Recipes To Make Your Own Soap
Recipes To Make Your Own Soap
Recipes To Make Your Own Soap
1 uncie(oz)=0,0296litri
1 lbs(livra pounds)=0,4536kg=453,6gr
%& 'ou()e e)er rea" the la*els on health an" h'+iene pro"ucts, 'ou know it can *e a challen+e to &in" a
pro"uct that "oesn(t contain lon+ lists o& in+re"ients 'ou can(t e)en pronounce, let alone know what
the' are or what the'(re &or. -lus, there are the occasional hea"lines that 'et another stan"ar"
in+re"ient in the pro"ucts we use e)er' "a' turns out to *e counter to the )er' health an" cleanliness
the pro"uct is suppose" to promote. ometimes the easiest wa' to ensure that 'ou(re usin+ the *est,
healthiest pro"ucts . &rom soap to toothpaste . is to simpl' make 'our own. You can easil' make
sa&e, e&&ecti)e toiletries . inclu"in+ lotion an" "eo"orant . at home, usin+ simple, health'
/r' 'our han" at one or all o& these *asic recipes an" rest assure" that 'our *o"' is +ettin+ the *est
care 'ou can +i)e it. You shoul" *e a*le to &in" the *asic in+re"ients liste" *elow at 'our local
pharmac' or health &oo" store.
Shea Butter Soap 0&rom Soothing Soaps *' an"' Maine1
2 cups glycerin soap base, melted in a double boiler
2 tbsp shea butter, melted separately
Several drops of your favorite essential oil (optional)
Mi# well, pour into mol"s 0'ou can use re+ular &oo" stora+e containers1, an" cool.
Whitening Sage Tooth Powder 0&rom Natural Beauty at Home *' 2anice 3o#1
Mix together tsp each of ba!ing soda, table salt, and dried sage"
coop onto a "ampene" tooth*rush an" *rush as usual.
Body Butter 0&rom Natural Beauty at Home1
#$ cup grated cocoa butter
tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp sesame oil
tbsp avocado oil
tbsp grated bees%ax
3om*ine all the in+re"ients in an o)enproo& +lass container. -lace the container with the mi#ture in a
pan with a 1- to 2-inch water *ath. Melt the oils an" wa# +entl'.
-our the melte" mi#ture into a clean 4ar an" allow to cool. tir the coole" mi#ture.
prea" the *utter on 'our *o"' an" massa+e into the skin. Yiel"s 5 o6.
Basic Deodorant Powder Foru!a 0&rom Better Basics for the Home *' 7nnie 8erthol"-8on"1
#2 cup ba!ing soda
#2 cup cornstarch
&ntibacterial essential oils such as cinnamon, rose, birch or lavender, as preferred
-lace the *akin+ so"a an" cornstarch in a +lass 4ar. 7"" the essential oils9 stir an" co)er. :ampen a
pow"er pu&&, cotton *all or sea spon+e an" "a* into the mi#ture 0or sprinkle the mi#ture on the
spon+e19 pat un"erarms. Makes 1 cup.
Natural ea alt.. use it to *rush m' teeth.. a"" to m' *ath water reall' helps with m' patches o& "r'
skin .7lso a"" it to m' washer an" "ishwasher .
%& an'one is intereste" in makin+ their own laun"r' soap here is the recipe we use. 7ll the in+re"ients
can *e &oun" in most +rocer' stores. %t makes enou+h soap &or ; months *ase" on 2 loa"s a "a' an"
our total cost &or all the in+re"ients is aroun" 1<.00.
"t does not ake suds so we use it in our #$ washing achine%
Here is what 'ou nee":
1: 5 l* 12 o6 *o# 8ora# 02.1< k+ or 7; o61 &oun" in the "eter+ent isle
1: 5 l* *o# 7rm = Hammer 8akin+ o"a 01.81 k+1 &oun" in the cookin+ isle
1 *o# 7rm = Hammer uper >ashin+ o"a << o6 0? l* 7 o61 &oun" in the "eter+ent isle
? *ars o& unli+ht soap, &oun" in the "eter+ent isle that 'ou ha)e to han" +rate 0smells nice1
2 small containers o& o#'clean or store *ran" o#'clean 0tr' to +et a*out ?.< l*s total 01.<8 k+11 &oun"
in the "eter+ent isle.
>ear a mask when 'ou are mi#in+ it all to+ether..
%t onl' takes 1 ta*lespoon per loa".
/he 7la&&ia we*site is a reall' +reat source &or he *utter which is &air tra"e, an" not chemicall'
treate" so it has all the natural elements that make it such a healin+ *utter. %n a""ition, ,% ha)e &oun"
them to ha)e the *est price online &or hea.
% notice" a lot o& people wantin+ !'e-&ree alternati)es in the archi)e" comments. You can use
oapwort or oapnuts to make li@ui" soaps.
% use 4ust plain coconut oit as lotion an" e)en to tame &l' awa's on m' hairA %t is the *est *o"' lotion %
ha)e e)er use" - an" 'ou can cook with it tooA
% recentl' ha)e *ecome a""icte" to makin+ soap. % was a*le to use m' local li*rar' &or &in" a *ook
"etailin+ how to make soap in the crockpot. % ha)e ma"e a 3astile soap 0oli)e oil, l'e an" water1 which
turne" out well, an" a couple o& *atches o& lar" *ase" 0lar", canola oil, l'e an" water1 soap. 7ll ha)e
*een +reat to use, an" +i)e to &rien"s an" &amiles as +i&ts. M' one note &or an'one thinkin+ a*out soap
makin+ is to in)est in a @ualit' han" *len"er/stick *len"er. /he &irst one % ha" purchase" 'ears a+o at
Boo"will. %t laste" throu+h the secon" *atch o& soap *e&ore % *urne" the motor out. /he secon" melte"
the plastic casin+ in m' han" as % was usin+ it. 7 stick *len"er makes +ettin+ to trace much easier than
han" stirrin+, which can take up to 2 hours.
% ha)e *een makin+ soap &or a*out 15 'ears now. >e "o not use e#pensi)e a""iti)es like cocoa *utter,
shea *utter, sweet almon" oil etc. Our soap is ma"e o& pure Oli)e -omace Oil, sometimes with
*eeswa# an" alwa's &ra+rance" with pure essential oils. %& 'ou use *eeswa#, it spee"s up tracin+ time
@uite a *it, *ut the temperatures ha)e to *e a"4uste". %nstea" o& workin+ at ?8 "e+rees 3, the
oil/*eeswa# mi# must *e 71 "e+rees 3 an" the l'e/water mi# ;; "e+rees 3. Cor 2800+ o& Oli)e Oil, %
use 180+ 8eeswa# an" a"" a*out 1;0ml o& essential oils at trace. % allow the *lock to cure &or a*out a
week or two *e&ore cuttin+ into loa)es an" then *ars. % then let them cure an" "r' so that the' are a*out
2 months ol" when wrappin+. Dse a stick *len"er to *rin+ the oils to trace. Otherwise 'ou will stir till
'ou are ol" an" +re'. Ha)e a look at*ush-hill.php
% learne" to make soap a*out 10 'ears a+o. oon a&ter % learne" how to make *eer.
%tEs an eas' process. >ell worth the time. 7n", 'ou know e#actl' what is in it. % ma"e a shampoo *ar
se)eral 'ears a+o an" am lookin+ &or m' recipe to make it a+ain.
M' onl' caution &or soap makin+ is workin+ with the l'e. %t *urns the skin an" isnEt so pleasant in the
nose i& 'ou stick 'our hea" o)er the pot o& l'e water.
>or" o& a")ice... *e patient. %t can take a while to cure. %& 'ou use it too soon, it will still ha)e too
much water in it an" wonEt last lon+.
Boo" luck. 7n" ha)e &un.
/his is the recipe that % ha)e use" &or shampoo &or 2 'ears.
% ha)e not *ou+ht shampoo or con"itioner in 2 'ears. % ha)e se)eral people that *u' this *ar &rom me.
? l*s col", "istille" water
<00 +rams so"ium h'"ro#i"e
2 l*s oli)e oil
1 l* 8 o6 castor oil
8 o6 sweet almon" oil
5 ounces 4o4o*a oil
5 o6 kukui nut oil
2 l*s coconut oil
1 l* 8 o6 palm oil
5<-<0 +rams pure essential oil 0% use rosemar' an" peppermint1
Re+ar"in+ shampoo, %E)e *een usin+ the &ollowin+ recipe to make shampoo &or m' ki"s:*"/Homema"e-hampoo/
7n eas' shampoo recipe. %n a spra' *ottle, mi# to+ether one part aloe +el to two parts li@ui" castile
soap. 7"" a &ew "rops 4o4o*a or oli)e oil an" a &ew "rops essential oils 0optional1. tir to+ether. :o not
shake. /hen, 4ust spra' on wet hair. % use it e)er' time % wash m' hair. Cor more natural *eaut'
pro"ucts +o to
% woul" recommen" that an'one learnin+ to make soap rea" as man'
*ooks as 'ou can *e&ore 'ou attempt to make soap. Fspeciall' i& 'ou
are usin+ milk o& an' kin". % ha)e ma"e a couple o& recipes usin+
+oats milk. /hese recipes "onEt use an' water. /he onl' li@ui" is
the +oatEs milk. % alwa's &ree6e m' milk *e&ore mi#in+ it with
so"ium h'"ro#i"e. % thaw it *e&ore mi#in+. % mi# it in a pan
sittin+ in a sink o& ice water to pre)ent it &rom +ettin+ too hot.
%t will scorch the milk. Here is a 8asic Recipe Cor Milk 8ase"
? l*s pure )e+eta*le shortenin+
17 o6 e#tra li+ht oli)e oil
12 o6 sa&&lower oil
8 o6 canola oil
? l*s 0; cups1 +oat or cow milk,
prepare" &or soapmakin+
12 o6 pure so"ium h'"ro#i"e
1 o6 *ora#
1/2 o6 white su+ar
1/2 o6 +l'cerine
oap recipes-+reat we*sites are:
natural soap is one ma"e completel' *' the soapmaker not a soap
*ase that 'ou *u' an" a"" 'our own &ra+rance or oil to. Dse a
search en+ine an" t'pe in: soapmakin+, natural soap, makin+ soap,
soap recipes. /he cole*rothers site will +i)e "irections on makin+
soap in a *len"er. >hat coul" *e easier than that. 7lso look into
what each oil "oes an" what percenta+e to use. F)er' soap starts
out with l'e, which turns into +l'cerin. 7n" remem*er a"" the l'e
slowl' to the water.
% &or+ot to sa' make sure 'ou know how much soap the recipe
makes. You will nee" mol"s. /he *len"er recipe makes a poun". /he
a)era+e soap *ar is ? to 5 ounces in wei+ht. You can also tr'
D-/u*e. % am a little a&rai" o& the crockpot metho". You will ha)e
to wee" 'our wa' throu+h the people sellin+ soap. ome it is @uite
costl'. Geep a note*ook an" lo+ which sites 'ou ha)e *een to an"
what 'ou put in 'our *atch o& soap 0an" how much o& each oil,
ect.1. /he main thin+ is.."onEt +et in a hurr'.
% ha)e ma"e soap usin+ +oatEs milk. % purchase" a *ook title"
M%!G-87F: O7- *' 3ase' Makela &rom 8arnes an" No*le use" *ooks.
%t has a lot o& milk recipes an" the techni@ue. % ma"e the han"
soap recipe usin+ e++ shells &or +rit. >e lo)e the soap.
Here is a BoatEs milk soap recipe. tart out with a *asic recipe
&or soap. % use ?2 o6. o& oli)e oil, 75 o6. o& tallow, ? o6 o&
cocoa *utter,an" ?o6. o& *ees wa# heate" to meltin+ point in a
metal pan. 3ool to 100 "e+rees. %n a plastic water pitcher mi# 15
o6 o& l'e an" 51 o6. o& col" water. Dse +o++le &or sa&et'. 3ool to
100 "e+rees. 7s the two mi#tures cool to 100 "e+rees mi# care&ull'
*' pourin+ the l'e water into the &at slowl', mi# with a mi#er
until there are trailin+s an" is the consistenc' o& pu""in+. -our
into a soap mol" an" co)er an" rap with a *lanket. !et set &or 58
hours. /o make BoatEs milk or *utter milk soap heat 'our *atch o&
*asic soap o)er low heat an" +ra"uall' a"" H o6. o& *utter milk or
+oatEs milk to the mi#ture. when the soap is completel' melte" a""
2 teaspoons o& pow"ere" *en6oin an" a &ew "rops o& peppermint eo to
co)er the sli+ht sour o"or. -our into 'our &a)orite mol"s.
ampon - Cor normal hair, or as a *ase to a"" 'our own scents, use
cup "istille" water
cup li@ui" 3astile oap - % use unscente", *ut 'ou can choose 'our &a)orite
teaspoon 4o4o*a, +rapesee", or other li+ht )e+eta*le oil
Clip 3ap 8ottles or Coamin+ 8ottles to "ispense
$ng!ish La&ender Bath ' ()*(+*,))-
*' 2anice
'his recipe is ta!en out of, Natural Beauty from the (arden (Henry Holt )))) and is an excellent %ay
to relax and en*oy the fresh lavender in bloom this time of year" 'he bath recipe also includes oatmeal
and ba!ing soda, %hich are soothing to dry, sensitive s!in" 'his is an ideal bath for calming a bad
sunburn or insect bites ++ it also ma!es a %onderful gift from the garden"
1 cup la)en"er &lowers &resh or "rie"
2 cups oatmeal
1/2 cup *akin+ so"a
-lace all the in+re"ients insi"e a &oo" processor or *len"er. Brin" until 'ou ha)e a smooth, &ine
pow"er. /he pow"er shoul" ha)e the consistenc' o& whole +rain &lower. -our into a clean, airti+ht
container. /o use: -our 1/2 cup into 'our *ath as 'ou &ill the tu*.
Yiel": 28 ounces, enou+h &or se)en *aths.
.!/a!/a Mint Foot0ath ' ()*(+*,))-
*' 2anice
Summer is here and time to ma!e sure your feet are loo!ing their barefoot best, - recently put together some recipes and
ideas for Herb .ompanion maga/ine Here is one of those recipes from the 0uly 211$ issue2
7l&al&a is a mem*er o& the so'*ean &amil'. 3om*ine" with coolin+ her*s, such as
mint an" th'me, it makes an ener+i6in+ &oot*ath. You ma' use &resh al&al&a an"
her*s in this recipe *' simpl' "ou*lin+ the amount calle" &or.
2 ta*lespoons "rie" al&al&a lea)es
1 ta*lespoon "rie" mint lea)es
1 ta*lespoon "rie" th'me lea)es
1-+allon hot water
2 ta*lespoons Fpsom salts
-lace "rie" her*s insi"e a tea *all or s@uare o& cheesecloth. Cill a lar+e *asin
with hot water an" pour in the Fpsom salts. Cloat the her*al *un"le in the
water an" let it steep until the water is cool enou+h &or 'our &eet. oak 'our
&eet in the &ra+rant water &or 1< to 20 minutes. -at skin "r' an" massa+e a rich
cream or natural oil such as almon" or +rapesee" into them.
Cor more recipes an" i"eas: check out the summer *eaut' section o& Natural
8eaut' &or 7ll easons an" Natural 8eaut' &rom the Bar"en.
.pp!e Pectin Toner ' ()*(+*,))-
*' 2anice
'ry this fall recipe from Natural Beauty for &ll Seasons to !eep you
complexion clean and glo%ing,
7pples ha)e *een use" &or centuries as an inte+ral part o& our li)es as a *asic &oo" source an" *eaut'
in+re"ient. 7pples are 8< percent water an" hi+h in )itamins 7 an" 3, an" potassium. >hen applie" as
a &acial toner, apple pectin is soothin+ an" re&reshin+ &or all skin t'pes.
1 apple, cut up with peel, see"s remo)e"
1/2 cup water
1/5 cup witch ha6el
-lace the cut-up apple in a small saucepan with the water. 8rin+ to a *oil an" remo)e &rom the heat.
7llow the mi#ture to cool completel', then strain out the apple chunks. tir in the witch ha6el an" pour
into a clean container. /o use: pra' or appl' to skin usin+ a clean cotton *all.
Yiel": ; ounces
#a!!oween Mask ' ()*(+*,))-
Save your 0ac!+3+4aterns insides this year for a soothing not scary all over body mas!,
/his ori+inal recipe &rom Natural Beauty from the (arden appeare" in the pa+es o& >orkin+ >oman
ma+a6ine in Octo*er o& 2001 an" has *ecome a holi"a' classic
Cresh pumpkin contains &ruit aci" en6'mes that remo)e "r' skin with less irritation than commercial
pro"ucts. /hree or &our cups o& &resh pumpkin &lesh 0with see"s1 will pro"uce two *o"' masks. 2ust
place it in the &oo" processor &or one to two minutes, massa+e it into 'our skin, lea)e it on &or &i)e
minutes, an" rinse -- e#tra can *e &ro6en &or &uture useA
Happ' CallA
1o!ored Bath Sa!ts ' ()*(+*,))-
1cup epsom salts
1/5 cup kosher salt or sea salt, coarsel'
+roun" 0a)aila*le in man' +rocer' stores1
Coo" colorin+
Fssential oils, such as peppermint, coconut, or *itter
oran+e 0optional1
1. Mi# to+ether the epsom salts an" kosher salt.
2. 7"" a &ew "rops o& 'our &a)orite color an" stir well to *len". 08lue an" +reen are prett' sha"es
to use.1
?. %& 'ou woul" like to scent 'our *ath salts, a"" a &ew "rops o& the essential oils.
5. -our the salts into a container with a li" or into a reseal a*le plastic *a+ an" close ti+htl'.
<. >hen 'ou are "rawin+ a *ath, a"" a*out 1/5 cup o& these *ath salts un"er the runnin+ water.
Note: 5ou may substitute cornstarch or ba!ing soda for the !osher salt in this recipe"
Yiel": 10 ounces
M' "au+hter has ha" ec6ema her whole li&e an" *e+an usin+ a steroi" cream as a teen. when she &oun"
out what steroi"s were an" what the' coul" "o she re&use" to use it an' lon+er. he su&&ere" this
con"ition on her arms,le+s an" torso.earchin+ online % rea" a*out a recipe &or a *alm ma"e &rom
hone',oli)eoil an" *eeswa#. % "i" some lookin+ aroun" an" altere" it a *it usin+ raw shea *utter,tea
tree oil an" oli)e oil an" ha)e ha" ama6in+ results.he uses it now as a lotion re+ularl' as well as a
con"itioner &or her scalp.
od! "crub# 8rown u+ar, Hone' an" Or+anic F#tra-Iir+in Oli)e Oil
/his is a recipe that % "e)elope" in m' own kitchen. % use it to e#&oliate *e&ore sha)in+ m' le+s.
8ecause it is so moisturi6in+, % ha)e &oun" that % "o not nee" to appl' lotion to m' le+s i& % use it
*e&ore sha)in+.
1-1/2 cups 8rown u+ar
1/2 cup Or+anic F#tra Iir+in Oli)e Oil
1/8 cup local, raw Hone'
1/5 teaspoon o& "esire" scent options: Homema"e -ure Ianilla F#tract, !emon 2uice, !a)en"er
essential oil, Cresh +roun" co&&ee, 3innamon or 3lo)e
%n a lar+e *owl, mi# all in+re"ients to+ether to &orm a paste. 7"" scent i& 'ou woul" like to, *ut it is
not necessar'. tore *o"' scru* in a seale" container in 'our shower or *' the sink. No nee" to
re&ri+erate. /o use, scoop some into the palm o& 'our han" an" massa+e skin as nee"e".
$oisturizer# Or+anic F#tra-Iir+in Oli)e Oil
Oli)e oil is the simplest, purest moisturi6er in the worl". %t can *e use" an'where on 'our *o"',
inclu"in+ the e#tra "r' spots like 'our el*ows, knees an" &eet. %t is also an e#cellent &acial moisturi6er.
Geep in min" that )er' little oli)e oil is nee"e". %& 'ou use too much, 'our skin will en" up &eelin+
+reas' an" 'ou ma' smell a little *it like an %talian restaurant. tart with a "rop the si6e o& a "ime an"
sprea" e)enl' across 'our skin. Dse more as nee"e".
$ake%up &e'over# Or+anic F#tra-Iir+in Oli)e Oil
eriousl', % know % am startin+ to soun" repetiti)e, *ut Oli)e Oil is the simplest, purest wa' to remo)e
e'e makeup while moisturi6in+ the most ten"er 0an" most prone to wrinkles1 part o& 'our &ace.
(ntidandru)) treat'ent# 7pple 3i"er Iine+ar
impl' spra' 7pple 3i"er Iine+ar onto 'our scalp *e&ore washin+ 'our hair. Your hair ma' *e wet or
"r'. !ea)e the )ine+ar on the scalp while 'ou take a shower 0appro# < minutes1 an" then rinse it out.
>ash 'ou hair as normal. /his will +et ri" o& the )ine+ar smell.
&azor urn *reat'ent+ ,acial $oisturizer# Hone'
Hone' /onic 0&rom 8eaut' ecrets o& the 8i*le1
7ppl' 1-2 "rops hone' to wet &in+ertips an" massa+e onto ra6or *urn area or wet &ace. :o not rinse.
-at "r'. Dsin+ hone' on 'our &ace will not make 'our skin &eel stick'. Hone' helps the skin retain
moisture, plumps up &ine lines an" +i)es 'our skin a *eauti&ul +low.
,or -r! .lbo/s# !emon
3ut a lemon in hal& an" massa+e it onto each el*ow once a "a'. :r' el*ows with towel an" appl' oli)e
oil to moisturi6e. You will see &ast results with this.
0airspra!# Belatin
8rin+ appro#imatel' 1 cup o& water to a *oil an" a"" 1 teaspoon o& plain +elatin to it. tir until the
+elatin is "issol)e". tore in a spra' *ottle an" place in hot water *ath in 'our sink *e&ore use as it will
soli"i&'. /his recipe is sa&e &or 'our *o"' an" the o6one la'erA
-iaper &as1# 3oconut Oil
/r' usin+ coconut oil on 'our *a*ies "iaper rash instea" o& the e#pensi)e, chemical rash creams
a)aila*le in stores.
2ip al'#
Mi# J c +rate" *eeswa#, 2 /*sp cocoa *utter, ? /*sp coconut oil an" 1 /*sp almon" oil to+ether o)er
low heat. -our into small containers.