05.07.14 Minutes of Meeting
05.07.14 Minutes of Meeting
05.07.14 Minutes of Meeting
Time: 11.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m
Prof. Beela Satanaraana !hairman
"i#e !han#ellor
Mem$ers Present:
1. Dr. E. Kannan Registrar
2. Dr. T. Karthikeyan Controlling Ofcer, Light Motor Vehicle (LMV
%genda : Transport
Points of &is#ussion:
1. Min!tes o" the last #eeting $as %isc!sse%, con%ition #onitoring o" the
&ehicles $as %isc!sse%.
2. 'istory o" the &ehicles sho!l% (e analy)e% (* $heelers. The "ollo$ing
sho!l% (e re&ie$e%
(1 Cost o" the &ehicles.
(2 +hen it $as ,!rchase% (Date o" ,!rchase
(- Mileage o" the &ehicle.
(* .naly)e the history o" &ehicle.
(/ Maintenance cost an% #ileage co&ere% sho!l% (e analy)e% an%
-. Re,lace#ent ,olicy "or each e0!i,#ent #!st (e ,re,are%.
*. Vehicle certi1cation is &eri1e%.
/. Rene$al o" Registration has to (e "o!n% o!t.
2. 3re0!ent changes o" %ri&ers sho!l% (e a&oi%e% at the e4ten% ,ossi(ilities.
5. Manage#ent %ri&ers sho!l% (e ,resent in the res,ecti&e ofce an% hel,
the ofce, es,ecially VC ofce.
6. Don7t enco!rage o&er ti#e (OT "or #anage#ent %ri&ers.
8. Tri, sheet can (e retaine% in the log (ook a"ter #aking entry in the #aster
syste# (y the concern in charge.
19.:" a #anage#ent %ri&er $orks on ;!n%ay, Co#,ensatory o< #ay (e
11.Till %ate total ser&ice "or each &ehicle has (e ,re,are%.
12.=ni0!e register sho!l% (e #aintaine% "or (rie" the &ehicle %etails. Each
,age o" the recor% can (e %e%icate% "or one &ehicle.
1-.Maintenance cost sho!l% (e analy)e%, i" the &ehicle is han%le (y one
%e%icate% %ri&er.
1*.>resence o" Tools an% ;te,ney #!st (e &eri1e%. Dri&er is res,onsi(le "or
tools an% ste,ney.
1/.Log (ook shall (e #aintaine% in the c!sto%y o" the %ri&er.
12.:ns!rance an% ta4 sho!l% (e &eri1e%. Ens!re that ins!rance an% ta4
%oc!#ents has (een !,%ate% "or each &ehicle.
15.Monthly recor% "or each &ehicle has to (e #aintaine%.
16.?e4t #eeting $ill (e sche%!le% on 92
.!g!st 291*. 1
;at!r%ay o" e&ery
#onth #eeting is sche%!le% "or trans,ort %e,art#ent $ith Vice
Minutes of Meeting held on 05.07.2014
Time: 10.00 a.m to 11.00 p.m
Prof. Beela Satanaraana !hairman
"i#e !han#ellor
Mem$ers Present:
1. Mr. C. Ra@ K!#ar Controller o" .tten%ance
%genda : &uties and 'esponsi$ilities of %ttendan#e #ell
Points of &is#ussion:
1. >re,are the %!ties an% res,onsi(ilities o" Controller o" .tten%ance.
2. The "!nctions o" the ofce o" CO. #!st (e ,re,are% an% #!st (e s!(#itte%
to the chair.
-. List o!t the sta< #e#(ers ,resent in the ofce o" CO., ,re,are $ork
allocation ($ork loa% "or each sta< #e#(ers, an% list the n!#(er o" Man
,o$ers re0!ire% "or each acti&ities.
*. Re0!est can (e #a%e i" any .%%itional sta< re0!ire#ent "or CO. ofce is
/. >lans "or o,ening %ay has to (e s!(#itte% i##e%iately.
2. Ty,e o" re,ort generate% "ro# CO. ofce $ith the re,orting sta< %etails #!st
(e ,re,are% an% s!(#itte% to the chair.
5. CO. ofce can gi&e any s!ggestions to i#,ro&e the ,resent syste#.
6. Chair en0!ires a(o!t any ,ro(le#s that are e4isting !nsol&e%.
8. 3or e&ery #eeting co#e !, $ith the .tten%ance re,ort, consoli%ate%
atten%ance o" the st!%ents, "re0!ency o" gi&ing in"or#ation on regar%ing
a(sentees to the #entors.
19.List the st!%ents $hich are at the (or%er at the ,re&io!s se#ester an% in"or#
the reg!lations clearly.
11.>rior ,er#ission #!st (e taken "or a&ailing #e%ical lea&e, ;ick A Me%ical
certi1cate #!st (e ,ro%!ce% i##e%iately once they re,ort to the classes.
Me%ical certi1cate $ill not (e acce,te% at the en%. That e<ect circ!lar ha&e to
(e ,re,are% an% to (e ,lace% in all notice (oar%s an% to (e rea% in all class
roo#s. Circ!lar #!st clearly state that #ini#!# re0!ire% "or the st!%ents is
5/ B an% not 2/ B.
12..!%iting $ill (e con%!cte% "or atten%ance cell.
1-.Meeting $ill sche%!le% on all ;at!r%ay7s (y 19.99 a.#.
Minutes of Meeting held on 05.07.2014
Time: 02.30 p.m to 03.30 p.m
Prof. Beela Satanaraana !hairman
"i#e !han#ellor
Mem$ers Present:
1. Dr. >. ;rini&asan Raga&an Li(rarian, ;C' A MD.
2. Mr. M. Mohan K!#ar Li(rarian, ;oM
-. Mr. ;. >aras! Ra#an Li(rarian, ;oE
*. Mr. >. E. Dha#o%haran Li(rarian, ;oC
%genda : (un#tion of )i$rar
Points of &is#ussion:
1. ;tat!s o" the (ooks, school $ise has to (e ,re,are% an% s!(#itte% to the
2. ;tat!s o" stock &eri1cation $as %isc!sse%,
i ;chool o" Mechanical Engineering $as co#,lete% an% not consoli%ate%
ii ;chool o" Co#,!ting $ork is on ,rogress, $ill (e co#,lete% on or (e"ore
iii ;chool o" Electrical Engineering, $ork is on ,rogress, $ill (e co#,lete% on
or (e"ore 19.95.291*.
i& ;C' A MD., $ork $ill (e co#,lete% on or (e"ore 19.95.291*.
-. +hene&er co#es "or the #eeting, stat!s o" the (ooks to (e (ro!ght.
*. .rea o" the li(rary $as %isc!sse%, one (ay consist o" 1/99 s0."t, an% total
a&aila(le (ays are *, there"ore 2999 s0."t. Chair re0!este% to 1n% the entire
area co&ering the li(rary, ;chool $ise.
/. ;tock (ook #!st (e #aintaine% school $ise. :t sho!l% contain n!#(er o"
ro$s, n!#(er o" racks, (ooks in each rack, n!#(er o" chairs an% ta(les.
2. +hen co#ing "or ne4t #eeting, statistics o" n!#(er o" !sers #!st (e
,re,are% an% s!(#itte%.
5. Register #!st (e #aintaine% "or recor%ing the n!#(er o" !sers !tili)ing the
6. Din%ing o" the ol% (ooks #!st (e %one on or (e"ore -9
.!g!st 291*,
co#,letion re,ort #!st (e s!(#itte% "or the sa#e.
8. =tili)ation o" the %igital li(rary $as %isc!sse%. .&erage o" 1/ !sers are
!tili)ing the Digital Li(rary.
19.Chair state% that, "ollo$ !,7s #a%e "or recei&ing (ooks a"ter ,!rchase or%ers
#a%e $as &ery ,oor. Re#in%ers #!st (e sen% an% e&i%ence "or the sa#e
#!st (e 1le% an% s!(#itte%.
11.>roce%!re !se% "or cleaning the (ooks $as %isc!sse%.
12.Classi1cation an% i%enti1cation o" (ooks $as %isc!sse%.
1-.;tat!s o" @o!rnal $as %isc!sse%.
1*.Mr. Mohan K!#ar, #!st ,re,are an% s!(#it the %!ties an% res,onsi(ilities o"
all sta< $orking in the li(rary.
1/.Chair s!ggeste% to iss!e the (ar co%ing "acility "or "ac!lties.
12..&aila(ility o" eF@o!rnals $as %isc!sse%.
15.?e4t #eeting $ill (e sche%!le% on 18
G!ne 291*.