The story begins with a ship called the Delphi warping near an uncharted planet. Due to damage, they must land to acquire resources to repair the ship. A looping message from the planet's surface directs them to an old abbey, but contains an archaic language. The crew decides to deploy a mining platform while also investigating the abbey to disable any planetary defenses and find answers about why a planet exists in this system. They must choose whether to launch the platform first or land at the abbey's coordinates to deactivate the defenses.
The story begins with a ship called the Delphi warping near an uncharted planet. Due to damage, they must land to acquire resources to repair the ship. A looping message from the planet's surface directs them to an old abbey, but contains an archaic language. The crew decides to deploy a mining platform while also investigating the abbey to disable any planetary defenses and find answers about why a planet exists in this system. They must choose whether to launch the platform first or land at the abbey's coordinates to deactivate the defenses.
Original Description:
Unfinished GM guide for adventure.
Crash Landing on strange planet.
The story begins with a ship called the Delphi warping near an uncharted planet. Due to damage, they must land to acquire resources to repair the ship. A looping message from the planet's surface directs them to an old abbey, but contains an archaic language. The crew decides to deploy a mining platform while also investigating the abbey to disable any planetary defenses and find answers about why a planet exists in this system. They must choose whether to launch the platform first or land at the abbey's coordinates to deactivate the defenses.
The story begins with a ship called the Delphi warping near an uncharted planet. Due to damage, they must land to acquire resources to repair the ship. A looping message from the planet's surface directs them to an old abbey, but contains an archaic language. The crew decides to deploy a mining platform while also investigating the abbey to disable any planetary defenses and find answers about why a planet exists in this system. They must choose whether to launch the platform first or land at the abbey's coordinates to deactivate the defenses.
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The story introduces a planet that was unexpectedly discovered close to imperial space without being charted. The ship is damaged and needs resources to repair itself to return home. The planet and surrounding area seem strange and ominous based on descriptions.
The city is built up into different levels - the Upper, Lower, and Under levels - to adapt to the tidal flooding. The Upper is for the wealthy, the Lower is the working class area, and the Under is a maze of tunnels that floods during high tide and is used as sewers.
The Under is made up of the original basements and tunnels connecting buildings. It completely floods during high tide and is used as the city's sewer, coating areas in filth. The city's poor live in the Under, scavenging and avoiding authorities in the maze-like tunnels.
Adventure: Warp Wrecked
By: Ken Schleich
Plot Introduction: The story begins in route to a mundane summons, delivered by a nondescript messenger, bidding the party make haste to for a very extraordinary planet, the center of Imperial space, earth. A monotonous journey aboard your ship, the Delphi, is broken when instability in the gheller field forces the ships captain to drop into real space. His navigator aims at the nearest stellar mass, which the ships star charts show belongs to a system devoid of planets, containing only a medium sun and an insignificant asteroid belt. However, emerging from the warp, the ship finds itself less than a light-second from a large earth sized world. Only split second decision making from the ships captain and emergency thrust far in excess of the vessels rated capacity put you into a stable orbit, albeit aboard a badly crippled ship. Damage reports are still coming in when a vox signal from the surface appears on the com station. It is an automated message, looping, in a dialect of high gothic so archaic it is unintelligible without study. Damage reports soon make it clear that your party will have to make planetfall, if only to acquire sufficient raw materials to limp back to imperial space. Luckily, the ship is carrying a Hathor pattern mobile mining/refinement platform. Deployed on planet, it could produce the required goods in a matter of weeks. Whether your party tries to answer the question of why a planet exists so close to the imperial core without being marked on any star chart, or simply gathers the necessary materials and flees the system, following good imperial doctrine of leaving secrets lay, better unknown, is up to you. And fate.
GM Plot Synopsis: The party is either being guided to this planet by unseen forces or has happened upon the planet by random bad luck. Either way, the plot advances the same way. Aboard the Delphi, Before Planetfall There are several sources for the party to gain information from before making the critical decision of how and where to make Planetfall. Asterisks denote information gainable through conversation, otherwise test noted skills for success or failure. Ships data about the planet (Navigation (surface) or geology related knowledge) Orbital Details: *The planet orbits a sol-like sun, but at roughly twice the the orbital radius. This puts the planet outside the predicted habitable zone, with maximum light levels reaching twilight levels at local noon. The planet has a single large moon, which could be expected to exert significant tidal forces. A detailed scan (navigation(stellar) )reveals a small manmade object orbiting the planet at its L3 point. A short shuttle ride and a spacewalk reveal a small space station covered in heinous runes of chaos, scratched into its metal sides by its crew. The crew still lurk, desiccated space worn corpses lit from within by warplight, arm bones sharpened to razor points by centuries of carving the stations metal surfaces. A investigation (knowledge(tech)) will reveal this station is of no known pattern and would be priceless to the right cult of techpriests.
Planetary Geography: *The planet is estimated to be 80% landmass, consisting almost entirely of volcanic mountain ranges emerging from a shallow ocean. The volcanic mountains are so numerous that the ocean resembles nothing more than a planet spanning network of wide slow moving rivers. This is a result of a very hot planetary core, which maintains average atmospheric surface temperature at 19 degrees C. The peaks of these numerous mountain chains are visible poking through thick cloud cover that hides the rest of the planets surface in a white mantle. The clouds are hot, obscuring the surface from infrared observation, and radar returns are confused and of little use. A detailed analysis of sensor data (navigation (land) and biology related knowledge skills) will produce a working knowledge of the planets biomes, detailed in Appendix B: Biomes. Navigators information about local warp environment: *If questioned quickly after the return to real space, the navigator will tell the party that the light of the god emperor is dim in this system, and that this planet is only a faint shadow in my true sight this is an unhallowed place man should never have come here.. He trails off, his eyes glassing over and he slowly slumps in his chair, frost forming on his face. An examination reveals his eyes and head are frozen, with his third eye too cold to touch, even through his thick bandana. If not questioned quickly, he is found in this state. A psynascience test by a party member reveals the veil is weak, as well as the presence of the space station crew, their warp tainted state, and a warp incursion in a lower port cargo hold. Upon investigation, a crew member is missing, and the party finds a single drop of blood on the floor of the hold, slowly spreading as they watch into strange angular patterns which make the viewer nauseous. The patterns can be easily wiped off, removing the effect, but the drop of blood reappears moments later to continue spreading, falling from thin air. The further use of warp goggles, a witch hunters oculus, or psynascience reveals the shadow scene of a tall spindly demon (see appendix D: Demons) holding the missing crew member up by a foot. Blood is running from the mans eye sockets, spreading in a large pool on the floor before flowing into a vessel at the demons feet. Every time a drop hits, the single drop on the floor reappears. The party cannot affect the scene without tearing a hole into the warp, and the demon finishes and leaves in a few moments. Automated Landing Beacon: *The com console can triangulate the signal to the peak of a particularly tall extinct volcano in the planets northern hemisphere, and the navigation data appended to the end of the message corresponds to a point low on the side of the same mountain. Strangely, while the message is unintelligible, the ships cogitators recognize the machine language perfectly. The ships communications officer will offer his opinion that this means the beacon must be standard pattern in the imperium. The captain will warn that the fact that the beacon activated when the ship arrived suggests a planetary defense network that is active. A difficult intelligence test by a party member versed in high gothic will decipher the message, which is in high gothic, but is so archaic that some of the pronunciations must not have been spoken aloud for a thousand years. The message is a recording of a mans voice, computer estimated at 80 +/- 5 years old, and is as follows: [A spiritu dominatus, Domine, libra nos, From the Darkness and the Shadow, Our Emperor, deliver us. {Pause, rasping breath} This is Brother Scipio, watchman of the abbey. If you are listening to this, it is because I have failed, or fallen, and was unable to return to my post. I know that according to creed I am to stay here and guard the cathedral, but the townspeople are pounding at the door. They say one of them has come into the village, through the wards, and they are crying out for the protection of the god emperor. How can my soul stay unstained if I stay here and do not answer their cries? I am taking a witch lance from the armory, for brother Caliphus took the last 4 bolter shells when he left last month. {Pause, rasping breath} I will seal the door behind me, and the abbey will have to look after itself while I am gone. I have set this beacon to trigger on the blessed chance that the Divine Light returns from its journey to Earth with reinforcements from the ministorum. If it is the inquisition, or if the emperors light shines, the Grey Knights, and they come while I am away, I would be excommunicated if the PDS shot them down... I have done all I can to make amends for the abandonment of my post, but I can hear screams from the village now, carrying across the water, and I must go. ] Landing Coordinates Follow and message repeats.
Aboard the Delphi, Planning Planetfall After collecting information, the next step is for the party to plan how they wish to make Planetfall. The majority of the crew(6 men) volunteer to venture planetside with the party, muttering about how death in a strange jungle is better than being taken by the warp. With recent events weighing heavily, the consensus is that no time should be wasted in getting the mining platform deployed, so as to be ready to leave as soon as possible. The mountainous terrain is rich in the required minerals, but the ships radar suggests steep peaks and deep river valleys beneath the cloud cover that will make landing anywhere difficult. However, OMalley, the mining platform operator, assures you that after penetrating the clouds the platform will automatically guide itself to a suitably flat target. (see appendix M: Mining platform operation, for more details). If the party has decoded the message, they know the planet has a defense system, so they must choose between launching the mining platform and hoping it is not shot down, or landing at the beacon and disabling the PDS before launching the platform. If they choose to launch the platform, and it lands safely, they must then make another choice, do they follow the platform down and guard it while it mines, risking getting shot by the PDS themselves, or do they follow the beacon down and investigate it while the platform mines? If they choose to stay aboard the ship, either shoot down the platform or have villagers disable it to force the party to land. If the platform is shot by the PDS, the choice goes away. The platform is damaged, It needs a crew on site to repair it before can begin mining. They will have to either brave the PDS fire, or descend to the beacon and then hope to glide the rest of the way to the platform once they are below the mountain tops. For this reason, regardless of plan, the Platform should land relatively near the beacon, so as to minimize travel time between the two and keep the story moving. Planetfall, Option 1: The beacon The shuttle breaks free from the Delphi with a lurch and a hiss, thrusters fire, and the planet, seen on the small viewing plates in the shuttle hold, grows larger rapidly. Atmospheric buffeting grows to a crescendo before dying away. Anyone sharing the cockpit with the pilot servitor sees warning notices flash on screens as PDS radars lock on, but nothing more than range finding lasers from mountain peak batteries are detected as the servitor guides the shuttle carefully down the proscribed flight path. The shuttle descends into the clouds, obscuring all vision for several moments before clearing. The valley walls are close by when the cloud falls away, the shuttle flying several hundred feet above the tree tops, following the terrain downhill. Twenty miles distant and two miles below, four tiny red beacons flash, outlining a landing pad in the twilight. A single beam of white arc-light slowly sweeps around from a tower near the landing pad, illuminating the wide river flowing along the valley floor and the steep roofs of a city on the valley floor across the river. The organic twinkle of firelight flares from thousands of points among buildings, giving the city cheery warmth in comparison to the surrounding darkness
Lightfall, capital city of the fiefdom of Drusia One of the largest cities on the planet, Lightfall is a medieval city in every sense. Filthy, crowded, smoky and dangerous to the unwary, almost 50,000 people pack inside the stone wall which defines the city. Geography The city is small, even a poor manse on an imperial world is larger. There is a mile of shoreline protected by the walls, and the city extends a half mile inland at its widest point. The majority of the city sits on a low flood plane at the base of the mountains. The river flows at the foot of the last row of buildings, with the city walls extending just far enough out for the foot of the towers at the tips to be submerged. The river does not flow, per say, because it is simply a narrow portion of the planet spanning ocean, but tidal action causes the apparent direction of flow to reverse twice a month. Government and Social Structure Lightfall is nominally a religious oligarchy. However in function it is a bloated bureaucracy. No living resident of Lightfall remembers the last time the priests of the abbey came across to the city, so the city just grinds along, with the various layers of government propping each other up. Almost all the government officials wish to do as little work as possible, but some of the citys most memorable purges and manhunts are the result of an official driven to rage by being forced to act against the criminal or antigovernment factions in the city. The city is rife with crime, but most of it is small, and dealt with at a low level. When a dangerous criminal is on the loose, especially the ritualistic serial killers so common in Lightfalls late night pub gossip, citizens generally just lock their doors extra tight and hide at night. Eventually Witch Hunters will be sighted in the city, and soon after the killings will stop Districts & Layers The city is divided in 5 districts and 3 layers. The districts are Waters Edge, Plaza, Wall, Temple Docks and The Warrens. Each district is divided into 3 layers, Upper, Lower, and Under. Waters Edge Bordered by the river on the west, the temple docks to the south, and residential districts of the plaza and the warrens to the east, an astute observer looking down on the city can pick out the Waters Edge district easily. While 3-4 floors exist above the stone avenues of Upper districts in other parts of the city, in Waters edge these stone walkways become wooden balconies, where there is access to the top floor of many warehouses, for even at the highest tides, all goods must be taken to the Lower in order to be put on board ship. Waters Edge is the commercial and industrial base of the city, with the sound of tide driven machines droning in background, the cries of dock workers, fish mongers, and haggling business men ringing out constantly. Come Blacknight, when the moons orbit locks the tides stagnant and the night skyare pitch dark for days on end, the factories fall silent and the streets of Waters Edge are abandoned as workers move inland to spend their time off. Dimly lit at the brightest twilight, at these times Waters Edge becomes a dangerous, Surreal place, with reality seeming to vanish into the blackness at the edge of your torchlight, and all sound smothered by the warm fog rising off the river. The worst and darkest know they can get away with anything in Waters Edge on Blacknight, heinous murders are common, and tales of oar driven smuggling ships creeping in and out under the noses of the city watch are common. When the rumor of witch hunter activity in the city, invariably they enter and take away the body on one of their black boats , sailing into and from Waters Edge under cover of a foggy Blacknight. The Plaza and The Warrens: The Plaza and the Warrens are the residential heart of the city, with the Plaza being more Upper residential oriented, with most buildings being a single families homes. These homes feature a small Upper street level garden, making Upper Plaza streets too narrow for most carts, even if such things were allowed. The few shops in Upper Plaza simply resell goods made by the best craftsmen of the Warrens, for the sounds of a craftsman at work would disturb the serenity. All cart traffic takes place on Lower Plaza streets, where the homes have their service entrances. Small shops exist in Lower Plaza, mostly groceries and sundries stores serving the cooks live-in servants of the households of Upper Plaza. Lower Plaza is the only district of the city where the grates which allow water to rise and fall through the street deck, the Tide Drains, are chained and locked. This means that Under Plaza is rarely visited by those who use the Under with good intentions, as being in Under Plaza when the tide rises means death by drowning. The Warrens is a shopping district, with the best craftsmen and wealthiest merchants being able to afford to rent a storefront on the Upper Warrens Streets and the up and coming or lower brow stores operating on the Lower. The Craftsmen and their workers/families typically live above or below their shop, depending on wealth. The wide streets are crowded in both the Upper and Lower Warren. While some of the nicer shopping streets attempting to mimic the Plaza by limiting Upper street access to commercial traffic, their clientele would never think of walking among the lower class pedestrians, so they jam the streets with their carriages. The Under Warrens practically bustle with activity compared to other districts, at least during low tide. Under Warren is the site of the Market, the cities conglomeration of pawnbrokers and flea market stalls, and street meat butchers. Any black-market dealings will take place here, far from the eyes of the authorities. Of course, all must flee the Under when the tide rises, so all the businesses operate from boats or folding stalls, lending a mobile fair atmosphere to the Market at most times of the month, and a frantic one at other times. The Wall The Wall is not a concentrated district; instead it refers to the buildings which share a back wall with the ancient defensive structure ringing the city, and the wide sloped avenue, Wall Street, which runs around the city inside the wall. The wall buildings are short compared to the rest of the city, only 3 stories tall, and are the only in the city which have no portion of themselves below street level. In fact, there is no Lower Wall at all, because Wall Street is the only paved ground still open to the sky left in the city, Ancient ordinances demanding it be left clear in case it is needed for siege defense. Now the portions of Wall Street near the river are used as a canal during higher tides, with a market called the Waterline Market following the edge of the water up and down the street twice a month. The portion of Wall Street farthest from the river never floods, and it is here where all the denizens of the Under districts are forced when the water rises. The Authorities tolerate this only because it keeps them from coming into the lower districts elsewhere, and the full time residents of the Wall, mostly retired soldiers, law officers and Priests just bar their front doors and ignore the rabble. They can do this because while the Wall looks like a monolithic mass of stone, it is actually riddled with tunnels, as hundreds of years of masons in need of easy stone cut away at if for construction materials. Residents of the Wall can use these tunnels to conduct business, and in fact many simply live in small flats just carved from the stone. The Abbey Dock The Abbey Dock are the religious and governmental center of the city. Unmarried law men, soldiers, and clerics live in the dormitories here, but otherwise this is a strictly business district. The various governmental offices are all here, and during the day lines form down the avenues as citizens await their chance to stand before a judge or get a seal of approval on a license or certificate. At night however, the streets are empty and quiet, except when an official on his way home late passes by with his retinue driving back the darkness with a flock of torches. The center of the Abbey Dock district is the Temple Dock itself. The Temple dock is a large stone pier, easily the longest of the city, flanked with corroded columns rising out of the water and featuring a timeworn statue of an enthroned man at its tip, facing back toward the city. The columns and the statue mean the pier is useless as a working dock; no ship of any size could approach it. The dock is the ceremonial link connecting the city to the abbey across the river, but as is apparent by the fact it is completely submerged at high tide and has not been rebuilt, it is not used for anything anymore. Still, there is always a small boat tied to the end of the dock. About The Levels, Upper, Lower, and Under The Upper, what would appear to be street level from the air, is actually the top floors of the cities buildings. Third floor balconies were extended and bridged over the streets on occasions when the city flooded, and eventually these makeshift bridges were replaced with a permanent system of raised streets. The wealthy of the city live here, in the fresh air. The Lower was once the surface streets, before the tidal shifts began to flood the citys streets for months at a time. Now the Lower is the working class zone of this city. In most places well lit and decently maintained, the Under is now a maze of wide stone tunnels, the walls formed by the ground levels of the cities buildings, and the ceiling by the arching supports of the roadway above. The tunnels are two stories tall, with wooden walkways crisscrossing the streets in the shadows overhead, for as the moon moves round its strange orbit, the tides lap higher and higher until several feet of water can flow through the Lowers streets. This means that during low tide a passerby must climb several steps up onto the patios and sidewalks which line each side of the street and during high tide must navigate along jury rigged plank bridges between shops. The Under is made up of what was once the basements of the cities buildings, with many lifetimes worth of tunnels connecting them all. This means that a suitably motivated individual can access the Under from anywhere in the city, and travel anywhere, although the desire to do so would be suspect at best. Completely flooded during the high tide, the Under is commonly used as the citys sewer system, using the falling tide to draw detritus out into the river. This means that even during low tide when the Under is passable, it is coated a slime of filth deposited by the dropping water. The citys worst and poorest scratch out a living down here, searching for discarded or lost items in the darkness, hunting various fauna to provide street vendors with their kabob meat, and taking advantage of the darkness and mazelike nature of the Under to move across the city and avoid the attention of the cities authorities. Moving through the Under means carefully navigating slimy stone ledges and wooden planks above black water, and wading through the same when walkways are not available. The only portion of the under which is maintained at all is Under Waters Edge, where during low tide the warehouses must lower their goods down to the original river bank and move them over the river muck on temporary wooden walkways to where the boats wait in the darkness, beached on the waterline. Even this low tide waterline is beneath the bulk of the high tide piers, and every season there is a boat captain who tries to load a couple more crates as the tide comes in, and has his ship crushed against the great beams above as he loiters too long.
Possible Plot tie-ins after adventure completion: A summons bids the party make haste to the office of the third undersecretary of the director of reclamation and rediscovery, sector 27, Hall of a thousand wings, Earth.
Plot generation Witch hunters Unpaid tithes to the ecclesiarchy Ecclesiarchy courier ship found derelict and chaos tainted, investigation of the remains gives location of planet and hints this flight was a last ditch call for help
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