890-783-Registration Proforma - August 2013 - V 3

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Visa expiry date: Visa Number:.. Date of arrival in UK: .


Place of Arrival: .. Type of visa......(Exactly as shown in passport)

Full Name and Address of University/College/Work: .


UK Residential Address:


E-mail address: UK Home or Mobile Number:

Form 3400 - MP192/13 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY (Do not complete this field)
L/P: Key no:
Registration Proforma - (Registration Fee - 34.00)

This form must be completed in BLOCK CAPITALS please.

Surname: ..(Exactly as shown in passport)

First name: ......(Exactly as shown in passport)

Date of Birth:..//.. (DD/MM/YYYY) Sex: Male Female Nationality: .....................................................

Current Nationality by: Birth Parents Birth & Parents Naturalisation

Place of Birth:..

Single Married Civil Partnership Divorced Widow(er)


Previous NON-UK Address: ......................................................

.CountryPost/Zip Code:.

Passport Number:. Issue Date//..Place of Issue

You do not have to r egister with the poli ce i f any of the fol lowi ng appl y:
There is no r equi rement to regi ster with t he poli ce on your Visa
You are under t he age of 16
You are not a f oreign national from the li st of countri es shown on our websi te
You are not l i vi ng i n London [regi ster wi th l ocal poli ce i n your ar ea]

When you regi ster wi th the pol ice you wil l be i ssued a Pol ice Regi strati on Certi fi cate (PRC). Any changes i n your ci rcumstance wil l need to be
report ed to t he Overseas Vi sitors Records Offi ce (OVRO) and your PRC updated accordingl y. However, any change of r esi dential , busi ness or
school address i ncl udi ng Occupation must be report ed to your l ocal pol ice station.

Nationals from the following countries are generally required to register with the police within 7 days of their arrival in the UK -
Please check your visa for such a requirement before completing this form.
A: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia and Azerbaijan K: Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan and Kuwait
B: Bahrain, Belarus, Bolivia and Brazil L/M: Lebanon, Libya, Moldova and Morocco
C: China, Columbia and Cuba N/O/P: North Korea, Oman, Palestine and Peru
E/G: Egypt and Georgia Q/R/S: Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Syria
I/J: Iran, Iraq, Israel and J ordan T: Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey and Turkmenistan
U/Y: U.A.E, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Yemen

Stapl e two
passport si zed
phot os her e

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