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Overview of Budgeting

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Overview of Budgeting:

Use budgeting to enter estimated account balances for specified range

of periods. You can use these estimated amounts to compare actual
balances with projected results, or to control actual and anticipated
General ledger gives you a variety of tools to create, maintain, and
track your budgets, including the ability to upload budget amounts.
Defining Budgets:
Create a budget to represent a collection of estimated amounts for a range of
accounting periods. You can use utoCopy to create a new budget from an existing
To create a budget:
!. "avigate to the define budget window.
#. $nter a "ame and %escription for your budget.
"ote& 'udget "ames must be uni(ue in the system.
). *elect the ledger for this budget.
+. $nter the *tatus of your budget.
Open: ,he budget is available for update and budget entry.
Current: ,he budget is open, and it is the default budget when
you use most budgeting and in(uiry forms. You can have only
one current budget at a time for each ledger.
Frozen: ,he budget is unavailable for update or budget entry.
General ledger displays the created date and fro-en date, if applicable,
for the budget.
.. Choose whether to re(uire budget journals for your budget. /f you enabled the
re(uire budget journals flag for your ledger, this option will already be
selected and cannot be changed.
0hen you re(uire budget journals, you can only use budget entry methods that create
journals, namely budget journals, budget transfers, mass budgets, consolidation of
budget balances, and the application desktop integrator1s journal wi-ard.
Important: Use budget journals to maintain an audit trail for
your budget balances. 2ther budget entry methods update
budget balances directly.
Note: /f you use budgetary control, you must use budget
journals to enter amounts in your funding budget.
3. $nter the first and last period for your budget.
4. ,o open the first fiscal year of your budget, choose 2pen "ext Year, general
5edger launches a concurrent re(uest to open the next year.
Assigning Budget Periods:
To assign budget periods:
!. /n the %efine 'udget window, enter the 6irst period of your budget. 2nce you
save the budget, you cannot change the first period.
#. /f you want to copy budget amounts from an existing budget, the first and last
7eriods must be the same as the first and last periods of the budget you are
copying from, although the year can be different.
). $nter the 5ast period for your budget. Your budget can include up to sixty
periods per year, and can span an unlimited number of fiscal years.
+. *ave your work. General 5edger displays the 5atest 2pen Year in your budget.
,his is blank until you open the first year of your budget by choosing the
2pen "ext Year button.
To change the last budget period:
You can change the last period to a later period only if the period you are changing
6rom corresponds to the last period of your fiscal year as defined in your accounting
6or example, if the last period defined in your accounting calendar is %ec89. :a
6uture period that has not been opened; and your budget period ranges from <an89)
,hrough %ec89., you can change the budget1s last period to a later year, such as
%ec893. ,o do this, you must first define the entire #993 fiscal year in your
ccounting calendar, then open the #99. budget year. /f you open your #99. budget
Year before adding the accounting periods for #993, you will not be able to update
,he last budget period.
Opening a Budget Year:
You can enter and update budget amounts only for open budget years. 2nce you open
a new fiscal year for your budget, it remains open. 6or best performance, do not open
a budget year until you are ready to use it.
Note: If you want to use AutoCopy to create a new budget, do not open
any budget years before copying your budget information. You
cannot use AutoCopy if your destination budget has any open years.
To open the next budget year:
1 "avigate to the %efine 'udget window.
! $nter or (uery a budget.
" Choose 2pen "ext Year
To copy budget amounts from an existing budget:
Caution: You can only copy budget amounts if you have read and write
access to the ledger and all of its balancing segment values or
management segment values as defined by your data access set.
1 "avigate to the %efine 'udget window.
! $nter or (uery the name of the budget you want to copy budget amounts to.
" Check the budget periods. ,he first period must be the same as the first period of
the budget you are copying from, although the year can be different. 6or example, if
the budget you are copying from begins in =Y8>), you can enter =Y8>. as your
first period, but not <U"8>.. /n addition, both budgets must span the same number
of periods and belong to the same ledger.
# Check to make sure the budget does not have any open budget years :5atest 2pen
Year must be blank;. You cannot use utoCopy if the budget has any open years.
$ Choose utoCopy.
% $nter the name of the *ource 'udget whose amounts you want to copy to your new
7. Choose 2? Your budget will have the status @unning Copy while utoCopy is
running. You will not be able to modify your budget until utoCopy completes and
your budget status changes to 2pen.
Budget Organiations:
!e"ning Budget Organiations:
Use this window to define budget organi-ations or update existing budget
organi-ations. You can review, assign, delete or copy ranges of ccounting 6lexfields
to your budget organi-ations. You must define at least one budget organi-ation before
you can enter budget a mounts. /f you have one or more budget organi-ations defined
already, you can define an AllA budget organi-ation that contains all of the
ccounting 6lexfields from all of the budget 2rgani-ation is useful if you want one
budget organi-ation for budgeting to all accounts, or if you do not need speciali-ed
budget organi-ations now, but may want to add them later.
To create a budget organiation:
1. "avigate to the %efine 'udget 2rgani-ation window.
! $nter a "ame and %escription for your budget organi-ation.
To defne a new budget organization that includes only specifc ranges of
accounts, enter a unique name. Budget Organization names must be unique for
a ledger. You can only have duplicate names across diferent ledgers.
/f you have one or more budget organi-ations defined already, you can create a
budget organi-ation named A55A that automatically includes all accounts that are
assigned to any budget organi-ation. ,o do this, enter A55A as the budget
organi-ation "ame.
#. Choose the ledger for your budget organi-ation. You can choose any ledger that
*hares the same chart of accounts as your current data access set.
$. $nter the sort and display options.
,he 2rdering *egment is the account segment General 5edger uses to sort accounts
when you review the budget organi-ation assignments, and when you use the $nter
'udget mounts and $nter 'udget <ournals windows. *pecify the %isplay *e(uence
for your account segments. You can use this se(uence to change the order of your
account segments on the $nter 'udget mounts and $nter 'udget <ournals windows.
6or each segment, enter a uni(ue se(uence number from ! to n, where n is the number
of segments in your account.
%. $nter $ffective 6rom and ,o %ates if you want to set a specific range of time when
you can use this budget organi-ation.
&. ssign accounts to the budget organi-ation.
7. :2ptional; *elect the $nable *ecurity checkbox to apply definition access set
security to your 'udget 2rgani-ation.
%efinition access sets are an optional security feature that allows you to control
access to your General 5edger definitions. 6or example, you can prevent certain
users from viewing, making changes, or using your 'udget 2rgani-ation for
budget entry
/f you do not enable security, all users will be able to use, view, modify, and delete
your 'udget 2rgani-ation.
/f the ssign ccess function is available for your responsibility, the ssign ccess
button will be enabled once you check the $nable *ecurity check box. Choose the
ssign ccess button to assign the definition to one or more definition access sets
with the desired privileges.
/f the ssign ccess function has been excluded from your responsibility, you will
not be able to view the ssign ccess button in the %efine 'udget 2rgani-ation
window. You can still secure the 'udget 2rgani-ation by checking the $nable
*ecurity check box, but only definition access sets that are uto ssigned will be
automatically assigned to this 2rgani-ation.
'ssigning 'ccount (anges to a Budget Organiation:
To assign a range of accounts to a budget organiation:
& "avigate to the %efine 'udget 2rgani-ation window.
! Buery the budget organi-ation.
Caution: If your Budget Organization has been secured using
defnition access sets, you must have Modify access to assign accounts.
Choose @anges.
$. $nter a 5ine number and an account 5ow and Cigh for each range you want to
assign to your budget organi-ation. ,he ranges cannot overlap other account ranges
with the same currency for any budget organi-ation ledger.
5.Select the budget entry Type for the account range:
)ntered: You enter budget amounts, enter budget journals, upload budgets, create
Mass Budget journals, or transfer budget amounts. Use this entry type if you want
to use budgetary control.
Calculated: You use budget formulas or Mass Budget journals to enter budget
amounts. You cannot use this entry type if you are using budgetary control.
&. Enter the Currency for each account range. For accounts with a budget entry type of
Calculated, you must enter either the ledger's currency or STAT. To enter only statistical
budget amounts for the account range, enter STAT
None do not perform budgetary control for the Accounting
Flexfelds in the range.
'd*isory: Check or reserve funds for the Accounting Flexfelds in the range. General Ledger
reserves funds whether or not there are funds available. If sufcient funds are not available,
you will receive a warning message.
'bsolute: Check or reserve funds for the Accounting Flexfelds in the range. General Ledger
reserves funds only if sufcient funds are available.
General Ledger has the following amount types:
+T! General Ledger checks your funds based on the period-to-date funds available balance.
,T! General Ledger checks your funds based on the quarter-to-date funds available balance.
YT! General Ledger checks your funds based on the year-to-date funds available balance.
+-T! General Ledger checks your funds based on the project-to-date funds available balance
General Ledger has the following boundary values:
+eriod General Ledger checks your funds based on the funds available balance as of the end
of the period of the current transaction.
,uarter General Ledger checks your funds based on the funds available balance as of the
end of the quarter of the current transaction.
Year General Ledger checks your funds based on the funds available balance as of the end of
the year of the current transaction.
+ro.ect General Ledger checks your funds based on the funds available balance as of the end
of the project of the current transaction. General Ledger designates the last period of your
latest open budget year as being the end of the project.
7. You can review, add, or temporarily delete individual accounts assigned to your
budget organization by choosing Range Assignments.
/. Save your work. General Ledger launches a concurrent program to assign all the
existing accounts within the designated ranges to the budget organization. You can
review the Status of each range.
'dding: The concurrent request to add accounts from a range is pending.
0n +rocess: The concurrent request to add accounts from a range is running.
(eporting: The concurrent request to add accounts from a range is generating an
execution report of all the accounts it created.
Current: The concurrent request to add accounts from a range has completed.
To assign ranges using budgetary control:
1. Assign the account range as described above.
1. If your funds check level is set to none, you can assign any Currency and a budget
entry Type of Entered to the account range.
If your funds check level is set to Absolute or Advisory, you must assign your ledger's
primary currency and a budget entry Type of Entered to the account range.
To delete an account assignment temporarily:
1. Navigate to the Defne Budget Organization window.
1. Query the budget organization.
#. If you know the account you want to delete, choose the Assignments button to see
all the accounts assigned to your budget organization.
$. If you want to specify an account range to limit the display to accounts within that
range, choose the Ranges button, select the range, then choose Range Assignments.
%. Select the account you want to remove and delete the record. The account
assignment is only deleted from the budget organization until you run the Maintain
Budget Organization program.
)ntering Budget -ournals:
Enter budget journals to maintain an audit trail for your budget balances. You can use
budget rules to calculate budget journal amounts automatically.
Caution: You can only enter budget journals to those ledgers and balancing segment values
or management segment values that you have read and write access as defned by your data
access set. When you post budget journals, the journal amounts update existing budget
balances. You can review and change your budget journals before posting them.
0mportant: When you use budget rules in Journal Mode, General Ledger
calculates the appropriate debit or credit needed to achieve the balance you
enter for the account type.
To enter budget .ournals for a single account:
1. Navigate to the Enter Budget Journals window.
1. Enter the Budget you want to update. You cannot use a budget that is frozen.
#. Specify the Budget Organization for the account to which you want to budget. If the
budget organization is password-protected, you must enter the password before you can enter
budget journals.
Note: If your Budget Organization has been secured using
defnition access sets, you must have Use access to the Budget
Organization to be able to use it for budget entry.
Enter the range of Accounting Periods to which you want to budget.
%. Enter the Currency of the budget amounts you are entering. The accounts must be
assigned to the budget organization for this currency.
&. Choose the Journal Mode tab to enter budget amounts in a journal format.
You can also use Single Row Mode or Worksheet Mode to enter budget journal
amounts. However, you can only generate budget journals from these entry modes when you
use the Enter Budget Journals window.
7. Enter or query the Account to which you want to budget. You can also switch to Worksheet
Mode to easily query accounts, then return to Journal Mode to enter budget journals.
/. Enter a Debit or Credit amount for each period. Do not enter journal amounts if you want
to use budget rules to calculate and distribute budget amounts.
2. Choose Create Journals to create a budget journal batch. If you are using budgetary
control, you specify a funds action when you create the batch.

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