The Satanic Witch

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Some of the key factors for being a good Satanic Witch mentioned in the text include having strong inner beauty, using effective non-verbal communication like body language and eyes, and understanding how to excite men.

The text mentions that inner beauty, body language, observation skills, and patience are important factors. It also discusses the importance of understanding men and knowing how to excite them.

The text says a Satanic Witch should carry themselves with confidence and mystery, using their eyes to convey inner beauty. They should observe others and seek to understand them.

The Satanic Witch

The Satanic Witch by Magistra June

When Immortal asked me to do the Satanic Witch page, I immediatly said yes. The book
that Anton Szandor Laey !rote,The Satanic Witch, is in my opinion a bit outdated. So
here are my "ie!s on Satanic Witches
A Satanic Witch is capable o# doing almost anything she !ants, by using her #emale
po!ers. I# she !ants something or someone, she !ill go out and get it. There are a #e!
#actors that a !oman should ha"e and do that !ill contribute to the succes o# being a
good Satanic Witch. The most important thing is the inner beauty, that she uses to the
#ullest. Also the non$"erbal communication is one o# the main things a satanic !itch
kno!s ho! to use. Some ppl seem to think that the !ay they dress make them a satanic
!itch, but that%s not important, a Satanic Witch !ill al!ays be beauti#ull, no matter !hat
time o# day. We !ill no! #ocus on the #actors one by one.
Inner Beauty
As I said in the introduction inner beauty is the most important #actor that a Satanic Witch
uses #or her o!n sel# . A !oman is beauti#ull !hen she #eels beauti#ull #rom the inside
out, there%s no use o# getting all dressed up and !ear per#ect make$up !hen she #eels
lousy about hersel#. Sel#$esteem is pro&ected on the outside !orld, and people !ill see
right through you !hen you don%t #eel sel#$con#idant. A satanic Witch !ill ne"er allo!
anyone to see her !eaknesses, only her strong side.'nly her lo"ed one !ill see her true
sel#. (o! to adcie"e this state o# mind) There are a #e! posibilities. *ou are born as a
Satanic Witch, that%s the easiest o# all. Like A.S. Laey said you are born satanic you
don%t become one. +ut be realistic here, many o# us !ere di##erend as a kid. ,nless you
had parents that !ere realistic about li#e and !ere satanic in there "ie!s and ideas. +ut i#
you ha"en%t had this ad"antage, you had to ha"e some kind o# e-perience that made you
looked at the !orld as a di##erent person. The truth is being a Satanic Witch is a #orm o#
art, you ha"e to ha"e de"otion and principals t!enty$#our hours a day, and stick to that.
There%s no !ay you can practise in this art#orm, you are or you are not #ormed as one.
*ou can learn to ha"e sel#$esteem, but that is &ust a beginning. *ou ha"e to use this to
adcie"e your goals, and to be honest you ha"e to ha"e the talent #or that.
Body Language
"And there she was, the mysterious girl with that glow in her eyes. She had never spoken
to him, but the magic was there. Every Saturday night he would sit at the bar, so he could
see the entrance, and every saturday night she would walk in at 11:3. !heir eyes would
meet and she always gave him a smile. Shivers ran down his spine everytime she did that,
that smile would get him through the week. "# he $ust #ound the courage to walk up to her
and say hi."
This is an e-ample o# a Satanic Witch !ho kno!s ho! to use her talents. +ody language
is so important to a Satanic Witch, that I can surly say it%s one o# her most po!er#ull
talents she can use to pull the right strings. To get to this point she has to understand the
male human being. She has to kno! ho! to e-it him, !hat his ideas and !eak spots are .
The only !ay to do that is to obser"e, and try di##erent approaces. 'bser"ation and
patience, the key !ords #or a Satanic Witch. .ractise this and things !ill go into the right
direction. Learn and seek your o!n !ay that !orks #or you. 'ne thing alot o# men !ill
con#irm is the eyes, ask !hat they #ind so attracti"e and they !ill say/ 0the eyes caught
me, like a #ly in a spiders !eb.0 There%s no easy !ay to learn to look mysterious, you &ust
need to practise and let your inner beauty sho! trough the eyes.
Clothing and Make-up
I can tell you one thing. A man hates it !hen a !oman puts on so much make$up that you
can%t see the skin anymore. Take it easy on the make$up girls1 +lack is #ine, but black$
holes #or eyes are not so sensual to stare in. 2ed lipstick is #ine, but guys &ust hate it !hen
they get to a mirror and see that their #ace or neck is smudged. .er#um, same thing, !e all
ha"e our o!n odour, men like that. 3on%t go co"er it up !ith hea"y per#ums that smell
like #ake roses. 4et something like musk or some other neutral per#um to !ear. 5o! #or
the clothing. A satanic !itch looks great in almost anything, as long as she #eels great and
se-y in it. +ut also think about the shape o# body you ha"e. Make it look se-y and
gorgeous, and not cheap and slutty. *ou are not a Satanic Witch !hen e"ery man !ants to
ha"e se- because you look like a slut. *ou !ant e"ery men to !ant you as your girl#riend,
!i#e and #riend. Se- is a di##erent sub&ect.
Tattoos and Piercings
Tattoos and piercings are no!adays accepted as a normal thing. *ou can make a
statement through them, and I think it%s &ust a matter o# opinion i# you !anna take them or
not. It !on%t be a #la! to take them, purity comes #rom the inside not the outside.
The sexual act
"# you had se% with a Satanic &itch, you never want something else in your li#e again"
Many men and !oman 6I don%t !anna rule out the lebians and the bi$se-uels here7 stated
this. And it%s true. Since Satanic Witches kno! the 6#e7male body and its !eakenesses,
she &ust kno!s ho! to e-it it. And get the #ullest pleasure out o# it. 8or her but also #or the
other party. She kno!s ho! to pleasure the body as !ell as the mind.
What is a 0Satanic Witch0) by IMM'2TAL
In my o!n "ie!s, a Satanic Witch, is a "ery intelligent, #emale Satanist. 'ne !ho posseses the ability to
obtain her e"ery desire. They are not !omen !ho practice !hite, grey or black magic to recie"e !isdom
and materialism, but use their minds instead. ,tilizing their po!ers #or the seduction o# men, is 9uite a
po!er#ul gi#t1 +ut non theless, some do use spells to make their essence attracti"e, and s!eet smelling.
This is called the lesser and greater magic o# the Satanic Witch. As e-pressed by Anton Szandor Laey, 0It
is a sin to aproach a #emale, unless the mating signal is gi"en10 This is !here magic takes its shape. The
beauty o# the Satanic Witch is much deeper, Aesthetics plays a large role behind the Satanic Witch, !here it
is a sin not to utilize this creation.
Some claim that the Satanic Witch is a gready bitch) I dissagree !ith the upmost respect to all o# theSatanic
Witch that keep our race ali"e. The Satanic Witch is generally not recognized as the mother to the human
race, cause #ace it men, i# !e did not ha"e our !omen, man and !oman !ould cease to e-cist1 So respect
your !itch #or she is the #ruit o# our li"es, and the mother o# our kindred.
:no!ing your position on the Synthesizer clock and learning ho! one%s moods and situations can change
that position to bring out di##erent aspects o# their personality is one. This comes in handy !hen there is
someone on your side o# the clock, #or your position can shi#t, and so can theirs. 3ont limit yoursel# to one
set e-act type, there may be many great opportunities out there to take ad"antage o#1 Learning to cater to
someone%s desires is "ery important, but some things in you, especially your appearance cannot or !ill not
be adaptable. 8ocus on the other things that can be easily changed, like your en"ironment, or the other
person%s desires and !ishes.
This is not to say that the sole purpose o# a Satanic Witch is to take things #rom, or take ad"antage o#
men 6or !omen7. The idea is to use your lesser magic, as a Satanist, to achie"e your desires. I# a man
gets &oy #rom #ul#illing your desires, you are not taking anything a!ay #rom him, you are gi"ing. The
point is 5'T to let societal restrictions sail you through a narro! path bet!een the Scylla o# 4uilt
and the ;harybdis o# 3isappro"al, solely #or using !hat you ha"e to get ahead in this !orld1 I%m tired
o# listening to all the #eminists complain that !omen aren%t e9ual to men. Well, the truth is that !e are
di##erent, and until !omen start gro!ing penises and men gro! breasts, !e al!ays !ill be. To 9uote
3r. Laey, 0The true test o# anyone%s !orth as a li"ing creature is ho! much he can utilize !hat he
has.0 .eople need to stop !hining about !hat they don%t ha"e and start utilizing !hat they do ha"e.
The !orld !ould be a much more producti"e place.0The point is 5'T to let societal restrictions sail
you through a narro! path bet!een theScylla o# 4uilt and the ;harybdis o# 3isappro"al, solely #or
using !hat you ha"e to get ahead in this !orld1 I%m tired o# listening to all the #eminists complain
that !omen aren%t e9ual to men. Well, the truth is that !e are di##erent, and until !omen start
gro!ing penises and men gro! breasts, !e al!ays !ill be.To 9uote 3r. Laey, 0The true test o#
anyone%s!orth as a li"ing creature is ho! much he canutilize !hat he has.0 .eople need to stop
!hining about !hat they don%t ha"e and start utilizing!hat they do ha"e. The !orld !ould be a much
more producti"e place.0
;hapters in the book 0The Satanic Witch0 by Anton Szandor Laey

<. Are *ou a Witch) ...includes $ The Myth
o# the 0White Witch0, The 3rug Scene, The
Married Witch "ersus the Single Witch,
;hoose an Image, and 05atural0 "ersus
0Ac9uired0 Ability.
=. :no!ing *oursel# and 'thers ...includes
$ The 2eal *ou, The Laey .ersonality
Synthesizer, .redominantly Masculine
Types in 8emale +odies and ice ersa,
Temperament, Skin and 8lesh Tone,
4eneral .roportions, Se-ual .rocli"ities,
Sense o# (umor, Alcohol and 3rug ,se,
.ro#essions and 'ccupations, Sports
Athletics Aches and .ains, Are you .assi"e
or 3ominant by 5ature), The .o!er o#
;ertain 5ames, (is 5ame, The La! o# the
Attraction o# 'pposites, +y his Automobile
*e Shall kno! (im, and Sleep
.atterns...and 'ther +edroom Acti"ities.
>. ?.S.../ ?-tra Sensual .ro&ection
...includes $ The .upils o# his ?yes as a
Measurement #or Success, Sound, 'n the
Importance o# 'dors, Taste, and Touch.
@. Looks Mean ?"erything ...includes $ *ou
3on%t (a"e to be ,gly, Make$,p/
.ro&ecti"e ;oloration, *our 8ur, *our
,ndercoat, The La! o# the 8orbidden, and
Secrets o# Indecent ?-posure.
A. 8ashion/ The Witch%s 4reatest 8riend, The Witch/ 8ashion%s Worst ?nemy ...includes $
;artoon ;uties, Stockings "ersus .anty (ose, The (igh (eel, 'n .rostitutes and
.entagrams, Accessories, and ;olor ;lues #or Witches.
B. +itchcra#t ...includes $ Taking Ad"antage o# Men !ho Think They%re Taking Ad"antage
o# *ou, (o! and When to Lie, Learn to be Stupid, (o! to ;harm a Married Man, 4i"ing
In, The 8olly in Trying to ;harm a Sel#$A!are (omose-ual, The Lesbian Witch, and
4estures Mannerisms Toilet (abits and Assorted .loys.
C. Means o# 3i"ination ...includes $ (o! To Tell 8ortunes With no .re"ious ?-perience,
0;old0 2eading and 0;asing the Mark0, and .rophesy.
D. ;eremonial Magic ...includes $ Se- Magic Without Sanctimony, ;asting a Spell, (o!
to .rotect *oursel# #rom Another Witch%s ;urse, (o! to +ecome a Succubus and Attack
the Man o# *our ;hoice While he Sleeps, and 'n ;hoosing a 8amiliar or a 3emon.
E. .ublic 2elations #or Witches ...includes $ (o! to +reak the 5e!s.
(ere are a #e! guidelines #or the 0uni#orm0 o# the compleat !itch. Though all o# these elements are
highlighted in Anton Laey%s book on the use o# #eminine po!er, !he Satanic &itch, this is a
distilled, easy$to$understand cheat sheet. These are the #irst steps to!ards distinguishing yoursel# as a
!itch, unconstrained by the common #etters o# 0#reedom0 established by our Liberated Sisters. Why
should !e let trans"estites be the only ones empo!ered to #launt the trappings o# !omen anymore)
Many o# these things are talismanicF perhaps no one !ill see them, but they are there #or us to #eel, as
a constant reminder o# !ho and !hat !e are $ pioneers in the Age o# 8ire. Women should stop li"ing
in #ear that, i# they dare dress like !omen, they%ll either get criticized by other !omen or hassled by
creeps on the street. I# our society has degenerated to such a state o# la!lessness that a !oman can%t
!ear a pair o# high heels in public !ithout in"iting rape, then, to paraphrase Teddy 2oose"elt,
Satanic !omen better stand up on our hind legs, dress enticingly and carry a big stick $ or !hate"er
!eapon it takes to protect oursel"es.
(o! should a Satanic Witch dress) 6as !ritten in the book 0the Satanic Witch by Anton
Szandor Laey7
1. Skirt or dress straight cut a!o"e the knee - !e are the truly liberated1 That means !e use the po!er
o# being !oman as !omen. 'n one hand, !omen are told to lo"e themsel"es and ad"ance to!ard a
position o# authority in societyF at the same time, #ashions dictate that !e dress as impotent little girls,
trying to #it into our #athers% o"ersized clothes. This is senseless to the Satanic Witch. ;lingy, smooth
#abrics are #lattering to a !oman%s #igure, !ith a belt to accent the !aistline. Try to stick !ith classic $
neck lines.
#. $igh heels at least $ the classic !itches% shoe. Most #lattering to the leg, as it creates an in"iting S$
cur"e, and a nice &iggle to your !alk !ithout e"en trying. I# you%"e ne"er !orn them, don%t o"erestimate
your shoe size. I# they #it like your running shoes or sandals, they%re too large. 4i"e yoursel# time to learn to
!alk in themF skip an e-ercize class and gi"e yoursel# a real !orkout1
%. &o !ikini under'ear - al!ays #ull$cutF !hite, o##$!hite or dusty$pinkF rayon or nylon 6smooth$#inish7
panties. The bikini cut !as designed #or !omen !ith no cur"es. They are an anathema to the !itch. They
gi"e no emphasis to your ample hips or pleasingly small !aist.
(. &o pantyhose - the enemy o# e"ery !itch. They are nylon pants strangling our se-, allo!ing #or no
"entilation or #reedom o# mo"ement. The classic seamed stocking !as designed to augment the beauty o# a
!oman%s leg, the seam tracing the gentle cur"es, the dark contrasting top accenting a !oman%s seldom
glimpsed thigh. Make sure the stocking is proportioned so the top hits you &ust a couple o# inches abo"e the
knee. 5o #lashy colors. +eige$toned, smooth #inish, seamed stockings are more eye$#etching than any
purple$ribbed or paisley$#lo!ered leg.
). *arter Belt $ not the sateen$co"ered rings o# elastic that are thro!n at !eddings or that teenagers dangle
#rom their rear "ie! mirrors. (unt do!n a plain, !hite garter belt that goes around the !aist. 5o #rills, lace,
or black and red imitation$satin 0stage$undies0 that are designed #or one night%s use. *ou !ant the <G,GGG
mile kind, that lasts long enough to look dingy and soiledF the kind o# under!ear any decent, 4od$#earing
!oman !ould be morti#ied i# a man glimpsed.
+. ,i"id -ake-up - use classic bright reds #or your nails and lips. ?ye shado! should be dramatic blues
and greens. +lush should look rosy and pink, not like shades o# bro!n and subtle earth$tones. 0Taste#ul0
translates to 0that !hich !ill make others com#ortable0. 3on%t be shy. It%s to our ad"antage to stand out.
.. &o per/u-es or hea"y deodorants $ the scent o# your o!n #lesh is enticing enough. .er#umes &ust
0. &o excessi"e 1e'elry $ one ring on each hand is plenty. And you don%t need to !ear three or #our
necklaces at a timeF !eighing yoursel# do!n !ith hea"y &e!elry only detracts #rom a !oman%s body. *ou
don%t need to mar yoursel# !ith tattoos and piercings to get attention. More than one earring in each ear
doesn%t highlight your best #eatures, it camou#lages them. A nose stud &ust in"ites someone to try to !ipe
the booger o## your nose.
2. &o tattoos or piercings $ don%t permanently brand yoursel# as a sla"e to #ashion. As 3r. Laey has said,
0A !oman should be a !ork o# artF she shouldn%t ha"e to ha"e art tattooed on her.
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Anton Laey, The Satanic Witch, copyright <ECG

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