Vingilot Part 3 Lesson 3

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The Constellation that Holds Us

So far little has been said about the Constellation that Holds Us, and that we ascertain
from Zodiacal positions by the formula given in Part 1.

There has been little said because there is, as yet, little to say. We know next to
nothing about the Sidereal reality because we are so imbued with the concepts of the
Zodiacal Signs which, DK tells us, were chained to the Mental plane in Atlantean
times as a means of permitting human consciousness to engage in a small way with
the stellar worlds. Scraping away this level of influence of the Tropical Zodiac to
engage with what lies behind it, is a work in progress that has barely begun.

In the case of the template for Koruna Projects Educational Activities, for example,
we can convert the Arien Zodiacal placement and find that the Holding Constellation
is Pisces, but obviously it makes no sense to apply what we know about the Zodiacal
sign Pisces, because this is not a Tropical placement, but a Sidereal one.

We can draw together what we know about the Zodiacal Constellations from Esoteric
Astrology, and this may help orientate us. We will be reminded in this way that the
Constellations field the Rays into our solar system using the agency of the planets.

Pisces fields the 1st and 6
rays, through the agency of Pluto and Neptune. Pluto takes
the First Ray to those things in the worlds of human activity, which have not soul
consciousness. An organisation cannot have soul consciousness and must be
considered exoterically. This means that Koruna is an agent for First Ray energy,
which has ever cleared away the old to make way for the new.

This being the case, we will have to assess how well we are doing this First Ray job,
and find what will clearing away the old mean in a world in which nature has swept
away the old structures.

But there are more fundamental questions to be asked first. Almost certainly the
relationship between the Tropical and the Sidereal Zodiacs will be changed by the
shift in the planetary axis, and the formula +5 degrees - 30 degrees may no longer be
workable. What will replace it? Will the Rays continue to distribute themselves
through the constellations according to the present arrangement? We must expect to
ask such questions because Astrology has ever existed in a reciprocal relationship
with human consciousness, and is itself changed when consciousness changes, and
this the events of 2012 will do.

We will not find answers by staring at computer screens, but through developing our

What we know is that there will be affinity between all individuals and organisations,
the natal Sun of which shares the same constellation. In this way, the constellation can
be said to hold us; it is a vessel to bring things and people together across the
uncharted waters of a new era. Master KH has said that he sees great advantage in
conscious co-operation, education and a pooling of knowledge along constellation
lines, somewhat as the old trade guilds operated. He believes that through a developed
solar identity, individuals will more effectively find a way to their awareness of their
aptitudes and be both encouraged and trained to make a contribution to the Planets

We do not know the challenges that await us, but what we do know is that we must
find a response to whatever confronts us. This is what man does. This is how we pay
our way in the System.

There is much preparatory work to be done. Let those who are ready, commence now.

Suzanne Rough
September 2012

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