Three-Dimensional Gear Crack Propagation Studies: NASA/TM-1998-208827 ARL-TR-1833

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NASA/TM—1998-208827 ARL–TR–1833



Three–Dimensional Gear
Crack Propagation Studies
David G. Lewicki
U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio

Ashok D. Sane and Raymond J. Drago

Boeing Defense and Space Group, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Paul A. Wawrzynek
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

December 1998
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NASA/TM—1998-208827 ARL–TR–1833


Three–Dimensional Gear
Crack Propagation Studies
David G. Lewicki
U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio

Ashok D. Sane and Raymond J. Drago

Boeing Defense and Space Group, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Paul A. Wawrzynek
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

Prepared for the Fourth World Congress on Gearing and Power Transmission
sponsored by the Institut des Engrenages et des Transmissions
Paris, France, March 16–18, 1999

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Lewis Research Center

December 1998
Available from
NASA Center for Aerospace Information National Technical Information Service
7121 Standard Drive 5285 Port Royal Road
Hanover, MD 21076 Springfield, VA 22100
Price Code: A03 Price Code: A03

David G. Lewicki
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio, 44135

Ashok D. Sane and Raymond J. Drago

Boeing Defense and Space Group
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19142

Paul A. Wawrzynek
Cornell Fracture Group
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York, 14853


Three-dimensional crack growth simulation was performed on a split-tooth gear design using boundary element
modeling and linear elastic fracture mechanics. Initial cracks in the fillet of the teeth produced stress intensity fac-
tors of greater magnitude (and thus, greater crack growth rates) than those in the root or groove areas of the teeth.
Crack growth simulation was performed on a case study to evaluate crack propagation paths. Tooth fracture was
predicted from the crack growth simulation for an initial crack in the tooth fillet region. Tooth loads on the
uncracked mesh of the split-tooth design were up to five times greater than those on the cracked mesh if equal
deflections of the cracked and uncracked teeth were considered. Predicted crack shapes as well as crack propagation
life are presented based on calculated stress intensity factors, mixed-mode crack propagation trajectory theories, and
fatigue crack growth theories.


Gears used in current helicopters and turboprops are designed for light weight, high margins of safety, and high
reliability. However, unexpected gear failures may occur even with adequate tooth design (Couchan, et al., 1993). In
order to design an extremely safe system, the designer must ask and address the question “what happens when a
failure occurs.” With regards to gear tooth bending fatigue, tooth or rim fractures may occur. A crack which propa-
gates through a rim would be catastrophic, leading to disengagement of a rotor or propeller, loss of an aircraft, and
possible fatalities (McFadden, 1985, Albrecht, 1988). This failure mode should be avoided. A crack which propa-
gates through a tooth itself may or may not be catastrophic, depending on the design and operating conditions. Also,
early warning of this failure mode may be possible due to advances in modern diagnostic systems (Kershner, et al.,
One concept proposed to address bending fatigue fracture from a safety aspect is a split-tooth gear design
(Drago, et al., 1997). The prime objective of the split-tooth design is to control crack propagation in a desired direc-
tion such that at least half of the tooth remains operational should a bending failure occur. However, the split-tooth
design should have the same weight, performance, and reliability characteristics as a conventional single-tooth
design. Finite element models were developed to evaluate candidate split-tooth designs. These designs incorporated
grooves through the center of the tooth face widths to ‘split’ the teeth. Stress, strength, durability, and sliding veloc-
ity studies were performed to demonstrate the feasibility of such a design.
The objective of the current study is to analytically validate the crack propagation failsafe characteristics of a
split-tooth gear. A specially developed three-dimensional crack analysis program was used which was based on
boundary element modeling and principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics. The effect of the location of initial
cracks on crack propagation was evaluated. Crack growth simulation was performed on a case study to evaluate
crack propagation paths. Predicted crack shapes as well as crack propagation life are presented based on calculated
stress intensity factors, mixed-mode crack propagation trajectory theories, and fatigue crack growth theories.

NASA/TM—1998-208827 1

A. Previous Finite Element Modeling

An initial study was conducted to determine the feasibility of a split-tooth design (Drago, et al., 1997). Here,
analytical modeling was performed on a proposed grooved design for the sun gear of a commercial helicopter plan-
etary system. The model was constructed and analyzed using commercial available finite element modeling tools
(P3/Patran, 1993, MacNeal, 1981). The model was three dimensional and consisted primarily of 8-node hex ele-
ments with a limited number of 6-node wedge elements (fig. 1). The model had a total number of 24,248 elements
and 30,900 nodes and used multipoint constraint boundary conditions to model the bearing supports. The mesh was
refined for four of the teeth for improved stress prediction accuracy.
The purpose of the split-tooth design was to control crack propagation in a desired direction such that at least
half of the gear face width remains operational should a failure occur. This was implemented by introducing a
groove through the center of the face width of the existing configuration. In the initial Drago study, various groove
widths and depths were analyzed to determine the optimized configuration. A detailed stress analysis of the tooth
fillets and grooves was required to produce a strong gear, rim, web, and hub system for high-load helicopter applica-
tions. The study showed the feasibility of such a split-tooth design and subsequent experimental tests are planned for
the future. The tests will use a single-tooth bending fatigue specimen and apparatus as described by Lemanski, et al.
(1969). Due to this, the crack propagation studies in the current work will model the single-tooth bending fatigue
test gear.

B. Model of the Single Tooth Bending Fatigue Gear

A split-tooth design was developed for future tests in a nonrotating single-tooth bending fatigue test fixture. The
test fixture loads a tooth (or in this case, the two split teeth) on the test gear at the highest point of single tooth con-
tact through a load anvil. The load anvil is connected to a universal fatigue machine which delivers a steady and
alternating force. Load is transferred through the test gear and reacted by a reaction anvil at a location approximately
135° from the loaded tooth. The test gear has 32 teeth, 4.763 module (5.333 diametral pitch), 25° pressure angle,
15.24 cm (6.000 in.) pitch diameter, and 0.95 cm (0.375 in.) face width per tooth. A boundary element model of a
split-tooth design of an uncracked single-tooth bending fatigue test gear is shown in figure 2. Note that four series of
four successive teeth are removed from the test gear to allow installation in the test fixture. The complete gear, rim,
and web assembly was modeled as well as removal of the appropriate teeth.
The mesh in the region of the loaded teeth (as well as the locations of the initial cracks) was refined for
improved stress prediction accuracy. The model shown in figure 2 had 1816 elements (both 4-node quadrilateral and
3-node triangular) and 1479 nodes. The material properties used were that of steel (modulus of elasticity = 207 GPa
(30×106 psi), Poisson’s ratio = 0.3). An applied pressure along narrow patches on two split teeth at the location of
the highest point of single tooth contact simulated a tooth load normal force of 24,541 N (5,517 lb) per tooth. Dis-
placements on the reaction teeth as well as half of the inner hub diameter were constrained to zero to model the reac-
tion anvil and hub support bearing.

C. Fracture Analysis Modeling Code

The Franc3d (Fracture Analysis Code for 3 Dimensions, Wawrzynek, 1991) computer code was used for crack
simulation. This program was developed at Cornell University and an executable version is openly available to the
public. Crack growth simulation is the main feature of the program. The program uses boundary element modeling
and principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics to analyze cracked structures. The geometry of three-dimensional
structures with nonplanar, arbitrary shaped cracks can be modeled. The simulation process is controlled by the user
through a graphical user interface which includes windows for the display of the structure as well as a menu/dialog-
box system for interacting with the program.
The modeling of a three-dimensional cracked structure is actually performed through a series of programs
developed at Cornell University. First, the structure geometry grid point data is imported to a solid modeler pro-
gram. Here, appropriate curves and faces (or patches) are created from the grid data as well as a closed-loop surface

NASA/TM—1998-208827 2
geometry model. This surface model is then imported to the Franc3d program for boundary element model prepara-
tion. The user can then mesh the geometry model using 3 or 6 node triangular surface elements, or 4 or 8 node
quadrilateral elements. Boundary conditions (applied tractions and prescribed displacements) are applied on the
model geometry over faces, edges, or points. Initial cracks such as elliptical or penny shaped can be inserted in the
structure. After complete formulation, the model is shipped to a boundary element equation solver program. Once
the displacement and traction unknowns are solved, the results are exported back to the Franc3d program for post


A. Stress Analysis of an Uncracked Gear

The purpose of the stress analysis of an uncracked gear was: (1) to validate the mesh refinement for the loaded
teeth, and (2) to compare the boundary element analysis results with previous Boeing Helicopter finite element
analysis results. Previous studies have shown that accurate stress intensity factor predictions, and thus, accurate
crack path predictions, were obtained if the initial mesh without a crack produced accurate estimates of the maxi-
mum stresses (Lewicki, 1995). The exaggerated deformation of an uncracked gear under load is shown in figure 3.
As expected, the majority of the deflection was in the loaded teeth. The magnitude of the maximum deflection was
0.218 mm (0.0086 in.) at the tip of the loaded teeth. In addition, there was slight rotation about the gear rotational
axis. Also, there was slight separation of the loaded teeth (best seen in the front view) and the deflection was sym-
metric with respect to the groove.
The element-averaged tooth fillet stress distribution is shown in figure 4. For these results, an equal pressure
was applied to both the left and right teeth. However, the area of the applied load on the left tooth was about
1 percent greater than the right due to round off errors in the model formulation. Thus, the magnitude of the stresses
on the left tooth was 1 percent greater than the right tooth. The maximum value of the maximum principle stress was
1213 MPa (176) ksi. This occurred on the left tooth at the center of the face width and at an angle approximately 40°
with respect to the tooth centerline. As with the deflections, the stress distribution was symmetrical with respect to
the groove. Finally, the overall stress distribution using the boundary element analysis was similar to that of the
Boeing finite element model.

B. Effect of Initial Crack Location

The effect of the location of initial cracks on mode I stress intensity factors were analyzed for a variety of crack
locations in the tooth fillet. Four initial cracks were analyzed, one at a time, with the same load and boundary condi-
tions as previously described. Figure 5 shows the detailed boundary element mesh for initial crack 1. Figure 6 shows
the mode I stress analysis factors for all four initial cracks. The stress intensity factors were determined as a function
of position along the cracks front based on the calculated deflections using the method of Tracey (1977). All four
initial cracks had the same shape, size, and orientation. They were all half-ellipse cracks with a width of 0.254 cm
(0.100 in.), a depth of 0.127 cm (0.050 in.), and an orientation normal to the tooth fillet surface. Cracks 1 and 2 were
on the left tooth biased toward the front and rear, respectively, while cracks 3 and 4 were on the right tooth biased
toward the front and rear, respectively. For figure 6, the normalized position along the crack front starts with a value
of zero at a position on the crack front toward the front of the tooth, then to a value of one following movement in
the positive x-direction. The stress intensity factor versus position curves were similar for all four initial crack con-
ditions. The stress intensity factors were greater near the ends of the crack front compared to the center. This indi-
cated that the crack would grow along the tooth face width at a greater rate than through the tooth. In addition, based
on the magnitude of the calculated stress intensity factors, a crack in a gear made of AISI 9310 steel material would
grow in fatigue when subjected to the modeled geometry, load, and boundary conditions. This statement is based on
data by Forman and Hu (1984), where they publish a stress intensity factor threshold of 3.2 MPa⋅√m (3.5 ksi⋅√in.)
and a fracture toughness value of 182 MPa⋅√m (200 ksi⋅√in.) for AISI 9310 steel.
Figure 7 shows the effect of location for two initial root cracks on the right tooth. Crack 5 is in the center of the
root at the forward edge of the face width while crack 6 is at the center of the face width. Crack 5 is a quarter-
ellipse crack while crack 6 is a half-ellipse crack. As with the fillet initial cracks, crack 6 had a width of 0.254 cm

NASA/TM—1998-208827 3
(0.100 in.) and a depth of 0.127 cm (0.050 in.). Again, an increase in the normalized crack front position followed
movement in the positive x-direction. Crack 5 had a width of 0.127 cm (0.050 in.) and a depth of 0.127 cm
(0.050 in.). Root crack 6 had a similar stress intensity factor distribution along the crack front as the fillet cracks of
figure 6. However, the overall magnitudes were lower than the fillet cracks due to the decrease of the magnitude of
the tensile stress field in the root compared to the fillet. Crack 5 had a greater stress intensity factor magnitude where
the crack front intersected the tooth root compared to where the crack front intersected to side flank of the tooth.
This also indicated that the crack would grow along the tooth width greater than it would tunnel through the tooth.
Figure 8 shows the effect of location for three initial cracks in the groove of the gear. Here an increase in the
normalized position along the crack front follows movement in the positive z-direction. Initial crack 7 was about
0.08 cm (0.031 in.) below the root, crack 8 was about 0.037 cm (0.144 in.) below the root, and crack 9 was about
0.80 cm (0.315 in.) below the root. All three cracks had a width of 0.254 cm (0.100 in.), a depth of 0.127 cm
(0.050 in.), and an orientation normal to the groove surface. The stress intensity factors were greatest for the crack
nearest the fillet and root surface, again, since this was the location of the higher tensile stress field. The stress
intensity factors decreased as the crack location was deeper into the tooth groove. Based on the magnitude of the
mode I stress intensity factors, fatigue crack growth would still occur but at a rather low rate.

C. Propagation Path Study

The previously described initial crack 1 (fig. 5) was used for a crack growth simulation study. The procedure
used to grow a crack was as follows. After initial crack 1 was inserted in the model, the mode I and mode II stress
intensity factors were determined at 24 points along the crack front (mode I shown in fig. 6). The extended crack
directions at these 24 points were determined using the ratio of mode II stress intensity factors to mode I and the
mixed mode interaction theory of Erdogan and Sih (1963). The amount of crack extension at these points were
determined based on the Paris crack growth relationship (Paris and Erdogen, 1963) where

 K I ,i 
ai = amax  
 K I , max 

where ai is the extension of the ith point, KI,i is the mode I stress intensity factor of the ith point, KI,max is the value
of the largest stress intensity factor along the crack front, amax is the maximum crack extension which is specified
by the user, and n is the Paris exponent. The maximum extension size, amax, was set at 0.13 cm (0.050 in.). The
Paris exponent, n, was set at 2.954 based on material tests for AISI 9310 steel by Au and Ke (1981) and gear analy-
sis and tests by Lewicki (1995). Using this procedure, a new crack front was produced with a nonplanar crack exten-
sion. A third-order polynomial was then used to model the extended crack front. The new crack geometry was then
remeshed. After remeshing, the model was rerun and solved for displacements, stress intensity factors, and crack
propagation directions. The above procedure was repeated a number of times to simulate crack growth in the gear
Figure 9 shows the extended crack geometry and mesh after two steps. Note that the maximum extension
occurred at the trailing end of the crack front. At the leading end of the crack front, the crack extended to the tooth
front flank. Figure 10 shows the extended crack after five calculation steps. By this time, the crack extended to the
rear flank of the left tooth. After this, the crack propagated uniformly through the tooth face width. Figure 11 shows
an exploded view of the tooth and crack after 15 propagation steps. As seen from the figure, the predicted failure is
tooth fracture rather than rim fracture. From a failsafe aspect, this is the desired mode of failure.
With regards to tooth stiffness, the tooth compliance increased as the crack grew in size. This resulted in an
increased deflection of the cracked tooth compared to the uncracked tooth for the same tooth load. This would prob-
ably not be the case during actual operation of a split-tooth design if one tooth of a driving gear was cracked and
driving an uncracked driven gear. The mesh of the uncracked tooth would carry more load than the mesh of the
cracked tooth. A contact analysis algorithm is needed to truly solve this complicated problem. The Franc3d software
does not, unfortunately, have such an analysis capability and a manual approximation was used instead.
For each step during the crack growth simulation process, two runs at a given crack size were performed. The
first was with equal applied loads on the cracked and uncracked tooth. The second was with adjusted loads to
produced equal deflections for the cracked and uncracked teeth at a point on the tip of the loaded teeth at the center

NASA/TM—1998-208827 4
of the face width. The second set of cases was accomplished through trial and error based on the trending of the
equal loads case and adjusting the applied loads until the calculated deflections (from the boundary element
analysis) of the crack and uncracked teeth were within 1 percent of each other.
Table I gives the results of the deflections and the loads from the analysis. After five steps (crack area of
0.263 cm2 (0.041 in.2)), the cracked-tooth deflection was 14 percent greater than the uncracked-tooth deflection for
the same applied load on each. After 15 steps (crack area of 1.039 cm2 (0.161 in.2)), the cracked-tooth deflection
was 220 percent greater than that of the uncracked tooth. Figure 12 depicts the applied load as a function of crack
area for the constraint of equal tooth deflections. Note that at a crack area of 1.039 cm2 (0.161 in.2), the applied load
on the uncracked tooth is almost five times that of the cracked tooth. This resulting overload on the uncracked tooth
needs to be considered in the failsafe design of split-tooth configuration.
Finally, the predicted number of cycles during the crack growth simulation was estimated. The mode I stress
intensity factors as a function of the crack front position for various steps are given in figure 13. The numbers on the
curves correlate to the step number. Again, note the increase in the values of the stress intensity factors at the edges
of the crack front for the initial steps. This implied that the crack grew in the tooth face width direction at a greater
rate then through the tooth. At higher step sizes, the stress intensity factors where more uniform along the face width
indicating uniform crack extension. The maximum value of the stress intensity factors along a given crack front for a
given crack size is shown in figure 14 as a function of crack area. This was used in the Paris crack growth theory
(Paris and Erdogen, 1963) where

= C ∆K I )n
where da is the crack extension distance for dN number of cycles, C = 8.433⋅10–9, and n = 2.954 for AISI 9310 steel
material from Au and Ke (1981). Using the Paris theory, a typical life prediction for a cracked structure would
exhibit an exponential decrease in the number of cycles as a crack would grow at a given applied load. This is due to
the increase in the mode I stress intensity factor with crack size, and thus, decreased life. However, since the load on
the uncracked tooth was adjusted for equal deflections (i.e., decreased as the crack grew in size), the stress intensity
factors were nearly constant as the crack grew in size. This resulted in a rather linear increase in cycles with crack
area after an initial growth at the start of the propagation simulation.


Three-dimensional crack growth simulation was performed on a split-tooth gear design using boundary element
modeling and linear elastic fracture mechanics. The following conclusions were made: Initial cracks in the fillet of
the teeth produced stress intensity factors of greater magnitude (and thus, greater crack growth rates) than those in
the root or groove areas of the teeth. Tooth fracture was predicted from the crack growth simulation for an initial
crack in the tooth fillet region. This was the desired failure mode for an ultra-safe design. Tooth loads on the
uncracked mesh of the split-tooth design were up to five times greater than those on the cracked mesh if equal
deflections of the cracked and uncracked teeth were considered. The effect of this needs to be considered in the
design of a split-tooth configuration.


Albrecht, C., 1988: “Transmission Design Using Finite Element Method Analysis Techniques,” Journal of American
Helicopter Society, Vol. 33, No. 2, Apr., pp. 3–14.
Au, J.J., and Ke, J.S., 1981: “Correlation Between Fatigue Crack Growth Rate and Fatigue Striation Spacing in AISI
9310 (AMS 6265) Steel,” Fractography and Materials Science, ASTM STP 733, pp. 202–221.
Couchan, D.C., Barnes, G.K., and Cedoz, R.W., 1993: “Shot-Peened Gear Failures Due to Operation in a Mis-
aligned Condition,” AIAA Paper No. AIAA-93-2147, June.
Drago, R.J., Sane, A.D., and Brown, F.W., 1997: “UltraSafe Gear Systems for Critical Applications – Initial Devel-
opment,” AGMA TP–97FTM10, Nov.

NASA/TM—1998-208827 5
Erdogan, F., and Sih, G.C., 1963: “On the Crack Extension in Plates Under Plane Loading and Transverse Shear,”
Journal of Basic Engineering, Vol. 85, pp. 519–527.
Forman, R.G., and Hu, T., 1984: “Application of Fracture Mechanics on the Space Shuttle,” Damage Tolerance of
Metallic Structures: Analysis Methods and Applications, ASTM STP 842, pp. 108–133.
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Beach, VA, pp. 1233–1241, Apr.
Lemanski, A.J., Alberti, J.P., and Rose, H.J., 1969: “Evaluation of Advanced Gear Materials for Gear Boxes and
Transmissions,” Report No. D210-10025-1, The Boeing Company, Vertol Division. Aug.
Lewicki, D.G., 1995: “Crack Propagation Studies to Determine Benign or Catastrophic Failure Modes for Aero-
space Thin-Rim Gears,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Case Western Reserve University, May.
MacNeal, R.H., 1981: “Handbook for Linear Static Analysis,” MSC/NASTRAN, The MacNeal-Schwendler Corpo-
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McFadden, P.D., 1985: “Analysis of the Vibration of the Input Bevel Pinion in RAN Wessex Helicopter Main Rotor
Gearbox WAK143 Prior To Failure,” Aeronautical Research Laboratories Report No. AR-004-049.
P3/PATRAN, 1993, P3/PATRAN User Manual, PDA Engineering, Costa Mesa, CA.
Paris, P.C., and Erdogen, F., 1963: “A Critical Analysis of Crack Propagation Laws,” Journal of Basic Engineering,
Vol. 85, pp. 528–534.
Tracey, D.M., 1977: “Discussion of ‘On the Use of Isoparametric Finite Elements in Linear Fracture Mechanics’ by
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Wawrzynek, P.A., 1991: “Discrete Modeling of Crack Propagation: Theoretical Aspects and Implementation Issues
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Crack area, Equal loads Equal deflections
cm2 Load on Cracked Uncracked Difference in Load on Cracked Load on Uncracked Difference in
each tooth tooth deflections , cracked tooth uncracked tooth deflections ,
tooth, K N deflection, deflection, percent tooth, KN deflection, tooth, KN deflection, percent
mm mm mm mm
0.014 25,108 0.214 0.212 0.9 25,108 0.214 25,108 0.214 0.0
0.052 25,108 0.215 0.213 0.9 24,950 0.215 25,266 0.213 0.9
0.099 25,108 0.220 0.212 3.8 24,207 0.216 26,009 0.217 –0.5
0.131 25,108 0.224 0.212 5.7 24,009 0.218 26,207 0.217 0.5
0.165 25,108 0.228 0.212 7.5 23,788 0.221 26,428 0.218 1.4
0.263 25,108 0.242 0.212 14.2 22,473 0.227 27,743 0.225 0.9
0.298 25,108 0.249 0.212 17.5 21,730 0.229 28,486 0.229 0.0
0.356 25,108 0.261 0.213 22.5 20,758 0.233 29,458 0.234 –0.4
0.423 25,108 0.276 0.213 29.6 19,765 0.239 30,451 0.239 0.0
0.506 25,108 0.299 0.212 41.0 18,420 0.246 31,796 0.245 0.4
0.597 25,108 0.327 0.212 54.2 16,960 0.253 33,256 0.252 0.4
0.686 25,108 0.361 0.212 70.3 15,292 0.259 34,924 0.261 –0.8
0.768 25,108 0.402 0.211 90.5 13,884 0.266 36,332 0.268 –0.7
0.857 25,108 0.469 0.211 122.3 12,132 0.277 38,084 0.277 0.0
0.951 25,108 0.554 0.212 161.3 10,434 0.286 39,782 0.287 –0.3
1.039 25,108 0.680 0.212 220.8 8,621 0.294 41,595 0.297 –1.0

NASA/TM—1998-208827 6
Tooth load

Reaction tooth
BC’s (fixed

bearing BC’s

Figure 1. Finite element model of split-tooth

gear configuration (Drago, et al., 1997).

Figure 2. Boundary element model of a

split-tooth bending fatigue test gear.

Left Right
tooth tooth


1300 x
Maximum principle stress,

1200 2

1000 1
800 Right
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Position along tooth face width
a) Isometric view. b) Front view. (x-direction), cm

Figure 3. Boundary element model Figure 4. Fillet stresses from the boundary
deflections of an uncracked split-tooth element model of an uncracked split-tooth
bending fatigue test gear. bending fatigue test gear.

NASA/TM—1998-208827 7
tooth Initial crack 4

40 Front Initial crack 3

Mode I stress intensity factor,

Initial crack 2
35 Initial crack 1

MPa √m
Initial crack Crack
front mouth
surface Initial crack 4
0.254 cm 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Normalized position along crack front
0.127 cm
Figure 6. Effect of initial crack location on
Figure 5. Boundary element mesh for mode I stress intensity factors; tooth fillet
initial crack 1. locations.

+x Initial crack 7

30 15 Initial crack8
Mode I stress intensity factor,
Mode I stress intensity factor,

Initial crack 9 +z
Initial crack 5

25 10
Initial crack 6
MPa √m

MPa √m

20 5

15 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Normalized position along crack front Normalized position along crack front

Figure 7. Effect of initial crack location on Figure 8. Effect of initial crack location on
mode I stress intensity factors; tooth root mode I stress intensity factors; tooth
locations. groove locations.

NASA/TM—1998-208827 8


Extended Crack
Extended Initial Crack mouth
crack crack front
crack front mouth
front after 5 steps
after 1 step amax

crack front Extended
after 2 steps crack front
after 2 steps

Figure 9. Predicted crack extension for Figure 10. Predicted crack extension for
initial crack 1 case study after two steps. initial crack 1 case study after five steps.

50 Load on uncracked tooth for

equal deflections
Crack 40
Applied tooth load, KN


30 Equal load on
bot h teeth


Load on cracked tooth for
equal deflections
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Crack area, cm

Figure 11. Exploded gear tooth view of Figure 12. Calculated tooth loads for equal
predicted crack growth after 15 steps. deflections.

NASA/TM—1998-208827 9
60 70
Mode I stress intensity factor,

Mode I stress intensity factor,

50 60

MPa √m

MPa √m
40 15 50

30 1 40

Step 0
(initial crack)
20 30
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Normalized position along crack front Crack area, cm

Figure 13. Mode I stress intensity factors Figure 14. Maximum mode I stress
for crack growth simulation study. intensity factors along crack front for all
15 steps of crack growth simulation study.

Number of cycles



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Crack area, cm

Figure 15. Gear tooth crack propagation

life of the cracked tooth of a split-tooth
design with an initial tooth fillet crack.

NASA/TM—1998-208827 10
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December 1998 Technical Memorandum

Three–Dimensional Gear Crack Propagation Studies

6. AUTHOR(S) 1L162211A47A

David G. Lewicki, Ashok D. Sane, Raymond J. Drago, and Paul A. Wawrzynek


NASA Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio 44135–3191
and E–11436
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Cleveland, Ohio 44135–3191
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Washington, DC 20546–0001
and NASA TM—1998-208827
U.S. Army Research Laboratory ARL–TR–1833
Adelphi, Maryland 20783–1145
Prepared for the Fourth World Congress on Gearing and Power Transmission sponsored by the Institut des Engrenages et
des Transmissions, Paris, France, March 16–18, 1999. David G. Lewicki, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, NASA Lewis
Research Center; Ashok D. Sane and Raymond J. Drago, Boeing Defense and Space Group, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
19142; Paul A. Wawrzynek, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853. Responsible person, David G. Lewicki,
organization code 0300, (216) 433-3970.

Unclassified - Unlimited
Subject Category: 37 Distribution: Nonstandard

This publication is available from the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information, (301) 621–0390.
13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

Three-dimensional crack growth simulation was performed on a split-tooth gear design using boundary element
modeling and linear elastic fracture mechanics. Initial cracks in the fillet of the teeth produced stress intensity factors of
greater magnitude (and thus, greater crack growth rates) than those in the root or groove areas of the teeth. Crack
growth simulation was performed on a case study to evaluate crack propagation paths. Tooth fracture was predicted
from the crack growth simulation for an initial crack in the tooth fillet region. Tooth loads on the uncracked mesh of the
split-tooth design were up to five times greater than those on the cracked mesh if equal deflections of the cracked and
uncracked teeth were considered. Predicted crack shapes as well as crack propagation life are presented based on
calculated stress intensity factors, mixed-mode crack propagation trajectory theories, and fatigue crack growth theories.


Gears; Crack propagation; Stress intensity factors; Safety; Boundary elements methods 16. PRICE CODE
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18

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