach ,i
1. WR**GD obsession55thought without concrete
;. Iating fast while waling
!. Iating while arguing
<. (oo small a world' not thining in a big enough
conte&t 7give someone a bigger feld if this is the
ways to "et 5ood #ta"nation
1. /hronic +(-+9 Fi +tagnation
;. +pleen Gang Defciency
!. Rvereating4the after (hansgiving Dinner syndrome
<. Iating too fast4sudden dump truc unloading into the
=. Iating while worrying. Worrying stagnates 3i.
5ormulas for Damp
Liu 8in #i )an"$ +i Sin +i (ang Q /hen 9i' Ban Tia
6ian" #ha Liu 8in #? )an"D Liu Sin +i (ang Q +ha *en' Ou Tiang
Er 3hen )an"$ /hen 9i' Ban Tia' >u Ling' Nhi Pan /ao' +heng Siang
8ia Wei Liu 8in #i )an"$ Liu Sin +i (ang Q Guan Nhi
6iao 7ao #an$ /hai #u' Bo #e' Bai +hao' (ang Jwei' Pan /ao' Bai Nhu'
>u Ling' +heng Siang
8ia Wei 6iao 7ao #an$ Tiao Gao +an Q Nhi Ni' Ou Dan 9i
#hen Lin" Bai !hu #an$ *en +hen' Bai Nhu' >u Ling' Pan /ao' +han
Gao' Lian Ni' Bai Bian Dou' Gi Gi *en' +ha *en' Sie Peng
Ban 6ia Hou /u )an"$ Ban Tia' #ou 9o' >u Ling' +heng Siang' Ni +u Ge
5ormulas for /hle"m
Er 3hen )an"$ /hen 9i' Ban Tia' >u Ling' Nhi Pan /ao' +heng Siang
8ia Wei Liu 8in #i )an"$ Liu Sin +i (ang Q Guan Nhi
Liu 8in #i )an"$ +i Sin +i (ang Q /hen 9i' Ban Tia
Ban 6ia Hou /u )an"$ Ban Tia' #ou 9o' >u Ling' +heng Siang' Ni +u Ge
:n #hen Din" !hi )an"$ *en +hen' >u Ling' >u +hen' /hang 9u' Guan
Nhi' Long Pu
;en #hen 4e 8ie #an$ Pe Sie' *en +hen' Nhi Pan /ao' >u Ling' Ting
*en' /huan Bei Ou' +ang Bai 9i' Nhi Ou
6iao ,in" Lon" )an"$ Oa #uang' Ti Tin' Ban Tia' Wu Wei Ni' Pui Nhi'
+heng Siang' Bai +hao
What is >ood +tagnation?
#ow do you distinguish between
>ood +tagnation' Damp and
What are good >ood +tagnation
List @ ways >ood +tagnation
List @ ways to get Damp or 9hlegm.
What is Damp? What is 9hlegm?
#ow do they manifest and what is
the diEerence? List < physical' 1
mental' < spiritual symptoms.
Describe the pulse and tongue of
someone who is Damp and
someone who has 9hlegm.
What is +pleen Gang?
List C manifestation of +pleen Gang
What are the tongue and pulse of a
+pleen Gang defcient person lie?
C 9anifestations of 5ood #ta"nation
1. Belching' smells foul and food5lie
;. Bomiting
!. Distention
<. Digestive pain
=. +our or foul breath
?. )ndigested food in stool
@. Little desire for food
A. >eeling of food sitting in +( lie a roc
X +tools with the same color as the food is not a sign of food
C Ways to become Damp or /he"matic
1. +9 Fi defciency
;. +9-+( Fi +tagnation
!. +9 Gang Defciency
<. Living in a damp environment-climate.
=. +ubsistence diet of twinies and mil 7dairy and sugar.
?. Puilt trips from Sewish mothers.
@. Being a Sewish mother.
A. Being almost any ind of mother-role of constant generosity
and nurturing without an entire ecosystem to bac you up.
What is 5ood #ta"nation?
>ood in the +tomach-%ntestines that is not being transformed or
transported in a timely or thorough manner.
What's the di+erence between 5ood #ta"nation@
Damp and /hle"m?
Damp$ When an apple is halfway to becoming you and
it gets put aside on a shelf.
/hle"m$ (he apple is sitting on the shelf and over time it
thicens and becomes less movable.
#ta"nation$ the apple doesn,t even get digested
enough to become damp or phlegm. %t,s still
basically an apple' chewed up' sitting in your
stomach or intestines.
4ood 5ood #ta"nation /oints$ +( ;=' +9 1=51@
What is #pleen 7an"? (he ability to coo food. (he
alchemical burn power to rip things up and use them.
#ymptoms of #pleen 7an" Defciency
1. Watery stool with undigested food
;. Digestive pain
!. Little desire for food
<. Bloat w-food
=. /hilliness' esp. cold limbs
?. 9udginess
@. Idema
A. >luids in pelvic area
C. Soylessness about what should be nourishment
10. +ad home syndromeD (his is a sad cold place. $o hearth energy.
$ourishment with no Hoy
/ulse$ deep' slow' yielding
)on"ue$ pale' wet
What is Damp? Damp is the lac of transformation of what
should have been nourishment. %nstead it,s a burden.
What is /hle"m? 9hlegm is dampness which has bogged
down and accumulated to the point of obstacle.
D:9/ /HLE49
Bloating Literal 9hysical 9hlegm
$ausea 0>ullness2 in head and chest
+ticy diarrhea Ou""y dullness
#eaviness in limbs'
+oft lumps
Rily hair
+ticy sin
#)#? D)#V
/hurning in Fuicsand >loundering beached whale
Rverly sympathetic Rbtuse
Worried Rbsessed
Bog' fog (otal obscurity
/ulse$ slippery /ulse$ full rolling feeling
)on"ue$ thic coating )on"ue$ mucus strands in mouth
List ? causes of +pleen Gang
List ! causes of +pleen or +tomach
Gin defciency.
What is +pleen-+tomach Gin?
List C symptoms of +tomach Gin
Describe a +tomach Gin defcient
Describe a +pleen Gin defcient
What is Jidney Gang?
List 11 ways Jidney Gang
%nclude the tongue and pulse.
What is Jidney Gin?
List 10 manifestations of Jidney Gin
%nclude the tongue and pulse.
#tomach 7in defciency manifests with
1. #unger with appetite
;. >eeling of heat in afternoon
!. Won,t stop to tae a rest
<. (hirst without desire to drin 7maybe8
=. Dry mouth and throat
?. (ight earth pulse 7lie a piece of fabric pulled tight8
@. $othing seems right: you don,t really have the
receptivity to eat.
A. %nability to feel satisfedD even when you eat' somehow
it,s not satisfying
C. Ipigastric pain that feels better with warm li3uid 7soup is
better than a sandwich: wet food better than dry food8
Bertical crac up the middleD +( Gin def
(ransverse cracs in middleD +9 yin defciency
(ransverse cracs near tipD L) yin defciency
(ransverse cracs near bacD J% yin defciency
Bertical crac from middle to very tip 7#(8 K heart crac55
+9 Gin def tongueD *ed' thin with lateral cracs in +9 area'
peeled center' rootless yellow coat in center 7can scrape oE
How do we "et #/ 7an" Defciency?
1. >urther progression of +9 Fi defciency
;. Gou now +9 3i turns into +9 Gang when the person gets
!. (hey tend towards cold' esp. cold limbs.
<. /old damp environment
=. (oo much salad- raw foods diet
?. (oo much tofu without ginger
@. (oo much #agen Daas
How do we "et #)G#/ 7in defcient?
1. $ot eating when hungry' then 0grabbing a 3uic bite, or
eating late at night. #eat of appetite dries out .uids
;. Dry >ood
!. %mproper purging-vomiting
What is #pleen G #tomach 7in?
#)$ the ability to receive-integrate nourishment.
#/$ (he ability to tae a +abbath rest.
What is %idney 7in? %t is the fundamental basis of Gin and is
the root of all depth' stillness' darness' receptivity and
How does %idney 7in Defciency manifest?
1. *estlessness' can,t stay still' unrootedness' shainess'
;. 0>ear of the dar2 i.e. fear of the unnown' fear of
introspection' fear of being alone' fear of silence' fear of
!. (endency to 0.y and scatter.2 0I&istential vertigo2
<. Sittery lac of confdence: tendency to doubt: repeated
crises of faith
=. Di""iness' deafness' tinnitus
?. $ight sweats' heat in the = places' malar .ush
@. DrynessD thirst' scant body .uids' scant dar urine' dry stool
A. Bacache that feels wea and brittle and hot to the touch:
wea legs' nees' feet 7lie withering roots8
C. +teaming Bone +yndrome
10. *estless se&ual arousal resulting from unrootedness
11. %n menD premature eHaculation-eHaculation without orgasm'
wet dreams' impotence with desire
1;. %n WomenD arousal w-out wetness' hypersensitivity w-out
What is %idney 7an"? %t is the fundamental basis of Gang
and is the root of all transformative power and confgurative
#ymptoms of %idney 7an" Defciency
1. Drowning or fro"en in fear: overwhelmed by darness
;. Lac of drive' low libido' lac of ambition
!. %nability to tae a stand and #RLD %(: endurance:
<. Lac of confdence 7wimp8
=. /old' pale' wet' listless
?. Bacache that feels wea and spongy and cold to the
touch: wea legs' nees' feet 7lie soggy roots8
@. )rinationD %f no edema' clear' copious: if edema' scant'
A. %nfertility 7cold lower Hiao8
C. 9oor appetite: coc,s crow diarrhea
10. >ailure to (hrive' late development of speech
11. %mpotence' incomplete or fading erection' premature
eHaculation-eHaculation without orgasm 7< 1ttainments8
1;. %n women' reaching for orgasm is WR*JM
)on"ue$ pale' wet' swollen /ulse$ deep' wea
List ? causes of Jidney Gang
List ? causes of Jidney Gin
What is Jidney Fi?
What is Jidney Fi $ot >irm?
What do you do to frm the J% 3i?
#ow does Jidney Fi become $ot
What is the relationship between
J% Fi and J% Sing?
List 10 ways Jidney Fi $ot >irm
What is %? ,i? What is %? ,i -ot 5irm?
%idney ,i K the primordial 0steam2 energy produced
by combining JS Gin and Gang. J% 3i is base 3i. %t holds
the bottom.
%idney ,i -ot frm K (here,s a hole in the bottom of
the bucet. (he client is leaing out his life essence.
+(R*1PI of Issence-Sing is a primary concern of the
Jidneys' and an important function of the Bladder.
0Jidney Fi $ot >irm2 means that storage is not
happening properly and may refer to a dysfunction of
the "ang' the fu' or both. J% 3i and BL 3i not frm often
show up together and loo alie.
What do you do to frm %? ,i? Gou 0astringe Jidneys2
K Y 3i tonic Q Y yang tonic
How do you "et %? ,i -ot 5irm?
1. Rverwor
;. (oo many childbirths too close together
!. #eredity
<. %ncontinent se&ual activity or fantasy
=. 1ncestral guilt trips
3auses of %idney 7in Defciency
1. I&cessive nervous system activity 7e.g. thought and
;. Lac of sleep' lac of rest
!. 1ny long illness that depletes yin in any organ system' (he
J% will be drained by the eEort to compensate for lac of yin.
<. 1ny e&cessive .uid loss 7e.g. blood' sweat' diarrhea' urine8
=. >ever
?. %ncorrect use of se&ual tonics
@. +e& without full reciprocity. )nrooted desire
3auses of %idney 7an" Defciency
1. 9hysical overwor: eEort through hardship
;. 1ny long illness that depletes yang in any orga system. (he
Jidneys will be drained by the eEort to compensate for lac
of yang.
!. Dampness overwhelming the Jidney >ire 7from +9 weaness
or J% weaness compounding on itself8
<. Living a cold wet dar life
=. Broen will
?. +e& without full reciprocity. 01thletic2 se&.
How does %idney ,i -ot 5irm manifest?
1. ?ncontinence of urine 7inc. all ind of dribbling and
=B ?ncontinence of stool
!. ?ncontinence of semen 7premature eHaculation' wet
dreams' nocturnal emissions without dreams'
0spermatorrhea28. +permatorrhea may mean that the
person is masturbating all the time. (his is diEerent than
when it comes from yin defciency 7restless8 and from full list
7heat8. (his is lie you,re not comfortable holding the
energy' lie having a full bladder. $ot able to be in the state
of tension that desire implies.
<. ?ncontinence of money. Sust can,t hold on to it. Rut it
=. ?ncontinence of secrets. Deep essence you need to store.
?. ?ncontinence of willpower 7Destiny guilt' ac3uiescence of
deep desires to 0other2 desires8.
@. ?ncontinence of se&ual ener"y
A. ?ncontinence of fantasy. >antasy weaens the idneys.
Gou can be s3uandering resources on fantasy world.
HB Wea0 bac0 and le"s
10. Iterine prolapse. (hat foundation isn,t strong
11BWatery va"inal dischar"e
What is the relationship between %? ,i and %? 8in"?
Ji Fi and J% Sing are circular in pathology and health. %f
you don,t have enough J %3i' Sing leas out.
%f you don,t have enough J% Sing' you don,t have enough
J% Fi genetically. Gou,re not clever with conservation.
J% Fi is the opening and closing of the piggy ban. %t
eeps it frm and maes sure there aren,t any holes or
J% Sing is the money.
What is Jidney Sing?
#ow do we become Jidney Sing
Defcient? List < ways.
List A manifestations of Jidney Sing
%nclude the pulse and the tongue.
What is #eart Fi?
What is #eart Fi Defciency?
List = ways we get #eart Fi
Describe the pulse and tongue of
#eart Fi Defcient person.
List = manifestations of Tin Nhu R*
(an Nhong #eart Fi Defciency
List ? manifestations of (an Nhong
#eart Fi Defciency
How does 8in" Defciency manifest?
+ince Sing defciency can develop from either Jidney Gin or
Gang defciency' the manifestations of whichever defciency
preceded Sing defciency will continue to manifest along
1. /ycles of development and maturation not happening in
a timely or graceful manner
;. >ontanels not closing' failure to thrive' poor bone
development' birth defects' mental retardation
!. Delayed puberty
<. %nfertility
=. 9remature menopause
?. 0Oid5life crisis2 What am % doing with my life?
@. 9remature agingD hair turning white' hair falling out'
teeth falling out' bones fragile' poor memory' senility
A. I&istential fear of aging
C. >eeling of having lived in vain: feeling of having nothing
to pass on to future generations
)on"ue$ yin defcient or yang defcient
/ulse$ 0wiry2 7not (/O wiry: something thinner than (ight
Q deep8
What is %idney 8in"?
Sing is the distilled essence of transferable vitality. %t is
e3ually balanced yin and yang. %t is stored in the
Jidneys. 9osterior #eaven Issence 7post5natal Hing8 can
be replenished: 1nterior #eaven Issence 7pre5natal Hing8
cannot be replenished.
How do we become 8in" Defcient?
a8 Wea inherited constitutionD
Born of ill or infrm parents
Born of aging parents
Born after numerous siblings
Birth defects 7genetic' not congenital8
b8 9hysical overwor in childhood or pubescence
c8 I&cessive se&ual activity before physical maturity
d8 )sing willpower to wor beyond our daily portion of
Jidney Gin or Gang on a regular basis
e8 +triving against our own nature: following the path of
>ate 7ego8 instead of Destiny
#ymptoms of 6in !hu J; )an !hon" Heart ,i
1. #eart palpitations 7usually missed beats' late beats'
lurchiness' lie tripping and then running a few steps to
catch up4usually %**IP)L1*8
;. Low energy
!. +hortness of breath on e&ertion
<. /old hands and feet
=. +weating.
?. LRW 9)L+I *1(I
#ymptoms of )an !hon" Heart ,i Defciency
1. 1 feeling of being out of control
;. %nner chaos
!. >ear of sudden death
<. %ll5times facial e&pressions
=. Rut of synch with ordinary reality
?. 0RE5beat2 sense of humor
@. Iccentric4could also be e&ternally over5controlled to
compensate for inner chaos
A. %rresponsible or overly responsible-controlling.
What is Heart ,i?
Divine-+ource spar: % 1O within the world.
What is Heart ,i defciency?
%nstability' insu6ciency of the active' consistent vital
9resence of the Imperor 7&in "hu' tan "hong8.
How do we "et Heart ,i defciency?
1. Blood loss
;. Woring too hard to control things' overwor with
!. +adness from feeling responsible for the whole
universe,s well5being
<. >ighting someone else,s control
=. Rvercompensating for someone else,s lac of control
?. 0DiEerent Drummer2 syndrome
)on"ue$ midline crac reaching the tip: may be slight swelling
at tip.
/ulse$ irregular' empty especially upper burner.
$ame < ways we become #eart
Gang Defcient.
$ame = ways we become #eart Gin
What is #eart Gang?
List A symptoms of #eart Gang
%nclude the pulse and the tongue.
What is #eart Gin?
What is #eart Gin Defciency?
What is #eart Blood?
What is #eart Blood Defciency?
List = symptoms of #eart Gin
What are the tongue and pulse of a
#eart Defcient person lie?
What is Heart 7an"?
#eart,s power to shine forth. Rrgani"ed e&pression of
the inner divine. +ymbol5forming function of the #eart.
9ower of the sun in the middle of the chest.
How does Heart 7an" defciency manifest?
1. Bright5pale face
;. Body cold
!. Limbs-hands cold
<. (ired especially on e&ertion
=. 9alpitations on e&ertion
?. Listless 7unmotivated5type tired8
@. $ot outgoing
A. $ot communicative
C. >ullness around #(
)on"ue$ pale wet swollen
/ulse$ deep wea irregular 7missing sections' feels lie
0stops2 more than sips8
How do we become Heart 7an" defcient?
1. 9rogression from Fi Defciency4usually lined to +pleen
Fi-Gang Defciency as well
;. 9rogression from Jidney Gang Defciency: Water is not
controlling its own Gin' and >ire is overwhelmed
!. #aving non5verbal parents
<. (aling too much' lecturing until you can only stutter
How do we "et Heart 7in defcient?
1. $ot enough rest 7vs. too much wor-fun8 0#ectic
lifestyle2 5Oaciocia
;. $ot checing into own deeper voices: living on the
!. *epressed Hoy
<. $ot being groed
=. /ocaine
How does Heart yin defciency manifest?
1. Deep restlessness
;. Sumpy
!. 0Be&ed and reactive2
<. Oore taling than listening 7at least internally' and
usually e&ternally also8
=. %nsomnia
?. )sual Gin defcient symptomsD
a. Oalar .ush' night sweating or heat in the evening
b. *estlessness' can,t stay still' unrootedness'
shainess' trembling
c. DrynessD thirst' scant body .uids and secretions'
scant dar urine' dry stool
@. 7Oaciocia says #t yin def K #t blood def Q yin def8
)on"ue$ red' peeled esp front' deep midline crac to tip w-tip
being smaller red points 7not raised8
/ulse$ tight
What is Heart 7in?
#eart,s capacity for stillness' silence' emptiness'
receptivity to incoming shen
What is Heart 7in defciency?
#eart cannot rest' cannot receive
What is Heart Blood?
Divine-+ource presence: embodied consciousness: soft'
self5aware conscious being.
% 1O within my own sin.
What is Heart Blood defciency?
$o throne for the Imperor 7or throne too small and hard8
Lac of comfortable self5possession
List 11 symptoms of #eart Blood
Describe the tongue and pulse of a
#eart Blood Defcient person.
What does it mean to astringe
#eart-#eart Oediator Blood?
#ow do we get unastringed
#eart-#eart Oediator Blood?
List A ways /ongealed #eart
Oediator Blood manifests.
Describe this person,s pulse and
List < manifestations of
unastringed #eart-#eart Oediator
Describe this person,s pulse and
What does it mean to have astrin"ed HeartGHeart
9ediator blood?
1stringe K consolidate' hold together' dynamically
solidify' 0stabili"e and bind.2
1stringed #eart-#eart Oediator blood is held present in
the heart. %t is ept from 0splashing.2
1stringed #eart-#eart Oediator Blood holds sweat in the
1stringed #eart-#eart mediator blood creates a stable
matri& for 0presence2 - composure - non5reactive
responses to perception.
How do we "et Inastrin"ed HeartGHeart 9ediator
1. +omething awful happens
;. #(-+9 fretting to the point of hysteria
!. Blood loss' recent or recurrent 7could be simply
menstrual e&cessive #(5Womb Diaphragm8
How does Heart Blood defciency manifest?
1. Lac of comfortable self5possession'
;. 9alpitations on rest 7lie a scared bunny' small and
pittypatty' with more uneasiness and an&iety than
outright fear of sudden death8:
!. $ervousness
<. +catteredness
=. 1bsent5mindedness
?. 9oor memory
@. Iasily startled
A. +pace mu6n syndrome
C. Light sleep with dreams
10. %nsomnia
11. 1shen comple&ion
1;. 9ale lips
1!. Di""iness when standing up
)on"ue$ pale' thin' dryer than #eart Gang def
/ulse$ thin and soft 70fne28
How does an unastrin"ed HeartGHeart 9ediator
1. +weating 7not from heat8
;. $ervous lac of composure-hysteria
!. Blurting
<. 9ersona falls apart and what,s behind it comes out
)on"ue$ reddish peeled thin' or pale from bleeding
/ulse$ thin to tight
How does Heart 9ediator con"ealed blood
1. 5i&ed stabbin" pain or numbness in chest or
se&ual areas' including psychic pain or numbness.
;. Dissociation e.g. 718 remembering nothing before the
age of eight 7;8 having no feeling for someone ever since
they ZZZZZZ 7!8 seeing cars bleeding 7or other pain5
oriented hallucinations8.
!. 3owboy syndrome 7tough .at aEect because 0life is
<. Intrustin"@ suspicious@ won't let others close<<too
painful. Oay proHect pain on others
=. )errorGtorment5 beyond fear4you can,t run or hide
?. #o numb that (anythin" "oes* to try to awaen a
sensation 7promiscuity' prostitution' piercing?8
CB 9enstrual clots@ pain with intercourse
A. 3hest tumors@ fbroids that are irregular' hard' f&ed'
and may cause bleeding
HB /ost<partum psychosis
)on"ue$ purple body and-or purple veins beneath
/ulse$ choppy K lie a sawblade. Oay feel lie a rough
vibration: Daisy says it feels lie 0stics and rocs in the water.2
What is #eart Oediator /ongealed
#ow do we get #eart Oediator
/ongealed Blood? List @ ways.
$ame ? causes of %nternal or
I&ternal Bleeding.
Describe the 3uality of blood from
each cause 7color' consistency'
thicness' Hiao' etc.8.
List A organ systems-orifces in
which bleeding can occur.
What is #eart >ire?
#ow do we get #eart >ire? List !
What causes Bleedin"? How does Bleedin" from
these causes manifest?
1. E&ternal inKuryD not hard to fgure out.
;. Heat ?n the Blood 7fever-anguish8D blood will be
B*%P#( red' and bleeding can be 3uite forceful or
sudden. Bleeding from the upper body orifces is not
uncommon' although it also fre3uently occurs in the
lower body.
!. #ta"nation 7betrayal8D blood is dar' thic' may be
purplish and clotted. Oore liely lower body' but not
<. #pleen ,i Defciency 7too tired to hold onto oneself8D
blood is thin' may be brownish or pale but not bright.
Defnitely lower body: blood is 0falling out2 and bruising
is liely.
=. Blood Defciency 7too little self5esteem to hold onto
oneself8D blood is pale: lower body e.g. threatened
?. 3old 7rare8
@. ?ntimate relationship endin" 7that we didn,t want to
end8D a sense of spilling life force into the place where
the partner used to be: inability to recreate a boundary
between the two now5separate halves of 0us.2
What is Heart 9ediator con"ealed blood?
Rvercompensation for having been soft and vulnerable
and having been hurt.
How do we "et Heart 9ediator con"ealed blood?
a8 0betrayal of intimacy2 WL+S
*elationship scar tissue
+e&ual abuse trauma
b8 Fi stagnation
c8 Blood defciency
d8 I&cess heat
e8 I&cess cold
f8 Di6cult abortions
g8 Oiscarriages
h8 /hildbirth
What is Heart 5ire?
I&cessive heat in the #eart causing agitation of the shen
Bla"ing passion that disrupts consciousness
How do we "et Heart 5ire?
1. >ire passed on from another organ5 usually Liver >ire.
;. *epression of heart,s passion or self5e&pression: usually
related to unhappy love5life
!. >riction and build5up from a +% that can,t sort' let alone
e&press' what is #eart,s Desire
Jr"an #ystems G Jrifces in which bleedin" can
Blood loss can be acute or chronic. %t can come from any of the
following organ systemsD
1. )terus 7mid5cycle spotting or menstrual hemorrhage8
;. Lung 7coughing blood8
!. +tomach 7vomiting blood8
<. Bladder 7bloody urine8
=. /olon 7bloody stool8
?. $osebleed
@. Rral bleeding
A. Bleeding eyes
C. +in eruption
List C >ormulas for
Jidney Gin Defciency 79art %8.
$ame the herbs in them.
List other functions for each
List ? >ormulas for
J% Fi Defciency-$ot 1stringed.
$ame the herbs in them.
List other functions for each
List 11 >ormulas for
Jidney Gang Defciency 79art %8
$ame the herbs in them.
List other functions for each
List < >ormulas for
Sing Defciency or Sing Leaage.
$ame the herbs in them.
List other functions for each
5ormulas for %? ,i DefciencyG-ot :strin"ed
!hen Wu )an"$ >u Ni' >u Ling' Bai Nhu' +heng Siang' Bai +hao.
[J% Fi not frm[ Water over.owing' (onifesD #eart Gang' Jidney
Gang' +pleen Gang: Drain Damp' (ransform Damp
8in 4ui #hen ,i Wan$ >u Ni' *ou Pui' +hu Di #uang' +han Nhu
Gu' +han Gao' >u Ling' Ou Dan 9i' Ne Tie. (onifes J% Gang L Fi.
8i #hen" #hen ,i Wan$ Sin Pui +hen Fi Wan Q /he Fian Ni'
$iu Ti. Warms Gang' (onifes J%' 1ssists J% in transforming water'
promotes urination' reduces edema
#an" /iao 6iao #an$ +ang 9iao Tiao' Guan Nhi' Long Pu' Pui
Ban' >u +hen' /hang 9u' *en +hen' (ang Jwei. 1stringe-(onify J%
Fi' #armoni"e and (onifes the #eart and Jidneys' Rpen
Rrifces' (onify #( Fi' /alms +pirit' +tabili"es Sing' +tops
,i Bao 9ei ;an Dan$ Pou Si Ni' #e +hou Wu' (ang Jwei' $iu Ti'
(u +i Ni' Bu Pu Ni' >u Ling. (onifes Sing' J% Gang-Gin-Fi-Blood' L*
4ui !hi 8ia Lon" 9u )an"$ Pui Nhi' Bai +hao' +heng Siang' Da
Nao' Pan /ao' Long Pu' Ou Li. J% astr' (onify J% Fi-Gin-Gang'
#armoni"e #(-J%' 1dHust Ging and Wei' +ettle +pirit
5ormulas that )onify %? 7in@ /art ?
Lui Wei Di Huan" Wan$ +hu Di #uang' +han Nhu Gu' +han
Gao' >u Ling' Ou Dan 9i' Ne Tie. (onifes Jidney Gin.
,i Bao 9ei ;an Dan$ Pou Si Ni' #e +hou Wu' (ang Jwei' $iu Ti'
(u +i Ni' Bu Pu Ni' >u Ling. (onifes Sing' J% Gang-Gin-Fi-Blood' L*
,i 8u Di Huan" Wan$ Pou Si Ni' Su #ua' +hu Di #uang' +han
Nhu Gu' +han Gao' >u Ling' Ou Dan 9i' Ne Tie. (onifes J% Gin'
Liver Gin
4u 7in 8ian$ *en +hen' (u +i Ni' +han Gao' Guan Nhi' Wu Wei Ni'
+han Nhu Gu' +hu Di #uang' Nhi Pan /ao. (onifes J% Gin' reg.
/hong L *en
5ormulas for 8in" Defciency or Lea0a"e
,i Bao 9ei ;an Dan$ Pou Si Ni' #e +hou Wu' (ang Jwei' $iu Ti'
(u +i Ni' Bu Pu Ni' >u Ling. (onifes Sing' J% Gang-Gin-Fi-Blood' L*
7ou 4ui 7in$ +hu Di #uang' +han Nhu Gu' +han Gao' *ou Pui'
>u Ni' (u +i Ni' Du Nhong' Lu Siao Siao' Pou Fi Ni' Dang Pui' Nhi
Pan /ao. (onifes J% Gang' Warms Gang' *eplenishes Sing'
(onifes blood
#an" /iao 6iao #an$ +ang 9iao Tiao' Guan Nhi' Long Pu' Pui
Ban' >u +hen' /hang 9u' *en +hen' (ang Jwei. 1stringe-(onify J%
Fi' #armoni"e and (onifes the #eart and Jidneys' Rpen
Rrifces' (onify #( Fi' /alms +pirit' +tabili"es Sing' +tops
Er 6ian )an"$ Gin Gang #uo' Ba Si (ian' Tian Oao' #uang Bai'
Nhi Ou' Dang Pui. Warms J% Gang' (onifes Sing' Drains J% >ire'
*egulates /hong L *en Oai
5ormulas that )onify %? 7an"@ /art ?
8in 4ui #hen ,i Wan$ >u Ni' *ou Pui' +hu Di #uang' +han Nhu
Gu' +han Gao' >u Ling' Ou Dan 9i' Ne Tie. (onifes J% Gang L Fi.
!hen Wu )an"$ >u Ni' >u Ling' Bai Nhu' +heng Siang' Bai +hao.
[J% Fi not frm[ Water over.owing' (onifesD #eart Gang' Jidney
Gang' +pleen Gang: Drain Damp' (ransform Damp
Er 6ian )an"$ Gin Gang #uo' Ba Si (ian' Tian Oao' #uang Bai'
Nhi Ou' Dang Pui. Warms J% Gang' (onifes Sing' Drains J% >ire'
*egulates /hong L *en Oai
;en #hen 4e 8ie #an$ Pe Sie' *en +hen' Nhi Pan /ao' >u Ling'
Ting *en' /huan Bei Ou' +ang Bai 9i' Nhi Ou. /lears L) #ot
9hlegm' (onifes J% Gang.
;en #hen Hu )ao )an"$ #u (ao *ou' *en +hen' +heng Siang'
Da Nao. (onifes L) and J%' arrests whee"ing' stops coughing.
(onifes J% grasp 3i L L) 3i not descending.
$ame 1 >ormula that (onifes
J% Blood.
$ame the herbs in it.
List other functions for the formula.
List 11 >ormulas for
Jidney Gang Defciency 79art %%8
$ame the herbs in them.
List other functions for each
List ; >ormulas that
/lear J% #eat->ire.
$ame the herbs in them.
List other functions for each
List ; >ormulas that
(onify-Warm Bladder Gang
$ame the herbs in them.
List other functions for each
5ormulas that )onify %? 7an" /art ??
4ui !hi 8ia Lon" 9u )an"$ Pui Nhi' Bai +hao' +heng Siang' Da
Nao' Pan /ao' Long Pu' Ou Li. J% astr' (onify J% Fi-Gin-Gang'
#armoni"e #(-J%' 1dHust Ging and Wei' +ettle +pirit
8i #hen" #hen ,i Wan$ Sin Pui +hen Fi Wan Q /he Fian Ni'
$iu Ti. Warms Gang' (onifes J%' 1ssists J% in transforming water'
promotes urination' reduces edema
#uo ,uan Wan$ Gi Nhi *en' +han Gao' Wu Gao. (onify J% Gang'
1stringe Bladder' Warms the J%' dispels cold' shuts oE urinary
fre3uency' stops leaage.
-ei Bu Wan$ +ang 9iao Tiao' +ha Guan Si Li' (u +i Ni' *ou Pui'
>u Ni' Lu *ong' *ou /ong *ong' Ni Wan. (onifes J% Gang' Bladder
Gang' +trengthens Oing Oen' PB' Bladder lines and organs.
,i Bao 9ei ;an Dan$ Pou Si Ni' #e +hou Wu' (ang Jwei' $iu Ti'
(u +i Ni' Bu Pu Ni' >u Ling. (onifes Sing' J% Gang-Gin-Fi-Blood' L*
7ou 4ui 7in$ +hu Di #uang' +han Nhu Gu' +han Gao' *ou Pui'
>u Ni' (u +i Ni' Du Nhong' Lu Siao Siao' Pou Fi Ni' Dang Pui' Nhi
Pan /ao. (onifes J% Gang' Warms Gang' *eplenishes Sing'
(onifes blood.
5ormulas that )onify %? Blood
,i Bao 9ei ;an Dan$ Pou Si Ni' #e +hou Wu' (ang Jwei' $iu Ti'
(u +i Ni' Bu Pu Ni' >u Ling. (onifes Sing' J% Gang-Gin-Fi-Blood' L*
5ormulas that 3lear %? 5ire
!hi Bai Di Huan" Wan$ +hu Di #uang' Ne Tie' +han Nhu Gu'
Ou Dan 9i' +han Gao' >u Ling' Nhi Ou' #uang Bai. (onifes Gin'
/lears J% >ire' Lower Siao Damp5#eat
Er 6ian )an"$ Gin Gang #uo' Ba Si (ian' Tian Oao' #uang Bai'
Nhi Ou' Dang Pui. Warms J% Gang' (onifes Sing' Drains J% >ire'
*egulates /hong L *en Oai
5ormulas that )onifyGWarm Bladder 7an"
#uo ,uan Wan$ Gi Nhi *en' +han Gao' Wu Gao. (onify J% Gang'
1stringe Bladder' Warms the J%' dispels cold' shuts oE urinary
fre3uency' stops leaage.
-ei Bu Wan$ +ang 9iao Tiao' +ha Guan Si Li' (u +i Ni' *ou Pui'
>u Ni' Lu *ong' *ou /ong *ong' Ni Wan. (onifes J% Gang' Bladder
Gang' +trengthens Oing Oen' PB' Bladder lines and organs.
List 1 #erb that Ooves J% Fi
List C #erbs that (onify-1stringe
List ; #erbs that (onify J% Blood
List ; #erbs that Oove J% Blood
List < #erbs that /lear J% #eat->ire
List C >ormulas for
Jidney Gin Defciency 79art %%8.
$ame the herbs in them.
List other functions for each
List ;1 #erbs that (onify J% Gang.
What else does each herb do?
List 1; #erbs that (onify J% Gin.
What else does each herb do?
5ormulas that )onify %? 7in@ /art ??
)ian Wan" Bu 6in Dan"$ *en +hen' Oai Oen Dong' Wu Wei
Ni' (ang Jwei' Bai Ni *en' +uan Nao *en' >u Ling' Guan Nhi' (ian
Oen Dong' Tuan +hen' +heng Di #uang' Sie Peng' Dan +hen'
Nhu +ha. (onifes #( Gin' #( Blood' #( Fi' J% Gin' L) Gin' /alms
and nourishes spirit.
7i 4uan 8ian$ +ha +hen' Oai Oen Dong' +hu Di #uang' Pou Si
Ni' (ang Jwei' /huan Lian Ni. (onifes L*' L)' J% Gin.
!hi Bai Di Huan" Wan$ +hu Di #uang' Ne Tie' +han Nhu Gu'
Ou Dan 9i' +han Gao' >u Ling' Nhi Ou' #uang Bai. (onifes Gin'
/lears J% >ire' Lower Siao Damp5#eat
4ui !hi 8ia Lon" 9u )an"$ Pui Nhi' Bai +hao' +heng Siang' Da
Nao' Pan /ao' Long Pu' Ou Li. J% astr' (onify J% Fi-Gin-Gang'
#armoni"e #(-J%' 1dHust Ging and Wei' +ettle +pirit
Bu 5ei )an"$ *en +hen' #uang Fi' Wu Wei Ni' +ang Bai 9i' +hu
Di #uang' Ni Wan. (onify L) Fi' (onify L) Gin' (onify J% Gin
)onifes %? 7in$ Bi Ni *en' Du Nhong' Pou Si Ni' Pui Ban' #e
+hou Wu' +ang Si +hen' +han Gao' +heng Di #uang' +hu Di
#uang' (ian Oen Dong' (u +i Ni' Nhi Ou
)onifesGWarms %? 7an"$ >u Ni' Pe Sie' Bu Pu Ni' Du Nhong'
$ui Ti' *ou Pui' (u +i Ni' Te #e /he' Dong /hong Tia /ao' Pu
+ui Bu' Tu Duan' Pou Si' Lu *ong' Gi Nhi *en' +ha Guan Si Li' Gin
Gang #uo' Ba Si (ian' Tian Oao' *ou /ong Wang' #u (ao *en
)onifesG:strin"es %? ,i$ +ang 9iao Tiao' (u +i Ni' Gi Nhi *en'
+ha Guan Si Li' Bu Pu Ni
9oves %? ,i$ Wu Gao 7by warming8
)onifesG:strin"es 8in"$ Pou Si Ni' #e +hou Wu' +han +hu Gu'
+han Gao' +hu Di #uang' (u +i Ni' Wu Wei Ni' Ne #e /he' Lu
)onifes %? Blood$ +ang Si +hen' Ba Si (ian
9oves %? Blood$ $iu Ti' Tu Duan
3lears %? Heat$ Di Pu 9i' #uang Bai' Ne Tie' Nhi Ou
Herbs that )onify %? 7in
#hu Di Huan"$ (onifes J% Gin' L* Blood' Sing
4ou 8i !i$ (onifes J% Gin' Sing' L* Blood' L* Gin
4ui Ban$ (onifes J% Gin' L* Gin' +trengthens bones' /ools
Blood' +tops uterine Bleeding' (onifes #( Blood
He #hou Wu$ (onifes J% Gin' Sing' L* Gin' L* Blood' /ools >ire'
Ooistens %ntestines' I&pels Wind
#an" 8i #hen$ (onifes J% Gin' J% Blood' L* Blood' /alms >etus'
I&pels Wind Damp Bi' Benefts +in
)ian 9en Don"$ (onifes J% Gin' L) Gin' /lears L) #eat
Du !hon"$ (onifes J% Gang' J% Gin' harnesses L* Gang' Ooves
Fi and Blood
#han 7ao$ (onifes +9 Fi' +9 Gin' +( Gin' J% Gin' L) Fi' L) Gin'
Binds Sing
)u #i !i$ (onifes J% Gin' J% Gang' J% Sing' J% Fi' L* Gin' L* Gang'
Benefts +9' /alms >etus
!hi 9u$ /lears L)-+( >ire' (onifes J% Gin' L) Gin with #eat signs
#hen" Di Huan"$ /lears #eat' /ools Blood' (onifes J% Gin'
/ools #( >ire bla"ing
Bi !i ;en$ (onifes #( Blood' #( Gin' J% Gin thru /B line' L% Gin
Herbs that )onifyGWarm %? 7an"
5u !i$ *estores J% Gang' #elps +9' J%' #( Gang' Warms /old. Blowtorch
4e 8ie$ (onifes J% Gang' (onifes L) Gang. P*1+9 3i.
Bu 4u !i$ (onifes J% Gang' +9 Gang' Digestion. 1ids J% grasping L) Fi
Du !hon"$ (onifes J% Gang' J% Gin' #olds L* Gang' Ooves Fi L Blood.
-ui 6i$ (onifes J% Gang' Ooves J% Blood down' /lears L.S. Damp5#eat
;ou 4ui$ Warms J%' (onifes J% Gang' +ins fre into L.S.' Warms /old
)u #i !i$ (onifes J% Gin' J% Gang' Sing' J% Fi' L* Gin' L* Gang. )tility.
6e He 3he$ (onifes J% Gin' Sing' (ai Gin' 9rimal nourishment.
Don" 3hon"$ (onifes J% Gang' Lung Gin. *ecovery from debility.
6ian 9ao$ (onifes J% Gang 7genitals8' I&pels /old' Iliminates Damp.
4u #ui Bu$ (onifes J% Gang. Oends shattered bones' teeth.
6u Duan$ (onifes J% Gang' Ooves J% Blood. /heap Du Nhong.
4ou 8i$ (onifes J% Gang' I&pels wind damp bi. /heap Du Nhong.
Lu ;on"$ (onifes J% Gang' (onifes PB' Warms Sing. *egal bacbone.
7i !hi ;en$ (onifes J% Gang' 1stringes J%' Warms J%. /ontainment.
#ha 7uan 8i Li$ (onifes J% Gang' 1stringes J%' BL. #old essentials.
7in 7an" Huo$ (onifes J% Gang' harness L* Gang' I&pels Bi 7cramps8
Ba 8i )ian$ (onifes J% Gang' J% Blood' I&pels Bi 7bac8
6ian 9ao$ (onifes J% Gang' /lears /old Damp Bi 7uterus8
;ou 3on" Wan"$ (onifes J% Gang 7genitals8' Warms womb' moistens
Hu )ao ;en$ (onifes J% Gang 7grasp 3i8' Warms L)' +trengthens bac and
List = #erbs that (onify-1stringe
J% Fi or Bladder Gang.
What else do these herbs do?
List C #erbs that (onify-1stringe
What else do these herbs do?
List ! #erbs that /lear J% #eat.
What else do these herbs do?
List ; #erbs that (onify J% Blood.
What else do these herbs do?
List ; #erbs that Oove J% Blood.
What else do these herbs do?
Herbs that )onifyG:strin"e 8in"
4ou 8i !i$ (onifes J% Gin' Sing' L* Blood' L* Gin
He #hou Wu$ (onifes J% Gin' Sing' L* Gin' L* Blood' /ools >ire'
Ooistens %ntestines' I&pels Wind
#han #hu 7uD +tabili"es J% and *etains Sing' +tops I&cess
+weating' (onifes L* L J%' +tabili"es Oenses and +tops
#han 7ao$ (onifes +9 Fi' +9 Gin' +( Gin' J% Gin' L) Fi' L) Gin'
Binds Sing
#hu Di Huan"$ (onifes J% Gin' L* Blood' Sing
)u #i !i$ (onifes J% Gin' J% Gang' J% Sing' J% Fi' L* Gin' L* Gang'
Benefts +9' /alms >etus
#an" /iao 6iao$ 1stringes the Bladder' (onifes J% Fi' 1ssists
Gang' *etains Sing.
!e He 3he$ (onifes J% Gang' J% Sing' (ai Gin. $ourish
fundamentals.Lu ;on"$ (onifes J% Gang' (onifes PB' Warms
Sing. *egal bacbone.
Wu Wei !i$ 1stringes L) Fi' 1stringes Sing' (onifes J% yin'
(onifes +9' Fuiets spirit' calms #(' #armoni"es #(' J% yin L
Herbs that )onifyG:strin"e %? ,i or Bladder 7an"
#an" /iao 6iao$ 1stringes the Bladder' (onifes J% Fi' 1ssists
Gang' *etains Sing.
)u #i !i$ (onifes J% Gin' J% Gang' Sing' J% Fi' L* Gin' L* Gang.
7i !hi ;en$ (onifes J% Gang' 1stringes J%' Warms J%.
#ha 7uan 8i Li$ (onifes J% Gang' 1stringes J%' BL. #old
Bu 4u !i$ (onifes J% Gang' +9 Gang' Digestion. 1ids J% grasping
L) Fi
Herbs that )onify %? Blood
#an" 8i #hen$ (onifes J% Gin' J% Blood' L* Blood' /alms >etus'
I&pels Wind Damp Bi' Benefts +in
Ba 8i )ian$ (onifes J% Gang' J% Blood' I&pels Bi 7bac8
Herbs that 9ove %? Blood
-ui 6i$ (onifes J% Gang' Ooves J% Blood down' /lears L.S. Damp5
6u Duan$ (onifes J% Gang' Ooves J% Blood' (onifes L* 7sinews8
Herbs that 3lear %? Heat
Huan" Bai$ Drains Lower Siao Damp5#eat' Drains J% >ire'
*elieves to&icity
!e 6ie$ Drains J% >ire' Drains Dampness' 9romotes )rination
Di 4u /i$ Drains >ire from J% Gin defciency' /lears #eat' /ools
!hi 9u$ /lears L)-+( >ire' (onifes J% Gin' L) Gin with #eat signs
$ame >ormulas that (onify #eart
Gin. What else do these formulas
$ame A #erbs that have 1stringent
What else do they do?
$ame >ormulas that (onify #eart
Gang. What else do these formulas
$ame >ormulas that (onify #eart
What else do these formulas do?
Herbs that :strin"e
Bai #hao$ (onifes Blood 7L* L #O8' /alms L* Gang and
alleviates pain' 9reserves Gin 7astringes8 and adHusts Ging and
Lon" 4u$ 1stringes #(-J% /onnection' /alms L* and anchors
lfoating yang' prevents .uid leaage' #(-J% settle spirit
#han 7ao$ (onifes +9 Fi' +9 Gin' +( Gin' J% Gin' L) Fi' L) Gin'
Binds Sing
Wu Wei !i$ 1stringes L) Fi' 1stringes Sing' (onifes J% yin'
(onifes +9' Fuiets spirit' calms #(' #armoni"es #(' J% yin L
#an" /iao 6iao$ 1stringes the Bladder' (onifes J% Fi' 1ssists
Gang' *etains Sing.
E 8iao$ (onfes Blood 7L)8' +tops Bleeding 7through astringing8'
$ourishes Gin
4ui Ban$ $ourishes Gin' 1stringes' and 1nchors Gang. (onifes
J% Gin and strengthens bones. (onifes L* yin 7a little8. /ools
blood and stops uterine bleeding. $ourishes #( Blood.
9u Li$ +ettles +pirit. Benefts Gin-1stringes-1nchors >loating
Gang. 9revents >luid Leaage' +oftens hardness and dissipates
nodules. 1bsorbs acidity and alleviates pain.
)onify H) ,i$ 1n +hen Ding Nhi (ang' Sia Wei +hen Oai +an'
+ang 9iao Tiao +an' +heng Oai +an' (ian Wang Bu Tin Dan'
Gang Tin (an' Nhi Pan /ao (ang
:strin"e Heart$ 1n +hen Ding Nhi (ang
3lear H)G%? /hle"m$ 1n +hen Ding Nhi (ang
HarmoniFe H)G%?$ Pui Nhi Sia Long Ou (ang' +ang 9iao Tiao
+an' (ian Wan Bu Tin Dan' Pui 9i (ang' *en +hen Gang *ong
Wan' Gang Tin (ang
Jpen Jrifces$ 1n +hen Ding Nhi (ang' +ang 9iao Tiao +an
#ettle #pirit$ 1n +hen Ding Nhi (ang' Pan Oai Da Nao (ang'
Pui Nhi Sia Long Ou (ang' +ang 9iao Tiao +an' (ian Wang Bu Tin
Dan' Pui 9i (ang
-ourish #pirit$ Pan Oai Da Nao (ang' (ian Wang Bu Tin Dan'
Gang Tin (an' Pui 9i (ang
3lear H) 5ire$ Dao /hi +an
)onify H) Blood$ Pan Oai Da Nao (ang' (ian Wang Bu Tin Dan'
Gang Tin (an' Nhi Pan /ao (ang' Pui 9i (ang
:strin"e H) 9ediator Blood$ Pan Oai Da Nao (ang
:dKust 7in" and Wei$ Pui Nhi (ang' Pui Nhi Sia Long Ou (ang'
Nhi Pan /ao (ang' *en +hen Gang *ong Wan
)onify H) 7in$ (ian Wang Bu Tin Dan' Nhi Pan /ao (ang
)onify H) 7an"$ Gang Tin (an' Nhen Wu (ang
$ame >ormulas that (onify #eart
Blood. What else do these herbs
List >ormulas that Oove
#eart-#eart Oediator /ongealed
What else do these formulas do?
List >ormulas that /larify or
/onnect the #(-J% 1&is.
What else do these formulas do?
List >ormulas that /lear #eart
>ire. What else do these formulas