68e10 MMTimes Competition Bill

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The Fine Print, Legal & tax insight:

A look at the Competition Bill
By Sebastian Pawlita and Thitsar hine ! S"nday, #$ %"ne &#$'
According to the Constitution of 2008, the Union must prevent
acts that injure public interest through monopolization or
manipulation of prices by an individual or group ith intent to
endanger fair competition in economic activities!" #he 20$%
#elecommunications &a contains a chapter on anti'competitive
practices in the telecom sector" (oever, there is no general la
prohibiting unfair competition and the abuse of monopolies as of
The dra(t o( a )ompetition law *+Competition Bill,-, p"blished on .ay $$,
&#$', will, i( ena)ted, )hange this/ 0n line with similar legislation in other
1"risdi)tions, it prohibits a)ts o( "n(air )ompetition and the )reation o(
monopolies thro"gh ab"si2e means/ 0t introd")es a )ontrol me)hanism
whereby mergers and a)3"isitions re3"ire the appro2al o( a newly (ormed
)ompetition )ommission/
0( the bill is ena)ted as dra(ted, the go2ernment m"st (orm a )ompetition
)ommission )harged with, amongst others, in2estigating s"spe)ted a)ts o(
"n(air )ompetition, spe)i(ying thresholds )onsidered to indi)ate a
monopoly, and ordering enterprises monopolising the market to red")e
their market share/
The )ommission m"st, in t"rn, (orm an en3"iry )ommittee with the power
to s"bpoena witnesses and experts, sear)h b"ildings and premises and
)on(is)ate e2iden)e a))ording to the dire)tions o( the )ommission/
The bill, i( ena)ted, will prohibit entreprene"rs (rom )reating monopolies
by )ontrolling pri)es, ind")ing a s)ar)ity o( s"pply, or restri)ting
opport"nities to b"y and sell/ A merger )ontrol )la"se will prohibit mergers
and a)3"isitions, 1oint 2ent"res and other (orms o( )ollaboration i( these
a)ts wo"ld lead to one )ompany )ontrolling more than 4#p) o( the market
or a gro"p o( )ompanies )ontrolling more than 5#675p)/
The bill lists spe)i(i) a)ts o( "n(air )ompetition/ Amongst others,
entreprene"rs are prohibited (rom de)ei2ing )ons"mers by "sing names,
logos or other identi(ying )hara)teristi)s o(
The bill ("rthermore prohibits the "na"thori8ed "se or re2elation o(
b"siness se)rets o( )ompetitors as well as the brea)h o( se)"rity meas"res
and the pers"asion o( employees o( a )ompetitor in order to obtain a
b"siness se)ret/ Spe)ial prote)tion is a))orded to b"siness se)rets o( state6
owned organisations/
The bill prohibits the +b"llying and threatening, o( )ons"mers and
)ompetitors/ F"rthermore, entreprene"rs m"st not "se (alse in(ormation in
order to de(ame )ompetitors, or inter(ere with other b"sinesses whi)h are
)arried o"t in a))ordan)e with the law/
The bill also prohibits "n(air and de)epti2e ad2ertising meas"res and sales
promotions/ 0n parti)"lar, entreprene"rs m"st not )ompare their goods or
ser2i)es with similar goods or ser2i)es o( (ered by )ompetitors, imitate
other ad2ertisements, or gi2e misleading in(ormation regarding the pri)e,
amo"nt, 3"ality or other )hara)teristi)s o( the goods/
+9is)riminatory pra)ti)es, : an example wo"ld be a boy)ott : are likewise
prohibited "nder the bill/ F"rthermore, entreprene"rs m"st not sell
prod")ts at a pri)e below prod")tion )osts i( their intent is to red")e the
)ompetiti2eness o( other b"sinesses/
;ntreprene"rs with a dominant position in the market are prohibited (rom
ab"sing it: 0n parti)"lar, they m"st not impose "n(air terms and )onditions
on their b"siness partners, o((er di((erent terms and )onditions in similar
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Page 1 of 2 The Fine Print, Legal & tax insight: A look at the Competition Bill
)ir)"mstan)es, or )a"se harm to )ons"mers by demanding "nreasonable
pri)es or restri)ting prod")tion or distrib"tion le2els/
The )ommission may also de(ine other pra)ti)es )onsidered "n(air
The )ommission has the power to impose administrati2e san)tions
*warning, administrati2e (ine, s"spension o( the b"siness (or a limited
period o( time, bla)klisting- on non6)ompliant entreprene"rs/
F"rthermore, non6)omplian)e may, a))ording to the bill, lead to
imprisonment o( "p to 5 years and a (ine o( "p to 7 million/ The bill does
not deal with )i2il s"its by )ompetitors or )ons"mers/
Sebastian and Thitsar are consultants with Polastri Wint & Partners
Legal & Tax Advisors.
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Copyright F &#$' The .yanmar Times/ All rights reser2ed/
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