4 How Is The Practice of Dao Yin Dao Yin Daoist Yoga PDF
4 How Is The Practice of Dao Yin Dao Yin Daoist Yoga PDF
4 How Is The Practice of Dao Yin Dao Yin Daoist Yoga PDF
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(Zhi Wo Gong)
Lying in the floor training
1) (yang wo lang dong zang fu) lying on the back waving the stomach to
strengthen the internal organs
2) (ce wo yao bai yang gang pi) lying on the side and swing to cultivate the
liver and spleen
3) (pa wo bo yong chiang yao shen) lying face down waving the waist to
strengthen the kidneys
4) (shen chin ba gu tong jing luo) stretching the muscles and bones shake,
stimulating menstrual fluid channel
5) (zuo you bao xi yong rou fu) Embracing the knees from left to right the
pupas abdomen is massaged
6) (pi tui kai he wa chian shui) The frog dives opening and closing arms and
7) (gong tui ting fu hu ming men) bowing legs, head and stomach, protecting
the doors of destiny
8) (nei bai cua tui man chi yin) bringing inward slowly leaning hips and legs
against the yin
(Zhang Gong)
Standing training
1) (jin chu chin li yi shou dan) golden column and the stone bell hiding the
2) (feng huan dian tou yun mu ching) phoenix bows its head, stretched its
neck and rolls its eyes
3) (ding tian li ti ba zhong ching) Raising the heavenly cauldron on earth
strengthens muscles
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4) (e xing yao bai ru chian bi) The goose swaying motion smooths the
shoulders and arms
5) (tui la si shi tong tian zhang) heavenly palm mobilizes the four powers
pushing and pulling
6) (bai he zhang chi zhuo tian you) white crane spreads its wings and runs
along the heavenly orbit
7) (bai yuan xian guo ching kao tang) white monkey offering fruit at the
8) (shun feng sao di zuo you pu) favorable wind blowing and sweeping the
road left from to right
(Huo Shi)
Mixed patterns
The section on mixedpatterns includes mobile gaming positions in all its forms and range of
movement lying on floor, standing and sitting.
1) (long dao shi) guiding the dragon position
2) (hu yin shi) stretching the tiger posture
3) (xiong jing shi) dealing with the bear posture
4) (gui yan shi) turtles neck posture
5) (yang fei shi) flying swallow positio
6) (she chu shi) coiling snake position
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7) (niao shen shi) the stretching bird posture
8) (hu chu shi) resting tiger position
9) (tu jing shi) frightened rabbit posture
(xing gong)
Motion Traininig
1) (xiong ching yao dang) the position of the swinging bear
2) (xiong ching zhen pi) the bear waving an arm
3) (long ten hu yue) rising dragon and leaping tiger
4) (qi guan san guan) the energy flows through the three barriers
5) (yun zhuan zhuo tian) revolving heavenlys orbit
6) (tai ji yin yang xuan zhang shou) rotating tai chi yin yang hand
7) (ta yan fei xiang kao wan li) wild goose flying over the 10,000 li
8) (yin yang qian kun pa zi zhang) heaven and earths 8 characters yin yang
(Long Xing)
Dragon Form
1) (Chi Shi) Posicin Inicial
2) (Yin Chi Gui Yuan) Guiar la Energa y Retornar al Origen
3) (Wu Lung Tan Zhua) The Black Dragon stretches its claws
4) (Shuan Lung Xi Chu) Two Dragons Play with the Pearl
5) (Shen Lung Pai Wei) magic dragon curls its tail
6) (Pan Lung Chiao Chu) Dragon twis its body and turns pearl
7) (You Lung Fei Fong) dragon swimphoenic flies
8) (Chiao Lung Ru Hai) The Flood Dragon Enter the Sea
9) (Shou Shi) Resting stance.
(Hu Xing)
Tiger Form
1) (Chi Shi) starting position
2) (Yin Chi Gui Yuan) guiding the energy and returning to origin
3) (Yin Hu Xi Shu) terrestrial branch tiger taking a bath
4) (Fu Hu Ting Feng) crouching tiger sniffing the wind
5) (Meng Hu Pu Shi) fierce tiger jumping over the its prey
6) (Li Hu Ching Guan) tiger observing in calm
7) (Men Hu Yan Shi) fierce tiger devouring its prey
8) (Meng Hu Hui Tou) fierce tiger turns its head
9) (Shou Shi) resting stance.
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Day number five:
(Gui Xing)
Turtle Form
Turtle form The practice of the shape of the turtle stimulates saliva secretion and
strengthens the kidneys, strengthens the waist and makes the body more flexible and agile.
The shape of the turtle regulates energy meridians that circulate in the back and waist.
Ensuring best yang energy distribution to the viscera. This dance requires some practice
time(dao yin) as their positions are not easy to master. Also needed not only with a
qualified teacher but also with certain energy drinks that help the flow of energy of the
kidneys. The turtle dance consists of 9 stances from beginning to end and is taught after a
year of practicing basic levels.
1) (Chi Shi) starting position
2) (Yin Chi Gui Yuan) guiding the energy and returning to the origin
3) (Hun Yuan Yi Chi) dark principle one energy
4) (Ba Wan Chu Ting) the conquer lift the vessel
5) (Tu Ti Xun Ken) turn the earth and seek the roots
6) (Xuan Gui Lan Yue) dark turtle pushing the moon
7) (Ching Gui Xin Shui) golden turtle playing in the water
8) (Ching Tui Tu Tan) golden turtle spits cinabar
9) (Shou Shi) resting stance
(He Xing)
Crane Form
1) (Chi Shi) starting position
2) (Yin Chi Gui Yuan) guiding the energy and returning to origin
3) (Zuo You Fei He) crane flys from left to right
4) (Xian He Lian Chi) immortal crane opens its wings
5) (Xiang He Xi Shui) immortal crane plays in the water
6) (He Li Yang Feng) crane on the top of the rock
7) (Xiang He Yu Sheng) immortal crane wants to raise
8)(Xien He Ching Mu) immortal crane preserves the essence
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9) (Shou Shi) resting stance
(Sze Xing)
Snake Form
1) (Chi Shi) starting position
2) (Yin Chi Gui Yuan) guiding the energy and returning to origin
3) (Xuan Zhuan Chian Kun ) rotating heaven and earth
4) (Ching Sze Xuan Liu) golden snake curled up in the willow tree
5) (Pai Sze Chu Tong) white snake emerges from cave
6) (Pai Sze Ru Tong) white snake enter the cave
7) (Ching Sze Tu Ti) green snake turns the earth
8) (Ta Mang Fan Sheng) grand piton rotating the earth
9) (Shou Shi) resting stance
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