Dim Mak Vital Points From Rick Clark
Dim Mak Vital Points From Rick Clark
Dim Mak Vital Points From Rick Clark
Danny Abramovitch
December 6, 1994
During the February 18 & 19, 1994 Rick Clark seminars in northern California Susan 1 scribbled
down some notes. I added a few notes and some brief sketches. These are my extended notes drawn
from these brief notes taken at the seminars. I have checked the points against Rick’s book2 , but
not everything at the seminars was in the book. The explanations are certainly not as complete in
the book as in the seminars.
• A few of the points and grapples come from Rick’s November seminars in northern California.
• I have tried to tie some of these points to those used in Suro Mike Inay’s PSNA class.
• Never strike pressure points on an individual who is using any kind of drugs, legal or illegal.
• When practicing pressure point techniques, never cross points. What this means is that if
you are hitting pressure points on the left arm do not strike points on the right arm. Or do
not strike points on the body or legs once an arm has been struck. You must wait a full 20
minutes before you can strike points on other parts of the body.
• Never strike pressure points on a person who is in poor health or who has any congenital
health problems.
• Do not practice pressure points techniques for more than 15 minutes per week.
• Never strike a pressure point unless you understand the full consequences of the strike.
• Never strike pressure points with anything more than the lightest tap.
• Never strike pressure points unless you are under the supervision of an instructor who is fully
qualified in pressure point techniques.
Susan Alters, my spouse and note taking partner.
Martial Arts for the University: A Textbook for Basic Judo, Ju-Jitsu, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Modern Arnis and
Vital Points, Kendall/Hunt.
Points on the Arm
Lung 7
• About 1” up from the hand, on the radius side of
the arm is where this point is found (a).
Additional Lung Point
• On the forearm at the intersection between the
radius bone and muscle that wraps over it (a) &
Lung 5
• Below the elbow, about 3/4”. There is a ropey
sinewy muscle at the top of the arm (a).
Large Intestine 11
• This point is on the opposite side of Lung 5 (a).
In fact, this is best located at the same time that
Lung 5 is located. When reaching for Lung 5 with
the thumb of the adjacent hand, the index finger
will be on this point (b). It is under the ropey mus-
cle/tendon that runs across the top of the forearm.
Heart 7
• This one is on the opposite side of the wrist from the
first thumb point (Lung 7). It is just below the wrist
bone near the pinky (a).
Heart 7
• To find this point, place your cross hand under your
opponent’s elbow, cupping it. The thumb will be able
to push on this point.
• Alternately, you can hold their right arm with your right
arm and do a left backfist.
• Striking the point twards the fingers will set up the op-
posite knee for a break and the neck for a knockout.