Fall 2008 Edition of The Breeze, the publication of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, District Seven. We work to promote recreational boating safety, public education, and vessel safety.
Fall 2008 Edition of The Breeze, the publication of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, District Seven. We work to promote recreational boating safety, public education, and vessel safety.
Fall 2008 Edition of The Breeze, the publication of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, District Seven. We work to promote recreational boating safety, public education, and vessel safety.
Fall 2008 Edition of The Breeze, the publication of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, District Seven. We work to promote recreational boating safety, public education, and vessel safety.
Division 2......Bruce Lindsey Division 3..... Gwendolyn S. Leys Division 4..... Barbara Carolus Division 5.....Janee Henderson Division 6.....Eduardo L. Burbank Division 7.....Peter Lore Division 8..........Fred Kermode Division 9.......John Tyson Division 10........Richard Luettich Division 11 ...Karen L. Miller Division 12.....William Bill Riley Division 13.........James H. Fletcher Division 14......Robert M. Funk Division 15 . Rosemary Boennighausen Division 16.........Duane Minton BREEZE is the official and educational tool of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary 7th District and is intended as a publication to keep the member- ship apprised of the activities of the Auxiliary. All articles and photographs submitted must be consistent with the policies of the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary and may not be returned. Personal information of members is protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. The use of these rosters, addresses and telephone numbers on any computer or online service including the Internet is prohibited by the Act. Comments are encouraged and may be sent to the above named Publication Officer. Articles in the BREEZE may be reprinted provided credit is given and a copy is sent to the above Editor and Publications Officer. Do not send change of addresses to the BREEZE. You can obtain a change of member information report (7028) from your Materials Officer and submit it through channels. Editor & Publications Officer Dorothy Joan Riley [email protected] The D7 PB Team (ADSO-PB Staff Officers): James Dennen, D-CL Content Editor Gary Barth, ADSO-E Janet Sprague-Williams, Copy Editing Paulette Parent, ADSO-W T. J. Kerbs, Pre-Press & Printing UNITED STATES COAST GUARD District Commander: Rear Admiral Steve Branham USCG Director of Auxiliary District 7: CDR David Allen, USCGR Assistant Director: CWO2 Steve Hanson, USCG U.S. COAST GUARD AUXILIARY Rear Commodore East (RCO-E) Richard J. Leys Email: [email protected] Rear Commodore North (RCO-N) Ronald Goldenberg Email: [email protected] Rear Commodore West (RCO-W) Walter Jaskiewicz Email: [email protected] Logistics James E. Dennen, Department Chief Email: [email protected] Prevention Philip Merrill, Department Chief Email: [email protected] Response Casey Jankowski, Department Chief Email: [email protected] District Commodore COMO Allen Brown Email: [email protected] District Vice Commodore Donald L. Frasch Email: [email protected] Area Commander Atlantic - East Peter E. Fernandez Email: [email protected] Is the official publication of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary 7th District Volume LV Number 2 Fall/ Winter 2008 As DSO-PB I see most of D7s newsletters and have read some great articles, however, few of those great stories are submitted for publication in the Breeze or to our National publications. I hope that the great variety of articles pub- lished this year will encourage more submissions and make each of you eager to see your stories published in D7s beautiful newsmagazine! Here are the submission guidelines and deadlines through Winter 2009: Deadlines: Publication dates: Spring 2009: March 10, 2009 April 30, 2009 Summer 2009: July 10, 2009 Aug. 30, 2009 Winter 2009: Oct. 10, 2009 Nov. 30, 2009 Articles of any length are considered, however, articles should not exceed 750 words. Shorter articles are welcome as we can run one story per page. Articles should be of general interest and appeal to the many varied members of D7. We publish about the Auxil- iary for the Auxiliary. The focus or viewpoint should always be the Auxiliarys involvement or perspective. Never use all caps excepts when typing acronyms, and always spell the complete words out the first time they are used within the text followed by the acronym in parenthe- sis. We love photographs, and the larger, the better! The better photographs are usually at least 1MB. Any image format is acceptable. We print photographs as well as articles. Cap- tions should answer the questions Who? What? Where? When? Why or How? With these guidelines in mind pull out those great stories, polish them up a bit and get them to us as soon as possi- ble. We need time to edit text and photographs, so the more lead time we get the better. D7 members have ac- complished some great things. Lets tell their stories and applaud their efforts, and thanks to all who contributed to this issue! Sincerely, Dorothy Joan Riley, DSO-PB D7 Bridge A Word From the Editor: Volume LV Number 2 Fall/ Winter 2008 District Commodore .......................................................3 Vice Commodore ...........................................................4 Immediate Past Commodore .........5 Director of Auxiliary D7 .......6 Rear Commodore North ................................................8 District Captain North (e) ....9 Rear Commodore West ...............................................10 District Captain West (e) . 11 Rear Commodore East ................................................12 District Captain East (e) ....13 Departments
Articles Unexpected Rescue . 18 Getting Our Youth Involved in Boating Safety .. 20 Search Pattern Clinic 22 From Routine to Life Saving in 60 Seconds . 23 Innovative Hardware/ Sector Key West . 24 Surviving Hurricane Omar ... 26 Survival Kits For Commercial Fishermen ...28 Marian Madsen: 100 years and Counting ..... 30 Eagle Award ...... 31 DIRAUX West- Now Venice Detachment ......32 The USCGAUX Citadel Connection ..34 Operation Bay Watch ... 36 Lobster Rodeo ... 37 Historic Port of Call ... 39
Page 3 Commodore Allen Brown From the Bridge It is an awesome task that I face this morning and it is one that perhaps I have been procrastinating in doing. It almost feels as though I am writing my own obituary; but such is indeed not the case it is more like writing a birth announcement. The Seventh District is one fascinating place to be as a member of the Auxiliary. We have been, and will continue to be, on the cutting edge. And this is only possible with the dedication and support of every member remaining Semper Paratus. Over the years we have struggled with the key words of Integration, Innovation and Integrity the three Is. We have done well in these areas. We fail when we individually add a Fourth I ego. Our mission is the boating public, the Coast Guard and each and every member. It is not I. Charles Dickens noted in his opening paragraph of A Tale of Two Cities that, It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. And thus it is today. We are a unique or- ganization and one fantastic team. Sure, as with any volunteer organization there are problems. These problems are better described as challenges and/or opportunities; Modernization is a reality. Economic restraint is a reality, but we as Auxiliarists, Americans and members of the Seventh Dis- trict are up to the challenges. Bravo Zulu to each and everyone who claims the title of a Seventh District Auxiliarist! I am extremely proud of all that you have accomplished and all that you will accomplish in the years ahead. Many thanks and remain Semper Paratus. COMO Allen Brown presents a pocket watch to Rear Admiral Robert (Steve) Branham, District Commander, Seventh Coast Guard District at the D7 Fall Conference in Jacksonville in appreciation for all of his support of D7 USCGAUX . Photo by James Dennen Page 4
Donald L. Frasch, Vice Commodore From the Bridge First I must tell you I am both deeply humbled and tremendously excited to be taking the helm of the largest, and arguably the very best District in the Auxiliary. It seems like an awesome task, but I know we have a team with the talent, commitment, and dedica- tion to continue to move our District forward and to maintain our leadership position in the Auxiliary. If you were at the Commodores Banquet at our Conference, you heard me mention that I have received Commodore Browns permission to continue to use his Watch Words of Integration, Innovation and Integrity as we move into my term as Commo- dore. Ive done that for a couple reasons. First, I think they are the best descriptors of what we need to do as we continue to increasingly add value as an organization to the Active Duty Coast Guard and the boating public. They are simple yet focused, straight forward and clearly understood by our entire team. Secondly, I want them to take on more meaning that just the Commodores Watch Words. I want them to be our District Watch Words. We have been working with them successfully for two years. Making them District focused brings our entire sixteen Divisions, and their Flotillas, into the main stream as well. I expect all our Elected and Appointed Officers to take them to heart, use them constantly and let them guide our actions for the next two years. I do, however, want to add my personal leadership motto to the mix, Do the Right Thing. We all have to make decisions every now and then that can have everything from a very small to a huge impact on our success as Auxiliarists, and on each others well being. When you have to make a decision, large or small, take a moment and ask yourself that critical question, What is the right thing to do? If you do that, and truthfully act on your own an- swer, you will never go wrong, and we will continue to grow and make a difference. Again, thanks for giv- ing me this tremen- dous honor ! Semper Paratus Don Frasch, DCO (e) D7 is presented the Meritori- ous Service Award at the D7 Fall Conference. Pic- tured are Rear Admiral Robert (Steve) Branham, District Commander, Seventh Coast Guard District, COMO Allen Brown, DCO D7, Don Frasch, DCO (e) D7, and COMO Steven Budar, National Commo- dore, USCGAUX Photo by James Dennen
Page 5 Commodore Peter Fernandez Immediate Past District Commodore The past four years have gone by very quickly. It seems like yesterday that I was elected District Commodore for this great District and now my term as your Immediate Past District Commodore is coming to an end. I will move forward, working with my Flotilla and District, just as any member would do. I am happy with what I have been able to accomplish and where I am. I take this opportunity to thank the membership for their support during my years as Commodore. I am especially grateful to my mentor, Dominic Romeo. As I look back to my days as Flotilla Commander of Flotilla 65, Miami, Fla., never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined serving as District Commodore, and much less a National Area Commodore. The future of our organization will be in the hands of new leaders, and we need to prepare for new and different responsibilities -- without fear or hesitation. Leadership, a critical management skill, is the ability to motivate a group of people toward a common goal and to encourage them to follow you. However, leading volunteers is not the same as leading in the cor- porate world. The Seventh District attributes its success to our many dedicated members and the elected leaders guiding and directing their actions. Our newly elected Coast Guard Auxiliary leaders are the individu- als who will guide and direct us, showing the way. Congratulations to our new leaders. Good luck as you continue to motivate the membership to sup- port and balance our Recreational Boating Safety missions with the Coast Guard missions. Never forget that the Flotillas and members are the heartbeat of this great organization. Semper Paratus! COMO Peter Fernandez, Area Regional Commander (ARCO) - Atlantic East and his wife, Patricia, attended the Com- modores Open House aboard the UCSG Cutter Maria Bray. Photo by James Dennen Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing. Warren Bennis, Ph.D. On Becoming a Leader Page 6
Change is in the Air This time of year we see and hear a lot about change. Both political parties had Presi- dential candidates who promised change. The weather is changing. We have changed from baseball season (go Rays!) to football season (go everyone!) And this year, we are changing a lot of our leadership positions on both the gold and silver sides. "Change" is the process, but "improvement" is the goal; continuous improvement, to put it more accurately. We need to make sure in all of our elections and appointments that the improvements from the last watch are carried forward, and that the next watch makes changes that use these improvements to rise to a higher level. This year we are continuing to move ahead, not just changing, and we thank those who got us here. At our National Conference in Orlando and our District Conference in Jacksonville we elected a slate of leaders who will take us forward in modernizing the Auxiliary and in making im- provements in how we contribute to the missions of the Coast Guard. Our new National Commodore and his staff, including our new Atlantic Area East Commodore Tom Venezio, will certainly keep up the great work that Commodore Budar and our own East area Commodore Peter Fernandez started over two years ago. Welcome home, Peter! Likewise, we begin a new watch in January that will continue the progress made under Commodore Allen Brown's leadership within District 7. Commodore Don Frasch was elected as the new DCO and has committed to continue the watchwords of Commodore Brown Integration Innovation ... Integrity. Working with the elected leaders and appointed staff at the District, Division and Flotilla levels, we are in a great position to continue our progress not only to be the best Auxiliary District, but also to be the best that we can be. On the Gold side we've already had the chance to hear from and meet our District Commander, Rear Admiral Steve Branham, who spoke to us both in Orlando and Jacksonville. He is genuinely appreciative of the great work that you do every day and is committed to making sure that you have what you need to be successful in supporting Coast Guard missions. Rear Admiral Branham took command of our District in May. This was shortly followed by three new Sector Commanders - CAPT Tim Close in St. Pete, CAPT Ed Pino in San Juan, and CAPT Jim Fit- ton in Miami. If you enjoy working with professional officers who have your needs in mind, you'll get along great with each of the Sector Commanders in District 7. We've also had a few changes in your support team on District staff. Storekeeper Second Class Chris Dowell comes to us from Sector San Juan and will help you with your equipment and supply needs. Yeoman Third Class Marty Reese Williams is our new coordinator for orders, travel claims and administrative processes. She's proven herself to be the "rock star" already by her appearances at conferences and support that she's given to many D7 Auxiliarists since her arrival in June. Our new Detachment in Venice (VENDET) opened late September, replacing our former DIRAUX West office in Nokomis, which closed and the building was returned to the county. A dozen dedi- cated Auxiliarists from the area worked hard to refurbish vacated spaces at the Flotilla 92 building to use as office space for VENDET, and a great ribbon cutting ceremony was held to honor the open- ing. We are very fortunate to have a great supporter as our D7 Chief of Prevention. CAPT Scott Fergu- son who joins us from Buffalo, New York, where he served as Sector Commander for the past two years. (He said that he still has his ice scraper in case any of our snowbirds are headed home early.) CAPT Ferguson is a career Prevention (Marine Safety) officer, and he shares his philosophy with us here: Director of Auxiliary, Seventh District Commander David R. Allen "Change" is the process, but "improvement" is the goal
Page 7 "My outlook on life is very simple, and this is also my expectation for the Team. Be self- less, have moral courage in all that you do, integrity in all phases of life, be a humble ser- vant leader, and build champions. Egos and arrogance kill. You cannot be on my team if you have these traits. "So how do you build champions? You put others first and help them perform at a higher level than they think they can do themselves. Remember that as part of the USCGAUX you are part of Team Coast Guard and hence in all phases of your life, like us on active duty, you must live our core values of honor, respect, and devotion to duty. Nothing less will do, because the public does not differentiate the gold side from the silver side, and I consider you to be part of my crew." With a team like this, we can't help but move forward. Our team is strengthened and has depth of knowledge and capability because of our new leaders and team members. We can attribute our success to both the new team and the efforts and accomplishments of our past teams. We owe them all a great amount of gratitude and we owe the new team our dedication and commitment. I look forward to great accomplishments that these changes will bring. See you on the water! CDR David Allen, Director of Auxiliary, District 7 delivers his message of improvement through change to the members attending the Fall Conference in Jacksonville. Seated on the left is COMO Steve Budar, National Commodore (NACO) USCG Auxiliary. Photo by James Dennen Page 8 Rear Commodore North Ronald Goldenberg, Rear Commodore I am very proud to have served District 7 North (Team North) during the past two years. Team North consists of two Sectors: Jacksonville in the South and Charles- ton in the North. This covers the northern third of coastal Florida and goes inland to Orlando. It also covers Georgia and South Carolina. Within these boundaries are thousands of miles of Intracoastal and coastal waterways. This includes five major ports. Team North provides a Coast Guard Auxiliary presence on several very large inland lakes and many rivers in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. Five divisions share the responsibility for supporting the Coast Guard in this area of responsibility (AOR). There has been outstanding cooperation between the divisions in assisting one another in member training and building membership. Team North is the smallest of the subdivisions of District 7. In terms of membership it has approximately 1,400 members. Team North has one of the largest AORs to assist the Coast Guard with its multi-mission tasks of homeland security, recreational boating safety, and various surge operations. Attracting new members has been an outstanding accom- plishment of Team North. Since the first of the year, over 80 new members have been sworn in or are in the process of obtaining membership in Team North. Division 12 has been very successful with Thinking out- side of the box. This has resulted in the addition of over 45 new members by forming new detachments. The new attachments are at the Citadel, South Carolinas military academy, and at Lakes Murray and Marion. Divisions 2, 4, 10 12, and 14 have been very active supporting Coast Guard missions in the ports of Ponce Inlet, Jacksonville, Brunswick, Savannah, and Charleston. Division 4 sup- plied Operational Facilities (OPFACs) and crews for sev- eral shuttle launches. They also patrol the large inland lakes in central Florida. Divisions 10, 12, and 14 work closely with the Captains of their respective ports by as- sisting Marine Safety Officers/Marine Safety Units with port security and pollution identification and control. Divi- sion 2 has been exceptionally active with safety patrols on the inland lakes of Georgia and northwest South Carolina. The Norths divisions are busy doing many tasks. Some of these tasks are escorting cruise ships into port and help- ing local Coast Guard stations provide a safety zone around visiting foreign naval vessels. They also provide hundreds of recreational boaters with safe boating infor- mation and demonstrations. Through their Program Visitor (PV) programs, they are disseminating Waterway Watch information to the boating public. Air Station Savannah depends heavily on the Auxiliary to assist them with main- taining their qualifications by providing the Station with OPFACs and crews for nighttime training missions. Ap- proximately 70% of the nighttime training for the Air Sta- tion is provided by Auxiliarists. Team North is proud to assist the Coast Guard. It exem- plifies the motto Semper Paratus and has internalized the creed; Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty.
Page 9 Reginald Holler, District Captain North (e) I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Reginald (Reggie) Hollar. I am the newly elected District Captain-North. Over 13 years ago I had a Courtesy Marine Examination (CME) on my boat. At that time, I knew very little about the Coast Guard Auxiliary. During the inspection, the Vessel Examiner informed me about a Boating Skills and Seamanship class coming up soon and invited me to attend. I attended the class and was subsequently asked to attend an Auxiliary meeting as a guest. Here I am, 13 plus years later, and I can hon- estly say that I have enjoyed almost every minute of the trip. During my 13 years in the Auxiliary, I have served two years each as a Flotilla Vice Commander, Flotilla Commander, and Division Captain. I am presently current as a Coxswain, Vessel Examiner, Program Visitor, Instructor and Aids Verifier. As a member and Immediate Past Division Captain (IPDCP) of Division 12, I have some ideas that I would like to share with you. In just slightly over two years, the recruiting team, of which I have been a part, has chartered a new Flotilla with over 30 members, a Citadel Detachment and a detachment on Lake Marion. We are now working to establish a detachment in Socastee to fill the gap on the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) between Georgetown and Myrtle Beach. The proven ideas and recruit- ing methods will be shared with you and you will have my full support in recruiting and retention. Working together as a team, we will recruit new members and expand our cov- erage area, while retaining our seasoned members in leadership and management rolls. Hopefully, all Divisions in the Northern Area of Responsi- bility (AOR) will set high goals in supporting the Coast Guard and supporting the Prevention Program. It has been said, and is true in most cases, that a salesman writes his/her paycheck. The same holds true with us working as a team. There are many areas where the sky is the limit and our help is needed. Most of these are basic programs such as Vessel Examiner, Program Visitor, Pub- lic Education and Public Affairs. These programs help re- duce search and rescue, injury or death, and give the Coast Guard the time and resources needed for law en- forcement and protection of our coast. My personal goal for 2009 is to work with each of you as a team. You will have my total support. My eyes and ears will always be open for ideas and better ways of doing things. We are living in a new age and change will be a part of survival. I hope to visit with each Division in the near future so that we can share our ideas and chart our course for a productive and enjoyable 2009. District Captain North Guardian Ethos super-imposed over a photograph of the Color Guard at the D7 Fall Conference. Photo by Christopher Todd, FC 6-11, Bayshore, Fla. Page 10 Rear Commodore West Many of you who have attended our conferences over the last few years are aware of my last name and know that it has encountered some problems with its pronuncia- tion. My grandfather told me what he said to the Immigration Officer at Ellis Island when they asked him his name after he stepped off the vessel that brought him and his family to America in the 1800s from Latvia. Upon hearing his name, the officer said it was too long and too hard to pronounce, and he wanted to change it to Johnson on the entry papers as he had done to others before him. Grandfather had saved what little money he had working three jobs to pay for a class to learn how to write and speak English very fluently. He very proudly braced back his shoulders and in a strong voice and not missing one correct pronunciation of any word said, My fathers name and grandfathers name was Jaskiewicz and my name is Jaskiewicz. I come to America to be part of this Great Country, and if it is required of you to change my name, than I will return to the boat with my family. The officer, whose English hinted of a European accent, then said with an expression of some loss, I wish I would have said that Mr. Jaskiewicz. Welcome to America. As 7 th District Chief of Staff (e) let me share four thoughts for increasing our capabilities and ac- countability as part of Team Coast Guard that are stated in our Auxiliary Pledge. The Pledge you are about to take is your commitment to support The United States Coast Guard. WE all took this pledge to accept membership in the Auxiliary to assist the Coast Guard and Our Country as all of those first members did over 69 years ago. You have offered your Talents and Services in the interest of a better Coast Guard Auxiliary. WE all raised our right hand to offer our value for a better Auxiliary. Let us all provide our value in a posi- tive way and let no negative discussions side track our course. Be prepared to accept certain obligations as well as the Administrative and Supervisory Responsi- bilities of your office. WE all, regardless of office, have a duty to this pledge. It is as simple as wearing our uniform properly and understanding the image we present to the public. This is every members Administrative Responsibility. With the full realization of the demand of your office, time and dedication. WE all must respect the dedication and investment of time that each of our members provides to be part of our team every day, and honor the value they bring by not taking it for granted. Notice that I have underlined and capitalized WE above to illustrate an important part of my adminis- trative definition of a Team. WE together are a team. As a person of value I bring to our team my professionalism, my past Auxiliary experience, and the investment of my Coast Guard training to accept current and future challenges. I say: Yes, WE can and Yes, WE will be ready to perform as part of Team Coast Guard, and WE will keep the Light of Integrity and the Spirit of The Auxiliary Burning Brightly as it was first ignited in 1939. This requires the support of each member to become part of the web of wisdom, experience and knowledge of our past, present and future leadership. Remain positive to your Pledge of Membership -- its responsibilities and the purpose of the Auxiliary. Let it be your GPS to keep our purpose of integrity on course in 2009. Semper Paratus Walter Jaskiewicz, Rear Commodore District Chief of Staff (e)
Page 11 I consider it a special privilege to serve District 7 as the District Captain - West. This position was formerly known as the Rear Commodore, West. The last three people holding that position have unknowingly served as role models for me. I value their friendship very much and will do my best to carry on their excellent leadership. Just as the title for this position has changed, we must prepare ourselves for further change in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. To better serve the U S Coast Guard, we need to realize how we can best meet our responsibilities. First we must know where we are needed and how we can have the greatest impact upon the Coast Guard mission. Prior to 9-11, Flotillas focused on Safety Patrols. As new members enrolled, they were trained for Operations. Since 9-11, our emphasis has shifted to Maritime Secu- rity. We have trained fewer Instructors for Public Education and Vessel Examiners to conduct Vessel Safety Checks. Similarly, our Marine Dealer Visits, now known as Program Visits, have also suf- fered. The former Captain of the Port, Sector St Petersburg, Florida, was asked how the Auxiliary could best serve the Coast Guard. He answered: Perform those duties that we do not carry out. He was referring to Recreational Boating Safety (RBS), Public Education for recreational boaters, Vessel Examinations on recreational boats, and visitations by our RBS Program Visitors to keep boating safety information before the general public. He further emphasized that the Auxiliary owns 90% of the Recreational Boating Safety duties. We recognize that change happens in any organization and the successful organization responds to change. We must intensify our efforts where we can have the greatest impact upon recreational boaters. Our Public Education Instructors lay the groundwork for boating safety upon the water. Vessel Examiners emphasize boating safety as they perform the Vessel Safety Checks (VCS). Boat owners, as well as their guests and children, benefit from the interpretation of boating regulations applied to their vessels. Program Visitors keep current information on Boating Safety readily avail- able in our recognizable literature racks. These vital areas must be better served. Let us accept change as a chal- lenge for us to better serve the Coast Guard, and lets have fun doing it. District Captain West Raymond Paysour, District Captain West (e) Kevin Yeaton, FC 7-16, Cortez Lake, and Don Rimel, FSO-PV, are three Program Visitors from Flotilla 7-16 in Gulfport, Fla. The three members lead their division with 637 Program Partner Dealer Visits and 272 Vessel examinations recorded by the end of October. Of these, 508 visits were completed by Don Rimel. They are getting the boating safety materials to the Recreational Boating Safety Program Visitor partners and to the boating public and firmly believe this will improve boater awareness and minimize risk of accidents. Photo provided by Don Rimel, Gulfport, Fla. Page 12
Rear Commodore East This will be my last article for the Breeze as Rear Commodore East (RCO-E). I would first like to thank all the members of Team East for their support over the past two years. You have done a tremendous job of supporting Team Coast Guard, and I only ask that you keep the momentum going. The best part of the position has been the opportunity I have had to meet new peo- ple and make lasting friendships. I am extremely grateful for that. What I will miss the most is traveling to all the Divisions of Team East. I enjoyed having the opportunity to listen to what each of you has accomplished and your in- put as to what we can do to improve things. With that said I say to each of you, may you have, Fair Winds and Following Seas. Report from East Area The Auxiliary Sector Coordinators from the three Sectors supported by the east area have had an ongoing dialogue with their respective Sector Auxiliary Liaison Officers (AUXLOs). They established meetings with the Sector Command cadre on a monthly or bi-monthly basis with the inclusion of the East Area Division Captains. A number of commands underwent a change. This included the Command of Sector Miami in June, the Command of Sector San Juan in July, as well as a change in the Command of Station Ft. Lauderdale and multiple Coast Guard Cutters that support the East Area. Our members support both Sectors Miami and Key West, with Hawkeye Watchstanders covering over 50% of the watches at times. At our small boat stations we have members performing the du- ties of Officer of the Day (OOD) both at the Stations and on Cutters. Members also replace Active Duty personnel as radio watchstanders, including Rescue 21. Some members are working as initial pollution investigators for the Marine Safety Units within the three Sectors. Despite the geographic diversity of the East Area which extends from Key West north to Ft. Pierce and Vero Beach and includes the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, our divisions have been working together on public education and public affairs to educate the public in boating safety. The Recreational Boating Safety (RBS) programs are active with program visitors increasing their num- ber of visits and vessel examiners performing a larger number of vessel safety checks. Many vessel safety check blitzes have been held at local marinas and boat ramps. A major focus this year was on recruitment and retention and our membership continues to grow. In the public affairs arena we know that the East Area is out there, in front of the public. We have been fortunate to have the BATPAK at numerous functions. Every division has participated in one or more boat shows in their area and/or assisted in open houses at the Stations they support. The Fit to Float campaign was a huge success at the Bass Pro Shops. Support of the Active Duty Coast Guard in the Seventh District will continue through the end of the year and beyond by Team East, as new Auxiliary leadership takes the helm to promote the mis- sions of the United States Coast Guard and the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. Richard J Leys, Rear Commodore
Page 13 As your District Captain East 2009, I am more than proud to serve all Division Commanders from the East as well as District leaders and DIRAUX personnel. We will work together to find new opportunities for our members and focus our efforts on increasing operational support, which help us to align ourselves with the Sectors. We are in the process of modernization. This starts next year with new titles at Division and District levels. We encourage everyone to maintain high standards during the integration process and to support our Seventh District. We need to maintain a positive attitude. This is one of the most important attrib- utes that we can have. It will help us to develop better relationships and function more harmoniously, which will benefit everyone. We will make better decisions and will transmit our energy and enthusiasm to the entire TEAM. Attitude is impor- tant; make it a priority in your life to have a good attitude and it will both change your thoughts and improve your communications with others. My plan is to support Division Commanders from the East to establish a strategic plan in their re- spective areas. I will encourage them to maintain a balance between Recreational Boating Safety and Coast Guard missions in order to cover all boating needs. I will maintain constant communica- tions with Division Commanders and help them through the Chain of Leadership and Management to transform differences into opportunities and to find new solutions to any problem. Im looking forward to an extraordinary year. Im very proud to be a member of the best District in the Nation. I will be working in line with our District leaders to maintain our commitment to excellence, and remember: The sky is the limit! Diana Figueroa, District Captain East (e) District Captain East Richard Leys, RCO-E , Judith Hudson, Vice Captain, Division 6 and Eduardo Burbank, Captain Division 6, Miami-Dade, Fla., at the D7 Fall Conference in Jacksonville. Photo by Christopher Todd FC 6-11, Bayshore, Fla. Page 14
James Dennen, D-CL D7, ASC Sector Key West Logistics Department Congratulations to the incoming District 7 Bridge of: Don Frasch as District Commo- dore (DCO), Walter Jaskiewicz, District Chief of Staff (DCOS) Diana Figueroa, Dis- trict Captain East, (DCAPT-E), Reggie Hollar, District Captain-North (DCAPT-N) and Raymond Paysour, District Captain West (DCAPT-W). We look forward to working with them in the upcoming year. Lots of exciting things are happening in the Logistics Department. The Materials Department under Terry Barth, District Staff Officer for Materials (DSO-MA), is now part of the Logistics group. Terry has taken some major initiatives to make certain that new resources in the Materials Department are made available to all of our individual members. Every Coast Guard Exchange in the country has moved all of its Operational Dress Uniform (ODU) stock to the Uniform Distribution Center (UDC) to more closely monitor availability. There are some very good deals right now on the existing ODUs with the roll out of the new un-tucked version of this uniform. There is a four for one pricing special on certain sizes still available on the internet at: http://www.uscg.mil/uniform/ ordering.asp Roy Savoca, District Staff Officer for Communication Services (DSO-CS), and Nestor Tacoronte, our new D7 Webmaster, have done some amazing work on the new District 7 Website. http:// cgaux7.org/. There are two new option buttons: Whats New and Newsworthy Items on the main member page. These buttons will inform members of the current activities that are occurring in Dis- trict 7. We now have the capacity to showcase videos and all sorts of other cool new linking options available to us. Our next goal will be to get all of the Bridge and Staff information accurate and current. In order to do this, we have appointed Diane Berman as an Assistant District Staff Officer (ADSO-CS), to work on getting the information up to date and maintaining its currency. We were thinking of giving her the title of ADSO-NAG because we hope that she will nag people, if necessary, to keep our infor- mation accurate and up to date. Please help her in this process. Sue Hastings, District Staff Officer - Information Services (DSO-IS) has done a great job keeping AUXINFO and AUXDATA current and will no doubt be a great resource for Diane. We are attempting to relieve the Coast Guard of the task of maintaining their external web- sites. Often this is an ancillary task for a junior grade officer. In some cases, they relish this job; in others, they do not. On July 31, 2008 all websites under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) umbrella were required to adhere to a new compliance standard. DHS Chief Information Officer, Steve Cooper states on the DHS website, Making electronic and information technology accessible for people with disabilities is good business manage- ment strategy and, Complying with Section 508 ensures our information technology will be more capable of responding to technology changes in future years. This state-of-the-art program ensures that electronic and information technology is accessible for employees and consumers with disabilities. It also insures that the websites will be uniform in function and design. Roy Savoca, DSO-CS, has been encouraging all Auxiliary Webmasters within D7 to also work at standardizing their websites and making them 508 Compliant as well. Sector Key Wests website http://www.uscg.mil/d7/sectKeyWest/, is the first 508 Compliant website we completed. The website was designed and will be maintained entirely from a remote location by Roy Savoca using a Coast Guard RAS TOKEN. We have appointed Dave Hastings as an ADSO-CS. His specific task will be to design and maintain Coast Guard websites. Our goal will be to expand this service to other Sectors, if they so choose. Our new D7 Auxiliary website, designed by Nestor Tacoronte, D7 Webmaster, is also 508 Compliant. Caption de- scribing pic- ture or graphic. Logistics: Communication Services Information Services Materials Public Affairs Publications Personnel Services
Page 15 The year 2008 has been a banner year for recruiting under Rhonda Hebert, District Staff Officer for Personnel Services (DSO-PS), and Angela Pomaro, Assistant District Staff Officer (ADSO-PS eResponder). Our increase, according to AUXDATA to date, is 828 members. This brings us to a total of 5236 members. We should be very pleased with our efforts. The D7 Connection, the online publication for the Personnel Services Department, has just pub- lished its third online magazine. It has been a huge success. We have made it available to the entire D7 membership, providing that they have an accurate email address listed in AUXDATA. The D7 Connection is also available on the D7website under the Publications button. http://cgaux7.org/ pdf_files/d7pub/2008-D-7-Connection-Fall.pdf. Rhonda has decided that she will not continue on as DSO-PS for this coming year. Angela Pomaro has agreed to become the new DSO-PS. She knows the system completely and will be a great District Staff Officer. Rob Westcott District Staff Officer Public Affairs (DSO-PA) has done an outstanding job on behalf of the Public Affairs Department. As a personal favor to me, he has agreed to extend that same ef- fort to get the Aviation Department better exposure from a Public Affairs standpoint. There is no one in the country better prepared to kick this off than Rob. He has been running C-Schools all over the United States to train more Auxiliarists in this important specialty. With his National Staff duties continuing to grow (Division Chief for all PA Production), Rob will be passing the torch on as DSO-PA. Tom Loughlin has agreed to become our new DSO-PA. Tom has been Robs protg over the last two years and I am confident that he is up to the task. In addition, we are tasking Tom to head up National Safe Boating Week (NSBW). This is a natural fit for the Public Affairs Department. Karen Miller has agreed to resurrect the Mariner, our online Public Affairs publication. In addition, she has added her talent in helping us to proof all of our publications including the Breeze. This publication speaks for itself. Our last issue received rave reviews from all over the country. Dottie Riley, District Staff Officer for Publications (DSO-PB), and her team have done an out- standing job. We hope that you enjoy this edition as well. Page 15 Aboard the C.G. Cutter Maria Bray Jacksonville, Fla. From left: Coast Guard Auxiliary ARCO-AE Peter Fernandez, NACO Steven Budar, Angela Pomaro, ADSO-PS, eResponder, RADM Steve Branham, Coast Guard District 7 Commander, James Dennen D-CL, D7, ASC Sector Key West, and Donald Zinner, DFSO Photo provided By Angela Pomaro, N. Palm Beach, Fla. Page 16
Philip Merril, D-CP D7 Prevention Department The Fit to Float campaign is a Bass Pro Shops promotion in conjunction with Stearns. The customer can bring unserviceable life jackets into a Bass Pro Shop and exchange them for a coupon which will give them a discount on a new life jacket ranging in value from $5.00 to $50.00, depending upon the cost of the new life jacket. On May 17 18, 2008, the second Fit to Float event was held in nine cities within District 7. The event was a resounding success. The Super 7th was again at the forefront by naming a Point of Contact (POC) for the Bass Pro Shops in each of the participating cities by March 31, 2008. The cities and POCs were the Flotilla Staff Officers Program Visitor (FSOs-PV) and Division Staff Officers - Program Visitors (SOs-PV) named below: Myrtle Beach, S.C. - Frank Fersch, FSO-PV 12-2 Atlanta, Ga. - Milton Laudermilk, FSO-PV 29 Macon, Ga. - Wendy Clayton, FSO-PV 28 Savannah, Ga. - Jack Marvin, FSO-PV 10-2 Orlando, Fla. - Carleta Wilson, FSO-PV 4-11 Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. - Howard Blair, FSO-PV 34 Miami, Fla. - Mario Gutierrez, SO-PV 6 Ft. Meyers, Fla. - Bill White, SO-PV 9 Islamorada, Fla. - Cathie Welty, FSO-PV 13-8 The local Flotillas were able to organize, publicize and participate in this campaign by providing knowledgeable members to answer customer questions about life jackets and hand out appropri- ate literature during the promotion. Our members did not get involved in the trade in or in promot- ing any products. The event provided us with a venue for education about local, state and federal life jacket regulations, Vessel Safety Checks, and other boating education programs. Nationwide, over 1,500 unserviceable life jackets were removed from public use while the public received rein- forced messages from the District 7s Public Education, Vessel Examination, Sea Partners and Americas Waterway Watch programs. Way to go Team! Written by Cathie Welty, DSO-PV D7, who will succeed Philip Merril in the role of D-CP D7 in 2009. Prevention: Marine Safety Member Training Public Education Program Visitor State Liaison Vessel Examinations Nancy Joe and Dewey Jackson from Flotilla 13-8 in Islamorada setting up the display for the Fit to Float campaign. Photo by Cathie Welty, FSO-PV Flotilla 13-8 in Islamorada, Fla.
Page 17 Response Department Casey Jankowski, D-CR D7 The United States Coast Guard was created in 1915 through the merger of two agen- cies, the Revenue Cutter Service formed in 1790 under the U.S. Treasury Depart- ment and the United States Life-saving Service formed in 1871. The United States Lighthouse Service was merged into the Coast Guard in 1939. Volunteers are not new to the United States Coast Guard (USCG). Volunteers per- formed many services in all three of these early agencies. In 1939 Congress officially recognized these volunteers by establishing the Coast Guard Reserve, the volunteer civilian component of the USCG. Later, with the creation of the military USCG Re- serve in 1941, the volunteer component was renamed the U.S. Coast Guard Auxil- iary. We honor all of our volunteers both past and present through the words of Joseph Lincoln who dedicated this poem to the United States Lifesaving Service. The Life Saver When the Lord breathes his wrath above the bosom of the waters, When the rollers are a-poundin on the shore, When the mariners a-thinkin of his wife and sons and daughters, And the little home hell, maybe, see no more; When the bars are white and yeasty and the shoals are all a-frothin, When the wild notheasters cuttin like a knife; Through the seethin roar and screech hes patrollin on the beach,- The Govments hired man fer savin life. Hes strugglin with the gusts that strike and bruise him like a hammer, Hes fightin sand that stings like swarmin bees, Hes listnin through the whirlwind and the thunder and the clamor- A-listnin fer the signal from the seas; Hes breakin ribs and muscles launchin life-boats in the surges, Hes drippin wet and chilled in every bone, Hes bringin men from death back ter flesh and blood and breath, And he never stops ter think about his own; Hes a-pullin at an oar that is freezin to his fingers, Hes a-clingin in the riggin of a wreck, He knows destructions nearer every minute that he lingers, But it dont appear ter worry him a speck: Hes draggin draggled corpses from the clutches of the combers- The kind of job a common chap would shirk- But he takes em from the wave and he fits em fer the grave, And he thinks its all included in his work. He is rigger, rower, swimmer, sailor, doctor, undertaker, And hes good at every one of em the same: And he risks his life fer others in the quicksand and the breaker, And a thousand wives and mothers bless his name. Hes an angel dressed in oilskins, hes a saint in a souwester, Hes as plucky as they make, or ever can; Hes a hero born and bred, but it hasnt swelled his head, And hes jest the U.S. Govments hired man. Photo by Jerry Edelman, FL 36, Boca Raton, Fla. Response: Aids to Navigation Operations/ Qualification Examiners Aviation Communications Page 18
MIAMI: When Station Miami requested the Auxiliary ves- sel Padre to assist with searching for a missing swimmer off the beach in Fort Lauderdale on Sunday, September 14 th , the boat and its crew were already four hours into their patrol. They had just finished training with another Auxiliary vessel performing stern and side-by-side tows. Channel 16 was pretty busy with lots of traffic from Sta- tion Miami and Fort Lauderdale. The Auxiliary vessel was calling in their 30 minute communications update when the station requested their assistance. Fortunately, the Padre, an Auxiliary facility from Flotilla 36 in Boca Raton, Fla., was close to the Boca Inlet and responded immediately. The crew, consisting of Gail and Jerry Edelman, Art Makenian and Richard Tepper, was quickly briefed by Coxswain Marc Brody and told to se- cure themselves for the ride over the ocean. Station noti- fied them to make contact with Coast Guard vessel CG 41424 when they arrived on scene. The search area was already congested with Ft. Lauder- dale Police and Fire Rescue Vessels, a US Customs Newsletter Title Caption de- scribing picture or graphic. boat, a Sheriff helicopter, and two vessels from Station Fort Lauderdale along with a Coast Guard (CG) Rescue helicopter. The Auxiliary vessel and its crew were re- quested to do a parallel search pattern for several miles off the beach to look for the missing person in the water (PIW), reported to be a male wearing red shorts. They did as requested with two crewmembers on the bow and two crewmembers looking both port and starboard. The three to four foot swells were close together and within 150 to 200 feet off shore; they were bounced around quite a bit. After completing 12 legs of the search pattern they were given permission to halt their search and return to Boca. Coxswain Marc Brody added his compliment of, Job Well Done, to the Stations thanks for their participation. Next, he pronounced the warning, Coming up, and the vessel headed home. The team was tired from searching in rough seas for two hours and ready to relax for the ride home, yet remained alert as they were still on patrol. Ten minutes into the ride home Coxswain Marc Brody Marc Brody and Auxiliary crew members aboard the Padre preparing to do side by side tow training with a vessel from Coast Guard Station Fort Lauderdale. Photo by Jerry Edelman, FL 36 Boca Raton, Fla. Fruitless Search Ends In Unexpected Rescue. By Marc Brody and Richard Tepper
Page 19 noticed an overturned boat with survivors clinging to the vessel 45 degrees off starboard. Relaxing was now over and their hearts started pumping fast in response to the new situation. Radio traffic was still heavy with the CG Rescue helicopter and CG boats reporting position of search patters from the PIW case they had just left off the beach in Fort Lauderdale. Break, Break, Station Fort Lauderdale, this is Auxiliary vessel (number), with an overturned vessel and two per- sons in the water. All other radio traffic silenced as they gave their position and further information. The seas were still at four feet so their bow had to stay into the swells. Within seconds the crew was briefed on how they were all going to stay safe and get the people out of the water. They performed a text book rescue of the two men clinging to their capsized 17 foot power boat. Once the two men were safe on the Auxiliary vessel, it was apparent that both were close to being in shock and showing signs of the beginning stages of hyperthermia. They both had cuts and abrasions from hanging on the overturned boat while trying to stay alive. The two men told the crew that had they not spotted them, they thought that they were going to die. The crew immediately went about administering emer- gency medical treatment and wrapped the men in blan- kets to keep them warm. A salvage vessel approached as they were debriefing the survivors. When making their report to Station Ft. Lauderdale, Sec- tor Miami, crewmembers split up the tasks needed to complete the Search And Rescue report using both radio and cell phone communications, which included an evaluation of the survivors medical conditions. Except for a few minor cuts and bruises, they appeared to have sur- vived their ordeal pretty well. At the survivors request, they obtained permission to allow the men to transfer to the salvage vessel to make the trip back to shore with their boat. Both Stations Ft. Lauderdale and Miami acknowledged the rescue by thanking Auxiliary vessel Padre and its crew for their accomplishment in effecting the rescue and for their professionalism while committed to the SAR mis- sion miles away from the capsized vessel. They were in four foot seas all that time, and their Auxiliary training paid off. Coxswain Marc Brody directed each crew member to the task he or she was to perform; there was no panic or sec- ond guessing by either the coxswain or crew resulting in the saving of two lives. Needless to say, they all went home with a good feeling of accomplishment and camara- derie after a hard days work. HIALEAH, Fla. : Spero Canton, host of the televi- sion program Comcast Newsmakers in South Flor- ida interviews Christopher Todd, National Safe Boating Week Chairperson, Division 6, Miami - Dade, Fla., about the principles of safe boating and safety equipment. The episode aired in South Flor- ida this summer. Photo by Robert Evans, FL 36, Bayshore, Fla. Our Coast Guard Auxiliary public educa- tion mission directs us to get our youth involved in Boating Safety. Flotillas are getting this job done with many unique programs, and we can all learn from shar- ing the experiences of others. When we share ideas, we all benefit. Mostly, we are proud that our efforts will influence the youth of America. Some of these ideas were promoted dur- ing National Safe Boating Week. Others were used at various times and events throughout the year. The time of year doesnt really matter. What does matter is that we look at various methods of getting the word about Boating Safety out to our youth. We need to recognize when a new or different method might work for us. During National Safe Boating Week, Auxil- iarists Randall Moritz and Toni Borman (Flotilla 84) instructed over 425 students at Bashaw Elementary School, Bradenton, Florida on the different styles and types of life jackets and proper life jacket wear. In support of the Wear It campaign, each Kindergarten through third grade class set up and con- ducted a mock life jacket drill where they were given one minute to retrieve and secure their life jackets while on a simulated vessel. The event created its own amount of chaos and confusion as classmates cheered on their friends who hurried to don their life jackets. In dramatic fashion, they witnessed 90% of their classmates who had said they knew how to properly don a life jacket fail to secure it within the one minute time standard. All classes enjoyed the event and most stu- dents were surprised that they were not able to complete the drill successfully. They prom- ised to properly wear their life jackets and to ask their parents to do the same. To highlight the event, a student was allowed to discharge an inflatable life jacket worn by Randall Moritz to see how the unit works and to dispel the fear that it would be loud and scary. That was awesome! exclaimed one member of the group. The Bashaw Elementary School program also included information from the Clean Marina program. After the exercise in life jacket wear and safety, Toni Borman introduced the Daisy Dolphin program. She discussed how materi- als we use every day can contaminate our oceans and how to properly dispose of them. It was an excellent hands-on training exercise Page 20 Getting Our Youth Involved in Boating Safety By Gary Barth Toni Borman from Flotilla 84 in Sarasota introduces the Daisy Dolphin program to children at Bashaw Elementary School in Bradenton. She is accompanied by Officer Snook (Peter Sullivan). Photo by Randall Moritz Doug Donovan from Flotilla 98 in Charlotte Harbor and James Hamilton from Flotilla 92 in Northport, Fla. at the Kids Safety Day event held at the Town and Country Mall in Port Charlotte. Flotilla 9-10 from Cape Coral also participated in this event. Photo by Pat Donovan which included monofilament collection containers and an explanation of how to do our part to keep the oceans clean and safe. She really captured the students imagi- nations with fantastic props to demonstrate the causes of trash in the ocean. Officer Snook (Peter Sullivan), the special guest of the day, created quite a stir roaming the hallways and classrooms. The event was so successful that an invitation from the School Principal, Mrs. Minnie King, was extended to return again next year. Flotillas 98 in Charlotte Harbor, 92 in Northport, Fla., and 9-10 in Cape Coral teamed with Mustang Sur- vival, Inc., to bring the boating safety message to an event at the Town and Country Mall in Port Charlotte, Florida. At the request of Auxiliarist Douglas Donovan, Division 9 Staff Officer - Public Affairs, (SO-PA 98), Mustang Survival agreed to loan five of the latest designs in Life Jackets for this public education event. They provided their three basic life jackets for children, as well as a new self-inflating hydrostatic activation (HIT) model and a life jacket especially designed for fishermen. The Fish- erman Model had all the bells and whistle that anyone would dream of having on a life jacket. It in- cluded places to put hooks, flies and fishing pliers. A lot of people wanted to take the Fisherman Model with them. The Mustang Company had the foresight not only to provide them with the new HIT model, but they also made sure that the back said COAST GUARD AUXILIARY and the front had the Auxiliary Logo. Flotilla 9-10 arranged for Coastie to attend the event and visit for five hours. That really drew the crowd to the life jacket display. Not only were the youth trained, but several people expressed in- terest in joining the Coast Guard. This reinforced the idea that re- cruiting for both the Coast Guard (Continued on page 38) Page 21 Randall Moritz from Flotilla 84 in Sarasota demonstrates the proper fit of Life Jackets to pupils at Bashaw Elementary School in Bradenton. Photo provided by Randall Moritz Left: This is one cool coat! Stickers, coloring books, posters and crayons, and in this instance, trying on Tom Loughlins float coat all convey the safe boating message to the children who attended the Touch-A-Truck event in Largo, Fla. Photo by Tom Loughlin, ADSO-PA and member of FL 11-10 in Dunedin, Fla. Page 22
sion 6 in the underway tasks. Officers commented that these patterns and the use of a datum marker buoy would have made previous searches more effective and insured that they searched in the right places. All said they would continue to practice the pat- terns. Following the training SGT Robert Randazzo, Sunny Isles Beach Marine Patrol, and Officer Michael Hayton of the Aventura Marine Patrol reported that they responded to an overturned vessel three miles offshore from Bakers Haulover Inlet. Arriving on scene they deployed a Datum Marker Buoy (DMB) noting the time and Global Position- ing System (GPS) coordinates and conducted a VS search pattern without results. They then retrieved the DMB, noted the time and GPS coordinates of the buoy and reported the information to Sector Miami. They were complimented on both the use of a DMB and the use of the correct search pattern. It was later determined that the overturned vessel had been used in smuggling and delib- erately scuttled at sea. Both officers called Shea to thank the Auxiliary for the training and said that they would have been far less effective without it. MIAMI: The Coast Guard Auxiliary has the reputa- tion of being expert in Search and Rescue pat- terns and techniques; good enough, in fact, to teach others including Law Enforcement agen- cies how to properly plan and execute search pat- terns. For this reason, Coast Guard Auxiliary Division 6, Miami - Dade, Fla., partnered with police offi cers representi ng Sunny Isles, Aventura, Golden Beach, North Mi- ami, Bal Harbor and In- dian Creek, and life- guards from Sunny Isles Beach to provide a Search Pattern Clinic on Friday, September 26, 2008, at the Sunny Isles, Florida Police Depart- ment. Following a two and one- half hour classroom workshop participants practiced the sector (VM), square (SM) and parallel (PM) search pat- terns on the water using six police boats from surround- ing communities. Lieutenant John Corbett, Commanding Officer of Coast Guard Station Miami Beach introduced the event. Auxiliarist James P. Shea, Staff Officer Op- erations conducted the workshop, assisted by Cal Gordon, Staff Officer Member Training, Frank Sullivan, Assistant Staff Officer Operations, all from Division 6, Bob Bartley, Flotilla Commander 69, Beach, Fla., and Bruce Farkas, Staff Officer Public Education for Divi- Division 6 Teaches Search Pattern Clinic. By Jim Shea Above: Jim Shea from FL 69, Division 6 Staff Officer - Operations, briefs the SAR Clinic participants. Cal Gordon from FL 67, Division 6 Staff Officer - Member Training, is on the vessel facing him. Using a GPS and a datum marker buoy was one of the skills taught at the SAR Clinic. Photos by Michael Hayton, Aventura Marine Patrols
Page 23 PALM COAST, Fla: Anticipating another routine patrol on Saturday, September 27, 2008, Coast Guard Auxiliary Opera- tional Facility Dan Jam from Flotilla 14-3, Palm Coast, Florida, was moving north on the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) in the vicinity of Marker 99 when Robert J. Pape, Coxswain, and crew members David M. Triplett and David H. Daniel witnessed a boating accident. A small outboard powered boat with a man and a woman onboard collided with ICW Marker 99 near Marineland. Neither person was wearing a life jacket. The woman was sitting in the bow seat of the boat and her position may have blocked the view of the man driving the boat. During the collision the man was thrown into the water. The woman, still on board the vessel, was slumped over and ap- peared to be unconscious. The boat, still under power, was now a runaway and circling, which complicated the rescue. The boat eventually beached itself. The man was recovered from the water by the crew of the Dan Jam, transported to a pri- vate dock near the beached boat and handed off to Emergency Medical Services. The woman was trans- ported by helicopter to Florida Hospital, Flagler, but tragi- cally lost her life as a result of this accident. From Routine to Life Saving in Sixty Seconds. By Hugh Avery Without a doubt the person in the water, who was not wearing a life jacket, may have suffered further injury or loss of life had it not been for the skill and exceptional competence of the Coast Guard Auxiliary Crew. Cox- swain Pape and crew members Triplett and Daniel dem- onstrated outstanding skill in performing a rescue of the person in the water, bringing him on board and tending to his minor cuts and bruises. This boat crews dedication, skill and devotion to duty are most heartily commended and are in keeping with the highest tradition of the United States Coast Guard and the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. The Dan Jam sets out for a rou- tine patrol with Coxswain Robert Pape and crew members David Triplett and David Daniel. Photo by Hugh Avery Coxswain Robert Pape and crew members David Triplett and David Daniel found themselves in the right place and time to effect the successful rescue of a boater tossed from his vessel. Photo by Hugh Avery Page 24
Innovative New CG Hardware Comes to Sector Key West By James E. Dennen ASC - Sector Key West Change Will Mean Safer Waterways, Improved Homeland Security KEY WEST, Fla.: A state-of-the-art new communications system and a new 45 foot medium response boat were introduced to Team Coast Guard members (including Auxiliary leaders) and local dignitaries on October 6 by Headquarters and District 7 Coast Guard leaders. Rescue 21 is the new communications system that should make it easier to find and communicate with dis- tressed boaters. The new system uses electronic triangu- lation to accurately locate a vessel once a distress call comes in. This system will allow the Coast Guard to de- ploy assets in a much more efficient manner without rely- ing on voice transmission to assist them in finding a sink- ing vessel. As many of you know, our present system required the boater to verbally help us find them. This was not always an easy task. Its easier to find a vessel than a person in the water, said Sector Commander, Key West, CAPT Scott Buschman. The sooner we find the boat, the less likely the people will be in the water. When Dewey Jackson, Division 13 Vice Captain prac- ticed using this technology with Coast Guard Station Isla- morada, they accurately tracked his every move right up to his dock. Our Ops and Position Checks responses while on patrol might change in the future to we know exactly where you are, Jackson commented. Sector Key West is the 16 th Sector to receive Rescue 21 equipment.
Page 25 Rescue 21 will cover more than 95,000 miles of coastline in the continental United States and its territories. The new 45 foot medium response boat, or RB-M, is a major upgrade to the Coast Guards assets. One of the vessels that it replaces, the 41 foot Utility Boat (UTB-41) has been in service since the mid seventies. One hun- dred thirty-four of the original 208 are still in service. Rear Admiral (RADM) Gary T. Blore, Assistant Comman- dant for Acquisition & Chief Acquisition Officer for the United States Coast Guard pointed out that, Taxpayers can see that we take care of our assets. The other vessel the RB-M. replaces, the Motor Life Boat 47 (MLB), is more suitable and much needed in rougher and colder waters where they are rou- tinely used in heavy surf areas. Bringing on the RB-M will allow the MLBs pres- ently in use to be re-deployed where their capabilities might be more suited. The new RB-M is a 45 foot, jet drive, shallow draft vessel that took four years to develop and costs approximately $2.2 million dollars per unit. It is fast - 42 knots versus the 26 knots of the UTB; it is responsive and stops in about two boat lengths. It is comfortable and quiet, is air conditioned and has a real marine head. It has weapons mounts fore and aft, has Self-Righting Stability and can handle seas up to 12 feet. Its amenities will allow our crews to arrive on scene less fatigued and more pre- pared to respond to the task at hand. The attendees of this event had the opportunity to ride on a 41 UTB and the RB-M 45 for comparison. The differ- ence was dramatic. The RB-M turned on a dime and its twin Diesel Water Jet Propulsion engines allowed it to in- stantly leave the UTB 41 far in its wake. The Sector Key West vessel is the third one delivered to date. The first vessel went to Station Little Creek in Virginia, the second one was delivered to Cape Disappointment in Washington. The RB-M 45 is manufactured by Mari- nette Marine Corp. (MMC) in partner- ship with Kvichak Marine Corp. (KMI). Thirty RB-Ms are presently being built with a goal of one delivery per month under the present order. Each time that a vessel arrives at a new location, it is accompanied by a training team. This team consists of eight very experienced individuals and is headed up by Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Jim Estes. CWO Estes was previously the head of the Standardiza- tion (STAN) Team that examined small boat stations pro- ficiency with their UTB 41s. Coast Guard Station Islamo- rada managed to win three Kimball Awards (the highest award achievable) while Jim was at the helm of the team. No one could be more qualified to be the head trainer for our newest asset. It is anticipated that 177 additional boats will be manufactured over the next seven years. ADM Thad Allen, Commandant of the Coast Guard, states, We are putting the right tool for the job in the hands of our people as they conduct a broad range of vital Coast Guard missions. CAPT Buschman, referring to a "go-fast" vessel tied to the dock that had interdicted a vessel the previous week and was overloaded with 22 migrants said, "This vessel will greatly enhance the Coast Guards ability to stop illegal and reckless activity". RADM Branham simply said, It is a magnificent vessel. It cer- tainly is! Attendees at the event included: Auxiliarists Cathie Welty, District Staff Officer - Program Visitor (DSO-PV), Jeff Bronsing, District Staff Officer - Operations (DSO- OP), Jim Fletcher, Division Captain (DCP 13), Dewey Jackson, Division Vice Captain (VCP 13), Don Kittsmiller, Flotilla Commander (FC13-3) and Jim Dennen, Auxiliary Sector Coordinator, Sector Key West. Also in attendance were Florida House of Representa- tives member, REP Ron Saunders, Key West Mayor, Morgan McPherson, Key West Councilman and retired Coast Guardsman, William Verge, and many other digni- taries from state and local government. If you would like to learn more about the RB-M vessel and watch video footage of it in action, go to: http:// www. u s c g . mi l / d 7 / s e c t Ke y We s t / RBM4 5 . a s p or click the Newsworthy Items button on the left side of the main page of the D7 Auxiliary website at: http:// cgaux7.org/index_member.htm. Photo: Captain Douglas Rudolph, USCG (Retired) and CWO3 Morgan Dudley, USCG, Commander, Station Key West check out the interior of the new RB-M. Photo by James Dennen Page 26
ST.CROIX, U.S. Virgin Islands: How the island of St. Croix recovered from Hurricane Omar and the role played by our members is a prime example of the value of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary to these islands. When Omar, a category three hurricane, hit the island of St. Croix on Wednesday, October 15, 2008, Auxiliary members from Division 16 in the Virgin Islands quickly rallied to help the Coast Guard restore communications and assisted in other tasks. During the second week of October, little notice was given to a tropical wave that passed through the Islands producing rain. Cisterns were full, the islands remained green with lush vegetation from previous rains, and Auxiliarists continued their efforts to fulfill various missions. The wave, however, stalled just south of the Dominican Republic over very warm water and began to grow in intensity. A lack of steering currents kept the wave stationary until October 13, when it began to wobble back toward the Islands. The next day it became a named storm, and on Wednesday, October 15, it exploded into a Category 3 hurricane named Omar that crossed the eastern side of St. Croix with winds over 110 miles per hour. The sudden develop- ment of this storm tested our preparations and our ability to react to unexpected circumstances. While Omar raged over the island, a curfew was in place from 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday night until 11:00 a.m. on Thursday morning. Once the curfew was lifted, Duane Minton, Divi- sion Captain 16, set out to discover what needed to be done and who needed assis- tance. As might be anticipated after a storm of this magnitude, the islands were without power. Minton contacted the United States Coast Guard Regional Inspections Office (RIO) in St. Croix and was informed that their radio antenna was down. The High Gain antenna on top of Blue Mountain was not operating due to lack of electricity and the Auxiliary was asked to find a generator and bring it to the top of the mountain. This High Gain an- tenna/transceiver listens for VHF traffic such as distress signals and serves as the RIOs main radio connection to Air Station Borin- quen, Sector San Juan in Puerto Rico and Sector Miami. While the USCG radio was down, Auxiliarists Clarence Jones and Allan Chardon maintained radio watches from their homes to listen for any distress calls from boaters. Minton and Lee Elvins spent Friday at the RIO office making phone calls to FEMA, the National Guard, and Sector San Juan to find an appropriate generator. Local Coast Guard forces supplemented by Guardsmen from Sector San Juan were busy testing the waters for oil pol- lution from sunken boats and maintaining security around Surviving Hurricane Omar: How Division 16 Rallied to Help. By Duane Minton The St. Croix Marina was a jumble of overturned and submerged vessels after Hurricane Omar raged through the island on October 15th. Lee Elvins, Flotilla Commander explains the procedure for starting a diesel generator acquired from the National Guard to two CoastGuardsmen.
Page 27 the refinery and the commercial ports. By the end of the day, a generator was delivered by CG helicopter and t he Nat i onal Guard provided another. Be- cause the gen- erator was diesel powered, ar- r a n g e m e n t s were also made for the delivery of 25 gallons of diesel fuel. Saturday, Octo- ber 18, Auxiliary crews took deliv- ery of the gen- erator and trans- ported it up the mo u n t a i n s i d e over the washed out roads using their personal over-land vehicles and assisted the USCG active duty members in the installation of the unit. Here, the me- chanical skills of the older, more experienced Auxiliary members, John Harrison, Lee Elvins, and William Dunne proved a real asset to the team effort. Unfortunately, the fuse blew before the night was out and the generator proved to be not strong enough to power the unit, so the entire process had to be repeated twice over the next several days. Flotilla members Kelli Barton and Art Wollenweber sur- veyed the waterfront and started photographing vessels that had been cast up on shore and others that went down at St. Croix docks and marinas. When the Coast Guard learned the extent of her photographic documen- tation of these vessels, Barton was charged with running down their registrations and identifying the boat owners to have the vessels removed. Less than a week after hurricane Omar struck St. Croix, Auxiliary member Lee Elvins, Flotilla Commander 16-1, facilitated inter-agency meetings held from October 21- 24, 2008. These meetings were attended by several USCG officers assigned to Sector San Juan and mem- bers of both private and governmental agencies commit- ted to cleaning up the islands. The agencies included Howe Marine Sur- veys, several ma- rine towing and salvage compa- nies, the Depart- ment of Planning and Natural Re- sources, a mem- ber of the Legisla- ture and even a Senatorial candi- date. This group identified and pri- oritized needs ranging from the risks posed to the environment from sunken vessels potentially leaking oil into the envi- ronment to the par t i al l y sub- merged vessels obstructing the channel s and choking docks and marinas. Lo- cal regard for the Coast Guard Auxiliary has never been higher or so well deserved. Despite the storm, the Division is moving ahead with its plans to charter a new Flotilla in St. John. The Auxiliary at St. Croix has proved to be an invaluable asset to the Vir- gin Islands and the US Coast Guard. A flotilla in St. John, the island situated northeast of St. Croix and east of St. Thomas, will significantly increase the available re- sources in an area where boating is a way of life and where geography and weather impose a different set of risks. In the words of Duane Minton, Throughout this experi- ence and despite the hard work, I couldnt help but smile constantly as I observed my fellow Auxiliarists approach each challenge with a can do attitude. As the Coast Guard revealed each problem, Auxiliarists offered ideas and energy in pursuit of a solution. I am extremely proud of my friends, my fellow Auxiliarists, and my Coast Guard family, as together we provided much needed assistance in a time when our island community needed so much help. I am proud to be a member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Auxiliarists Duane Minton DCP 16, John Harrison, and Lee Elvins, FC 16-1, St. Croix, share a moment of rest and celebration with Commander Warren from Sector San Juan and Lt. Marcelino from St. Croix RIO and Guardsmen upon the successful installation of the generator to power the High Gain antenna on Blue Mountain. Hurricane Omar photos by Kelli Barton, FL 16-1, St Croix, V.I. Page 28
ST. THOMAS, U.S. Virgin Islands: Commercial fishing is arguably one of the most dangerous pro- fessions in the United States. The Deadliest Catch, one of televisions most popular series, powerfully documents the haz- ards. Despite the dangers, many US Virgin Islands commercial fishermen venture out with mini- mal safety equipment and often without radios or a cell phone. As a consequence, the USCG con- ducts extensive searches that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and devotes many vital resources, sometimes without results. Such an unsuccessful five day search was conducted for a Virgin Islands commercial fisher- man in April 2008. Early in 2007, members of Flotilla 16-2 in St. Thomas began discussing this situation and how best to assist local fishermen. In most areas of the United States fishermen set out in large, well equipped commercial vessels. In the US Virgin Islands however, the average commercial fishing vessel is 17 feet in length. Howard French, owner of Caribbean Inflatable Boats & Life Rafts, Inc. (CIBL), was contacted for sponsorship. CIBL, Inc. is a life raft re-packing business that supports customers throughout the Caribbean from small vessels to cruise ships. While re-packing life rafts, new survival supplies are exchanged for expired items (i.e., flares, water and first aid kits). Most items are still useable but have expired dates for USCG inspection. Flotilla 16-2 began collecting and stockpiling these items to create Commercial Fishermen Survival Kits for distri- bution in July during license re-registration. Longtime flo- tilla members Klaus and David Willems transported sev- eral pick up truck loads of flares, water, first aid kits, and survival rations from CIBL, Inc. to the St. Thomas Marine Safety Detachment (MSD). The flotilla received contribu- tions of backpacks, flashlights, AM radios, and emer- gency blankets in Florida. Lee Bertman, USCG-Aux Air- craft Commander, Air Station Savannah, generously do- nated his time to fly the containers of supplies to St. Tho- mas. Members of the flotilla experimented with different types of construction site/police line tape to create Survival Signaling Tape that can be deployed from vessel in distress for greater visibility from aircraft. Flotilla members met during several weekend sessions at the MSD and formed an assembly line to package the first 50 kits. COMO Allen Brown and CDR David Allen participated in the project after the conclusion of the Divi- sion 16 meeting held in St. Thomas. These survival kits are the size of a daypack and come with a waterproof bag to protect them from the weather. Each kit is valued at approximately $500. The St. Thomas Fishermans Association (STFA) part- nered with Flotilla 16-2 to host the distribution of the first 26 kits at the Frenchtown Community Center on July 30, 2008. John Melucci, FC 16-2, demonstrated the thermal protective apparel (TPA) by successfully climbing into the gear in 23 seconds. Two TPAs are in every survival kit. Tim Futrell, VFC 16-2, consumed a portion of the survival rations to the amusement of the crowd. New member, Julia Richardson, documented the distribution and was the last to leave the site. Duane Minton, DCP 16, flew to St. Thomas from St. Croix and organized the second distribution at Hull Bay Hideaway Restaurant in August. Minton and Lee Elvins, FC 16-1, created a committee to expand the program to St. Croix. This ongoing initiative is committed to providing all licensed commercial fishermen in the US Virgin Is- Virgin Islands Flotilla Distributes Survival Kits to Commercial Fishermen. By J.R. CC Kreglo John Melucci reviews the contents of the survival kits with some of the commercial fishermen on the island of St. Thomas. The program has since expanded to the island of St. Croix. Photo by CC Kreglo, St. Thomas
Page 29 lands with the survival kits. This is a program that can be replicated anywhere that smaller boats venture off shore or into remote areas. Many items can be donated by cor- porate sponsors. Julian Magras, Chairman of the Board, St. Thomas Fishermans Association (STFA), recently expressed his gratitude in a letter to the flotilla. Magras wrote, Your donation of first aid/safety kits to members of our association was truly appreciated. While I hope to never use any of the contents, preparation is invaluable. We look forward to collaborating with you (Flotilla 16-2) in the future to promote and insure the safety of fishermen and boaters traveling these waters. Flotilla 16-2 is expanding programming to include the collection of sea anchors for the purposes of distribution to commercial fishermen and to educate them on effec- tive utilization of the equipment. In addi- tion, the flotilla is in discussions with the STFA to introduce a GPS course to its members. CC Kreglo is a member of Flotilla 16-2 in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Vice Captain, Division 16, U.S. Virgin Islands CC Kreglo, COMO Allen Brown D7, Duane Minton, DCP 16 and CDR David Allen, Director of Auxiliary, D7, take a much needed break on the island of St. Croix. While visiting the island, both the Commodore and CDR Allen took places along the assembly line and assisted in packing Survival kits for the local commercial fishermen. Photo provided by CC Kreglo Pirates of the Caribbean JACKSONVILLE, Fla.: Diane Figueroa, District Cap- tain East (e) from Puerto Rico and CC Kreglo from St. Tho- mas at the D7 Fall Conference Fun Night. All of the islanders came dressed as pirates, complete with swords and a booty of rum. Photo by James Dennen Page 30
TITUSVILLE, Fla.: On July 12, 2008, Flotilla 49 held a surprise birthday party at the Whistle Junction restaurant in Titusville to honor member Marian Madsen, who turned 100 years young this year. Marian was under the impression that she was going out to dinner with Dick Ruddock, FSO-PV, and her son Eric Madsen until she walked in the restaurant where 44 members of Flotilla 49 greeted her with, Surprise! Other than reaching the nice age of 100 years young, what else sets Marian apart? At the age of 100, this lady has more energy and does more on a daily basis than most younger men and women. Marians life of service to the United States military in- cludes working for Grumman Aircraft during WWII as a Rosie the Riveter. This company produced the Grum- man Hellcat, the most successful aircraft in naval history, destroying 5,171 aircraft while in service with the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps during World War II. Taking great pride in her work was nothing new to Marian when she joined the Auxiliary. Her long and productive history within the Coast Guard Auxiliary began when she joined on August 5, 1964. She first earned the qualification Inspector Examiner in De- cember 1964 while living with her family in the North Mi- ami, Florida area. During our 1976 Bicentennial Year, Marian completed two hundred or more Courtesy Motor- boat Examinations and was awarded the Distinguished Service Award by the National Commodore, US Coast Guard Auxiliary. This was followed in May of 1977 by a Certificate of Commendation for outstanding contribu- tions in furthering the purposes and principles of the Coast Guard Auxiliary for the Outstanding Division of 1976. The awards kept coming. In 1982 she was awarded membership in the Seventh District Award of Merit Courtesy Marine Examination Century Club. In 1976 Marian transferred to the Titusville area and be- came active in Flotilla 49. She was elected to the position of Flotilla Commander with a term starting January 1, 1986. After nearly two decades as a vessel examiner and at the young age of 77, Marian expanded her inter- ests and qualified as an Auxiliary Boat Crew member in September of 1985. On August 5, 1989, she was honored for 25 years of dedication to the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. That same year she received the Coast Guard Spe- cial Operations Service Ribbon (SOS) for operation Checkmate from July 1 through September 31, 1989. In April 1992 Marian once again earned the Auxiliary Service Award for outstanding performance in Courtesy Examinations. Picture an 84 year old woman climbing aboard recreational vessels for hours in our sweltering Florida heat and you may get an inkling of the signifi- cance of her service. In 1993 the National Commodore presented her with a Certificate of Award for her Marian Madsen: 100 Years and Counting. By Bob Richmond Marian Madsen pictured with Murray Nance, FC and Bob Richmond, VFC, Flotilla 49, Titusville, Florida. She did not know it at the time, but plans were being made to help her celebrate her 100th birthday which was only a few days away.
Page 31 outstanding contributions to the Cour- tesy Marine Examination Program. Marians service to the Coast Guard Auxiliary involved many staff and lead- ership responsibilities -- Secretary of Records, Publications Staff Officer, Vessel Examinations Officer, Flotilla Vice Commander and as Flotilla Com- mander. Currently, she continues her active membership in Flotilla 49, attend- ing most of the Flotilla meetings and assisting with Public Affairs events. At 100 years young and after 44 years of service, Marian Madsen is still going strong. Bravo Zulu to one of this organi- zations greatest contributors and role models. Robert Richmond serves as Staff Officer - Personnel Services, Division 4, East Central Florida Marian Madsen arrives at the Whistle Stop Restaurant to shouts of Surprise! and Happy Birthday! Photos by Robert Richmond Eagle Award of Excellence By Judy Abbott JACKSONVILLE, Fla.: Ruth Ann White, District Staff Officer Public Education District 7 (DSO-PE7), was presented an Award of Excellence at the District 7 Conference in Jacksonville, Florida in September. This award is also knows as the Eagle Award. Commodore Allen Brown, District 7 Commodore, made the presentation. This Recreational Boating Safety Award of Excellence is given by the U.S. Coast Guard, Boating Safety Division. The award recognizes one of the top contributors to recreational boating safety missions in each of the three Auxiliary organizational areas. Ruth Ann White is a member of Flotilla 87 in Englewood, Florida. Page 32
VENICE, Fla.: The Auxiliary members of District 7 have time and again shown themselves to be innovators and found new ways to organize and simplify tasks and ser- vices. Sometimes these expanded services require new facilities from which to operate, and at other times they simply need to relocate to get the job done. On Tuesday, September 23, Coast Guard, Auxiliary and invited guests assembled at the Flotilla 86 Training Cen- ter for a ribbon cutting ceremony marking the opening of Venice Detachment (VENDET), formerly known as DIR- AUX West. The move was necessitated when the Coast Guard decided to vacate the former DIRAUX location at the Moorings in Nokomis. The VENDET will occupy a section of the building and will share some common ar- eas with the training center. Approximately 50 persons attended the formal ceremony including Venice Police Chief Julie Williams and Mr. Clif- ford Merz from the University of South Florida, each of whom spoke about their partnership with the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary. Steven Hanson, Assistant Director of Auxiliary, who served as master-of ceremonies chronicled the history of DIRAUX West from its beginnings in 1988 when a group of Auxiliary members began assisting the Seventh Coast Guard District Director of Auxiliary by maintaining the database for the boat crew program and correcting the Navigation Rules exams. This group eventually became known as the Auxiliary Testing and Training Center. In May of 1992, the group moved to an empty LORAN sta- tion generator building just a few steps from the new lo- cation and assumed responsibility for processing all spe- cialty and open book exams. In 1997 the name was changed from Auxiliary Testing and Training Center to DIRAUX West to truly reflect that the operation was an extension of the Director of Auxiliarys office. DIRAUX West opened its first website in 1998 and began to offer online testing. By 1999, the word had spread to other Districts, which DIRAUX West, Now Venice Detachment. By Al Bidwick
Page 33 wanted the same services as those received by the Auxiliary in the Seventh District. To meet this demand, DIRAUX West opened an- other website and added a branch of its own known as the National Auxiliary Testing Cen- ter. The lack of adequate space at DIRAUX West necessitated a move to the Nokomis Moorings in August of 2000, where for the next eight years they rendered services not only to D7 but to the National membership as well. Sixteen years later DIRAUX West is back to the property where it all started, but with a different name. While they still process spe- cialty exams, they have branched out into other areas including new member enroll- ments and ID card processing. They have also become innovators once more by helping create the DIRAUX AUTOMATION program, which automates the input and certification processes for programs with minimal key strokes. In his concluding remarks, Hanson praised the Auxiliary staff for its initiative, creativity, and dedication that truly represents the highest traditions of the Coast Guard. Following Hansons introductory remarks, Commander David Allen, Commodore Allen Brown, and LCDR Timo- thy Haws representing Sector St. Petersburg each spoke about the support rendered by the Auxiliary. Commander Allen called on the Auxiliarists, and in some cases their wives, who worked so diligently over the sum- mer to come forward and be recognized. He read a cita- tion describing the work they performed in renovating their new location and moving the offices from Nokomis. He then presented each person with the Coast Guard Auxiliary Meritorious Team Commendation. Remarks were followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony, a tour of the new facility and refreshments. Photos: Left Page: COMO Brown, Judi Bidwick, FC 86, and CMDR Allen and cutting the cake at the reception following the Awards presentation. Above: COMO Brown, CDR Allen and Venice Police Chief Julie Williams cutting the ribbon to the new VANDET in Venice. Photos by Tom Loughlin, ADSO-PA-W. The Coast Guard Auxiliary Meri- torious Team Commendation Award was presented to Venice Flotilla 86 members who cleaned, renovated, built and moved DIRAUX-West. They are from the left, Monika Sleichert, Janice Marmion, Mike Marmion, Juan Hernandez, Charles Stat- kus, Paul Corcoran, Mike Lechky, Joe Floyd, Ruth Bruno, Jim Sleichert, Harry Bruno, Lou Magyar. To their right are CDR Allen, COMO Brown, and LCDR Haws. Photo by Al Bidwick, SO-PA, Division 8 Page 34
CHARLESTON, S.C.: The Coast Guard Auxiliary has a unique, enthusiastic group of new young members -- ca- dets at The Citadel, the historic military college in Charleston. William B. Riley, Sr., Division Captain, Division 12 organ- ized and implemented the program that allows cadets to discover the career opportunities that the United States Coast Guard provides in either the Reserves or the Offi- cer Candidate School (OCS) program through member- ship in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. While attending a parade on the Citadel campus two years ago, Riley, himself a graduate of The Citadel, was questioned by CDR Ryan, then Group Charleston Com- mander, about USCG presence on campus. Learning that there was no representation, Riley accepted the as- signment to start a program to develop a better relation- ship with the USCG. He was advised that an on-campus organization was needed to reach this goal. Since the USCG does not have a ROTC program, the next best venue was the Auxiliary. Riley first gained approval for an Auxiliary detachment on campus as an authorized student activity. He then initi- ated intense advertising on campus and asked Flotilla 12- 8, Charleston, to sponsor the group. The Citadel detachment is unlike any other unit in many ways. The unit conducts PT (Physical Training) every Tuesday at 6 a.m. and a swimming exercise twice monthly. Sponsoring Flotilla 12-8 has found the unit to be a self-sufficient, well administrated group. The detach- ment is an extension of the leadership laboratory that ex- ists on campus and serves to fine-tune the cadets abili- ties to lead. Presently there are 21 members in this Auxil- iary detachment. The enthusiasm of the detachment is growing, as is the expectation of recruiting many more new Auxiliarists. Some members of the newly-formed group attended the Division 12 Change of Watch dinner in 2007 in full uniform. What an impressive sight! A number of the new Auxiliarists also attended the Division 12 meet- ing in April at Sector Charleston. During the last week of February 2008 a Coast Guard THE USCGAUX CITADEL CONNECTION. Christine M. Siwirski
Page 35 helicopter from Savannah and a 25 Safe boat from Charleston were on static display at The Citadel campus with USCG and USCGAUX officers on hand to discuss careers in the Coast Guard. Swearing in of the new cadet CGAUX members took place on February 28, followed by the campus parade on February 29, 2008. Bill Riley and the members of the USCGAUX associated with this group believe that as the cadets graduate, they will continue to participate in Auxiliary activities. Their injection of youthful enthusiasm, energy and fresh thoughts certainly will assist our soon to be 70 year old organization in getting the job done. Cadet Stan Kablick was selected to lead the USCGAUX detach- ment starting with the Fall semester 2008-2009 academic year. He is shown in the Coast Guard helicopter that was flown in for the static display in February of 2008. Opposite page: CWO Tom Gelwicks, tactical officer on campus and Bill Riley Division Captain 12, with group of cadets. The guidon was given to the detachment by Mr. Gelwicks and is carried at the head of the column any time the detachment members march or run. Photos by Christine Siwirski, Public Affairs Officer, Division 12 and a member of Flotilla 12-10 The cadets pose proudly with the Auxiliary guidon. Posing with the cadets is Bill Riley, DCP 12, CWO Tom Gelwicks, a tactical officer with The Citadel Commandant's Department, and Captain McAllister, Commander Sector Charleston, USCG. Page 36
MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C.: Sorry, Pamela Anderson, did not hit the beach with this crew! On Saturday, April 12, 2008, Flotil- las 12-6 in Mount Pleasant and 12-8 in Charleston participated in Operation Bay Watch, a joint train- ing exercise with soldiers from the 3 rd Brigade of the South Carolina State Guard (SCSG). The objectives of this exercise were to ferry a strike team from 3 rd Brigade 5 th and 6 th Battalion consisting of approximately 24 personnel to Drum Island in the Charleston Harbor, set up an obser- vation/communications post and disperse to various points on the Island to conduct concealed long range observations. This exercise was conducted in ac- cordance with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Inci- dent Command standards. Flotilla 12-6 provided three facilities to ferry personnel to and from the island and posted a Deputy Incident Commander, Edie Adair, Flotilla 12-6 Staff Offi- cer - Marine Safety at the Mount Pleasant National Guard Armory to assist with radio/phone communica- tions. Flotilla 12-8s facility served as a spotter vessel to observe and report any SCSG movements on the island and as an emergency standby vessel. Soldiers boarded at Remleys Point Boat Landing on the Mount Pleasant, South Carolina side of the Cooper River at approxi- mately 9:30 a.m. and returned from the Island at approximately 4:00 p.m. United States Coast Guard, Sec- tor Charleston provided observ- ers/spotters and deployed an RB-S and an HH-65C helicopter to make several passes of the Island. The SCSG Operations Officer, Captain Glenn Remsen, commended the true profession- alism demonstrated by the USCGAUX in support of the SCSG training mission. He stressed the importance and rele- vance of these exercises and working together as part of Homeland Security and in the interest of the safety of citizens in our area. The SCSG plans to conduct addi- tional observation/communications training as well as SAR training exercises with USCGAUX in future. Rick Leary is the Flotilla Staff Officer- Public Affairs for Flotilla 12-6 in Georgetown, South Carolina Operation Bay Watch Photos and story by Rick Leary Top: The USCGAUX vessel approaches the loading area as they prepare to transport the South Carolina State Guard to Drum Island as part of Operation Bay Watch, a multi-agency drill. Left: Soldiers from the 3rd Bri- gade, South Carolina State Guard prepare to board the Auxiliary vessels.
Page 37 KEY WEST, Fla.: Lobster season opens in Key West, Florida every year in early August. For two days before the official opening of the season to commercial fisher- men, the public is permitted to dive for lobster. Without the right training and preparation this can be a dangerous sport that often results in boating and diving mishaps, numerous injuries and even some fatalities every year. To counter this dangerous trend, several years ago CAPT Scott A. Buschman, Commander, Sector Key West, initiated a safety exposition directed towards diving safety. On July 27, 2008, members of the United States Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary Division 13, the Monroe County Sheriffs Office, National Marine Sanctuary, Florida State Fish & Wildlife, Florida Keys Community College, Fishermens Hospital, Lower Keys Medical Cen- ter, and the Key West Chamber of Commerce came together for a Lobster Rodeo and Safety Exposi- tion. Keeping the public aware of safe diving tips during the first two days of the lobster season is the exposi- tions primary goal, however, most aspects of safety in and on the wa- ter are addressed by the participat- ing agencies. Some of their efforts in- cluded recertifying divers, while USCG Auxiliary members Don and Jan Kitts- miller and Brad Miller from Flotilla 13-3 provided boating safety information and offered free vessel safety checks. Said Don Kittsmiller, Recreational boat- ing safety should be first and foremost in our minds any time we take part in boat- ing activities. Besides our efforts to in- crease public awareness about boating safety, it was a great opportunity to in- crease our publ i c vi si bi l i ty and strengthen our ties with local law en- forcement and other agencies equally interested in preventing the boating ac- cidents, injuries and even deaths that occur in the Florida Keys every year. Don Kittsmiller is the Flotilla Commander of 13-3, Big Pine Key, Fla. Lobster Rodeo By Don Kittsmiller Photos- Above: Pictured are the representatives for the spon- sors of the Lobster Rodeo & Dive Safety Exposition. Standing from left: Daniel Chu, Monroe County Sheriffs Office, Capt Scott Buschman, CDR, Sector Key West, USCG, LT Dave Ambos, USCG, Lynn Mauck, Chief Nursing Office, Fishermens Hospital, Randy Detrick, Public Relations, Lower Keys Medical Center, LCDR Michael Herring, USCG, Sector Key West. Kneel- ing from left: BM3 Shaun Cronk, Station Marathon, USCG, Bob Guhl, Florida Keys Community College, and Don Kittsmiller. Below: Don Kittsmiller and members from FL 13-3 offer Vessel Safety Checks and Recreational Boating Safety literature. Page 38
and Coast Guard Auxiliary should be a part of our public outreach efforts. A Coast Guard recruiter might even be a good addition to the team if available. A third approach was the boating safety summer camp program provided for the past several years at the Mana- tee Center in Fort Pierce, Fla. by members of Flotilla 58 in the same city. The program started with an overview of the boating safety program. The youngsters were asked questions about how they can stay safe both on and off the water. Auxiliarists explained that we all have a re- sponsibility for our environment and to the animals that live in our oceans and streams. They explained the law requiring children to wear life jackets when in a boat and demonstrated how to put on the life jackets properly. The Auxiliarists then showed what happens when the life jacket is the wrong size. Also discussed was the impor- tance of staying seated inside the boat and not sitting on the gunwales or having their arms and legs over the side. To reinforce the importance of being prepared for emer- gencies, the Flotilla Members created ocean waves with a blue tarp and select two different youngsters to attempt to put on life jackets while being tossed around in the tarp. Naturally the volunteers couldnt put their life jackets on. This simulation was a good way for the kids to re- member that they dont want to fall in the water without wearing a life jacket. The kids loved this demonstration. (Continued from page 21) Senior camp counselors were also given handouts for each of the youngsters entitled Kids for Environmental Protection. This new program is part of Floridas Sea Partners Clean Marina Program. Its always fun to see the enthusiasm of the youngsters and how they really enjoy learning about safety on the waterways. When we share ideas, we all benefit. These are only three of our many efforts to involve our youth through public education outreach. Adapt them for your situations, and share your results with others. Remember, habits are formed at a young age. When children learn safe habits in their youth, most will follow them as adults. This is much easier than trying to break bad habits as adults. Story by Gary Barth, ADSO-PB, D7 and a member of Flotilla 58 in Ft Pierce, Florida With many thanks to our contributors: Randall Moritz, Flotilla Vice Commander, Flotilla 84 in Sarasota, Florida Doug Donovan, Flotilla Staff Officer-Public Affairs, Flotilla 98 in Charlotte Harbor, Florida Joseph Lambert, Flotilla Staff Officer Public Education, Flotilla 58 in Fort Pierce, Florida Getting Our Youth Involved in Boating Safety SANTURCE, P.R.: Rafael Martinez and Alma Sola from Flotilla 1-12 in Santurce, bring the Sea Partners Program to the children at Guaynabo Head Start Program. Learning the impor- tance of wearing a life jacket makes quite an impression on these young children, who are never too young to learn about safe boating practices. The stickers and coloring books, together with an age appropriate presentation that includes trying on a life jacket and learning how to fasten it properly is a fun experience for all of the children. From their smiles it is evident that the experience of introducing the Sea Partners Program to the children is re- warding to our members too! Photo taken by a teacher at Guaynabo Head Start.
Page 39 SOUTH BREVARD, Fla.: On Sunday August 3, 2008, the first known auxiliary patrol boat believed ever to visit Honest John's Fish Camp successfully tied up to their visitor dock. The historic fish camp was first established in the 1880s and is deeply tied to the history of this area. The still existing Florida cracker house was built in 1899 and is located on the Indian River Lagoon in Brevard County, East Central Florida, about 10 miles south of Melbourne Beach. The fish camp began as a government homestead in 1887. Robert and Charlie Smith came from southwest Georgia seeking a new life after the ravages of the Civil War. They began farming and raised beans, yams, col- lards and later introduced citrus to the area. Their pro- duce was shipped to the White House during the presi- dency of Franklin Roosevelt. Honest John was the third of eight children born to Robert and Bessie Smith. Honest John disliked farming, so he became one of the early commercial fishermen in the area. Honest John died in 1994, but his legacy lives on at the camp. The Auxiliary mission for the day was to update the local National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) chart for marina facilities, Private Aids to Naviga- tion (PATON), and water depths on the approaches to Mullet Creek. It was a difficult mission. None of the crew had ever been there before and the area is legendary for many groundings and shipwrecks once boats leave the nearby Intracoastal Waterway (ICW). The operational facility selected for this mission was the S/V Nicholaus Copernicus, a shallow draft sailing vessel capable of operating in such an environment. As the cox- swain of this patrol, Bockhold needed a very experienced crew, so he chose Daniel Freitas, the Flotillas Opera- tions Officer (FSO-OP) and Julius Nagy, the Communications Officer (FSO-CM). Together these two men brought over 70 years of Auxil- iary experience upon which Bockhold could depend. As they moved south down the ICW, Dan navigated with a global positioning satellite system (GPS) and seaman's eye for their turn-off at marker 37. He put the coordinates in the GPS of N 27 56 02 and W 080 30 17 and provided the coxswain with continuous course, distance and speed information. Julius assisted as helmsman and maintained their radio watch with United States Coast Guard Station Fort Pierce. The entrance into Mullet Creek took them by the Grant Farm Island, another historic landmark in the area. The Nicholaus Copernicus and its crew slowly worked its way through the shoals and dense mangrove swamps. The wildlife is abundant in this area and they saw mana- tees, dolphins, seabirds and fish as they snaked their way into the camp. Finally the dock appeared and soon they saw a crowd waiting on the dock to welcome them. Even some chickens from the farm came out to greet the visitors. They had a great time meeting new friends, and every- one at the camp had many questions. They ate dinner on the boat and took a few photos. Bockhold mentioned to the crowd that they wanted to put the camp on the chart. One man spoke up immediately and said, Wait a minute! We like it just the way it is. Only real watermen make it in here to see us. They all had a good laugh and waved goodbye. Night was fast approaching and they wanted to be back in the ICW by sunset. They hoisted their sails and conducted a night ATON patrol on the way home. Authors Note: Father Dan Freitas, FSO-OP for Flotilla 42 in South Brevard, Florida celebrated 50 years of service to the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary in November of 2008. Historic Port Call By Flotilla 42 Patrol Boat. Photos and story by Ron S. Bockhold Daniel Freitas and Julius Nagy under sail. District Staff Officers Prevention Department Robert A. Weskerna.......DSO-MS Diane Figueroa..DSO-MT Cathie Welty DSO-PV Ruth Ann WhiteDSO-PE William S. Griswold..DSO-SL Hebert C. Hanson....DSO-VE Response Department Rodney Rocky Reinhold...DSO-AN Charles "Mike" Renuart.....DSO-AV Joseph Colee, Jr. ..DSO-CM Jeffrey A. Bronsing ....DSO-OP Joseph Lori .ADSO-OP/PWC Logistics Department Roy Savoca.. ......DSO-CS Nestor Tacoronte..Webmaster Susan Z. Hastings ......DSO-IS Robert Westcott ....DSO-PA Dorothy J. Riley. ..DSO-PB Rhonda Hebert... DSO-PS
Antoinette Toni Borman .DSO-SR
Donald A. Zinner .DFSO William F. Everill ..DSO-LP Terry Barth ..DSO-MA William Malone ......DSO-FN COMO Guy Markley ...AUXCRC Gwendolyn S. Leys ....PPDCPA Karen L. Miller ...Grants Doreen M. Kordek ...D7 Store Past District 7 Commodores 2005-06....Peter Fernandez 2003-04........ Jay Dahlgren 2001-02............ Mary Larsen 1999-00.... Helmut Hertle 1997-98... E.W. Edgerton 1995-96.... George E. Jeandheur 1993-94....... Joseph E. Norman 1991-92.. Walter W. Bock 1989-90.... Guy R. Markley, Jr. 1987-88. Rene E. Dubois 1985-86.... Robert B. Waggoner 1983-84. John C. King, Jr. 1981-82. William J. Callerame 1979-80 Bolling Douglas 1977-78.... James Titus 1975-76.... Newton Baker 1973-74.. Lawrence G. Danneman 1971-72... Dr. Elbert C. Prince 1969-70... George B.M. Loden 1967-68...... Ernest A. Baldine 1965-66....... Roland Birnn 1963-64.... Miguel A. Colorado 1961-62...... E. E. Vanderveer 1959-60 Richard L. Smith 1957-58... Herbert L. Lutz 1956. A. Harlow Merryday 1954-55.... Stanley W. Hand 1952-53... N.J.M. McLean 1951-52... Fred T. Youngs, Jr. 1950.... Guersey Curran, Jr. 1948-49... Charley E. Sanford 1946-47.. W. N. Mansfield 1939-45... No DCOs yet, DCPs governed Auxiliary Sector Coordinators Ronald Goldenberg ..... ASC Sector Charleston Walter Jaskiewicz .. ASC Sector St. Petersburg Richard J. Leys ... .ASC Sector Miami Robert Funk ... ASC Sector Jacksonville James E. Dennen .. ASC Sector Key West Diana Figueroa ... ASC Sector San Juan District Administrative Assistant & Aid Carolyn R. Hooley ......D-AD John D. Tyson .....D-AA Diane Ayers .. .D-AA COMO Guy Markley . D-LL