Infinera Product Brochure
Infinera Product Brochure
Infinera Product Brochure
Network operators have come to expect that with scale comes complexity
and cost, especially when it comes to optical networks. This continues to
be the case unless you have a Intelligent Transport Network.
Intelligent Transport Networks leverage disruptive technology to
combine the art of optical networking with the predictability and
deterministic behavior of digital networking to make networks more
effcient. This is done using photonic integrated circuits (PICs), a com-
ponent about the size of your fngertip that condenses hundreds of
optical components onto a single ultra-reliable micro-chip. Infneras
PIC, which optimizes bandwidth and hardware, simplifes just about
everything else. In fact, PICs and the Intelligent Transport Network
offer the unique ability to combine the speed of optical networks
with the simplicity of the digital domain to change the rules of net-
working forever. Benefts include being able to build networks that
deliver Terabit SCALE; leverage plug-and-play architecture, digital
automation and GMPLS-based network intelligence to make networks
SIMPLE; and converge functions, increase density and reduce power
consumption to make networks more EFFICIENT.
To harness the power of the Intelligent Transport Network, Infnera
brings to you a family of products designed from the ground up
to maximize network value. Across metro, core and even subsea
applications, Intelligent Transport Networks leverage unparalleled
innovation in technology, architecture and operations and have been
proven by customers to help improve PROFITABILITY.
DTN-X: The Flagship P-OTN Platform
Designed to address the ever-evolving needs of the core network,
DTN-X leverages the latest generation of PIC technology to deliver the
500 Gb/s super-channel
5 Tb/s with future upgrade
to 240 Tb/s
Intelligent GMPLS
Converged DWDM/OTN;
packet switching
50% less power
33% less space
industrys fastest, simplest and most effcient Packet Optical Transport
Platform. Through a unique combination of innovative architecture
and cutting-edge technology, the DTN-X brings revenue to network
operators faster, simpler and more effciently than any of the leading
competitors. Sized to ft your application needs, the DTN-X is built to
scale in multiple dimensions without sacrifce. DTN-X integrates the
worlds highest density 500 Gb/s PICs, upgradeable in the future to
1Tb/s, and offers 5 Tb/s of digital switching capacity today with up to
240Tb/s of capacity in the future. In addition, the DTN-X automates
many traditional network engineering steps, so operators spend less
time engineering the network and more time delivering services and
generating revenue. Further, with built-in GMPLS-based intelligence,
Half Bay
4 I/O slots
2Tb/s switch
Upgradeable to
4.8 Tb/s
Single Bay
10 I/O slots
5Tb/s switch
Upgradeable to 12
Tb/s (future)
200 I/O slots
240 Tb/s switch
upgrade from
XTC-10 to
Common platform
Several chassis sizes
Universal I/O slots
500Gb/s per slot
Non-blocking switch
the network is always aware and able to tap into available resources,
optimal routing paths and most importantly, mesh-based network
protection that protects customer traffc, even in the event of cata-
strophic failures as fast as <50ms. Finally, sample operator network
modeling has shown that DTN-X can save as much 50% in power and
33% in space over competing systems.*
Cloud Xpress
Built for the metro cloud market, the effciency, scalability and the
small form factor of the Infnera Cloud Xpress enables service provid-
ers to support up to a 500Gb/s of line-side capacity in just 3.5 or
two rack units (RU) with a mix of 10 GbE, 40GbE and 100 GbE client
side interfaces. For data center operators that need scale, Cloud
Xpress leads the industry with an unprecedented 21 Tb/s of input
and output per 42RU rack. Each fully integrated Cloud Xpress packs
in a massive 1 Tb/s of input and output capacity, while its maximum
power consumption is a mere 845 watts of power which accounts
for all components of the platform including client interfaces and
built-in amplifers, and is the lowest in the industry. The system also
features rapid provisioning to help data center operators turn-up
bandwidth quickly. Infnera Cloud Xpress management can be done
with simple CLI (Command Line Interface) or Infneras robust graphical
point-and-click DNA management system or leveraging application
programming interfaces (APIs) to plug into an SDN control layer.
DTN: The Original Game-Changer
In 2004, the Infnera DTN changed the rules of optical networking
by creating a Digital Optical Network. This forever broke the mold
of how optical networks should be built, and was the precursor
to the Intelligent Transport Network. With fully integrated trans-
port and switching, the DTN not only dramatically simplifed the
service provisioning process, but also shortened time-to-revenue
while eliminating the need for complex optical components. Some
ground-breaking features include:
Service-ready architecture to enable service turn-up in minutes
rather than days.Integrated WDM transport, OTN switching &
GMPLS intelligence in a single platform
100Gb/s Photonic ICs in a single, thumbnail-sized, ultra-reliable
Built-In colorless, directionless and contention-less
digital ROADM
Bandwidth Virtualization to optimize network usage,
These features create a unique architecture unmatched in its ability
to deliver speed of revenue, scale of services, and network effciency
that has added up to a proftable solution for the worlds largest
network owners and operators.
ATN: Extending Digital Economics
into the Metro
Infnera ATN extends the Intelligent Transport Network into the metro
optical access network, where economical service aggregation and
delivery is paramount. ATN is ideally suited for applications including
mobile backhaul, broadband access, data center connectivity and
content delivery networks, in which small form factor, cost-effective
add/drop and multi-service aggregation as well as simplicity of de-
ployment are essential. ATN extends Infneras Intelligent Transport
Networking benefts into the metro environment through integra-
tion and interoperability with the Infnera DTN from a data plane as
well as operations and management perspective. With ATN, metro
aggregation rings can be deployed in a standalone manner or as
extensions off of DTN networks, providing more fexibility and ad-
ditional CapEx savings over conventional metro CWDM/DWDM
solutions. The management integration capability delivers seamless,
centralized management of services across the network for simplifed
end-to-end management.