1. The document describes subroutines for controlling a robot's position and direction on a grid. The robot's position is defined by X,Y coordinates and its direction is defined by changes to its X and Y values.
2. It provides examples of subroutines for turning the robot left and right by modifying the robot's direction values. Subroutines are called through blocks and execute the blocks within them before continuing the main program.
3. The document proposes building additional subroutines to move the robot to the center of the grid, which is at the intersection of the central column and row. This would require subroutines to move to the central column first, and then to the central row
1. The document describes subroutines for controlling a robot's position and direction on a grid. The robot's position is defined by X,Y coordinates and its direction is defined by changes to its X and Y values.
2. It provides examples of subroutines for turning the robot left and right by modifying the robot's direction values. Subroutines are called through blocks and execute the blocks within them before continuing the main program.
3. The document proposes building additional subroutines to move the robot to the center of the grid, which is at the intersection of the central column and row. This would require subroutines to move to the central column first, and then to the central row
1. The document describes subroutines for controlling a robot's position and direction on a grid. The robot's position is defined by X,Y coordinates and its direction is defined by changes to its X and Y values.
2. It provides examples of subroutines for turning the robot left and right by modifying the robot's direction values. Subroutines are called through blocks and execute the blocks within them before continuing the main program.
3. The document proposes building additional subroutines to move the robot to the center of the grid, which is at the intersection of the central column and row. This would require subroutines to move to the central column first, and then to the central row
1. The document describes subroutines for controlling a robot's position and direction on a grid. The robot's position is defined by X,Y coordinates and its direction is defined by changes to its X and Y values.
2. It provides examples of subroutines for turning the robot left and right by modifying the robot's direction values. Subroutines are called through blocks and execute the blocks within them before continuing the main program.
3. The document proposes building additional subroutines to move the robot to the center of the grid, which is at the intersection of the central column and row. This would require subroutines to move to the central column first, and then to the central row
Posisi pada lantai ditentukan dengan koordinat X,Y dengan nilai positif integer. * Posisi Robot : Pada progra nantin!a, posisi robot ditentukan oleh " kun#i, $Robot dan !Robot. $Robot dan !Robot eiliki nilai diana Robot berada.
* Arah Robot : Arah robot ditentukan oleh d$Robot dan d!Robot. %ilain!a diabil dari &ariasi $Robot dan !Robot ketika robot bergerak ke lantai berikutn!a: ' if robot enghadap kanan : d$Robot ( ) dan d!Robot ( * ' if robot enghadap kiri : d$Robot ( ') dan d!Robot ( * ' if robot enghadap depan : d$Robot ( * dan d!Robot ( ) ' if robot enghadap belakang : d$Robot ( * dan d!Robot ( ')
+urn+o,ards-round.eft subroutine flo,#hart : A subroutine flo,#hart is built the sae ,a! as the ain progra flo,#hart. /t ust #ontain one and onl! one begin blo#k and at least one end blo#k. 0ere, the flo,#hart #ontains the ke!,ord d$Robot. 1hen the robot is fa#ing left, d$Robot &alue is '). /f d$Robot is different fro ' ), ,e rotate the robot b! 2*3 then ,e redo the test.
Subroutine e$e#ution : a subroutine #all blo#k e$e#ution #auses the e$e#ution of the subroutine begin blo#k, then the subroutine is e$e#uted until its end blo#k, then the e$e#ution #ontinues at the blo#k follo,ing the subroutine #all blo#k. ' /nitiali4e the progra 5#hoose 6$e#ution 7 /nitiali4ation enu or #li#k /%/+ button8 ' Run the progra. ' After e$e#ution, #li#k the robot to #hange its initial dire#tion, run again the progra : in an! #ase, the robot fa#es left of the ground ,hen the progra end
9uild and test a ne, subroutine naed +urn+o,ards-roundRight +he robot goes to the ground #enter
* +he ground #enter is at the interse#tion of the #entral #olun and the #entral ro, 5see the ground8. /n order that the robot goes to the ground #enter, it has to go to a tile in #entral #olun, then to a tile in #entral ro,. +o a#hie&e that purpose, ,e need t,o subroutines. * -o+oCentralColun subroutine : ' Create a ne, subroutine ,ith the nae -o+oCentralColun ' 9uild follo,ing flo,#hart :
* -o+oCentralRo, subroutine :
+his subroutine ethod is siilar to the pre&ious one, e$#ept ,e ha&e to test the robot ! position, and ,e o&e it to,ards front or rear of the ground. ' 9uild ne, subroutines naed +urn+o,ards-roundRear and +urn+o,ards-round:ront. ' 9uild ne, subroutine naed -o+oCentralRo, ' 9uild the ain progra :