Nama: M Bazar Ahmadi NIM: 131710101076 Kelas: THP A Writing Exercises Task 1
Nama: M Bazar Ahmadi NIM: 131710101076 Kelas: THP A Writing Exercises Task 1
Nama: M Bazar Ahmadi NIM: 131710101076 Kelas: THP A Writing Exercises Task 1
NIM : 131710101076
Kelas : THP A
TA!K 1 :
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The graph below shows waste recycling rates in the U.S. from 1960 to 2011.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and mae
comparisons where rele!ant.
"ead the following sample answer.
#omplete the answer b$ filling the gaps with the correct form of the words in the box. Some words can
be used more than once.
Sharp Triple peak
Reach Steady from
Rise Compare significant
%he graph depicts waste rec$cling rates in the &.S. from '()0 to 20''* in both percentage and tons.
+etween '()0 and '(,0* the percentage of garbage being rec$cled annuall$ remained relativel$
steady at -ust over ).. /t then rise slightl$ over the next '0 $ears to '0.'. in '(10.
2n the other hand* the amount of garbage being rec$cled tripled during the same period* from 0.)
million tons in '()0 to ')., million tons in '(10. 3ollowing this sharp increase* the amount of waste
material being rec$cled has risen significantly between '(10 and 20'' when it peakedat 1).( million
Similarl$* the rec$cling rate continued to grow sharply from '(10 to '((0* and then at a slower rate
over the next '0 $ears until it reached a peak of !4.,. in 20''. 5owever* this figure is still
disappointing compared to the total amount of waste being rec$cled each $ear.
%6S7 2 :
Nama : M Bazar Ahmadi
NIM : 131710101076
Kelas : THP A
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The bar chart below gi!es information about the percentage of the population li!ing in urban
areas in the world and in different continents.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and mae
comparisons where rele!ant.
Source: &8* 9orld &rbani:ation ;rospects: %he 2000 "evision <200)= and #arl 5aub* 200, 9orld ;opulation >ata Sheet.
Exam Tip:
>o not cop$ information from the ?uestion paper* use $our own words. @ake sure that $ou describe
the most important information and that $our figures are accurate.
"ead the following sample answer.
#omplete the answer b$ filling the gaps with the words in the box.
by contrast in spite of compares
smaller Shows marked
double Highest
%he bar chart show the urbani:ation percentage of the world in '(00 and compares this with the
percentage in 200, and the pro-ected percentage for 20!0.
+etween '(00 and 20!0* the proportion of the worldAs population residing in cities is expected to
double* growing from 2(. to )0.. 5owever* this rate is less mared in some continents than others.
3or example* )4. of the population of 8orth 6merica was urban in '(00* increasing to ,(. b$
200,.By contras* -ust '0. of the 6frican population was urban in '(00* but this rose to !,. b$ 200,.
%his represents one of the highest urbani:ation rates in the world* even though the percentage of
6fricans in urban areas is still smaller than the world average.
/t is also clear from the graph that* urbani:ation in Batin 6merica is pro-ected to be higher than Curope
in 20!0* in spite of being lower in '(00.
%6S7 ! :
Nama : M Bazar Ahmadi
NIM : 131710101076
Kelas : THP A
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The table below presents the number of children e!er born to women aged "0#"" years in
$ustralia for each year the information was collected since 19%1.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and mae
comparisons where rele!ant.
Number of children ever born, Women aged !" years
Four or
One Two Three more
None child children children children
Year % % % % %
2006 #$%& #'%( ')%' (#%$ ##%!
1996 #(%) ##%' ')%( (%* #'%#
1986 &%+ )%+ '$%* (+%! #)%&
1981 )%$ +%* (&%! (+% (+%*
Source: ABS Births Australia 2001, 2006 (3301.0)
Exam Tip:
You should DsignpostE general statements* i.e. introduce them with expressions such as The table/pie
chart/graph/etc. shows... The most significant change... Another noticeable trend...Overall... You must
also support general statements with detailed information from the table/graph/etc.
The table describes the percentage of women aged 40-44 years that ever born a children in
Australia in 1981,198,199 and !00"
The most stri#ing feature is that mostly women aged 40-44 years had two children" $t can be
seen from the table , in every year the proportion of two children was the highest"
%urthermore, before !00, the trend of the percentage was always the same" &omen preferred
to had two children than had three children" The two-children families had above !9', while
the other was below that percentage" The lowest percentage for this era was the one-children
families" (eanwhile, in !00, the proportion of women who had given birth to four or more
children was the lowest" $t can be seen from the table, in !00, the percentage of four-children
families was one-third of the percentage of two-children families"
)verall, from 1981 to !00, the proportion of none-children families, one-children families
and two-children families was increase, while others had downward trend"
%6S7 4 :
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Nama : M Bazar Ahmadi
NIM : 131710101076
Kelas : THP A
The graphs below pro!ide information on global population figures and figures for urban
populations in different world regions.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and mae
comparisons where rele!ant.
Exam Tip:
/f there is more than one diagram* stud$ an$ heading* ke$ or source for each. >ecide what the vertical
and hori:ontal axes measure* and what the bars show. Book for similarities* differences* changes and
%6S7 0 :
Nama : M Bazar Ahmadi
NIM : 131710101076
Kelas : THP A
The chart below shows the percentage of male and female teachers in si& different types of
educational setting in the U' in 2010.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and mae
comparisons where rele!ant.
Exam Tip:
You onl$ have 20 minutes to do 9riting %ask '* so make sure the points $ou include are:
(ele!ant G $ou will waste time and lose marks if $ou donEt follow the instructions. >onEt speculate or
add $our own opinions.
)ot repetiti!e G donEt sa$ the same thing in different words* or write similar sentences about all the
figures. >escribe something different in ever$ point. @ake comparisons and describe trends rather
than focus on individual numbers.
$ccurate G giving the wrong information loses marks* so stud$ the ?uestion carefull$ and interpret
data or diagrams correctl$.
The bar chart gives information about the gender of teachers in si* types of educational
institutions in the +, in !010" $t shows what percentage of teachers was male and what
percentage was female"
&omen dominated the teaching profession in primary education, but less so at lower and
upper secondary education" $t was particularly true of nursery school, where the share of
female teachers was above 9-'" .imilarly one-sided was the situation in primary school,
where over 90' of teachers were also female"
At secondary and upper secondary level this pattern was less pronounced, where there were
nearly e/ual proportions of male and female teachers" )n the other hand, male teachers
outnumbered female teachers in high-level education, where the proportion of men was twice
that for women"
Nama : M Bazar Ahmadi
NIM : 131710101076
Kelas : THP A
)verall, the higher the level of education, the more male teachers dominated, and the reverse
occurred with respect to female teachers"
%6S7 ) :
Nama : M Bazar Ahmadi
NIM : 131710101076
Kelas : THP A
The diagram below shows the production of steam using a gas cooled nuclear reactor.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and mae
comparisons where rele!ant.
TA!K 7 :
The bar chart below gi!es information about the number of students studying *omputer
Science at a U' uni!ersity between 2010 and 2012.
Nama : M Bazar Ahmadi
NIM : 131710101076
Kelas : THP A
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and mae
comparisons where rele!ant.
9rite at least '00 words.
%6S7 1 :
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Nama : M Bazar Ahmadi
NIM : 131710101076
Kelas : THP A
The graph below gi!es information about international tourist arri!als in fi!e countries.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and mae
comparisons where rele!ant.
The graph shows the overall number of tourist arrivals in five counties
from Asia, Africa and 0urope in a fifteen-year period between 199- and
As can be seen, the +nited .tates is was by far the most attractive and
popular destination in 199- by with about 10 million tourists, more than
twice as many as the second country shown, %rance" There was a gradual
trend in the number of tourists who visited the +nited .tates between !000
and !00-, followed by a five-period yearfive-year period of stability2
however, the number of tourists going to %rance rose dramatically, with it
reaching a pea# of well under 90 million"
The number of tourists visiting (alaysia increased moderately in
during the whole of the period and finally reached its highest point -over 40
million- in !010"
The counties with the fewest number of tourists in during the whole of
interval were 3ra4il and 0gypt" Although their trends were almost the same
between 199- and !00-, there was a greater increase in the number of
tourists visiting 0gypt that than that of 3ra4il"
Nama : M Bazar Ahmadi
NIM : 131710101076
Kelas : THP A
Nama : M Bazar Ahmadi
NIM : 131710101076
Kelas : THP A
T$S' 9 +
*omplete the description of the table using an appropriate word, words or number.
reasons for shopping at $S,$ supermaret no. of men no. of women
close to home 20 20
good reputation ', 22
24-hour shopping 4 0
parking facilities 2' 20
friendl$ staff ) )
competitive prices '4 ',
%he table shows the main reasons wh$ 6S>6 is a popular supermarket for shoppers. %he top three
reasons are its ....................* its reputation and its parking facilities. 2f these* the most important
reason wh$ men shop at 6S>6 is that the shop is close to their home G .................... men rated this as
an important factor. ....................* however* prefer 6S>6 to other supermarkets mainl$
because ..................... %he$ rated the location of the supermarket second. 6 significant number of both
men and women also choose to shop at 6S>6 because .................... good parking facilities.
%he women .................... this was as important as the location of the supermarket. 2n the other hand*
the attitude of the staff does not seem to be an important factor .................... onl$ six women and six
men rated this highl$. Surprisingl$* almost no one said the$ prefer .................... at 6S>6 because it is
open 24 hours a da$.
Nama : M Bazar Ahmadi
NIM : 131710101076
Kelas : THP A
T$S' 10 +
The table below shows the number of medals won by the top ten countries in the -ondon 2012
.lympic /ames.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and mae
comparisons where rele!ant.
-ondon 2012 .lympic /ames 0edal Table
(an by /old *ountry /old Sil!er 1ron2e Total
1 United States 4) 2( 2( 10"
2 *hina !1 2, 2! %%
3 /reat 1ritain 2( ', '( 64
" (ussia 24 2) !2 %2
4 South 'orea '! 1 , 2%
6 /ermany '' '( '4 ""
5 6rance '' '' '2 3"
% 7taly 1 ( '' 2%
9 8ungary 1 4 0 15
10 $ustralia , ') '2 34