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Serdar Cadirci

March 2009
Thesis Advisor: Edward Fisher
Second Reader: Michael Herrera
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March 2009
Masters Thesis
4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE RF Stealth (Or Low Observable) and Counter- RF
Stealth Technologies: Implications of Counter- RF Stealth Solutions for Turkish Air
6. AUTHOR(S) Serdar Cadirci
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943-5000
11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy
or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
13. ABSTRACT (maximum 200 words)
This thesis will examine the evolution of stealth, with a focus on RF low observables, and the counter
technologies to detect RF stealth or low observable aircraft, the reasons why an air force needs such technologies,
advantages and disadvantages of these assets, and the latest developments in the area.
While low observable technologies have been around for nearly half a century, they are still secretive in
nature and sensitive. This poses problems when conducting unclassified research in this field; nevertheless, this thesis
will address technological details that enable the operational use of stealth assets by examining open sources.
Counter-stealth technologies are increasingly relevant, and research in this field is ongoing around the world.
This thesis will give information about these efforts and will also discuss the possible solutions that can be applied to
a complex air defense network.
Finally the thesis will focus on the Turkish Air Forces possible counter- RF stealth requirements and the
evaluation for the desired solution.
14. SUBJECT TERMS Stealth Technology, Low Observables, Stealth Advantages, Radar Cross
Section (RCS) Reduction, Radar Absorbent Material (RAM), Counterstealth Technologies, HF Radars,
Bi-static Radars, Passive Radars, Networked Radars , Electronic Warfare

NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. 239-18
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited


Serdar Cadirci
First Lieutenant, Turkish Air Force
B.S., Turkish Air Force Academy, 2001

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of


from the

March 2009

Author: Serdar Cadirci

Approved by: Edward Fisher
Thesis Advisor

Michael Herrera
Second Reader

Dan Boger
Chairman, Department of Information Sciences
This thesis will examine the evolution of stealth, with a focus on RF low
observables, and the counter technologies to detect RF stealth (or low observable)
aircraft, the reasons why an air force needs such technologies, advantages and
disadvantages of these assets, and the latest developments in this area.
While low observable technologies have been around for nearly half a century,
they are still secretive in nature and sensitive. This poses problems when conducting
unclassified research in this field; nevertheless, this thesis will address technological
details that enable the operational use of stealth assets by examining open sources.
Counter-stealth technologies are increasingly relevant, and research in this field is
ongoing around the world. This thesis will give information about these efforts and will
also discuss the possible solutions that can be applied to a complex air defense network.
Finally the thesis will focus on the Turkish Air Forces possible counter- RF
stealth requirements and the evaluation for the desired solution.
I. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1
A. AREA OF RESEARCH..................................................................................3
B. MAJOR RESEARCH QUESTIONS .............................................................3
1. Primary Question.................................................................................3
2. Subsidiary Questions ...........................................................................3
C. LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................4
E. ORGANIZATION OF THE THESIS............................................................8
II. STEALTH IN MILITARY AVIATION..................................................................11
1. Horten IX Flying Wing (1944-1945).................................................13
2. Lockheed U-2 Dragon Lady (1958-1960).........................................14
3. Teledyne Ryans RPV Designs (BQM-34A (1960), AQM-91A
Compass Arrow (1969), Low RCS Vehicle (1973-1974 Design
Study), Mini-RPV (1974-1975)) ........................................................15
4. North American Hound Dog Air-to-Surface Weapon (1962)
and Boeing AGM-69A SRAM (Short Range Attack Missile)
(First Flight 1969) ..............................................................................19
5. Lockheed A-12 (First Flight 1962) and Lockheed D-21 Drone
(First Flight 1966) ..............................................................................22
6. Mc Donnell Douglas Quiet Attack Aircraft (1972-1973 Design
Study) ..................................................................................................25
7. Rockwell International B-1B (First Flight 1984) ............................26
TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................27
III. STEALTH TECHNOLOGY DETAILS..................................................................31
A. DECEIVING THE EYE................................................................................31
1. Radar Principles.................................................................................37
2. Radar Cross Section (RCS) and RCS Reduction Methods............39
a. Shaping the Airframe .............................................................43
b. Non-Metallic Airframe, Radar Absorbent Material
(RAM) and Radar Absorbent Structure (RAS)......................51
c. Passive Cancellation System...................................................57
d. Active Cancellation System.....................................................59
e. Plasma Stealth.........................................................................62
D. IR SIGNATURE AND IR STEALTH.........................................................66
OBSERVABLE OR STEALTH TECHNOLOGIES..................................71
1. F-117 Nighthawk (retired Stealth Fighter)..................................71
2. B-2A Spirit (Stealth Bomber) ...........................................................75
3. F-22A Raptor......................................................................................78
4. Some Modern UAV and Cruise Missile Examples .........................83
F. DISADVANTAGES OF STEALTH APPLICATIONS .............................85
IV. COUNTER RF STEALTH TECHNOLOGY.........................................................93
FREQUENCY (UHF) RADARS ..................................................................95
TECHNOLOGY ..........................................................................................111
V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................123
A. SUMMARY..................................................................................................123
CONSEQUENCES ......................................................................................123
1. Turkish Air Force Counter-Stealth Requirements.......................124
2. Recommended Future Approaches and Consequences................125
LIST OF REFERENCES....................................................................................................129
INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST.......................................................................................141
Figure 1. Bomber Commands de Havilland Mosquitos...................................................2
Figure 2. Germans Horten HoIX V2................................................................................2
Figure 3. Horten IX Flying Wing....................................................................................13
Figure 4. U-2 Spyplane...................................................................................................14
Figure 5. Trapeze Modification of U-2s..........................................................................15
Figure 6. The BQM-34A.................................................................................................16
Figure 7. Q-2C, a Variant of BQM-34, with Kind of RAM Blankets and Wire-mesh
Figure 8. Teledyne Ryan AQM-91A Compass Arrow....................................................18
Figure 9. 1973-1974 Design of Teledyne Ryan, Unproduced RPV................................19
Figure 10. 1974-1975 RPV Design of Teledyne Ryan.....................................................19
Figure 11. The AGM-28 Hound Dog................................................................................21
Figure 12. AGM-69...........................................................................................................21
Figure 13. A-12, the Winner of the Skunk Projects after the Demand of U.S.
Intelligence Agency to Replace the U-2 Spy Plane.........................................22
Figure 14. SR-71s RAM that was Placed in Triangle Shape...........................................23
Figure 15. The RAM on the Leading Edges of the SR-71 Wings.....................................23
Figure 16. The RAM on the Fuselage of the SR-71..........................................................23
Figure 17. A D-21 Drone on the M-21 Mother-ship.........................................................24
Figure 18. The D-21 Drones, very Similar Shape with SR-71..........................................25
Figure 19. Quiet Attack Aircraft Project...........................................................................26
Figure 20. B-1B Lancer.....................................................................................................26
Figure 21. The Engine Nacelles of B-1.............................................................................27
Figure 22. The Linke-Hoffman R I 8/15 Super Heavy Bomber with the Cellon,
Transparent Covering, on the Rear Fuselage...................................................32
Figure 23. The Kingdom of J ordans F-16 with the First Advanced Visual Mitigation
Method Application in the World....................................................................33
Figure 24. B-24 Liberator with ProjectYehudi Lights......................................................34
Figure 25. F-4 Phantom with Compass Ghost Project Lights...........................................35
Figure 26. Bird of Prey......................................................................................................36
Figure 27. RCS Values of Several Targets........................................................................42
Figure 28. The Approximate RCS of Aircraft...................................................................43
Figure 29. The Minor and Major Contributors to RCS of a Fighter Aircraft....................44
Figure 30. RCS Pattern of an Aircraft at Changing Yaw Axis.........................................45
Figure 31. F-22 Raptors Weapon Bays............................................................................46
Figure 32. An Opening Door Covers the Muzzle to Preserve the F-22 Raptors
Stealth Qualities...............................................................................................48
Figure 33. RF RCS Importance According to the Expected Threat Angles.....................48
Figure 34. F-117 Nighthawks RCS by Scattering the Incoming Signals Nearly Every
Figure 35. F-22 Raptors RCS Reduction Technique by Shaping....................................50
Figure 36. Serrated Shape for RCS Reduction Measures.................................................50
Figure 37. Radar Absorbing Material Illustration.............................................................53
Figure 38. Four Thick Radar Absorbing Material Foams and Two Samples of Thin
Radar Absorbent Sheets...................................................................................54
Figure 39. A Sample of Radar Absorbing Honeycomb Material......................................55
Figure 40. Triangular Patches of RAM and RAS on the SR-71 Blackbirds Wing
Leading Edges..................................................................................................56
Figure 41. The Acute Wedge Shape for Trapping Incoming Signal with the Help of
Absorbing Materials.........................................................................................56
Figure 42. F-22 in the Robotics Coating Facility for Low Observable Material
Figure 43. The Salisbury Screen.......................................................................................58
Figure 44. Active Cancellation System.............................................................................60
Figure 45. Russian MIG 1.44 has been Told to have Some Plasma Stealth
Figure 46. YO-3A with Effective Noise Cancelling Mufflers on the Right Side of the
Figure 47. Q-Star with Novel Engine Propeller Design to Reduce the Noise..................66
Figure 48. IRST Sensor of the F-35 Lightning II ..............................................................68
Figure 49. The Body of the F-117 is Designed to Mask IR Emission from Engines.......69
Figure 50. The Engine Nozzles of B-2 are Concealed to be Seen from Below................69
Figure 51. F-22 Raptors Saw Toothed, Wide and Flat Shaped Nozzles to Reduce
Both Radar and IR Signatures.........................................................................70
Figure 52. F-117 Night Fighter Releasing a Laser Guided Bomb....................................71
Figure 53. Lockheeds Proof of Concept, XST or Have Blue, in the Senior Trend
Figure 54. Have Blue was Developed from Bizarre Hopeless Diamond Concept........72
Figure 55. Reflection of F-117s Cockpit Coating............................................................74
Figure 56. Thin Mesh Grids, at the Engine Intakes of F-117............................................74
Figure 57. F-117s Fine Wire Mesh of FLIR Aperture, and Faceted-serrated Shape of
its Canopy........................................................................................................75
Figure 58. B-2 Spirit Flying Wing Aircraft.......................................................................76
Figure 59. B-2s Open Bomb Bays...................................................................................76
Figure 60. Auxiliary Air Intake Doors are Required for B-2s Take Off .........................78
Figure 61. YF-22...............................................................................................................79
Figure 62. F-22 A Raptor..................................................................................................79
Figure 63. F-22s APG-77 A Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar......................81
Figure 64. F-22s Radar is Fitted Inside the Nose Radome..............................................81
Figure 65. F-22 with Two External Fuel Tanks Payload..................................................82
Figure 66. F-22 with Two External Missiles Payload.......................................................83
Figure 67. Boeing X-45 C.................................................................................................84
Figure 68. Northrop Grumman X-47 A.............................................................................84
Figure 69. Dassault nEUROn............................................................................................84
Figure 70. AGM-129 ACM...............................................................................................85
Figure 71. Special Climate Control Maintenance Shelters of B-2 Spirit..........................88
Figure 72. The Physics of Radar Scattering......................................................................97
Figure 73. F-35 J SF in the 2 Metre Band VHF (150 MHz) Radar....................................98
Figure 74. Russian Low Frequency (VHF) Radar 1L13 Nebo SV ...................................99
Figure 75. Russian Low Frequency (VHF) Radar Nebo SVU........................................100
Figure 76. Gamma DE L-band Low Frequency (Upper UHF) Radar.............................100
Figure 77. Protivnik GE L-band Low Frequency (Upper UHF) Radar..........................101
Figure 78. Over-the- horizon Radar using Sky-wave Propagation.................................102
Figure 79. Over-the- horizon Radar using Ground-wave Propagation...........................103
Figure 80. The J ORN Transmission Antenna Array.......................................................105
Figure 81. Italian TPS-828 Mobile Coastal Radar System.............................................106
Figure 82. Bistatic Radar Configuration.........................................................................109
Figure 83. Multistatic Radar Configuration....................................................................110
Figure 84. Kolchuga Passive Emitter Location Sensor...................................................113
Figure 85. BAe Systems Celldar Passive Radar Network Based on Cell Phone
Figure 86. Turkish Peace Eagle Project Boeing 737 AEW&Cs.....................................115
Figure 87. Forward Scattering Radar Configuration.......................................................116

Table 1. Examples of Operational and Demonstration Projects Based on Low
Observable Technology for Aircraft, UAV and Surface Vessels......................6
Table 2. RCS Versus Approximate Detection Range....................................................39
Table 3. The Table Shows that Relatively Small Production Numbers Increase the
Project Total Cost Per Aircraft........................................................................90
Table 4. Comparison of the Three U.S. Strategic Bombers...........................................91
Table 5. Australian, Canadian and Chinese OTHRs....................................................106
Table 6. French, Italian and Russian OTHRs..............................................................107
Table 7. Ukrainian and British OTHRs.......................................................................107
Table 8. U.S. OTHRs...................................................................................................108
Table 9. Primary Counter Stealth Radar Systems........................................................122
First of all, I want to express my gratitude to my beloved country, Turkey
(Trkiye) and the Turkish Air Force for providing me great opportunities throughout
my career and finally a postgraduate study and a masters degree in the United States at
the Naval Postgraduate School. I would like to dedicate this work to the Turkish Nation
and all Mehmetik, Turkish soldiers, who have been protecting our independence and
freedom throughout history.
I would also like to thank to my thesis advisors Mr. Edward Fisher and CDR.
Michael Herrera for their time, support, professional guidance, assistance and patience
during this work. Their valuable comments and contributions improved my thesis.
I must also acknowledge my parents Fatma adrc and Haluk Erol adrc, and
my elder brother Emrah adrc for their selfless and endless love, continuous support
and encouragement during my life. Additionally, my heartfelt thanks go to my beloved
friends and all my relatives for their friendship and help during my life.
Lastly, and most importantly, I would like to thank my beautiful, versatile and
smart wife, Mine, for her company, all her understanding, and continuous love that she
gave me since I met her, as well as my long-lasting studies during NPS education and this
thesis. Thank God that you are in my life, my Love!
The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the
official policy or position of the Turkish Republic, the Turkish Armed Forces, the
Turkish Land Forces, the Turkish Naval Forces or the Turkish Air Force.

The future is bright, the future is stealth [1]
Stealth technology is considered modern and sophisticated, but there are several
examples of stealth found in nature. Visual stealth is demonstrated in nature by
camouflage. One of the simplest and best examples is the change in color of insects as
they blend into their backgrounds. Without a doubt, humans were inspired to use stealth
in order to deal with dangers found in nature from defeating wild animals while hunting,
to fighting in wars, evolving this capability into the combat arena.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, rapid advancements in aviation made it
possible to use aircraft in combat. There were several advantages to this; but aircraft
were vulnerable to attack from the ground, sea and air. Many technologies were
introduced to overcome this vulnerability. One of the most promising focused on
reducing the visibility of aircraft and was referred to as visual stealth. Germany
pioneered the construction of less visible (ideally invisible) planes before and during
World War I (WWI). They developed a synthetic material, called cellon, which was used
to make aircraft transparent; however, this resulted in limited success because in some
cases the aircraft were more visible than desired. During World War II (WWII), visual
stealth was employed by the United States on Project Yehudi. In this case, bright lights
were deployed along the leading surfaces of the TBM-3D Avenger aircraft. The
brightness of these lights could be adjusted to deceive an opponent by disguising an
aircraft against the background sky, thus reducing the aircrafts visual detection range
from twelve to two miles. Later during the war, the B-24 Liberator bomber was adapted
with Yehudi lights for submarine attack missions. During the Vietnam War, counter-
illumination technology was again employed in the Compass Ghost project, where F-4
Phantom fighters were modified with lights, apparently resulting in some success [2].
After its invention, radar became the most accurate method for detection of
aircraft, and countries developed new tactics and projects to defeat it and hence increase
survivability. Bomber Commands de Havilland Mosquitos (Figure 1) had the lowest loss
rate of any WWII bomber. This was attributable to its high speed, high altitude and to
some extent its low radar reflectivity, a result of the bombers wooden sandwich
construction. Germanys Horten HoIX V2 (Figure 2) design achieved lower detectability
by a combination of its external shape and the use of integral radar absorbent materials
(RAM). The Horten design was the origin of all flying wing, RAM and radar cross
section (RCS) based designs [3].

Figure 1. Bomber Commands de Havilland Mosquitos
(From [4])

Figure 2. Germans Horten HoIX V2
(From [5])
Later, more developed low observable technologies are used in U-2R, SR-71 (and
CIAs A-12), B-1, F-117, B-2 and finally F-22. Today stealth is an indispensable
technology, not only for modern military aircraft, but also for other military assets, such
as ships (Visby), helicopters (RAH-66 Comanche), and unmanned air vehicles (UAVs),
This thesis will examine the evolution of stealth, focusing on radio frequency
(RF) signature reduction methods and RF low observable aircraft counter detection
technologies. Furthermore, this thesis will examine an air forces requirements for such
technologies, the advantages and disadvantages of these low observable or counter stealth
technologies, and the latest developments in these areas.
While low observable technologies have been around for nearly half a century,
they are still secretive in nature and sensitive. This poses problems when conducting
unclassified research in this field; nevertheless, this thesis attempts to address
technological details that enable the operational use of stealth assets by examining open
Counter-stealth technologies are increasingly relevant, and research in this field is
ongoing around the world. This thesis will provide information about these efforts and
will also discuss possible solutions that can be applied to a complex air defense network.
Finally the thesis will focus on the Turkish Air Forces possible counter-RF
stealth requirements and an evaluation of potential solutions.
This study seeks to answers the following questions:
1. Primary Question
a. What objectives should the Turkish Air Force pursue in the area of
counter RF stealth?
2. Subsidiary Questions
a. What is stealth and what is meant by low observable?
(1) What is the historical background of stealth?
(2) What are the capabilities of stealth?
b. Why does an air force need stealth technology?
c. What are the technical details of RF stealth?
(1) How is the radar cross section (RCS) of an object
(2) What is meant by the RCS shape factor?
(3) What are the technical details of a non-metallic air frame
and RAM?
(4) What are passive and active cancellation systems and how
are they employed?
d. What are other signature reduction methods?
e. What are the challenges involved in building a stealth aircraft and
are there any operational disadvantages?
(1) What is the cost impact?
(2) What are the operational and maintenance difficulties?
f. What counter-stealth technologies can be used to detect low
observable aircraft?
(1) What are the most promising technologies and techniques
to detect RF low observable systems?
(2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of these counter
stealth technologies and techniques?
Stealth technology, or more correctly, low observable technology, includes
various methods to hide or make assets less detectable (ideally less visible) from radar,
infrared or other sensors. This technology provides the user a significant advantage over
his adversary by making it more difficult for an adversary to detect an opponent. This
enables the user to conduct surprise military missions and ultimately results in an
increase in his survivability.
When stealth is implemented effectively, aircraft can dominate in combat;
however, there are technologies and techniques that defenders can invoke to detect and
counter attack stealth aircraft. Early on, the only aircraft detection methods were either
based on visual or acoustic technologies. The reduction of detection range was important
to increase aircraft survivability and for mission success. Military aircraft operators
concentrated their early counter detection efforts on making aircraft less visually
detectable, because visual detection was likely to occur before acoustic detection.
Camouflaging and illuminating techniques were the most useful of these methods.
Later, defenders significantly increased their detection capabilities with the
invention of radar. Radar gave users awareness of an opponents incoming air assault
much earlier than before. Radar not only provided users the ability to implement an
effective defense, but also enhanced their ability to conduct counter attacks, both of
which resulted in a decrease in the success of enemy air operations. However, there were
some vulnerabilities of radar. Aircraft developers implemented new production methods
and techniques to exploit limitations of radar. These resulted in low observability
against radars. Further advancements in low observability technologies resulted in
stealth capabilities, allowing aircraft to fly into enemy territory with immunity versus
the radar threat.
Stealth technology has been refined and evaluated for nearly half a century. It has
been used operationally for more than twenty years. However, stealth technology is still
a sensitive subject. Due to its secrecy, this technology is typically protected under
black programs [6]. This is done, first, to protect the technology from exploitation by
other countries and to ensure dominance and sole possession of the technology, and
secondly, to hinder the development of counter tactics against low observable
technologies. However, the science and physics which underpin stealth technology are
not secret, and are openly discussed in literature.
Currently, stealth technology is one of the main electronic countermeasures used
to make aircraft, ships, helicopters, UAVs, missiles and other military vehicles less
detectable. It is a military research and development priority. Any missions which can
be served well by incorporating low observable technology are being driven in that
direction. Table 1 provides examples of operational and demonstration projects based on
low observable technology for aircraft, UAV and surface vessels.
All military platforms have visual, radar, thermal (infrared), and acoustic
signatures. Stealth reduces these signatures and there are several methods used to
accomplish this reduction [7]. This thesis discusses all of these but focuses primarily on
radar (RF) signatures.

Operational and Project Aircraft/UAVs Ships
F-22A Raptor
(USA Fighter Aircraft)
Swedish Visby Class Corvette
F-35 Lightening II
(USA Fighter Aircraft Project)
Dutch Zeven Provincin Class Frigate
Sukhoi PAK FA
(Russian Fighter Aircraft Project)
Norwegian Skjold Class Patrol Boat
Sukhoi S-37 Berkut
(Russian Fighter Aircraft)
French La Fayette Class Frigate
(Chinas Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft
German MEKO Ships Braunschweig
Class Corvette And Sachsen Class
Medium Combat Aircraft
(MCA-Indias Fifth Generation Aircraft
Indian Shivalik Class Frigate
Mitsubishi ATD-X Shinshin
(J apanese Fighter Aircraft Project)
Singaporean Formidable Class Frigate
Boeing X-45
(UAV Variants)
The U.S. Navy's Zumwalt-Class
The BAE Systems Taranis
British Type 45 Destroyer
The Dassault Neuron
Finnish Hamina Class Missile Boats
Table 1. Examples of Operational and Demonstration Projects Based on Low
Observable Technology for Aircraft, UAV and Surface Vessels
In the physical world, platforms that implement RF stealth technology are not
invisible to radar. This technology reduces the detection range analogous to camouflage
tactics. When applied to aircraft, this method is referred to as radar cross section (RCS)
reduction. Using this method, the return signal from a target to the radar is so small (on
the order of a birds radar signature or smaller) that it is not detected as a threat.
To achieve RCS reduction, four approaches are used. The first one applies
shaping features. In a conventional radar configuration, the transmitter and receiver are
collocated, so the stealth platform is shaped to reflect the incoming radar signal in a
direction other than directly back to the radar. The second approach seeks to absorb,
cancel or scatter the incoming radar transmitter signals so as not to reflect them to the
radar receiver(s). This is accomplished by the application of special coatings to the
platforms body or using special composites or materials in platform construction. The
third technique implements passive cancellation. Cancellation is achieved by adding a
skin to the surface of the platform which acts as a secondary scatterer and cancels the
reflected field from the primary target [8]. The fourth technique implements active
cancellation of incoming radar signals. Technologies, including the use of platform-
mounted active transmitters, are employed that mask and cancel out these signals. One
additional approach involves the absorption of RF signals using a plasma layer, formed
with ionized and conductive gas particles. There are not many applications of this
technique; however, some scientists consider it promising for future low observable
Various countermeasures can be used to detect high technology RF low
observables. Bistatic, multistatic or low frequency radars are possible solutions.
Furthermore, with their look-down ability, high altitude airborne and spaced based radar
systems have some geometrical advantages over stealth assets. Networked detection
systems are also promising new solutions to countering stealth. Processing data from
multiple nodes would improve signal to noise ratio by means of effective quantity of
transmitter or receiver, together with variability of types and deployment geometry. Each
technique has some capability for detecting low observables.
Another solution to counter stealth is based on using passive receivers. A cell
phone network can be used, conceptually, in a fashion similar to a multistatic radar
network. This method involves using cell phone transmitter nodes, spread out widely in a
defended area, for gathering the different RF signals scattered from a low observable
vehicles surface. Using high speed computers and processors within an air defense
system, the data from the various cell phone base stations can be processed to gain
positional and tracking information on the stealth targets [9].
As stealth technology evolves and new approaches are developed to maintain
stealths ghost-like advantage, the counter stealth world will have to counter. This will
require an in-depth understanding of stealth technologies, radar knowledge and electronic
warfare principles.
Although this subject is very scientific and electronic warfare-focused, this thesis
explains concepts simply and clearly with figures, graphs and tables, so readers with little
knowledge of the basic science will have little trouble understanding the principles
behind stealth technologies. The reason for this approach is that the study is intended to
be easily understood by non-engineers and other non-technical individuals with little or
no electronic warfare (EW) training, education, or background. By adopting this
approach, the author hopes to broaden the number of targeted readers.
The results of this thesis may be used to support ongoing and future efforts by the
Turkish Armed Forces to apply electronic warfare methods against modern threats. This
study should enhance the perspective and knowledge of electronic warfare officers,
related project officers and technical personnel. Furthermore, research and results will
assist the Turkish Armed Forces in evaluating future needs and requirements of electronic
warfare systems.
This thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter I provides an introduction and
overview of stealth technology by literature review.
Chapter II presents the historical background and evolution of stealth technology
and provides information about the requirement of stealth technology in modern military
Chapter III explains the fundamentals of low observable technology. The design
processes for reducing the detection range of radars will be the main focus. Other stealth
research and application areas concerned with making assets less detectable (ideally non
observable) to the eye (visible world), acoustic sensors and infrared detectors will be
explained. Some modern assets which use these technologies will be reviewed with a
presentation of their specifications and pictorial representations. Lastly, both limitations
and complications of producing and operating stealth assets will be examined and a
report of their effectiveness will be provided.
Chapter IV details counter RF stealth technology. Primary counter stealth radar
applications and their advantages together with limitations over stealth, such as accuracy
problem of radars for tracking systems, will be explained. Furthermore, a table will be
presented that outlines these technologies.
Chapter V is the conclusion chapter. This chapter addresses the question of
which counter RF solutions should be recommended to the Turkish Air Force to defend
its home land and improve its combat capabilities in the twenty-first century? This is
done by analyzing the information provided in Chapter III and IV.
It was not possible to create an aircraft invisible to early warning or
missile guidance radars, but in combination with high speed, high
altitude, maneuvering, and electronic countermeasures, a very high
degree of survivability has been obtained in service

When stealth is used in military terminology, it describes a quality that gives
someone or something the characteristic of being undetectable. In military aviation,
stealth refers to an asset aided with novel technologies to improve its mission
survivability by elimination of adversary detection capability from all possible sensors.
The term low observability, which is preferred in technical and formal jargon, is defined
as a degree of achieving the total stealth ability. Various classes of stealthiness are used
to indicate the degree of undetectability an asset possesses. These classes increase in
stealthiness in the following order: low observables, very low observables and stealth.
Sometimes low observability refers to the steps taken to achieve the total goal of stealth.
However, because it is impossible to reach complete undetectability, many publications
use the terms of low observable and stealth interchangeably. This approach is sound if it
is considered that, in practice the degree of low observability always changes, especially
with the advances of counter stealth technologies. Thus, in an attempt to simplify the
subject and to avoid confusion, the terms low observable and stealth are used
synonymously in this study.
Aircraft survivability is based on successful accomplishment of the mission and
return to base. It is significantly increased with the aid of stealth technology and many
efforts have been made to develop and improve these technologies. The challenge in
these developments is competing with the continuous improvement of detection
capabilities. The sensors involved in detection cover methods and production of visual,
acoustic, magnetic, infrared (IR) and radio frequency (RF) baselines. Because radar,
since its first deployment, still remains as the most powerful way to make the earliest and
most accurate detection, measures to improve low observability are more focused on RF
signal reduction. Therefore, this study will focus on RF stealth and counter stealth,
although other signal reduction techniques are introduced. Likewise, historical
background discussions will be concerned with methods of defeating radar signals. It
should not be forgotten that the reality of an effective stealth aircraft requires the
reduction of all sensor signatures (visual, acoustic, magnetic, IR, and RF).
From a historical perspective, the first attempt at applying stealth principles was
the use of visual camouflage to conceal aircraft against airborne or surface forces. WWI
and II designs presented many ingenious visual camouflage capabilities which also
proved operational successes. However, after the invention of radar, aircraft could be
detected from a distance, negating much of the effectiveness of visual camouflage. After
WWII, political tensions required that the U.S. develop new aircraft which could
penetrate deeply into the Warsaw Pacts territory for reconnaissance missions. The low
observable capabilities of these spy planes or remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs) proved to
be one of the most indispensable capabilities to ensure survival against a growing
surface-to-air missile (SAM) threat. Later, stealth technology was designed into strategic
bombers and tactical fighters, because penetrating with surprise gave the attacker more
time to perform the mission and exit before the defending forces counter-attack.
Currently, new aircraft, such as the F-22 Raptor, are being developed for air superiority
to dominate all airspace.
As mentioned, the requirement for low observable aircraft to avoid any type of
sensors in the military aviation world came about nearly with the use of the first aircraft
in war. However, discussing the entire stealth history is not intended. In this context,
some remarkable examples in the RF stealth world will put forward in this study to
present the brief historical background of this technology. These examples are the most
significant attempts to achieve low observability goals together with contribution to
future designs.
1. Horten IX Flying Wing (1944-1945)
It has never been completely proven that the Horten IX Flying Wings (Figure 3)
unusual shape and airframe characteristics reduced its RCS, even to less advanced radar
sensors during the WWII era. However, it is certain that there were many ingenious
design specifications of the Horten brothers 0.92 mach, 620 nm., combat-radius, 1930s
bomber that would inform subsequent low observables design priorities [11]. Radical
flying-wing airframes with no vertical surfaces, extensions of trailing edges, solid
plywood wing skins, steel engines and steel-tube substructures concealed under the
absorbent skin of the fuselage and engine exhausts on top of the wing were some of these
specifications [3]. Although designed and tested, it never flew operationally. The HO-IX
V2 was the only powered aircraft to fly and it was destroyed during testing [3]. The HO-
IX V3 was completed but never flew. However, when the prototypes and design schemes
were captured by U.S. Forces in 1945, it was discovered that future production aircraft
would have a wood/plastic laminate structure [12] and sandwich skin with a material
derived from charcoal, sawdust and glue matrix (early RAM) to be used in the core to
absorb radar energy [13].

Figure 3. Horten IX Flying Wing
(From [14])
2. Lockheed U-2 Dragon Lady (1958-1960)
When the Central Intelligence Agencys (CIA) U-2 (Figure 4) strategic
reconnaissance aircraft was designed in the 1950s, the specifications required an aircraft
that could fly over Soviet airfield with some operational capabilities to provide minimum
risk of being shot down [13]. Low RCS was never proposed as a chief design factor. The
main purpose of the program was to build a plane which could fly at an extremely high
operational altitude, on the order of 70,000 to 90,000 ft. Soviet radars and weapons
systems were considered incapable of reaching such high altitudes. Although particular
U-2 models had different service ceilings, aircraft achieved flight at high altitudes with
cruise speeds of around 460 mph and a maximum range of 2,200 to 3,500 nm.
Furthermore, flying radius could be increased with external fuel [15].

Figure 4. U-2 Spyplane
(From [16])
When deployed operationally over Soviet Union airspace, it was discovered that
Soviet radars could detect the U-2 and development of a missile which could also reach
the aircrafts service altitude was just a matter of time [13]. As a result, radar absorbent
materials were placed on the surface of the aircraft and printed circuits were used to
counter S-band radars. Moreover, in order to defeat low frequency (70 MHz) radar
signals by cancellation methods, the leading and trailing edges of the wing and tail
surfaces of the aircraft (Figure 5) were fitted with wires at a distance of quarter-
wavelength away [13].
These upgrades did not give the desired results since they were effective at only
specific frequencies and other frequencies could still be used to detect the aircraft. Even
worse, some of these modifications reduced the aircrafts operating altitude to less than
60,000 ft., which increased the risk of threat missiles. Later U-2 models, such as the U-
2R and TR-1 variants, were more successful at RCS reduction by employing flat-black
iron ball RAM coatings and small, red, low visibility markings [15]. These efforts taught
manufacturers that if an effective low RCS design was desired, the asset should be
designed with this purpose from the very beginning of the project [13].

Figure 5. Trapeze Modification of U-2s
(From [17])
3. Teledyne Ryans RPV Designs (BQM-34A (1960), AQM-91A
Compass Arrow (1969), Low RCS Vehicle (1973-1974 Design Study),
Mini-RPV (1974-1975))
One of the best known attempts by the Soviets to counter U.S. reconnaissance
operations was the successful shoot down of a U-2 over Russia on May 1, 1960. This
event caused the U.S. to make a very important political and diplomatic decision;
abandon manned overflight of foreign territory. However, the need for intelligence
gathered by U-2s or later A-12s was still indispensable. The solution was reconnaissance
satellites which were operated very far from enemy fire and did not risk the capture of an
aircraft pilot. However, satellites exhibited a number of operational disadvantages. They
were expensive and slow to fill the desired deployment, had limited mission life, and
ineffective operation conditions with the technology of those times. Furthermore,
relocating satellites to monitor desired targets at specific times was either prohibitively
expensive or impossible during certain time, and satellite sensors were not able to collect
certain types of desired data [3]. These disadvantages made another solution more
suitable; remotely piloted vehicles, the earlier form of unmanned air vehicles, UAVs (or
unmanned air systems, UAS) [3].
This new approach provided Ryan Aeronautical, the producer of several types of
Ryan Firebee RPVs, the opportunity to offer the U.S. Air Force (USAF) a new version of
its designs which would have low RCS capabilities to accomplish reconnaissance
missions. The Ryan Firebee RPVs were air-launched or ground-launched and were used
as target drones or unmanned air vehicles from the 1950s to 2000. A wire mesh screen
over the inlet and RAM [13] in some parts of the body were used in the BQM-34A
(Figure 6), the later version of the Firebee (Q-2A and other versions (Figure 7)). By
incorporating these design modifications, coupled with the advantage of being smaller
than a manned aircraft, the model achieved some RCS reduction. However, it was again
demonstrated that significant RCS reduction could not be achieved by manufacturing
upgrades, but was only feasible when considered from the base design [13].

Figure 6. The BQM-34A
(From [18])

Figure 7. Q-2C, a Variant of BQM-34, with Kind of RAM Blankets and Wire-mesh
(From [6])
The U.S. concern with Chinese nuclear development and testing facilities in the
mid-1960s gave a new motive for designers to work on high altitude, long range
reconnaissance RPVs. This was driven by the inadequate quality of existing satellite data.
Furthermore, U.S. U-2s, some of which were operated by the Nationalist Chinese Air
Force (CAF, Taiwan), were very vulnerable to Chinese SAMs [19].
After several unsuccessful attempts by the Lockheed D-21 (D-21 will be
discussed in following sections), the Teledyne Ryan AQM-91A Compass Arrow (Figure
8), high flying, unmanned, photo reconnaissance aircraft, was selected to fulfill the
mission. Some new approaches to stealth design were considered while manufacturing
this RPV. To ensure a small RF signal return back to SAM and other tracking radars,
vertical surfaces of Compass Arrow were canted inward, and its lower surface was
designed flat. Additionally, RAM and plastic composites, which had less radar
reflectivity than metal, were used effectively in many skin parts as in earlier designs.
Moreover; the engine was fitted on the upper side of the fuselage and the engine exhaust
was mixed with cool air, both of which helped to reduce its IR signature from ground
threats. The aircraft also carried electronic countermeasures for anti-radar purposes.
The AQM-91A was designed to be carried by and air-launched from a DC-130E
Hercules aircraft. After separation, it would fly to around 78,000 ft altitude and self
navigate with its internal Doppler guidance system. If desired, it could also be piloted
manually by an operator in the mother-ship. Completing the mission, the vehicle would
fly into a safe area by a microwave command system, and be grasped in mid-air by a
helicopter after deploying its parachute for recovering. With its conventional design and
some newly produced low observable concepts, the Compass Arrow achieved test
successes. An improved relationship with China made deployment of this asset
unnecessary, and it was never used for its design objectives. Despite a significant
investment, the money spent would not be wasted and helped very much in the creation
of later stealth designs [20], [21], [22].

Figure 8. Teledyne Ryan AQM-91A Compass Arrow
(From [23])
The demands of the Cold War provided an impetus to make drones stealthier.
Success in this area was not achieved until the 1970s. However, counter designs and
advancements in the Warsaw Pacts SAM and radar technology required assets to have
extended stealth capability which covered wider frequency bands of interest.
Teledyne Ryans low RCS vehicle design of 1973-1974 (Figure 9) attempted to
address these issues. Because conventional wing-body-tail surfaces, up to that date, did
not have very low RCS, the new design required flying delta wings with two inward-
canted vertical tails and a small metal center body surrounded by a large amount of
lossy dielectric material [13] with RAM. Model tests of the design achieved very low
RCS results, but the frequency coverage was unsatisfactory. Moreover, the useful load
volume of the vehicle was very small and technically it was very hard to manufacture the
radar transparent components.

Figure 9. 1973-1974 Design of Teledyne Ryan, Unproduced RPV
(From [13])
In 1974-1975 another design (Figure 10), having a similar shape but without any
reliance on RAM, was introduced. Several versions were designed, each of which
represented tradeoffs between radar treatment, countermeasures and overall system cost
[13]. To reduce radar signature, the vehicles had a ducted propeller on the top of the
fuselage and wire screens were used at the end sides of this duct and also at the sensor
radome beneath the drone. Unfortunately, these designs could not achieve adequate RCS
reduction levels to evade detection while operating in a military mission [13].

Figure 10. 1974-1975 RPV Design of Teledyne Ryan
(From [24])
4. North American Hound Dog Air-to-Surface Weapon (1962) and
Boeing AGM-69A SRAM (Short Range Attack Missile) (First Flight
Besides using drones for reconnaissance missions, new systems to destroy enemy
targets with remotely controlled conventional or nuclear bombs were developed during
the Cold War. Short range attack missiles (SRAM), or more clearly, flying bombs, had
already been manufactured and employed by using technologies and designs derived
from RPV developments. The critical mission of SRAM, amplifying the importance of a
low observable capability, was to deliver its warhead to a selected strategic target without
the need for the penetrating bomber to directly overfly the risky or defended enemy zone.
In fact, remote - inertial - or auto-controlled bombs were not a new idea. Some earlier
designs, such as the U.S. aerial torpedo Kettering Bug of the WWI era, Germanys
Henschel Hs 293 anti-shipping guided missile and the V-1 (primitive) cruise missile
deployed in WWII, had similar missions. Although these missiles had much less RCS
relative to manned fighters, low observable characteristics were still very important to
engage a target without being detected by enemy defense systems [25], [26].
During this developmental period, when attempts to reduce the RCS of RPVs
were being made, another force multiplier, the AGM-28 Hound Dog (Figure 11), air-to-
surface missile, underwent a retrofit that included covering the inlet spike and duct with
radar absorbent structure. The main RCS reduction required on the structure was
treatment of the inlet. All other flying surfaces had highly swept leading edges for
supersonic flight [13] that already provided a small RF signal back to the hostile radar.
Moreover there was no internal radar system included to fulfill the mission (the missile
was inertially guided) which was another factor in augmenting the low observable
characteristics of the system. Although the systems RCS reduction was never tested in a
combat, the endeavor was considered to provide remarkable RCS reduction in the
forward aspect [13].

Figure 11. The AGM-28 Hound Dog
(From [27])
The Boeing AGM-69 (Figure 12) was another early SRAM which was designed
to replace the older AGM-28 Hound Dog stand-off missile. The shape and design
characteristics of the missile, which included no wings, no canopy and no engine inlet (it
was rocket powered), made it easier to get a low RCS on the frontal sector. Small
amounts of lossy magnetic material, with 2 cm of soft rubber, were utilized for purposes
of absorbing radar energy and reducing IR signature. Moreover, some tail fin parts were
made of a phenolic material to reduce the scattering energy back to the radar. It was
reported that the AGM-69 had nearly the same radar signature as a machine-gun bullet
[13], [28].

Figure 12. AGM-69
(From [29])
5. Lockheed A-12 (First Flight 1962) and Lockheed D-21 Drone (First
Flight 1966)
Because the U-2 was vulnerable to Soviet radar tracking, the U.S. decided to
develop a new high supersonic and extreme service altitude reconnaissance aircraft with
the lowest possible RCS that could be achieved [30]. Among two available options, the
U.S. government chose Lockheeds A-12 design (Figure 13) rather than General
Dynamics proposal, although it had a smaller RCS.
The A-12 was the earlier CIA-funded operational version of the SR-71 Blackbird,
with a maximum speed of 3.35 mach, service ceiling of 95,000 ft, and range of 2,200 nm.
It was the first aircraft known that was designed with RCS reduction methods from the
beginning of the project. Internal construction methods, which included structures behind
the skin of the aircraft, such as re-entrant triangles (Figure 14, 15 and 16) that trapped or
absorbed radar energy, were first used on the A-12. Furthermore, design concepts such as
inward canted vertical fins, a slender oval section fuselage blended with a thin delta wing,
and special iron ball infrared and radar absorbent paints all combined to reduce its nose-
on and side radar signature. This made possible this aircrafts survivability against state
of the art (especially Soviet) radar and guided missiles [13].

Figure 13. A-12, the Winner of the Skunk Projects after the Demand of U.S.
Intelligence Agency to Replace the U-2 Spy Plane
(From [31])

Figure 14. SR-71s RAM that was Placed in Triangle Shape
(From [32])

Figure 15. The RAM on the Leading Edges of the SR-71 Wings
(From [33])

Figure 16. The RAM on the Fuselage of the SR-71
(From [33])
However, there were still some unwanted elements that did not benefit stealth.
One of these was the inlet lips of the A-12 which caused diffraction toward the receiver.
This design element was necessary to enable the aircraft to reach extremely high altitude
and mach numbers. Therefore, some compromise to stealth was accepted with the idea
that It was not possible to create an aircraft invisible to early warning or missile
guidance radars, but in combination with high speed, high altitude, maneuvering, and
electronic countermeasures, a very high degree of survivability has been obtained in
service [13].
Although the A-12 was a successful spy plane, the political tensions of the period
required the U.S. to sustain its deep penetrating missions with unmanned vehicles. The
plan was to carry a drone as far as possible on an M-21 (specially designed A-12 mother
ship), and then to launch the drone at an extremely high speed, boosting it to nearly mach
4 and around a 100,000 ft altitude (Figure 17). After taking pictures of the target area in
the enemy zone, the drone would come back to a safe zone, eject a capsule that contained
the data, and terminate itself, while the capsule, gliding with a parachute would be
snatched in mid-air by a C-130 plane.

Figure 17. A D-21 Drone on the M-21 Mother-ship
(From [34])
The drone, which flew its first test mission in 1966, had a shape very similar to its
ancestor the A-12, with and (Figure18) nacelle and two outer wings [3], and fuselage
composite. Moreover, the ramjet tailpipe was extended to increase the IR low observable
capability of the drone. Low RCS, speed and altitude goals were achieved; however, it
was very hard to deploy this drone from the mother ship at the required high speeds.
Thus, the configuration was changed to carry the drone under the wings of a B-52 H, by
modifying both assets, but the project was cancelled after four operational flights failed to
achieve success and the Teledyne Ryan AQM-91A Compass Arrow, high flying,
unmanned, photo reconnaissance aircraft, was selected to fulfill the mission.

Figure 18. The D-21 Drones, very Similar Shape with SR-71
(From [34])
6. Mc Donnell Douglas Quiet Attack Aircraft (1972-1973 Design Study)
There were also some design studies which never resulted in an operational
system, but were delivered as technology demonstrators which were successful in
promoting the evolution of sophisticated low observable technologies. In 1972-1973
McDonnell Douglas designed the Quiet Attack Aircraft Project (Figure 19), which
attempted to achieve lower radar, infrared and acoustic signatures than former attack
aircraft, increasing survivability in high threat environments. The design included hidden
inlets and a blended shape which avoided all vertical surfaces and contained no straight,
leading, or trailing edges. However, the edge returns resulted in a contradiction. Entire
curved platform edges produced a flare spot, which resulted in a relatively strong
diffracted return from part of the edge, perpendicular to the line-of-sight [13] at nearly
every viewing aspect.


Figure 19. Quiet Attack Aircraft Project
(From [13])
7. Rockwell International B-1B (First Flight 1984)
At the beginning of the 1970s, the U.S. realized that its B-52 squadrons would be
vulnerable to advanced Soviet defense radars. Therefore, a faster bomber with more
capability to conceal itself from enemy tracking missile systems was vital. The B-1
bombers (Figure 20) were designed to meet these requirements with their low altitude,
high speed, penetrating bomber capabilities. Its careful design with rounded fuselage
shape and RAM applied to key areas, gave it a RCS which was much less than a small
fighter [7].

Figure 20. B-1B Lancer
(From [35])
Although its curved engine nacelle upgrade (Figure 21) reduced the flight
performance and top speed of the B-1B as compared to the B-1A, this design change
resulted in a great RCS reduction by means of eliminating and trapping incident radar
signals [7]. If illuminated by radar, rotating fan stages on the front surface of the engine
were very big RCS contributors. Today, it is even possible to identify aircraft in some
cases by means of processing returned radar signals from these fan stages.

Figure 21. The Engine Nacelles of B-1
(From [7])
Furthermore, removing the fuselage dorsal spine of the earlier B-1A model, which
was designed to cover ALQ-153 tail-warning system, provided further RCS reduction. In
later upgrades, some adhesive tape was also applied to seams [7] on the surface. These
electrically conductive tapes prevented discontinuities, thus travelling waves, which
contribute to RCS, were eliminated. The aircraft's AN/ALQ 161A defensive avionics
also improved survivability by means of its comprehensive electronic counter-measures,
such as electronic jamming, dispensing expendable chaff and flares (or towed decoys),
in-flight re-programmable design, detecting-countering enemy radar threats and missiles
even when attacking from the rear [7], [36].
Air operations have provided many advantages in warfare, resulting in the
extensive use of aircraft to dominate the battlefield. The mission benefits of aircraft
include flexibility, mobility and speed, and have given users rapid, massive, effective and
surprise attack opportunities on remote territories. However if an aircraft does not
employ tactics and technologies that improve its survivability it will be vulnerable to
counter attack. In general, survivability, which improves with these tactics and
technologies, depends on a complex mix of design features, performance, mission
planning and tactics [37].
Stealth aircraft are specifically designed with the aforementioned features and
performance qualities to increase survivability, which means accomplishing the mission
objectives and returning home safely. Thus, stealth capability has a very high importance
in the battlefield. Further, stealth aircraft are able to accomplish and survive missions
where other assets cannot. Their operational flexibility provides users the ability to
penetrate even the most well defended zones with relatively little risk.
In warfare, detection of enemy forces is vital for counter attack and defenders are
made aware of an attackers air operations by means of several types of detectors,
especially radars. For instance, in air operations, defenders have more time to deploy
interceptors and other ground forces after early detection by radars. Defensive forces
attempt to defeat an opponents attacks by using counter weapon systems. Further,
defenders may have sufficient time to take precautions in the targeted zone to reduce or
eliminate the effectiveness of a campaign. On the other hand, low observable technology
enhances air superiority and the freedom to attack surface targets by means of reducing
an aircrafts radar detection range and its infrared, visual and acoustic signatures to
degrade the chance and range of detection [37]. Thus, ideal stealth technology assets
enable its users to operate freely and conduct missions securely, even in the most risky
enemy zone.
Though it is not possible to become completely stealthy, either delaying the
detection or lessening an opponents ability to track target course after detection provides
a major advantage to low observable users [6]. With stealth technology, defenders might
not be able to respond at all. If a surface-to-air-missile battery defending a target
observes a bomb falling and surmises that there must be stealth aircraft in the vicinity, it
is unable to respond if it cannot get a lock on the aircraft in order to feed guidance
information to its missiles [38]. Thus low observability also decreases the effectiveness
of tracking systems which guide SAMs and interceptors for final fire engagement.
Another advantage of stealth technology is optimizing the force and ammunition.
Because low observables have greater survivability in deployed airfields and they are
safer to penetrate into deep enemy zones, they can also get closer to high value, but
strongly defended targets. For example, one or two stealth aircraft can accomplish a
mission while repeated sorties with many conventional aircrafts may be required [37].
Moreover stealth aircraft increases the operational success rate of precision bombs by
allowing their deployment closer to the target.
Stealth aircraft can also improve the mission capability of friendly air forces by
providing domination and enhancing air superiority over the target airfield by eradicating
air defense assets during the first stage of an air operation. This also enables the use of
conventional aircrafts that can accomplish their missions in a less risky enemy zone.
Potential synergy between low observables and electronic counter measures
(ECM) [37] is another advantage of stealth. While radar capabilities are increased with
technological advances, stealth and ECM can cooperate to defeat them and improve
survivability in air operations. If jamming is required in an operation, the platform with
the smaller RCS will require less power on the enemy radar transmitter to jam.
Moreover, a low observable aircraft may not need to use electronic counter measures
intensively, compared to its counterparts. When the mission dictates, its capabilities of
low signature increase the operational benefits of electronic warfare suites. For example,
it enhances decoy performance which is deployed to disrupt the enemy's air defenses and
dilute their effort to shoot down the mother airframe. Because stealth design already
provides signature reduction, smaller and cheaper (both of which are very important
qualities in aircraft design) decoys may be adequate for low observables to provide
desired results. Low observables also increase their own jammers effectiveness or other
friendly electronic warfare aircrafts jamming capabilities by means of reducing the
distance of burn through range, which is required for enemy radars to break away from
the jammer effect. Thus, friendly jammer aircraft can support low observables from
further distances which increase their own survivability [37], [39].
To summarize, stealth technologies provide flexibility in tactics and mission
planning. They reduce the risks of operations against heavily defended targets in enemy
territory with their enhancements to survivability. Additionally, stealth aircraft maintain
the sudden attack advantage in the battlefield, and they maintain the ability to escape
from defensive fire before, during and after a mission. Thus an air force needs stealth
technology to neutralize enemy air defenses and to destroy high value, strategic targets
while improving friendly forces air superiority. An air force with these capabilities will
control the airfields and operate safely while reaching and penetrating into an enemys
deepest territories [37].
It is hard and expensive to manufacture and maintain a stealth vehicle, but
it may be easy to hit critical targets and gain Military Dominancy by using
stealth vehicles. So, a balanced investment should be considered for
stealth vehicles [38].
Visual stealth becomes more important as RCS is driven down, because
the visual signature becomes dominant - that is, the signature that can be
detected at greatest range[40].
The earliest method to confuse an enemy was deceiving the eye through the use of
camouflage. During close-in air combat, a fighter pilot or air defense artillery gunner,
tracking another fighter, bomber or spy plane, within nominal visual range, gains an
advantage by seeing the adversary first. So, in air warfare, camouflage is considered an
effective technique in conjunction with flight performance, speed, range and
maneuverability to gain the air advantage over an adversary. While not always applied
effectively or scientifically, military assets have employed visual signature measures to
deceive their opponents.
Other than classical camouflage paint, the first attempts to defeat the human-eye
were by covering aircraft surfaces with transparent materials to make them less visible.
J ust prior to WWI, this technique was applied to the Linke-Hoffman R I heavy bomber,
shown in Figure 22, German Fokker E.1 fighter and Gotha bomber and was employed by
covering the aircraft first with emaillit and later cellophane (or cellon) skins. However,
these first attempts were not successful. The cellon covering was not a good material to
cover aircraft surfaces due to being dangerously slack during long periods of wet
weather. It reflected sunlight and became more opaque under cloudy conditions [3].
Further, it was not transparent at some angles and was discolored, producing the opposite
effect [3], [6].

Figure 22. The Linke-Hoffman R I 8/15 Super Heavy Bomber with the Cellon,
Transparent Covering, on the Rear Fuselage
(From [3])
For military aircraft, especially for stealth assets, visual low observable
capabilities are essential in deceiving opponents. Camouflage blends the aircraft with its
environment. However, because the aircraft environment is susceptible to aspect changes
and the relative position of the observer can vary, camouflage should be chosen very
carefully. In cases where the observer is below the aircraft, blending the aircraft with the
sky background should be considered. However, this is dependent upon altitude, general
weather conditions and time of day. In cases where the observer is above the aircraft,
blending the aircraft with the terrain becomes the best approach, as depicted in Figure 23.
The operational task and the type of aircraft under consideration are also very
important. Special terrain tones or mixed colors are chosen according to an aircrafts
operational area. That kind of color schemes are dependent on local flora and terrain
features, like sand, and are applied to the upper sides of aircraft designed for low altitude
operations. The lighter blue or grey tones applied to the lower sides of an aircraft are
intended to match the sky. These countershading effects reduce the visibility from threats
located below. Night missions or very high altitude operations require matte and dark
colors. Low observable aircraft, such as the F-117 and B-2, usually have black or dark
gray hues because they typically operate at night. Moreover, reflections from cockpit
glass or other smooth surfaces can be minimized with special coatings.

Figure 23. The Kingdom of J ordans F-16 with the First Advanced Visual Mitigation
Method Application in the World
(From [41])
Visual low observability in daylight is of concern to modern air forces. Earlier
attempts, during World War II and later Vietnam, to decrease daytime visibility of
aircraft proved successful during experimental programs. One of the basic principles that
affect the ability to see an object is its luminance difference from its background or the
amount of light scattered from it. For example, if an aircraft flies at high altitude, the
reflected light from its underside increases, while the luminance of the sky decreases. So
a black or dark toned U-2 spy plane which flies at more than 70,000 ft appears white to
an observer below the aircraft. In daylight, because the background of the sky is clear,
dark tones can be detected more easily compared to light ones. When this contrast
difference is eliminated, it is possible to hinder visual detection until at very close ranges
One of the best known studies on reducing the range of visual detection focused
on counter illumination, as displayed in Figure 24. This approach was applied in Project
Yehudi, in which specially designed illumination was used to mask shadows and
eliminate contrast. During the WWII era, German submarines were a major threat to
merchant marine shipping off the East Coast of the United States [42]. Anti-submarine
patrol aircrafts were manufactured and planned to counter this threat. However, surfaced
submarines could easily detect attacking anti-submarine patrol aircraft visually at long
ranges and escaped by diving. Project Yehudi aimed to reduce the visual detection range
by decreasing the contrast between the aircraft and the sky. Engineers fitted some patrol
and attack aircraft with rows of lights, spaced at a distance of 0.5 to 0.6 meters along their
edges and around the forward fuselage. The intent was to reduce the visual detection
range of the aircraft and increase the chance of detecting submarines on the surface.
Tests proved that the Yehudi system lowered the visual acquisition range from twelve to
two miles. However, during this time, radar systems to track submarines became
available. Diving and escaping, after visual detection of these aircraft no longer gave the
operational advantage to the submarine. Using these radar systems, which were installed
on aircraft, enabled their users to find and track submarines for bombing missions. Thus,
there was no need to equip aircraft with Yehudi lights for submarine operations and
further, it was costly to deploy aircraft with them [42].

Figure 24. B-24 Liberator with ProjectYehudi Lights
(From [43])
In a similar project during the Vietnam War, Compass Ghost, shown in Figure 25,
an F-4 Phantom was modified to reduce its visual detection by enemy aircraft, such as the
smaller MIG-21. The F-4 had nine high-intensity lamps on the wings and body with a
blue-and-white color scheme which helped reduce detection range by nearly 30 percent


Figure 25. F-4 Phantom with Compass Ghost Project Lights
(From [43])
A similar, but more complex system was also planned for deployment on the F-
117 project. However, both prototype aircraft crashed before system test. The project
included a central light source and fiber-optic links to external apertures which would
automatically illuminate at a light intensity using the sensors on the opposite side of the
aircraft [42].
More recent research in this area has shown that exclusively counter-illuminating
specific aircraft surfaces, such as inlet and lower-wing body junctions, can be very useful.
These surfaces generate the highest contrast which increases an aircrafts total visibility
in daylight. The Bird of Prey project, which was characterized as a stealth technology
demonstrator, used some new visual stealth approaches developed from this research and
other previous experiences. Its color scheme, counter shading pattern and other covert
technologies helped to decrease its visual detection, the main goal of the project. All
these technologies are still relevant and may be used operationally in the near future,
particularly with the advent of better computer control systems and visual simulators.
The challenge is to do so consistently without augmenting other signatures [40].

Figure 26. Bird of Prey
(From [45])
Another concern with regard to visual stealth is suppression of condensation
trails, or contrails. These are formed at altitude by the condensation or even freezing of
water vapor created as a by-product when jet fuel is burned. Chemical agents have been
used in different designs by injecting them into the exhaust to change the physical
magnitude of the water droplets created in the air. Another way to minimize the risk of
being detected by contrails is mission planning, which dictates choosing convenient
altitudes to minimize the probability of their formation [7].
Meticulously chosen colors, paintings, illumination and novel technologies can
augment the low observability of the asset. These applications leave an enemy with a
low probability of detection by the human eye or a visual-based system. Some military
technology researchers attach extra importance to visual countermeasures. While most
signature reduction efforts are made to degrade radar and thermal sensors, in the future,
the defender may seek to stalemate an opponent by means of modern visual detectors
with relatively longer range and sensitivity capabilities. It is clear that newer systems,
such as long-range electro optical television systems mounted on interceptors and SAM
fire control units [7], will require stealthy aircraft to yield upgraded visual
Whereas many solutions for visual stealth aim to delude the un-aided human eye
and do so with some level of success, there are still other ways to detect camouflaged
objects. One technique is the use of visual moving image filtering [46], which
discriminates the image from background by relative motion. With this technique, the
detection of a moving image is not only possible in real-time but also with high
resolution and lower level noise. Although this is just one of the many ways to process
moving image information, it may have some usefulness in robot vision and can also be
chosen to help the human eye to detect visually stealthy aircraft via monitoring results on
a display [46].
1. Radar Principles
Radar is an electromagnetic system for the detection and location of
reflecting objects such as aircraft, ships, spacecraft, vehicles, people, and
the natural environment [47].
The word RADAR came from using the capitalized letters of the phrase Radio
Detection and Ranging. The wide spread military use of it during WWII changed the
progress of the war. It later became an indispensable navigation and traffic control
system for civilian purposes.
Radar uses the principle of sending a radar wave, which is a form of
electromagnetic radiation, in a desired direction with a transmitter, and then collecting the
reflected signals from a target with a receiver. Once reflected signals are received, the
range to a target can be calculated by evaluating the interval of the radar signals travel;
the half time of total interval gives the distance of the target while the radar signal
propagates from the transmitter and returns to the receiver after reflection from the target
This study is not intended to discuss complex radar principles, however, the
fundamental mathematical model of the radar equation can be useful in understanding the
important relationship between the main variables; radar cross section of the target,
frequency and effective radiated power of the radar, distance between the transmitter,
target and receiver. The radar equation is expressed as:
( )
t t r

where P
(watts) is the attained power by the radar receiver, P
(watts) is the transmitted
power from the radar emitter, G
and G
(unitless) are the gains of the transmitter and the
receiver that generates the multiplier for the effective power, (square meters) is radar
cross section (RCS) and (meters) is the wavelength. Wavelength can be calculated by
using the formula:
= (3.2)
where c equals to, 3x10
(meters per seconds), because the signal radiates at the speed of
light, and f is the radiated signals frequency (Hertz). As the detection range is very
important for a low observable aircraft, the statement for the range acquired from
Equation (3.1) should be analyzed.

( )
t t r


As seen in Equation (3.3), detection distance varies by the quarter root of RCS.
Because the only factor which can be changed by a low observable aircraft designer is
RCS, it becomes crucial. However, the fact that reduction in the RCS decreases only by
the fourth root of the distance, requires designers to be very careful, because only
dramatically large changes in RCS give favorable results. If a given radar has a detection
range of 100 miles against a target with a RCS of 10 m
, its approximate detection range
to different RCS values calculated with basic radar equation are shown in Table 2. This
results again show that, only enormous reductions in the RCS can make significant
changes in the detection range, such as 1000 times reduction (RCS from 1000 m
to 1 m
which equals to -30 dB) in RCS brings % 82.22 detection range reduction (56.23 miles
equals to % 17.78 of 316.23 miles, thus total detection range reduction is % 82.22).
Another example from Table 2 is; reducing the RCS from 81 to 5 m
only changes the
detection range by about half (168.70 miles is twice as much to 84.09 miles), despite the
fact that this kind of reduction requires many design changes.
Table 2. RCS Versus Approximate Detection Range
2. Radar Cross Section (RCS) and RCS Reduction Methods
one stealth designer has defined his job as designing a very bad
antenna and making it fly [48].
A target is detected by the radar only when the radars receiver gets adequate
energy back from the target, furthermore, this energy must be above the electronic noise
or signal to noise threshold to be detected. There are many variables in the transmission-
scattering-reflection sequence which determine the maximum detection range. These are
transmitter effective outgoing energy, beam width, RCS of the target, total energy back
from the target, antenna aperture (or size) and the receivers processing capability [49].
Among these variables, RCS is the main concern of this study.
A radar beam is shaped in 3 dimensions like a cone, so as the range increases, the
area seen by this cone increases. However, with this increased range, the reflected target
energy and detected receiver energy diminishes. So, even in the best of circumstances,
only a small portion of the original energy can be used by the radar to process.
RCS (m
) Approximate Detection Range
Detection Range Reduction Rate
(Compared to 1000 m
1000 316.23 ----
100 177.83 % 43.77
81 168.70 % 46.65
10 100.00 % 68.38
5 84.09 % 73.41
1 56.23 % 82.22
Increasing the radar transmitter power, a long time Soviet Russian favorite [48] or
deploying bigger antennas with more gain helps to obtain a longer detection range.
However, these approaches have limitations, such as increased cost and an increase in
noise back to the system. Most of the cost for an increase in energy is wasted on empty
space. Furthermore, larger antennas and larger energy generating units are cumbersome,
especially for mobile systems. Nevertheless, with a good understanding of basic
electromagnetic principles and radar phenomena, sophisticated radar designs that have
better detection performance and greater precision are being developed each passing day
Up to this point, only the radar designers concerns are mentioned. For the stealth
designer, the only variable to decrease the detection range is RCS. This is why RCS is the
key term for low observables where reduction in reflected RF signal signature is
intended. Any attempt to make an asset RF low observable focuses on RCS. If a targets
RCS can be decreased to a level low enough for its echo return to be below the detection
threshold of the radar, then the target is not detected. In this context, RCS reduction is a
countermeasure which has developed against radars and, conversely, new radar
techniques with more sophisticated designs are produced to detect targets with low RCS
Radar cross section is the size of a target as seen by the radar [51]. In more
scientific words, RCS is a measure of the power that is returned or scattered in a given
direction, normalized with respect to power density of the incident field [52]. The
normalization is made to remove the effect of the range, and so the signature is not
dependent on the distance between the target and the receiver. The RCS helps to measure
objects against a common reference point, which is very useful in the low observable
technology world in determining the performance of design goals. In this context, RCS
can also be described as the size of a reflective sphere that would return the same amount
of energy back. The projected area of the sphere, or the area of a disk of the same
diameter, is the RCS number itself [49]. However, one important thing that should be
understood is that this area is not the geometrical cross section of the body. A
proportional definition of RCS can be made as [50]:
Power reflected to receiver per unit solid angle
Incident power density / 4
A more convenient formula for RCS of a target can be defined as [53]:
4 powerdensityinscatteredfield
lim .
powerdensityof incidentplanewave

RCS is a function of many factors. These factors include target geometry, its
material properties, the radar frequency and waveform, polarization of the incident wave
and the target aspect relative to the radar [50], [53].
Considering the first two factors, which are under control of the stealth designer,
there are four main principles to reduce the RCS of an airplane. The principles are
designing the shape, using special materials (RAM) on the surfaces, active cancellation
and passive cancellation. In addition, a fifth consideration is plasma technology, which is
also sometimes included as an active cancellation type. However, there is no proven
application of this technology, other than some speculative Russian designs.
All of these methods have trade-offs. For example, shaping methods to decrease
the RCS of an aircraft may spoil its aerodynamic performance, and result in handling and
maneuverability problems. Material selections and coating also increase the weight, cost
and the maintenance requirements. Moreover, applications of these materials are usually
effective only in narrowband and in limited spatial regions. So the enemys likely threats
and the main mission of the aircraft must be considered very carefully in order to achieve
desired results. However, a combination of these RCS reduction methods is applied to
maintain the RCS below a specified threshold level over a range of frequencies and
angles [50].
Other than its SI (International System of Units) derived unit of area, square
meters, there is also another way of measuring RCS, which is especially used in the
electronics engineering world. Most electronic engineers work with the decibel (dB),
which helps to make calculations dealing with very large or small numbers much easier.
The dB definition of RCS, can be expressed in dBsm (decibel square meters) in which the
reference value is 1 m
. This means that a RCS value of 20 dBsm equals 100 m
, 10
dBsm equals 10 m
, 0 dBsm equals 1 m
, -10 dBsm equals 0.1 m
, -20 dBsm equals to
0.01 m
, etc. The equation for determining RCS value is:
( ) 10
10log ; where 1m
dBsm R

= =

. (3.6)
In Figure 27, typical RCS values of several targets in dBsm are given.

Figure 27. RCS Values of Several Targets
(From [50])
Exact RCS levels of military assets are classified, however, it is hypothesized that
today's true stealth aircraft have an RCS value around -30 dBsm (or 0.001 m
) and new
technological improvements promise to achieve values of -40 to -50 dBsm or 0.0001 to
0.00001 m
. If these reductions are obtained, a radar, which could detect a nominal non-
stealthy target with 5 m
(~7 dBsm) RCS at 80 miles, could detect the target in the -50
dBsm case at a range of three miles, which, from an operational point of view, is too late
Figure 28 shows several aircraft and their approximate RCS values. Being
classified, these are not exact RCS of the aircraft. However, this figure can give an idea
that physical area is not the main concern and specially designed aircraft have remarkable
RCS reduction. The methods of RCS reduction will be discussed further in the following

Figure 28. The Approximate RCS of Aircraft
(From [7])
a. Shaping the Airframe
Before studying the shaping factor, the first RCS reduction principle,
analyzing the major RCS contributors of an aircraft, can be useful in gaining a better
understanding of the subject. The complex shape of an ordinary aircraft reveals many
surfaces that can reflect incoming signals back to the radar, including air inlets,
compressor blades, vertical stabilizers, external payloads, all cockpit instruments, all
cavities (discontinuities) and corners. Figure 29 shows these contributors. All these
contributors must be worked on very precisely to get desired reductions in RCS values.

Figure 29. The Minor and Major Contributors to RCS of a Fighter Aircraft
(From [49])
Other than these contributors, the angle of the incoming radar signals is
also very important. This is because, as the normal of a surface to a signal changes, total
reflected energy and the RCS also change. For example, an aircraft with a 25 m
head on
RCS, may have a 400 m
broadside RCS.

Figure 30 illustrates a RCS pattern of a target
reflecting a radar echo that is of relatively low frequency. The amplitude values for the
pattern are relative basis, so dont represent a real aircraft. The target is located in a plane
where 0 degrees represents the nose on position. To understand RCS value variation of
an aircraft, in level flight, against radars at the same altitude but at different angles, the
target is rotated in the yaw axis. Such patterns are used to analyze the ability of an
aircraft to penetrate air defenses [54].

Figure 30. RCS Pattern of an Aircraft at Changing Yaw Axis
(From [54])
Some features of an airframe design present dramatically large RCS
values. A flat panel, which is a good reflector, is one of these, since it is normal to the
radar beam. If this surface is rotated, this will result in reflecting the incoming beams to
other angles and will create a smalller RCS for a monostatic receiver. Bill Sweetman, a
former editor for J anes, and a well-known Stealth advocate, quotes a stealth designer:
A flat panel is the brightest target, and also the dimmest. If the panel is at
right angles to an incoming beam, it is a perfect reflecting target. Rotate it
along one axis and most of the energy is deflected away from the radar.
Rotate it along two axes and the RCS becomes infinitesimal [55].
Conventional vertical stabilizers are one of these flat reflector panels.
Canting them inwards or outwards, with high-angles, can prevent incoming radiation
from returning back to the radar and also when a rudder-elevator combination is used, the
retro reflector of a dihedral, should be avoided. Here, a retro reflector dihedral is two
surfaces that are positioned at 90 from one another and these surfaces reflect the radar
wave front back along a vector that is parallel to but opposite in direction to the angle of
incidence. Thus, this double bounce maneuver will result in increasing the RCS.
Rather than leaving them as external parts or hung on pylons, hiding the
engine(s) and ordnance inside the fuselage/wings of the aircraft or making them blended
components within the whole body or wings will reduce the RCS. This is depicted in
Figure 31. Moreover, internal storage gives better aerodynamic performance, as the drag
reduces. However, available space inside the body for ordnance is usually limited, which
decreases the operational performance of the asset.

Figure 31. F-22 Raptors Weapon Bays
(From [56])
Compressor blades are another large signal reflector. Along with
increasing the RCS of a target, some identification systems, such as radars using non-
cooperative target recognition (NCTR) techniques, or one of the measurement and
signature intelligence systems (MASINT) technologies, can be used to collect and
process the strong radar returns from the engine compressor movements or periodic
rotation of the blades of a turbine to discriminate between enemy and friendly assets [57].
Thus, an aircraft engine (with all possible components) should be kept out of reach of
radar signals for low observable designs.
Using wire mesh (as in the F-117 and RPV Q-2C), specially curved air
inlet nacelles that prevent the direct reach of RF signals to compressor blades (such as the
B-1 B) and carefully chosen engine (inlet) locations will also help to reduce RCS.
However, placing engines at their most optimum location to reduce RCS raises another
important problem, determining the direction of expected RF signals. For example, if a
radar threat is expected from below, putting the engine inlets at the top of the wing or
airframe would be an effective measure. This is the more likely situation for high altitude
bombers, reconnaissance and maritime patrol aircrafts. B-2 and F-117 bomber aircraft
are good examples of this kind of design. However, for an air-superiority fighter,
estimating the threat direction is a much more complex issue and there is no satisfying
solution to this problem. So, the use of serpentine ducts and inlet wire meshes are more
effective solutions to conceal the engines from radar signals.
Cockpits and their interior instruments, such as pilots helmet, seat,
control components and displays, reflect RF signals and increase the RCS, as the
canopies and windshields are normally transparent to the radar beams. Some special
absorbent (or reflecting) layers and coatings are used on the canopies of the stealth
aircrafts to decrease the RCS of the cockpit as well as their unique external shapes. Along
with the stealth aircrafts, some other fighters and EW assets such as F-16 Fighting Falcon
and EA-6B Prowler also use such coatings either to reduce RCS or to shield the powerful
signal emitted by the jammers from reaching the cockpit and crew. Controlled cockpit
canopy shape, with transparent conductor thin film (vapor-deposited gold or indium tin
oxide) [49]. on it, block the incoming radar signals to reach the inner components and
diminishes the amount of reflected radar waves back to the radar. [7], [49].
Other RCS reduction methods concerned with shaping, include avoiding
gaps and holes in the design and using covert gun ports, as shown in Figure 32, to hinder
discontinuities on the airframe surface. Performing high precision maintenance also
helps to obtain and sustain these low RCS levels. In one case, a single screw not
tightened as required was discovered to be the reason for an unexpected RCS increase in
the F-117 prototype [49].


Figure 32. An Opening Door Covers the Muzzle to Preserve the F-22 Raptors
Stealth Qualities
(From [58])
The biggest effort in reducing the RCS is given to the forward aspects of
the aircraft as illustrated in Figure 33. However, in this case, greater returns for the other
aspects or at least some angles are inevitable. This tradeoff promises some advantage to
countermeasures of stealth such as well designed bi-static radar networks. Secondly,
though shaping is the first principle in reducing RCS and must be carefully considered in
the design of low observables, long wavelengths are less affected by the shape of the
airframe and its details. These two subjects and their effects on counter technologies will
be discussed in Chapter IV.

Figure 33. RF RCS Importance According to the Expected Threat Angles
(After [39])
The RCS of the airframe can be reduced by geometrically controlling the
incoming signals reflection (directionally) and scattering. The first way to accomplish
this is to use flat surfaces and rectilinear surfaces all around the aircraft fuselage, which
are oblique to the radar signals. The F-117 Nighthawk, shown in Figure 34, is a very
good example of this kind of RCS reduction technique with shaping. F-117 Nighthawk
uses careful faceting technique to reduce RCS by scattering the incoming signals in
nearly every direction [49].

Figure 34. F-117 Nighthawks RCS by Scattering the Incoming Signals Nearly Every
(From [49])
The second reduction method is similar and involves reflecting the
incoming signals in a limited number of directions rather than scattering them in all
directions. So a monostatic receiver never gets the transmitted signal back, unless the
radar signal reflects with two 90 degree angles from a surface, which is improbable when
extreme look-down angles are not present. If a bistatic system is considered, its receiver
can only get the radiated beam when the spatial geometry is perfect [49]. In this
technique, every straight line on the entire airframe should be designed carefully; shape
of the aircraft, from main aircraft components such as wings, vertical and horizontal
stabilizers, engine inlets, rudders, to all other moving parts such as rudders, elevators,
ailerons, weapon bays, landing gear doors, canopy fasteners, etc., should be aligned in the
direction of the few selected spikes (to reflect the incoming signal towards only these
specific directions), as shown in Figure 35. Using serrated (sawtooth shape shown in
Figure 36) parts on surfaces may also help achieve the desired results [49].

Figure 35. F-22 Raptors RCS Reduction Technique by Shaping
(From [49])

Figure 36. Serrated Shape for RCS Reduction Measures
(From [59])
The third method is modeling the aircraft with a compact, smoothly
blended external geometry [49] which has changing curves. These curves do not have
regular reflection characteristics and they usually diminish the radar signals energy by
capturing them inside the curvature. The B-2 Spirit, especially its engine nacelles, was

made with this kind of RCS technology. However, this method requires very precise
calculations, thus only the latest (after 1980s) low observable aircraft have had the chance
to use it in their computer based designs.
As mentioned, the main purpose of shaping is reducing or, ideally,
eliminating the major RCS contributors. However, shaping measures for low RCS has
some tradeoffs, such as poor aerodynamic performance, increased costs more
maintenance requirements or less ordnance capacity. Despite these drawbacks, which
will be discussed in the following sections, the gains in RCS reduction compensate for
the diminished qualities for the purpose of improving aircraft survivability during
b. Non-Metallic Airframe, Radar Absorbent Material (RAM) and
Radar Absorbent Structure (RAS)
Stealth aircrafts should have extremely low RCS levels, however
achieving such a goal is not possible by shaping alone. Some material designs, such as
radar absorbent material (RAM) and radar absorbent structure (RAS) applications are
also necessary.
Modern aircraft are generally made of composites, which consist of two or
more different materials that have dissimilar physical, chemical or electromagnetic
properties. Generally, composites are not metal and their RF signal reflection properties
are very poor, thus non-metallic airframes are considered to not show up on radar.
However, the non-reflected RF signals penetrate the non-metallic airframe and this time
the reflection occurs from inside which results from the radar images of engines, fuel
pumps, electrical wiring and all other components. Coating or painting the surfaces of
airframes with special metallic finishing is the preferred way to prevent the penetration of
RF signals through composites. On the other hand, composites are still important. Forms
of composites, which consist of some poor conductors of electricity, such as carbon
products, and insulators, such as epoxy resin, are used in the airframes to cancel the
forms of creeping and travelling waves, by resisting electrical and magnetic currents
which reradiate [7].
Though RAMs performance to decrease the RCS has been enhanced by a
factor of ten, since the mid-1980s, an expert still indicates shape, shape, shape and
materials [42] as the most important factors to design a stealth aircraft. It is clear that
RAM is not an alternative for the airframe design, and it cannot transform a conventional
aircraft into a stealthy one, however for better RCS values, some parts of the asset,
especially edge reflections and cavities (such as inlets), should be healed using RAM,
where no other solution is likely [42].
One of the special RAM coatings is made of reinforced carbon carbon
(RCC) [7]. For the most part, RAMs, such as RCC, reduce RCS by absorbing (an
amount of) the incoming signal and converting RF energy into heat or by destructive
interference. With their appropriate dielectric or magnetic properties, different RAMs are
used to get desired RCS results over the maximum possible frequency range. RAM
technology is based on the idea of establishing desirable impedance which poses good
matching and absorbing qualities, so that the RAM can accept and then attenuate the
incident wave [60]. Dielectric qualities of RAM can also be explained as naturally
occurring, electromagnetic waves of radar bouncing from conductive objects. However,
the molecular structure of the lossy materials causes RF energy to expend its energy by
producing heat. Then the heat is transferred to the aircraft and dissipated while the
residual RF energy loses its effectiveness, basically with help of friction and inertia or
molecular oscillations. Finally, this results in less reflection back to the radar receiver
Together with absorption, another way of RCS reduction, by using RAM,
is destructive interference. However, there is an important distinction between the
phenomenon of absorption (Figure 37) and destructive interference applications. As
mentioned above, the absorption process, which covers ohmic loss (based on the motion
of free charges in an imperfect conductor), dielectric loss (based on permittivity), and
magnetic loss (based on permeability), is possible by transferring the incident RF waves
energy to the airframe material as it passes through. On the other hand, the destructive
interference (also known as resonant RAM or impedance loading) principal is based
on coatings, or the Salisbury Screen method, which are used to reduce RCS by
cancellation of multiple reflections [60]. This method is considered both a RAM and a
passive cancellation method. This study will discuss destructive interference in the
passive cancellation technique section.

Figure 37. Radar Absorbing Material Illustration
(From [59])
RAM includes many types of materials. Six RAM examples, low-
dielectric foam (epoxy); lightweight lossy foam (urethane); thermoplastic foam
(polytherimide); sprayable lightweight foam (urethane); thin MAGRAM silicone resin
sheet; and resistive card (R-card) made of metalized Kapton, can be seen in Figure 38 in
the order of clockwise from upper left [61]. Another example, a ferrite-based paint, which
is called iron ball, was used on the U-2 and SR-71 to reduce the RCS.

Figure 38. Four Thick Radar Absorbing Material Foams and Two Samples of Thin
Radar Absorbent Sheets
(After [61])
RAM has some limitations. Although the use of RAM is strengthening for
low observability, it never gives perfect results and can never be assumed to decrease an
aircrafts RCS values to a large extent. It can absorb a portion of the incident energy,
with the rest being reflected. Moreover, certain kinds of RAM can give expected results
only for certain frequencies and angles of the incident radar wave. Using different kinds
of RAM to broaden the RF spectral coverage, along with thicker and heavier amounts,
increases the effectiveness. However, the optimum RAM weight and depth should be
evaluated while considering the impact of the application of bulky coatings, which may
demolish other flight and mission characteristics of the asset. Inconvenient weather
conditions, such as rain, may also decrease the performance of most RAM. Furthermore,
aircraft shelters should be constructed with special qualities to provide required RAM
protection and maintenance. This is the reason that early B-2 planes were not deployed at
US bases abroad where these kind of special shelters were not available [49].
Because thick and solid RAM coatings or paintings, which are heavy and
bulky, are required but not feasible to get desired RCS reduction over wider bandwidths,
an alternative method of using such materials at the inner skin of the airframe is
preferred. Radar absorbing structures involve building special materials in special ways,
such as honeycomb, as shown in Figure 39, to attenuate radar waves into load-bearing
structure [50].

Figure 39. A Sample of Radar Absorbing Honeycomb Material
(From [61])
The honeycomb structures have very important advantages. First of all,
their hexagonal passages, which are bonded together, are physically very strong, flexible
and light. From a RCS perspective, their depth, which does not cause considerable
weight, is used to form many surfaces to reflect, absorb and attenuate the radar signal.
One kind of honeycomb is made up of an outer skin of kevlar/epoxy composite, which is
transparent to radar, and an inner skin of reflective graphite/ epoxy [49]. The nomex
core, between them, has absorbent properties and its increasing density, front to rear of
the honeycomb, improves the effectiveness. The small amount of front-face reflection of
the incident radar wave is followed by the radar wave to reach the thinly spread absorber
on the outer edges of the core where another small part of the energy is absorbed and the
remainder is bounced. So, the travelling wave meets more densely loaded core material
as it goes on. Each time, some amount of energy is either absorbed or reflected, and
finally the outermost layer of the absorber once again attenuates it [49] and the radar
wave, which is checked into the structure, never checks out to free space again [49].
Another RAS form is used on the leading and trailing edges of low
observables, such as the wings and fuselage skin strakes of the SR-71 Blackbird, which is
depicted in Figure 40. In this method, gradually increasing absorption is applied to trap
the energy, similar to the honeycomb structure. However, in this case, the physical shape
of the structure is a saw-tooth pattern. The external surface is coated with a high
frequency ferrite absorber. The interior begins with a low-absorption layer and is
followed by a more absorbent layer, so; while the deepness increase the absorbent
properties are also augmented. The V shaped geometry, shown in Figure 41, causes the
radar signal to bounce towards the opposite side, while the material properties of the
structure absorb and provide the incoming signal to diminish the energy, so each bounce
results in the loss of some amount of the energy [49].

Figure 40. Triangular Patches of RAM and RAS on the SR-71 Blackbirds Wing
Leading Edges
(From [7])

Figure 41. The Acute Wedge Shape for Trapping Incoming Signal with the Help of
Absorbing Materials
(From [6])
The state of the art F-22 Raptor, shown in Figure 42, is the U.S. modern
stealth fighter. It has many low observable material properties including RAM, RAS, and
IR topcoat. RAS is used to minimize scattering from hard edges, while RAM is used to
reduce scattering from surface breaks [62]. Moreover, the IR topcoat reduces the IR
signature, along with ensuring the radar and infrared signatures are balanced. Early low
observable programs made extensive use of RAM and RAS, which resulted in weight and
manufacturing problems. However, modern stealth aircraft designers, with the help of
analysis and design tools, combined with extensive testing, have minimized the use of
RAM on assets, such as F-22, while still maintaining a low signature. So, modern
aircraft use less RAM and RAS materials compared to early generations of low
observable aircraft which save significant weight and cost [62].

Figure 42. F-22 in the Robotics Coating Facility for Low Observable Material
(From [62])
c. Passive Cancellation System
Special material used for signal cancellation purposes to reduce RCS fall
into two categories: RAM RCS reduction methods (resonant RAM) and passive
cancellation. The resonant RAM method was also introduced as destructive interference
or impedance loading in RAM applications. Here all these terms and so passive
cancellation system refers to RCS reduction by introducing a secondary scatter to cancel
with the reflection of the primary target [60].
In this method, special coatings, which are also called resonant
absorbers, are chosen to cancel the incoming signals by being reflected two times (some
times more than two is also possible for wider frequency covering), one from the front
and the other from the back of the layer. Theoretically, having a back face wave that
totally travels one half wavelength more than the one that is reflected from the first layer
is essential. Having the correct thickness causes the second reflection to have a 180
degree phase difference with the round-trip (first layer) reflection, thus first and second
waves will cancel each other. However, this method strictly relies on layer thickness or
th of the wavelength matching.
This method, is also known as Salisbury screen, and illustrated in Figure
43. A resistive screen, which is placed in front of the reflective back plate, bounces nearly
50 % of the incident radar beam (blue wave in the Figure 43) back to incoming direction
(purple wave in Figure 43), while the other 50% of the radar wave passes through and
reflect from that grey plate (red wave in Figure 43). When the distance between these two
plates are th of radar signals wavelength, red and purple waves cancels each other.
Because such a thickness is only effective for specific frequencies, this cancellation is
called as a narrowband technique. On the other hand, from a RAM application
techniques perspective, dielectric and magnetic loss mechanisms are categorized as
broadband absorbers, while they can generally be deployed to cover wider frequency
bands than passive cancellation coatings [50].

Figure 43. The Salisbury Screen
(From [7])
Passive cancellation was studied enthusiastically in the 1960s; however,
its limited use made it unpopular and resulted in the connotation that it was not a useful
RCS reduction method. Obviously, it is not practical to design such a treatment to
neutralize all of the echo sources while passive cancellation RCS reduction techniques
cannot suppress the radar and weapon systems relatively wide frequency extent.
Moreover there is also a risk of strengthening the reflected signal with the change of
frequency, or viewing aspect.
d. Active Cancellation System
Active cancellation is a way of creating a new waveform which will
cancel the original radar signal reflected from the airframe. This method is very similar
to active jamming techniques. However, active cancellation methods require
transmission of very low power levels compared to conventional EW jamming
techniques. Here, the main purpose is reducing the RCS while cancelling the reflected
radar signal by a process of modifying and retransmitting the incident radar waves, rather
than having the radar jammed. The method is also called active loading. The active
cancellation platform must radiate counter signals, which have the same amplitude but
reversed phase fom the radar (Figure 44). Moreover the radiation must be towards the
same reflected direction to cancel the bounced signal.


Figure 44. Active Cancellation System
(From [7])
Using such a process requires some data, including angle of arrival,
intensity, waveform and the frequency of the received signal. Obviously, the emission
must coincide in time with the incident pulse. Thus, this kind of a replication is very
complex; moreover, it requires smart systems to calculate the airframes own echo
characteristics in order to generate the exact pulses for cancellation [49], [52], [60].
There are two active cancellation levels; fully active and semi active.
Fully active systems are those that receive, amplify the threat signal and retransmit the
required cancellation signal which is out of phase. Here, the transmitted wave
parameters, such as signal intensity, phase, frequency and polarization, must be carefully
adjusted to compensate for the changes. The second one is semi active cancellation, by
which limited changes in threat signal parameters are met to compensate. The fully
active cancellation process is very complex with a requirement for transmitter and
receiver parts (such as antenna) to cover wide threat angles, frequencies, power
amplitudes, and polarizations, making the design impractical. Semi-active systems are
less complicated; however, still require receiver and transmitter units with smart
controller units or computers [60].
Active cancellation systems should meet some basic rules which must be
fulfilled in a completely correct way to be effective. First, the systems must have a
capability of analyzing the incident wave in real-time, while the first captured signal may
be shifted, or its parameters such as pulse repetition frequency (PRF), signal frequency,
etc., may be changed. Second, the new transmitted signal must have just enough power
(the similar principle with Low Probability of Interceptor (LPI) radars) to cancel the real
radar signal, because a smart radar processor may check the received signal and
determine the jamming-like counter attack from spikes considered too powerful. Thirdly,
the aspect of the threat radar signal must be specified with precision to send the false
signal in only that direction. However, continuing changes of the airframes velocity
vector will compromise this effort and complicate the operation of active cancellation
In this context, active cancellation systems are complementary to other
passive stealth techniques. The use of passive techniques, such as shaping or RAM,
reduces the burden of active cancellation and diminishes the need for an application of
active cancellation signal which has its own risks towards a hostile receiver. However,
passive stealth techniques have some vulnerability. For example, reflected signals in
particular directions may be received and processed by third party detection systems,
while active cancellation may neutralize these drawbacks. Moreover, application of
passive RCS reduction techniques on present conventional designs includes many
difficulties and complexities, coupled with less effectiveness and increased cost. Active
cancellation may provide these conventional aircraft some low observability for
operational advantage, while these methods must work perfectly, driving high reliability.
Although there are some speculations regarding deployed military aircraft
systems, there is no proof nor any publicly declared operational system. However,
studies are ongoing as active cancellation is a promising RCS reduction technique.
Advances are dependent on developments in computing power and electronics
technologies. Especially large aircraft may utilize such a solution in the future [42].
e. Plasma Stealth
Plasma is a partially ionized and electrically conductive gas by means of
the ability of the positive and negative charges to move somewhat independently [63].
Its free electrons make plasma respond strongly to electromagnetic fields. Thus using
plasma, which is sometimes considered an active cancellation technique, has been studied
and proposed as a possible method of RCS reduction. The inspiration for this method
emerged in the late 1950s after spacecraft with a natural plasma layer over their airframes
experienced communication interruption incidents while traveling through the
ionosphere. Basically, radar waves (actually all electromagnetic waves of certain
frequencies) traveling through this conductive plasma cause electrons to exchange their
places, ending up with the electromagnetic waves losing their energy and transforming it
to other forms, such as heat. Interaction between plasma and electromagnetic radiation is
strongly dependent on the physical properties and parameters of the plasma [64]. The
most dominating of these properties are the temperature and the density of the plasma.
Another important issue is frequency of the incident radar beam. Radar waves, below a
specific frequency, are reflected by plasma layer. Plasma layers physical properties have
significant effect on this process. Long distance communications with HF signals by
means of ionosphere scattering and reflection is a good example of this same phenomena.
Thus, RCS reduction plasma devices should also control and dynamically adjust the
plasma properties, such as density, temperature and composition, for effective radar
absorption results.
Plasma stealth technology has some drawbacks from a low observables
perspective. Some of these include, emitting own electromagnetic radiation with a
visible glow, existence of a plasma trail of ionized air behind the aircraft [64] before
dissipation by the atmosphere, and difficulty in producing a radar-absorbent plasma
around an entire aircraft traveling at high speed [64]. However, some Russian scientists
have declared achieving a hundredfold RCS reduction with plasma technology and this
result (if real) is sufficient enough to focus on this method for further research and
success in the stealth world [64].
Another application of plasma is utilizing this technology to deploy
antenna surfaces to generate low observability characteristics. While metal antenna poles
are reflective parts, a hollow glass tube filled with low pressure plasma can provide an
entirely radar transparent surface when not in use [65]
Although there are some problems in the operational processes associated
with plasma, such as the high energy requirement in long interval applications and the
necessity of holes in the plasma fields for aircraft onboard radar activation, Russian
plasma stealth research teams have announced the development of a plasma generator
which weighs 100 kg and is thus feasible for a tactical air platform. This critical
technology may be available on the Su-27 versions (such as Su-34 and Su-35), MIG-35
fighters and also the MIG 1.44 prototype, see Figure 45, according to recent claims by
Russian officials [49], [64].

Figure 45. Russian MIG 1.44 has been Told to have Some Plasma Stealth
(From [64])
Because the probability of detection of radar occurs at greater distances than other
signal detection methods, it demands the highest priority in the development of aircraft
low observable technology. IR and after that, visual signatures fallow the radar, while
sound is the least important of the four aspects of stealth [66]. Practically speaking,
acoustic detectors are unable to meet the demands of todays sensor technologies in the
aviation world, due to the very low propagation speed of sound waves [67]. However, a
comprehensive stealth design includes measures to diminish the ability of acoustic
sensors to locate an aircraft [68]. Furthermore, in the future, technological improvements
in sensitive aural signature detection systems may minimize low observables advantages
over the focused areas, such as radar, IR and visual signatures, if they are not also
concealed by acoustic stealth measures. In the same way, stealth aircraft, which are
undetected by other means of tracking or visual systems (including eyesight), can further
enhance their advantage by also deploying with features to defeat acoustic detection
Despite the poor qualities to detect targets in free space, using acoustic detection
devices in some other mediums can be preferable. It is not the focus of this study, but
outlining the importance of acoustic stealth in other application areas may be valuable, in
this manner. For example, in submarine warfare, having different requirements, reducing
aural signature plays a significant role in the physical medium of sea water.
Aircraft acoustic signature reduction focuses on the engines, which produce a
significant amount of noise. The slipstream of the aircraft also produces noise, but it is
inconsequential when compared to the roaring of the engines. There are several ways to
prevent the sound of engines from being detected. Flying at high altitudes reduces the
detection risk; however, mission requirements may sometimes compel low-level flight.
Cruising around at the speed of sound may be another solution, but this cannot conceal
the asset when it flies away from the detection source. Additionally, most aircraft cannot
fly more than 10 to 20 minutes at such high speeds and designing an aircraft which can
fly for longer periods introduces a number of complexities. For example, the F-22 Raptor
can almost fly an entire mission above the speed of sound using its supercruise
capability, which does not require afterburner use. However, this capability has many
drawbacks, including high engine cost and complex fuselage design.
The most promising approach in minimizing aircraft aural signature is making
assets quieter by design. In fact, more efficient engines tend to produce less noise.
Aircraft engines which inhale a large volume of air but push a small amount, such as
high-bypass-ratio turbofans, are quieter than those that inhale a small volume of air but
push a large amount, such as low-bypass-ratio engines. Despite this efficiency and
acoustic signal reduction advantages, most combat aircraft use low-bypass-ratio engines,
which are more suited for applications that require immediate thrust, high velocity and
acceleration, and agile maneuverability.
When quietness becomes a bigger concern, high-bypass-ratio turbofans are
preferred, even though high performance and speed is reduced. The A-10 Warthog is a
good example of this kind of design. Because it is deployed for close air support
missions, to friendly ground forces, and its main targets are ground enemy forces, like
tanks, armored vehicles and large groups of troops, it needs to fly over these targets
several times. A reduced aural signature is crucial in increasing the A-10s operational
success rate due to its requirement to conduct multiple reattacks. Thus noiseless engines,
together with other low observability features, such as IR and visual signature reduction
methods, help these aircraft improve their survivability and mission capability [66].
Successful example of acoustic stealth is demonstrated by the Lockheed YO-3A
quiet reconnaissance aircraft, shown in Figure 46. This aircraft, which was used by the
U.S. Army in the Vietnam War, was deployed for tracking enemy forces that were
moving at night, in large groups with equipment, inside dense forests. Conventional
reconnaissance or observation aircraft were easily detected by enemy forces from their
engine sounds; therefore, several studies focusing on reducing engine noise were
commissioned. One of these resulted in the Q-Star prototype, shown in Figure 47, which
was developed from X-26 sailplanes, using a liquid cooled engine buried in the rear
fuselage for more effective silencing. After several experiments, fourteen Lockheed YO-
3A aircraft were produced and used to respond to the requirement for avoiding acoustic
detection and fulfilling the mission. These aircraft had a modified light plane engine
utilizing a long exhaust pipe. This exhaust pipe was attached to another long muffler
fitted on the fuselage side. Moreover, the engine had a large, slow-rotating propeller,
which was six bladed, wooden and rubber belt driven. This propeller was later replaced
with a three bladed, constant speed counterpart for improving silencing [3], [69].


Figure 46. YO-3A with Effective Noise Cancelling Mufflers on the Right Side of the
(From [70])

Figure 47. Q-Star with Novel Engine Propeller Design to Reduce the Noise
(From [71])
The U.S. F-117 Nighthawk and B-2 Spirit, all aspect stealth aircraft, also
incorporate design features that reduce engine noise, such as sound-absorbing linings
inside their engine intakes and exhaust cowlings [72]. Further, their engine inlets and
exhausts are located on top of their wings, they have the ability to fly at relatively high
altitudes, and they cruise at subsonic speeds with non-afterburning engines, all of which
improve their acoustic signature measurements. Supersonic speeds generate sonic booms
which are usually unacceptable for stealth purposes due to the increased risk of detection.
All substances with a temperature above absolute zero (0 K, or -273.15 C, or -
459.67 F), emit electromagnetic waves. The heat content of a material produces
molecular vibrations which cause electron oscillations. These oscillations provide
electromagnetic coupling that produces an emission of energy. This emission is called
infrared radiation (IR). IR has a wavelength spectrum of 0.7 to 14 micrometers, and the
amount of radiation emitted is primarily dependent on the physical temperature of the
associated object (proportionally). The emissivity characteristics of an object are related
to the materials molecular structure and the surface conditions of the object. IR energy
that comes from another body is either absorbed or reradiated by the object according to
its emissivity properties [73].
As with visible light, IR energy also travels in a straight line at speed of light.
Similarly, IR energy is either reflected or absorbed and converted to heat when it hits the
surface of an object. These absorption and reflection qualities change with material
specifications. For example, polished surfaces reflect more IR energy but also have a
much lower emissivity than matte surfaces [68].
IR energy considerations are important to stealth designers, because IR detectors,
also known as infrared homing devices, such as passive missile guidance systems, can
use IR emissions from a target to track it. Detector systems, especially missile guiding
seekers, which detect the radiated infrared signals of their target, are often referred to as
"heat-seekers". If unaided by IR countermeasures, aircraft are vulnerable to detection by
such systems by means of the strongly radiated energy from their hot bodies. Some
precautions to mitigate such detection include, reducing or suppressing an aircrafts IR
signature and adding some noise, deploying decoys or flares, and jamming the sensor by
emitting high power signals towards the detector.
For an asset designed to remain undetected, one of the most important measures is
reducing or suppressing the aircrafts IR emissions. Thus, sources, surfaces or
components which produce and/or conserve heat are of great concern to low observables.
Moreover, the IR detection capability of the new IR Search and Track (IRST) systems,
such as shown in Figure 48, and Electro-Optic (EO) systems deployed on the SU-27,
Eurofighter Typhoon, and F-35 Lightning II, reveal the importance of IR signature
reduction. These EO detectors absorb electromagnetic radiation and output an electrical
signal that is useful for tracking and targeting their target. Another major advantage of
these systems is that they are passive systems in which a target never knows that there is
a threat trying to detect it. Further consideration for IR detection is revealed by the efforts
required to increase combat effectiveness of stealth aircraft. When radar detection range
is minimized by RCS reduction methods, other signatures such as IR, visual and acoustic
become more pronounced, especially for close range engagements.

Figure 48. IRST Sensor of the F-35 Lightning II
(From [74])
IR signal reduction is focused on engine exhausts. The back side of an engine is
the major source of IR radiation in an aircraft, and when the afterburner is applied, the
heat increases significantly, by nearly fifty times, since IR energy emitted from the
engines is proportional to the fourth power of absolute temperature [7]. Thus, the second
generation stealth F-117 Nighthawk and the third generation strategic stealth bomber B-2
Spirit have non-afterburning engines. On the other hand the fourth generation stealth F-
22 Raptor has the ability to cruise at supersonic speeds, but without afterburner. Being
dependant to high mach numbers for operation survivability, the first generation stealth
SR-71 Blackbird is also an exception, with its high power afterburner engines.
One method to decrease the IR signature of the engines is to use exhaust masking.
This is accomplished by placing the engines on top of the body and the wings. This is the
reason the F-117 A and B-2 exhausts cannot be seen from below, which is shown in
Figures 49 and 50, respectively. Over the rear conical sector of the aircraft, the hottest
parts of the tailpipe can be easily detected by IR seekers. While outside of this sector,
sensors can only detect the hot parts of the nozzle surface. Another technique to decrease
the IR signature is using the aircrafts aft fuselage and vertical surfaces to shield the jet
pipes from view over as large a part of this rear sector as possible [7].

Figure 49. The Body of the F-117 is Designed to Mask IR Emission from Engines
(From [75])

Figure 50. The Engine Nozzles of B-2 are Concealed to be Seen from Below
(From [76])
Another method to decrease IR signature is the shaping of exhaust geometry.
Exhausts that are shaped flat and wide, as shown in Figure 51, are effective in this regard.
This increases the perimeter of the plum compared to conventional round nozzles, and
results in an increased mixing rate of exhaust gases, cooling them with air. This reduces
probability of detection, but thrust efficiency is decreased with flat and wide designs.
High bypass engines also benefit from the mixing of air with exhaust for exhaust nozzle
temperature reduction purposes. Masking the hot turbine stages with curved jet pipes and
concealing the forward emissions of the engine with curved air intakes are other
measures to reduce IR signature.

Figure 51. F-22 Raptors Saw Toothed, Wide and Flat Shaped Nozzles to Reduce
Both Radar and IR Signatures
(From [77])
After engine heat, kinetic heating of the aircraft body is the second major source
of IR radiation. Some closed-loop cooling systems and special materials, such as IR
signal absorbent material, can be used to dissipate the heat from the body as well as the
engine and exhaust parts. However, this method has some disadvantages; such as
increased weight and special maintenance requirements, similar to RCS reduction
oriented RAMs. Dumping the heat into the fuel is another technique to reduce kinetic
heating and was first used in the SR-71 Blackbird. However, at high mach numbers, the
high temperature from kinetic heating is inevitable. In general, limiting aircraft to
relatively low speeds is required to minimize this source of IR radiation.
1. F-117 Nighthawk (retired Stealth Fighter)
The F-117, shown in Figure 52, is considered a second generation stealth aircraft,
and an advancement over first generation variants, like the SR-71 Blackbird and other
early low observables. It was the first aircraft designed with a focus on all aspects of
stealth, although RCS was the leading concern. In earlier low observable designs, the
low observability was either an added feature or a partial consideration to improve
survivability. Instead, the F-117 was designed to be stealthy first, and other
specifications were aligned to this purpose.

Figure 52. F-117 Night Fighter Releasing a Laser Guided Bomb
(From [78])
This design was based on the Experimental Survivable Testbed (XST), a
technology demonstration, also known as the Have Blue project, shown in Figure 53.
Although more realistic than the hopeless diamond concept, shown in Figure 54, which
was aided by sharp surfaces without extended parts, the XST was designed from an
electrical engineering perspective rather than an aerodynamic one.

Figure 53. Lockheeds Proof of Concept, XST or Have Blue, in the Senior Trend
(From [79])

Figure 54. Have Blue was Developed from Bizarre Hopeless Diamond Concept
(From [79])
Similar concerns dominated the F-117s pyramidal lines which were produced in
fleet numbers and used operationally. Its RCS reduction techniques were mainly based
on faceting. This was a unique and successful design feature, achieving extremely low
RCS against conventional radars of the era. Without sufficient computer program aids to
make complex RCS predictions, faceting was the only feasible way to design the aircraft.
This made the F-117 a pioneer of the stealth world. Even though aircraft retirement has
been initiated, its capabilities remain unmatched.
The F-117 was deployed as a single pilot, twin-engine powered, stealth, night
strike, light bomber with the ability of cruising at high sub-sonic speeds (max. 0.92
mach), carrying 5000 lbs bombs (usually two, each weighing around 2000 lbs) and
having a range of 900 miles, with extension by air-refueling.
The F-117A Nighthawks main mission was the attack of important and strategic
ground targets, such as enemy command and control centers, air defense units and
weapon launch units (i.e., mass destruction weapons), by penetrating dense defenses
using its stealth technology and smart bombs. In some phases of its production, the F-
117 was envisioned to have an enlarged mission envelope by including air to air
capabilities. However, in the end, the aircraft remained a precision ground attack aircraft
with total stealth characteristics. It was used against high value enemy targets, and
usually deployed at night. It was postulated that after an initial attack with these aircraft,
the enemys defense capabilities would be destroyed, and conventional bombers would
be tasked to fly their missions in hostile territory with reduced risk and a greater certainty
of mission success.
There are numerous low observable technologies for which the F-117 was the first
operational aircraft. Faceting was one of these, where the fuselage of the aircraft was
produced with straight lines, which was different from the conventional curved
approaches. The wings have three flat surfaces, one on the top and two on the underside.
The aircraft has outward-canted thermoplastic graphite rudders. Because of its unusual
aerodynamic shape, a fly-by wire control system is used for handling. Flight data is
taken from four special faceted low observable air pitot probes in the nose of the aircraft.
The entire body is coated with RAM. The cockpit panels, as well as other access panels
such as weapon bays, have serrated shapes to reflect the incoming signal in directions
other than toward the radar receiver. The faceted cockpit glass, shown in Figure 55, has
special coatings which prevent radar waves from penetrating into the cockpit, thus
eliminating further reflections. The engine intakes have fine mesh grids, shown in Figure
56, which are 2.5 cm by 1.5 cm, to conceal the engine blades that would otherwise
contribute to the RCS. The forward-looking IR (FLIR) and downward-looking IR
(DLIR) panel apertures are covered with wire mesh, as shown in Figure 57.


Figure 55. Reflection of F-117s Cockpit Coating
(From [80])
To avoid signal detection by hostile receivers, no radar is deployed on the aircraft.
The inertial navigation system is aided by flight computers and a global positioning
system (GPS) satellite navigation receiver (this was a later upgrade). For locating target
and guiding weapons, IR (FLIR for initial detection and DLIR for close range) and
electro-optic laser designator systems are used to take advantage of their passive nature.
All of the ordnance is carried internally in centerline weapons bays. If a determination is
made that there is a risk of being detected, the aircrafts automated system blocks the
bomb doors from opening.

Figure 56. Thin Mesh Grids, at the Engine Intakes of F-117
(From [81])
Most of the design features are used against radar detection, but some are for IR
signal reduction. Together with some IR signal reducing coatings on the surface, a
portion of the inhaled air bypasses the engine and is utilized to decrease the temperature
of engine efflux by forming a mixture consisting of this air mass and hot engine efflux.
This mixture is ejected through narrow-slot exhausts in the rear fuselage [7] and
diminishes the aircrafts jet plume IR signature [7].

Figure 57. F-117s Fine Wire Mesh of FLIR Aperture, and Faceted-serrated Shape of
its Canopy
(From [81])
2. B-2A Spirit (Stealth Bomber)
The B-2, as shown in Figure 58, is a long-range, multi-role, heavy strategic stealth
bomber with the capability of carrying both conventional and nuclear payloads. It is
piloted by two crew members, with a place for a third flight-member. Because of its
nuclear mission, it is radiation hardened. It can carry up to 40,000 pounds of armament:
16 nuclear bombs, 16 to 80 conventional bombs, or 8 to 12 precision guided attack
bombs. All of these must be located in its internal bomb bays, shown in Figure 59. If
mission requirements dictate, a mixed bomb configuration is also possible. By using a
flying wing concept, the B-2 has minimal surfaces contributing to drag, and its four non
afterburning turbofan engines within the body-wing blended shape give it a considerable
lift factor. This enables the aircraft to carry large payloads with fuel efficiency to
intercontinental ranges (nearly 6000 nautical miles at up to a 50,000 ft mission ceiling),
that can be extended with refueling. It has a high subsonic (maximum speed of nearly
0.85 mach) cruise speed which both provides mission capability and contributes to its low

Figure 58. B-2 Spirit Flying Wing Aircraft
(From [82])

Figure 59. B-2s Open Bomb Bays
(From [82])
It would be a superb bomber even if it werent stealthy [7], however, the B-2s
third generation low observable characteristics, which were designed using computer
technologies of the 1980s, increased its operational value. Similar to the F-117, its RCS
reduction methods were focused on either reflecting the incident radar signal away from
the radar receiver, or absorbing it as much as possible. However, it was not shaped with
faceting, which would add aerodynamic difficulties. During the design phase, both
aerodynamic and stealthy objectives were united and accomplished by means of the
flying wing concept. RCS predictions were made with computer-aided design. Being a
flying wing, it was not very maneuverable, but the normal cruising handling problems
were resolved by a fly-by-wire control and stability augmentation system.
Unlike the F-117, the B-2 is painted with a bluish-gray anti-reflective paint [83].
Black paint is more visible than this specially chosen color in daylight flight operations
and would increase the visual signature of the B-2 bomber. However, B-2s painting
enhances its ability to satisfy daylight and night attack missions. When the B-2 is cruising
in an area where there is a greater chance of radar detection, its control surfaces are used
less to reduce the RF signal reflections from them. In this case the aircrafts yaw control
is provided by differential engine thrust [83].
The B-2 has smooth, curved lines and seamless rounded surfaces with 14 straight
edges, aligned at one of two fixed angles [7]. These edges reflect the incident radar beam
towards those two angles, thus monostatic radars cannot receive them. This
configuration of B-2 is also very advantageous versus bistatic radars which are
considered for anti stealth purposes. Because there are only two reflection angles from
this aircraft, it is very complex for bistatic radars to be settled at correct geometrical
Serrated edges are used extensively in B-2s design and cockpit windows have
fine wire mesh for reducing RF signal reflections. Engine nacelles and nozzles (ahead of
the trailing edge) are all placed above the wings as a design measure for both RF and IR
signal reduction. The four engines are concealed from the reach of direct radar signals by
the curved shape of the nacelles. The air intakes have a very complex shape, with a slit-
like secondary inlet below the main opening [3] and two extra air supply doors, as shown
in Figure 60, on the upper surface of each nacelle to increase the performance of the
engines at taxi, take-off, while flying at low speeds and under cases of turbulence. The
heat of the exhausts is also eliminated by mixing airflow obtained through the boundary
layer splitter slot to reduce the IR signature [83].


Figure 60. Auxiliary Air Intake Doors are Required for B-2s Take Off
(From [82])
B-2 designers used extensive RAM and RAS, especially at the leading edges as
further treatment for surface wave propagation. However, these nearly perfect stealth
measures also require extensive maintenance. The B-2s pre-flight preparation before an
ordinary mission requires approximately 119 hours of total maintenance, which is both
time consuming and costly [84]. Furthermore, maintenance of the aircraft requires
special climate-controlled hangars.
The B-2 has a low probability of intercept (LPI) radar with target search-location-
identification-acquisition modes, and weapon delivery, terrain following, terrain
avoidance and navigation system capabilities. Because LPI radar signals are hard to
detect, they are less likely to spoil the stealthy characteristics of the aircraft. The B-2
uses radar, GPS and a computer-aided inertial navigation system, along with an astro-
inertial unit, which obtains position fixes using a telescope to lock on to star positions
[83]. Furthermore, there is a rearward-facing laser radar system which is used to detect
exhaust contrails and warn the pilot to move to a safer altitude where contrails are not
formed. The aircraft also has some electronic countermeasure deployments.
3. F-22A Raptor
Following the success of the stealth F-117A and the B-2A bombers, the U.S. Air
Force began work on a new stealthy air superiority fighter project, the Advanced Tactical
Fighter (ATF), at the end of 1980s. The YF-22, shown in Figure 61, was selected for this
role to replace the aging fleet of F-15s. Thus, it was designed as a one seat, next
generation, multi-role, air superiority stealth fighter and after some development changes
YF-22 was turned into F-22A Raptor. The mission of the Raptor includes escorting other
attack aircraft to their targets, hunting enemy fighters, and destroying air defenses such as
SAM sites. U.S. forces expect the F-22, shown in Figure 62, to provide air superiority by
dominating the increasing capabilities of integrated air defense systems and hostile air
forces with its precision ground attack capability and air-to-air sophistication for the next
40 years [85]. The main concept of the F-22 is first-look, first-shot, first-kill capability
[85] by using its stealth capabilities, advanced sensors and precise air-to-air and air-to-
ground weapons. It is very maneuverable with its large control surfaces and two thrust
vectoring engines with a mission ceiling of more than 50,000 ft.

Figure 61. YF-22
(From [86])

Figure 62. F-22 A Raptor
(From [87])
The Raptor has many innovations, as well as, heritage from earlier stealth aircraft.
Because it is an air superiority fighter, it requires a sophisticated radar system with the
capability of long range detection, while concealing itself from detection. This is
possible with its all weather LPI radar suite, the active electronically scanned array
(AESA) APG-77, which consists of an interlinked set of small transmitters and receivers,
shown in Figure 63, and the ALR-94 passive receiver system. Figure 64 shows the nose
radome of the F-22 where APG-77 radar set is fitted in, moreover Figure 64 reveals some
of the shaping differences of F-22A Raptor from its predecessor YF-22 (See also Figure
61). F-22s radar is capable of limiting its emissions and sending radar signals in a
narrower beam, 2 in azimuth and 2 in elevation, by means of data received from the
passive receiver system. With nearly 30 antennas on the wings and fuselage, this passive
system detects threat radar transmitters at an approximate range of 250 nautical miles to
align the LPI radars signal transmitting procedure without being detected. The LPI radar
has a long range target acquisition capability (nearly 120 nautical miles) with multiple
target tracking. Moreover, the LPI radar can focus its emission on an opponents radar
receiver to overload its sensors, and it can detect threats with identification, along the
lines of stand-off SIGINT platforms, such as the RC-135 Rivet J oint [85]. It can also
pass all its radar data to other F-22A Raptors (and possibly other suitable data-link
capable aircraft) via a secure intra-flight datalink. When all ordnance is expended or
mission dictates, the F-22A can loiter in the mission zone to provide electronic
surveillance. This gives the F-22A somewhat electronic jamming and signal intelligence


Figure 63. F-22s APG-77 A Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar
(From [88])

Figure 64. F-22s Radar is Fitted Inside the Nose Radome
(From [89])
The F-22 uses less RAM and RAS than earlier generation stealth aircraft. Some of
the RAM is a sprayed-on type and it covers the edges of doors and control surfaces. RAS
is used on the body, wing and tail edges, and its conductive metallic coating prevents
radar energy from penetrating the composite skin [90]. The F-22, like other stealth
aircraft, has a carefully designed shape that contributes to RCS reduction. The forward
fuselage is diamond-shaped in cross section and the fuselage has large surfaces. The
aircraft has inlet ducts which are both curved inwards and upwards to provide shielding
to front faces of the twin engines from direct illumination by hostile radars [7]. It has
trapezoidal wing and twin tails and canted rudders. There are many serrated surfaces and
the cockpit has special coatings to decrease the amount of reflections back to a hostile
radar receiver. It carries its payload in three weapon bays. Two of them are on the sides
of the fuselage and one is in the central bay. The weapon bays have saw tooth edges and
are open for less than a second when launching ordnance. An M61A2 Vulcan 20 mm
rotary cannon is deployed for close contact conflicts and it is also hidden in a trap door.
Stealth design requires the cannon door to open only when canon is in use [7], [90].

The F-22 has two afterburning engines. It can use its super cruise ability to fly at
speeds greater than 1.5 mach without using the afterburners and can sustain this speed
much longer than conventional fighters. The super cruise gives an advantage in fuel
efficiency, while penetrating and leaving enemy territory quickly. In this context, not
using afterburners also reduces the IR signature of the aircraft. Further IR signature
reduction is provided by painting the entire airframe of the F-22 with a Boeing-developed
camouflage topcoat [90] and using fuel for active cooling of leading edges.
The payload of the F-22 can be increased with its four underwing pods, shown in
Figure 65 and Figure 66, if the mission is suitable for this non-stealthy configuration.
The pylons under the wing can be jettisoned after expending ordnance to regain low
observability. Furthermore, development of stealthy ordnance is under research [90].

The exact RCS level of the aircraft is confidential; however it is hypothesized to be -40
dBsm (0.0001 m
) at certain critical angles [90].

Figure 65. F-22 with Two External Fuel Tanks Payload
(From [91])

Figure 66. F-22 with Two External Missiles Payload
(From, [92])
4. Some Modern UAV and Cruise Missile Examples
Along with manned aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned
aerial systems (UAS) and cruise missiles also take advantage of stealth technology.
UAVs maintain significant advantage over manned aircraft. They do not put human life
at risk, since there is no pilot on board, thus affording them the ability to enter even the
most risky battlefield environments. Additionally, they can stay airborne for extended
periods because there are no crew restrictions. Further, they weigh less, cost less, are
smaller, have more payload, and more maneuvering capability than comparable manned
aircraft. To increase their survivability, just as in the case of manned aircraft, stealth
technologies are now being applied to UAV design.
Modern stealth UAVs use similar techniques as manned aircraft to reduce their
signatures. Most stealth UAVs are flying wing designs without tails, with sharply canted
surfaces, engines located on top of the fuselage and internal payloads. Serrated surfaces
and RAM/RAS are also used for further RCS reduction. Some of the prototypes, such as
the J oint Unmanned Combat Air Systems (J -UCAS) include further treatment to
decrease the risk of visual detection. Active coatings are being tested in its design to
provide the ability to alter the colors and luminance in order to blend with the

background. Challenges remain, but this may be practical in the future with new
technologies, like high-brightness, low-power light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and better
computer control systems with visual simulators [93].
The RQ-3 DarkStar, Boeing X-45C (Figure 67), Northrop Grumman X-47A
(Figure 68), BAE Systems Taranis, and the Dassault nEUROn (Figure 69) are some UAV
examples which have used stealth technology.

Figure 67. Boeing X-45 C
(From [94])

Figure 68. Northrop Grumman X-47 A
(From [95])

Figure 69. Dassault nEUROn
(From [96])
Some modern cruise missiles also use stealth technology to achieve their lethal
missions without being detected by early warning radars, intercepted by precise SAMs or
diverted by countermeasures. One of them is the AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missile
(ACM), shown in Figure 70. This missile has two separate conic-like parts forming the
nose which are joined to each other by faceting. Flat fuselage, forward swept wings and
the engine intake, which is hidden under the body of the missile, also contribute to reduce
RCS. . Furthermore, the jet engine exhaust is shielded by the tail and cooled by a diffuser
to reduce the infrared signature of the missile [97]. RAM is also used to reduce radar
reflections. In order to reduce RF signal emission from the missile, no radar is used.
Navigation is possible with a combination of inertial navigation and Light Detection and
Ranging (LIDAR) terrain contour matching (TERCOM), supported with highly accurate
speed updates provided by a laser Doppler velocimeter [97].

Figure 70. AGM-129 ACM
(From [98])
During the Cold War, U.S. forces focused on defeating the Warsaw Pact military
in their homeland. This required an air force that could maintain air superiority over all
battlefields in Soviet Russia. However, the leadership of the Warsaw Pact, preferred to
defeat their opponents with long range strategic missiles protected by heavy air defenses
formed with surface-to-air missiles (SAMs). This exposed penetrating U.S.
reconnaissance and bombing aircraft to heavy defenses. U.S. force structure compelled
Russia to focus on detection and tracking technologies to counter U.S. Air Force asset
penetration into its airspace. These strategic approaches resulted in the expansion of U.S.
interest in low observables and Soviet Russias efforts to form a strong air defense by
means of more powerful acquisition systems and SAM launchers.
These challenges reveal that stealth technology is an inevitable requirement for
todays modern forces to dominate the battlefield. Its many advantages give the user
tactical combat superiority and an overwhelming dominance over an opponent.
However, designing, manufacturing, operating and maintaining stealth assets has some
cons. The use of the terms cons, disadvantages or drawbacks here does not intend to
thwart advances in this sophisticated military technology, but it implies that there are
some challenges to deploying these technologies. These challenges must be balanced by
designers and users.
The first of these drawbacks is the poor aerodynamic properties common to
stealth airframes. Rather than aerodynamic perfection, stealth aircraft are designed
according to requirements for RCS reduction, and in general this results in handling
difficulties. Most modern aircraft are made unstable at one axis for greater
maneuverability; however, stealth aircraft are usually unstable in all axes. Unlike other
modern fighters, stealth assets require highly redundant, fly-by-wire systems for flight
safety, which increase the cost and add extra weight to the airframe. During training and
experimental flights, there were many failures of these flight control systems, some of
which resulted in crashes; one known B-2 crash, one of seven F-117 crashes, and both F-
22 crashes were related to flight control unit malfunctions. Moreover, most stealth
aircraft do not have engines with afterburners, thus they do not have high speed
performance, and are not suitable for dogfighting. The F-22 Raptor is an exception and
may be a future solution to this problem. It is both an agile and stealthy air superiority
fighter, and that is why its shape is more conventional than other stealth assets.
The second disadvantage of stealth aircraft is the requirement to either restrict
electromagnetic emissions completely or emit them in a very careful manner, such as via
LPI radars. Fully autonomous systems and applications using different systems, other
than radar, reduce this risk; however, these systems have many constraints that limit the
operational capability of the aircraft. LPI is a potential remedy and is a property of radar
that, because of its low power, wide bandwidth, frequency variability, or other design
attributes, makes it difficult for it to be detected by means of a passive intercept receiver
[99]. So, radars and radio and data connection methods, based on the same principle, are
realistic solutions for remaining stealthy. LPI technology is more necessary to low
observables than any other asset. LPI can be used to support systems, such as altimeters,
tactical airborne targeting, surveillance and navigation [99],

while it also matches with
other stealthy qualifications. However, such sophisticated LPI systems, which require
continuous development to counter new receiver designs, result in very high costs and
deployment of complex electronically instrumentation and software.
Another drawback is the high maintenance costs associated with stealth. To
remain low observable, an aircraft's surfaces must sustain their faultlessness. Surfaces
must be examined very carefully, considering the fact that even an improperly tightened
screw might degrade the stealthiness of an aircraft. All RAM coated parts and special
paintings must be treated before each mission. Moreover, this kind of maintenance
requires special shelters, such as the B-2s climate controlled hangars, shown in Figure
71. After each sortie, B-2 Spirit has to be maintained for nearly 119 hours with
experienced staff and high-tech automated devices. It is preferable to deploy these
aircraft on missions from their home bases only where they can be prepared for flight.
The issue is that long range sorties conducted from the homeland against overseas targets
still places a serious economic burden on stealth aircraft operators [100].

Figure 71. Special Climate Control Maintenance Shelters of B-2 Spirit
(From [101])
The fourth disadvantage is that stealth aircraft are limited by the amount of
ordnance they can carry. This is because in full stealth mode, aircraft are required to
carry all of their ordnance internally, at least until the time when stealth weapons become
operational. Thus, pre-operational intelligence is critical and the judicious use of
ordnance is important, as reattack of targets is limited by inventory. Furthermore, when
the weapon bays are opened, the RCS increases which raises an enemys probability of
Another drawback of stealth aircraft is their visual signatures. Although
decreased by paintings, night missions (dependency on nights and weather conditions is
another drawback), and other camouflage tactics, stealth aircraft are still visible to the
naked eye. Currently, experiments are being conducted to develop approaches for total
cancellation of visual illumination; however, there are no known applications of such a
system on operational stealth aircraft at this time [100].
The sixth disadvantage is the negative reaction of the public to aircraft failures.
Based on mission experience during various wars, stealth aircraft have proven to be
extremely successful. However, there are several known failures that have had a negative
influence on public opinion. Incidents include the shoot down of an F-117 (and there are
speculations that more than one F-117 took severe damage from enemy fire) on 27 March
1999 during the Kosovo War. Other losses include shoot downs of U-2 Dragon Ladys
and several low observable UAVs during the Cold War. Normally, such small numbers
of shoot down incidents over battlefields and other losses of military aircraft during
training are neglected. But, the loss of such expensive military assets, which are thought
to be impervious to enemy defenses, receives significant public interest In addition to the
shoot down of the F-117 over Serbian airspace, eight F-117s, two F-22A Raptors and one
B-2A Spirit have been lost during training flights.
The final and the most important con of stealth technology is the cost. Cost is
affected by three factors. The first factor is the level of effort required to achieve a
perfect low observable capability. Though perfection has not been provided, gained
capabilities have taken a very long time to achieve and have come at a high cost. These
efforts have been effective, but designers have worked hard to find methods of defeating
radars and other sensor systems.
The second cost factor is the total cost of improving operational effectiveness of
stealth assets using other technologies, such as complex fly by wire systems, high-tech
computer and control units, special super cruise engines, LPI radars, navigation, precision
targeting systems, and stealth armaments, which are under development. These factors
require spending exorbitant amounts of money. Moreover, production of all three
currently operational stealth aircraft reveals that total program expense, together with
sunk costs of these projects per aircraft, is extremely high. Projected production amount,
actual production amount, average procurement unit cost per aircraft and program unit
acquisition cost per aircraft with sunk-costs are presented in Table 3 [102], [103], [104].
The table exposes that relatively small production numbers increase the project total cost
per aircraft. The reason for this is the increase in single airframe cost, when projected
production amounts are decreased to relatively small numbers due to cost growth
associated with unexpected commitments or changes in requirements. Moreover, it is
difficult to recover development costs through sales to other nations, a common practice
for non-stealth weapons systems. Stealth assets are protected from foreign military sales
due to security concerns. In this context, the U.S. Congress has banned their sales by
declaring their critical technology, even though these sales would likely to recover some
of these costs.

First projected
89 132 750
59 21
127 of total 184
have been
Procurement Unit
Cost per aircraft
$42.6 million $737 million $185.4 million
Program Unit
Acquisition Cost
per aircraft
$111.2 million $2.13 billion $353 million
Table 3. The Table Shows that Relatively Small Production Numbers Increase the
Project Total Cost Per Aircraft
The third cost factor concerns operational expenses. For example, while the B-2
Spirit can be deployed any where in the world within 12 hours, it is operationally
crippled by its exorbitant replacement cost and results in a challenging risk/benefit
analysis when considering its deployment [100]. Table 4 compares the B-2A Spirit with
other U.S. strategic bombers; semi stealth B-1B Lancer and the highly conventional B-
52H Stratofortress, which were also designed and produced for heavy bombing missions.

Date Deployed 1993 1985 1955
Prime contractor Northrop Grumman Rockwell Boeing
Cost per aircraft ~$2.2 billion $200 million $74 million
Number in inventory 21 95 85 (+9 reserve)
Weapons payload 40,000 pounds 72,000+pounds 70,000 pounds
JDAM payload 16 24 12
Speed ~600 mph
(high subsonic)
900 mph
(mach 1.2)
650 mph
(mach 0.86)
Crew 2 4 5
Table 4. Comparison of the Three U.S. Strategic Bombers
(From [105])
Despite all these drawbacks and challenges in producing stealth assets, stealth
technology has fulfilled the air force requirements for battlefield survivability since its
first applications. Thus many assets have been developed and deployed. These airframes
used stealth technology in favor of their tactical combat superiority and overwhelming
dominance over an opponent. In this context, specially designed air defenses with new
radar systems and tactics have been required to withstand against low observables. Next
chapter will discuss counter stealth technologies which focus to improve solutions for air
defenses by means of exploiting the technological limitations of stealth technology.

Until detection, everything else is irrelevant; none of the subsequent
events of warfare are possible without detection [39].

As mentioned in Chapter III, like all other technologies used in military
applications, stealth technology has some disadvantages and limitations. While one side
tries to improve the survivability of an airborne asset by means of reducing certain
detectable signal signatures, the opponent, conversely, exploits those same signatures and
employs sophisticated techniques to improve detection capability and reduce the
effectiveness of the low observables. Generally, efforts which are used to neutralize or
decrease the military advantages of stealth are referred to as counter stealth or anti
Stealth technology mostly focuses on defeating conventional monostatic radar
systems which cover the microwave band. Thus, the success of counter stealth endeavors
is focused mostly on novel and unique air defense infrastructure configurations. These
designs include either radars operating in other bands (HF or far above those of
traditional microwave radars), specially designed receiver units and sensors able to detect
low observables or new applied techniques and smart tactics.
Radar-based air defense systems are intended to detect targets first and then to
attack. To form an effective air defense system, the main principles of engagement are
important to consider. These include detecting via early warning (EW) radar and
acquisition radar, tracking by means of fire control radars, generating a fire control
solution, slewing and arming the weapons for firing position, fusing the warhead and
conducting damage assessment [39]. For effective counter stealth purposes, these
engagement events should be considered step-by-step to get the ultimate result. In the
next section, the detection and tracking issues associated with engagement will be

One technique to improve the detection capability of radar is transmitting more
energy and using a more sensitive receiver. Although this improves the effectiveness,
increasing the size and weight is required, which results in decreased mobility and
increased cost. Moreover, additional sensitivity of the receiver means extra clutter and a
greater number of false targets. Extra clutter and false targets overload the device and
slow down the computational performance of the radar. These effects can be sorted out
only with highly sophisticated processors that also increase cost [7]. Despite these
drawbacks, increasing the transmitted power and receiver sensitivity enable the radar to
obtain stronger reflections from the target. Thus, more reflected power enhances radars
capability to form the signature of the target on the radar. All counter stealth radar types,
which are discussed further in this chapter, will need to optimize and employ both of
these important qualities to improve their detection capabilities.
Other qualities of interest include radar scanning method and processing ability.
Normally, traditional radars cancel out signals which are under a threshold value and
display only meaningful targets. As a result of their small RCS values, the energy
returned from low observables is typically below threshold and therefore, the target is
undetected. However, electronically scanned radars, with fast scanning speeds, allow the
evaluation of suspected signals over a greater time period, observing targets of interest
with the main transmitted beam and several received beams. A similar operating mode,
without a selected threshold, uses the track-before-detect method. This technique
utilizes computing-intensive algorithms to discriminate the real target from the clutter
and other undesired data. This discrimination occurs while tracking all received signals,
over a certain time period, then determining and cancelling false targets from their
unreasonable and unrealistic behaviors [7]. These types of applications are an
important improvement to all types of radar counter stealth capabilities.
Stealth aircraft reflect inbound microwave radar signals to a degree less than that
of a small tennis ball when illuminated from a frontal aspect, where RCS measures are
most pronounced. Therefore, generating a meaningful detection from ordinary clutter is a
difficult task, especially at longer distances. Even if the problems of transmitting more
power and using more sensitive receivers are solved, current system capabilities would
still be limited in their ability to detect low observables at distances required to tip the
operational advantage in favor of the defender. However, future developments in radar
computing power, augmented by advanced algorithms, such as track before detect, may
provide the processing capability required to improve detection range and to defeat
stealth assets.
In general, radars using VHF and UHF, as well as high frequency (HF) and lower
bands, are called low frequency radars. These low frequency radars, such as those that
operate at C (0.5-1 GHz.), B (250-500 GHz.), and A (up to 250 MHz.) bands, are
designed and manufactured more easily compared to radars that use higher frequencies.
This is the main reason earlier radars were operated at such low frequencies.
Furthermore, low frequency radars have long-range performance utilizing surface waves
and are less affected by atmospheric interference and absorption. However, they have
some operational disadvantages, including the requirement for physically big antennas
and poor resolution. Modern radars have several advantages of these radars and have
replaced them. These advantages include smaller sizes, better low altitude coverage and
improved target discrimination. Moreover, advances in signal processing and increased
computing power have expedited the modernization of air defenses with new radars using
higher frequencies. Thus most modern surveillance radars operate at D (1-2 GHz.), E (2-
3GHz.), and F (3-4 GHz.) bands and are well-suited for detecting aircraft. Target
tracking systems, which are tasked to direct missiles to their intended targets, are
operated at even higher frequencies, such as X (8-12 GHz.) or Ku band (12-18 GHz.).
(The frequency band categorizations noted in this paragraph are in accordance with EU,
US, NATO ECM military standard radio waves.)
When low observable assets are designed, their RCS reduction features like
RAM, edge alignment, faceting and other shaping methods, are focused primarily on
defeating new military early-warning/surveillance and target acquisition radars. In
general, when the wavelength of radar frequency is much shorter than the cardinal
dimensions of the low observable airframe or its separate parts, as in Ku (wavelength is
1.66 to 2.5 cm) and X (wavelength is 2.5 to 3.75 cm) band target tracking systems, then
reducing total RCS of the asset is better served by shaping methods. The wavelengths of
these decimetric, or milimetric band radars are in optical scattering region and they are
much smaller than the size of aircraft and its components. Thus shaping features can be
used to change the directions of reflections which provide low observability. However,
these methods are less effective in the Raleigh and Resonance regimes of scattering,
which are depicted in Figure 72. The length of radar wave according to the physical
dimensions of the target determines the physics of radar scattering [106]. In the Raleigh
scattering regime, the physical size of the target is close or smaller than the wavelength in
magnitude, and the reflection increases when the physical size is larger.
The resonance phenomenon is produced when an airframes dimensions (or their
exterior body surfaces) are the same size as a half wavelength, creating in-phase
reflections from the ends of the targets. The same principle is demonstrated in the use of
chaff, which is comprised of metal foil cut to a size nearly half that of the targeted radars
wavelength. These particles resonate and reflect the incident beam and behave as if they
were larger detected objects. Therefore, these particles in great numbers appear as real
targets and jam the radar monitoring them [39], [106].


Figure 72. The Physics of Radar Scattering
(From [106])
The resonance effect is a characteristic of conducting and lossy bodies. This
effect results in a higher RCS when a target is illuminated by a radar operating at
resonant frequencies as opposed to non-resonant frequencies. Targets may have many
resonant frequencies due to the presence of multiple exterior components, like the
fuselage, engines and wings. This phenomenon actually occurs at every frequency;
however, when the half wavelength is approximately equal to the size of the surface of
airframe, the strongest resonance takes place. Practical aircraft shapes and common
RAM applications are ineffective in canceling these resonance effects. Thick RAM
coatings are needed to defeat resonant effects, but these are not feasible for aircraft.
However, electrically breaking up the structures of aircraft and adding loss to these
surfaces with coatings may be helpful to some extent [39].
Figure 73 illustrates the planform perspective of the F-35 J SF in the 2 metre band
VHF (150 MHz.) radar. There are many parts of the aircraft at which Raleigh scattering
is possible since shaping features are smaller than this wavelength. Red circles around
aircrafts nose, inlets, nozzle and other junctions between fuselage, wing and stabs show
the areas of this kind of scattering. Moreover, resonance scattering is also highly likely
since straight edges with yellow lines are 1.5 to two wavelengths in size. Use of this kind
radar wavelength will simply decrease F-35 J SFs low observability characteristics [107].

Figure 73. F-35 J SF in the 2 Metre Band VHF (150 MHz) Radar
(From [107])
Radars which use UHF, and especially VHF bands with wavelengths on the order
of a meter, satisfy the physics of resonance or Raleigh scattering, thus stealth aircraft are
detected by them at greater distances compared to more common higher frequency
radars. However, there are problems gaining meaningful detections. Angular accuracy
of these radars has been deficient until recently. The required antenna size for effective
results requires ungainly systems which are usually slow to deploy and stow, even if
designed from the outset for mobility [106]. They also have poor low altitude detection
performance. Another problem is that these low frequency bands are usually used by
other communication and broadcast networks, thus these bands carry a great deal of
noise. Originally it was difficult for missile seekers to home in on their large beams, but
they are now designed to emit high power beams coupled with a large antenna size.
These are required to produce narrower beams and sufficient resolution. These factors
reduce mobility, and radiating high power through a large antenna makes them
vulnerable to anti-radiation missiles [106].
Despite such limitations, some old-fashioned Russian low-band radars, such as
the 55Zh6 Nebo, 1L13 Nebo SV (Figure 74), Nebo SVU (Figure 75) and 5N84 Oborona,
are still operated and provide valuable early warning coverage. Moreover, these radars
are thought to be very useful in guiding other precise tracking sensors and platforms. The
high power aperture X-band 30N6E Flap Lid/92N2E Tomb Stone series and the 9S32M
Grill Pan systems provide this kind of sector information to launch missiles from the S-
300PMU, S-400/S-400M and S-300VM systems. They generate small acquisition boxes
to improve tracking quality and locate stealth assets by means of using an extreme
amount of RF power directed towards a smaller volume of airspace. The more
sophisticated Nebo SVU, Gamma DE (Figure 76) and Protivnik GE (Figure 77) systems
are also able to directly lock on a missile with their great accuracy. After launch, the data
link capability of these systems guides the missile to the target to a close range [106].
The idea that Russian low-band radars are artifacts of the Cold War with little
combat value [106] is not an accurate statement. In reality, they have been modernized
using technologies such as active phased arrays, digital moving target indicator, space
time adaptive processing and digital pulse Doppler techniques. Moreover these systems,
which are also marketed as counter-stealth products, have digital signal and data
processing capabilities with contemporary display components and solid state
transmitters. By using such modern and low frequency radars, either for surveillance,
aiding other precise systems or directly tracking targets for missile launch systems, the
surprise attack advantage of stealth aircraft may be suppressed [106].

Figure 74. Russian Low Frequency (VHF) Radar 1L13 Nebo SV
(From [107])

Figure 75. Russian Low Frequency (VHF) Radar Nebo SVU
(From [107])

Figure 76. Gamma DE L-band Low Frequency (Upper UHF) Radar
(From [107])

Figure 77. Protivnik GE L-band Low Frequency (Upper UHF) Radar
(From [107])
Over-the-horizon radars (OTHRs), which operate in the high frequency (3-30
MHz) band, enable wide area surveillance by means of reflecting radio waves off of
the ionosphere. These systems are also known as sky wave radars (Figure 78). In these
systems, targets completely obscured by the horizon are detected by bouncing signals
from the ionosphere. The range of these systems is not limited by either the curvature of
the earth or the direct line of sight. There are several defense-related applications for
these systems; such as ocean surface monitoring and locating aircraft, and they are, to
some extent, considered promising techniques for detecting low observables [108].


Figure 78. Over-the- horizon Radar using Sky-wave Propagation
(After [109])
Over-the-horizon radar wave propagation can also be accomplished by surface
waves as shown in Figure 79. This approach results in a reduced detection range when
compared to HF radars based on the sky wave phenomenon. Surface wave transmission,
in which the coupling effect between the conductive surface of the Earth (mostly sea) and
an HF radio wave, cause energy to bend around and follow the curvature of the earth for
several hundred kilometers. The radio energy travels along the curvature of the Earth in
its path and some portion of this energy follows a similar path when it is reflected back
from the target [109]. In this way, surface wave radars yield low-level radar detection
capability, well beyond the horizon, which is not possible for normal radar sets.
However, sky wave radars have much larger detection ranges up to 1000-4000 km, while
the detection capability of the surface wave phenomenon is around 10 to 400 km.[108],


Figure 79. Over-the- horizon Radar using Ground-wave Propagation
(After [109])
HF radars receive only small amount of radar energy back from the target and
extracting genuine target plots from the noise and clutter picked up by the receiving
system [109] is a hard and complex procedure. Advanced transmitting systems, together
with sophisticated signal processing units which use digital Doppler analysis and great
computing power, are required for these applications. Modern HF radars are usually
deployed with phased-array antennas to control the direction of the radar beam energy,
while receivers are separated (in most cases) from the transmitter, to rule out the effects
of direct coupling. During signal processing, range is calculated by using time delay and
monopulse phase comparison techniques are used to determine azimuth angle. So,
meaningful target detection information is only possible with very precise knowledge of
the frequency and phase of the transmitted signal, and ensuring that inter modulation
products and other forms of distortion [109] are reduced. Moreover, target detection is
likely only after background noise and clutter is eliminated by using target motion
information generated from Doppler changes in the frequency. This procedure integrates
the returned signals over relatively long periods of time, allowing the detection of even
slow moving objects, such as ships and vehicles [109].
OTHRs have some operational problems. First of all, there is insufficient
bandwidth allocation to allow recognition of the reflected returns of a target through the
associated interference. For example, when range increases, the signature of a small
target, close to sea level, interferes with sea clutter. Good quality propagation technology
is required to decrease such effects. Moreover, other system noises, such as radio and
television broadcasting networks, and phenomena, such as ionospheric clutter, meteor
clutter and solar radiation cause problems for signal processing and detection-related
precision calculations. Additionally, ionospheric effects, which vary with time of day,
complicate frequency selection and management. System location is another problem.
These systems require large areas to be set up. Although there are some military mobile
systems, they are still cumbersome due to their huge antennas [108].
When counter-stealth applications are considered, the biggest problem is
obtaining positional information of the target. In general, these systems have real early
warning qualities with the ability of showing the presence of a target in a specific region.
However, the detection is not accurate enough to provide tracking capabilities sufficient
for initiating retaliation [109] and, they only indicate that it is likely that a strike is on the
way [110]. HF radars must be developed for greater accuracy and to give meaningful
guiding detection to engagement systems. Another important problem for sky wave
OTHRs is overcoming minimum detection range; the reflection from the ionosphere
occurs at smaller incident angles than the critical angle. Critical angle is the steepest
angle at which a radio signal can be refracted by the ionosphere, and bigger angles cause
the radar wave to follow its way without reflection. Thus this angle also determines the
shortest range for the detection. Critical angle changes with hourly, daily or seasonal
conditions of the ionosphere and according to selected frequency. Affected from critical
angle and its change, OTHRs are generally not capable of detecting targets within a
radius of about 500 nm (~900 km). Thus, stealth aircraft can change course or carry out
evasive maneuvers to defeat the OTHRs [7].
Despite these drawbacks, OTHRs have several advantages over to low
observables. First of all, they have very long range detection capabilities. Because HF
radars have wavelengths between 10 to 100 meters, all airborne assets generate some
kind of resonance, and shaping measures together with RAM are not effective. Moreover
engineers working on Australia's J indalee OTHR report that it detects turbulent wake
from targets [110]. Currently, modern HF radar systems are still produced and some of
them are also used to detect low flying, low signature targets, such as tactical ballistic
missiles and low level flying stealth penetrators [110]. Dan Boyle from J anes
Information Group states that:
Most of the OTH radars transmit signals in the range from about 5MHz up
to 28MHz. The B-2 Stealth bomber has a fuselage which forms a half-
wave resonator at just over 7MHz, while a wing will resonate at about
2.8MHz. Tests have shown that cruise missiles can be detected by OTH
sky wave radar, although performance is said to fall off as the length of
the missile drops below half a wavelength, some 5.3m at 28MHz [109].
Several countries such as Australia (bi-static J indalee Operational Radar Network
(J ORN), see Figure 80), Canada, China (Type-110), France (Valensole, monostatic
Nostradamus), Italy (CONDO-R, mobile TPS-828, see Figure 81), J apan, Ukraine,
United Kingdom, the Russian Federation (Steel Works) and The United States (MADRE,
WARF, AN/FPS-95, Cobra Mist, AN/FPS-112, AN/FPS-118, AN/TPS-71) have OTHRs
and are working on them for purposes of early warning surveillance over a wide area,
detection of cruise missiles, surface ships and to some extent, low observables. Although
detection range may vary with target, the best-known OTHR characteristics are shown in
Tables 5 through 8 [108].

Figure 80. The J ORN Transmission Antenna Array
(From [108])


Figure 81. Italian TPS-828 Mobile Coastal Radar System
(From [108])

Table 5. Australian, Canadian and Chinese OTHRs
(From [108])

Table 6. French, Italian and Russian OTHRs
(From [108])

Table 7. Ukrainian and British OTHRs
(From [108])

Table 8. U.S. OTHRs
(From [108])
Bistatic radar is a radar configuration where the receiver is geographically located
separately from the transmitter (Figure 82). This configuration provides many
opportunities in both commercial and military applications [111] over its monostatic
counterpart. In fact, the idea to design bistatic radars is not new. Before WWII,
scientists started working on such systems to obtain frequency separation by means of
isolated radar receiver and transmitter sets, especially related to continuous wave (CW)
experiments [111]. During WWII, the Germans used the British Chain Home radars as
illuminators for their Klein Heidelberg bistatic systems which were also the first passive
radar applications [112].

Figure 82. Bistatic Radar Configuration
(From [111])
The multistatic radar configuration, depicted in Figure 83, is a very complex
system with its many distributed receivers associated with a single or multiple
transmitters [111]. Such a network-like construction provides the user with wide area
tracking and increases the chances of detection. When several transmitter and receiver
units are linked up, the number of beams increases the probability of detection
considerably. This is possible by searching for bistatic reflections from targets in a given
airfield volume in a centrally controlled manner or by synchronization with receivers.
After each receiver unit collects the reflections from targets, a digital processor analyses
them and produce meaningful tracking information from several directions
simultaneously by those distributed receivers. Clearly, more effective surveillance can be
achieved since the large number of tightly packed beams enables the system to look at the
same place for a longer time [113]. With processes such as digital beam-forming, it is
more likely that unwanted signals will be suppressed efficiently.

Figure 83. Multistatic Radar Configuration
(From [114])
There are many advantages of bistatic and multistatic radar configurations. First
of all, because the receiver is passive, it is undetectable, and safe from attack by anti-
radiation missiles or deliberate directional interference and jamming [111]. There is no
need to use a transmitter-receiver switch or duplexer devices which are lossy, expensive,
and heavy. In many cases less radiated power is adequate for detection compared to a
monostatic counterpart. If the target angle can be measured at both sites, as well as the
bistatic range, data can be checked for self-consistency to remove false alarms [111].
Although bistatic and monostatic theories are promising for effective radar
systems, there are also some technical challenges associated with them. Most of these
can be mitigated by implementing greater computing power in these systems. First of all,
sensitive time cooperation is required to maintain synchronization between transmitters
and receivers, in respect of transmitter azimuth angle, instant of pulse transmission,
and (for coherent processing) transmit signal phase [112]. Widespread use of Global
Positioning System (GPS) signals in military systems may be a remedy to this problem.
However, the GPS also has its own challenges in the battlefield. The second problem is
the clutter and elusive signals which are returned from a variety of directions other than
true reflection angle. Sophisticated algorithms, together with advanced computing
power, which follow the consistent returns and wash-out spikes that seem inconsistent
with the targets expected motion [114], may also detect new solutions to these
Notwithstanding the technical complexities of an ordinary bisatic or multistatic
radar system, there are even more challenges in getting enough desired signal back from
low observable targets. First of all, the special designs of third and fourth generation
stealth assets concentrate reflections at very few angles, with narrow lobes. Moreover,
reflection angles continuously change with airframe speed and maneuvering. Thus, even
if a bistatic radar is placed at the correct angles, it can only obtain the reflected signal for
a short while. The multistatic configuration may be a promising solution, but in this case,
too many sets of receiver and/or transmitter are required, which is not practical nor
feasible. Searching a large volume, which is required for an effective surveillance
system, is also a difficult task, and detection is only possible with the intersection of
transmitter and receiver coverage.
Despite many limitations, these configurations remain among the most likely
solutions to the detection of stealth airframes. As stated before, the main principle of RF
RCS reduction, which was generally focused on counter monostatic radars, is based on
shaping measures, like faceting, where a radar beam is reflected to a direction other than
the incident direction. However, when a bistatic design is considered, there is an increase
in the probability of low signature asset detection.
Passive radar, which is also known as passive coherent location (PCL) or passive
covert radar, is a specific case of bistatic or multistatic radar; however, it differs from
them by not having any dedicated transmitter unit. Instead, passive radar is designed to
use other transmitter systems existing signals, which are reflected from targets, for
processing. Many transmitters, such as analog television, FM radio, digital video-audio
broadcasting and cell phone networks, may be the source of such a signal. The passive
radar system uses a reference channel to sample the waves of those transmitters that are
required for processing the incident beam from the target. After reception of both
reference and target reflected signals, digital beamforming is used to determine the
direction of arrival of signals and spatial rejection of strong in-band interference. This
process is followed by filtering clutter and other unwanted signal returns. Cross-
correlation of the reference channel with the target signal, enables definition of the
objects bistatic range and its Doppler velocity, while association and fusion of line tracks
from each transmitter reveal the targets final detection data, including location, heading
and speed.
Other passive detection methods are also possible. One technique takes
advantage of sophisticated computer power, and it attempts to detect changes in the
electromagnetic (EM) radiation in a certain area. Because any target traveling in this area
disturbs the EM noise in the selected bands and generates an EM gap, it is technically
possible for the passive receiver to detect such traces. However, this procedure requires a
very high processing power level. Another method uses a passive emitter location system
which exploits the EM signals produced by a targets navigation, communication or
aiming units, such as radio or radar emitters. Usually, these kind of passive receivers,
which are basically modified signal intelligence platforms, are netted systems, including
a central control unit together with several clients (usually three) to perform triangulation.
The Ukrainian Kolchuga (Figure 84), Czech Kopac, Ramona and Tamara systems are
some of many examples of these passive emitter location systems [114].


Figure 84. Kolchuga Passive Emitter Location Sensor
(From [115])
There are many advantages of using such passive systems. First, they are covert
systems and immune from hostile anti radiation homing attacks. Moreover, because they
do not require dedicated transmitter units, they are usually cheaper than other radar
systems. They are usually small and compact systems, thus mobile configurations are
possible with high flexibility. One other advantage is that they do not require any
frequency allocation. When stealth targets are considered, passive systems also have the
advantage of being able to exploit many transmitter units, in most cases. Based on a
multi-static configuration, together with the use of low frequencies as reference signals,
both of which are less affected by the low observables shaping features, passive radars
are promising methods for counter stealth purposes.
As with the other systems, passive radars also have some operational
disadvantages. There is no control over the transmitter units or the emitted signals
properties, such as waveform, power level or direction, despite the fact that the main
receiver system is always dependent on them. Most transmitters use relatively low
powered signals which result in short detection ranges. The need for reference signal
acquisition increases the dependence of these systems on other transmitter units, which,
in some cases, may limit the passive radars operational performance. However, as with
most counter stealth systems, the biggest problem associated with passive systems is the
requirement for high processing power to coordinate and correlate received signals.
Thus, these systems still have limitations in providing the desired detection results
against low observables. This is primarily due to the lack of computing power and
sophisticated algorithms.
Despite these drawbacks, studies on these systems are ongoing. Some of the
promising passive radar techniques which might prove advantageous against stealth
targets include BAE Systems Celldar (Figure 85) that uses GSM base stations as the
illuminator of opportunity, Thales Air Systems Homeland Alerter 100, an FM radio-
based passive radar and Lockheed Martins Silent Sentry that also exploits
transmissions from multiple commercial FM radio stations [116].

Figure 85. BAe Systems Celldar Passive Radar Network Based on Cell Phone
(From [117])
There are other technologies which may be used against stealth threats for the
purposes of detection and tracking; however, all of these require further development as
in the previous counter methods. Space based radars (satellite or very high altitude
detection technologies) are one of these; because the most focused signal reduction is in
the forward sector of the stealth assets, as they may be very susceptible to a look-down
type of radar [118]. Despite the limitations associated with space-based systems, like
high cost, maintenance support challenges, continuous radar coverage difficulties and
limited power in reaching search areas of interest, based on the analysis, one satellite in
geosynchronous orbit or a constellation of 32 satellites in low earth orbit (1000 km) can
both detect and track stealth aircraft [118].
Similarly, airborne early warning and control aircraft (AEW&C), depicted in
Figure 86, may also be used for anti stealth purposes. They exhibit several advantages,
such as being mobile, having relatively high velocity, dominating the battlefield at high
altitude, and positioning, together with being deployed with new radar systems.

Figure 86. Turkish Peace Eagle Project Boeing 737 AEW&Cs
(From [119])
Another technique is forward scattering radar (FSR) as shown in Figure 87. In
fact, this is a special type of bistatic radar, where the target is close to the transmitter
receiver baseline. In FSR configuration receiver and transmitter are located relatively
distinct places, thus the reflection angle ( in Figure 87) is a very obtuse angle, nearly
180, as seen in Figure 87. The forward scattering radar systems are designed to detect
the holes or shadows formed by the presence of a target blocking the signal wavefront
from the transmitter [120]. That hole or shadow is an EM field being scattered by the
target and its pattern depends on the targets silhouette. Thus, FSR are not affected by
the eluding methods of stealth assets, which use their special shaping characteristic or
RAM to reduce monostatic RCS. Although FSR systems are limited by the absence of
range resolution and operation within narrow angles, low observable targets can be
detected with the steep rise in the target RCS [120] compared to traditional monostatic
radar. Inverse synthetic aperture radar algorithms may improve FSR system target
classification, with their high cross-range resolution and relatively simple hardware
requirements. Moreover, because aircraft or missile plumes are large and contain ionized
gases that affect the ionosphere, these perturbations can also be detected by FSR [120].

Figure 87. Forward Scattering Radar Configuration
(From [120])
Laser Radar (LIDAR) is also a promising technique. LIDARs wavelengths,
which are much shorter than traditional radar sets, provide it to have high beam quality,
strong directionality and high measuring accuracy [121]. Utilizing these capabilities,
LIDAR enhance the detection capability with functions of target identifying, posture
displaying and orbit recording. If LIDAR is combined with multi static configurations,
the ability of detecting low observables can be improved further. Likewise, LIDAR
beams can be effectively used for detecting aircraft wakes and air turbulence. However,
problems, such as dependence on weather conditions, large attenuation of laser
frequencies and accuracy challenges in directing the laser beam at the aircraft effectively,
should be solved prior to deploying these sophisticated designs..
Finally, the new concept of network centric warfare and the technologies
developed in parallel with it, present new opportunities for counter stealth. When
information is gathered from many sensors, the sum of the final signal to noise ratio may
be improved to the point where stealthy targets can be distinguished [7]. Networking the
radars synchronizes the detector elements, which are located at separate places with
different capabilities, thus decreasing the performance of stealth. Such network centric
design of an air defense system will yield advantages similar to multistatic radar
concepts, even if a stand alone radar system does not have any counter stealth property.
Because it is very challenging to decrease the RCS of an aircraft at all plane angles,
networked radars spread over a wide area will likely obtain some peak returns from a low
observable target. Simultaneously sharing the received RF data from the threat airfield
and cooperatively processing that information is still a complex task. However, current
developments seem to support this concept, with state of art innovations and technical
advancements in data communication speed, computing power and receiver sensitivity.
As described in this chapter, there are many new radar concepts applicable to
counter stealth assets. However, none of these designs are technically proven to provide
a complete and one hundred percent effective solution for defeating low observables.
These radars are especially handicapped, when more accurate and greater tracking
capabilities are required at the final engagement stage for countering stealth. Thus, the
considerations presented in this chapter should be regarded more as methods for
decreasing the effectiveness of stealth assets. For comparison purposes, Table 9
summarizes information concerning primary counter stealth radar systems.

Advantages Disadvantages Counter Stealth Consideration
Radars with High
Power Emitters,

* Increased range.
* Increased detection capability.
* Precise tracking.
* Excessive volume in size and weight.
* Decreased mobility.
* Increased cost.
* Extra clutter and greater amount of false
* Requires significantly greater computing
* Does not provide meaningful anti
stealth capability when applied alone,
but can be considered for all types of
radar systems to improve their
* Sending more power to the stealth
aircraft means getting more power
reflected back to the receiver.
* Sensitive receivers also increase the
probability of detecting the low
signature target.
* Track-before-Detect-Capability is
promising for stealth detection;
however further computing power is
* Many systems are available.
Scanned Radars
With Fast
Scanning Speeds
* Extremely fast scanning rate.
* Tracking and engaging many targets
* Increased range.
* Low probability of interception (High
electronic counter measure resistance).
* Functionality as a radio or jammer.
* Increased detection capability.
* Precise tracking.
* Simple mechanical designs without
complex hydraulics.
* Occupies less space.
* Reliable.
* Less maintenance required.
* Augmented cost.
* Requires significantly greater computing
* Mostly having functionality through a
cone of just 120 degrees (as a result of the
decrement of the main beam at broadsides).
Thus, difficulties of scanning the 360
degree coverage with one system.
* At least four radars are required to cover
a hemisphere (for full static systems).
* Not an anti stealth technology alone
but increases the monostatic radars
detection capability.
* Preferable especially for airborne
platforms such as AEW&C systems.
* May be one of the supporting
technologies for detecting low
observables if used within networks
formed by a number of radars and
augmented by additional computing
power in the future.
* Many systems are employed.

Advantages Disadvantages
Counter Stealth
* Long range performance.
* Less affected by atmospheric
interference and absorption.
* Designed and manufactured more
* Requires physically big antennas.
* Poor resolution.
* Poor angular accuracy.
* Gain problems.
* Slow to deploy and stow.
* Poor low altitude detection performance.
* Lots of noise in operated bands.
* Satisfies the physics of resonance
or Raleigh scattering regions, thus not
affected by RAM and shaping
* Stealth aircraft can be detected by
them at longer distances compared to
common higher frequency radars.
* Poor angular accuracy hinders
desired tracking capability for
targeting systems.
* Some systems are employed.
HF OTH Radars
* Longest detection range (1000-
4000 km).
* No need of direct line of sight for
* Not affected by heights of terrain
and other obstacles.
* Range is not affected by curvature
of the earth.
* Expensive.
* High system noise and clutter
* Dependence on advanced transmitting systems
together with sophisticated signal processing units
and greater computing power
* Insufficient allocated (wide) bandwidth.
* Good quality propagation technology required.
* Dependence on ionosphere behavior which
varies with time of day.
* Negative effects of meteor clutter, solar
radiation, and behavior of the ionosphere (for sky
wave radars).
* Requires large areas to be set up.
* Does not provide accurate enough positional
information of the target, required for further
tracking capability.
* Unable to detect targets within a radius of ~500
nm (~900 km) (for sky wave radars).
* Satisfies the physics of resonance
or Raleigh scattering regions thus not
affected by RAM and shaping
precautions (better than UHF and
VHF radars).
* Promising technique for detecting
low observables at early warning
* Not preferable for precise locating
and tracking any target.
* Many systems are employed.
Advantages Disadvantages Counter Stealth Consideration
Bistatic And
* Increased detection capability due to
geometrical effects.
* Undetectable (by means of passive
* Safe from attack by anti-radiation
missiles or directional interference and
* No need to use transmit-receive switch
or duplexer devices which are lossy,
expensive, and heavy.
* Need of less radiated power for detection
compared to monostatic counterpart.
* Increased amount of beams from targets
at a given airfield volume in a centrally
controlled manner or synchronization with
receivers (for multi static configuration).
* Difficult for low observable target to
apply countermeasures.
* Slow and reduced range-angle
search capability.
* Limited engagement capability and
* Complex system configuration.
* Though some components are
discarded, total system is expensive.
* Need of fast data/network
communication between sites/nodes.
* Improved computing power and
sophisticated algorithms required.
* Need of sensitive time cooperation
to maintain synchronization between
transmitter and receiver.
* Too much clutter and many illusive
signals in the system returned from a
variety of directions other than true
* Decreased low level coverage
(especially for bistatic configuration).
* Promising solution to detect stealth
airframes due to decreasing effectiveness of
RCS reduction measures which are focused
on counter mono static radars with shaping
measures (such as faceting).
* Multistatic radar networks, which are
formed with many units, may be required to
overwhelm the new generation stealth assets
which concentrate reflections at very few
angles, with narrow lobes.
* Data from other early warning systems
may be required to focus at specific angles.
* Highly dependent on computing power,
thus future advancements in this field may
increase the capabilities of these systems.
* Some systems are employed for
detection of low observables (with
relatively poor capabilities).
Passive Radars
and Passive
* Covert system, has immunity from anti
radiation homing attacks.
* Dedicated transmitter units not required.
* Procurement cost is low (but
sophisticated computing is required for
detection of low observables which
increases cost).
* Small and compact systems, thus mobile
configurations are possible with high
* No frequency allocation required.
* Improved computing power for
detecting sensitive targets (increases
the cost).
* No control capabilities over either
transmitter units or emitted signals
* Short range detection as a result of
relatively low powered transmitters.
* Very precise triangulation is
required (for passive emitter location
* Similar capabilities and limitations with
multistatic radars to counter stealth targets.
* Unlike multistatic configuration, these
systems have the advantage of exploiting
many undedicated transmitter units, such as
broadcast stations and cell phone networks.
* Promising technique but needs further
development, especially in processing speed
and sophisticated algorithms.
* Few systems are employed for detection
of low observables (with relatively poor

Advantages Disadvantages Counter Stealth Consideration
Space Based
* Look-down type of radar.
* Highly safe from enemy fire.
* Worldwide access may be offered by the
satellite platform.
* Increased coverage.
* Difficult to jam.
* Extremely high-cost and other
general problems of space
* Nearly impossible maintenance
support and component upgrade.
* Difficulties in providing
continuous radar coverage.
* Large power requirement
(result of remote range to the
* Few countries have the ability
and technology to deploy space
* Wide area coverage and look-down radar
capability increase anti stealth qualities
(similar angular capabilities with OTH
skywave radars to detect low observables).
* Tracking capabilities are poor but can be
used for purposes of early warning.
* Promising technique for counter stealth in
future applications with developments in
space based receiver and transmitter systems.
* Few systems are employed with relatively
poor capabilities.
AEW&C Radars
* Look-down type of radar.
* Highly mobile.
* Flexible positioning with high velocity,
valuable for operation requirements.
* Dominates the battlefield from high
* 360 coverage.
* Difficult to jam.
* Not affected by height of terrain and
other obstacles.
* Long detection range.
* Range is not affected by curvature of the
* Increasing friendly aircrafts low
probability of intercept characteristics by
means of sending air picture data though
communication links.
* High-cost.
* General air platform problems
(such as limited useable area and
personnel, etc.)
* Difficulties of deploying air
platforms continuously for
uninterrupted radar coverage.
* Detectable by enemy forces
beyond its own detection range.
* Wide area coverage and look-down radar
increase anti stealth qualities (similar angular
capabilities with OTH skywave radars to
detect low observables).
* Promising system for future applications of
counter stealth with tracking capabilities given
by new electronically scanned radars.
* When these systems are linked with other
long-range and low-RCS detection radar sets,
much more detection capability may be
* Many systems are employed with
promising capabilities.


Advantages Disadvantages
Counter Stealth
Scattering Radar
* Increased detection capability due to
geometrical effects.
* Relatively simple hardware.
* Not affected by shaping characteristics or RAM
to reduce monostatic RCS reduction methods.
* Difficult for low observable target to apply
* Poor quality for precise locating
and tracking any target.
* Limited by the absence of range
* Operation within narrow angles.
* Requires increased computing
power and sophisticated algorithms.
* Too much clutter and many illusive
signals in the system returned from a
variety of directions other than true
* Preferable for early warning
* Satisfies the physics of
resonance or Raleigh scattering
* Promising solution for detecting
stealth airframes due to decrease in
the effectiveness of RCS reduction
measures which are focused on
counter monostatic radars with
shaping measures (such as
* Few systems are employed for
detection of low observables (with
relatively poor capabilities).
Networked Radars
* Improved signal to noise ratio by sum of the
received power from all nodes.
* Utilizing radars which have different
capabilities and located at separate places.
* Angular variety.
* Similar advantages to networks of multistatic
radar concept.
* Require high data processing
capability and computing power in all
* Require wide bandwidth for
communication between radar nodes.
* Deficiencies of network centric
warfare concept, such as the problems
of faulty data in the system.
* Compatible with network-
centric warfare doctrine.
* The most promising technique
for counter stealth measures,
however many advances are
required in joint processing, data
correlating, communication and
radar computing power
* Wide networks, with many
types of radar required, still a
concept due to technological
difficulties in applications.
Table 9. Primary Counter Stealth Radar Systems
This thesis has provided a historical background on stealth technology including
the evolution of airborne stealth and low observable technology, specifically with an
emphasis on RF signatures. Since the Gulf War, the operational advantage to airborne
strikers and bombers employing this technology is evident wherever these assets are
deployed. From these observations, it is clear that stealth technology is indispensable to
any air force aiming to achieve air superiority.
After discussing general stealth technology principles, and RCS reduction
methods, radar countermeasures used in the modern era to defeat them were discussed.
Experience and studies have shown that conventional air defenses are ineffective against
current generation stealth aircraft. Although countering RCS reduction is challenging,
there are promising techniques to decrease the performance of stealthy systems.
Conventional radars, for the most part, seem to be ineffective. New methods and radar
configurations are being deployed for air defenses, exploiting the limitations and
drawbacks of stealth assets. Moreover, developments in sensor technology, ongoing
advancements in computing power and innovative designs for mobility will improve the
capabilities of new air defense systems.
Consequently, it is likely that future stealth aircraft will not be as invulnerable to
air defenses as they are today. The competition between low observables and defensive
systems will dominate the air battles of the future with the development of new
techniques and technologies on both sides.
The ideas presented in this chapter do not reflect the official opinions of the
Turkish Air Force or any other Turkish authority. They represent the authors thoughts
based on extensive research conducted for this thesis study. Further, the following
sections should be considered the application of the authors knowledge and thoughts
about the implications of counter- RF stealth solutions for the Turkish Air Force, possible
future requirements, recommended future approaches and consequences, based on review
of the stealth technology literature and counter stealth radar techniques.
1. Turkish Air Force Counter-Stealth Requirements
Turkeys geostrategic position and the volatile international affairs climate in the
region dictate that Turkey maintain powerful and modern armed forces. Having an
effective air defense system to maintain peace is a strategic part of this principle for
achieving air superiority in the region. Several countries have programs to modernize
their air forces with new generation aircraft, UAS and cruise missiles which employ low
observable technology. It is likely that the coverage of conventional radar systems will
be ineffective in coping with forces equipped with these low observable assets. Thus, the
unique features of stealth will be a force multiplier. Although low observable capabilities
for the J oint Strike Fighter (J SF) are uncertain, the Turkish Air Forces participation in
the program should fill any potential gap in capability to balance its strength against other
air forces which may be capable of flying low observable fighters.
Maintaining situational awareness over a variety of mission areas, and when
needed, utilizing effective weapon systems, are required to sustain air superiority. Thus, a
strong air defense network is a necessity. This network should be equipped with
surveillance systems to detect hard targets and accurate tracking systems to counter those
threats by means of guiding interceptors, together with other surface systems. Absence of
a total air picture during conflict will weaken military power and fighting ability.
Therefore, the principle requirement for Turkish Air Force counter stealth is
dependent on the effectiveness of its potential adversaries and the degree to which they
are equipped with high-valued stealth assets. While conventional radar systems are
highly vulnerable to low observables, integration of new radar systems capable of
reducing the effectiveness of stealth assets will improve the Turkish Air Forces
operational capability and aid in maintaining air superiority over its homeland territory.
Together with counter stealth radars, deployment of new surface-based air defense
weapon systems, such as long range surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems and anti-
aircraft artillery (AAA), will strengthen the air defense network.
2. Recommended Future Approaches and Consequences
In Chapter IV, several new radar concepts to counter stealth assets were
discussed. However, none of these designs are capable of providing a complete and
totally effective solution for defeating low observables. In fact, these radars are usually
not accurate enough to provide the tracking capabilities necessary for missile systems at
final engagement. As such, the following promising technologies should be considered
potential methods for reducing the effectiveness of stealth assets and for future
The ongoing Project Peace Eagle program offers some promising new counter
stealth capabilities. The program seeks to purchase four Boeing 737 Airborne Early
Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft outfitted with multi-role active electronically
scanned array (multi-role AESA or MESA) radars. These radars are capable of focusing
power on almost any selected point in space while continuing to search and track other
targets of interest. Their operation at heights well above ground level increases the
possibility of illuminating low observable assets from viewpoints other than frontal
aspects. These other areas are typically not as heavily invested in RCS reduction design
and the continuously changing aspect with respect to the detection area gives advantages
to these systems for counter stealth. Another advantage of high altitude detection
systems is their immunity against terrestrial obstacles. The Turkish landscape is
mountainous and the islands in the Aegean Sea limit the line-of sight which is required
for millimeter radars, such as X-band detectors. Thus, there are many blind areas for
conventional surveillance systems. This gap will also be reduced when AEW&C systems
are deployed.
When these systems are linked with other long-range and low-RCS capable radar
systems, more detection capability can be achieved. Cooperation of AESA airborne
warning and control aircraft with new VHF or HF radars which are equipped with greater
computing power will improve effectiveness against low observables. Low frequency
surveillance radars are promising early detection systems against low observables and
can indicate the broad or rough areas of the stealth threat. However, these early warning
systems are limited in accuracy and are not suitable for tracking and point location. This
limitation can be overcome by obtaining general sector information of a target by means
of the HF or VHF radars surveillance capabilities and then using the AESAs powerful
search and dwell modes.
Modernizing older radar systems and improving their capabilities with new
computerized components may give better coverage and provide some operational
advantages to the Turkish Air Force against low observables. Advances in computer
processing speed with the extension of data storing and searching in a given memory area
per unit time enable design of new radar systems with increased sensor power.
Techniques, such as track before detect, which may decrease the effectiveness of low
observables, exploits these innovations.
The use of mobile systems within an air defense network is another effective way
to counter stealth. Mobile radars can greatly complicate and thwart stealth mission
planners tasks. Although stealth aircraft effectively decrease the detection capability of
radars, mission planners must still consider radars exact locations when planning flight
routes. This is required because if a stealth aircraft approaches too close to a radar site, it
may be detected. On the other hand, mobile systems are capable of changing their
locations. They may have equal or less radar coverage compared to immobile systems,
but when they change their locations, their radar coverage areas also move which
provides imponderable threat for the attacker. This is a considerable advantage for mobile
radar users. As mentioned, stealth planners need to decide on a mission route for the
aircraft to penetrate the airfield with as possible as minimum risk. However, the risky
zones of an air defense, supported with mobile radars, may continuously be changed with
the moves of mobiles systems. Finally, planners are forced to make predictions about
mobile systems locations while wrong predictions may violate the observability and so

survivability. In this manner, mobile systems unpredictable orbits contribute to the
robustness of air defenses. Therefore, mobile systems will increase the Turkish Air
Forces counter stealth capabilities.
Passive radars and locating systems are other likely solutions to anti stealth
applications. However, due to technical shortfalls, passive systems require further
development both in electronic and computing technologies. Coordinating and correlating
inputs from all received signals is possible only with a significant improvement in
todays computing power. Moreover, very sophisticated algorithms are required to
provide meaningful results. Despite these challenges, passive systems are still promising
applications for future counter stealth designs.
There are many television and FM radio broadcasting stations and cell phone
network nodes distributed throughout Turkey. Passive coherent radar designs, which are
powered with national software, may utilize these transmitters for anti stealth purposes.
Similarly, if sets of passive signal intelligence devices are upgraded with an improved
capability for joint triangulation operations, they may be used as emitter locating systems
for the Turkish Air Force. Therefore, an adversarys stealth assets, which use
transmitting systems, such as datalink, radio or radar, could be detected and tracked. This
is a very likely outcome in a network centric warfare environment. Here, low observable
systems will use these onboard transmitters while being a part of the network in a net-
centric manner. Although they may exploit low probability of interception transmitters to
decrease an opponents acquisition, there is always the chance for a sensitive receiver to
pick up the required signal for detection.
The networking of elements is another emerging method to improve the
effectiveness of air defense systems. Having a radar network in which each node
exchanges the data acquired by its receiver provides superior information for detecting
and tracking stealth aircraft, as well as other air force assets. Networked radars
synchronize the detection elements which are located at separate places with different
capabilities. Therefore, illuminating the airfield with many coordinated radar sets will
decrease the performance of stealth. Such air defense network centric designs provide
advantages similar to those of multistatic radar concepts, even if each individual radar
system within the network has no counter stealth capabilities. Because it is very
challenging to decrease the RCS of an aircraft at all incident angles, a number of
networked radars spread throughout a wide area will likely obtain some peak returns
from low observable targets. Effective operation of such an air defense radar network
will provide Turkish commanders with better situational awareness, utilizing the
performance of a dynamic air picture produced by cooperative radars. However, as
mentioned before, sharing the received RF data simultaneously, and cooperatively
processing that information are still complex tasks and todays technology is not capable
of meeting these requirements. Similar to passive radar systems, networking the radars
also requires increased data communication speeds, computing power and more sensitive
receivers. Thus, these techniques must be supported by state of art technologies and
future innovations to achieve the desired outcomes for the Turkish Air Force.
Finally, to improve the strength of the Turkish air defense umbrella, acquisition
requirements lists for new systems and modernization projects should be updated to
include counter stealth considerations. Further, implementing policies, such as investing
and focusing Turkish research and development toward counter stealth radar
technologies, together with cooperative programs with other countries that have stealth
experience and capabilities, will help in staying abreast of technological improvements in
this area.


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