This document provides product information for UZIN L 3 Gold System Primer, which is a primer for use with the L 3 Gold Moisture Control System on interior surfaces prior to installing floor coverings. The primer has a simple application process, dries quickly, and helps ensure a firm bond between the substrate and subsequent levelling compound. It is suitable for residential and commercial use in areas with normal to high moisture and can be used under various floor covering types. Proper substrate preparation and application of the primer are described.
This document provides product information for UZIN L 3 Gold System Primer, which is a primer for use with the L 3 Gold Moisture Control System on interior surfaces prior to installing floor coverings. The primer has a simple application process, dries quickly, and helps ensure a firm bond between the substrate and subsequent levelling compound. It is suitable for residential and commercial use in areas with normal to high moisture and can be used under various floor covering types. Proper substrate preparation and application of the primer are described.
This document provides product information for UZIN L 3 Gold System Primer, which is a primer for use with the L 3 Gold Moisture Control System on interior surfaces prior to installing floor coverings. The primer has a simple application process, dries quickly, and helps ensure a firm bond between the substrate and subsequent levelling compound. It is suitable for residential and commercial use in areas with normal to high moisture and can be used under various floor covering types. Proper substrate preparation and application of the primer are described.
This document provides product information for UZIN L 3 Gold System Primer, which is a primer for use with the L 3 Gold Moisture Control System on interior surfaces prior to installing floor coverings. The primer has a simple application process, dries quickly, and helps ensure a firm bond between the substrate and subsequent levelling compound. It is suitable for residential and commercial use in areas with normal to high moisture and can be used under various floor covering types. Proper substrate preparation and application of the primer are described.
PRODUCT DATA SHEET System Primer UZIN | A Brand of Uzin Utz AG DE | Uzin Utz AG | Dieselstrae 3 | DE-89079 Ulm | Telefon +49(0)731 4097-0 | Telefax +49(0)731 4097-214 | E-Mail [email protected] | Internet GB | Uzin Ltd. | Unit 2, Mitchell Court | Central Park, Rugby, Warwickshire | CV23 0UY | Phone +44 (0)1788 530 080 | Fax +44 (0)1788 536 508 | E-mail [email protected] | Internet Description: System primer for L 3 Gold in areas of high moisture. For interior use prior to installation of L 3 Gold Moisture Control System. Suitable for /on: 3 the subsequent levelling work of L 3 Gold Moisture
Control prior to the installation of textile and elastic floor coverings of all types, e. g. textile surfaces, PVC/CV coverings, PVC design flooring, linoleum or caoutchouc coverings and wood flooring 3 normal stress demands in the residential and commer- cial sectors 3 stressing with chair castors to DIN EN 12 529 Product Properties /Benefits: The processing is simple, rapid and clean. The total
consumption quantity with approx. 130 g/m 2 is very low, and there is no material loss through curing, as in case of 2-component products. Composition: Polymer dispersion dispersion, wetting and anti-foaming agents, water. 3 Simple handling 3 Very rapid drying 3 Without quartz sand sprinkling 3 Solvent-free 3 EMICODE EC 1 PLUS/Very low emissions Technical Data: Packaging: cardboard bottle Packsize: 5 kg, 10 kg Shelf life: min. 12 months Colour liquid /dry: beige/ transparent Danger features: none Consumption: 60 130 g/m 2 Working temperature: min. 10C/50F at floor level Ideal working temperature: 15 25C/59 77F at floor level Drying time: approx. 1 hour* *At 20C/68F and 65% relative air humidity. UZIN L 3 Gold System Primer The above information is based on our experience and careful investigations. The variety of associated materials and different construction and working conditions cannot be indi vid- ually checked or influenced by us. The quality of your work depends, therefore, on your own professional judgement and product usage. If in doubt, conduct a small test or obtain tech- nical advice. Observe the installation recommendations of the covering manufacturer. The publication of this Product Data Sheet invalidates all previous Product Information. The re- spective updated version of this datasheet can be found on our Homepage under 04.13 | 04.13 | 0.000 | LD | leR Substrate Preparation: The substrate must be sound, load-bearing, dry, free from cracks, clean and free from materials (dirt, oil, grease) which would impair adhesion. Cement screeding must be abraded and vacuumed off. Test the substrate in accordance with
applicable standards and specification sheets and report any deficiencies. Remove any adhesion-reducing or unstable layers e. g. cement elutriate, separating layers and sintering layers and similar, e. g. by brushing off, abrading, grinding off or gently shot-blasting. UZIN L 3 Gold System Primer cannot pene- trate sufficiently on sealed substrates, therefore the absorp- tion capacity must first of all be checked and, where appro- priate, estab lished. Grind off polished screeds or gently shot-blast. Thoroughly vacuum off loose material and dust. Allow primer to dry out completely. Refer to the Product Data Sheets for other products used. Application: 1. Allow containers to come to room temperature before use and shake thoroughly. 2. Apply priming on the substrate with the UZIN foam roller uniformly, fully, over entire surface and pore-fill- ing. Avoid puddle formation. Allow to dry until the film is virtually tack-free. 3. Clean tools with water immediately after use. Important Notes: 3 Shelf life minimum 12 months in original container in case of moderately cool storage. Protect against frost. Tightly re-seal opened containers and use the contents as quickly as possible. Process material mixed with water within a few days. 3 Optimum working conditions are 15 25C/59 77F, floor temperature above 15C/59F and relative humidity below 65%. Low temperatures and high air humidity extend the drying time, high temperatures and low air humidity shorten the drying time. 3 If the RH levels are above 90% please contact UZIN Technical. 3 UZIN L 3 Gold System Primer must not be employed on floor areas where the continuous action of moisture could cause damage (e. g. calcium sulphate screeds, magnesia and stone wood screeds etc). 3 In case of smoothing work above 10 mm layer thickness, please contact UZIN Technical. 3 With employment under wood flooring, intermediate smooth- ing is always to be used. A direct bonding is not admissible. 3 The surface roughness, surface strength, homogeneity and absorption capacity of the substrate is of decisive importance to the bond strength and ultimately the functionality of the blocking priming. On a structurally sound surface, the sealing system can ideally dig in and counter any possible moisture penetration. 3 Among other things, the following standards and specification sheets are applicable and /or recommended for special ob ser- vation: DIN 18 365 Working with floor coverings DIN 18 356 Working with parquet and wood blocks TKB specification sheet Assessing and preparation of sub- strates for floor covering and parquet work BEB publication Assessing and preparation of substrates Protection of the Workplace and the Environment: Solvent-free. Non-flammable. Requires no special protection or precautions in general use. Use of barrier cream and ventilation of the work area are recommended. EMICODE EC 1 PLUS very low emission. Within the scope of current knowledge, gives off no emissions of formaldehyde, hazardous materials or volatile organic compounds (VOC). When fully dried, has a neutral odour and presents no physiological or eco-logical risk. Basic prerequisites for best possible indoor air quality following floor covering work are conformity to standards of the working conditions, as well as thoroughly dry substrate, primer and smoothing compound. Disposal: Where possible, collect product residues and re-use. Do not allow dispersal into drains, sewers or ground. Empty, scraped and drip-free plastic containers are recyclable.
Containers with liquid residue, as well as the liquid product, are classed as Special Waste. Dried product residues are classed as Construction Waste.