Uzin NC 145: Product Data Sheet
Uzin NC 145: Product Data Sheet
Uzin NC 145: Product Data Sheet
Levelling compound for levelling work on standard construc-
tion substrates. For the subsequent installation of textile and
resilient floor coverings. Pumpable, for interior application.
Suitable for:
Subsequent installation of textile and resilient floor
covering such as textile flooring, PVC/CV floor covering
Low wear in residential and commercial areas, e.g. in
residential dwellings
Hot water underfloor heating
Loads from chair castors according to DIN EN 12 529
from 1 mm compound thickness
Suitable for use on:
Cementitious screeds, calcium sulphate screeds or con-
Substrates with well-bonded residues of adhesives and
smoothing compounds
Product benefits / features:
UZIN NC 145 is the ideal product for standard levelling in
residential areas. Its economical and produces good levelling
Composition: Special cements, mineral aggregates, polyvinyl
acetate copolymers, liquefiers and additives.
Good flow characteristics
Very easy to sand
GISCODE ZP 1/ low chromate content
EMICODE EC 1 R PLUS/Very low-emission
Technical data:
Packaging: paper bag
Pack size: 25 kg
Shelf life: min. 6 months
Required water quantity: approx. 6.0 litres per 25 kg bag
Colour: grey
Consumption/coverage: approx. 1.5 kg/m
per mm
Minimum working temperature: 10C at ground level
Ideal working temperature: 15 25C at ground level
Working time: 20 40 minutes*
Set to foot traffic: after 3 hours*
Ready for covering: after approx. 24 hours*
Fire classification: A1
acc. to DIN EN 13 501-1
*At 20C and 65% relative humidity. See also Ready for covering.
Standard levelling compound
DIN EN 13 813
Uzin Utz AG
Dieselstrae 3
D-89079 Ulm
EN 13 813 CTC20F4
Cement levelling
compound for
interior floor areas
strength class
Fire resistance
strength class
C 20
UZIN | A Brand of Uzin Utz AG
DE | Uzin Utz AG | Dieselstrae 3 | DE-89079 Ulm | Telefon +49(0)731 4097-0 | Telefax +49(0)731 4097-214 | E-Mail [email protected] | Internet
GB | Uzin Ltd. | Unit 2, Mitchell Court | Central Park, Rugby, Warwickshire | CV23 0UY | Phone +44 (0)1788 530 080 | Fax +44 (0)1788 536 508 | E-mail [email protected]
| Internet
Substrate preparation:
The substrate must be sound, load-bearing, dry, free from
cracks, clean and free from materials (dirt, oil, grease), that
would impair adhesion. Cement and calcium sulphate screeds
must be abraded and vacuumed. Test the substrate in
accordance with applicable standards or notices and report
any deficiencies.
Any adhesion-reducing or unstable layers, e.g. release agents,
loose adhesives, compounds, covering or paint residues, etc.
must be removed, e.g. by brushing, abrading, grinding or
shot-blasting. Thoroughly vacuum loose material and dust.
Use a suitable primer from the UZIN Product Guide accord-
ing to the type and condition of the substrate. Allow any
primers that are applied to dry completely.
Refer to the product data sheets for other products used.
1. Pour approx. 6.0 litres of cold, clean water into a clean
container. Sprinkle in contents of sack (25 kg) while thor-
oughly stirring at the same time and mix to form a thick
lump-free consistency. Use a drill or mixer fitted with a
UZIN Mixing Paddle.
2. Pour out the mix onto the substrate and distribute evenly
with a smoothing trowel or the UZIN Screed Rake, notch
size R 2. The flow and surface can be improved by remov-
ing air using the UZIN Spike Roller. Where possible, apply
to the desired thickness in one coat.
Consumption information:
Ready for covering:
*At 20C and 65% relative humidity.
Thickness Consumption Approx. coverage
per 25 kg sack
1 mm 1.5 kg/m
17 m
3 mm 4.5 kg/m
6 m
Thickness Consumption
3 mm 24 hours*
Important notes:
Shelf life at least 6 months in original packaging when stored
in dry conditions. Carefully and tightly re-seal opened packaging
and use the contents as quickly as possible.
Optimum conditions at 15 25C and relative humidity below
65 %. Low temperatures, high humidity, high thickness, non-
absorbent or blocked substrates will delay setting, drying and
readiness for covering. High temperatures, low humidity and
absorbent substrates accelerate setting, drying and readiness
for covering. In summer, store in cool conditions and use cold
Expansion, movement and wall connection joints resulting
from the substrate must be taken up. Fit UZIN Foam Expansion
Strips to any adjoining rising structures to prevent ingress of
the compound into the connection joints.
Pumpable with continuously mixing screw pumps, e. g. from
m-tec, P.F.T., and others.
Not suitable for use on chipboard and OSB panels.
Minimum thickness for resistance to castors is 1 mm. On
non-absorbent surfaces, such as old screeds with a full cover
of old, waterproof adhesive residues, apply 2 3 mm.
When applying in several coats, allow compound to dry
completely, prime with UZIN PE 360 and when this is dry apply
the next coat. The second coat must not exceed the thickness
of the first one.
On weak older substrates with several layers of adhesive or lev-
elling compound the use of gypsum-based levelling compounds
such as UZIN NC 110 or UZIN NC 115 is preferred.
Do not use in exterior or wet areas.
Protect freshly smoothed areas from draughts, direct sunlight
and sources of heat. Cementitious compound layers on soft or
tacky substrates tend to form cracks. These soft or tacky layers
must therefore be removed as much as possible before applying
smoothing compounds. Leaving such compound layers open
too long also promotes such cracking and should therefore be
Do not use as a screed or as a wearing surface a surface
covering or coating must always be applied.
Amongst others, the following standards, guidelines and bul-
letins represent supporting information and are recommended
for special attention.
DIN 18 365 Working with floor coverings
TKB publication Assessment and preparation of substrates
for floor covering and wood flooring installation
BEB publication Assessment and preparation of substrates
TKB publication Technical description and processing of floor
levelling compounds
Protection of the workplace and the environment:
Contains cement, low chromate content as per directive 2003/53/EC GISCODE ZP 1.
Store out of reach from children! Wear nitrile-soaked cotton gloves. Wear protective
dust mask when mixing. Ensure thorough ventilation during and after working /drying!
Do not eat, drink or smoke while working with the product. In the event of contact
with the eyes or skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Do not dispose of into
the sewer system, open water or the soil. Clean tools with water and soap immediately
after use. The basic prerequisites for optimal room air quality after floor covering work
consist of installation conditions conforming to standards and well-dried substrates,
primers and levelling compounds.
Do not dispose of into the sewer system, open water or the soil. Paper sacks can be
recycled when emptied and free from any residues. Collect product residues, mix
with water, allow to harden and dispose of as construction waste.
The above information is based on our experience and careful investigations. The variety of associated materials and different construction and working conditions cannot be indi-
vidually checked or influenced by us. The quality of your work depends, therefore, on your own professional judgement and product usage. If in doubt, conduct a small test or obtain
technical advice. Observe the installation recommendations of the covering manufacturer. The publication of this Product Data Sheet invalidates all previous Product Information. The
respective updated version of this datasheet can be found on our Homepage under 09.13 | LD