Udhyasekar Sampath
Udhyasekar Sampath
Udhyasekar Sampath
[email protected]
&o 'ake u( a challenging career in a re(u'ed concerns) *here + can ,e key 'eam mem,er)
making an im(or'an' con'ri,u'ion 'o 'he -inancial heal'h and s'ra'egy o- 'he concern.
+ am ha.ing domain kno*ledge in AU&/0/1+2E E34+3EER+34. 0y
area o- e5(osure includes passenger car after sales service in an Au'omo,ile indus'ry 6/E07.
Professional Profile
1. Inernational cars&motors limited (sonalika)
+n +802 *orking as service engineer (CO) handling 'he dealers in Andhera(radesh9Karna'aka
since se( :% 'o 'ill da'e.
Dura'ion ;SEP %0:% 'o 'ill da'e
Salary ;!."lakh (er annum.
!ob Profile"
2eading 'he a-'er sales ser.ice 'eam o- assigned s'a'e in 'he region o- AP9Karna'aka.
&o (ro.ide 'echnical assis'ance in my 'erri'ory 'o sol.e cri'ical com(lain's 6Es(ecially 8RD<+7
in 'he .ehicle.
Sending <&R re(or's and coun'ermeasures 'o R9D de(' -or (roduc' de.elo(men'.
&o (ro.ide &echnical and cus'omer handling 'raining 'o dealer man(o*er.
8onduc'ing /=& 'o 'echnicians regarding ne* -ield com(lain's and 'rou,le shoo'ing.
U( grada'ion o- dealershi( in-ras'ruc'ure.
8us'omer care 9 8om(lain' handling.
Ensure 'imely a.aila,ili'y o- s(are (ar's.
+m(lemen'a'ion o- ne* (ro>ec's and ini'ia'i.es like D0S ins'alla'ion.
8oordina'ing Ser.ice 8ou(ons) ?arran'y 8laims 9 ?orksho( 0anagemen'.
&o E5(and ser.ice ne'*ork in my 'erri'ory 6AP9Karna'aka7
Res(onsi,le -or good 8S+ and cus'omer re'en'ion ac'i.i'ies.
Res(onsi,le -or &imely *arran'y (aymen' 'o Dealer@+AS8
Handling $ dealers and ! AS8As in my 'erri'ory.
B.# $%&O'OBI(# #)*I)##I)*
[email protected]
AnalyBing re(ea' com(lain's and send 'he re(or's as *ell as solu'ions 'o sol.e 'he
(ro,lems 'o Ser.ice H/
A((oin'ed ! AS8As in 'he region o- Karna'aka in shor' (eriod.
8onduc'ed /=& a' my region.
+m(lemen'ed ser.ice reminder sys'em a' my dealershi(s.
,. &ata motors:
+n &a'a mo'ors my role is Process e5ecu'i.e 6ser.ices7 'o handle my assigned dealers in
'he area o--ice 8hennai.
Dura'ion ; <rom 0ay %0:: 'o Aug %0:%
!ob Profile"
Handling cus'omer com(lain's a' (riori'y and moni'oring 'he (er-ormance o- dealer on
cus'omer com(lain's like 8P&C9888& and ac'i.i'ies.
8arrying ou' DD8&8 audi' mon'h on mon'h 'o calcula'e dealer score card (er-ormance.
4i.ing S/P98R0D0S 'raining 'o ne*ly >oined Ser.ice ad.isors &eam leaders 'o ge'
good 8S+.
0oni'oring and increasing .ehicle in-lo* gro*'h 'hrough ser.ice reminders9 los'
cus'omer analysis
+m(ro.e cus'omer re'en'ion ac'i.i'ies like E5'ended *arran'y) A08 (romo'ion
/rganiBed and conduc'ed 0ega <ree 8hecku( cam(s a' my assigned dealers.
AnalyBing re(ea' com(lain's 9re.isi's make ac'ion (lan 'o reduce 'he re(ea' com(lain's
,y means o- 'raining.
[email protected]
+m(lemen'a'ion o- ser.ice kaiBen ac'i.i'y a' my assigned dealer 'here,y increasing
ESDD <S -rom FGE 'o 0E
Reduced 'he re(ea' com(lain's (ercen'age %.FE 'o :.!E 'hrough analysis ,ased 'raining
1eing a (ar' 'o achie.e FF 8S+ in %0:: =DP syndica'e sur.ey.
-oft.are skills
Kno*ledge in Au'o 8AD dra*ings.
Kno*ledge in 0S ?indo*s /--ice En.ironmen'.
Kno*ledge in Sie,el 8R0D0S9/RA82E Ans*ers
#ducational /ualification"
1.E AU&/0/1+2E E34+3EER+34
8ollege 3ame ; Anna Uni.ersi'y 60ain cam(us7) &richy
Year o- (assing ;A(ril %0::
$ggregate percentage 0 1,
D+P2/0A +3 0E8HA3+8A2 E34+3EER+34
8ollege 3ame ; Cignesh (oly'echnic college) &hiru.annamalai
Year o- (assing ;A(ril %00$
$ggregate percentage 0 23
School name ; S'. =ose(hAs higher secondary school
Year o- (assing ; %00#
$ggregate percentage 4 15
School name ; S'. =ose(hAs high secondary school
Year o- (assing ; %00"
$ggregate percentage 4 2,
$ffirmation :
+ here,y declare 'ha' 'he a,o.e men'ioned (ar'iculars are 'rue and correc' 'o 'he
,es' o- my kno*ledge and ,elie-.
[email protected]
Place: yours sincerely)
Da'e: (%678$-#9$ -)