ACI 325.10R-95: Reported by ACI Committee 325
ACI 325.10R-95: Reported by ACI Committee 325
ACI 325.10R-95: Reported by ACI Committee 325
This report covers the present state of the art for roller-compacted concrete
pavements. It contains information on applications, material properties,
mix proportioning, design, construction, and quality control procedures.
Roller-compacted concrete use for pavements is relatively recent and the
technology is still evolving. The pavement consists of a relatively stiff mix-
ture of aggregate, cementitious materials, and water, that is compacted by
rollers and hardened into concrete.
Keywords: Aggregates; cements; compaction; concrete construction; con-
crete durability; concrete pavements; consolidation; curing; construction
joints; density; mixing; placing; Portland cement; roller compacted con-
crete, strength.
Chapter 1Introduction, p. 325.10R-2
Chapter 2Background, p. 325.10R-2
Chapter 3Materials, p. 325.10R-3
3.3Cementitious materials
Chapter 4Mixture proportioning, p. 325.10R-8
4.2Proportioning by evaluation of consistency tests
4.3Proportioning by soil compaction methods
4.4Fabrication of test specimens
Chapter 5Engineering properties, p. 325.10R-10
5.2Compressive strength
5.3Flexural strength
5.4Splitting tensile strength
5.5Modulus of elasticity
5.6Fatigue behavior
5.7Bond strength
ACI 325.10R-95 became effective Mar. 1, 1995.
Copyright 1995, American Concrete Institute.
All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any
means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by any electronic or
mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduc-
tion or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in
writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
ACI 325.10R-95
(Reapproved 2001)
Report on Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements
Reported by ACI Committee 325
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and Commentaries
are intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and inspect-
ing construction. This document is intended for the use of individuals
who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its
content and recommendations and who will accept responsibility for
the application of the material it contains. The American Concrete Insti-
tute disclaims any and all responsibility for the stated principles. The In-
stitute shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.
Reference to this document shall not be made in contract documents.
If items found in this document are desired by the Architect/Engineer to
be a part of the contract documents, they shall be restated in mandatory
language for incorporation by the Architect/Engineer.
Shiraz D. Tayabji
Terry W. Sherman
William L. Arent Starr Kohn
Robert W. Piggott
James R. Berry Ronald L. Larsen
Steven A. Ragan
Larry Cole Robert W. Lopez John L. Rice
Benjamin Colucci Richard A. McComb Robert J. Risser
Michael I. Darter B.F. McCullough Raymond S. Rollings
Ralph L. Duncan James C. Mikulanec Michael A. Sargious
Howard J. Durham Paul E. Mueller
Jack A. Scott
Robert J. Fluhr Jon I. Mullarky Milton R. Sees
Nader Ghafoori
Antonio Nanni
Alan Todres
Jimmy D. Gillard Theodore L. Neff Douglas W. Weaver
Amir N. Hanna James E. Oliverson Gerald E. Wixson
Richard L. Harvey Thomas J. Pasko William A. Yrjanson
Oswin Keifer
Ronald L. Peltz Dan G. Zollinger
Members of Task Force on Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavement who prepared the report. In addition, Associate Member David Pittman also participated in the
report preparation.
Chapter 6Thickness design, p. 325.10R-12
6.1Basis for design
6.2Design procedures
6.3Multiple-lifts considerations
6.4Pavement design considerations
Chapter 7Construction, p. 325.10R-14
7.2Subgrade and base course preparation
7.3Batching, mixing, and transporting
7.6Joint construction
7.7Curing and protection
Chapter 8Inspection and testing, p. 325.10R-19
8.2Preconstruction inspection and testing
8.3Inspection and testing during construction
8.4Post construction inspection and testing
Chapter 9Performance, p. 325.10R-20
9.2Surface condition
9.3Skid resistance
9.4Surface smoothness
9.6Freeze-thaw durability
9.7Load transfer
Chapter 10Research needs, p. 325.10R-26
Chapter 11References, p. 325.10R-28
11.1Recommended references
11.2Cited references
11.3Additional references
This state-of-the-art report contains information on appli-
cations, material properties, mix proportioning, design, con-
struction, and quality control procedures for roller com-
pacted concrete pavements (RCCP). Roller compacted con-
crete (RCC) use for pavements is relatively recent and the
technology is still evolving. Over the last ten years several
major pavement projects have been constructed in North
America using RCC and the performance of these pavements
has generally been favorable. Roller compacted concrete
pavements are also gaining acceptance in several European
countries and Australia.
The advantages of using RCC include cost savings as a re-
sult of the construction method and the increased placement
speed of the pavement. RCC pavements do not use dowels,
steel reinforcement, or forms. This also results in significant
savings when compared to the cost of conventionally con-
structed concrete pavements.
Roller compacted concrete is used in two general areas of
engineered construction: dams and pavements. In this docu-
ment, RCC will be discussed only in the context of its use in
pavements. RCC for mass concrete is discussed in ACI
Roller compacted concrete for pavements can be de-
scribed as follows:
A relatively stiff mixture of aggregate [maximum
size usually not larger than
in. (19 mm)], cementi-
tious materials and water, that is compacted by vibra-
tory rollers and hardened into concrete. When RCC is
used as a surface course, a minimum compressive
strength of 4000 psi (27.6 MPa) is generally specified.
The materials for RCC are blended in a mixing plant into
a heterogeneous mass which has a consistency similar to
damp gravel or zero slump concrete. It is placed in layers
usually not greater than 10 in. (254 mm) compacted thick-
ness, usually by an asphalt concrete paving machine. The
layers are compacted with steel wheel vibratory rollers, with
final compaction sometimes provided by rubber tire rollers.
The pavement is cured with water or other means to provide
a hard, durable surface. RCC pavements are usually de-
signed to carry traffic directly on the finished surface. A
wearing course is not normally used, although a hot mix as-
phalt overlay has been added, in some cases, for smoothness
or rehabilitation. Transverse and longitudinal contraction
joints for crack control are not usually constructed in RCC
RCCP has been used for a wide variety of applications.
These include log sorting yards, lumber storage, forestry and
mining haul roads, container intermodal yards, military ve-
hicle roads and parking areas, bulk commodity (coal, wood
chips) storage areas, truck and automobile parking, and to a
lesser extent, municipal streets, secondary highways, and
aircraft parking ramps.
The first RCC pavement in North America was identified
by the Seattle office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
The project was a runway at Yakima, Washington, con-
structed around 1942. A form of roller compacted concrete
paving was reported in Sweden as early as the 1930s.
The first RCC pavement in Canada was built in 1976 at a
log sorting yard at Caycuse on Vancouver Island, British Co-
lumbia. The decision to build RCC was the outgrowth of a
pavement design which called for a 14 in. (356 mm) thick ce-
ment stabilized aggregate base and 2 in. (51 mm) asphalt
concrete surface. As an alternative to the asphalt concrete
surface, the owners decided to increase the cement content of
the top 6 in. (152 mm) of cement stabilized material to 13
percent by weight to improve wear and freeze/thaw resis-
tance. Cement content in the 8 in. (203 mm) base layer was
set at 8 percent. The final result was a 4 acre (1.6 hectares)
log sorting yard with an exposed, cement stabilized crushed
gravel operating surface. No bonding grout was used be-
tween the two cement stabilized layers. Special effort was
made by the contractor to complete both layers on the same
day. Some minor delamination occurred after a few years of
log stacker traffic. This observation lead to the requirement
for a limitation on the maximum time between lifts. The
Caycuse Log Sorting yard has been in continuous use since
1976. The area of RCC pavement was doubled to 9 acres (3.6
hectares) in a 1978 expansion. A thin asphalt overlay was ap-
plied in 1987 as a minimum cost maintenance operation to
improve pavement smoothness.
Following the success of the paving at Caycuse, three
more RCC dry-land log sorting yards were built on Queen
Charlotte Islands off the coast of British Columbia during
1976 to 1978. These pavements continue to perform well
with little maintenance. By 1980 nearly 20 acres (8 hectares)
of log sorting yards constructed with RCC were in operation
in British Columbia. The next milestone in Canadian RCC
pavement history came when a decision was made to build
12 miles (19.3 kilometers) of 7 in. (179 mm) thick RCC
pavement for a coal mine haul road at Tumbler Ridge in Brit-
ish Columbia. A 4 acre (1.6 hectares) coal storage area was
also built with a 9-in.-thick (229 mm) roller compacted con-
crete. The haul road was surfaced with bituminous concrete
while the storage area remains as an exposed RCC pave-
ment. This region of British Columbia undergoes severe
winter conditions, with frost penetration to a depth of 8 ft
(2.4 m). No distress from the severe winter climate is evident
at the coal storage area, although some failures have oc-
curred in the loaded wheel paths of the haul road.
While these developments were going on in Canada, there
was growing interest in RCC by various organizations in the
United States where RCC for dams was being evaluated in
several test projects. During the early 1980s, engineers at the
United States Army Corps of Engineers started studying the
use of RCC for pavement construction at military facilities.
A small test road for tracked vehicles, 9 in. to 13 in. (229 mm
to 330 mm) thick, 470 yd
(392 m
) was built at Ft. Stewart,
Georgia, in 1983, and a tank test road 10 in. to 13 in. (254
mm to 330 mm), 590 yd
(493 m
), was constructed at Ft.
Gordon, Georgia, in the same year. RCC test road construc-
tion by the Corps of Engineers continued in 1984 when 1870
(1564 m
) of 8.5 in. (216 mm) thick pavement was built
for a tank trail at Ft. Lewis, Washington.
In 1984, the question of freeze/thaw durability of RCC re-
mained to be addressed. The Corps of Engineers constructed
a full scale test pavement at the Cold Regions Research En-
gineering Laboratory in Hanover, New Hampshire, where a
complete range of climatic conditions could be simulated.
The test program was successful, and in a memorandum to
all field offices, dated Jan. 25, 1985, the use of RCC paving
for horizontal construction was encouraged, where appro-
priate, for all facilities administered by the Corps of Engi-
The first full scale RCC pavement designed and built by
the Corps of Engineers was a tactical equipment hardstand at
Ft. Hood, Texas, in 1984.
The area of the project was 18,150
(15,175 m
). A 10 in. (254 mm) thick slab was specified
and a flexural strength of 800 psi (5.5 MPa) was achieved.
This project provided the Corps of Engineers with valuable
information about maximum aggregate size, single versus
multiple lift construction methods, compaction procedures,
curing and sampling of RCC material. During 1986, the
Corps of Engineers built a tracked vehicle hardstand at Ft.
Lewis, Washington. The area of the pavement was 26,000
(21,753 m
) with a thickness of 8.5 in. (216 mm).
The interest in RCC heavy duty pavement began to expand
beyond the logging and mining industries by the mid-1980s.
The Burlington Northern Railroad selected RCC for 53,000
(44,313 m
) of paving at a new intermodal facility at
Houston, Texas in 1985,
and 128,000 yd
(107,021 m
) of
intermodal yard paving at Denver, Colorado, in 1986. In
1985 the Port of Tacoma, Washington, constructed two areas
of RCC pavement totalling 17 acres (6.9 hectares).
large areas of RCC pavement were constructed at the Conley
and Moran Marine Terminals in Boston between 1986 and
The largest RCC pavement projects undertaken to date in-
clude the more than 650,000 yd
(543,464 m
) of 8 and 10 in.
-(203 and 254 mm) thick RCC pavement placed at the Gen-
eral Motors Saturn automobile plant near Spring Hill, Ten-
nessee, and 89 acres (36 hectares) of 10 in.- (254 mm) thick
RCC pavement placed at Ft. Drum, NY. Both were con-
structed in 1988-89 and were used as parking areas and
Apart from the reported use of RCC at Yakima, Washing-
ton, in 1942, the only example of an airport installation is at
the Portland International Airport in 1985.
The 14-in. (356
mm) RCC pavement with an area of 9 acres (3.6 hectares) is
used for overflow short term aircraft storage.
There has been a growing interest in the use of RCC pav-
ing for low to moderate traffic streets, and secondary high-
ways. Municipal street pavements have been built in
Portland, Oregon; Regina, Saskatchewan; and Mackenzie,
British Columbia.
Fig. 2.1 to 2.4 illustrate typical RCC pavement practices.
Fig. 2.5 illustrates typical RCC pavement surface at Ft.
Drum, New York, and Fig. 2.6 shows a close-up of the pave-
ment surface adjacent to a sawed longitudinal construction
joint. Fig. 2.7 shows a close-up of an acceptable RCC pave-
ment surface at Ft. Bliss, Texas, and Fig. 2.8 shows a close-
up of an excellent RCC pavement surface.
Pavement design strength, durability requirements, and in-
tended application all influence the selection of materials for
use in RCC pavement mixtures. The basic materials used to
produce RCC include water, cementitious materials (cement
and fly ash), and fine and coarse aggregates. Generally, the
cost of materials selected for use in RCC pavements is al-
most the same as the cost of materials used in conventional
portland cement concrete. However, some material savings
may be possible due to the lower cement contents normally
needed in RCC pavement mixtures to achieve strengths
equivalent to those of conventional concrete.
The aggregates comprise approximately 75 to 85 percent
of the volume of an RCC pavement mixture and therefore
significantly affect both the fresh and hardened concrete
properties. Proper selection of suitable aggregates will result
in greater economy in construction and longer serviceability
of RCC pavements. In freshly mixed RCC, aggregate prop-
erties affect the workability of a mixture and its potential to
segregate and the ease with which it will properly consoli-
date under a vibratory roller. The strength, modulus of elas-
ticity, thermal properties, and durability of the hardened
concrete are also affected by the aggregate properties.
Aggregates used in RCC pavement mixtures contain both
fine [finer than the 4.75 mm (No.4) sieve] and coarse frac-
tions, although the fractions may be preblended and stock-
piled as a single aggregate on large projects. The coarse
aggregate usually consists of crushed or uncrushed gravel,
crushed stone, or a combination thereof. The fine aggregate
may consist of natural sand, manufactured sand, or a combi-
nation of the two.
For high quality RCC, both the coarse and fine aggregate
fractions should be composed of hard, durable particles and
the quality of each should be evaluated by standard physical
property tests such as those listed in ASTM C 33. If lower
Fig. 2.1RCC placement using modified asphalt pavers
Fig. 2.2Vibratory roller compaction
quality RCC is acceptable, then aggregates which do not
meet established grading and quality requirements may be
satisfactory as long as design criteria are met. RCC contain-
ing uncrushed gravel generally requires less water to attain a
given consistency than that containing crushed gravel or
stone. RCC containing crushed gravel or stone may require
more effort to compact, and is less likely to segregate. It is
also more stable during compaction and usually provides a
higher flexural strength.
RCC mixtures are typically not as cohesive as convention-
al concrete and therefore, aggregate segregation is an impor-
tant concern. Greater economy may be realized by using the
largest practical nominal maximum size aggregate (NMSA).
Increasing the NMSA reduces the void content of the aggre-
gate and thereby reduces the paste requirement of a mixture.
However, in order to minimize segregation during handling
and placing of RCC and to provide a relatively smooth pave-
ment surface texture, the NMSA should not exceed
in. (19
Fig. 2.3Rubber-tired roller compaction
Fig. 2.4Fog curing of freshly placed RCC pavement
mm). If the coarse and fine aggregate fractions are preblend-
ed and stockpiled as a single size group, segregation may
make grading control difficult. Careful attention must be
given to stockpile formation and subsequent handling of sin-
gle-size group aggregate.
The range of aggregate gradings used in RCC pavement
mixtures has included standard graded concrete aggregates
having normal size separations to pit- or bank-run aggregate
with little or no size separation. If longitudinal and trans-
verse pavement smoothness are of importance, the coarse
and fine aggregates should be combined such that a well-
graded aggregate blend is produced which approaches a
maximum-density grading.
Grading limits that have been used to produce satisfactory
RCC pavement mixtures are shown in Fig. 3.2. The use of
aggregate fractions finer than the 75 micrometers (No. 200)
sieve, if nonplastic, may be a beneficial means to reduce fine
aggregate voids. However, their effect on the fresh and hard-
ened RCC properties should be evaluated in the mixture pro-
portioning study.
Fig. 2.5RCC pavement Ft. Drum, New York
Fig. 2.6RCC pavement surface texture Ft. Drum, New York
3.3Cementitious materials
Cementitious materials used in RCC pavement mixtures
include portland cement or blended hydraulic cement, and
may include pozzolan, or a ground granulated blast furnace
slag. The selection of cement type should be based in part
upon the design strength and the age at which this strength is
required. In addition, applicable limits on chemical compo-
sition required for exposure conditions and alkali reactivity
should follow standard concrete practice. A detailed discus-
sion on the selection and use of hydraulic cements may be
found in ACI 225R. Many of the RCC pavements construct-
ed to date have been constructed using Type I or II Portland
cement and Class F or Class C fly ash.
The use of fly ash in RCC is an effective means of provid-
ing additional fine material needed to assure adequate com-
paction, particularly in those RCC mixtures that contain
standard graded concrete fine aggregate. Fly ash contents
generally range from 15 to 20 percent of the total volume of
cementitious material. The selection of any pozzolan for use
in RCC should be based on its conformance with applicable
Fig. 2.7Acceptable RCC pavement surface Ft. Bliss, Texas
Fig. 2.8Excellent RCC pavement surface Ft. Bliss, Texas
standards or specifications, its performance in concrete, and
its availability at the project location. Guidance on the use of
pozzolans and other finely divided mineral admixtures in
concrete is given in ACI 226R.
Water quality for RCC pavement is governed by the same
requirements as for conventional concrete.
Air-entraining admixtures have had only limited use in
RCC pavement mixtures. However, laboratory research has
conducted at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experi-
ment Station has indicated that RCC pavement mixtures can
be properly air-entrained using commercially available air-
entraining admixtures at dosage rates 5 to 10 times greater
than conventional concrete. The practicality of producing
air-entrained RCC in the field has not yet been demonstrated.
To date, minimizing frost damage in RCC has been achieved
by proportioning mixtures with sufficiently low water-ce-
mentitious material ratios (w/c) so that the permeability of
the paste is low. Once concrete has dried through self-desic-
cation, it is difficult to again become critically saturated by
outside moisture. The use of proper compaction techniques
which lower the entrapped air-void content, increase
strength, and lower the permeability of the concrete should
also improve the pavements frost resistance. However,
proper air-entrainment of RCC is the best way to assure ad-
equate frost resistance.
Chemical admixtures, including water-reducing admix-
tures and retarding admixtures, have had only limited use in
RCC, primarily in test sections and laboratory investiga-
tions. The ability of a water-reducing admixture to lower the
water requirements or to provide additional compatibility to
an RCC mixture appears to be somewhat dependent on the
amount and type of aggregate finer than the No. 200 (75-m)
sieve. Retarding admixtures may be beneficial in delaying
the setting time of the RCC so that it may be adequately com-
pacted or so that the bond between adjacent lanes or succeed-
ing layers is improved.
RCC mixture proportioning procedures and properties dif-
fer from those used for conventional concrete due to the rel-
atively stiff consistency of the fresh RCC and the use of
unconventionally graded aggregates. The primary differenc-
es in proportions of RCC pavement mixtures and conven-
tional concrete pavement mixtures are:
1. RCC is generally not air-entrained
2. RCC has a lower water content
3. RCC has a lower paste content
4. RCC generally requires a larger fine aggregate con-
tent in order to produce a combined aggregate that is well-
graded and stable under the action of a vibratory roller
5. RCC usually has a NMSA not greater than
(19 mm) in order to minimize segregation and produce a rel-
atively smooth surface texture.
The relatively high cementitious material contents and
high quality aggregates used in RCC distinguish it from soil
cement and cement-treated base course. In order for RCC to
be effectively consolidated, it must be dry enough to support
the weight of a vibratory roller, yet wet enough to permit ad-
equate distribution of the paste throughout the mass during
the mixing and compaction operations. Concrete suitable for
Fig. 3.2Typical range of RCC pavement aggregate gradation
compaction with vibratory rollers differs significantly in ap-
pearance, in the unconsolidated state, from that of concrete
having a measurable slump. There is little evidence of any
paste in the mixture until it is consolidated. However, RCC
mixtures should have sufficient paste volume to fill the inter-
nal voids in the aggregate mass. Several methods have been
used to proportion RCC pavement mixtures. These methods
can be placed into one of two broad categories:
1) proportioning by use of concrete consistency tests
2) proportioning by use of soil-compaction tests
4.2Proportioning by evaluation of consistency tests
This method essentially involves proportioning the RCC
mixture for optimum workability at the required level of
strength, using an apparatus such as the Vebe described in
ACI 211.3. The Vebe apparatus has been modified by the
Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation in order
to make it more suitable for use with RCC. It consists of a vi-
brating table of fixed frequency and amplitude, with a metal
container having a volume of approximately 0.33 ft
) securely attached to it. A representative sample of RCC
is loosely placed in the container under a surcharge having a
mass of 29.5 or 50 lb (13.3 or 22.7 kg), depending on which
modified apparatus is selected. The measure of consistency
is the time of vibration, in seconds, required to fully consol-
idate the concrete, as evidenced by the formation of a ring of
mortar between the surcharge and the wall of the container.
Although modified Vebe times of 20 to 30 seconds have
been reported as appropriate for RCC containing 1
- to 3-in.
(38 to 76 mm) NMSA and used in mass concrete applica-
tions, these times normally represent concrete that has a con-
sistency too wet to properly place and compact in pavement
Limited laboratory research indicates that modified Vebe
times, as determined under a 50-lb (22.7 kg) surcharge, of 30
to 40 seconds are more appropriate for RCC pavement mix-
The modified Vebe time should be determined for a
given RCC mixture and compared with the results of on-site
compaction tests conducted on RCC compacted by vibratory
rollers to determine if adjustments in the mixture proportions
are necessary. The optimum modified Vebe time is influ-
enced by the water content, NMSA, fine aggregate content,
and the amount of aggregate finer than the 75 micrometers
(No. 200) sieve. RCC mixtures containing more than ap-
proximately five percent aggregate finer than the No. 200
sieve may be difficult to accurately test using the modified
Vebe apparatus, because the mortar in these mixtures is dif-
ficult to bring to the surface under vibration.
Mixture proportioning methods using consistency tests
usually require fixing specific mixture parameters such as
water content, cementitious materials content, or aggregate
content, and then varying one parameter to obtain the desired
level of consistency. In this way, each mixture parameter can
be optimized to achieve the desired fresh and hardened RCC
properties. One of the primary considerations when using the
methods described in ACI 207.5R which, use consistency
tests, is the proper selection of the ratio (pv) of the air-free
volume of paste to the air-free volume of mortar. RCC pave-
ment mixtures should contain sufficient paste volumes to fill
all internal voids between the aggregate particles. The pv af-
fects both the compatibility of the mixture and the resulting
surface texture of the pavement.
4.3Proportioning by soil compaction methods
Methods that use these tests involve establishing a rela-
tionship between dry or wet unit weight and moisture con-
tent of the RCC by compacting specimens over a range of
moisture contents. It is similar to the method used to deter-
mine the relationship between the moisture content and the
unit weight of soils and soil-aggregate mixtures. The appara-
tus and compactive effort used to fabricate the moisture-den-
sity specimens corresponds to that described in ASTM D
1557, Method D.
The cementitious material content is determined by the
strength and durability requirements of the pavement, and is
often expressed as a percentage of the dry total weight of ma-
terials (cementitious and aggregate). Cementitious material
contents ranging from 10 to 17 percent by dry weight are typ-
ical for RCC pavement mixtures. This range corresponds to
approximately 350 to 600 lb of cementitious material/yd
(208 to 356 kg/m
) of RCC.
The fine and coarse aggregates, as previously noted, are
combined to create a well-graded blend. The unit volume of
fine and coarse aggregate per unit volume of RCC may be
calculated after the optimum moisture content of the RCC
mixture is determined.
The optimum moisture content of the mixture is defined as
the moisture content corresponding to the peak of the mois-
ture content-density curve, and is dependent on the proper-
ties of the aggregates used and the cementitious material
content. Strength loss will occur in a mixture that has a mois-
ture content significantly below the optimum due to the pres-
ence of additional entrapped air voids. Strength loss will also
occur in a mixture if the moisture content is significantly
above the optimum due to an increase in the water-cementi-
tious material ratio (w/cm). Moisture-density curves are nor-
mally established over a range of cementitious material
contents in order to determine the minimum cementitious
material content which will meet the design requirements.
Moisture-density tests are conducted and a moisture-density
curve is established for each cementitious material content-
desired. Strength test specimens are then compacted at the
optimum moisture content for each particular cementitious
material content. From these tests, a curve of strength versus
cementitious material content (or water-cementitious materi-
al ratio) is established to select the cementitious materials
4.4Fabrication of test specimens
Conventional concrete specimen fabrication procedures,
such as those currently standardized by ASTM, cannot be
used to fabricate RCC test specimens due to the stiff consis-
tency of the concrete. Although a number of procedures have
been used, none have yet been standardized. The procedures
frequently used involve vibrating the fresh RCC sample on a
vibrating table under a surcharge, or compacting the sample
with some type of compaction hammer following the proce-
dures of ASTM D 1557.
For specimens compacted by vibration, the number of lifts
used by various agencies has varied from one to three de-
pending on the type of specimen. The surcharge has varied
from 25 to 200 lb (11.3 to 90.7 kgs), or approximately 1 to 7
psi (0.0069 to 0.0483 MPa), again depending on the type of
specimen. Complete compaction of RCC specimens may be
difficult when using a vibrating table as evidenced by the
fact that samples sawed or cored from RCC pavements
sometimes have unit weights greater than those of fabricated
specimens of similar age and moisture content. This incom-
plete specimen compaction in the laboratory may be partic-
ularly prevalent when a vibrating table is used that has a low
amplitude when a surcharge is used. Vibrating tables used to
date have included the Vebe table, those meeting the require-
ments of the relative density test for cohesionless soils
(ASTM D 4253 and D 4254), and those meeting the require-
ments of ASTM C 192. Depending on the mixture propor-
tions and the vibrating table available for use, it may be
beneficial to produce trial batches at moisture contents
slightly higher than optimum to facilitate compaction of the
Specimens compacted by means of a compaction hammer
may have unit weights approximating those of samples taken
from RCC pavements, however a significant number of
blows may be required for adequate compaction. The num-
ber and height of the blows are normally maintained constant
between specimens to achieve uniformity of results. Al-
though compaction of cylinders may be feasible using a
compaction hammer, uniform compaction of beam test spec-
imens for flexural strength with this method may be imprac-
ASTM Subcommittee C09.45 on Roller Compacted Con-
crete is developing procedures for fabricating laboratory test
specimens for determination of unit weight and strength of
concrete having consistency similar to that of roller com-
pacted concrete.
A review of the reported engineering properties of RCC
indicates that they are similar to those of conventional pav-
ing concrete. Strength properties of RCC pavements are pri-
marily dependent on the cementitious material content,
aggregate quality and degree of compaction. Although RCC
has been in use for paving for several years, only a limited
number of investigations has been carried out to evaluate its
engineering properties. Currently, no standard procedure ex-
ists for fabricating and testing RCC specimens in the labora-
tory. Therefore, it is not possible to directly compare
properties of laboratory prepared RCC specimens without
considering the procedures used to fabricate test specimens.
As a result, the data base on engineering properties of RCC
is based primarily on tests of specimens (cores and beams)
obtained from actual paving projects or from a few full-scale
test sections.
5.2Compressive strength
Table 5.2.1 shows compressive strengths of cores obtained
from Canadian projects after several years of service. This
data is based on only a limited number of cores obtained
from each project. Table 5.2.2 shows compressive strength
of cores obtained from several U.S. projects. It is seen from
Tables 5.2.1 that high compressive strengths can be achieved
and that the strength levels are comparable to strength levels
obtained for conventional concrete using similar cement
5.3Flexural strength
Because of the difficulty of obtaining sawed beam speci-
mens from actual pavement sites, there is not much informa-
tion available on flexural strength of RCC. Typical results
from tests of sawed beams from selected RCC pavement
projects are given in Table 5.3. These data are also based on
a limited number of specimens obtained from each project.
Table 5.2.1RCC core compressive strengths for
British Columbia projects
Age of
core, years
Cement content,
strength, psi
Caycuse log sort yard 4
13, 8
4210 (29.0)
Caycuse log sort yard 8 13 5880 (40.5)
Lynterm container port 3 8 4690 (32.3)
Fraser Mills log sort yard 1 13 4700 (32.4)
Bullmoose coal mine 1
2200 (15.2)
Fraser surrey dock 1 12 4570 (31.5)
1. Two lift constructiontop 6 in. (152 mm) lift with 13 percent cement con-
tent, bottom 8 in. (203 mm) lift with 8 percent content.
2. 50 percent cementitious content was natural pozzolan.
Table 5.2.2RCC core compressive strength results for several U.S. projects
Nominal lift thickness
tested, in. (MPa)
Specified compressive
strength, psi (MPa) at
28 days
Average compressive strength, psi (MPa)
Top half of core
Bottom half
of core Uncut core
A 09 7 (178) 4500 (31.0) 8120 (56.0) 6350 (43.8) 6760 (46.6)
B 19 6.5 (165) 5000 (34.5) 4740 (32.7)
C 19 8.5 (216) 5000 (34.5) 4330 (29.9) 2450 (16.9) 4560 (31.4)
D 18 8.5 (216) 3670 (25.3) 7030 (48.5)
E 12 10 (254) 2000 (13.8) 2290 (15.8) 4630 (31.9)
F 28 7 (178) 4500 (31.0) 5260 (32.3) 4230 (29.2)
G 32 8.5 (216) 5000 (34.5) 6890 (47.5) 4910 (33.9)
Source: Unpublished data, S. Tayabji.
The Table also contains corresponding splitting tensile
strengths of companion cores.
Based on beams and cores obtained from a test section, it
was determined that the relationship between compressive
and flexural strengths of RCC was similar to that for conven-
tional concrete, the relationship being of the form:
fr = C (5.1)
fr = flexural strength (third-point loading), psi (MPa)
fc = compressive strength, psi (MPa)
C = a constant between 9 and 11 depending on actual
RCC mix
More actual data may be needed to define the range of C
with sufficient confidence.
5.4Splitting tensile strength
Splitting tensile strength of cores obtained from actual
RCC pavement projects range from about 400 to over 600
psi (2.8 to over 4.1 MPa) at 28 days depending on the cemen-
titious content of the mix. The tensile strength characteristics
of RCC are more easily and reliably measured by performing
split tensile strength tests on cores than by performing flex-
ural strength tests on sawed beams. Typical splitting tensile
strength data from selected projects are listed in Table 5.3.
5.5Modulus of elasticity
Modulus of elasticity has generally not been measured on
specimens from actual RCC projects. Limited tests on cores
obtained from a full-scale test section indicate that the RCC
modulus of elasticity values may be similar to or slightly
higher than those for conventional concrete with similar ce-
ment contents.
5.6Fatigue behavior
Only limited testing has been conducted to evaluate the fa-
tigue behavior of RCC. Like conventional concrete and other
construction materials, RCC is subject to the effects of fa-
tigue. Fatigue failure is defined as material rupture after con-
tinued repetitions of loads that cause stresses less than the
strength of the material. Results of fatigue tests on beams ob-
tained from a full-scale test section incorporating four differ-
ent RCC mixtures indicate that the fatigue behavior of RCC
is similar to that of conventional concrete.
5.7Bond strength
Bond strength at the interface of RCC lifts is a critical en-
gineering property. Bond strength determines whether RCC
pavement constructed in multiple lifts will behave as a
monolithic layer or as partially bonded or unbonded lifts.
The load carrying capacity of partially bonded or unbonded
lifts is significantly lower than that of bonded lifts of equal
total thickness.
Bond strength development is low for untreated cold
joints. Ideally, interface bond strength should be at least 50
percent of the strength of the parent RCC material based on
good engineering practice. Data on interface bond strength is
given in Table 5.7.1. This data was developed by testing
cores obtained from RCC test pads constructed at Tooele
Army Depot in Utah.
The data in Table 5.7.1 indicates that
sufficient interface bond strength can be achieved for prop-
erly constructed RCC pavements. However, data from limit-
ed testing at Conley Terminal given in Table 5.7.2 show that
bond strength development along edges of longitudinal con-
struction joints may not be as good as in interior locations.
Because of the manner in which RCC is mixed and placed,
it has not been practical to entrain air in RCC mixtures on
field projects. Many of the projects constructed in the past
which are performing well are located in coastal areas
(northwestern U.S. and western Canada) where numerous
freeze-thaw cycles occur. Recently, large scale RCC pave-
ments were constructed in severe freeze-thaw areas such as
Denver, Boston, and the State of New York (Ft. Drum).
However, these projects have not been in service long
enough to enable any conclusion to be drawn regarding
freeze-thaw durability of RCC.
RCC samples obtained from pavement field projects have
not shown good freeze-thaw durability when tested and eval-
uated in the laboratory according to the procedures of ASTM
C 666. However, this does not necessarily mean that RCC
will not be durable in the field. Although ASTM C 666 is a
useful test for evaluating durability of conventional concrete,
its direct applicability to RCC is not clear. The best indicator
of RCC durability is its performance in the field. The recent-
ly constructed RCC pavements in Denver, Boston, and at Ft.
Drum will help resolve the question of RCC durability.
Evaluation of test data from RCC paving projects shows
that the structural behavior of RCC is similar to that of con-
ventional normal weight concrete. Thus, RCC can be treated
much like conventional concrete when designing thickness
of a pavement.
It is clear that only a limited data base exists on engineer-
ing properties of RCC mixtures. No definitive studies have
been performed to determine influences of various parame-
ters on the engineering properties of RCC.
The properties of RCC discussed above are not applicable
to RCC material within 12 to 18 in. (305 to 457 mm) to edges
Table 5.3Flexural and splitting tensile strength data
from U.S. RCC projects
Sawed beam and core test results
Average flexural
strength, psi
Average splitting
tensile strength, psi
Ft. Stewart 90 1010
Ft. Hood 7 661
28 830
Harvey Barracks 7 338
28 783 402
Ft. Campbell 7 647 398
Aberdeen Proving Ground 7 553 379
28 627 452
that are unsupported during compaction. Because of inade-
quate compaction along these areas, strengths of RCC at
these locations may be less than at interior locations.
6.1Basis for design
Because the structural behavior of RCC is similar to that
of conventional paving concrete, the design procedures used
for RCC pavements follow very closely the procedures used
for design of conventional concrete pavements. The thick-
ness design of conventional concrete and RCC pavements is
based on keeping the flexural stresses and fatigue damage in
the pavement caused by wheel loads within allowable limits.
Stresses and fatigue damage are greatly influenced by wheel
load placement there is a greater effect for loads placed
along edges and joints and less at the interior location of the
6.2Design procedures
Thickness design procedures for RCC pavements have
been developed by the Portland Cement Association
Table 5.7.1Direct tensile strength at lift interface at Tooele Army Depot, Utah
Sample No. Pad Lane Sta
Direct tensile strength, psi
, percent
Lift exposure
time (min)
Interface Parent
1 1 1 100 260 334 078 50
2 1 1 052 420 295 142 50
4 1 3 200 332 338 098 75
5 1 4 215 290 362 080 85
6 2 1 200 015 305 005 80
7 2 2 045 198 328 060 60
8 2 10 040 365 285 128 35